What do you know about the Day of Ambulance Workers? What date is Paramedic Day celebrated in Russia.

Ambulance Day is celebrated on April 28. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all medical staff on their professional holiday. Although this day is not yet considered official in Russia, ambulance workers can be beautifully and unusually congratulated using interesting congratulations.

The birthday of the Ambulance Service is considered April 28th. Although this holiday is not considered official, many social network users have asked to make it official.

Ambulance Day congratulations: the history of the holiday

Many people are familiar with the number "03" Even in Soviet times, an ambulance was called by this number, the site writes. You can call these numbers from any phone. The changes were made in 2014, when the number “1” was attached to the number. Also, you can call an emergency ambulance by calling the number "112".

The history of aid goes back to the distant 15th century. In the old days, help was given to those people who needed it most, these could be disadvantaged people who suffered from frost or extreme heat.

The emergence of emergency medical care originates in the 19th century. On April 28, 1898, by order of the Moscow Chief of Police, it was decided to secure an ambulance, and for medical staff it was decided to open a room in which there were medical workers. At the first call, they immediately went to the scene.

Doctors were on duty around the clock, trying not to miss a call. The victims of the accident were taken to the emergency room. The hospital had big problems with the fact that there were not many carriages to indicate help, so it was decided to serve only those people who were in the territory assigned to the hospital and the police station. It was difficult for doctors to receive communications from people from one city, because there were few telephones at that time.

Flying through a red light
With anxiety and hope
People are watching you.

Both on holidays and on weekdays
Fight for life
Help and rescue
Hope anyone.

And I'm on ER day
I want to wish you
To always have time
You provide assistance.

I wish you happiness in life
So that you do not know troubles
May the angels protect you
The people you saved.

In any season
The weather doesn't scare them.
Even if it's night outside
They are ready to help the patient!

Today I congratulate you on the holiday,
I wish the workers of the ambulance health,
Happy life, calm work,
For noble work worthy wages!

First aid in any weather
He hurries to people to help them in trouble.
On the road meets sunsets, sunrises,
And she has no equal in fast driving.

We congratulate you on the day of ambulance,
Fair wind and smooth roads,
Today we sincerely wish
More happiness, less worries.

Ambulance Day congratulations: beautiful congratulations

Ambulance service stations first appeared in 1899 in St. Petersburg. In the 20th century, the number of professional brigades increased. In 1926, a duty station was organized at the Moscow station to serve sick people.

On April 28, medical staff celebrate their professional holiday. In order to congratulate friends, loved ones on this holiday, they came up with many beautiful congratulations.

Today is your holiday
We congratulate you at this difficult time for you.
We wish you fewer trips, fewer tears, live long without loss.
Congratulations to everyone today.
Let success accompany, fortune will smile.

Today is not an easy holiday.
even a little gold.
Doctors celebrate the day of the medical worker.
We wish you success, in matters of fun.
Let the soul fill with happiness.
We wish the sun never leaves you.

There is much needed work
Save people and help.
Always hurry: and on Saturday,
And help out on Sunday.

And regardless of the weather
Just call - she will come.
An ambulance will come to us
And take you to the hospital.

You saved a lot of lives.
For this low bow to you
And congratulations.
God help - let Him help.

If suddenly someone is bad,
And the disease no longer waits
Help them everywhere
Help will come soon.

Instantly rush with flashing lights
Certainly at any hour,
There will be no delay
In snow and thunderstorm rain.

We congratulate today
ambulance doctors,
We wish them well
And without calling nights!

You can congratulate on the Day of Ambulance not only thanks to ordinary postcards, but also use the Internet, SMS messages. You can make small surprises in the form of flowers.

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern society without such a service as an ambulance. However, in Russia it has existed not so long ago - only 114 years old, and the day of its formation on April 28 is rightfully considered a significant date, because human life often depends on the ambulance workers .

The history of the holiday is the origin of the emergency service.

The tradition of helping the suffering in Rus' has long roots: since the 15th century, the crippled, frostbitten and infirm from illnesses were placed in almshouses specially created at churches and monasteries. As a rule, almshouses were maintained at someone's private expense, for example, the boyar Fyodor Rtishchev. He also "sponsored" the maintenance of special "carriages" (in appearance - ordinary carts), which drove around the city and picked up the crippled. In those days, volunteers working in a charitable institution also suffered all the hardships of numerous epidemics.

In the almshouses, people were provided, albeit not the most qualified, but still help, as well as washed, fed and supplied with the necessary clothes.

A real ambulance appeared in Russia only at the end of the 19th century. The exact date is April 28, 1898, as stated by the order of the Moscow Chief Police Officer under the number "117".

Like almshouses, the ambulance service appeared thanks to private benefactors: in 19th century Moscow there was the Ladies' Charitable Society of Grand Duchess Olga. It patronized emergency rooms at police stations, hospitals and charitable institutions. His board of trustees included the compassionate merchant Kuznetsova, who maintained a gynecological clinic at her own expense. Anna Ivanovna enthusiastically supported the idea of ​​buying and equipping ambulances. They were visited by a doctor, a paramedic and a nurse.

Since then, the symbolism has also been chosen - the red cross, which means mercy and disinterested help to the suffering.

It is curious that at first ambulances went only to street accidents, and drunk people were the first to escape. It was strictly forbidden to enter the apartments! This was due to the small number of carriages - there were only two of them, and they were assigned to the Sushchevsky and Sretensky police stations, therefore the service radius was limited to the limits of these police units.

Specialists were on duty for 24 hours: from 15.00 to 15.00. At the police stations, a room was equipped for them.

Since then telephones were not on every corner, the police entered into contracts with their happy owners so that an ambulance could be called around the clock. Only officials were allowed to call the carriage: policemen, janitors and watchmen. Each call was recorded in a special log with a record of the patient's passport data, indicating the type of assistance and the time of delivery to the hospital.

In St. Petersburg, the ambulance service opened a year later - on March 19, 1899. The well-known surgeon Nikolai Velyaminov became its initiator. After the outbreak of the First World War, this process went much more actively: in 1915-1916. professional ambulance teams appear, and research institutes are opened, the most famous of which is the Sklifosovsky Moscow City Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, which was opened in 1923.

At the same time, the main principles of Soviet healthcare were formulated: free and generally accessible, which perfectly coincide with the main goals of those kind people in every sense who, more than a hundred years ago, first thought about creating an ambulance service.

On April 28, 1898, by order of the Moscow chief of police, two ambulances were assigned to two police stations in Moscow and a separate room was allocated for doctors. They were on duty around the clock. Accident victims were taken to emergency rooms at police houses. So at the end of the 19th century, an ambulance service (AMS) appeared in Russia.

In 1899, the first ambulance stations appeared in St. Petersburg. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of ambulance stations in Russia increased, and professional medical teams began to make up the staff. In the first half of the 20th century, research institutes and emergency hospitals appeared, the most famous of which were the Research Institute for Emergency Care named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky in Moscow and the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. Dzhanelidze in St. Petersburg.

In 1926, at the Moscow ambulance station, for the first time, an on-duty emergency room was organized to serve those who suddenly fell ill at home. Doctors went to the sick on motorcycles with sidecars, cars appeared later. Ambulance service doctors made an invaluable contribution to the provision of medical care to the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

On January 1, 2005, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the provision of emergency medical care" came into force, which determined the basic provisions for the provision of emergency care. Assistance should be provided around the clock and free of charge.

Since 2000, World First Aid Day has been observed every second Saturday in September. Unfortunately, there is no official Day of Emergency Medical Workers yet.

April 28 is considered the birthday of the Ambulance Service in Russia. And many doctors consider this day their holiday. It remains to be hoped that the initiative to establish the official Day of the ambulance worker on April 28 will be supported at the highest level.

It does not matter if this day is an official holiday or not. Today we say the warmest words of gratitude to drivers and dispatchers, paramedics and doctors - to everyone who saves someone's life, sometimes risking their own, who is involved in such a difficult and important Ambulance Service.

Today we hasten to congratulate all the brigades on the Day of Ambulance.

You do not aspire to stormy glory. Human life is your reward.

The hearts of the saved will beat today with an enviable volume,

In a huge wish to merge a hundred-hearted “THANK YOU” for you!

Let only victory await you in all battles with death!

And in the daily whirlwind, sorrows and troubles pass!

When, as usual, for the hundredth time, work will take all the strength.

Let love and tender care revive you!

Counts Birthday of the Ambulance Service in Russia. And although this is not yet an official holiday, the activity of medical workers and a number of Internet and social network users is aimed at making this day a professional holiday - the Day of Ambulance Workers.

Every person in our country is familiar with the telephone number "03" - one of the numbers of special emergency services, dating back to Soviet times. "01" - fire brigade, "02" - police, "03" - ambulance, "04" - gas service. The priority status of these numbers has been preserved to this day. You can call them for free from any phone. The changes affected them in 2014, when the number "1" was added to each number in front. Thus, the ambulance call number became "103". And there was also a single number of the rescue service - "112".

The history of helping the destitute, those who suffered from frost or illness, and crippled people in Russia goes back to the 15th century and is associated with the activities of philanthropists, as well as almshouses at churches and monasteries.

The appearance of the ambulance service (AMS) in Russia dates back to the end of the 19th century, when on April 28, 1898, by order of the Moscow chief police chief, one ambulance was assigned to two police stations in Moscow and a separate room was allocated for physicians. They were on duty around the clock. Accident victims were taken to emergency rooms at police houses. In fact, ambulance stations were established. But the lack of more carriages and their assignment to a specific police station led to the fact that they served the territory of this station.

However, at first, for a number of reasons, including the fact that telephone communication was rare, only authorized people could call an ambulance, which included policemen, janitors and watchmen. For the same reason, at first, help was provided to people on the street, and not at home. Among the bulk of patients for whom an ambulance was called, in the first place, were drunk or injured people.

Ambulances of Leningrad late 1920

In 1899, the first ambulance stations appeared in St. Petersburg. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of ambulance stations in Russia increased, and professional medical teams began to make up the staff. In the first half of the 20th century, research institutes and emergency hospitals appeared, the most famous of which were the Research Institute for Emergency Care named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky in Moscow and the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. Dzhanelidze in St. Petersburg.

In 1926, at the Moscow ambulance station, for the first time, an on-duty emergency room was organized to serve those who suddenly fell ill at home. Doctors went to the sick on motorcycles with sidecars, cars appeared later. Ambulance service doctors made an invaluable contribution to the provision of medical care to the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

Since 2005, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the provision of emergency medical care" came into force, which determined the basic provisions for the provision of emergency care. Assistance should be provided around the clock and free of charge.

And yesterday, and today, and tomorrow, and now, when someone reads this article, somewhere ambulance doctors are saving people's lives. It remains to be hoped that the initiative to establish the official Day of the ambulance worker on April 28 will be supported at the highest level.

Today we congratulate everyone
Who is called an ambulance.
May success accompany you
Let fortune smile.

You saved lives more than once
Rushing to the call without delay.
We wish you now
Health, happiness, inspiration.

So that peace reigns in your families,
Hearts filled with joy.
To give love every day
And all hopes were fulfilled!

Professional holiday of all medical workers. Ambulance Day in Russia celebrated annually on April 28. It was on this day in 1898 that the first two ambulance stations were opened in Moscow.

Congratulations on the day of the ambulance worker

Everything can happen in this life -
Diseases, childbirth, trauma, fracture.
But the ambulance will rush again -
And bring health back to your home.
Thanks for everything now guys
I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart!
You are ambulance reliable soldiers -
I want to wish you much happiness!

You don't know procrastination
You are every moment in the works of shock;
Accept congratulations today
From grateful patients!
Let it become easier to be sick
And every challenge is long-awaited,
And salary growth - fast, fast,
How do you help the townspeople!

For every challenge you rush in an instant,
Save lives, don't give up.
In April we celebrate your holiday
On the day of ambulance workers, we express gratitude.
We wish you to always be able to help,
You managed to bring every patient back to life,
And themselves so that they never get sick,
So that you always succeed in everything you want.

With a siren, an ambulance rushes along the roads,
The work is hard, hard,
Save someone's life, heal someone,
You always have to rush on calls.

Ambulance worker - universal doctor,
From patients you do not require returns,
Take care of every patient you are,
We sincerely congratulate you on your professional day!

Happy ambulance worker day
Happy savior day with red cross
Congratulations, we wish you great success,
Daily in the field of this saint!
We wish you cloudless days
Happy golden weekend
And a decent salary, well-deserved bonuses,
Happiness of the sea in the penates of relatives!

The car rushes, hurries and honks,
Goes where it matters most
The employee does not expect anyone to praise him.
To save life is his concern!
The best people work in the ambulance
Help is always ready to provide.
May your happiness be cloudless!
"You are the salt of the earth!" - we want to tell you!

Like a whirlwind from a place the car breaks down,
From an alarm call to the "03" service,
This ambulance team is trying from the bottom of their hearts,
Help someone again!
Honor and praise to you for the speedy salvation,
And gratitude from thousands of people,
People in white coats, God grant patience,
And as few anxious days as possible!

An ambulance rushes to help us
And in a snowfall, and in a thunderstorm.
And disputed hands will bring us relief,
And our dear doctor will relieve the pain for us.
So let everything in life be successful for you!
May your help come in time!
And let in human hearts only a kind review
The fruit of your healing hands will bloom!
