Questionnaire for parents, methodological development (middle group) on the topic. Questionnaires for parents of children entering kindergarten material (junior group) on the topic Social questionnaire for parents in kindergarten

Elena Sutyrina
Questionnaire for parents of the senior group “Your child’s speech”

In my work, I often use parent surveys, as I consider it one of the convenient, easy-to-use and effective forms of communication with family .

Well-written questions in the questionnaire will help

understand the problem, plan future work with children, and therefore positively influence the development of children in the future

Most often in my work I use anonymous survey, because with him you learn the true picture of the problem, parents answer it more honestly, more truthfully or something. Today I propose to get acquainted with a questionnaire for parents on the topic “Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers.” It is important to consider the answer options for parents(“Yes”, “Not always”, “No” and “Additions”).

Questionnaire for parents of older children on the topic: “Your child’s speech”(please answer as honestly as possible)

1. Does your child formulate his thoughts clearly enough for others?

2. Does he often use polite words in conversations?

3. Does your child know how to boldly express his opinion?

4. Does your child know how to listen carefully without interrupting the interlocutor?

5. Do you read books and tell fairy tales to your child every day?

6. Do you consider your child’s speech cultural?

7. Do you consider your child’s speech to be grammatically correct?

8. Can your child coherently tell or retell a fairy tale or story?

9. Does the child have a desire to look at books and magazines on their own?

10. Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when people read aloud to him?

11. Do you go to the children's library with your child?

12. Does your child take the initiative in a conversation, does he ask questions to his interlocutors?

13. Do you think your child pronounces all sounds?

14. Does your child need help from a speech therapist?

15. Are you doing everything possible to ensure that your child’s speech is clean, literate, and cultured?

Publications on the topic:

Questionnaire for parents of speech therapy group QUESTIONNAIRE The purpose of the questionnaire is to adapt the work of the speech therapist teacher to the needs of your child. Dear parents! The information received will help.

Questionnaire for parents on fire safety for senior preschoolers Questionnaire for parents. 1. Do you consider it necessary to introduce children to fire safety rules? 2. Who do you think should?

For two years now, in the spring, at the end of the school period, I have been holding open lessons for parents to show them what their children have achieved.

Questionnaire for parents “Raising a child in role-playing games” (The questionnaire is administered after an open viewing of the educational.

Consultation for parents “Playing with fingers, we develop the child’s speech”“By playing with our fingers, we develop the child’s speech.” The child constantly studies the world around him. The main method of accumulating information is touch.

Ready-made sample questionnaires for teachers and parents. Receiving feedback and monitoring the current situation. A collection of designed forms to fill out. Assisting teachers in working with parents in all areas - health, training, education, creative development, cultural education. Questionnaires for teachers - identifying ratings, determining competence, planning work. All survey forms are in this section.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 875.
All sections | Questionnaires for parents and teachers

"Kindergarten through the eyes of parents." Questionnaire for parents QUESTIONNAIRE“KINDERGARTEN THROUGH THE EYES PARENTS» In order to improve the activities of our preschool educational institution, we ask you to answer the questions in this questionnaires. 1.Does your child go to kindergarten with desire and good mood? - always - often - sometimes - rarely 2. Do you trust...

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Questionnaires for parents and educators - Questionnaire for parents of children 6–7 years old

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Questionnaire for parents of speech therapy group QUESTIONNAIRE Dear parents! In order for us to better know the individual characteristics of your child, and to fully communicate with you, we need the following information: 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE FAMILY Child's name_ Date of birth_ Mom's name_ Education_ Dad's name_ Education_ Home address_...

Questionnaire for parents “Your opinion about the work of the preschool educational institution” Questions Yes No Difficult to answer 1. Are you satisfied with the work of the preschool institution? 2. Does your child enjoy going to kindergarten? 3. Are you comfortable going to work, leaving your child in kindergarten? 4. You are satisfied with the observance of the regime, the child’s sufficient stay...

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The kindergarten staff is conducting a self-analysis of the work of our institution. You, being our colleagues in raising your child, can provide us with significant assistance in objectively assessing the work of the preschool institution, which will contribute to further improvement of work with your children.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to adapt the work of the institution to the needs of your child.

We will be very grateful to you if you fill out the test.

1.Does your child go to kindergarten with desire and good mood?

2. Do you trust your group teacher?

Not really

3. Does your child talk about life in kindergarten?

Doesn't tell

4. What would you like to get from kindergarten?

The most complete information about the child

Pedagogical tips for communicating with him

Opportunity for greater communication with parents of other children

Participate in amateur activities


5.You receive information about the kindergarten:

According to other parents

From teachers

I don't receive

6.Are you satisfied with the work of teachers in the group?

Completely satisfied

Partially satisfied

Not satisfied

7.Are you comfortable going to work, leaving your child in kindergarten?

Not really

8. How is your relationship with teachers (groups)?

Constant business cooperation

We regularly attend parent meetings

In conflict with individual teachers

Warm friendly relationships

Failed to establish good contacts

Teachers inform us more often about children’s bad behavior

9. Do you think that children in kindergarten:

Gain interesting knowledge and cultural behavior skills

They get it, but not enough

Don't get anything new

I find it difficult to answer

10. Difficulties you experience when raising preschool children

The child does not eat well

Doesn't listen to parents

You show self-doubt and experience fears in raising a child.

Don't know what to do with your child at home?


11. Have you asked teachers or kindergarten specialists for help with these difficulties?

12. If not, then why didn’t you contact me?

Don't attach much importance to these difficulties

Do you find this inconvenient, since this kind of consultation is not the responsibility of the teacher?

Having difficulty communicating with kindergarten staff

Do you think you can handle it on your own?


13.Does your child get offended by his teachers?

More often no than yes

More often yes than no

14.What are you satisfied with about the work of the group?

Quality of education

Relationships between teachers and children

Order, requirements, discipline

Interior decoration of the group

Comfortable psychological environment

Conditions for the development of abilities (additional education system: clubs, clubs)

15. Does your child enjoy attending kindergarten?

No (why)

16. Given a choice, which would you prefer?

For a child to attend this kindergarten

Stay home with baby

Transfer to another kindergarten

Find a nanny for a child

17. Do you consider it necessary that in our kindergarten:

Household ethics have increased

Attitude towards children has changed

Changed attitude towards parents

The quality of educational work has increased

Improved work with parents

Material resources have improved


Questionnaire for parents

1. In what mood does your daughter (son) go to kindergarten?

With joyful;

Sometimes he doesn't want to;

Often refuses;

Is capricious;

Your version (write).

2. What do you see as the reason for a child’s reluctance to go to kindergarten?

Difficulties in relationships with the teacher;

Difficulties in relationships with peers;

Attachment to mother;

Late falling asleep in the evening;

Your own option.

3. How is your daughter’s (son’s) relationship with adults?


With teachers;

With an assistant teacher;

With the musical director;

With other specialists;


Sometimes there are conflicts;

Takes offense at adults for punishing them and not allowing them to take toys;

Your own option.

4. Which of the children in the group does your child communicate with most often?

5. Does he talk about his relationships with his children at home??

6. Does he complain about his peers?

7. What is he complaining about?

Children are not allowed to play;


They don't want to be friends;

Toys are taken away;

Your own option.

8. What would you like to change in your daughter’s (son’s) relationship with peers?

9. Does your child have self-esteem? How does it manifest itself?

10. How does your child usually react to aggression from other children and adults (when they shout at him, take away his toys, threaten him, etc.)?

11. How does your child express himself in interactions with other children?




Affable or hot-tempered;

Tends to command rather than obey;

Your own option.

12. How, in your opinion, do the relationships between children and parents influence the child’s communication with peers and adults in kindergarten?

Do they have a direct impact?

The well-being of family relationships is psychological protection, the emotional rear of the child, making his life easier in kindergarten;

The essence of family relationships is not yet sufficiently clear to the child, therefore...



Dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!

So you have crossed the threshold of our kindergarten. Welcome! We hope that our acquaintance will turn into true friendship, and that your baby will feel comfortable and interesting with us. It is very important for us to know your mood, experiences and expectations from your child’s stay in kindergarten. Please answer the following questions:

1. What attracts you most about our kindergarten (check as appropriate)

· proximity to home;

· good condition of the territory and material and technical equipment of the groups;

· presence of a creative, professional teaching staff;

· good reviews from other parents;

· interesting child education and development programs;

Availability of additional services;

· good nutrition;

· high level of preparation for school;

· What are your answer options?

2. What, in your opinion, is the most important thing for a child’s successful adaptation in kindergarten?

· good attitude of teachers towards the child;

· a large number of toys in the group;

good health of the child;

· compliance with the daily routine in kindergarten and at home;

· a unified approach to issues of child adaptation on the part of parents and educators;

· What is your answer?

3. What do you think is important for the teacher to know about your child?

4. What do you think your child should learn this year?

5. What would you, as parents, want to learn from teachers?

7. Do you often draw, play, or read at home with your child?

8. What advice on issues of child upbringing and development would you like to receive?

9. What kindergarten activities are you most willing to participate in?

· parent meetings;

· consultations with specialists;

· questionnaires on various issues;

· participation in competitions;

· participation in the preparation of children's parties and entertainment;

· participation in sports competitions;

· viewing open classes with children;

· What is your answer?

Thank you for your cooperation!



Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

The school year has ended. The time has come to take stock and make plans for the future. It is very important for us to know your opinion about the work of the kindergarten team with the family over the past year.

1. Are you satisfied with the work of the kindergarten as a whole?

2. Do the group teachers treat your child well?

3. How does your child attend kindergarten (check as appropriate):

· with pleasure;

· visits, but not very willingly;

· does not like to go to kindergarten;

· often gets sick, so he rarely attends kindergarten.

4. Did you receive detailed information about the child’s life in kindergarten?

5. What events did you remember most in kindergarten?

6. What reasons did not allow you to attend all the events?

7. What topics of interest to you remained untouched by kindergarten teachers this year?

8. Which forms of working with families did you find most interesting (check as appropriate):

· parent meetings;

· consultations with specialists;

· questioning;

· open classes;

· competitions;

· exhibitions;

· visual information;

· public events;

· other ____________________________?

9. What would you wish to the kindergarten staff to improve their work in the future?

Thank you for your answers and we look forward to working together in the new academic year!

Questionnaire "Features of raising a child in a family,

his inclinations, interests"

1. At what age does a child attend kindergarten?____

2. What toys, games, materials does the child have?____

3. Who is more likely to raise a child?________________________

4. Does the older generation interfere in upbringing? How do you feel about this?_________________________________________________

5. Does the child have difficulties (underline) in dressing, falling asleep, washing, eating, putting away toys, or self-service in the toilet?________

6. What is the family routine (getting up, feeding, walking, sleeping) _________

7. Are adult family members unanimous in their approach to the child, in what he is allowed or prohibited? (unanimous, not always, no), ___________________________________________________

8. What measures of influence are applied to the child? (encouragement, punishment, suggestion, reprimand, explanation, reasoning)? _____________________________________________________

9. Who in the family does the child obey? (mom, dad, everyone, no one) ________________________________________________________________

10. Does your child help around the house? _______________________________

11. Name your child’s favorite games and toys, favorite fairy tales and books, favorite food ____________________________________

12. What qualities of a child do you especially value? (kindness, sociability, hard work, perseverance, obedience)_________________

13. Does the child have the following problems: wetting the bed (at night or during the day), biting his nails, sucking his thumb, etc.? ______________________________________________________________

14. Is religion an important part of family traditions? What religion do you follow? _____________________________________________________

Identification of the pedagogical culture of parents

Dear _____________________________________________________

Your sincere answers will help plan work with parents and establish a system of cooperation. Mark the option that, in your opinion, corresponds to reality.

  1. What knowledge do you use to raise your child?

a) listen to the teacher on radio and television;

c) use life experience.

  1. What methods of education do you consider the most effective?

a) encouragement;

b) punishment;

c) requirement;

d) coercion.

  1. What types of incentives do you use most often?

a) verbal praise;

b) gifts;

  1. What types of punishments are most effective in education?

a) verbal threat;

b) physical punishment;

c) deprivation of entertainment;

d) your display of resentment.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Diagnosis of the level of emotional development of a child

  1. Describe the child's usual condition.
  2. Does he cry often?
  3. How long does one remain upset?
  4. What is the child afraid of?
  5. Are you often angry or aggressive?
  6. Does he get tired quickly?
  7. Does your child have the following problems: wetting the bed at night, biting his nails, sucking his thumb?
  8. How does the child treat unfamiliar adults?
  9. How does he treat children?
  10. How does one treat animals?
  11. Who in the family does the child listen to?
  12. Does he help around the house?
  13. What qualities of a child do you especially value?
  14. Are the adult family members unanimous in relation to the child (what to allow and what to prohibit)?

Test: “What kind of parent are you?”

It is no secret that the nature of the relationship between parents and child has a significant impact on his development. Evaluate the features of your communication. How often do you use the following expressions?

  1. What a great fellow you are!
  2. You are capable, you will succeed!
  3. You are unbearable!
  4. Everyone's children are like children, but mine...
  5. You are my assistant.
  6. Things are always wrong with you.
  7. How many times do I have to tell you?
  8. How smart you are!
  9. So that I don't see your friends again!
  10. What do you think?
  11. You've completely blossomed!
  12. Introduce me to your friends.
  13. I will definitely help you, don’t worry.
  14. I don't care what you want.

Processing the results. If you use the expressions 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, then count yourself 1 point. If you use the expressions 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, then you count 2 points. Calculate your total points.

7-8 points - There is complete mutual understanding between you and your child. You do not abuse excessive severity.

9-10 points - Your mood in communication with your child is inconsistent and depends more on random circumstances.

11-12 points - You are not attentive enough to the child, perhaps you often suppress his freedom.

13-14 points - You are too authoritarian. Irritation often arises between you and your child. Be more flexible with your child.

Tests for preschoolers
"What do I know about school?"

1.How do you address the teacher?
2.How to attract attention to yourself if you need to ask something?
3.What do they say if you need to go to the toilet?
4.What is a lesson?
5.How do they know when it’s time to start the lesson?
6.What is change?
7.Why is change needed?
8.What is the name of the table at school where children write?
9.Where does the teacher write when explaining the task?
10.What is a mark?
11.Which grades are good and which are bad?
12.What is a school diary?
13. Are there children of the same age or different ages in the class?
14.What are vacations?


1.By name and patronymic and you.
2.Silently raise your hand so that it can be seen.
3. Raise your hand and say: “Excuse me, can I leave?”
4. This is the time during which children learn something new: listen to the teacher’s explanations and students’ answers, do exercises and do not leave the classroom. Sometimes the word “lesson” is simply used to refer to tasks.
5. The bell or bell rings, the corridors become empty, children go to class.
6.Recess is a break between lessons.
7. Recess is needed so that children can leave the classroom and relax.
8.Children write at their desks.
9. The teacher writes on the board.
10.The mark is the number by which success is assessed - whether the student completed the task correctly or incorrectly, well or poorly.
11. A diary is a notebook where there is a lesson schedule, children write down homework assignments, and the teacher puts marks.

"Do I want to go to school?"

1.When I go to school, I will have many new friends.
2.I'm interested in what kind of lessons we will have.
3. I think that I will invite the whole class to my birthday.
4.I would like the lesson to last longer than recess.
5.I wonder what they offer for lunch at school?
6.When I go to school, I will study well.
7.The best thing about school life is the holidays.
8. It seems to me that school is more interesting than kindergarten.
9.I want to go to school because many of the kids from my house are already studying.
10. If I had been allowed, I would have gone to study last year.

Ask your child: “If someone were to speak for you, would you agree or not?” - and record his answers. If he agrees with the statement, write down 1 point, if he disagrees - 0 points.

Calculation of results.
1-3 points - The child believes that he lives well without school.
4-8 points - I want to go to school. Let's just clarify. For what? If there are more points in the first five questions, the child mainly dreams of new games and friends. If there are more points in the second five questions, then he fully understands the main purpose of the school, and it does not yet cause disgust.
9-10 points is great if your child maintains his attitude towards school for the next 10-11 years.

Tests for parents
“My style of raising a child in the family”

Of the three answers for each question, choose the one that most closely matches your usual parenting behavior.

1. The child is capricious at the table, refuses to eat what he has always eaten. You:

a) give the child another dish;

b) allow me to leave the table;

c) do not leave the table until everything has been eaten.

2. Your child, returning from a walk, burst into tears when he discovered that he had lost his old favorite toy in the yard - a teddy bear. You:

a) go into the yard and look for a child’s toy;

b) be sad with your child about his loss;

c) reassure the child with the words: “don’t get upset over trifles.”

3. Your child watches TV instead of completing the assignment he received in kindergarten. You:

a) turn off the TV without a word;

b) ask what the child needs to start doing the task;

c) shame the child for not being collected.

4. Your child left all the toys on the floor without wanting to put them away. You:

a) put some of the toys out of reach of the child: “let him get bored without them”;

b) offer your help in cleaning, like: “I see that you are bored doing this alone...”, “I have no doubt that your toys obey you...”;

c) punish the child by depriving him of toys.

5. You came to pick up your child at kindergarten, expecting him to quickly get dressed and have time to go to the post office or pharmacy. But under various pretexts he is distracted from getting ready to go home and “plays out” time. You:

a) reprimand the child, showing your dissatisfaction with his behavior;

b) tell the child that when he behaves this way, you feel irritated and annoyed, perceiving this indifference on his part to your concerns, tell him what you expect from him now;

c) trying to quickly dress the child yourself, somehow distracting him from pranks, not forgetting to shame him so that his conscience awakens.

Count which answers are more: a, b, c. Read the resume under each letter.

“B” is a parenting style in which the child’s right to personal experience and mistakes is recognized, the emphasis is to teach him to be responsible for himself and his actions.

“B” is a parenting style without any special attempts to understand the child, the main methods are censure and punishment.

Test for parents

“Why does your child often get sick?”

Let's try to figure out why your child gets sick so often and who you should turn to for help first. You are offered 5 groups of questions (A-D), each group has 10 questions. For each affirmative answer, give 1 point, for each negative answer, 0 points.
1. During pregnancy, my mother often suffered from acute respiratory infections; she had exacerbations of chronic diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, adnexitis, etc.).
2. In the first year of life, the baby was plump and loose.
3. The child began to get sick often before he was one year old and was under the supervision of a neurologist.
4. The child began to get sick often after joining a children's group (nursery, kindergarten, school).
5. The child's lymph nodes often increase in size.
6. The child has a prolonged elevated temperature (37-37.5° C) without signs of an acute infectious disease.
7. The child has herpetic rashes.
8. The child has furunculosis.
9. ARI in a child is often complicated by otitis media, adenoiditis, and bronchitis.
10. The child has adenoids and enlarged tonsils.
1. Any of the child’s relatives (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts) had or have diseases such as bronchial asthma, hay fever (summer runny nose), atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis, eczema), signs food and/or drug allergies.
2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mother often consumed honey, nuts, chocolate, oranges, milk and/or took antibiotics.
3. In the first year of life, the baby suffered from exudative-catarrhal diathesis - the skin on the cheeks turned red and peeled.
4. The child sometimes develops rashes on the skin (or has had them before).
5. The child has episodes of difficulty breathing and attacks of suffocation.
6. The child was diagnosed more than once with obstructive bronchitis.
7. The child has a prolonged dry paroxysmal cough at night (from 1 to several months).
8. The child is often pale, and black circles appear under the eyes.
9. The child often gets sick after holidays - birthdays, New Year, Easter, etc.

1. The child has adenoids.
2. The child often has sore throats.
3. Acute respiratory diseases are usually accompanied by prolonged nasal congestion and runny nose.
4. Acute respiratory diseases are sometimes complicated by inflammation of the middle ear (otitis).
5. The doctor often says that the child has a “loose” throat and enlarged tonsils (even when he is healthy).
6. In the first year of life, the baby was plump and loose.
7. The child’s lymph nodes often increase in size.
8. A child has a long-term elevated temperature (37-37.5° C) without signs of an acute infectious disease.
9. The child has a lingering cough - coughing, mainly during daytime and night sleep.
10. A child has intestinal dysbiosis.
1. Mom had a difficult pregnancy - toxicosis, hypoxia, threat of miscarriage, various diseases.
2. My mother had a difficult labor - it was too fast or, on the contrary, protracted, obstetric aid was used (forceps, “squeezing”, etc.).
3 The child did not cry immediately at birth.
4. The child lags behind his peers in his development.
5. The child is too restless and does not sleep well.
6. The child sweats excessively.
7. A child’s skin often changes color - it turns red, turns pale, becomes covered with red spots, blood vessels are clearly visible on it and it resembles marble.
8. His palms and feet are often cold and sometimes bluish.
9. He has high or low blood pressure.
10. A child has a prolonged elevated temperature (37-37.5° C) without signs of an acute infectious disease.
1. You believe that strict discipline develops strong character.
2. You often regret that your child grows and matures; you want him to remain small longer.
3. You consider it your duty to know everything your child is thinking about, and he should not have secrets from his parents.
4. Your child has no hobbies (attending clubs at the insistence of parents does not count).
5. You always try to help your child and keep him away from everyday problems.
6. You believe that in order to raise a child as a decent person, he should be kept within strict limits.
7. During illness, you are especially attentive to your child, but this cannot be said about the time when he is healthy.
8. You consider your child immature, not independent and not very capable.
9. Your child very rarely plays (with toys, peers), rarely draws not according to the teacher’s instructions, but of his own free will. You are unhappy when he messes around.
10. You often say the phrase “You’re always sick (cold)!”
Results .
If you typed from 3 to 10 points, answering questions from group A, the immune system is most likely to blame for your child’s frequent illnesses. Therefore you will need:

  • consultation with an immunologist
  • special study of the immune system - immunogram
  • if necessary - immunocorrection

If you typed from 3 to 10 points answering questions group B- your child is prone to allergic reactions. Often allergic respiratory diseases pass under the guise of “frequent acute respiratory infections.” Your child needs:

  • consultation with an allergist, special regimen and diet limiting contact with allergens
  • planned step-by-step treatment of the underlying disease.

If you typed from 3 to 10 points answering questions Group B, frequent respiratory diseases of a child may be associated with chronic diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, adenoiditis). This can be either an independent cause of frequent acute respiratory infections or a consequence of immunological deficiency, therefore the following is necessary:

  • consultation with an ENT doctor,
  • consultation with an immunologist,
  • treatment of the underlying disease and, if necessary, immunocorrection.

If you dialed from 3 to 10 points answering questions group G, a disease of the nervous system cannot be ruled out in your child. He may get sick often, since the nervous and immune systems are very closely connected. In addition, children with pathologies of the autonomic nervous system are often characterized by increased sweating, which leads to rapid hypothermia and, as a result, a cold. Required:

  • joint observation of a neurologist and immunologist
  • rational clothing and adherence to a daily routine
  • hardening

If you typed from 3 to 10 points answering questions group D, your child most likely has serious psychological problems. Frequent acute respiratory infections can be “beneficial” to the child, for example, by providing the opportunity to receive parental attention, which he is deprived of. The baby’s illnesses may also be “needed” by the parents - if they allow them to unite and gain some advantages. Moreover, neither adults nor children most often realize what is happening. The tendency to respiratory diseases can be aggravated by a family upbringing model that is unfavorable for the child’s development. Required:

  • exclusion of diseases of the immune and nervous systems, ENT organs
  • consultation with a psychologist.

Perhaps you scored 3-10 points in several questionnaires at once. This is not surprising, because the majority of children who are often and long-term ill have problems with the immune system, and with the nervous system, and the ENT organs suffer, etc. Therefore, to begin with, select the questionnaire that has the maximum number of points and start with the specialist who, in our opinion, is “in charge” in this particular section. Solve problems gradually and do not try to do everything at once.
If you score an equal number of points in several questionnaires, make an appointment with several specialists. Still, someone will accept you first, someone will like you more, etc. In any case, choose a leading doctor, because folk wisdom is right: even seven nannies have a child without an eye. There must be a person who makes the most important decisions, manages all actions and directs them in the right direction. By the way, this could be your local pediatrician.

Rewards and punishments in raising children.

Dear parents! We ask you to answer questions about the use of rewards and punishment in raising children. Your sincere answers will help prepare a meaningful and interesting conversation.

1 Does your child listen to you?

2 Is it necessary to use punishment in education?

3How do you achieve compliance with the order?

4Why and how do you punish your child?

5 Why and how do you reward?

6 What punishments and rewards were applied to the child?

the last two weeks?

The following points give you the opportunity to answer with “yes” or “no”.

A) When a child is guilty, I talk with him alone, without sorting things out

in front of strangers.

B) I empathize, sympathize with my child, forgive, believe in him.

C) I have never screamed or punished a child.

D) I do not leave a single offense unpunished.

D) The only thing that affects my child is strict punishment.

E) If possible, I try not to punish.

G) I praise the child for every success in private and in front of strangers.

H) If I’m in a good mood, I can forgive something for which at another time

would punish.

I) It often happens like this: I will punish, and the husband (wife) is reproached for excessive

severity and forgiveness and comfort.

J) I make a decision on punishment only after I have calmed down and

I’ll find out the child’s position.

Is your child ready to go to school?

As a rule, parents of future first-graders are concerned about many questions: whether their child will be able to study at school, whether he is developed enough, what he should be able to do on the eve of entering school.

With this test you can fairly objectively assess your child’s readiness for school. Answer the questions "YES" or "NO".

1. Does your child often express his desire to go to school?

2. Is your child more attracted by the attributes of school (briefcase, books, new “adult” position) than by the opportunity to learn more and learn a lot?

3. Do you think that your child is sufficiently diligent and attentive when performing a task that is not very attractive to him?

4. Is your child sociable with both children and adults?

5. Are you not sure that your baby is able to remember well and carry out oral instructions (for example, over the phone)?

6. Your child can’t be alone for a minute or do anything on his own?

7. Are your child’s toys and personal belongings always in a mess and are you tired of reminding him to put them away?

9. Can your child compare numbers and objects?

10. Is your baby able to add and subtract within twenty?

Is your child ready to write?

Teaching a child to write beautifully and correctly is not an easy task. Long before school, parents should start developing and training their child’s hand, making it dexterous and confident. The questions in this test will help you evaluate your child's ability to master writing skills.

1. Does your child know well where is left and where is right?

a) always;

b) from case to case;

c) can’t remember at all.

2. How does your child feel about the offer to draw?

a) reluctantly, but once he starts, he gets carried away;

b) with great pleasure;

c) with the statement: “I won’t succeed” and categorically refuses.

3. Your child’s drawings are different:

a) the presence of trembling, broken lines, negligence;

b) originality, some sweepingness;

c) neatness and clarity of lines.

4. When drawing with a ballpoint pen, you notice that the child:

a) holds it like an adult;

b) his hand is tense or trembling, the handle constantly slips out;

c) holds it in an unusual way, draws it confidently.

Is your child ready to read?

The faster a child masters the ability to read consciously in school, the more successful he will be in school. It is necessary to teach your child to read without coercion. The ability to read does not arise out of nowhere; it is preceded by a number of other abilities. This test can assess your child's readiness to read.

1. Does your baby love fairy tales and stories?

2. Is the child able to retell them?

3. Does the child have a desire to look at books on his own?

4. Your child is more interested in the content of the story than in the pictures.

5. Does your baby know letters, does he ask you to teach him to read?

6. Does he imitate reading aloud like adults?

7. Is he interested in books of an educational nature (about animals, ships, countries)?

8. Is your child attentive while you read to him?

9. Your child has a good vocabulary and is quite successful.

does he use it?

11. Does he understand the meaning of most complex words?

12. Does reading bring pleasure to him?

13. Having mastered letters and words, does he try to read on his own?

14. Does your baby have speech therapy problems?

15. Does your baby recognize similar sounds well?

16. In conversation, does he use detailed, non-monosyllabic sentences? 17. Is your child able to retell what he read or heard?

18. Does your baby know a lot of poems and songs?

If the total score was: 13-18 points, then your child is completely ready to read at school. He is interested not only in the ability to read “like adults,” but also in the opportunity to independently learn a lot of useful and entertaining things from books. 9-12 points indicate your child’s average reading abilities. Perhaps his interest in books is situational and unstable. The child is in no hurry to learn to read. Less than 9 points means that it’s time to sound the alarm, because your baby is almost on the school threshold. Get him interested in interesting books

Maria Kazakova
Sample questionnaire for parents

Questionnaire for parents "Let's get to know each other"

We are glad to see you and your child in our kindergarten. We hope that the baby will find it comfortable, fun and interesting here. Let's get acquainted.

1. Child’s full name ___

2. Date of birth ___

3. Home address, phone number ___

4. Family composition (complete, single-parent, large, divorced, family with guardians, widows (widowers, low-income, single parent, family with adopted children)___What kind of child is in the family? ___

Full name, year of birth ___

Full name, year of birth ___

Education, specialty ___

Place of work, phone number, work phone number ___

7. Who does the child live with ___

8. Housing conditions: apartment, brick house, wooden house, rented accommodation___

9. Who will pick up the child from kindergarten?___

Who filled out the form?___

Date completed___ Signature___

Questionnaire “Game in your child’s life”

Dear parents!

Please select and underline the correct answer for each question or write your own.

1. Do you know which toys are most interesting to your child?

List a few___

2. Does your child often play at home?

Your option___

3. How does your child play?

Can play independently

Doesn't always play independently

Doesn't play by himself

4. Does he involve you in his game?

5. What games does your child prefer to play at home?

Board games

Outdoor games

Computer games

Your option___

6. Do you allow children to play some games that are interesting to them if you don’t like them?

Yes, I allow it

No, I don't allow it

Your option___

7. Is your child interested in toys and objects at home in a new environment (for example, visiting your friends?

8. Does the child show interest in the actions of adults?

9. What kind of relationships does the child have with other children or adults in your family (brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, etc.?

Easily makes contact (shows toys, involves them in their play....)


Play together

They quarrel often

10. In your opinion, what toys and board games are not enough in the group?

Thank you for participating in the survey and your candid responses.

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