Chastity of a girl: is this concept important for modern society? Chaste woman.

In fact, the term "chastity" has another true interpretation. It means "moral purity."

Modern girls can hardly be called morally pure. Gatherings at the entrances with a bottle of beer in hand, endless smoking, obscene language, scandalous vulgar behavior, casual relationships and much more - this is what is typical for girls of the 21st century.

And how did relations develop before, in distant times? First, the guy modestly expresses sympathy for the girl he likes, then the girl reserves the right to think whether to reciprocate her or not. If reciprocity still takes place, then she accepts the timid courtship of her lover. A young man in love, embarrassed and blushing, steals the first kiss from a lady after several months of dating ...

Now it's not like that. Girls are in a hurry to grow up! And here the environment, society, friends, parents, and the media play a huge role.

A good girl is growing up in a decent, prosperous family. And then outside influences begin ... They kiss on TV, and they kiss, okay, and sometimes they do something more seriously! Girlfriends-classmates have been hugging with high school students for a long time on the porches, they start smoking (out of interest), drinking (for courage), addicted to drugs (on the instructions of "good" friends).

And the girl does not want to remain a "white crow"! And also involved in the process.

Then the neighbors begin to bother the grown-up beauty with questions - why doesn’t she still have a boyfriend? Parents sigh - "the daughter will remain in the girls"! Girlfriends tease - "they say, it's time to try an adult relationship."

And the girl, so as not to seem like a “black sheep”, goes and goes to bed with the first person she meets. So what? Everywhere, after all, they write that the first time does not bring the desired sensations. So what difference does it make how it goes.

Thus, our modern society, unwittingly, tramples the chastity of girls into the dirt.

The next problem is the desires and preferences of the guys and men themselves. Today they need experienced, trained, passionate natures who would satisfy all their needs and, if they're lucky, teach them all the "adult" things themselves.

Yes, there are such persistent and strong girls who wait a long time for their only and beloved man. They don't pay attention to the public. They just live the way they see fit. And they have two options for the outcome of events.

The first is that they are still waiting for their “prince”. HE receives the "reward" and appreciates it by nobly marrying his lady.

Second, they wait and give themselves to the man they love. But he does not appreciate such a sacrifice. He doesn't care at all. And the poor girls think, so why did they wait so long? This is sad.

The chastity of a girl is not only the preservation of innocence for one chosen one, it is also loyalty to him for life (if we are talking about marriage). When a girl marries, and even more so gets married, she takes an oath to be faithful to her husband throughout her life.

What is being faithful? This means not allowing yourself to fall in love, get carried away and even think about other men! Never doubt your choice and do not assume - "what would happen if I married not Vasya, but Petya?" And why doubt already? She chose it herself!

Chastity is purity of soul and body, pride, modesty, modesty, a sense of duty to a partner. All these qualities are highly valued, but rarely manifested, unfortunately.

All the charm of love relationships turned into endless doubts, betrayals, false promises and scandals.

It could be said that it is men who “spoil” women. But women also have their own head on their shoulders. So it's a vicious circle.

Thus, chastity is a relatively important concept for modern society. Society itself must determine for itself what kind of girls it needs. In any case, not everything is so terrible. You just need to think about this problem and find a solution to it. So what qualities do chaste women have or should have, we read below:

Qualities of a woman that enable her to be chaste

First qualitya woman shouldn't be greedy . Greed is the desire to own. According to the Vedas, feelings are attached to some objects. Since feelings have a subtle material nature, they really permeate the object to which they are attached. They are like tentacles, and the mind, being influenced by them, begins to show anxiety and gradually a desire arises in it to possess this object.

Therefore, if a woman is very greedy for sexual pleasures, then naturally, at some point, her husband may not suit her in some way, and she will begin to become attached to other men. At the beginning, look at them, soaking them with your feelings. Then more and more will want to cheat on her husband. Thus chastity will be destroyed. As a result, the happiness of the family will also be destroyed.

A woman should be satisfied under any circumstances. We know that women, often without realizing it, demand more from their husbands than they are capable of. Suppose a wife demands more money from her husband or something else, does not want to be satisfied. As a result, conflicts begin, because the man is also dissatisfied. He tries to do the best, but his wife still remains dissatisfied.

Since the wife is energy, when she is not happy, she begins to spread her power of discontent to everyone around her. For example, if a husband is dissatisfied, he can keep it to himself, and in principle, if he behaves quietly, the wife may not notice this. But if the wife behaves quietly, but at the same time is dissatisfied, then everyone around her will feel discontent within herself, and quarrels will arise, because the wife is energy, this is a force that affects everyone around her. Thus, if the wife is dissatisfied under any circumstances, then in the family there is a great tendency to disputes, to conflicts.

Second quality. A chaste woman skillfully manages her household chores . It is very important to understand that when a woman is clean, she naturally develops a taste for doing household chores. When she is unclean, that is, not chaste, she walks somewhere, then household chores do not interest her, and she does not conduct them very skillfully. Because the skill of a woman depends purely on the desire to do something pleasant for her husband, to seem like a good person to him. She does everything in order to satisfy her loved one - such is the nature of a woman. If there is no one to satisfy her in this house, then everything falls out of her hands, and from this household chores do not go so skillfully.

Third quality. A woman should be familiar with the laws of life . These laws are called religious rules. In every faith, in every teaching, there are religious rules of life, and a woman must be familiar with them in order to know whether it corresponds to the law or not, what a man requires of her. If this is not in accordance with the law, then she should gently, in a humble manner, object to him, and there will be nothing wrong with that. But if she is not familiar with the laws of life, does not know how to organize everything correctly, then when her husband reprimands her or simply invites her to do something in some way, she may not agree and a conflict arises.

The fourth quality. A woman should be able to speak pleasantly . When she speaks pleasantly, even if she feels offended and annoyed, pleasant speech creates an impression of respect. Pleasant speech means that the person speaks respectfully. Respectful speech softens conflict. It enables people to find a common opinion, because respectful speech naturally brings everyone into a state of peace.

Fifth quality. Also, a woman should be able to speak truthfully. . When a husband notices that his wife is at least a little disingenuous with him, he is completely disappointed in her. It is very important for a man that a woman be open and honest with him. This is a natural quality of a woman - to be simple and honest and to reveal to her husband all the deep moments of her character, her psyche.

The sixth quality. You must always be careful . This is a very important point. It often happens that because of inattention people quarrel and lose each other. Mindfulness means to guess the bad moment of your husband's life, to guess the bad moment of your children's life. Every person has a bad period in life. Close people should be careful and guess this bad period. Thus, one must be attentive to changes in one's close friends.

Seventh quality to be pure in all respects, we have already sorted out this quality.

Thus, having all these qualities, a woman becomes chaste, that is, she does not have the slightest desire to go somewhere and do unlawful things with some other person.

All of the above qualities can be called in one word - female virtue. Virtue means "to do good." A man in his own way does good in this world, a woman in her own way. And there are signs of female virtue. They form four postulates.

FIRST POSTULATEserving your husband . Service to the husband, in turn, is divided into 5 principles of service to the husband. To serve means to help him. It is said that a woman who has embarked on the path of serving her husband becomes absolutely protected from all difficulties in life, because a man is unable to leave a woman who serves him. He is unable to change her. A man is not able to speak badly about her, even if she has flaws. And a man is incapable of endangering such a woman if she truly serves him.

Principles of Serving Your Husband

The first principle is "very close and intimate." This means that a woman should be a very close friend to a man, that is, she should listen to all his problems, inspire him in any case to act according to his capabilities and always give him enthusiasm. We have already said that a woman has shakti, that is, in other words, energy. The Sanskrit word shakti means "energy". A woman has energy, and she is able to inspire any man, especially her husband. Thus, she must serve him very closely.

The second principle is that she should serve him with great reverence. It is very important to understand that the more a woman respects, honors her husband, the more opportunities a man gives her to advise, the more he involves her in his inner life. Thus, the more a wife honors her husband, the more closely and intimately he begins to relate to her. When a woman honors her husband, she is very successful in dealing with him.

The third principle is that the wife must learn to control herself, even if there is some kind of misunderstanding. A woman may lose control in relationships with children, but if she controls herself in relationships with her husband, her husband will protect her in any situation. The husband for her is the last resort, he protects his wife in all cases of life. Therefore, if the husband has any misunderstandings, and the wife is determined to act in this way, then she will receive support and protection in all her affairs.

Fourth principle service to her husband means that the wife should always wish him well and speak pleasant words to him. If a woman observes the fifth principle, she receives a very strong favor from a man. If a man is rude by nature, his rudeness will not automatically affect her if she wishes him well and speaks pleasant words to him. Rudeness can touch anyone, but not her. He will be angry at anyone, be rude to anyone, sort things out with anyone, but not with her. In this way, the wife can use all the positive qualities of her husband in order to achieve the happiness of life, and the bad qualities are negated by themselves by the strength of his positive qualities.

SECOND POSTULATE female virtue is kindness to husband . This principle exists independently of the others. Each principle is fundamental, that is, having one of them, a woman automatically becomes virtuous towards her husband, and he perceives her as a person who brings him great benefit. Even if she is unable to serve him well, but is benevolent, in this case, no doubt, he will still consider her a good person and treat her well. Although the very first principle is service to the husband, benevolence is the second.

THIRD POSTULATEgood relations with relatives and friends of the husband . Observance of this principle also makes it possible to have stable relationships in the family, because when strife begins in the family, then, undoubtedly, the husband's relatives and friends will help the wife understand this person. Although they will act from his position, but since they are her friends, they will communicate with her very secretly and try to explain why he behaves this way. And in the end they will reconcile.

FOURTH POSTULATE, although it is in fourth place, is actually one of the most important. This sharing with her husband his vows . A vow means giving up certain activities with the desire to achieve some goal. A person refuses to do something, or vice versa says: "I will always do something to achieve such and such a goal." A wife shares his vows with her husband, for example, if the husband says: “I will never eat meat food - it prevents me from clearing my problems. I want to have a good mood in life,” and the wife says, “I want to do that too.” So they take this vow of vegetarianism, which is very popular in India. As a result, the whole family becomes vegetarian. When they share common vows in life, it helps them a lot for their common progress, for good relationships in the family. People begin to be proud of each other as strong people.

FIFTH POSTULATE- the most important element of marriage - it's loyalty . This must be taken into account, and this must be understood. Fidelity means that there can be no question of neglecting marital vows. That is, there are marital vows. We have already listed the qualities of the character of the wife, which in themselves are vows, this is said in the Vedic literature. In other words, vows must be made and they must be followed. But the most important element of marriage is fidelity. The most important promise is loyalty. Therefore, spouses who make this vow will undoubtedly achieve success in life.

Signs of female virtue

So, we have analyzed the quality of chastity. It contains signs of female virtue. Let me remind you again that this is:

service to husband;
goodwill towards him;
good attitude towards his relatives and friends;
sharing vows with him;

All this enables the wife to be chaste. It is we who analyze the principles of a true wife. The principles of a true wife are to be pleasing to her husband. A wife should be nice to her husband. The Vedas say that a good mother and wife are the energy to achieve the happiness of a man. A woman is an energy, that is, a force with which a man can achieve happiness in his life. Not only in your relationship with your wife, but in every other way. Including in spiritual progress and in any other things that he sets as his goal.

Therefore, when a wife is pleasing to her husband, it means that the husband accepts her. He accepts her power of influence on himself. An unpleasant wife means that he does not accept her - rejection. Acceptance and rejection. Thus, when a wife is pleasing to her husband, she is able to put into him the strength that will enable him to achieve happiness.

It is interesting to note one thing. It is very difficult for a woman by nature to put this power into herself. If she acts for herself or for another woman, then nothing happens as a result. She can put the power to achieve happiness in her husband, that is, in a man, in the opposite sex. A woman can only put strength into someone, but if she is single and wants to act on her own, then in this case she must also serve someone.

If, for example, a woman does not want to get married, then she can become a holy person, and then she begins to serve God. But it is said that it is most favorable for a woman to serve God when she is married, in contrast to a man who does not always find it easier to serve God when he is married than when he is single. But the Vedas say that most men should also get married, because if a person has lust, he must definitely get married and live in a family.

A wife must be pleasing to her husband in order for him to be able to achieve happiness. If the wife is unpleasant to her husband, then she will not get much happiness in her relationship with him. Pleasantness does not mean only external beauty. It's not just about painting lips and smiling. Being nice to your husband means being honest with him. It means finding out what qualities he likes in people and then trying to develop those qualities in himself.

A woman is by nature very dynamic in terms of changing herself. A woman can quickly adapt, and depending on what qualities of character a man loves in the people around her, she can easily, following this principle, develop these character qualities in herself.

What is the easiest way for a woman to change herself? What is the easiest way for her to progress?

The easiest way for her to do this is by following her husband. A woman inspires her husband, she gives him strength. She gives him energy, she gives him the opportunity to achieve the goal, she makes him happy, rich, etc. She makes him intelligent, able to see the goal and go to it.

The Vedas say that a woman should follow her husband. Do not go ahead yourself, but put strength into someone and follow him. Such is the nature of a woman. Therefore, when a woman follows in the footsteps of her husband, it is much easier for her to achieve success in any respect, including self-improvement.

For example, a husband and wife decide to be honest. At the same time, the wife inspires her husband, gives him strength, an understanding of things, how to do it - she inspires him to do it. He starts doing these things very seriously, and when he succeeds, she follows in his footsteps. Such is the nature of family relationships.

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  • Is it possible to achieve true chastity outside the Church?

    Chastity, in the highest sense of the word, is recognized in Christianity as one of the most important personal virtues. As the name implies, chastity is associated with internal integrity, wholeness. What is this wholeness, what does it consist of?

    As you know, the newly created man, before he dared to sin, did not experience the slightest internal contradictions in his soul. All his spiritual forces acted harmoniously and harmoniously, the flesh completely and non-violently obeyed the soul. Being in such a state, a person lived and acted in accordance with his nature, enjoyed the natural joy of knowing God, communion with God.

    The fact that chastity is achieved only by acquiring righteousness was proclaimed to man back in the days of the Old Testament (). But the Old Testament did not possess the fullness of grace-filled saving means that the Church of Christ is endowed with, and, of course, the righteousness of the Old Testament man differed from the righteousness characteristic of Christian saints.

    Righteousness as the norm of life, and therefore the (genuine) chastity associated with it, is achievable only in Christ. The Lord Himself said it well: without me you can do nothing» ().

    Do not be afraid to push the groom away with severity. Many men believe that you first need to live in the so-called. “civil marriage”, and then get married. True, it often does not come to marriage. Starting a relationship with carnal intimacy is wrong. There is a certain sequence in the development of relations between husband and wife: first - friendship, understanding, recognition of this person. After all, you live with this person, talk, share impressions, look at the world together, raise children, help each other, experience sorrows, illnesses, difficulties - this is the most important thing and this is what you need to prepare for!
    You are looking for yourself not a “partner”, but a life partner, the father of your children. Do not be afraid to clearly and definitely tell him that close relationships are impossible for you before marriage. This is a good test of how ready a person is to respect your opinion and meet you halfway. You need to choose a person who knows how to keep his desires in check, otherwise then they can simply get out of control and everything can end in tragedy. If you start building relationships on carnal needs, this will inevitably distort the consciousness of your choice - your love, passion, passion, dependence on a person you like will interfere. And you will not be able to evaluate it soberly.
    Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov)

    Dictionary definitions

    The concept of chastity, although always associated in religious tradition with the control of sexuality, has historically been used in different meanings: often it implies virginity, sometimes moral rigor and self-control in a broader sense:

    "Chastity: 1. The same as virginity; 2. translation. Strict morality, purity (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary).

    The Dahl dictionary defines chastity closest to the modern interpretation:

    “The chaste one who has preserved himself in virginity (youth is pure before marriage) and in marriage purity, immaculate, leading a life in marriage purely, immaculately.”

    The concept in the church tradition

    In the Christian religious tradition, chastity is understood in the sense of abstaining from illegal sexual acts and thoughts, and also in general as modesty in relationships in a broad sense: in looks, speech, clothes.

    Forms of chastity

    Sins against chastity

    Sins against chastity are considered in the context of the interpretation of one of the ten commandments of Moses "do not commit adultery." Any sexual activity outside of marriage is considered a departure from the virtue of chastity, which in church tradition is correlated with this commandment. In particular, the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

    "The tradition of the Church follows the totality of the moral teachings of the Old and New Testaments and considers that the sixth commandment embraces all sins against chastity."

    "The sins deeply opposed to chastity, each according to the nature of its object, are: adultery, masturbation, fornication, pornography, prostitution, rape, homosexual acts."

    Chastity in marriage is traditionally understood as marital fidelity, as well as abstinence from sexual practices, classified in Christianity as "unnatural" or "perverted", chastity unmarried - in sexual abstinence. Accordingly, a distinction is made between sins against chastity, which have nothing to do with marriage, and sins against chastity, which violate the dignity of marriage. For example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

    “Among the sins that are deeply contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography and homosexual practices.<…>Adultery and divorce, polygamy and free union are serious offenses against the dignity of marriage.”

    The notion that any sin related to sexuality is a special case of breaking the commandment "do not commit adultery" is associated with the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount: "You have heard what was said to the ancients: do not commit adultery. But I tell you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27).


    Chastity in the encyclopedia "Round the World"


    see also

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    See what "Chastity" is in other dictionaries:

      chastity- chastity... Spelling Dictionary

      chastity- impeccability, impeccability; sanity, chastity, sinlessness, girlhood, girlish color, purity, purity, chastity, morality, innocence, virginity, honor, honesty, sinlessness, modesty Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

      Chastity- Chastity ♦ Clastete Chastity should not be confused with abstinence. The latter is nothing more than a factual state, while the former is rather a virtue, consisting in the victory over lust, especially sexual lust. ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

      CHASTITY- CHASTITY, chastity, pl. no, cf. (book). Virtue, moral rigor. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      CHASTITY- CHASTITY, I, cf. 1. The same as virginity (1 value each. adj. virgin). 2. trans. Strict morality, purity. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      Chastity- strict morality, purity of relations between a girl and a boy. In such a relationship, the virginity of the girl, the purity of the youth is preserved. The basis of high moral purity is modesty, a quality acquired by a person with ... ... Sexological Encyclopedia

      chastity- Old Slavonic - c (yat) lomudry. Old Russian - c (yat) wisdom. The noun "chastity" is a borrowing from Church Slavonic. Known in Old Russian since the 11th century. The word took shape on the basis of two adjectives - “whole” and ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

      Chastity- a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed in innocence, holistic wisdom, purity of thoughts and preservation of a girl's virginity until marriage. This is one of the highest human qualities, valued in Russian ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

      chastity- CHASTITY, I, cf. Peren. Book. The property of a person with high moral qualities, moral impeccability (honesty, truthfulness, selflessness, purity). The chastity of the customs of the modern village has clearly suffered in the years ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    To begin with, I will give you a few definitions of what is meant by the word "chastity":

    1) Chastity- Christian virtue, spiritual and bodily purity, purity. This is inner purity, integrity of thoughts and actions, which is not determined by external factors. The identification of chastity with virginity is a narrowing of the concept.

    Chastity and nobility are two categories of values ​​that make up the concept of honor.

    2) Chastity- a positive moral characteristic of a person, which is revealed in the observance of a conscious self-prohibition on the knowledge, experience and commission of everything that can weaken or destroy the ability to resist and resist evil. In ordinary consciousness, the concept of chastity is associated with abstinence from sexual experiences. In this interpretation, chastity means:

    a) a person's refusal to have sexual relations in general,

    b) abstaining from sexual relations before and outside of marriage.

    "Undoubtedly, chastity is associated with faith and fidelity, integrity, wisdom, love and courage. The Apostle Paul says: "There is no longer a Jew or a Gentile; there is no slave or free; there is no male or female." For the Lord, all are one: it does not matter neither social, nor intellectual, nor national sign, nor gender, nor age ... Each person is a precious person in the eyes of God, each has his own place.

    A man's place is to be a leader. This does not mean that he is the best, it only means that in the external life of the family, in state activity, a man should occupy his inherent leading position.

    The upbringing of a man begins, oddly enough, with the upbringing of a girl. The amazingly beautiful virtue of chastity is embedded in the feminine nature. About the inner female beauty, its spiritual nature, Nekrasov said:

    “There are women in Russian villages (…)

    It will pass, as if it will shine with the sun, Look - it will give a ruble.

    About this, the apostle Peter, who was a simple, illiterate fisherman, managed to find amazing and highly poetic words: “Let your adornment be not external braiding of hair, not golden headdresses or finery in clothes, but a man hidden in the heart in the imperishable beauty of a meek and silent spirit, what is precious in the sight of God. Here is an amazingly deep definition of beauty, which is worthy of a girl, a woman, a wife, and a mother.

    A modern person is chasing pleasure, not thinking that marriage is work, it is responsibility, it is raising children, it is the need to provide for a family.

    Now we have a predominantly female upbringing, so people who are truly courageous are now rarely seen. There are few full-fledged families, but many broken ones, a third of the children are born out of wedlock. Children are raised by single mothers who cannot properly raise a full-fledged man, and it is more difficult to raise a morally healthy young man than a girl. And it so happened that men moved further from their calling than women.

    It is more difficult to deduce female nature from the norm, but it is more difficult to restore the lost balance. When the desire for comfort and pleasure becomes the ideal, and morality is measured by money, then it turns out that everything is for show and everything is for sale. Chastity becomes not only a rare quality, but even ridiculed. This is one of the most terrible phenomena of our life. It is tragic if a girl, who by her nature should be a keeper of chastity, loses the idea that she should cherish this amazingly beautiful quality like the apple of her eye, and succumbs to cheap deceit.

    And in our time, young people do not see chastity either in adults or in their environment, culture. … The director of one school in a small workers' settlement noticed that one high school student was “bored” and was walking around as if she had been dropped into the water. The director invited her to her office, talked to her, and it turned out that something that usually happens happened. A young man began to look after the girl, with whom, by the way, she was far from the first. When he achieved what he wanted, he exclaimed: “Oh! And you are the same! All of you are like that!” . The most terrible thing for her was that the bitter truth sounded in his words, because she herself, a unique person, a one-of-a-kind person, humiliated herself, allowing someone to use her as an object of pleasure or self-affirmation. But the exclamation of this young man is evidence of his personal tragedy, because he did not meet on his way one who could not be persuaded to sin by any temptations, who would adamantly guard her honor, and her purity, chastity and love, intact and unspent, would hand over to her husband . You can trust such a girl, you can love such a girl, you can connect your fate with such a girl forever.

    Why did she suffer so? It would seem that, according to modern ideas, there is nothing special here: “everyone lives like this, everyone acts like that”. However, this is just self-deception, not everyone lives like this and does it this way.

    Our great compatriot, A.V. Suvorov, who can rightly be called a knight without fear and reproach, said: “I value my daughter’s honor more than life and my own honor.” Right now, the views are exactly the opposite. Not only from our spoken language, but also from the system of values, such concepts as “honor”, ​​and even more so “female honor”, ​​have long disappeared. The poor girl was so upset by the fact that she did not save her honor.

    You cannot think that you can sin with impunity. Moral laws are just as real and just as objective as the laws of the material world. They exist and act regardless of whether we recognize their action and existence or not. Evil done inevitably turns against the one who created it.

    If a girl adamantly preserves her purity, then she is decidedly different from those around her. It is not at all external attractiveness and beauty that are precious in a girl, but her chastity. The girl must be impregnable. That's when a man will manifest his best moral qualities: courage, firmness, perseverance, kindness and tenderness ... He will become a valiant knight, a defender of female purity and chastity. And he must win trust and love, showing the qualities of not a voluptuary, but a real man.

    The dignity of a person, regardless of gender, age, career, marital status, etc., is determined by the purity of his soul and the righteousness of life. It is impossible to manipulate such people, to impose something that contradicts the voice of their conscience. Such people will not allow themselves to be humiliated, on the contrary, they are able to teach a moral lesson to anyone, regardless of his rank and title. "(Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko)

    Benefits of Chastity

    Chastity saves - from rash acts and unpredictable consequences.

    Chastity gives strength - in order to control your desires.

    Chastity gives liberation - from sinful attitudes and base thoughts.

    Chastity gives confidence - in the correctness of the path.

    Chastity gives openness without accessibility and self-respect without pride.

    Chastity is the whole wisdom

    A woman is by nature much more emotional than a man, and therefore the best direction for her self-realization is creativity. It is very important for girls to fantasize, cut, decorate. For example, before they cut dolls out of cardboard and came up with different styles of dresses for them, which can be attached and then changed to others. They had whole boxes of such homemade gizmos. Today, the choice of dolls is huge, but they lie like a mountain in the corner, and girls demand more and more new toys, because they have not been taught to think creatively. Over the years, this undeveloped creative component will smoothly pass into the family bosom, and, having taken ugly forms, will result in claims and discontent.

    Another important point that must be given in the upbringing of a girl is chastity. If you disassemble this word by syllables, then it contains a huge meaning - a whole wisdom. This word has practically gone out of the lexicon and culture of the behavior of modern people. Current values ​​call for “taking everything from life so that later there is something to remember in old age,” and the main thing in this sense is unlimited sex life. But a woman who has changed many partners will not be able to focus on one man, it will always seem to her that there is better somewhere, and, accordingly, she will never be satisfied. In addition, a girl should not change partners, because, according to her nature, she is strongly attached to a man. For her, entering into intimacy is tantamount to giving her heart. Unfortunately, many modern men take advantage of this gullibility, breaking up women's lives, and they go through a series of life dramas. Therefore, the education of chastity in a girl should be given paramount importance.

    It is very important for a girl to pay all her attention to one man - her husband, and this approach is the basis of her happiness in her future family life. In the old days, before starting a family, young people announced their engagement, and for six months or a year they did not have sexual relations, recognized each other as individuals, determined how similar their goals and views were.

    So, the girl needs to be helped to develop creative energy and cultivate chastity in her, an understanding of how important she is as a whole person.

    A chaste woman is a successful wife.

    A chaste wife has power. Chastity is the power by which any issue can be resolved. If the wife treats her husband well and is chaste, he will succeed in everything. There are no exceptions.

    There are four components of a woman's chastity:

    1) Do not cheat on your husband.

    2) Help him in everything.

    3) To love his mission, his life's work.

    4) Treat his relatives with respect.

    If a woman observes these four conditions, she is absolutely chaste. If she observes only three of them, she is seventy-five percent chaste, and so on. (Marina Targakova)

    Eight qualities of a woman that enable her to be chaste.

    First quality A woman shouldn't be greedy.

    Greed is the desire to own. According to the Vedas, feelings are attached to some objects. Since feelings have a subtle material nature, they really permeate the object to which they are attached. They are like tentacles, and the mind, being influenced by them, begins to become restless and gradually a desire arises in it to possess this object. Therefore, if a woman is very greedy for sexual pleasures, then naturally, at some point, her husband may not be satisfied with something, and she will begin to become attached to other men. At the beginning, look at them, soaking them with your feelings. Then more and more will want to cheat on her husband. Thus, chastity will be destroyed. As a result, the happiness of the family will also be destroyed.

    Second quality- a chaste woman skillfully conducts her household chores

    It is very important to understand that when a woman is clean, she naturally develops a taste for doing household chores. When she is unclean, that is, not chaste, she walks somewhere, then household chores do not interest her, and she does not conduct them very skillfully. Because the skill of a woman depends purely on the desire to do something pleasant for her husband, to seem like a good person to him. She does everything to satisfy her loved one - such is the nature of a woman. If there is no one to satisfy her in this house, then everything falls out of her hands, and from this household chores do not go so skillfully.

    Third quality- a woman should be familiar with the laws of life

    These laws are called religious rules. In every faith, in every teaching, there are religious rules of life, and a woman must be familiar with them in order to know whether what a man requires of her is in accordance with the law. If this is not in accordance with the law, then she should gently, in a humble manner, object to him, and there will be nothing wrong with that. But if she is not familiar with the laws of life, does not know how to organize everything correctly, then when her husband reprimands her or simply invites her to do something in some way, she may not agree and a conflict arises.

    The fourth quality A woman should be able to speak pleasantly.

    When she speaks pleasantly, even if she feels offended and annoyed, pleasant speech creates an impression of respect. Pleasant speech means that the person speaks respectfully. Respectful speech softens conflict. It enables people to find a common opinion, because respectful speech naturally brings everyone into a state of peace.

    Fifth quality- a woman should be able to speak truthfully

    When a husband notices that his wife is at least a little disingenuous with him, he is completely disappointed in her. It is very important for a man that a woman be open and honest with him. This is a natural quality of a woman - to be simple and honest and to reveal to her husband all the deep moments of her character, her psyche.

    The sixth quality- A woman should be satisfied under any circumstances. We know that women often do not understand this, they demand more from their husbands than they are able to give. Suppose a wife demands more money from her husband or something else, does not want to be satisfied. As a result, conflicts begin, because the man is also dissatisfied. He tries to do the best, but his wife still remains dissatisfied. Since the wife is energy, when she is not happy, she begins to spread her power of discontent to everyone around her. For example, if a husband is dissatisfied, he can keep it to himself, and in principle, if he behaves quietly, the wife may not notice this. But if the wife behaves quietly, but at the same time is dissatisfied, then everyone around her will feel discontent within herself, and quarrels will arise because the wife is energy, this is a force that affects everyone around her. Thus, if the wife is dissatisfied under any circumstances, then in the family there is a great tendency to disputes, to conflicts.

    Seventh quality- always be vigilant

    It often happens that because of inattention people quarrel and lose each other. Mindfulness means to guess the bad moment of your husband's life, to guess the bad moment of your children's life. Every person has a bad period in life. Close people should be careful and guess this bad period. Thus, one must be attentive to changes in one's relatives and friends.

    Eighth quality- be clean.

    Thus, having all these eight qualities, a woman becomes chaste, that is, she does not have the slightest desire to go somewhere and do illegal things with some other person. The above qualities can be called in one word - female virtue. Virtue means "to do good."

    A man in his own way does good in this world, a woman in her own way, creates ... through a man. (Oleg Torsunov)

    How to develop chastity

    * Family education. Reasonable severity of parents in relation to children, an example of fidelity in marriage - help to form chastity in children.

    * Religious education. A truly religious person is chaste by definition - imbued with religiosity, people embark on the path of chastity.

    * Self improvement. The ability to coordinate emotions with the mind, the ability to distinguish between the necessary and the excessive, the struggle with internal manifestations of deceit, licentiousness is the right way to cultivate chastity in oneself.
