That gave an even number of flowers. What to do if you gave an even number of flowers

Choose a sign that is more suitable for this situation, for example: if you were presented with an even (paired) number of flowers, this means that you will always be in a pair and will never suffer from loneliness. In addition, in the West, the counting is in dozens (analogous to our tens, only equal to the number 12). And these are all even numbers, mind you. So it turns out that in any case you are in the black: you have a wonderful bouquet, a wonderful future, and a great mood.

Option 3. Do not count the flowers in the bouquet

The easiest and surest way - do not count the flowers at all. The most important thing is that you were presented with a beautiful bouquet, and it’s stupid to be upset because of some signs. Also, give someone the opportunity to upset you, assuming that an even number was handed over intentionally. There are enough ill-wishers in life, right? In that case, why give someone a reason to manipulate you? Suppose an enemy wanted to spoil your holiday and gave 30 roses, or carnations, or chrysanthemums, relying on the fact that you would be upset. And you, seeing this, joyfully and enthusiastically begin to thank and kiss him. Now it's his turn to be sad. And you yourself, if you really believe in omens, separated one flower and forgot about it.

Do not let anyone (people or stereotypes) spoil your mood and darken the celebration, influence your emotions. Be above it, be wiser and stronger. And flowers are one of the means by which positive emotions accumulate. So get positive! They bring happiness, joy and comfort to the house. Give them and accept them with gratitude, and it doesn't matter how many pieces there are, whether they were brought by the delivery service or they were handed over by hand, the main thing is the attention, care and respect shown to you by such a present. Appreciate what you have and be happy!

Make such gifts, regardless of whether today is a holiday or an ordinary weekday. A bouquet is a therapy, a tool that heals from a bad mood, bringing joy to both the giver and the recipient.

So what to do if you gave an even number of flowers? The choice is in your hands:

  • divide the bouquet into two parts;
  • believe in the "pair" sign that an even number of flowers is fortunate;
  • deceive ill-wishers and demonstrate their acting skills, playing stormy joy in front of them and thereby frustrating their plans;
  • do not count flowers in bouquets, but simply rejoice that you have been given such a tender gift, that you are taken care of, they think about you;
  • give flowers to relatives, friends, acquaintances, give armfuls, bouquets, by the piece, give with or without reason, give joy and enjoy it!

According to Russian, Ukrainian and, for example, French traditions, an even number of flowers can be brought to a funeral, and a living person should give flowers only in an odd number.
In almost the entire territory of Europe, the USA and some eastern countries, everything is exactly the opposite, they give an even number of flowers, because it brings happiness.

The Israelis give only an even number of flowers, but they don’t bring flowers to funerals at all. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​​​brings happiness, so a pair of flowers is a good combination, and an odd number of flowers is carried to the cemetery "so that the deceased does not take the couple with them."
The roots of all these traditions and prejudices must be sought in the pre-Christian world.
Each country (region) has gone its own way of development and therefore often there are such discrepancies and contradictions.
Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying "trouble never comes alone"?
Many ancient cultures associated paired numbers with completeness, completion, in this case, the life path.
An odd number, on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck.
Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, development.
Even numbers are a symbol of peace and tranquility.
For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of goodness, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). The unfortunate left side, and with it death, evil, darkness, was symbolized by even numbers. Isn't that where the famous "stand on your left foot" came from, symbolizing a bad start to the day?
In ancient Rus', only those who died in the war, defending their homeland, were laid two flowers: "one to the dead, the other to God."
Now it is customary for all the dead to lay an even number of flowers.
A gift bouquet in modern Russia obeys a simple rule: “odd up to a dozen”, that is, the number of flowers matters if there are three, five, seven, nine or eleven. An even number of ten stems or less is customarily brought as a sign of mourning at mourning ceremonies. If there are twelve or more flowers in the bouquet, their number does not carry any semantic load.
In the language of signs, each number has its own meaning, and this can be used to give the bouquet the right meaning. So, if you give one flower, it means that the person to whom you give it is the only one for you. By giving three flowers, you can express your desire to leave with your loved one to the ends of the world. Well, five means: "I love you."
Few people know that seven flowers used to be given only on the day of betrothal.

The world is full of superstitions and the more you believe in them, the more difficult life becomes. On the other hand, ignorance of the simple rules that the majority adheres to, you can easily find adventures on your ass. For example, do you know why it is impossible to give an even number of flowers to a living person? My friend did not bother about this and this is what came of it:

Having quarreled with his girlfriend, he was looking for an opportunity to make peace, and then, as if by magic, he met an acquaintance who worked at a local greenhouse as a driver and delivered roses! Give a huge bouquet, what is not a reason to forget about insults? Having agreed on a price, my friend bought two packages of red roses, the bouquet turned out to be a feast for the eyes. On the same evening, the present was presented, and an hour later a scandal erupted. The girl, together with her mother, counted the number of flowers and gave my friend such a thrashing after which they never reconciled. Superstition ruined the relationship, and the thing is that there were 40 roses in the bouquet!

Of course, everyone knows about the ban on an even number of flowers as a gift, including my friend. It was just that at that moment he thought about it least of all and simply simply did not realize how to count the roses. Unfortunately, his girlfriend, along with the failed mother-in-law, turned out to be much smarter.

By themselves, roses did not carry harm, whether there were 3, 5, 7 or even 40. But the superstition associated with an even number of donated flowers says that such a bouquet format is brought exclusively to the cemetery. This has been the custom since the times of Ancient Rus', and nowadays people have complicated the tradition a little and rephrased it in their own way. From now on, to give an even number of flowers to a living person, regardless of a wedding, anniversary or just like that, means to wish him a speedy death. If you look at the situation from this angle, then the girl's rage seems quite understandable. She is young, beautiful, she clearly does not want to die.

By the way, if my friend were a resident of any other country, then his gift would be appreciated differently. The fact is that such superstition lives in the vastness of Russia and is completely absent in other states. Giving an even number of flowers there is completely normal, it will not cause any negative emotions in anyone. My friend's girlfriend will never marry a foreigner, he will definitely decide to give her a bouquet of flowers at least once in his life and there are no guarantees that their number will not be equal to 40, for example.

In Japan, a bouquet of 8 roses is a good sign. After all, eight symbolizes infinity, no hint of illness, death and a cemetery. Every woman in the country of the rising sun received such a gift, and even single men will like a bouquet of 8 flowers.

Blame the pagans in Rus'. They believed that any even number is a symbol of the end of a cycle, more often they meant life. Therefore, it is customary to bring an even number of flowers to a funeral to express grief for a life that was cut short.

In Georgia, the opposite is true. Graves usually have an odd number of flowers. And the even gift is given to the living, it is considered a wish for happiness. From all this, two conclusions should be drawn. The first - an even number of flowers donated to a living person cannot bring misfortune, only pagans who lived a very, very long time believed in this. Well, the second concerns my friend, he was just unlucky. He was born in the wrong country and chose a girl who was too superstitious.

Do not be too superstitious, visit my blog on even and odd numbers =))

Flowers have long been a symbol of different peoples around the world. It turns out that it is not only an even or odd number that matters, but how many flowers in your bouquet: one flower is a sign of attention; three flowers - a sign of respect; five - confessions; seven - love ... 13 roses are not customary to give.
If there are more than twelve colors, then the evenness or oddness of their number no longer plays such a role.

Funeral bouquets are usually made up of an even number of flowers, preferably strict and dark tones. In Russia, there is an opinion that an even number of flowers is carried only to the deceased. But in the USA, Europe and some eastern countries, it is believed that an even number of flowers given brings happiness.

Why is it customary to give an odd number of flowers?
There are several versions about the origin of this tradition. Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying "trouble never comes alone"? It was from following this tradition that the custom came to give living people only an odd number of flowers.

Many ancient cultures associated paired numbers with completeness, completion, in this case, the life path. An odd number, (except 13), on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck. Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, laughter. Even numbers are a symbol of peace and tranquility.

For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of goodness, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). The unfortunate left side, and with it death, evil, darkness, was symbolized by even numbers. Isn't that where the famous "stand on your left foot" came from, symbolizing a bad start to the day?

In Japanese culture, the numbers 1,3,5 denote the masculine principle "yang" and speak of life, strength, movement. Numbers 2,4,6 are the feminine “yin”, peace, passivity. In Japan, it is not customary to give living people four flowers, because the number 4 symbolizes death.

The Israelis, on the contrary, give an even number of flowers, but they do not bring flowers to funerals. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​​​brings happiness, so two flowers (a pair) are a good combination, and an odd number of flowers are carried to the cemetery “so that the deceased does not take the couple with them.”

A European or an American can, with the best of intentions, give a Russian girl 8 or 10 roses and be genuinely surprised by her reaction.

It is worth noting that such a picky count of flowers takes place only up to a dozen. After this amount, it does not matter if the number of stems in the bouquet is even or not. After all, the notorious “million scarlet roses” has an even number of flowers.

A bouquet is a spectacular and pleasant gift. Loved by women, roses or delicate lilies will express feelings. The beautiful floor and small and solid flower arrangements will delight. Is it possible to give an even number of flowers? Disputes about even and dishonest bouquets have been sharpening for more than a year: some predict death to the owner of such a bouquet, while others ignore any signs with a bad meaning.

The symbolism of the presented bouquet

Each flower has its own meaning. Beautiful and meaningful buds allow you to express hidden feelings. In ancient Rus', paired numbers in kitchen utensils, objects and gifts were associated with a bad prediction. In those days, they did not give paired gifts - they carried negative, destroying energy. To bring such a present meant to curse a person.

The meaning of the gift

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the number of roses given is always paired: this is a sign of special respect and reverence. It is not customary to make unpaired compositions, because such a gesture predicts a lonely life for its owner. The meaning of paired buds is pure love and harmony in relationships. In the land of the rising sun, unmatched flowers given to a young woman are a sign of disdain. The value of paired flower arrangements in European countries:

  • a sign of great mutual happiness;
  • prosperity symbol;
  • a sign of respect and gratitude;
  • a good sign for single people, promising a fateful meeting.

The general meaning of roses in a pair as a gift is a family idyll. For the Slavic peoples, the symbols of paired compositions are different: bad associations come from the tradition of giving two flowers to the deceased.

Mourning, death, grief are symbols of the pairing of roses or tulips in the composition, on such days you can give two buds. If you make such a gift to a loved one - give him a difficult fate in the future. Such a gesture is regarded as a purposeful induction of trouble. An even number of flowers is not given to living people.

Why you can't give an even number of flowers

The belief that you cannot give an even number of flowers has existed for decades. From an energetic point of view, such a gift blocks the right flows in the house.

Are an even number of buds given with good intentions? No, there are simply no good intentions in such a gift. If you give a pair composition to a young lady, she will not be able to realize herself as a faithful wife and a good mother. For a man, paired gifts lead to financial problems and professional troubles: this is why it is customary to give an odd number of flowers.

The habit of giving odd bouquets

In most cases, the refusal to give a flower couple comes from a subconscious desire not to offend the other person. Superstition is a huge part of Slavic culture, which not everyone understands, but they try to honor. A traditional bouquet for living people combines non-paired flowers, including even small buds.

Who can give an odd number of flowers, and on what day is such a gift justified? This bouquet is perfect for any occasion. It represents good intentions and wishes. In flower shops and markets, sellers adhere to superstitions and traditions, so the paired number of flowers in the composition symbolizes the proverb that trouble does not go alone. Therefore, a sign when you have to give paired bouquets promises a lot of trouble.

Bouquet with an even number of flowers

Traditionally, paired compositions are carried to the feet of the deceased. Bringing paired flowers to a dead person means expressing your respect. The number 2 is associated with the completion of the cycle. Most vital processes have an even number of stages: inhalation and exhalation, birth and death.

The pairing of flowers suggests that the path of a person has come to a logical conclusion and his soul has nothing to worry about. Relatives release the soul of the deceased without unfinished business: an even number of flowers in a bouquet symbolizes completeness - this is evidenced by the number of flowers at the feet of the dead.

What threatens such a gift

People say: "An even number of flowers in a bouquet means trouble." Whoever accepts the gift will take on endless troubles. If you presented a paired bouquet - wait for protracted illnesses and losses.

Do an even number of buds give a living person? If a person does not care about superstition, you can give absolutely any gift without fear of consequences.

What to do with a gift

You can not put the received gift at home, and even holding it in your hands for a long time is not worth it. If you gave an even number of flowers by chance, you must:

  • divide the bouquet into 2-3 vases, how many so that unpaired numbers come out, and put the flowers that did not find a pair separately;
  • put a gift in the kitchen or in the office, you can not leave it in the bedroom;
  • throw a few cubes of sugar into a vase of flowers and cross it three times;
  • add a few drops of holy water to the vase and say: "what comes from me does not concern me."

It is important which composition to give preference. The total number of colors determines the value of the sign. It is also important which flowers are chosen for the bouquet. Danger can be avoided if you do not focus on the possible danger.

In order not to be even, the composition can be diluted with other flowers, which were also presented for the holiday.

How to choose a composition

The evenness of flowers symbolizes a couple: if a person reinforces a gift with negative energy, he sends twice as many troubles. It is pleasant and useful to give symbolic gifts: they represent devotion and loyalty, if it is not divided in half.

The number of flowers will express feelings:

  • 1 flower represents love, naive sincere feelings;
  • 2 speaks of grief, of the problems of the soul and body;
  • 3 speaks of devotion;
  • 5 is a symbol of prosperity;
  • 11 indicates mutual love;
  • 37 symbolizes warm feelings and affection;
  • 101 roses are a sign of strong love.

No matter how much a guy gives a girl flowers, it is important how he presents the gift. The intention determines the message of the gift.

Which bouquet is better to choose? Unpaired chrysanthemums will tell about quivering feelings, and lilies will reveal serious intentions. Give the girl red flowers for a passionate romance, and pink ones for tenderness. The color of the petals represents passion or frayed feelings.

Folk omens

A bouquet of an even number of flowers is a traditional gift expressing the feelings of lovers and devoted friends. In many cultures, numbers that can be equally divided carry the energy of destruction. They work equally well in bouquets for a gift to a stranger or a loved one. Signs are dangerous when the wrong gifts are given to young children.

Signs and children

You can’t give a pair of flowers to children if there is an even number of flowers in a gift for christening or for discharge from the hospital - the baby will often get sick. Give paired bouquets to a pregnant woman, for the birth of a healthy baby. You should not be afraid of the birth of a future mother.

If they gave a light flower arrangement on the eve of childbirth, and they stay at home for a long time, the baby will not get sick.

You need to be especially demanding with flower gifts for discharge, if the wrong bouquet was brought to young parents, you should not take it home. To wish the baby health, you need to give odd bunches of wild flowers and rose buds.

Here are the Bouquets You Should Never Give and Why!

Why is it not customary to give an even number of flowers.

Why is it customary to give an odd number of flowers and what will happen if you give an even one?!

household signs

To give an even number of flowers in a bouquet on the day of the anniversary is a waste that will not harm the budget. A floral gift for a family celebration should be chosen from neutral colors: they personify good wishes. For well-being, choose a small bouquet with roses or lilies (white).

What the life of the newlyweds will be like, the flower arrangement presented the day before will tell. If there are many wild flowers in it, there is a lot of joy ahead, a gift weighted with ferns promises difficulties, and daisies promise a lot of tenderness next year. An odd number in an engagement bouquet promises joy and harmony: there will be no squabbles in a couple if the flowers are without thorns. A good gift is a composition with different flowers, it promises prosperity for adults and children.
