What can I do to shrink my jeans? How to make jeans fit the right size

Jeans bought in size, which fit perfectly on the figure, became baggy in the process of wearing - almost everyone faces this problem. To cope with it, it is not necessary to rush to the atelier and sew in an expensive thing. First you need to figure out how to wash jeans so that they sit down, choose the best way and try it out in practice.

When buying pants from all types of denim (except stretch), sellers advise taking models with a tight fit. This is due to the natural properties of the cotton threads from which the material is made. Despite the density of their weave, after a while the fabric stretches. Of course, you should not buy pants that are too tight: before they increase in volume, they can cause considerable harm to health.

Cheaper fabrics with synthetic additives stretch less, but in terms of hygienic qualities and durability they are far from natural denim materials - denim, eicru and cheaper gin. For sewing women's trousers, another version of jeans is used - stretch, obtained from a mixture of cotton and elastane. Such a product is “stretched” over the figure, completely repeating its reliefs. Stretch pants lose their shape when the elastane fibers no longer perform their function.

If jeans made of natural material become spacious, it is not difficult to restore their original appearance with your own hands. Cotton fabric not only stretches, but also shrinks after washing. The only problem is how to wash jeans so that they become smaller and do not lose their presentable appearance.

Ways to wash jeans for shrinkage

Hot water helps to significantly reduce the volume of stretched pants. There are three main ways to wash jeans in it.

1. Machine wash. The product is placed in the drum, the temperature is set to at least 90 ° C, intensive mode (for cotton fabrics), maximum spin speed. Dense denim or eicru endure such a powerful impact without compromising quality, although it is undesirable to repeat such procedures regularly. Periodically, jeans should be given a "rest" by washing them in the usual way.

Important: To prevent the pants from shedding, experts do not advise using powder during intensive washing in hot water. If necessary, the product is pre-cleaned of dirt in warm water with a gentle detergent.

2. Hand wash. To achieve shrinkage, jeans are washed at the highest possible temperature. The effect is fixed with the help of contrast rinsing: several times the product is transferred from hot water to cold.

3. Boiling.

The first option is similar to machine wash. Water is poured into a large enameled pot or basin, the container is put on fire. Clean jeans are placed in warm water, brought to a boil and boiled for about half an hour. Periodically turn the thing over with the help of linen tongs.

The second option of boiling not only answers the question of how to wash stretched jeans so that they sit down, but also allows you to turn them into "boilers". Washed jeans were at the peak of popularity in the 80s - then they cost much more than classic blue models, and resourceful Soviet fashionistas boiled jeans on their own. Now varenki are becoming relevant again, so the recipe for shrinking jeans with their simultaneous lightening can come in handy.

  • Pour 7 liters of water into the pan and heat until hot. Pour 250 ml of whiteness and bring to a boil. Instead of whiteness, you can use a large amount of powder with a whitening effect, but the result of lightening will not be so spectacular.
  • While the water is heating, take clean, dry jeans (only real denim is suitable for boiling!). Pants are twisted and fixed with elastic bands, clips, clothespins.
  • Jeans are carefully placed in a boiling solution so as not to break the fasteners. The duration of "cooking" is from 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the desired degree of clarification). Jeans must be completely immersed in liquid during boiling.
  • The product is taken out, allowed to cool slightly, the bleach is thoroughly rinsed alternately in warm and cold water.

Note: The patterns on the washers depend on the folding of the jeans before boiling. Vertical stripes are formed when the legs are pulled together with elastic bands; stains are obtained by gently twisting and fixing with a clamp. Thin stripes are the result of particularly tight twisting. And if you pinch clothespins on the legs, you get beautiful "stars".

How to dry jeans so they don't stretch

What can I do to make my jeans fit? It turns out that the final result depends not only on washing, but also on the drying method: it should be carried out so that the pants do not stretch under the weight of moisture. This requirement can be fulfilled in different ways.

1. Drying on a rope. Before hanging the product, it is first carefully squeezed out, but not straightened or pulled out. It is best to do the spin machine at high speed.

2. Drying on a horizontal surface. The wrung out jeans are placed on a terry towel that absorbs moisture well. You may need several towels, which will have to be changed as you get wet.

3. Hot drying. An automatic machine will do an excellent job with this mission if it has a hot-drying function. In the absence of such an opportunity, a hot heating radiator on which jeans are placed will help.

To prevent fading during drying, jeans are turned inside out. If you decide to dry your pants on a radiator, put a clean rag under them - this will help to avoid the possible appearance of yellow stains on the denim.

1. It should be remembered that all methods of reducing the volume of jeans simultaneously contribute to their shortening. It is good if the pants have a margin in length, otherwise they will become scanty. Skinny models in this case take on an extravagant look, while classic or flared ones look ridiculous.

2. Do not machine wash trousers with decorative trim: rhinestones, sequins, lace. All these elements come off easily, and the smallest of them clog the washing machine, as a result of which it may break.

3. Washing in hot water is harmful to mixed fabrics in which the proportion of cotton is less than 70%, and the rest is synthetic. Under the influence of high temperatures, synthetic fibers lose their elasticity, so trousers can become completely shapeless.

4. None of the above shrinkage methods are suitable for stretch jeans and a special type of jeans - Shrink to fit. In the first of the fabrics, the supporting elastane fibers stretch and burst over time - washing cannot interfere with this process. The second fabric shrinks only after the first wash, and subsequent attempts to "compress" it do not give any result.

5. If, despite all the efforts, the jeans have not decreased in size, and it is a pity to part with the thing, it is worth giving it to the studio. The master will seat the trousers along the entire length, removing the required number of centimeters.

In the process of wearing denim pants are often stretched at the knees. In order not to spoil the jeans with regular washing, it is proposed to fix patches of thick cotton fabric on problem areas from the wrong side. They are attached with a sewing machine, making a double line - it looks like a decorative element and holds the lining tightly.

And one more useful tip: it is advisable to have several pairs of jeans in your wardrobe and wear them in turn. Due to this, they will stretch much later, the strength of the fabric and the color saturation will last longer.



Jeans stretched: what to do?

I've always wondered why jeans stretch? It turns out that the reason is simple - it's all about the fabric. Cotton tends to stretch, so it stretches.

When buying, I advise you to choose jeans two sizes smaller. They will stretch over time and will be just right for you.

If the pants are still stretched or, as in my case, you have lost weight, try reducing them in size at home.

How to shrink jeans?

There are many ways to solve the issue. But you need to choose one that does not harm the fabric and color. To do this, read the label.

Method 1. Hot water

The most common and, I think, familiar way to reduce jeans by 1-2 sizes is washing in hot water. If you wash your jeans 90 degrees, they will shrink and you can wear them for a while longer.

And here you can go two ways:

  • manually (with your own hands);
  • in the washing machine.
Illustration Sequencing
Step 1

Put the trousers in the washing machine and add washing powder.

Step 2

Select a wash cycle of 90 °C, or higher.

Step 3

In the spin settings, set the mode to intensive.

After washing at high temperature, the fabric shrinks. I just saved myself from a complete wardrobe change after dieting and training.

Method 2. Boiling

Another method is to boil trousers. Thus, they can be reduced by several sizes:

Illustration Instruction

Step 1

Make a concentrated solution of hot water and powder.

It is not necessary to buy expensive powder, its price in this case does not matter.

Step 2

Soak the jeans in the prepared solution.

Be careful as you can scald your hands in hot water

Step 3

Boil a container of soapy water along with your jeans.

Step 4

Boil for 30 minutes, then let cool. Dry clothes.

After boiling, the jeans will be reduced by one size, and you can continue to wear them.

If jeans have stretched after washing on a delicate cycle, this is due to exposure to powder, cold water and spin. Therefore, I recommend setting the washing temperature 5-10 degrees higher than indicated on the label.

How to dry properly?

What can I do to keep my jeans from stretching? Dry them properly. This will help to fix the effect after washing or boiling.

So, you can resort to one of three drying methods:

  1. Standard drying. When hanging things, you should not turn them on the back side, straighten and stretch. The main thing is to squeeze them well before drying, and then the water will not drain, and stretch the trousers.

  1. Additional fabric. It will absorb moisture from washed clothes. On a flat surface, you should lay out a fabric that absorbs moisture well, and trousers on top. So the pants dry quickly, retain their shape and do not stretch.

  1. An additional function in the machine is “hot drying”.


All methods described above are safe for tissue. There are other ways, but they are not as effective and can ruin the color and quality of things, so I did not talk about them. Watch the video in this article to see the instructions visually. If you have personal experience, share your tips in the comments.

Changes in the female figure are so commonplace in the modern world that many simply do not pay attention to a few extra or missing centimeters in the waist or hips. Often one problem or joy gives rise to another: after losing weight, things become great, and you have to urgently update your wardrobe.

This option is not suitable for everyone for several reasons: lack of time, desire or funds. In order not to throw away your favorite jeans after they have become too big for you, you can simply reduce them using simple procedures.

Experienced fashionistas advise buying jeans a size smaller - they fit nicely, emphasize the figures, after washing they retain their shape better than those bought in size. But it is not always possible to do this, and your favorite trousers after several dressings become great. In order for them to return to their previous shape (sat down), they must be washed correctly. This can be done in two ways: manually or using a washing machine.

  1. Handwash. Whatever the pants, they will shrink a little when washed by hand, but not by much. The reason is simple - the temperature of the water. When hand washing, it is impossible to use hot water, boiling water. If you do this, you can burn your hands. Therefore, experts recommend using machine wash for those who want to shrink their denim pants.
  2. Machine wash. The perfect solution for those who want to make their trousers tight. It doesn't take much effort to wash them in the washing machine. It is enough to load the laundry into the drum, pour washing powder (preferably gel-like) into a special compartment, select the desired mode, namely, washing at 90 degrees, and start washing.

To shrink jeans, you do not need to add any special detergents. Simply wash them in hot water, wring out thoroughly and dry properly. Many people use an iron for this purpose. Indeed, after washing, you can iron the trousers with a hot iron.

How to weld jeans properly so that they shrink?

Boiling is not only a good way to get stains out of fabric, but also a great method for shrinking denim pants. In order for the procedure to go “five plus”, you need to know exactly what and why to do during boiling.

  1. Take a bucket or deep pan with a capacity of at least 10 liters (trousers usually take up a lot of space in the container).
  2. Stir the washing powder with water (cold) in proportions of 1 tbsp. powder per 10 liters of water.
  3. Put the jeans in the solution and put the bucket on the fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes.

Before you cook trousers, you need to take into account the fact that they can change their color, and not completely, but in parts.

Some extreme fashionistas resort to very dangerous and creative methods of shrinking jeans.

One of them is bathing in hot water. They do it like this. They fill the bath with hot water, then put on their trousers and sit in the bathroom.

Not everyone can sit in hot water for even a few seconds, so everyone chooses the time for extreme swimming “for themselves”. Then you can and should do this: get out of the bathroom and sit in a sunny place until the trousers are completely dry.

If you dry your jeans properly, you can not only reduce them, but also keep their shape for a long time. There is :

  1. After machine washing, put the pants on the fabric and wait until they dry. Only this option is suitable in the winter season or in summer, when the air in the house (or other place where drying is planned) is very dry.
  2. Hang washed and carefully wrung out trousers on a clothesline only so that they are not pulled out.
  3. Radiator. A good way, but only in cases where the batteries are clean and with uniform ribs. If the radiator has a complex structure with multiple bulges and recesses, then the jeans are also deformed.
  4. Machine drying. The option does not require unnecessary comments and notes, you just need to select drying in the washing machine menu after washing and wait for the result.

Jeans will only shrink if they have been artificially dried. In the air, moisture will simply evaporate from them, but the size will remain the same.

How to seat a certain area of ​​jeans (on the buttocks, in the hips, on the knees)?

Thin knees, voluminous buttocks, rounded hips - this is not the whole list of flaws in the female figure that ladies are constantly struggling with.

All these features put their direct imprint on the trousers, which eventually lose their shape, stretch in certain places.

So that they sit down on the figure, like a glove, even after the 30th dressing, you can apply the following actions:

  • stir the laundry conditioner with water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle;
  • spray the composition on those parts of the trousers that have stretched out;
  • put the thing in the washing machine and turn on the most powerful drying mode (with a maximum temperature of 90-95 degrees).

Advice! After such manipulations, the trousers should sit on the figure. If this does not happen, then you need to repeat the procedure.

How not to ruin your jeans?

Reducing or stretching jeans is simple, but in order for the deformation process to go without unpleasant embarrassment, several nuances must be taken into account.

  • Material. At home, it is realistic to shrink only jeans made from high-quality natural fibers (at least 70 percent cotton in the composition). If your favorite trousers are made of fully synthetic fabric, then during washing they can not only decrease, but also become very deformed.
  • Length. Everyone remembers the decrease in the volume of trousers, but few people take into account the fact that jeans can change their length, or rather, be shortened by several centimeters.
  • Dressing frequency. In order not to wash your trousers too often, do not wear them every day, but let them "break".

Jeans are one piece of clothing that is simply impossible not to love. Judge for yourself: they are practical, comfortable, appropriate in any situation, perfectly combined with other things, hide figure flaws and outline its advantages. The only drawback of such clothes is that you want to wear it as often as possible, because of which it stretches and loses its original shape. After wearing it a couple of times, you begin to notice changes in the fit, the degree of tightness and the width of the legs.

In principle, even the highest quality denim tends to stretch, and this is a completely normal phenomenon for all cotton fabrics.

Because of this, when buying new trousers made of such material, it is worth choosing a model that is one size smaller than your usual one.

And then in just a few weeks, jeans socks will become the perfect item for your everyday wardrobe.

How to downsize jeans?

If trouble still happened to you, and the trousers became a little too big, do not rush to give them to a more complete friend. Especially when it comes to a brand new or expensive thing, in which you are satisfied with everything except the new size.

To make it a little smaller, you can do the following:

Before washing and then sewing in jeans by hand, you should know that only thin denim lends itself to sewing alteration. Depending on the site of the stretch, the tactics of reducing the size with a needle and scissors will be different.

For example, if the trousers have become large in the pope, then the inguinal seam is subject to reduction, in the hips - the side seams are cut, along the entire length of the legs - the step line changes completely.

Be that as it may, after you have had to wash your jeans in the washing machine to no avail, do not rush to cut the fabric left for allowances.

Only after the final fitting, make new and strong seams, getting rid of excess material. Remember that altered black or denim dress pants can completely change the style, changing the degree of fit and their original shape.

Before washing stretched black jeans, consider the following points:

  • The thing will decrease not only in volume, but also in its length;
  • You can wash almost in boiling water those things that contain at least 70% natural cotton. Lycra and other synthetic fibers behave completely unpredictably, and you should not apply the above tips on how to wash jeans in order to reduce their size;
  • Remember that "loose" denim, with numerous effects of wear and tear, stretches much faster than a dense and elastic fabric.

You don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite piece of clothing if it has become too big in the hips or sags on the pope. Try all possible ways to reincarnate them, and if nothing worked out, don't be discouraged.

Loose denim is all the rage these days, and if you don't like them, stretched old trousers are a great excuse to go shopping!

Secrets for ladies

Ways to reduce jeans in size are altering and washing.

Jeans bought without trying on or not worn for a long time can be large - they can be sold or worn with a tight belt. However, if the jeans do not even hold on to the belt, you can try to reduce the size of the trousers.

Denim is a dense, heavy fabric that is difficult to process. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the successful result of the alteration of jeans, it is better to take them to a sewing studio for adjustment to size. At the same time, if you have experience working with clothes, you can try to fit the jeans according to the figure yourself.

In order to reduce jeans in size by washing, you need:

  • Put jeans in the washing machine.
  • Run a wash cycle at 95 degrees.
  • Watch the machine until rinsing starts.
  • Stop the washing machine and take out the jeans.
  • Wring out trousers, shake and wash again in the machine without detergents at high temperature.
  • Get jeans, dry on a hot battery.

You can also wash your jeans so that they sit down by hand. For this you need:

  • To boil water.
  • Pour boiling water into a plastic basin, fill another container with cold water.
  • Dip the jeans in boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take out and put in cold water.
  • Wring out jeans and dry with hot air.

The effect of this method of adjusting the size of jeans lasts no more than a few weeks, then the jeans can stretch again.

We insert wide elastic bands or tight knitwear into the pockets. This method is also good for those who want to increase the waist of their jeans.

The surest way to downsize jeans is to sew them in. This can be done only if you have a sewing machine with a thick needle that can sew thick denim with high quality. If the jeans are large in the hips and along the entire length of the leg, you need:

  • Mark with tailor's chalk the width to which the jeans are supposed to be narrowed.
  • Overcast the narrowing points in one thread.
  • Undermine the native line in the places of overcasting.
  • Overcast the narrowing points by creating a new seam.
  • Dissolve native line.
  • Sew overcast areas with double stitching along the seam.

Threads for stitching jeans should be exactly the same color as on all seams.

If you want to reduce jeans in the waist area, this can be done using darts. For this you need:

  • Rip off the back strap.
  • Cut the waistband of your jeans down the middle.
  • Make the same darts on both sides of the belt.
  • Remove the required excess fabric into the darts.
  • Sew the belt back and stitch it to the jeans.
  • Sew on a loop.

The best result can be achieved by sewing in jeans made of thin fabric, since dense denim is less easy to sew.

If you have purchased jeans in the evening, when the body is a little swollen, and in the morning they found that they are a little too big, then you should not despair. Large in size jeans it is allowed to slightly reduce, but with small things, unfortunately, nothing more can be done. In order to adjust the size, you can choose the method that suits you best.

1. Denim shrinks when washed in hot water. Pour boiling water into a large basin and lower jeans for 10-15 minutes, do not add powder, on the contrary, the color of the material will fade. Bye jeans soak in boiling water, prepare a container with cold water. Quickly remove the pants from the boiling water and place in cold water for a few minutes. Then wring out the thing and dry it. Usually the material is wrinkled tightly, and in order to iron denim without special efforts, turn on the “steam” function on the iron. You can try on jeans and evaluate the result, the main thing is not to overdo it, on the contrary, you will primitively not be able to put on a thing.

But even good jeans have the quality to stretch later socks. Men are advised to purchase jeans in their own size, but for long socks, women need to choose them 1-2 sizes smaller. But do not overdo it: too tight jeans create pressure on the internal organs, which slows down the process of blood circulation and can later lead to various diseases.

1. Therefore choose jeans, before everyone, comfortable, and if they stretch and you don’t want to part with them, follow a number of tips: Wash jeans in the washing machine and then tumble dry. Typical jeans will definitely shrink. If there is no burning drying, then rinse them with cold water after washing and, without twisting or squeezing, hang them in a vertical position. The main slogan of jeans: frequent washing is the key to a cool look;

In the wardrobe of every person, from a millionaire to a simple employee, it is allowed to find at least one pair of jeans. The main trump card of jeans - pragmatism and wearing comfort - has become decisive when choosing them by millions and millions of men and women around the world.

Tip 3: How to make jeans one size smaller

Occasionally it happens that losing weight turns into some snags with the wardrobe. Let's say you had loved ones jeans. And suddenly they got big. However, if you have lost weight the size, then there is nothing terrible in this. It is allowed to enjoy slender forms further, tea has several methods that can save your favorite thing.

1. 1st and easiest - wash jeans in burning water. To do this, put them in the washing machine, set the temperature to 95 degrees. Later, after the wash cycle is completed, stop it (before cold rinse water flows into the machine again), and start it again, but already without powder and any detergents. Dry later washing jeans either at the maximum temperature in the drum of the machine, or on a burning battery or in the steam room of the sauna.

With the help of these simple methods, you can save a decent amount of money. And the main thing is to reanimate your favorite things!

Do not rush to cut jeans in size, only if you recently purchased them. Over time, they can shrink without the use of additional methods.

Tight, narrow-waisted denim pants look great, as does the figure of the person wearing them, but over time they stretch, and the owner (or owner) of a fashionable “outfit” has a problem: how to make jeans sit down? In most cases, it is quite solvable, since it is much easier to make less out of more than vice versa.

Cotton thread tends to stretch, and therefore, this is not alien to products made from it. The degree of stretch in the process of wearing a thing depends on the type of fabric from which it is made.

It is known that such a favorite youth clothing as jeans, suitable for all occasions, is sewn from various types of dense and coarse cotton fabric:

  • Denim is the most popular denim. The rough-textured "jeans" are painted in the traditional blue color only on the front side, the reverse side is always white.
  • broken twill is another common type, which is characterized by a special pattern: weaving threads in the form of a herringbone.
  • eykru - it is generally not customary to dye it, due to which the products have the color of natural cotton.
  • gin is the lowest quality of all those listed, so trousers made from it cannot be considered worthy of the attention of those who are used to dressing in the latest fashion.

In addition, there is another variety: things made of stretch fabric, which is cotton with elastin fibers. They are preferred by teenagers and young people with ideal anatomical data, which are emphasized by "stretches".

Fashion dictates that any jeans should be snug, but even when new pants are fitted to the standard and fitted exactly to the figure, the more often and longer they are worn, the more stretched they become. Therefore, when making a purchase, you should choose jeans that are a size smaller than your own. Are the jeans tight at the waist? Don't worry - it won't be long.

If during the fitting it turns out, by pulling in the stomach, shrinking at the waist and fastening the “zipper”, you can safely include a new thing in your wardrobe. After a couple of weeks, she will sit like a glove. At the same time, it is likely that a thing bought exactly in size will become more spacious after the same period. On the other hand, everything is good in moderation: when it is difficult to breathe in jeans, while they take the required volume, serious harm will be done to health.

And yet, what to do if the jeans are stretched, turned out to be large and no longer meet the requirements - give one of your friends / relatives a “bigger” gift, get better yourself, give it to a sewing workshop so that they become smaller, or try to cope with the problem in at home? The information below will help those who choose the extreme option.

Is it possible to help your favorite and expensive pants return to their original position and make them sit down and become as small as on the first day after purchase?

There are several options for how to reduce jeans in size:

  1. Washing is the most affordable and common way to reduce the size of jeans, narrowing them both from the bottom - at the calves and knees, and from the top - at the waist and hips. It is known that 100% cotton shrinks after washing, and the thing from it becomes tighter. The shrinkage of jeans by stretching is based on this effect.

How to wash jeans - by hand or in a washing machine? Both methods will be effective, but when hand washed, the trousers do not sit down for a long time - it soon turns out that the jeans have stretched again. The machine method provides high water temperature - up to 90 degrees Celsius, which will not only help reduce jeans by size, but also significantly extend the period during which the washed pants retain their shape.

  1. Another possible option for how to wash jeans so that they sit down is boiling. What should I do to fit oversized trousers? The technology is simple and known since the time of our great-grandmothers, who used it to bleach bed linen. A voluminous saucepan or a large bucket with a lid specially designed for this purpose, which is called boiled water, is filled with water and a concentrated detergent solution is made. Then they put a thing in it (the water should completely cover the product) and bring the solution to a boil. For half an hour of such processing, the pants decrease both at the bottom and at the top.
  2. What else can be done to make jeans fit to size? If you have stretched jeans and you want them to shrink and not stretch too quickly, washing them is not enough - a lot of the solution to the problem of how to make jeans tighter depends on proper drying. Pants will sit from top to bottom if, after push-ups, without straightening the fabric, hang the product on a rope near a source of hot air. The rapid evaporation of the remaining moisture will help to reduce its parameters and help to sit down to the desired size.

Sometimes it also happens that the measures turn out to be drastic, and we shrink clothes even more than necessary. It doesn't matter - we put it on, we wear it, we stretch it and we get the desired volume.

  1. When none of the ways to reduce jeans led to the desired result and it did not work to fit the pants, there is only one thing left - to sew them in. Someone may say: “I don’t need a tailor, I’ll reduce the size myself” - well, as they say, go ahead with the song.

But if you are not confident in yourself, take your time and think about whether it would be better to give an expensive thing in every sense into the hands of a professional.

All of the above ways to return an attractive appearance to clothes that have lost their shape seem quite simple and affordable, but for those who decide to resort to them, it is important to be aware of some subtleties, without which you can not only not correct, but, on the contrary, hopelessly ruin the situation.

So attention:

  1. By washing, boiling and wringing, we contribute to shrinkage not only in the horizontal, but also in the vertical direction. If it is important to maintain a certain length of the trousers, you should not subject the trousers to such manipulations. Otherwise, you will have to give them to your younger brother or sister.
  2. Washing in hot water can only be done from 100% cotton, or in the case when its content in the fabric is at least 70 percent. Synthetic fibers with strong heat can be deformed and, if there are a lot of them, pull the entire fabric along with them.
  3. In order not to bring the pants to a state of "deep stretching", you should not wear them without taking them off. If you really like denim style - buy yourself a few of these trousers and wear them in turn.

And when you realize that it's time to part with your favorite clothes - don't be discouraged: after all, it's so nice to have a reason to go shopping sometimes, choosing a new thing.
