What is a boomerang in life. Is there a boomerang law in life and how does this rule work?

Interesting and vital facts about the boomerang effect. We are armed.

It would seem, what does the formidable weapon of the natives have to do with psychology?

As it turned out, the most direct!

Today, this phrase has two meanings: experts in the field of propaganda and educational psychology interpret it differently than ordinary people understand.

What is " boomerang law”in the understanding of various experts, whether it really exists and what to do so that only good things come back to you - the topic of today's article!

Boomerang effect: terminology of psychologists, political scientists, teachers

In the specialized literature, this phrase is interpreted as the effect that any information produces on a person or a group of people. Moreover, this effect is generally opposite to the expected one.

Very often this happens because the disseminated information:

  • outdated and not keeping up with the times;
  • untruthful;
  • comes from a source that is not trusted and disliked by the audience.

We see this very often during elections.

For example, such a quantity of black PR begins to pour out on some candidate that voters, instead of hating him, begin to sympathize and sympathize with him.

boomerang effect often used by PR stars to draw attention to their client and return the love of the public.

Here, for example, is the latest Russian scandal with intimate photos and videos of Natasha Koroleva.

The notorious State Duma deputy Milonov, a well-known fighter against gays and depravity, proposed to deprive the star of the title.

The public, for the most part, instead of being indignant, sided with the artist.

And if you consider that knowledgeable people believe that the Queen posted this video and photo on the network herself in order to warm up the fading attention of the public, it becomes clear that she achieved what she wanted.

Boomerang law: how do ordinary people understand it?

The fact that our ancestors were well aware of such a phenomenon even before psychologists undertook to study it is evidenced by the proverbs: “What you sow, you will reap”, “As it comes around, it will respond”, “As you harness, so you will go " etc.

Much attention was paid to the way of life, words and even thoughts.

The boomerang principle was also cultivated by priests, because at that time the church played an important role in people's lives. They urged people to lead a righteous life, not to sin, and then they will be rewarded, if not in this, then in the next life.

... it is true that the priests themselves were often far from a righteous way of life, but that is a completely different story. 😉

“Everything made by a man returns to him!”
boomerang law.

Until now, you can find an explanation: “This is a misfortune that moved the family because their grandmother cursed the whole village or did some nasty things to neighbors there, or took her husband away from the family, etc.”

Of course, often misfortunes happen either through our fault, or because life without problems is simply impossible, but the boomerang principle cannot be discounted in any case!

How did my former boss come to believe in the boomerang principle?

After university, I worked for the same organization for a couple of years.

My boss was, in general, not a very bad woman, and a good specialist, but she was terribly fond of getting everything for free.

Plus, she did not hesitate to deceive or break someone if she could benefit from such an act.

Sometimes it seemed that she did not understand why there were some repair shops, construction teams and other organizations, if you can always ask someone you know to help a weak and defenseless woman.

She lived very well with such a lifestyle, because she herself convinced herself that there were no higher powers, that there was no need to even answer to her conscience, but with such nonsense as the boomerang effect - this is not for her, because she nothing terrible and criminal does not.

So, on trifles, because everyone lives like that.

But it must have seemed to someone at the top that there were too many little things accumulated.

Having taken a loan from a bank, she was sure that she could, as always, somehow swindle with him, but she did not calculate the balance of her forces and her opponent.

It all ended in failure: she lost her collateral - left by her parents.

After this incident, I no longer heard from her reflections on the topic: “I do what I want, and nothing will happen to me for it.”

I hope that she changed her usual way of life.

How not to become a victim of the boomerang law?

One of my favorite life mottos is: "Do to people the way you want them to do to you." Moreover, I am sure that this wisdom concerns not only actions, but also our words, thoughts, habits.

I have formed for you some life tips that will help you get only the good out of life, and will not allow you to learn the sad experience from the boomerang effect:

    Don't gossip.

    Even if you don’t invent anything, but retell to other people the bad deed of one of your mutual acquaintances, this negativity will certainly leave its mark on you.

    Washing someone's bones today, be prepared for the fact that tomorrow you will become the object of gossip.

    Never wish harm to another person, even mentally.

    Even if he is guilty before you, seek justice by legal means and believe that higher powers will punish him, but do not curse and do not send all Egyptian executions on his head.

    Part of the curses will return to you.

    Don't harm people.

    Even if you get a huge benefit, even if everyone around you does it, even if it seems to you that there is no other way you can find out.

    Tears shed by someone through your fault will fly back.

    Don't envy.

    Someone has achieved success today, but if you put in due diligence, then you will achieve what you want tomorrow.

    Jealous and angry, you will not achieve anything, just denigrate your soul.

    And the black soul attracts negativity and troubles from all over the Universe.

    Do as many good deeds as you can every day.

    Even the most insignificant, at first glance, kindness will definitely return to you.

    And imagine how much happiness you will see on the horizon if you bestow good on many people.

It's funny, but there is some truth in it! 🙂

And the last tip - always be in a good mood and think positively.

Every given smile, kind word, courtesy markers (thank you please) will definitely come back to you boomerang law.

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Hello dear readers of my blog! Have you heard that everything in life comes back like a boomerang? Do you know how rich folk wisdom is on this topic? For example, “What you sow, you will reap”, “As it comes around, it will respond”, “Do not spit in the well, otherwise you will have to drink water from it” ... And they are all for a reason, because there is this boomerang law. If only because the entire Universe consists of laws that operate continuously and which we cannot influence.

Features and general information

Both ancient thinkers and modern scientists were interested in this topic, and even psychology and religion did not bypass this issue. No one has exactly been able to unravel the secret of this law, but one thing is clear - it has no time limits. That is, if you have done something unforgivable in relation to another person, you should not expect retribution immediately. Sometimes it happens that misconduct affects even the descendants, who are passed on not only the knowledge accumulated by the family, but also sins, because there is a connection between generations.

Another feature is that the return reaction does not come from the person to whom you did good or evil. It also has the ability to expand. A very important principle that some people miss is that the boomerang even works on our thoughts. Yes, yes, remember, I said that thoughts are material (), energetically charged and equated with actions?

That is, if you thought very badly about someone and mentally wished the worst, this already symbolizes action. The universe will hear the message, only now the charged energy will return to its owner. Even if you helped another person, but at that moment you didn’t want it at all, then the negative that you experienced at that moment will return. Therefore, it is important to defend your boundaries, and gently say “no” to others if you really don’t want to do something. Do not commit violence against yourself and at the same time receive punishment.

The law has its own formula, which looks like this

  • All the good things you do will come back to you threefold;
  • Everything bad that you do will come back to you tenfold.

Such a big difference because to motivate a person to do good deeds, for which he will receive encouragement.

There are times when a person follows this principle, tries to think positively and does not harm others, but in life, something is still not the way we would like. Then, of course, the easiest way is to question the probability of the work of the Universe and wonder if this law really exists? I have an answer to this question. The fact is that if we expect a benefit, the opposite situation will happen. Is it possible to call an altruist a person who helped the destitute, and is waiting for the recognition of others, or even demands it, accusing him of heartlessness?

The most important rule is to think positively, learn to notice the good in your life, because happiness is made up of small grains of joy. Be grateful for every day you live, appreciate what you have, it is necessary first of all for you. If the style of thinking begins to change to a positive one, you will be in a good mood, then there will be no desire to do dirty tricks to another, and, accordingly, encouragement will arrive. The Universe loves those who know how to appreciate and enjoy life, giving warmth to others.


Do good every day, even a smile sometimes works wonders, because it is a powerful support. Directly set a rule for yourself, every day to do something good and pleasant, not only for yourself, but also for others. Then the world will give you back in time, as they say. And before going to bed, remember how productive the day was.


Envy is a motivating feeling when there is a desire to possess something that another has. It moves us to action, we can say that envy develops us. This is only when a person understands that it is necessary to make efforts to achieve the same result, and is ready for activity. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that for some reason it is easier to get angry at another. Then envy destroys, and not only because you have to keep in yourself feelings of anger, irritation, and maybe resentment of fate, but also because all this energy will then come back. There is only one way out - work on yourself, if you want to - move towards your dream, act, rise with every fall, and over time you will come to your dream.


Don't take revenge if you've been hurt. Believe me, holding resentment and anger will only harm your body, there is a risk of getting diseases such as ulcers, headaches, tooth decay, heart problems, and more. If the truth is on your side, over time, the Universe itself will punish the offender. You only need to find a safe way to release negative energy, for example, creativity or sports can help. Then it will be easier to forgive and let go of the situation in order to live on without carrying an unnecessary burden in the form of an image of an offending person.


Give up the habit of gossip about others, focus on your life. After all, if you are more interested in discussing the misdeeds of others than thinking about your mistakes and how to correct them, then what kind of attraction of success can we talk about? Boomerang will not keep you waiting in this case.


That's all, dear readers! In fact, everything is very simple, you know the expression: "Do to others as you want them to do to you"? Love, help others, recognize their importance and notice even small achievements, and you will feel how the quality of your life will improve. Let the boomerang effect be present only in the form of creation, filling you with joy and happiness! Subscribe to my blog to keep abreast of new interesting topics about self-development.

The psychology of communication says the following - we receive from other people what we give to others. If you carefully observe, you will notice that this connection is quite transparent. It is called the boomerang effect. Many have heard about him, but not everyone believes that he really exists.

Relationship psychology: what is the essence of the law?

A boomerang is a weapon that always returns after being thrown. The recurrence of human actions is called the boomerang law. If he throws something into the world around him, then it will definitely return to him. The main condition is time delay. When the “return” will occur, no one knows.

Every day we all throw hundreds of "boomerangs" - these are phrases, thoughts, actions and emotions. But the psychology of this effect is that one day lived in the negative can cost us dearly. Thoughtless "hot" words and desires have great power. Therefore, you must always control not only your behavior, but also your thoughts.

If a person does something bad, he must understand that sooner or later he will attract the like, his personality psychology will change. The situation may be completely different, the circumstances do not have to be identical. But the one who acted dishonestly will face injustice - the boomerang law always works.

This effect also works for words. The psychology of relationships is that everything you say will turn against you if there was malicious intent. The word has a very strong energy, so it often materializes. Visualization plays a big role. When you say something unkind, images arise in your subconscious mind. Therefore, everything said in the heat of the moment will return with the same potential, and sometimes many times stronger - such is the psychology of the boomerang law.

This is because the "answer" comes through time. This gap can be so large that a person already forgets what he did once. No one can name the exact date, but this is not a reason to overstep moral standards.

At first glance, it is quite difficult to trace the pattern, because there is no mathematical accuracy. The universe is playing a game that has one rule. You get what you give. Man cannot change this cycle.

Psychology of law: how to use the boomerang effect to your advantage?

Even the most cynical person at least once in his life thought about this question. The psychology of personality is such that a person is ready to do good deeds for a reward. Gave a positive - received a benefit. But not everything is so simple. Good must be done sincerely, with soul - then the Universe will thank you.

Try to analyze your life, your own psychology of relationships. Analyze each event bit by bit, try to understand why it arose. In the course of analysis, you will understand that the more good you did, the more generous the Universe was to you.

The negative destroys the life and health of the person from whom it comes, his personality psychology changes. When people pretend to be good, but they do not have sincere thoughts, their actions cannot be called good. Observe the circumstances and try to understand how the law works in your life.

If fate has given you few generous gifts, try to understand why this is happening. Perhaps you did not give someone love or affection, so you yourself do not receive warmth and tenderness? If you do not have money, try to remember, maybe you once took someone else's? Such an analysis will help you put your life on the shelves, but do not forget that the connection may be hidden.

The advice of the best doctors in the field of psychology comes down to one thing - what you want to get yourself, then give it to people. If you do at least one good deed every day, then the result will surely come. The psychology of relationships is that when a person radiates goodness, it always returns to him.

In order not to become a victim of a boomerang, you need to follow the main rules. They will help you "appease" the Universe and avoid the blows of fate.

Don't gossip or judge other people. You do not know what motivated their actions, what their psychology is and what circumstances forced them to act in a certain way.

Even mentally do not wish evil to others - this will also affect your state of health. If they are guilty before you, then the boomerang law will surely touch them. When you call trouble on a person, some of the curses will return to you.

Don't harm others. The tears that someone will cry because of you will be shed to you in time. The psychology of personality is such that it is natural for a person to experience a feeling of envy. But being angry, you will not succeed, but only denigrate your soul and attract negativity.

When you send anger, resentment, bad thoughts into the Universe, then expect a retaliatory blow. A boomerang can arrive on the same day or after decades - you should not relax. And for good deeds and kindness, you will be rewarded with spiritual or material benefits - such is the psychology of relationships.

They say our lives are unpredictable , however, it is worth taking the time to observe the situations, as you understand: everything in it is interconnected. Although sometimes this connection is very transparent, it is not so easy to notice, sometimes, you just have to look closely - everything is in full view. This fact is especially well traced in the so-called boomerang effect. Many have probably heard about him, but few people take him seriously.

What is the boomerang effect?

What is a boomerang, perhaps everyone knows. This is a throwing weapon that has the property of returning after flying a certain distance. Interestingly, the same effect manifests itself in our lives constantly in our actions, thoughts and emotions. This is told to us, albeit a little allegorically, by old sayings, the same "what you sow, you will reap", as well as some passages from the Bible. These phrases made their way into our lives for a reason: they tell us the right decisions.

What is the boomerang effect? Its essence is that every person throws dozens of such boomerangs every day. These are his words spoken to someone, his actions, his thoughts and emotions. And they will return, and sometimes their return is several times stronger. It is generally accepted that "three times more will return", but this is a rather subjective judgment. But at least what you send to the world in our life it always comes back, but today or in a year it doesn’t matter.

Look here: if you send something joyful, kind to the Universe, you will soon receive something good, whether it be material goods or spiritual ones. If the boomerang you sent is anger, resentment, a bad deed, bad words that hurt the feelings of another person, then expect a retaliatory blow of fate.

How does this law manifest itself?

Imagine: you are walking down the street, and a man fell on the road, slipped and, it seems, injured his leg. Now you can pass by: in general, it is unlikely that something bad will happen to you in life because of this. However, after a while, you too may need help, and then many will refuse. You won’t even be able to connect the situations with each other: after all, a person fell on the road, and, let’s say, your salary was delayed for a month. But in the first case, you indifferently passed by, and in the second, acquaintances indifferently pass by your problem.

If you help a person, then good can be expected from anywhere. It is only important not to get hung up on the expectation of the "reward", the return of the boomerang.

On this subject, one American writer (- Joe Vitale) there is a very interesting story from own life. In general, in his book, he writes that he understood: if you want to receive something, you need to learn how to give it away. And the case is described as follows: in the distant past, he got into a terrible situation when he had no money at all. In the morning he went to the store: those 4 dollars what he managed to scrape together in the house would be enough only for milk and bread. There were no prospects.

In desperation, he went to buy groceries, but at the crossroads he saw an even sadder picture of life: a husband, wife and child, exhausted, stood on the side of the road with a small poster saying that they had no money, no job, no housing (these were difficult times in the country), and they ask for at least some help. The family did not approach anyone, so as not to be imposed.

The author of the book experienced very conflicting feelings. He himself was almost threatened with starvation, but the sight of a poor family with a child shook him to the core: someone in life was even more unlucky. He gave half of my money father of the family, leaving himself only for bread.

Returning home from the store, he noticed something lying on the ground. These were 20 dollars .

The story is very impressive, and it is not fiction. Since then, the author has thought about the law of the boomerang, applies it to his own benefit and teaches it to others.

It is important to understand that the law does not work with mathematical precision. A thief can be killed - it doesn't have to be exactly something stolen from him. The killer can live a long life of up to 100 years, while being poor, rejected and deeply unhappy. One thing is true: if you give good, you get good; if you give evil, you get trouble. And your boomerang can return both immediately and after years. It is important to understand this both when you do good and when you do something bad to someone.

It is also interesting that the "return" will most likely come from another person, under other circumstances. This is a wonderful cycle of the Universe, a wonderful gift of life, and it must be maintained in a good way.

How to use the boomerang effect to your advantage?

Knowing about the existence of such a wonderful law, it is difficult to resist trying. Even if in life you are an indifferent, callous and prudent person, you can do good deeds for the sake of profit: after all, you will get good things back. And if you are a kind and sympathetic person, it will be doubly pleasant to do good to others.

To understand what exactly your actions are missing, analyze own life. What do you lack, in what area do you lack luck? If there is no love, perhaps you did not give it to someone? No money - maybe they took something from someone else? No health - maybe you need to help someone recover? At least morally direct a person to recovery ... The rule sounds something like this: "What you do not receive, you have denied someone." Again, remember that the connection may be hidden.

If it is very easy to formulate Boomerang law, then this is a rule or principle according to which everything that you give is returned to you.

This cosmic law has been well known to people at all times, it is repeatedly reflected in folk proverbs and sayings.

What goes around comes around…

As it comes around - so it will respond ...

What is hello, so is the answer…

Do not dig a hole for another - you will fall into it yourself ...

Moreover, this universal principle works in both directions. As for good - and for evil, as for plus - and for minus, as for creation - and for destruction.

That is, the more good we do in our lives, the more good we “sow” around us, the better, more prosperous and happier our life will be.

And the more bad things we do, the more negativity radiates from us, the stronger the troubles and problems that arise on our life path.

Boomerang law it is also notable for the fact that it works not only in relation to human actions, but also to our thoughts.

On the energy plane, a thought equals an action, therefore, even if you thought badly of someone, it means that you have ALREADY taken a negative action in relation to this person.

By allowing yourself a negative thought, you have ALREADY committed a bad deed, and according to the law of the boomerang, it will return to you in the form of problems, even if you did nothing wrong. If we rephrase the well-known expression about the boomerang rule, we get:

Beware of your thoughts, for they tend to return

It is in relation to our thoughts that the Boomerang Law is consonant with another universal principle of the Universe - the Law of Attraction.

Boomerang Law and Law of Attraction

They have a lot in common, but there are also differences between them.

