Delicate wash is... Designation marks on clothes for washing

Washing symbols on clothing labels are important elements that can be easily found on any wardrobe item. If you want your clothes to last as long as possible without fading or deteriorating, understand what exactly the wash symbols on your clothes mean before you put your items in the washing machine. Despite the fact that most label instructions are simple and intuitive, some washing instructions need to be deciphered in detail. Thanks to this guide, you will be able to understand how certain washing and ironing icons are deciphered.

Where can I see the labels?

Washing labels on wardrobe items take the form of a small square or rectangular fabric tag, on which the necessary information on clothing care is located. Such tags are most often attached to the inside seams, at the collar (in outerwear), or on the side of the seam (in the case of jeans, shorts and pants). To quickly find marks on clothes that need to be washed, turn the item inside out and look at all sides of the seams for the label. If you find a tag but don't know its meaning, simply view it below.

Before you start decoding, remember that the shape of the characters determines whether they belong to a particular operation. Thus, washing symbols on clothes look like a basin of water, and other important symbols are classified into several types:

  • Whitening is a triangle.
  • Drying - square.
  • Dry cleaning - circle.
  • Ironing - iron.

It should be remembered that different manufacturers of items may use different wash instructions on clothes, the explanation of which is given later in the manual. For this reason, do not be alarmed if you see washing symbols that are unfamiliar to you - deciphering their meanings will not take you much time, since their appearance is usually intuitive. Remember that crossed out washing icons (in any case) indicate that such an operation is prohibited to avoid damage to the product. For example, a crossed out bowl of water prohibits washing the product not only in a washing machine, but in general - you will have to limit yourself to cleaning. So, what other washable clothing icons can you come across on things?

Understanding what the signs on a clothing care label mean is not that difficult:

  • Number inside the sign. Reflects the optimal temperature that must be set in the washing machine settings in order to avoid damaging the item in the process. Sometimes the temperature is indicated not by numbers, but by dots. One - 30 degrees, two - 40, three - 60.
  • One bottom line. Washing signs may contain one or two parallel lines below the designation. One line indicates that the item must be washed in delicate conditions. In this case, the machine drum must be loaded no more than two-thirds, and the force and speed of rotation must be reduced. The spin should also be gentle.
  • Two bottom lines. Washing marks with two parallel lines at the bottom indicate the need to wash the item in particularly delicate conditions. The washing machine load should not exceed one third of the maximum. Spinning is done either in gentle mode or manually without twisting. Sometimes it's better to do without spinning. There are also symbols on clothes for washing, the interpretation of which indicates that spinning is prohibited. They look like a crossed out twisted cord.

Remember that if the symbols on clothes for washing contain a square sign inside a circle, using the washing machine for such items is strictly contraindicated. If a hand is drawn inside the basin, the product should only be washed by hand and carefully.

How to wash certain fabrics?

Sometimes the signs on clothes for washing (the explanation of which is given above) cannot provide complete information about care. If you want to know how to properly wash certain fabrics without harming them, the following table for washing clothes will help you figure it out:

Type of fabric Directions
Wool If possible, resort to hand washing, or use a washing machine if it has a mode for wool at a temperature of 30 degrees. The spin force should be weak; woolen items are dried on a towel.
Silk A capricious fabric that requires careful treatment, washing at low temperatures and separately from linen made from other fabrics.
Cotton An unpretentious fabric that can be washed at any temperature and spin strength. However, a more careful attitude will prevent shrinkage of the material.

It is worth mentioning various synthetic materials. They must be machine washed at 40 degrees. Synthetics cannot be ironed as they are prone to melting. Carefully select washing modes, the designations of which are often indicated on the labels.

The symbols associated with drying are quite similar to the washing symbols on clothing. As already mentioned, drying marks look like a square. If there is a horizontal stripe inside, such a product can only be dried in a horizontal position. Three vertical stripes have the opposite meaning, indicating the need to dry clothes and linen only vertically. A square with a semi-arc at the top is very easy to decipher - drying on a clothesline.

Just like wash symbols on clothes, dry symbols can indicate temperature. One dot indicates the need to dry at low temperature, two at medium and three at high. If a crossed-out rope is visible on the label, the garment should not be wringed after washing.

Ironing and bleaching – what you need to know?

Ironing rules are as easy to understand as the meaning of laundry labels on clothes, since they were created using the same rules. An iron with one point allows you to iron the product at a temperature of 100 degrees, with two - 150, with three - 200 degrees Celsius. A crossed out iron indicates that ironing the product with an iron is strictly prohibited, otherwise the fabric will be damaged. Look carefully at the washing symbols, the interpretation of which indicates that ironing is prohibited - if you ignore the recommendation on the label, you may irrevocably damage the product.

Regarding bleaching, everything is quite simple - a regular triangle indicates the bleaching resolution. If there is a chlorine (Cl) symbol inside, the product can be bleached with chlorine bleaches. Is the chlorine sign crossed out? This means that chlorine-containing products cannot be used. As you can see, it is quite easy to read washing signs on clothes, which are simple to decipher.

Dry cleaning rules

If you already know what the signs on clothes for washing mean, then it will be easy for you to understand the conditions of dry cleaning. Cleaning symbols look like a circle with letters:

  • A – dry cleaning of the product using any solvent.
  • P – cleaning clothes using hydrocarbons and ethylene chloride.
  • F – dry cleaning, which uses either hydrocarbons or trifluorotrichloromethane.

Accordingly, the crossed out circle indicates a ban on the use of dry cleaning of items.

Expensive, prestigious items made from natural materials require proper washing so that their owner feels comfortable and respectable. For these purposes, textile manufacturers place wash labels on clothing labels.

The symbols represent schematic instructions providing guidance on the individual care of the garment. It differs in the quality of the fabric, so it cannot be subjected to the same treatment.

Compliance with the rules of textile care significantly extends its service life, preventing premature aging and wear. The meaning and symbols are established by the international standard ISO 3758: 2012. They clearly and clearly show what is acceptable for the product, and what absolutely cannot be done, so as not to spoil the thing.

Therefore, every housewife should know the washing instructions on clothing labels in order to take an individual approach to any wardrobe item and home textiles when caring for them.

Symbols of the basic sign system

There is a unified system of signs that includes all types of care. It's called basic. It includes signs symbolizing the basic procedures carried out during the care of clothing made from different types of textiles. It presents the following picture:

Before washing the product, you must carefully study the symbol on the label, because the mode of operation also has its own designation.

Symbols of normal washing in various modes

For instructions on the individual characteristics of washing products, there are the following symbols on the basic signs:

The strikethrough sign indicates that washing is prohibited.

If the basic sign is without additional marks, then washing is allowed. Do not try to pack items into the machine too tightly: the lower the density of the laundry, the better the result.

Cotton and linen items may have the number 95 on the base mark, indicating that washing can be done at a high temperature. It can be carried out by boiling without special care.

This label applies to colored items made from polyester and fine cotton. The specified temperature is permissible for them. Higher levels destroy color fastness.

Temperature 30 is suitable for wool products in the main washing mode in a washing machine. Neutral types of detergents are used for it.

Hand washing, indicated by this symbol, is carried out at a water temperature of no more than 30-40 degrees. Mechanical impact on them is prohibited: it is not recommended to squeeze, rub or impact them in any other way. But baking soda and lemon juice will help remove yellowness.

With delicate (gentle washing) mechanical processing of products is excluded.

This sign is an indicator of a particularly delicate wash. It uses a large volume of water, there is no mechanical processing, and rinsing is carried out very quickly.

Requirements for delicate washing

Delicate wash

Having discovered a basic sign with one line on a clothing label, we adhere to the rules of gentle or delicate washing, which boils down to the following:

  1. The drum can only be filled to 2/3 of the maximum load.
  2. The drum should rotate more slowly.
  3. Gently spin by hand or reduce the speed to medium.

Extra delicate wash

The conditions will be different if the symbol indicates a particularly delicate wash:

  1. In this case, the drum can only be filled with laundry to 1/3 of the maximum load.
  2. The drum rotation speed must also be reduced.
  3. Particular care must be taken when spinning. The drum speed should be reduced to a minimum. When manually spinning, do not allow the laundry to twist. If there are conditions for drying, it is better to refuse spinning.

Rules for bleaching products

Bleaching is regulated by a certain system of signs on clothes for washing. These marks must be treated with extreme caution, as improper bleaching can lead to fabric deterioration and the failure of quality clothing. Having seen the following symbols, you must strictly follow the rules contained in them:

The strike-through symbol indicates that bleaching of this product is prohibited.

The basic sign without additional marks indicates permission for the bleaching procedure using any oxidizing agents.

If there are two lines in the triangle parallel to one of the lateral sides, bleaching is carried out with the introduction of restrictions on products containing chlorine. There is no prohibition for oxygen-containing bleaches.

Bleaching with chlorine-containing products is allowed if there is a chemical symbol for chlorine inside the triangle.

Symbols for types of drying products

The safety of clothes and their attractive appearance are preserved not only by proper washing. There are various types of drying clothes that allow you to keep them in good condition for a long time. If there are no marks on the clothing labels, then you can dry it in any of two ways:

  • natural;
  • machine

If the product has a label, you should study it carefully. The system of signs will help you understand the rules of drying.

Signs indicating natural drying

Basic signs with additional instructions explain the rules for natural drying:

A crossed out sign indicates that drying is prohibited.

The basic sign without additional symbols indicates drying permission.

The product must be dried vertically if there is one vertical stripe in the square.

Drying of products that are preferably not wrung out and dried in a vertical position will be indicated by two vertical parallel lines.

Products that need to be dried on a horizontal flat surface in a straightened form will have a label with one horizontal line.

Drying without spinning in a straightened form on a flat horizontal plane will be indicated by two parallel lines in the base sign.

Attention! If on a sign indicating any type of natural drying in the upper left corner you see a line drawn obliquely, the product should be dried only in the shade.

How to Read Tumble Drying Signs

Machine drying has its own specifics and its own symbols:

Icons on clothing in the form of a crossed out circle indicate a ban on drying items in drum washing machines.

The basic sign without additions indicates permission to dry products in machines.

One dot in the circle is an indicator of delicate drying in a machine with a drum. The temperature must be reduced to sixty degrees, the load reduced, and the cycle made longer.

Regular washing at 80 degrees is allowed if the symbol indicates two dots in a circle.

This sign indicates that spinning and twisting are prohibited.

Deciphering the pictograms will help you better understand the rules for caring for products if, in addition to proper washing and drying of clothes, its owner pays attention to the composition of the fabric.

If you have items made from delicate fabrics, you know how carefully you need to care for them. In a modern washing machine you can clean any clothes thanks to thoughtful washing modes.

In order for fabric care to be high-quality and effective, you need to figure out how to install a delicate program and in what cases to use it.

Regardless of the brand and model of the washing machine, the principle of the mode is the same. How SMA erases:

  • Products are washed with plenty of water. This allows you to reduce tissue friction, as well as efficiently rinse the powder in a gentle manner.
  • Low water temperature - 30-40 degrees - allows you to preserve the color and shape of the linen.
  • The drum rotates slowly in delicate mode, swaying slightly, which allows you to preserve rhinestones, beads and other decorations on clothes.
  • The spin function, depending on the program, may be completely absent or performed at minimum speed: from 600 to 800 per minute.

Note! In washing machines with mechanical control, it is necessary to install an additional spin.

Now you know what gentle mode means. Let's consider what it is intended for.

What fabrics is it used for?

Before washing, be sure to sort items by color and fabric type. What can be washed:

A tag on the garment will help you make sure that it is a delicate item. How many degrees does the tag say? At temperatures of 30-40 degrees, clothes definitely need careful care.

Gentle mode allows you to:

  1. Avoid shedding of clothing.
  2. Extend the life of things.
  3. Protect from stretching and distortion of fibers.

Delicate cycle icon on a washing machine

Depending on the manufacturer - Indesit, LG, Samsung, Candy - the function may be signed on the panel or have a designation in the form of a symbol or icon.

Let's look at what the program is called and looks like in different brands of SM:

How long does a delicate wash last? From one to two hours. During this time, with careful movement of the drum, the washing machine manages to wash things using a lot of water.

How to enable delicate mode

How to find this function if this name is not on the washing machine panel? The fact is that each manufacturer can attach different meanings to this mode. How programs are designated:

  • For washing silk;
  • Wool;
  • Thin fabrics;
  • Hand and gentle wash;

How to make this mode yourself? You can install the program yourself by selecting the following options:

  • Wash at temperatures from 30 to 40 degrees.
  • Additional rinse.
  • Turn off spin or speed 600 rpm.

Delicate laundry detergents

When washing clothes made from thin fabrics, be sure to use a bag or mesh to protect them from deformation and damage.

Clothes care and washing are important procedures that allow things to maintain their original appearance. However, all fabrics are different and require different care. That is why manufacturers place special symbols on clothing labels that you must be able to “read,” because this determines how you will properly care for your items.

Symbols on laundry labels - explanation

Washing is an integral part of product care. It is important to wash the item correctly so that it retains its shape and color longer and does not stretch. Washing recommendations on a clothing label can be recognized by the image of a rectangular container with water or the same container indicating the temperature setting.

So, there are 13 main designations of washing modes that can be found on clothing labels:

Product can be washed
Washing the product is strictly prohibited
The product is not recommended to be machine washed
It is recommended to wash the product only in a gentle cycle
The product should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 30°C
It is recommended to wash in the “delicate wash” mode
The product can only be washed by hand, the temperature should not exceed 40°C
Washing the product with boiling water is allowed
Washing items made from colored fabrics, temperature – no more than 50°C
Washing items made from colored fabrics, temperature – no more than 60°C
Washing at a temperature not exceeding 40°C
Recommended washing in warm water (not higher than 30°C)
No squeezing or twisting!

What do the symbols on whitening clothing labels mean?

It often happens that something urgently needs to be bleached. But not all tissues tolerate this procedure equally. Therefore, you definitely need to pay attention to the triangle symbol placed on the item’s label.

There are 4 main symbols related to bleaching:

Symbols on dryer labels

The product also needs to be dried properly. Manufacturers have taken care of this too, indicating on clothing labels recommendations for drying items. Drying is usually indicated on items with a square symbol.

So, there are 11 main characters:

Allowed to dry the product at high temperatures
Can be dried at medium (normal) temperature
Drying at low (gentle) temperature
It is not recommended to dry or squeeze the product in a machine.
It is allowed to dry and squeeze the product in a machine
Dry only in an upright position, without wringing
Dry exclusively in a horizontal position
Allowed to dry on a clothesline
Drying allowed
Drying is prohibited
Dry only in a shaded place

What do the symbols on ironing labels mean?

Before you start ironing clothes, you need to read the manufacturers' recommendations, because if the ironing mode is chosen incorrectly, the item can be damaged. On clothing labels, ironing information can be found by the recognizable iron symbol.

There are 7 basic symbols applicable to ironing:

The product can be ironed
Iron the product at maximum temperature (applicable for cotton and linen)
Ironing temperature no more than 140°C
Recommended ironing temperature 130°C (applicable for silk, wool, viscose and polyester)
The recommended minimum ironing temperature is not higher than 120°C (applicable for nylon, nylon, polyacrylic, viscose)
Do not iron the product!
Do not steam the product!

Signs on dry cleaning clothing labels

Symbols related to dry cleaning of the product are intended for dry cleaning workers. They note whether the product can be cleaned with certain substances and whether the product can be dry cleaned in general. Information on the specifics of cleaning the product can be found by the circle symbol.

There are 8 main characters:

Dry cleaning is strictly prohibited!
Cleaning with well-known solvents is allowed
Dry cleaning with perchlorethylene-based products
Dry cleaning exclusively with freons (white spirit is allowed)
Gentle dry cleaning
Dry cleaning
Take special care when dry cleaning!

Video: Symbols on clothing labels

The following video also suggests familiarizing yourself with the various signs on clothing labels:

So, the generally accepted designations on clothing labels are very convenient. A small piece attached to the clothing contains a maximum of useful and necessary information that will help you care for the product. All you need is to interpret the symbols correctly and follow their instructions.

Each item has a designation on the label. These symbols allow the owner to understand how to care for clothing. On the labels of items you will find not only signs of washing modes, but also recommendations for caring for clothes - ironing temperature and so on. Looking at the tag, you can find out the composition of the fabric and the manufacturer. But in order to follow the recommendations correctly, you need to understand what these symbols mean.

Depending on the manufacturer, clothing care labels may vary. But their meaning is always the same: they inform the user about proper care so that the item does not wear out longer. The labels are sewn onto the seams from the wrong side.

How to figure out what the symbols on your clothes mean? The table below provides a detailed breakdown.


Typically, the sign indicating the washing mode is indicated first. Having deciphered it, you will understand how to wash the item correctly: in a machine or by hand to avoid premature wear. You can see such washing mode icons on children's and adult clothing.

Icon (symbol) Meaning
If you see such a sign on the label, it means you can safely put the item in the washing machine drum or wash it by hand. Usually typical for synthetic items.

Handwash. Products made from fabrics that require careful care are washed on low temperature cycles, no higher than 40 degrees. Washing by hand should be done carefully, without strong impact and wringing.

A rectangle with a line at the top also means that machine washing is prohibited (see photo above, Fig. 3)

Dry cleaning. Traditional and hand washing are prohibited - contact a specialist to avoid damaging the fabric. Most often, such a symbol can be found on the tag of coats, suits, and dresses.

The symbol means that clothes are washed at minimum temperatures - no higher than 30 degrees. Spin requirement: minimum speed.
Spinning and intensive washing are contraindicated. The temperature barrier of water is a maximum of 30 degrees.
Machine washing is not prohibited, but the maximum temperature is 40 degrees.
Also wash at 40 degrees, with a reduced spin speed.
Wash exclusively at 40°. In this case, you can use washing powders with a neutral composition.
A temperature of 95 degrees means the clothes can be boiled. Feel free to choose the maximum temperature setting if you need to remove heavy dirt or disinfect.
Machine wash prohibited.

Whitening icons

The second symbol on the tag after washing explains how to bleach. To avoid spoiling things, do not ignore these symbols.

Icon (symbol) Meaning
The triangle symbol indicates that bleaching is acceptable if necessary.
"Do not bleach" sign. A crossed out triangle means it is prohibited to bleach, especially with chlorine-containing substances.
Clothes can be bleached. In this case, the process should not occur at high temperatures; complete dissolution of the powder is mandatory.
Black triangle with parallel stripes – bleaching is allowed without chlorine.

Icons showing how to dry things

Next in order is an icon indicating how to properly dry the product: in a vertical position, spread on the surface or in the drum of the machine (if such a function is available).

Symbol What does it mean
The square on the tag allows you to dry clothes using any of the known methods.
If you find such a designation on the label of your clothes, refuse to dry them at all.
The vertical stripe in the square schematically explains that it is best to ensure vertical drying.
In this case, it is also recommended to dry things vertically, but avoid squeezing - the water should drain freely.
A horizontal stripe in a square means that things are recommended to be flattened on a surface: a table or ironing board (this way they will retain their size and shape).
Similar to the vertical drying sign. With this symbol, it is forbidden to wring things out and it is recommended to dry them spread out on a horizontal surface.
A square with a vertical stripe and a line in the corner does not prohibit vertical drying. You just need to protect things from exposure to direct sunlight (the ideal place is in the fresh air or on the balcony, in the shade).
Drying takes place without spinning in a vertical position. Requires protection from sunlight.
A square with a horizontal line and a stripe in the corner indicates horizontal drying of the item. In addition, it is worth protecting clothes from sun exposure.
One of the most demanding symbols, prohibiting spinning, hanging (dry only in a horizontal plane) and exposure to direct sunlight.
Today this symbol is almost never used. Indicates vertical drying of laundry.
The product cannot be dried in the washing machine.
Over-drying the laundry is not allowed, so the maximum drying temperature is 60 degrees.
Dry safely at temperatures up to 80 degrees.
This icon does not recommend squeezing or wringing water out of items to preserve their aesthetics and shape.
Another symbol for hang drying.

Ironing icons

In order to know what the permissible ironing temperature is for different fabrics, an icon with the ironing temperature is indicated on the label.

Legend Meaning
The maximum temperature mark is 140 degrees.
The sign quite logically informs that the product cannot be ironed.
You will find it on products made of nylon, nylon, polyester, and synthetics. Ironing at 110 degrees through a lining (gauze, thin fabric) is recommended.
For delicate natural fabrics - silk, viscose, cotton, etc. – suitable for 150-degree ironing mode.
Ironing at temperatures up to 200°C. Suitable for linen and cotton items.

Dry cleaning

When a product needs dry cleaning, be sure to look at the label to see if it can be cleaned and under what circumstances.

Legend Meaning
The circle icon on the tag means dry cleaning is recommended.
Dry cleaning is prohibited.
Today the symbol is rarely used. Means that cleaning can be carried out by any means.
“P” icon in a circle – dry cleaning only is recommended. You can use products with tetrachlorethylene and other substances for the “P” symbol.
Dry cleaning with hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 150-210 degrees. Ignition temperature is 38-60 degrees.
The sign “P” and “F” in a circle - products containing ethylene chloride, hydrocarbons, and perchlorethylene are used for cleaning. You need to clean it carefully, using little water.
The letter “W” – professional water cleaning (wet).
Delicate wet cleaning only. If there are two stripes under the sign, it means that very delicate cleaning is provided.
A crossed out sign will indicate that wet cleaning is prohibited.

Each fabric needs individual care. To keep things beautiful and looking like new longer, you need to know how to properly wash and care for them. Therefore, follow the rules and recommendations.

Cotton fabric. Can be washed in water up to 95 degrees by machine or hand. Any detergents can be used.

Silk and Wool. Delicate wash (hand or machine wash). The temperature should not exceed 30°C. Only special products for these types of fabric are used. Spin 200-400 rpm or absent. Items made from natural wool are dried flat on a horizontal surface.

Synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. For modal and viscose, hand washing is recommended at low temperatures of no more than 40 degrees. Mild detergents are used. Shrinkage of 4-6% is possible. For polyester, elastane, polyamide, lycra, machine wash temperature is 40 degrees. When ironing, the iron should not be too hot.

You may have noticed that some items come with a piece of fabric. What is it for?

  1. Color. You can check how well the item is painted and whether it can be washed with other items. To do this, dip the scrap in the soapy solution for 10 minutes. Then rub well and leave in cold water. If the water has not changed color, it means the item is not fading.
  2. Shrinkage. Measure the scrap. Immerse in warm water for 30 minutes. Once dry, measure again and calculate the difference.
  3. Test. If the manufacturer has provided a small flap, then at the same time check the compatibility of the fabric with your detergent.

By understanding the symbols on the tag, you can properly care for your items while maintaining their original appearance.
