Lawyer's Day in Russia. Lawyer's Day in the Russian Empire

On December 3, Russia officially celebrates Lawyer Day. The holiday is celebrated by lawyers, judges, human rights activists, investigators, prosecutors, notaries, and legal advisers. In 2018, it is officially celebrated in the Russian Federation for the 11th time.

This date was not chosen by chance - according to the Old Russian style, this day fell on November 20, it was then in 1864 that a number of legislative statutes and acts were adopted, which formed the basis for the upcoming judicial reform. Russian legal scholars celebrated November 20 as a professional holiday until the revolution itself, and when later, in our days, a decision was made on what date to celebrate Lawyer’s Day, it was decided to turn to the history of the country.

Who celebrates Lawyer's Day in 2018

This is a professional holiday for everyone who has devoted themselves to jurisprudence. The very concept of “lawyer” is collective; it denotes a general affiliation with activities related to jurisprudence and justice. People from various directions work in this area:

  • lawyers;
  • prosecutors;
  • human rights activists;
  • judges and magistrates;
  • notaries;
  • legal advisers.

But they are all united by a common concept: lawyer.

From the history of the Lawyer's Day holiday

The initiator of the celebration of this day in Russia was the Moscow Regional Duma. On January 29, 2008, at the congress of the Russian Legal Association, the initiative to create professional holiday supported by D. Medvedev, who was then Deputy Prime Minister.

February 4, 2008, by decree of the President of Russia V. Putin Lawyer's Day in Russia was established as an official holiday.

Lawyer's Day 2018 year is the ninth official celebration of this professional day.

Related holidays

Previously in our country holidays separate professional categories were noted:

  • notary employees;
  • Bar staff;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office.

This holiday is also celebrated in friendly neighboring countries: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova. It is noteworthy that this holiday was officially established in all these countries much earlier than in Russia, back in the 1990s.

Lawyer's Day: Holiday traditions

On this holiday, the highest ranks of the legislative, executive and other branches of government direct official congratulations to your colleagues. The best law students receive certificates of honor. Presentations of books on law are organized.

Outstanding figures in the field of law are awarded the prestigious Lawyer of the Year award. The Russian Lawyers Association initiated the presentation of the award. After graduation Ceremony a festive evening is held.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day 2018

Since 2009, the highest and most prestigious and professional award, “Lawyer of the Year,” is awarded on December 3. This high award is presented by the Russian Lawyers Association, and among its laureates are outstanding Russian legal scholars Sergey Alekseev, Alexander Makovsky, Sergey Stepashin, Mikhail Barshchevsky

There are also several professional awards from regional as well as federal associations and organizations that operate today throughout the country.

    You, as lawyers, are beyond praise,
    You are unfamiliar with the expression “failure.”
    We are grateful and respectful
    We wish you always a cheerful mood.

    So that you always work with inspiration,
    So that your talent, experience and skill
    They brought you a stable income,
    So that there are fewer problems and adversity.

    Let me congratulate you on Lawyer's Day.
    Let it be a beautiful day, let the sky be clear,
    And my soul is light and serene.
    May all matters be resolved successfully.
    We wish you happiness, prosperity,
    May all your plans and wishes come true.

Every year on December 3, our country celebrates the professional holiday of all lawyers, regardless of their field professional activity- Lawyer's Day, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 130 of February 4, 2008. Historically, the legal profession in Russia is prestigious, but at the same time associated with enormous responsibility. The date December 3 for the holiday was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1864 a series of judicial statutes and other legislative acts were adopted in Russia, which formed the basis for judicial reform. And it was this day that, until 1917, Russian jurists considered their professional holiday.

Jurisprudence, as a science, arose in the Russian state in the 18th century, and before that it was of an applied nature. And the first legal scholars received their education at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. With the opening of the Faculty of Law at Moscow University in 1755, legal science and education received a new impetus in development. In 1802, the Ministry of Justice was established. In the mid-19th century, two important events for Russian jurisprudence took place: the publication of the Complete Collection of Laws and the Code of Laws Russian Empire and judicial reform of 1864. It was during this period that a whole generation of lawyers grew up in Russia and laid the foundation further development Sciences. And at a young age Soviet Russia the lawyer was considered the bearer of the most important knowledge and was subject to mobilization for state building (along with military specialists). IN modern Russia the importance of the legal profession is still high, its authority and popularity have only increased over the years, new legal specialties have emerged (magistrates, bailiffs, private notaries, etc.); New associations of lawyers have emerged (chambers of notaries, professional associations of various categories of lawyers, associations of law schools, etc.). Therefore, Lawyer's Day is big and serious holiday, because it brings together lawyers different areas activities that serve to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of our state. The main goal of the legal profession is to establish legal justice. There are not many professions in the world that are so responsible, respected and honorable, and, at the same time, so complex as a lawyer. It is on the workers of the legal industry - judges and lawyers, prosecutors and bailiffs - that the impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state depends. IN last years in the Ministry of Education the issue of quality training young lawyers - proposals were made to reduce the number of law schools and abolish correspondence courses in this specialty. According to the Ministry's estimates, more than 700 thousand students study at Russian universities, who, after completing the established academic course, receive law degrees. It is advisable that as much as possible more people of this number became worthy, highly qualified specialists. High professionalism, deep knowledge and honesty are needed, first of all, by us, citizens, in order to receive full legal protection. But even in the most difficult work there are breaks, and even such a serious profession has its well-deserved holiday!

In any rule-of-law state there must be people who well understand the essence of the laws and try to defend their observance. Jurisprudence is a multifaceted and complex science, which is why good jurists are highly valued. The specialists who dedicated their lives to it received their own professional holiday. Judges, lawyers, prosecutors - they all celebrate it on the third of December. This is a serious celebration, because this profession associated with enormous responsibility, restoring justice is not an easy task.

history of the holiday

Jurisprudence appeared in Russian Federation in the eighteenth century. Then the first Russian jurists had to create a unified system of statutes and rules. Under Peter I, much was borrowed from the Germans, which is why at first Russian lawyers studied with foreign teachers. Then legal science began to develop rapidly. The initiator of the holiday was the Moscow Regional Duma. In 2008, she was supported by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and a little later date approved by the head of state.

The impeccable implementation of laws, and, consequently, the existence and legal functioning of the state depends on the employees of the legal industry. The profession of a lawyer is very important, since it is on the legal community that hopes and tasks are pinned on establishing the principle of the rule of law, improving legislation, strengthening legal guarantees protection of various segments of the population and increasing legal awareness and legal culture.

The day for the holiday was not chosen right away; there were several options. The third of December was chosen due to the fact that in 1864 a series of important legislative acts were passed. It was this that Russian jurists noted before the arrival of the Bolsheviks. This celebration is also celebrated in many CIS countries - Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Belarus.

Laws in a country are needed to limit potential chaos and establish certain social norms behavior. In order to understand the essence of laws and interpret them correctly, specially trained people are needed - lawyers. Today we will tell you what date Lawyer’s Day is celebrated in 2019, as well as about the development of jurisprudence in our country and what people in this profession do.

Until 2008, there was no professional holiday for lawyers in our country. Although there were such professional holidays as the Day of the Legal Service Specialist and the Day of the Prosecutor's Office. However, these holidays covered only a narrow part of the workers in this area. It was decided to correct this injustice, and deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma submitted a corresponding proposal to the professional Association of Lawyers of Russia. On January 29, 2008, this proposal was supported at the Association’s congress, and on February 4 of the same year, the President of Russia signed the corresponding decree, which is called “On the establishment of Lawyer’s Day.” According to this Decree, Lawyer Day in our country is now celebrated annually on December 3.

A few words about history

The name of this profession has Latin roots, and therefore in many Romance languages ​​it sounds approximately the same - Jurist. This is the name given to practitioners in the field of law and legal sciences. Its first representatives appeared in Ancient Rome and here they were called slightly differently - cartridges. Before this, all legal and other disputes between fellow citizens were resolved by priests. After the appearance of patrons, jurisprudence began to develop rapidly, defenders and prosecutors appeared, although the main decision in the case was made by the supreme ruler or emperor.

Years passed, and the institution of the court appeared. Jurisprudence has become a broad branch of public life. The basis for the original laws and court decisions were religious norms, in particular the biblical commandments. In essence, humanity to this day continues to orient its laws precisely towards them - do not kill, do not steal.

As for Russia, here jurisprudence began to develop especially actively under Peter the Great. In the 18th century, Russian lawyers had an extremely large workload, they had to process and lead to unified system many extremely contradictory laws that were adopted before this time in various principalities of the Russian state. To train them, Peter the Great invited lawyers from Germany to Russia, and by the middle of the 18th century, Russia first had its own professional specialists in this area.

In the middle of the 19th century, namely in 1864, a complete judicial reform was carried out in Russia and a Full Assembly Laws and Codes of the Russian Empire. This brought jurisprudence, specifically as a science, to a completely new level. It was based largely on the experience of German law, on its historical school. Professional lawyers are becoming one of the most respected members of Russian society.

After the October Revolution and the Bolsheviks coming to power, lawyers were subject to mandatory registration in the departments of accounting and labor distribution. Holders of higher legal knowledge were equated to military specialists, and refusal to register was equated to desertion.

Already during Perestroika, a reform of the legal system took place in Russia again. The institution of bailiffs arose, private notaries appeared, and almost forgotten justices of the peace reappeared. But what is most important is that lawyers have the opportunity to create their own professional associations. In Russia in 2019, dozens of such organizations operate not only regionally, but also federal level. And they will all celebrate Lawyer's Day

Profession: lawyer

A lawyer is one of those professions that cannot be acquired without special education. In addition, the range of activities that professional lawyers have to engage in is extremely broad. Lawyers are engaged not only in applying the Law in practice, but also in its constant study, research and development. General concept“lawyer” actually includes several specializations of a narrower profile: lawyers, prosecutors, judges, legal advisers, investigators. But all these professions have one thing in common - they require good knowledge laws, both current and those that have lost their force. You also need to be able to apply these legal norms in practice.

All lawyers are classified according to their type of activity. They may be judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, legal experts, and professors teaching students. Representatives of all these professions will celebrate Lawyer's Day in 2019. The area of ​​law affects the most various areas human activity: civil, commercial, labor, administrative, financial and legislative, criminal procedure and so on. A lawyer's responsibilities include preparing employment contracts, commercial contracts and legal opinions. Consulting lawyers provide assistance to citizens regarding legal issues that interest them. The company's legal adviser provides the administration and management with the necessary legal assistance during all kinds of negotiations. A lawyer must be able to analyze well current legislature and competently draw up documents on all kinds of legal issues.

Most representatives of this profession have good opportunities for advancement career ladder. As a rule, immediately after completion educational institution, the graduate begins his career as a legal assistant. As they gain the necessary work experience, they can expect to be promoted, join a more prestigious company, or even start their own private practice. Senior lawyers coordinate the activities of junior lawyers; the management of the law firm deals with the most complex and responsible cases. As a lawyer advances in his career, he can expect higher compensation for his work.

Both women and men are engaged in legal activities with equal success. There is no gender division here.

Every person inevitably has personal or professional purposes forced to turn to lawyers. Our lives are constantly changing and often require legal assistance. Registration of inheritance or contracts, other notarial papers, management of industrial business issues and protection of personal rights, prosecution and search real evidence guilt or innocence - the list of legal issues is huge. And all of them are helped by people who are complex and interesting profession– lawyers. In Russia, it is customary to congratulate lawyers on their professional holiday in December.

Development modern society not possible without a legislative framework. Compliance only certain rules, laws and codes can ensure stability of development. However, the versatility of the legislation requires competent explanation and tips for ordinary citizens.

This is what became the basis for the demand for special professions related to jurisprudence.

Who celebrates the holiday?

As soon as man came up with the first laws, the need for certain professions arose. People were needed who could explain legislative acts and sort out situations legally.

An important part of the work of these people was the prosecution and defense of defendants, which helped to find the truth and prove a person’s involvement in a crime. Over the years, the legislative framework has expanded, becoming not only more extensive and deep, but also complex, affecting all areas of human activity.

Therefore, today the legal profession unites a whole armada of people who are directly or indirectly related to jurisprudence.

Congratulations are accepted from lawyers, judges, and prosecutors who directly guard economic and criminal legislation.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day in Russia in 2016 are mandatory for specialists who, in most corporations, organizations, and companies, are involved in conducting legal matters.

Notary workers, who, on behalf of the state, register all legal transactions and acts, also consider this day their holiday.

history of the holiday

Before the revolution that occurred in October 1917, lawyers were supposed to be congratulated on December 3. However, after the workers and peasants came to power, the holiday was simply forgotten.

For a long time there were specialized legal holidays affecting certain areas of activity of these specialists.

And only in 2008, on the initiative of the Moscow Regional Duma, Lawyers’ Day was revived. Together with the Russian Lawyers Association, an appeal was developed, which was supported by the government.

And in February 2008, the President of Russia signed a corresponding Decree. The date of Lawyer's Day was established on December 3. This number coincides with the corresponding date in 1864, when a set of laws was adopted in the Russian Empire, which actually became the beginning of judicial reform.

Congratulations to the lawyers

On this holiday, we congratulate lawyers. You are real fighters for the truth, for the rule of law, and serve for the benefit of people. And let there be fewer difficult things in your professional activity, and let your work bring income and pleasure. Let your principles always be in harmony with your actions, and your actions with legality. We wish you strength to solve important issues and perseverance to find the truth.

Towards a multifaceted legal profession

This applies to both the judge and the lawyer.

And on Lawyer’s Day we congratulate them all,

Wishing more money, well-deserved awards.

Larisa, December 6, 2016.
