Essential oils against fungal diseases. Cinnamon oil for nail fungus

Onychomycosis is a fungal disease of the nails that is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the feet, as well as yellowing, thickening, and crumbling of the nail itself. Toenails are affected by fungus due to abnormal dryness of the skin, continuous exposure to moisture, wearing synthetic socks, a weakened immune system, excessive sweating of the feet, poor foot hygiene, or poor circulation, such as that caused by diabetes.

Modern medicine offers to treat foot and nail fungus in several ways: topical preparations (ointments, gels), oral medications, and even through surgery. The use of medicines comes with many dangers in the form of side effects such as breathing problems, facial swelling, hives, rashes, blisters, headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, liver damage, weight gain, fatigue, problems with heart, fever, diarrhea, etc.

To get rid of foot and nail fungus and at the same time, essential oils can be used without harming health, which have proven to be an excellent antimycotic agent.

The most effective essential oils for foot and nail fungus: tea tree, lavender, cloves, oregano, cinnamon.

6 drops of tea tree.

Pour the vinegar into a dark glass bottle. Add essential oils and shake well. Then add water and shake again. Wipe the affected areas with a swab dipped in lotion 3 times a day. Shake the lotion well before each use.

Healing powder with essential oils from the fungus

2 tablespoons unscented cornmeal or talc

15 drops lavender

Place the cornmeal or talc in a small plastic bag. Add essential oils. Shake the mixture well and leave for 24 hours. Apply powder after cleansing procedures directly to the entire surface of the foot.

Compress with essential oils from the fungus of the feet and nails

8 tablespoons of vinegar 9%

¼ teaspoon tea tree essential oil

¼ teaspoon lavender essential oil

Mix all ingredients. Wash a piece of cotton cloth or gauze and dip into the resulting solution. Apply a slightly wrung out cloth to the affected area of ​​the foot or nail and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Healing oil for fungus

This oil can be applied to the soles of the feet and to affected nails.

5 drops of tea tree essential oil

5 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix all the oils in an opaque glass container. Apply this oil for applications on surfaces affected by the fungus 3 times a day until complete recovery.

Prevention of fungal diseases of the feet and nails

In order not to get infected with a fungus again, you must:

- wear shoes and socks made from natural materials,

- stick to a diet. Reduce consumption of sugar and bakery products and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits.

- do not use other people's manicure tools.

Important! The information in this article is written for informational purposes only. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Nail fungus is not just a disease, but also a serious aesthetic problem. If the nails are affected by infections, then they look extremely ugly, so patients are embarrassed to wear open shoes. To cure onychomycosis, you need to consult a dermatologist. The specialist will choose the tactics of therapy and prescribe the most effective medications. And in addition, you can use essential oils from nail fungus.

Most people experience fungal infections during their lifetime. It is not easy to cure these diseases, especially if the infection has affected the nail plates. For a faster recovery, it is recommended to use a complex of funds. In addition to the drugs prescribed by the doctor, you can additionally use traditional medicine, in particular essential oils.

What is the product?

Essential oils have been used by humans since ancient times. These are highly concentrated substances, characterized by volatility (for this reason they are called essential).

Essential oil is obtained from vegetable raw materials, and both the whole plant and its individual parts - flower petals, leaves, rhizomes, etc. can be used to obtain the product. ) by dissolving substances in fats or solvents.

How to apply?

Let's figure out how to use essential oils correctly. The treatment procedure is divided into two stages:

  • cleansing;
  • application.


The complexity of the treatment of onychomycosis lies in the fact that the infection is localized in the depth of the nail plate and under it. Therefore, simply applying a therapeutic agent to the nail will not bring results, since the therapeutic ingredient simply will not be able to “get” to the location of the pathogen.

Therefore, before applying essential oil, you need to properly prepare the nail. The preparation process is as follows:

  • prepare a warm soda or soapy-soda solution (at the rate of two tablespoons or a spoonful of soda and soap chips) per liter of water;
  • the diseased limb is lowered into the solution, kept in water for at least a quarter of an hour. During this time, the plates have time to soften;
  • now you need to carefully remove the affected part of the nail, using pedicure nippers and files, you need to remove the loose part of the nail at the site of the lesion;
  • it remains to thoroughly dry the nail plate and you can apply a therapeutic composition to it.


You can apply essential oil on a sore nail in different ways:

  • Pure product. The product is applied directly to the nail with a pipette or dropper on the bottle. It is enough to apply one or two drops to one nail and rub it lightly.
  • Compresses. To make a therapeutic compress, you will need to mix the base oil with the essential oil, for 15 ml of the base you need to take 2-3 drops of ether. Base oils are vegetable oils obtained from oily crops by pressing. You can take cosmetic oil, for example, almond oil. Or the usual vegetable oil that is used for food - olive, sunflower, corn, etc. A cotton swab or a piece of bandage folded several times is moistened in a mixture of base or essential oils. The material impregnated with the product is applied to the diseased nail. Cover with cling film on top and fix with a band-aid. Such a compress is convenient to do at night.
  • Baths. You can use highly concentrated esters for diseased nails. Add 12 drops of etherol per liter of liquid.

Advice! You can apply undiluted product in a small amount (1-2 drops) only on the nails, while you need to make sure that the substance does not get on the skin. For application to the skin, you need to mix esters with base oils.

What types to use?

The choice of esters is very wide, but only certain varieties help with toenail fungus.


This fragrant remedy is very effective in fighting a fungal infection. It is active against the most common strains of fungi, including yeast-like microorganisms from the genus Candida.


Substances that make up the ether obtained from lavender flowers have a detrimental effect on fungi. Substances destroy the cell membranes of microorganisms and prevent their reproduction.


Oregano flowers are used to make this essential oil. It contains thymol, a substance with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it effectively relieves itching, so oregano ester is excellent for treating fungal infections. The composition of the product also includes vitamin C - a substance that allows you to strengthen local immunity.

Tea tree

This product is considered one of the best in the fight against fungal infections. Ether effectively destroys almost all types of fungi that cause onychomycosis.

Advice! The tool can be used for prevention. For example, before visiting the pool.


Leaves and stems of the plant are used to obtain fragrant etherol, it contains about seven dozen different elements. The product has an antiseptic and tonic effect, it destroys various types of fungi.


Aromatic cinnamon oil has pronounced antiseptic properties, it is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. This substance should be used if the disease is caused by a mixed infection.


A valuable gift of nature is the essential oil of fir. The substance has pronounced bactericidal properties. You can use fir oil for nail fungus, as it destroys almost all known strains.


This type of oil is very effective against mold fungi, in addition, the product quickly destroys pathogenic bacterial flora, including staphylococcal infection. The medicinal properties of the oil are due to the high content of cumin and carvacrol.

Advice! Carvacrol is the strongest natural antiseptic, which is thirty times more effective than the widely used phenol.

Castor oil

Castor oil is not essential, this substance belongs to the base oils, it is obtained from castor beans. Castor oil has been widely used in medicine since ancient times, this remedy contains a large amount of valuable ricinoleic acid, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Castor oil is used for nail fungus for compresses. Moreover, castor oil can be enriched with a few drops of essential oils.

Precautionary measures

Apply oils, especially highly concentrated essential oils, with extreme caution. The fact is that these substances can provoke the development of severe allergic reactions. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the product before starting treatment.

The use of essential oils from nail fungus is advisable at any stage of the disease. This type of treatment can be combined with the use of medications prescribed by a doctor. But do not forget that essential oils are highly concentrated substances, so they must be used with caution.

Fungal infections are very common and are considered among the most contagious diseases, easily transmitted from person to person. Despite the large number of different medicines in a variety of forms, essential oils are not the last in the treatment of many fungal infections. They are safe and belong to natural remedies. Many people are well aware of the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils, but forget that they can also be used to treat fungal infections. Therefore, in this article you will find a list of the best essential oils with antifungal properties.

Many essential oils are well studied and scientifically proven to have antifungal properties and may help fight some of these conditions. But before you start treating a fungal infection with essential oils, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

Major fungal infections

We all have a certain amount of fungi and yeast in our body and do not bother us at all until a certain point. However, when certain situations occur, for example, when the immune system is weakened, a fungal infection begins.

The most common fungal infections are:

Epidermophytosis of the foot;

Onychomycosis or nail fungus;


Inguinal ringworm;


Onychomycosis, or as this infection is also called "athlete's foot", as it is very common in athletes who are forced to stay in shoes for a long time, affects the feet and nails. This disease causes redness and peeling of the skin, burning, itching, sometimes there may be blisters and ulcers in the affected area.

The fungus thrives in moist and warm environments such as wet socks from sweaty feet, wet floors in the pool. It often appears in people who wear tight shoes, sneakers and who do not use individual shoes in pools, saunas, showers.

Ringworm in the groin is also a common fungal skin infection caused by a fungus known as herpes zoster. This type of fungus develops in moist, warm areas of the body and, as a result, often affects the genitals, inner thighs, and buttocks.

Infection occurs mostly in hot weather or in warm, humid climates.

Shingles appears as a red, itchy, round or ring-shaped rash. This infection is contagious and spreads quickly and easily from person to person through direct contact or through objects.

Ringworm can be in any part of the body. As a rule, they become infected from sick animals or humans, furniture or contaminated clothing. A red circle appears at the site of infection, the skin becomes scaly, exfoliates.

There are many medicines for fungal infections. They are generally effective in treating such infections. But they have a significant disadvantage - a lot of contraindications and side effects, they are far from harmless to the body and over time can cause resistance to the disease. In this case, a new treatment will need to be selected.

Not surprisingly, there is a constant demand for safe, natural and with the least side effects treatment for fungal infections. These agents include essential oils with antifungal properties.

Essential oils can be safely used to treat fungal infections without fear of any side effects or addiction.

Essential oils for treating fungal infections

Given the range of contraindications and side effects of antifungal medications, essential oils are a much safer choice for treating fungal infections.

Antifungal oils are well and thoroughly studied. All of the research that has been done proves that certain essential oils act as powerful antifungal agents. These oils are made up of complex chemical compounds that are effective in treating fungi and yeasts. When used correctly, these oils are a natural way to treat fungal diseases such as thrush, ochinomycosis and others.

The oils below are not meant to be a definitive list of oils that can help treat fungal infections. Research in this area is ongoing and there may be other new oils with antifungal properties. And now a list of essential oils that can be used against fungal diseases.

Essential oil of clove

Clove essential oil is one of the best essential oils that can be used against fungal infections. Studies have shown that it can help treat at least 15 forms of fungus, including Candida.

The main active ingredient in clove oil, evenol, has powerful antifungal properties.

The oil must be diluted with a carrier oil prior to application to the skin. This oil is good for many diseases of the oral cavity, toothache.

Clove oil combines well with other oils such as rosemary, basil, cinnamon, rosewood, grapefruit, enhancing their combined effect in the treatment of diseases.

Essential oil of lavender

Lavender essential oil has been shown in studies to be potentially lethal to many strains of fungus, including strains that cause candidiasis and ringworm. Lavender destroys the cell membrane, thereby causing the death of fungi.

Before applying to the skin, lavender oil must be diluted with a carrier oil.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is effective for many fungal and bacterial infections. It can be used to treat many fungal diseases, including candidiasis.

A contraindication to the use of oil may be its high allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening. It can cause itching, redness, blistering, which in turn can lead to burns and skin irritation, which can aggravate skin conditions and can cause skin conditions such as eczema.

Therefore, you need to use tea tree oil carefully and diluted with oil in the form of a carrier. Do not use this oil internally.

Essential oil of cassia

This oil has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Cassia oil is known as Chinese cinnamon and is grown throughout southern and eastern Asia.

Before applying to the skin, dilute in a ratio of at least 1 drop of oil to at least 3 drops of carrier oil.

Essential oil of cinnamon

Cinnamon essential oil is closely related to cassia oil. Cinnamon oil is also famous for its antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic properties.

It can be used to treat many fungal diseases, including strains of staphylococcus aureus.

For topical application on the skin, the oil must be diluted and care must be taken, as this oil is a potent oil. For this reason, cinnamon oil should not be inhaled directly from the bottle.

thyme essential oil

Thyme essential oil can be used to treat mold on walls. Studies have found that this oil is very effective against staphylococci.

Be sure to dilute before applying to the skin so as not to cause an allergic reaction. Use with great care, since even diluted use of the oil can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, before treating the entire affected skin area, you need to check on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Essential oil of geranium

Geranium essential oil is a very popular essential oil in aromatherapy and is used to solve many problems. It is valued for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. This oil has an effect on many fungi, inhibiting their growth and reproduction and is considered the most effective in the application.

Geranium oil can be used to treat mycosis by adding 4-5 drops of oil to a foot bath. You can rub the oil directly into the skin of the legs, after diluting it with a carrier oil.

essential oil of oregano

Like the essential oils of thyme and oregano, this oil is often used for flavoring in cooking. The oil has a very powerful effect on fungi. Studies have shown that oregano oil can be used to treat mycosis, candida, fungal infections of the feet, including nail fungus.

For the treatment of fungal infections of the feet, it can be applied by adding oil to a foot bath, or directly on the skin by rubbing it into the skin. Be sure to mix with base oil before use.

essential oil of lemongrass

The essential oil of lemongrass, Barzil magnolia vine, can be used to treat many diseases, including fungal ones. This oil destroys the cell membrane of fungi, causing their death. It effectively acts on the fungus that causes ringworm, ochinomycosis.

This oil has also entered the list of oils that can help in the treatment of staphylococcal infections.

While lemongrass oil is considered safe to use, it still needs to be diluted with a carrier oil before being used on the skin.

How to Use Essential Oils to Treat Fungal Infections

In addition to painful discomfort, fungal infections also cause aesthetic inconvenience. Having such an infection, it can be embarrassing to visit public places, have to refuse many procedures: visiting the pool, gym, and more.

Therefore, it is natural to want to get rid of the fungal infection as soon as possible and lead a normal life. Having decided to start treating a disease with essential oils, the question arises of how to do it correctly. Here are some tips on this matter.

Any essential oil in the treatment of a fungal infection of the skin must be diluted with a base oil carrier. To do this, you can use olive oil, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil or other cosmetic oil.

Nail fungus can be treated by applying the oil directly to the skin. But you need to be careful that the oil does not get on the skin around the nail and does not cause burns or irritation.

Consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Do not use essential oils internally.

As mentioned above, the list of essential oils that can help treat fungal infections is not final and complete. Other essential oils also have antifungal properties, such as cypress, frankincense, chamomile, mint, sage, rosemary, and lemon.

The quality of the essential oil is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to buy natural essential oils. Only they have all the medicinal properties, and not just the aroma and are suitable for the treatment of fungal infections.

Essential oils for nail fungus are widely used in folk medicine. They are a concentrate of the active substance, which has a pronounced effect on the affected nails. However, it is better to use oils as part of complex therapy - they alone may not be enough for a complete recovery even at the initial stage of the disease.

All oils against nail fungus have a similar range of useful properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • relieving and irritation;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • cooling.

Due to this, the unpleasant symptoms that accompany onychomycosis (itching, burning, irritation) are quickly removed. Also, esters easily penetrate deep into the nail plate, acting directly on the pathogen.

Which of them are most often used in the treatment of onychomycosis:

Name Properties
Antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory.
OreganoBactericidal, antifungal.
lavenderAntifungal, disinfectant, regenerating, analgesic, soothing, a good remedy for prevention.
carnationsPain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic.
cinnamonAntifungal, especially effective for yeast fungi.
FirAntiseptic, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antiviral.
CelandineHealing, bactericidal, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic.
Firming, antifungal, whitening, immunomodulatory.
MintAntiseptic, cooling, relieving itching and irritation.
Thyme (thyme)Antifungal, antiseptic.
Lemongrass (Brazilian schisandra)Antifungal, bactericidal, antiviral.

Before using any oil for nail fungus, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. To do this, mix it with base fatty oil and apply with a cotton pad on the inside of the arm, just below the elbow. Assess the condition during the day. If itching, irritation, pain, swelling, redness occur, the remedy is not suitable.

Methods of application and contraindications

Treatment of nail fungus with essential oils is carried out by different methods. Here are the most common ones:

  • application to the affected area several times a day;
  • compress with essential oil at night;
  • oil baths;
  • adding to cream, lotion, powder.

It is also effective to combine such treatment with the addition of ester-rich foods to the diet. For example, prepare drinks with cinnamon and cloves, with lemon, brew lavender tea and tea with oregano.

In addition to the fact that these products will fight the fungus from the inside (and it can spread throughout the body with blood and lymph), they will also strengthen the immune system. This means that the body will be able to win faster and more efficiently.

Ester-rich foods can be used to prepare food and drinks, but the oils themselves should not be ingested in any form.

Important! All essential oils are concentrated essences that can cause burns if they come into contact with the skin. Therefore, before use, they must be mixed with base oil (olive, almond, peach, jojoba, grape seed, and others) or another base at the rate of 5-10 drops of ether per tablespoon of base.

Recipes using antifungal essential oils:

All rubbing, compresses, lotions are applied only to treated nails and skin. You need to make a hot bath, wipe your feet dry, then treat the affected roughened thickened areas of the skin and nails with a pumice stone and a file, cut off the keratinized edges of the nails.

This is necessary because keratinized tissues prevent the drug from penetrating deep into the nail and skin. You can combine the bath with the addition of essential oils, and then, after treatment, apply one of the selected compresses or rubbing.

Contraindications to the use of such drugs, as well as situations in which they should be used with caution:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • damage to the skin;
  • , purulent formations;
  • cracks, bleeding;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding the baby.

And it should also be remembered that if the slightest unpleasant symptoms appear - irritation, itching, swelling or their intensification during treatment, you should immediately stop using the selected remedy and consult a doctor.

In general, before choosing any alternative method of treatment, it is worth consulting with your treating specialist in order to exclude possible risks and side effects. The combination of folk methods of treatment with official, pharmacy drugs will be optimal.

The reason for the prevalence of fungal diseases was about a hundred species of fungi that affect almost all parts of the body - the skin, the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, nails, and internal organs.

In order not to fall into the clutches of this enemy, one should carry out prophylaxis, which consists in observing the standard rules of personal hygiene, in procedures that prevent excessive sweating, wearing only comfortable shoes, thoroughly drying the skin after bathing, and mandatory boiling of socks and stockings during washing. and then rinsing them in solutions of essential oils. Mandatory ironing of linen with an iron after is also required. Ointment is also used for prevention.

Ways to deal with fungal diseases

Japanese and American experts have confirmed the positive results of the action of essential oils on some types of mushrooms. As a result, it was found that clove, pine and sage oils actively counteract fifteen types of fungi.

The most effective drugs that can destroy fungal spores

Using the results of research by foreign colleagues, scientists have created compositions of essential oils for people who suffer from fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin.

Among them is a composition of essential oils of lemon, lavender, anise, tea tree oil. This remedy can well resist the fungus that affects the human nail plate.

To combat such a nuisance as, tea tree ether is used in almost all mixtures or independently.

Oil is made only from tea tree leaves, which contain valuable anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal substances.

The main components of this oil are substances: alpha phellandrene, beta sabinene and pinene, which help the body actively fight various diseases, including fungal ones.
