If after intercourse it hurts. headache after sex

Pain during intercourse in medicine has its own term - " dyspareunia”(painful sexual intercourse) and, undoubtedly, such discomfort will cause grief in the personal life of both partners. The pain can be of a different nature: burning, acute or protracted, the main symptom is a feeling of discomfort near the genitals. Concerning pain immediately after sex (postcoital pain), then they are called "genitalgia", which, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of an organic or mental pathology.

Manifestations of dyspareunia in STDs

STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. The most common of these diseases is, which in the initial stages manifests itself with virtually no symptoms. After a couple of weeks, burning pains in the urethra are likely (especially when going to the toilet), pulling pains in the lower abdomen. With regards to the fair sex, vaginal discharge of an abundant nature of a yellowish-gray color with an unpleasant odor will be inherent. In men, this disease occurs with a minimum of symptoms. It should be added that with chlamydia, only women experience discomfort during intercourse..

With gonorrhea, symptoms may not be felt until 5-10 days after infection., but this is only for a common infection, a latent infection may appear after more than one month. With regards to the discharge, they become more abundant and thicker, the color becomes yellowish-green, and quite often you can notice blood clots. When you and your partner are sick with gonorrhea, it will immediately affect your sex life: for the male - after intercourse, for the female - during sex.

With urethritis in men and women, micturition often occurs., which are accompanied by pain, burning, inflammation of the vagina is likely - the mucous membrane will turn red and the discharge will become different.

Concerning, it rarely occurs during intercourse. Initial syphilomas and rashes are usually painless, but if the disease becomes chronic, discomfort will be felt.

Distinctive features of initial syphilis:

  • appears in men on the penis or scrotum, in women - near the labia, in the region of the clitoris;
  • similar to crackles with raised edges;
  • not perceptible;
  • disappears without treatment, leaving a layer in the form of a seal;
  • the closest node to the chancre is always larger than the others;

Genital herpes- a viral disease, transmitted by contact (unwashed hands) and sexually. It is noticeable in the form of a rash in the area of ​​​​the genitals and anus, then the rash turns into a kind of erosion. When sexual intercourse is over, itching is felt due to irritation of the inflamed mucous membranes.

Genital papillomatosis- a disease due to the papillomavirus. As scientists have proven, the disease is directly related to the progression of cervical cancer. This type of tumor is especially dangerous, since the primary manifestations can be tiny and look like some kind of roughness in the vaginal area, however, untimely treatment can lead to the death of the patient. The initial features of genital papillomatosis include warts near the genitals - small hills (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe penis, vagina, anus), itching, discomfort and minimal bleeding during sex.

It manifests itself as a fungal infection, you can catch it both sexually and by contact. The main feature is the discharge in the form of cottage cheese with a sour smell. In clinical form, it manifests itself in the form of urethritis, an inflammatory process of the head of the penis. With candidiasis, pain is felt during intercourse, but the peak of burning occurs after intercourse.

Postcoital pain (after the end of sexual intercourse)

Postcoital pain is somatogenic pain or discomfort due to diseases in the genital area. Causative agents - damage to the genital organs, inflammation of an acute nature, tumors. If cured in time and correctly, the symptoms disappear, and if there is a change in the shape of the genital organs, cosmetic plastic surgery is recommended.

Any actions must be strictly coordinated by the doctor, especially if problems arose after any operations. Remember, self-medication is more likely to cause harm than benefit.

Psychogenic pains appear if the intimate life in a couple is going through hard times (there is no harmony, one of the partners has suffered a mental trauma). Often, mental trauma occurs in young female models who, for the sake of the necessary parameters, torture themselves with diets. Fatalities are so common that some countries impose specific weight and height standards that models must meet.

Abundant emotional feelings, fears or manifestations of homosexuality may be accompanied by painful sensations after intercourse. Schizophrenia and phobias can also cause pain, but very rarely. These problems are solved by specialists from the field of psychiatry.

Unpleasant sensations during sex in the male

The male sex is subject to painful sensations during intercourse for physiological reasons: too tight foreskin, which squeezes the head of the penis during an erection. Plaques can appear under the epithelium, the penis changes shape and the process of excitation is accompanied by pain. There are frequent cases of tearing of the frenulum, which is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

The inflammatory process of the head of the penis and the foreskin, prostatitis or cystitis often become a decisive factor with the complication of intimate activity. During sex and after, the man feels pain, and the situation may worsen with manifestations of urinary incontinence. Therefore, if any genital inflammation appears, it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity until complete recovery.

Sensitive skin on the head of the penis is expressed by a congenital feature or a consequence of inflammation; may appear as a reaction to condom lubrication or a woman's vaginal secretion. During sex, there is pain of a aching nature, which subsides after taking a hygienic shower.

Pain during sex in women

Pain during intercourse in women often manifests itself with vaginismus- spasm of the muscles of the vagina. The reason may be an unsuccessful first sexual experience, subsequent fear and distrust of the partner. Symptoms of the disease: a sharp contraction of the vagina, if a penis or other object (medical equipment) is inserted into it.

The spasm is very strong and with a sharp introduction of a penis, a man can feel significant discomfort.

The functional layer of the uterus is often subject to various inflammations.- endometritis. Pain is felt during sexual intercourse, with an acute peak of inflammation, discomfort is felt during mechanical action. Parametritis and plexitis can be added to the “bouquet” of diseases - the pain will become especially sharp and unpleasant sensations may appear in the perineum and sacrum. If the cysts in the ovaries are more than 1-2 cm, pain during sex is also noticeable.

Phenomena from the field of statics: "sedentary" work contributes to the problematic outflow of venous blood from the small pelvis. The vagina is prone to swelling in such cases, which is especially noticeable during intercourse. Tumors and inflammation at the time of such "venous congestion" can begin to develop rapidly, so you need to move more and maintain harmony in your sexual life.

Pain of a neuralgic nature is often found in both men and women. The pains are burning and sharp, often given to the groin, thigh, scrotum. There is also muscle spasm, which increases the pain. Under such circumstances, it is clearly not up to intimate life, you should immediately consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Myths regarding painful intercourse due to drastically different sizes should be brushed aside. According to experts, a woman is able to accept any partner who will correctly understand her sexually, because during childbirth, the vagina expands to the size of the body.

What should I do if I feel pain during or after intercourse?

What to do if you feel pain during sex and after:

  • discover the problem: men are more prone to bodily, and women - to psychological trauma;
  • pain and burning in tandem with discharge from the genitals- an urgent visit to a venereologist and testing;
  • bleeding during or after intercourse- inflammatory process or tumor - an urgent visit to a specialist is necessary.

If there is the slightest feeling that something is wrong during intercourse, you should immediately go to the doctor, because timely treatment will get rid of many problems.

If any pathological changes occur in the female reproductive system, this can manifest itself in the most unexpected way. Many of the fair sex complain that the vagina hurts after sex.

Should I pay special attention to this alarming symptom? What can he signal? Read this article to the end to learn about the main causes of soreness in the vagina after sex, to learn how to quickly cope with discomfort.

The answer to the question "Why does the entrance to the vagina hurt after sex?" you can only be given by a qualified physician after a thorough diagnosis. There can be several reasons for discomfort.

First of all, you must carefully listen to your feelings, understand how strong they are, determine the frequency of their occurrence. Also, when making a diagnosis, accompanying symptoms are important - atypical discharge, excessive dryness of the vagina, etc.

Some women experience vaginal pain after sex or masturbation. The occurrence of such a symptom can be caused by non-dangerous reasons - dryness, injury, insufficient secretion of natural vaginal lubrication.

Today, many of the fair sex are fond of wumbling - workouts that help strengthen intimate muscles. After the first classes, a woman will experience slight discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the vagina after intercourse.

Pain in the vagina after the first sex is quite normal. A rupture of the hymen is an injury accompanied by inflammation and minor bleeding. After a few days of intimate rest, the discomfort will disappear without any additional treatment.

Too long intimate pleasures can also lead to soreness in the intimate area. Rough frictions reduce arousal, which leads to a risk of injury, and there may be a shortage of vaginal lubrication.

Pain in the vagina after sex may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Itching and burning;
  • Severe swelling of the external genital organs;
  • The appearance of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

If you have such dangerous symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The thing is that such signs often signal the development of an infectious gynecological disease.

If after sex the entrance to the vagina hurts and bleeding begins, the patient needs a complete diagnostic examination of the organs of the reproductive system. Such a symptom signals serious pathologies, up to oncology.

Pain in the vagina after sex can also be caused by reasons that are not dangerous to your health - improper adherence to intimate hygiene, irritation after intimate hair removal and shaving, wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear.


If after intercourse your vagina hurts, and such discomfort appears constantly, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist. Such symptoms may be due to infectious or non-infectious factors.

Infectious diseases that may be accompanied by such a symptom:

  • vaginitis. With such a disease, an inflammatory process begins in the vaginal mucosa. The cause of the development of pathology are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms: E. coli, staphylococcus, fungi of the genus Candida, etc. As well as STDs: chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas, herpes virus and other bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted during intimacy.
  • Cystitis. The inflammatory process in the genitourinary system of a woman can cause discomfort and soreness both after sex and during intimacy. The patient also suffers from frequent urination and painful urination.
  • HPV. Papillomavirus is the most common microorganism on the planet. It can be transmitted not only during intimacy, but also with normal touch. With the progression of the disease, the walls of the vagina are covered with characteristic formations - papillomas and condylomas. When there are too many growths, they are injured during intercourse, and the patient feels pain.

The vagina after sex can also hurt for non-infectious reasons. Endometriosis disease can be attributed to this category of provoking factors. The uterine mucosa grows pathologically, covering adjacent organs. With such an ailment, the patient feels soreness, but itching and atypical discharge are absent.

If you have too little natural lubrication during sex, you need to use special lubricants. Such violations are explained by insufficient production of the hormone estrogen in the body of a woman.


The nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms will help to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms as accurately as possible, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The vagina is one of the most sensitive parts of the female body. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of nerve endings at the entrance to the vagina. Receptors can easily respond to even a minor stimulus, causing discomfort. The cause of pain in the vagina can be not only diseases of the reproductive system, but also ailments that affect adjacent organs. The pain often radiates to the abdomen, legs, lower back.

Listen to your feelings in order to provide physicians with maximum assistance in making the most accurate diagnosis.

  • Severe and sharp pain, pulsation in the intimate area is a symptom of trauma, restoration of the reproductive system after surgery, damage to adjacent organs.
  • The pain is dull, aching or stabbing - a sign of the development of an infectious disease, which is necessarily accompanied by the development of inflammation.
  • Pulling type pain is a symptom of the development of neoplasms in the genitals, vaginal prolapse.

Attentive attitude to your own well-being will allow you to timely diagnose and stop the progression of dangerous diseases that can have sad consequences for your health.


To get rid of discomfort in the vagina, you must first consult with your doctor. Without going to the hospital, you can only take over-the-counter analgesics, which will temporarily relieve pain.

To make sure that the pain in the vagina is not caused by infectious diseases, be sure to get tested for STIs. If such an ailment is detected during the examination, the doctor will start you on a course of antibiotics. Complex infectious diseases require long-term professional treatment.


If you are sure that the pain in the vagina is caused by prolonged sexual pleasures and is completely harmless to your health, you can try to cope with the discomfort yourself, at home.

  • Apply an ice pack to the intimate area. This will help to quickly relieve pain, as the nerve endings will become numb and become less sensitive. A bag of ice cubes must be wrapped in a towel beforehand, otherwise you risk getting frostbite. You need to apply cold for 15 minutes, then you should take a break for 15 minutes and you can repeat the procedure.
  • Warm sitz baths will help reduce pain in the vagina, relieve inflammation, and perform thorough hygiene of the genitals. You can buy a special container for a bath at a pharmacy, it is not at all expensive. Warm water will thoroughly wash the mucous. You can perform the procedure for 20 minutes. In some cases, it will be useful to add a little soda, salt or chamomile decoction to the water. Baths should not be taken if the stomach hurts, the temperature is elevated, or purulent or spotting appears.

To protect your intimate area from allergic manifestations, do not use cosmetics, hygiene products, scented tampons. Such products can cause severe irritation.

If you feel pain in the vagina, give up intimacy for a while. Active sex can only aggravate the situation. It is better to make an appointment with a doctor, and make sure that there are no dangerous pathologies.

It is important to always wear only high-quality and comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Cotton absorbs secretions well and allows air to pass through to the intimate area. Sleep better without underwear. Give preference to loose clothing. For pain in the vagina, it is better to refuse to wear leggings, tight trousers.


Regular training of the muscles of the vagina and the muscles of the pelvic floor will quickly cope with pain after intimacy. Kegel exercises are considered the most effective. You can easily do them at home.

To do this, it is enough to squeeze the muscles of the vagina, as if you want to stop the flow of urine during urination. When performing this exercise, almost all the muscles of the pelvic floor are involved.

Alternately squeeze the muscles of the vagina and anus, lingering for 5-10 seconds. After stress, you need to relax as much as possible, relax. Do the exercise for 10 repetitions, trying to increase the duration of the tension each time. You need to try to keep the muscles tense for up to a minute over time.

Training can be performed 3-4 times a day. Gradually, the muscles will get stronger, and you will be able to hold tension in the intimate area for a longer time. During Kegel training, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the correct execution of the exercise, otherwise you will train the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen, but not the vagina.


To prevent injury to the vaginal mucosa and the appearance of pain after sex, be sure to use special lubricants. Lubrication will make it easier to slip during intercourse.

If there is constant discomfort in the intimate area, use lubricant regularly throughout the day. Some lubricants can cause allergies and irritation. If after applying the product you feel itching and burning, immediately wash it off with warm water.

Pain in the vagina can be associated with hormonal changes in the female body during menopause. To avoid this, ask your gynecologist to select special estrogen-based hormonal preparations for you.

Be sure to use barrier contraceptives if you are not completely sure of your sexual partner. Such protection will protect you from infection with dangerous infectious and fungal diseases.

Too frequent douching can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina, wash beneficial microorganisms from the mucosa that help fight harmful microorganisms. After the washing procedure, the syringe must be disinfected.

Sexual intercourse is an activity that our body perceives as the most pleasant of all physiological phenomena. This is not surprising, given that it is needed for procreation. However, sometimes sex can be accompanied by not too pleasant sensations. Pain in the lower abdomen after intercourse is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Such a pathology is relevant not only for women, but also for the stronger sex.


Many do not think about why the process of intercourse is exactly the way it is, why people experience exactly such sensations, and not others, what happens during sex, etc. Such questions do not cause too much interest. But in vain, because they give an idea of ​​the physiology of the male and female body, and how certain processes change during intimacy. Knowing how sexual intercourse occurs, you can get important information regarding possible pathological phenomena. Including pain in the lower abdomen.

Sex is the most pleasant physiological process

What is sex from a physiological point of view? This is the process by which the partner's penis penetrates the partner's vagina. This is known to everyone. But it should also be noted that during sexual intercourse, many physiological processes are activated, which in other cases “sleep”. The reproductive system begins to work actively. In a woman, the glands secrete vaginal lubrication, in men - ejaculate, which is a fluid containing sperm.

Along the way, hormones are also produced. This affects the psychological state of partners. They feel satisfaction, joy, strong sexual desire. Almost the entire body begins to work in a special mode. The task is to ensure normal intimacy, which, in his "understanding", should culminate in the conception of a new life. All this is normal.

Various pathogenic processes, diseases, infectious lesions, injuries, etc. that occur in the genitourinary system are almost guaranteed to affect the quality of sex, and only from the negative side. One of these manifestations can be pain in the abdomen after intercourse. Pain syndrome is not just some annoying factor that only interferes. In this way, the body signals to us that something is going wrong. It is quite possible that this is a banal muscle strain, but it may also be that the cause is a pathological process that threatens the health of a man. Accordingly, it is strongly not recommended to ignore the pain that occurs in the abdomen after sex.

To date, there is no single term describing painful manifestations after sexual intercourse. Specialists may call this phenomenon dysgamia, dyspareunia, or genitalgia. The last term is used most often. He describes many problems, diseases, pathologies and other provoking factors that cause pain.

Postcoital pain is varied and can affect almost the entire body. As a rule, in men, they most often occur in the lower abdomen. True, this is also true for the fairer sex. The severity of the pain syndrome is also different. In some cases, it is minor and passes quickly. In others, it causes a lot of inconvenience and is distinguished by its duration.

Abdominal pain after intercourse is not normal

Why does my stomach hurt after intercourse? The reasons, in fact, can be very many. Experts divide them into two main categories:

Category Description Causes
Somatogenic Organic postcoidal pain syndrome These are physiological causes, including various pathologies. In most cases, the provoking factors are infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, traumatization of the abdominal organs, muscle injuries, adhesions and the presence of scar tissue, as well as the consequences of previous surgical interventions.
Psychological Psychogenic genitalgia Such pains are in no way related to the physical causes listed above. By and large, this is a common mental trauma. Psychogenic pain is mainly caused by the presence of mental illness (the patient may not even know about them), emotional overstrain, depression, severe stress, tense or disharmonic relationships between partners, exhaustion. An important role in psychogenic genitalgia is played by a subconscious negative reaction to intimacy with the opposite sex, if a man has hidden homosexual inclinations.

The male body is less susceptible to negative processes affecting the reproductive system. However, certain pathologies are also characteristic of the stronger sex. Pain in the lower abdomen that occurs after intercourse can be quite common. Some men simply ignore it, others simply do not notice, due to its weak expression. Neither one nor the other is recommended, because, as mentioned above, this can be evidence of serious health problems.

Pain may indicate pathology

And here are some problems:

  1. Genitalgia intercopulativa

This clever and incomprehensible term hides the pain that occurs after sexual contact, and which is caused by copulatory cycles. The copulatory cycle in men is a set of physiological and psychological processes, starting from the moment of sexual desire and ending with ejaculation. This problem requires a detailed diagnosis, a thorough examination by specialists, including a psychologist.

  1. Inflammation of the prostate

- not the best option for intimacy. The inflammatory process in the prostate gland, especially if it is provoked by the penetration of a particular infection, causes the appearance of a persistent pain syndrome after intercourse. This is the result of irritation of damaged tissues of the organ. First you need to resolve the issue with prostatitis, and only then indulge in love pleasures.

congestive prostatitis

  1. Inflammation of the spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is needed to transport the seed and mix it with the secretion of the prostate gland. Violation of this process entails various troubles, including pain. This pathology is called funiculitis. If it is provoked by pathogens - then infectious funiculitis.

  1. Inflammation of the bladder

Contrary to popular belief, not only women are ill, but also representatives of the stronger sex. This is a pathology of an infectious nature, which gives the patient a lot of inconvenience. Intimacy in the inflammatory process in the bladder is not recommended. This irritates the affected organ, which causes pain. In this case, the pain is very well localized in the lower abdomen, due to the anatomical position of the bladder.

The seminal vesicles are a very important paired organ located above the prostate gland. Its task is to supply the spermatozoa with the necessary energy resources, as well as to protect them. Due to this, the quality of sperm increases, as does the survival of male germ cells. Seminal vesicles are also engaged in a kind of utilization of the remaining seminal fluid. The secret produced by this organ is slightly more than half of the total volume of semen.

Violation of the functionality of the seminal vesicles, which was provoked by the inflammatory process, leads to the fact that the secret is not produced in sufficient quantities. One of the manifestations of this disease is pain in the lower abdomen that occurs after intimacy.

  1. Testicular problems

Despite their modest size, the testicles are subject to a number of diseases - both dangerous and not very. Such pathologies include varicocele (pimple-shaped dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord), spermatocele (formation of a cyst inside the testicle), hydrocele (the so-called dropsy - accumulation of fluid between the membranes of the organ, which leads to a significant increase in its size), as well as epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) .

In all of the above cases, it is strongly recommended to refuse sex, since in this state the testicles are unable to perform their functions at the proper level. This will inevitably affect the quality of intimate contact. In addition, there is pain - if it is strong, it will radiate to the abdomen.

Coitus interruptus is harmful to a man's health

  1. Coitus interruptus

This is an interrupted sexual intercourse, which led to the occurrence of stagnant processes in the prostate gland. The organs of the reproductive system produce a secret already at the stage of intercourse. If it is suddenly interrupted, the accumulated ejaculate will not get out, which means it will remain in the body. The stagnant process is the main cause of pain syndrome during interrupted sexual contact.

  1. Osteochondrosis

In this case, we are talking about osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine. If the stomach hurts after intercourse, perhaps the reason is that the damaged vertebrae are under a lot of stress, which is already unacceptable for them. And, as you know, pain from osteochondrosis can radiate to almost the entire body, including the abdominal region.

  1. Injury and muscle strain

Pay attention to the position in which you have sex. Perhaps it provokes severe muscle tension. At the time of sexual intercourse, this is imperceptible, but it will definitely manifest itself after its completion. As a rule, the abdominal muscles suffer - perhaps they are the ones that hurt. The same applies to traumatic injuries of muscle tissue. First you need to heal them, and then make love.

Sexually transmitted diseases occupy a leading place among all pathologies, both physical and psychological, that can provoke pain after intercourse.

Venereal diseases are characterized by considerable diversity. Almost all of them are accompanied by the appearance of an inflammatory process, which becomes the cause of the pain syndrome.

Both men and women sometimes complain that the lower abdomen hurts after sex. Someone pays attention to this, sounds the alarm and turns to doctors. Someone thinks that this is an unworthy trifle, you should not worry about this. The last opinion is wrong. Any discomfort is a reason to consult a doctor. When pain appears in the body, it indicates a problem that needs to be solved. Sex should not cause discomfort, neither before nor after. Let's take a closer look, why does my stomach hurt after sex.

Why does my lower abdomen hurt after sex?

Sometimes the cause of pain is intense muscle tension in the abdomen or in the genitals. One has only to choose an unsuccessful position for sex, as a slight discomfort appears. However, if the pain is sharp and sharp, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness. And here it is important to pay attention to what symptoms accompany the pain.

Causes of abdominal pain after intercourse in a woman

If the stomach hurts after sex, the reason for everything may be a psychological disorder, or damage to internal organs. Let's take a closer look at some of the causes of abdominal pain after sex.

For example, if a woman experiences a sharp pain after sex, which radiates to the lower back, while the malaise is felt in the inguinal folds and in the perineum, this may indicate rupture in an ovary or cyst. These violations are serious and require immediate medical attention. The only good news is that this happens extremely rarely. Rather, it is an exception to the rule.

Other causes of pain include:

  • tumor of the cervix;
  • myoma;
  • uterine tumors;
  • cervicitis, etc.

To prevent and timely treat such diseases, you should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

If a woman feels that after sex, the pain literally captured the entire abdomen from below, this may indicate internal bleeding. At the same time, the sensations are terribly unpleasant, the pain is acute, it comes with contractions. But at the same time, external bleeding may not be. But to indicate that bleeding occurs inside the body can be dizziness, a sharp and strong drop in pressure, pallor, loss of consciousness. Fortunately, this pathology is rare.

If the pain does not go away for a long time, this may indicate appearance of cracks on the walls in the vagina, or on the appearance of erosion, or on the appearance of damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, or on the rupture of the fornix. This is a direct indication for visiting a gynecologist.

However, the doctors themselves, answering the question of why the lower abdomen hurts in women after sex, names the most common reason - this infections. As a rule, it is a banal chlamydia.

Signs of chlamydia

Less common are more serious infections such as gonorrhea or syphilis. The most common infections that can lead to abdominal pain after intercourse are:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidiasis.

Another reason that doctors note as common is inflammation. Sometimes it's inflammation that happens in the cervix, and sometimes it's what happens in the vagina. But in these cases, the pain is not directly related to sex, it can appear at any time.

If a woman during pregnancy feels that her stomach hurts after sex, if she has discharge, bloody or just whitish, this is a reason to immediately call an ambulance, call the doctors. The fact is that all these symptoms indicate that there is a place to be risk of miscarriage. In order to save the child, you need to take action immediately.

Causes of miscarriage

Pain in the lower abdomen after sex in a man

It is not uncommon for a man to have pain in the lower abdomen after intercourse. Venereologists say that the common causes of such an ailment are various infections. It is they who lead to the fact that the head of the penis becomes inflamed and the man experiences discomfort.

Infections can be very different. Known to all chlamydia and gonorrhea, banal thrush and prostate diseases, urethritis and infections that affect the seminal vesicles.
In order to accurately determine which infection affects the appearance of discomfort, it is necessary to take tests and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. For example, with the same gonorrhea, a man will experience not only pain, but also itching.

If a man has a sore crotch after sex, or he feels discomfort somewhere in the depths of his abdomen, the reason for everything may be prostatitis, less prostate tumor. In addition to pain, in these cases, the man will feel other unpleasant symptoms. For example, he will often go to the toilet in a small way, his potency will decrease.

It is also necessary to consider diseases such as varicocele. It is accompanied by pain not only in the perineum, but also in the testicles. The main trouble is that with this disease, a man may not conceive a child.

What to do if your stomach hurts after sex?

Why a woman’s stomach hurts after sex, only a qualified gynecologist can say. The woman herself should carefully monitor her body, and even a slight discomfort should not be attributed to chance. Especially if the malaise appears not once, but constantly.

If immediately after sex, the girl felt a sharp pain and noticed that she was bleeding, she should lie down, put a cold compress on her stomach and call the doctors. Emergency assistance is needed in this situation.

If the girl experienced discomfort and went to the doctor, and after the examination it was found out that the cause of the pain is an infection, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. You will need to use antifungal agents and antibiotics.

Antifungal drugs

Most often, the following antifungal drugs are used in the treatment of genital tract infections:

  • Miconazole ~150 rubles;
  • Thioconazole ~170 rubles;
  • Butoconazole ~700 rubles;
  • Clotrimazole ~20 rubles;

Antibiotics used in the treatment of genital infections

  • From syphilis: Bicillin-5, Azithromycin, Benzylpenicillin sodium or potassium salt, Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone, Erythromycin;
  • For gonorrhea: Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Erythromycin, Ofloxacin, Spectinomycin;
  • From chlamydia: Tetracycline, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Roxithromycin;
  • For trichomoniasis: Metronidazole;
  • From mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis: Cephalosporin, Azithromycin, Penicillin, Doxycycline, Lincomycin, Clarithromycin, Ofloxacin.

Surgical intervention will be required if the doctor finds out that the pain is due to a ruptured cyst. It will have to be removed. The operation is not the most pleasant event, but after it, you can forget that the stomach hurts after the act.

First intercourse and pain

Doctors say that during and after the first sexual intercourse, young girls feel pain, and this is normal. Over time, the discomfort will completely disappear. Doctors call the cause of discomfort the usual fear, which forces the muscles in the vagina to tense intensely. Only those girls who fully trust their partner can not experience pain in their first sexual intercourse. An important role is played by lubrication, or rather its abundant presence. Additional lubricant can be purchased at any pharmacy.

It also happens that the stomach hurts after anal sex. This may be due to infection, or damage during rough and prolonged sexual intercourse. In any case, you should consult a doctor about this. If necessary, do an ultrasound.

When should you seek medical help?

A woman and a man should consult their doctor if they experience discomfort during sex in any way. If after sex it hurts in the lower abdomen, a woman should definitely contact a gynecologist. If the doctor says that the discomfort is not associated with diseases of his specification, you will need to contact other narrow specialists. This may be a psychologist, gastroenterologist or urologist.

You need to call an ambulance if:

  • The pain is intense and lasts long enough;
  • Bleeding has begun;
  • There was vomiting, the beginning of nausea;
  • There were strong discharges.

How to relieve pain at home

If after sex a girl has a stomach ache, but there is no bleeding and she is not pregnant, you can help yourself at home. First, you should start using pharmacy water-based lubricants during intercourse. This will help the woman relax, relieve pain. Sexologists are advised to try using different toys in order to increase the amount of lubrication.

You can take the following painkillers:

  • Nurofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • No-Shpa (Drotaverine);
  • Ketorol or Ketonal.

Also, if there is no bleeding, you can take a warm bath and lie down a bit in a relaxed state.

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent discomfort. To do this, you should follow some rules:

  • Do not use unintended products for intimate hygiene, especially strong-smelling soaps and gels;
  • Do not douche;
  • Do not use vaginal perfumes that are fashionable today;
  • Do not take popular baths with pearls;
  • Stop using perfumed toilet paper and colored rolls;
  • Do not use tight, non-breathable pads during menstruation;
  • Do not wear underwear made of cheap synthetics.

So, why does the stomach hurt after intercourse, only a doctor can say. In general, the prognosis is favorable, and discomfort can be quickly cured. The main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Remember that if the lower abdomen hurts after sex, this is an occasion to find out the cause of the pathology. The body gives a signal that something abnormal is happening to it. Measures should be taken, and not wait until the disease becomes chronic or leads to dire consequences.

Unpleasant sensations, pulling, dull or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, sooner or later any woman can detect for many reasons. They have the ability to cause both muscle strain and major health problems. To understand this, first of all, the symptoms observed after sex in both partners help. About some pathologies in the body that occur latently, before the appearance of such pain, a person often does not even know.

Psychogenic factors, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, experiences and stresses affect well-being no less than physical stimuli. The article discusses the main reasons why the lower abdomen hurts after sex, what other causes of abdominal pain that appear immediately after intercourse, what are the causes of abdominal pain immediately after sex, why does the lower abdomen hurt after the first sex, to what Seek medical attention if your lower abdomen hurts a lot. As well as tips on how to get rid of pain in the lower abdomen, how to eliminate pain in the abdomen that appeared immediately after sex.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt after sex, causes of pain in the abdomen after sex

Often the stomach hurts after sex due to the presence of psychological disorders. Similar sensations in women also appear from injuries of the organs of the reproductive system, among which the most common are ruptures of ovarian cysts or the ovary itself, as well as the threat of miscarriage. Sometimes pain in the abdomen after intercourse is caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix and the inner walls of the vagina, which is the result of excessively intense or rough physical impact. In case of detection of pain in the abdominal cavity after sex, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible for a thorough examination of the organs located near the source of pain.

Abdominal pain after intercourse can be symptoms not only of physiological causes, but also of pathological health problems. If spasms are supplemented by spotting, weakness or fatigue is felt, you should immediately seek medical help, since these symptoms indicate a high probability of serious disorders that can cost the patient a loss of health and even life. Often, women have a stomach ache after sex under the influence of frequent uterine contractions. Pain that does not recur often and does not bring inconvenience to a woman requires a woman to consult a gynecologist. The doctor needs to describe in detail the nature and intensity of pain, taking into account all secondary factors. Painful symptoms in the abdomen in women are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

With the help of a timely consultation of a qualified specialist, the chances of a correct diagnosis of the disease are significantly increased, and the implementation of preventive measures helps prevent a recurrence of the situation in the future. With the regular appearance of painful symptoms in the lower abdomen, if severe pain in the lower abdomen begins immediately after sex, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Self-medication should not be involved, since it is fraught with complications and deterioration of health, instead of correcting it.

If the lower abdomen hurts a lot after sex, what could be the reasons why it hurts in the lower abdomen

The first reason for the occurrence of pain symptoms in the lower abdomen is the presence of inflammatory processes or the development of infectious diseases in the reproductive system. It is these reasons that can cause such a situation when it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen after sex, other painful symptoms appear. The high probability of sexually transmitted diseases is indicated by itching with burning in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen, left or right. To confirm or refute the course of an infectious infection of internal organs, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible and get a referral for tests. Venereal diseases and the inflammations caused by them are very dangerous for the state of health and life of both women and men.

If unpleasant sensations only complement more severe pain, they may indicate violations in the body, which the patient himself is not even aware of. An increase in these symptoms after intimacy in women often indicates abnormalities such as endometriosis and intestinal adhesions. Endometriosis is a gynecological disease, the hallmark of which is the spread of the endometrium beyond the limits provided for it and even penetration into other organs. Intestinal adhesions almost always block intestinal motility, provoke its obstruction, one of the reflections of which is pain.

Sometimes the pain immediately after the end of sexual intercourse arises from the lack of relaxation of the woman during intercourse. This situation occurs if, during intimacy, a woman did not receive an orgasm, as a result of which blood stagnation occurred in the pelvic organs. The flow of blood to all components of the reproductive system requires subsequent relaxation, which gives an orgasm, which is why its presence is very important not only for the brightness of sensations, but also for women's health. Also, pain symptoms can be caused by a very deep penetration of the partner's penis into the partner's vagina or individual physiological incompatibility of a particular pair.

If such a problem is found, in order to find ways to solve it, it would be a prudent decision to contact a sexologist. In particular, he can give individual recommendations regarding more comfortable positions for intimacy. Pain also points to psychosomatic disorders caused by sexual prejudices and complexes, various fears, etc. This prevents the free outflow of sexual energy, harming both the reproductive system and the nervous system. It is also better to eliminate these psychological barriers with the help of a sexologist, since you can get rid of your own fears and complexes only by realizing them, even if at the prompt of a doctor.

Pain after sex can be caused by an insufficient amount of natural lubricant secreted. Spasms of the muscles of the vagina from a strong overstrain begin after rubbing the genitals of the partners against each other. This problem is solved quite simply. In almost every pharmacy these days you can buy a special intimate lubricant. However, before using it, it is still advisable to get expert advice to find alternative ways out of the situation.

Acute abdominal pain after sex, why did acute abdominal pain appear after sex?

With severe abdominal cramps that appear after an act of love and which cannot be tolerated, you should immediately contact a medical facility for emergency assistance. Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompaniment of malaise with other symptoms: a change in body temperature, the presence of blood discharge from the genitals, nausea or vomiting.

All together or in various combinations, they indicate acute diseases and inflammations. Often, the above signs with a simultaneous increase in the strength of pain before and during menstruation indicate cystitis or cervical erosion, but can also occur with other diseases. Therefore, feeling the deterioration of your condition after sex, you must definitely resort to the emergency help of qualified medical specialists. If there is acute pain in the abdomen on the left or acute pain on the right side of the abdomen after intercourse, and such pain intensifies, you should seek help from a doctor, because. in addition to possible physiological problems or gynecological diseases, such pains can be symptoms of other dangerous diseases.

The first sex and pain in the lower abdomen, the reasons why it hurts in the lower abdomen after the first intercourse?

Physical discomfort in girls after deflowering is widespread and is not considered a violation. Pain can be an indicator of new or existing problems. First of all, a girl can get mechanical damage to the pelvic organs. Pain under such conditions is acute and intense. If, during subsequent intercourse, the pain accompanies the partner for several days or intensifies, she must definitely undergo an examination by a gynecologist and take tests to diagnose the state of her reproductive system. The stomach can hurt after sex and because of the psychological unpreparedness for a new process that has not been tested on one's own experience. Often adolescents, and especially girls, are very shy, show stiffness, fear and insecurity, which are reflected in the physiological readiness for sexual intercourse of their body. This makes the genitals more vulnerable to physical stimuli and injury.

Not all girls experience pain in the abdomen after the first sexual intercourse, some of them only note the appearance of a certain discomfort, others have mild pain or no pain at all. Be that as it may, pain in the abdominal cavity, especially in its lower part, after sex, their intensification and duration require an appeal to a gynecologist for examination and treatment or prevention of the causes of such an ailment. Pain in the lower abdomen after the first intercourse, nausea and vomiting, all these are the symptoms that can be, but in most cases they are not a problem, this is just a consequence of the emotional experiences of the woman, the stress received, and other factors.

Pregnancy and abdominal pain after sex, why does the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy after sex?

Particular care should be taken with sexual intimacy for women who are expecting the birth of a child. Wanting to get physical pleasure without harm to yourself and the fetus, you need to responsibly treat the moderation of the intensity of the interaction of partners, choose comfortable and safe postures. It should be noted that frequent sexual intimacy is a common occurrence in pregnant women. Accuracy during sexual intercourse helps prevent the risk of pain, since the muscles of the vagina and uterus during the bearing of offspring are tuned to other loads, and therefore require more sparing than usual for a particular woman, rhythm, nature, intensity, regularity and frequency of sexual intercourse . Significant hormonal changes entail changes in the functioning of the pelvic organs and the genital organs of the expectant mother. For example, in a woman carrying a fetus, after sexual intercourse, the contraction of intimate muscles increases, which causes spasms and pain.

The appearance of pain in pregnant women requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist for examination and individual advice on the possibility or undesirability of further sexual relations before the birth of the child. As in women who are not burdened with a fetus, in pregnant women pain may appear due to the deep penetration of a man's penis into the vagina, which is categorically contraindicated in their position. If the uterus of the future mother is in an increased tone, the doctor may strongly recommend that the spouses postpone sexual activity until the baby is born, since this can both injure the baby and cause premature birth.

Like teenagers, pregnant women often experience psychosomatic problems associated with sex. Fear of harming the child provokes constriction of the pelvic organs. From this, an insufficient amount of blood enters them and its circulation in the genitals worsens. As a result, the woman begins to hurt her stomach. To reiterate, the pain following sex in pregnant women in any part of the abdomen, especially if it does not go away or becomes worse, requires an urgent visit to the doctor to eliminate threats to the health of the mother and child.

Psychogenic causes of pain in the lower abdomen after sex (sexual intercourse)

The pain syndrome that occurs in the lower abdomen after intercourse can be experienced by both women and men. True, the male half suffers from such pain less often than the female.

In women, the causes of such pain are:

1 Gynecological diseases.

2 Defloration (psychogenic pain that occurs when the hymen or mucosa ruptures).

3 Release of lubricant in small quantities.

4 Inflammatory processes.

6 Injuries, ruptures (internal genital organs, cervical mucosa).

7 Stagnation in the veins of the pelvic organs.

8 Neuralgia of the nerves of the pelvis and other disorders.

9 Spasm of the vaginal muscles.

10 Features of postures, incompatibility of partners.

If after sex the stomach hurts and blood, spotting, what could be the reasons?

The following conditions are considered negative factors that provoke the appearance of bleeding and pain:

1 In women, spotting and pain appear during the first sexual contact. In this case, the hymen ruptures, and in some cases, the vaginal mucosa.

2 During a rough sexual intercourse, microtrauma and damage to the vagina and cervix cannot be avoided. If at the same time the woman has a slight erosion, then it is likely that bleeding will begin, which, by the way, does not feel pain.

3 With inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) or ovaries, discharge and pain often occur. Other gynecological pathologies are also possible, for example, vaginitis, adnexitis.

4 If a person has STDs, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as infections of the pelvic organs, then after contact, pain and discharge may appear, with a small amount of blood.

5 Polyps on the cervix, as well as advanced cancer, provoke the appearance of blood.

6 Medications such as oral contraceptives and acetylsalicylic acid cause unpleasant bleeding after sex as a side effect.

7 Ovarian apoplexy is manifested by bleeding, severe pain, decreased pulse and blood pressure.

Pain in the lower abdomen after sex, causes, what diseases can be?

Most often, pain occurs against the background of diseases of the internal organs, in rare cases, they can be provoked by psychogenic factors. It is necessary to consult a specialist to get rid of psychological clamps and complexes.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be triggered by the following factors:

1 Adhesions in the intestine are most often formed as a result of abdominal surgery (appendicitis or gynecological problems). Due to the fact that the scar tissue is not enough elastin, painful sensations appear during sexual contact. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use special agents that promote the resorption of these adhesions. In more complex situations, surgical intervention is required. In addition, special physiotherapy, massages, gymnastics can significantly alleviate the condition.

2 In both men and women, various injuries of the sacrococcygeal zone can lead to severe pain during and after sex. The lower abdomen hurts from the tension of certain muscles and infringement of nerve endings.

3 With prolonged abstinence and stagnation of blood, pain and bleeding are also possible. This is explained by the fact that blood rushes to the organs during excitation, but there is no outflow and discharge.

4 If a man is diagnosed with a dull pain in the lower abdomen, as well as failures in urination, or false urge to go to the toilet, then this may indicate inflammation of the prostate and even the appearance of a tumor. In addition, pain can signal a varicocele. At the same time, sensations decrease during movement and increase when a person is sitting or lying down.

Pain in the abdomen after sex in a girl, what could be the reasons?

Girls have pain during defloration. This is observed in 70% of girls who have sex for the first time. Under defloration understand the mechanical destruction of the integrity of the hymen. This usually happens during the first sexual experience. The feeling of pain that a young woman experiences at the first sexual contact is not considered to be any abnormal phenomenon. It's quite normal. During not only the first, but also several subsequent sexual acts, the feeling of pain may be present, but with each act it will decrease until it disappears. Along with soreness, bleeding from the vagina is also observed. But that's not scary either.

The main reason for pain during defloration is the state of fear. It leads to a contraction of all the muscles of the body, and especially the vagina. Some young women have a thickened hymen with many nerve endings. However, it is elastic (except for some exceptions) and does not break during contact, but only stretches. In this case, the girl does not experience sharp pains and there is no bleeding. In order to overcome the fear of the first intimacy, it is necessary that the partners fully trust each other. During the initial contact, it is recommended to use a condom so that the bacteria of another person, penetrating into the body, do not cause inflammatory reactions, for example, cystitis, colpitis. And itching in the perineum and pain in the abdomen after sex, burning, these are already symptoms of some diseases that are sexually transmitted. In no case should you endure unbearable, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, sharp pains in the lower abdomen on the left or right.

Pain in the abdomen after sex in women, causes of pain, why did pain appear in the lower abdomen after intercourse?

The appearance of pain in women who have given birth should alert, because this indicates serious complications. Usually, diseases of the genital organs lead to such conditions. Pain is also associated with reflex spasms or disorders in the outflow of blood (in the pelvis).

If the lower abdomen is sick and sore after sex, what could be the reasons?:

1 ovarian cyst;

2 Myoma, fibroma;

3 Endometriosis;

5 Blood stasis;

6 Inflammatory diseases;

7 Reflex spasms of the vagina;

8 Cancer of the cervix.

Ovarian cyst (benign formation) - may be complicated by twisting of the leg, rupture of the capsule. Pain associated with these pathologies occurs during sexual contact. Uterine fibroids is a benign neoplasm that appears as a result of uncontrolled division of uterine cells at an accelerated pace. Usually, this pathology is detected only during an examination by a gynecologist, since the signs of its "presence" are either absent or mild. Symptoms may be present if the fibroids are large or growing towards the uterus. Cervicitis appears due to damage to the epithelium in the cervix. He does not "not allow" to bear fruit. Painful symptoms appear after deep penetration into the vagina. They appear quite abruptly, able to continue after sexual intercourse.

Endometriosis or growth of the lining of the uterus, its penetration into places that are not characteristic of it, for example, into the ovaries, fallopian tubes, abdominal organs. Often there are quite strong and palpable pain. Uterine cancer is a malignant formation that develops from the tissue of the uterus and, subsequently, is able to move to other organs. Possible causes of this disease include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, human papillomavirus, as well as human immunodeficiency, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and infertility. Cervical cancer is a tumor that appears mainly on the cervix (its mucous membrane).

Against the background of the inflammatory process of the uterine appendages or intestines, adhesions may form. They are diagnosed in many of the fair sex. A woman may not even be aware of the presence of a problem. They are most often detected during a routine examination by a doctor or by painful sensations during sexual contact. Unpleasant sensations are located somewhere in the depths of the abdomen. To avoid pain, it is recommended to change the position or reduce the aggressiveness of sex. If they do not subside, then you need to visit a gynecologist.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of adhesions:

1 painful sensations, periodic;

2 pain, against the background of hypothermia (aching);

3 development of constipation or diarrhea;

4 pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Venous congestion in the pelvic organs can occur due to: poor sexual satisfaction, abstinence, irregular intimacy, dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere, and so on. Such manifestations are predisposed to that part of women who have varicose veins. During excitation, blood rushes to the organs, but due to the lack of its outflow, “discharge” does not occur. Such stagnation at the initial stage is expressed as dissatisfaction with a feeling of heaviness and lingering pain. Venous stasis becomes the cause of many inflammatory female diseases, such as: mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, etc. Doctors recommend using all sorts of ways to “correct” dissatisfaction.

The most well-known sources of pain (in the lower abdomen) are inflammatory processes, infectious diseases. As a rule, they are preceded by irritation, accompanied by itching and burning. Discomfort is manifested by an itchy feeling, pain, a feeling of dryness in the vagina upon contact. Known diseases include: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis. When identifying the above pathologies, doctors advise to reduce the number of intimate contacts or use a condom to reduce the risk of partner infection.

Inflammatory processes are not always associated with infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Often they appear against the background of the development of standard flora: fungi, E. coli and other microorganisms. Bacteria, from the intestines, skin, mouth to the genital tract, penetrate into another environment. If the immune system of the body is weakened (pregnancy, menstruation), then they actively multiply and become causative agents of various inflammations. Therefore, instead of accusations, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. Only he can identify the source of pain and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

Reflex pathological spasms of the muscles of the vagina can cause pain during intimacy. Such a disease in medicine is called vaginismus or sexual neurosis. Treatment of this pathology takes considerable time. Sessions of psychotherapy, explanatory conversations are held, hypnosis is used, special exercises that relax the pelvic muscles are prescribed. It is important to remember that if it often hurts in the lower abdomen after sex, then you must definitely seek help from a doctor. Because recurring or persistent, intermittent painful symptoms very often indicate the development of a pathological problem.

What to do if it hurts in the lower abdomen after sex, how to eliminate, get rid of pain in the abdomen?

This question is often asked to gynecologists, what to do if the lower abdomen hurts very much after sex, how to get rid of pain in the abdomen, how to eliminate pain in the lower abdomen that appears immediately after intercourse. If the sensations after sexual contact do not bring discomfort to a woman, are not periodic and strong, they may not be the result of diseases or inflammations, but of the characteristics of the body of an individual person. This situation is often the result of a meager amount of secretion produced by the genitals during sex; stiffness of the muscles of the pelvic organs, which leads to impaired blood supply and muscle spasms; psychosomatic mood, namely, fears and complexes of a sexual nature, which should be disposed of with the help of a specialist - a gynecologist or a sexologist. There is no need to be shy about contacting a doctor with this problem, because only a qualified specialist is able to give the patient advice that will help establish a sexual life and improve the condition of the reproductive system.

What to do if there is pain in the lower abdomen after sex? At the same time, pain in the abdomen and chest that accompanies a missed period, and the test shows a negative result, the problem must be sought in other causes. The increase in such pain to the limit of the patient's patience, combined with an increase in body temperature and blood discharge, is an indisputable reason to call an ambulance. Self-medication is strongly recommended to be avoided, because with abdominal pain, it can have unpredictable results for the health and life of a person. The best solution in any of the above cases is to get at least a consultation from a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe treatment or preventive measures to preserve your health and comfort.
