Sad statuses for the soul: about pain, loneliness, emptiness with meaning. Soul statuses

Spiritual statuses are not just a set of words in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or other social networks. The lines that a person writes on his page are able to tell friends and relatives about what is happening in his soul. Perhaps he is asking for help.

It is simply necessary to pay attention to spiritual statuses, especially if you are not indifferent to the fate of this person. Even beautiful sentences and phrases can cheer up others. In our article you can read interesting spiritual statuses for all occasions.

Statuses about love

Many people experience depression. After all, they were visited by love. Soul statuses will help you understand the feelings and thoughts of people who have gone through this:

1. Once a wise man said: “Only mutual love brings happiness and joy in the soul. One-sided love is a serious disease that urgently needs to be cured.

2. Love is like chocolate. It starts with "Bounty" (heavenly delight), continues with "Twix" (two sticks), and the conclusion is "Kinder Surprise - a night whim."

3. Appreciate the one who is near, supports, understands, loves and forgives. There is no need to chase after someone who does fine without you, understand that he is doing well anyway.

4. A man in love does not look with his eyes, but with his soul and heart.

4. It will never be easier, easier and better. After all, this is life, and nothing can be done. So try to be happy right now. After all, it will be too late.

5. If you are not happy with today's situation, do not worry or be upset. Just be glad, because it could be worse.

6. Everyone says they don't cry. However, it is not. They can cry sobbing, and then they will put on makeup again, fix their hair, go out and smile at everyone. No one will even guess that just an hour ago this woman was very ill.

7. A man can leave unexpectedly, abruptly and quickly, but most often he returns. He begins to understand that there is no other such beloved and never will be. A woman rarely leaves, but she never returns. Take care, appreciate your soul mate, because you will not find another like it.

Statuses about family

1. When the first child was born, a real friendly family appeared.

2. In the family, it is necessary to take into account the interests, requests and opinions of people you love.

3. In the family, the main causes of depression and disagreement are when there is a lot of money or none at all.

4. Peace in the family is maintained thanks to patience, friendship, love, and of course, if there is a TV in every room.

5. An ideal family is when a husband does not reproach his wife for spending money on various trinkets, the main thing is that the refrigerator is not empty.

6. A family is not only a lot of work without rest and holidays, but also great happiness.

7. In an ideal family, mom should be beautiful, and dad should work.

8. To create a family, it is enough just to love, but in order to save it, you need to learn to forgive a lot, endure, be faithful, understand and protect everyone.

Statuses about mom

1. Mom gave us a start in life. For that alone, we can thank her.

2. Love your mother while she is alive. After all, only this person will not gloat. Mom can only advise and be happy for you.

3. Mom always takes care of her children. Even when the spring tries to put a hat on you, agree with it. Remember that you have no one more dear than your mother and cannot be.

4. The only person who is not able to change is mom.

5. You become adults not when you stopped obeying your mother, but when you realized that your mother was right.

6. The most faithful and worthy friend is mom. Only she will not betray, will not leave you in difficult times and will accept her child as he is.

7. Mom can easily replace dad, grandma, grandpa, friend. But no one will ever replace her, such a dear one.

Statuses about friendship

1. A friend is not always known in trouble. If he does not envy you in moments of happiness, then there is true friendship between you.

2. A friend should be valued for what he is. Let him have different views on life, his character is not what you want, but if he is faithful and devoted, take care of him.

3. If you lend money to your friend, consider that the friendship is over... Depending on how much he owes.

4. A friend is always with you. Even when there is no benefit for him to be near you.

5. If you met a new person, remember that he came into your life not just like that, but for something. Perhaps, thanks to a new friend, your life will turn for the better. Therefore, do not reject it, but take a closer look.


Statuses about mental pain are written by those people who have gone through a difficult life path. So they learned to express their thoughts. When you see statuses about mental pain in social networks of your relatives or friends, write to them, call, show attention and care. Most likely they need you.

I'm slowly but surely blowing my mind... My heart and soul shrank to the point of pain. I think I can hear him breathing...hundreds of kilometers away from me...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

It hurts to be disappointed in people close to you... To be disappointed in yourself is even more painful...

A quiet cry of the heart, unbearable pain in the soul ...

It just hurts a lot and I don't have the strength to say "I've had enough".

Don't be sorry for hurting me with love.

I miss those times when it was believed that the most terrible pain is poured brilliant green on a downed knee.

There are so many drugs in the world, and yet they haven’t come up with anything that relieves this terrible pain in the soul.

If a person brings a lot of pain, it doesn’t matter how much joy he brings ...

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long.

It's not the loss that matters. Pain is what matters. If it doesn't hurt, the loss doesn't matter.

And it doesn't seem to be sad... And it doesn't even hurt... But it's wildly empty... And tears involuntarily.

In appearance, everything seems to be cool: a smile from ear to ear, solid positive ... blah blah blah ... but inside it’s just a kapets, what a pain ...

Sometimes I just physically feel myself exhaling the pain...

The heart is so empty that the pain of the soul is reflected in the eyes ...

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

You don’t understand what path I went to meet you, what pains I endured and everything went smoothly, and you took it and left ...

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

Sometimes it is so important to support a person, just like that, from the heart. So that he does not break from pain ..

It hurts to see the empty and indifferent eyes of people close to you ...

It hurts, my heart said, if you forget, time calmed down, but I will constantly return, whispered the memory.

Pain is never pleasant and instructive. because it sometimes kills even the strongest.

Pain ... Every morning pain in the soul from the mere thought that he is no longer around ...

Losing a loved one is always painful. Especially if he made a promise to be there.

Sometimes you just want to talk to someone like that, for real, for example, about what hurts, why you fall asleep closer to 5, or about the fact that the tea is cold.


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Pain in the soul. What could be more unpleasant and humiliating than this feeling. When you are torn apart from the inside, when you want to scream to the whole World around you about your problem, you want to cry, fall, and sob on your knees. Each of us experienced disappointment in life when people betrayed, when love left, or it was destroyed along with our own feelings, not giving the opportunity to go back and fix everything in a new way. When the closest people left us, who were the most dear, beloved and the only ones. It would seem that nothing can break the strongest person in spirit, but everyone has pain in the soul. It's just that someone knows how to keep it inside, while experiencing severe suffering, and someone pours everything out, on others, causing pain to their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Take care of yourself and loved ones, take care of your heart and soul, and let the statuses about pain in the soul help you realize some aspects of this difficult condition.

Every person experiences many different emotions every day. And if everything is very clear with positive ones, then it is sometimes very difficult for a person to deal with negative ones. That is why in this article I want to talk about how to cope with mental pain.

What it is

At the very beginning, it must be said that the very concept of "soul" is very abstract. This is a certain substance that has no color, no smell, no weight. However, it is she who is the whole basis of human life, the engine of the body, its leader. Here it must be said that such concepts as mental health, wound or mental pain are also very abstract. After all, that which does not even have a form cannot hurt. However, such feelings at least once in a lifetime experienced, probably, every person living on planet Earth. is a very complex and dangerous thing, because it is impossible to cope with it in a short time with the help of pills or special medical procedures (as in the case of physical pain). It takes time and a certain set of actions.

Ingredients of mental pain

I would also like to say that any emotional experiences (according to modern psychologists) consist of several simple elements:

  1. Emotions.
  2. Thoughts.
  3. Unpleasant sensations or discomfort in the body.
  4. Visual images (representations, some pictures before the eyes).

If a person's soul hurts, what to do? Often there is a logical question. After all, no one wants to suffer extra time and spend in heavy thoughts. The first piece of advice is: time heals. And that's right. This truth has been known since time immemorial. The ancient doctors treated all kinds of emotional experiences exclusively with time (well, with labor). A person needs some time to get enough of his experiences. At this hour, you need to think carefully about everything, to live past events again. You need to feel your pain again - the last one. Only then can there be a sense of completeness. Often after this, people already begin to let go of their problem, gradually saying goodbye to it. Time will pass, and there will be no trace left of the experience. This should always be remembered, looking to the future, not the past.

However, there is one “but” in this advice. When figuring out how to deal with mental pain, you can’t get too bogged down in your problem. After all, she can “drag” for a long time into her networks. If the condition does not improve within a week, then you need to seek outside help. After all, this way you can gradually drive yourself into a long-term depression, which is very, very difficult to cope with.

Soul hurts! What to do, how to help yourself? Why not seek outside help? In this case, there are several ways to get out of the negative state. The first and probably the most important is the help of a psychologist. Based on a couple of conversations, a specialist will be able to understand the problem of his patient and help him find a way out of this situation. Attention: you need to remember that no one will solve the problem better than its owner. There is no need to hope that the psychologist will solve all the questions that disturb the soul. Not at all, he will show the way out of the situation. Next, you will have to act independently. The next way out of a difficult emotional situation is the help of parents or others. It is worth remembering that no one, except for the most dear and dear people, can help better. Mom, dad, sister, brother, aunts and uncles are those individuals who sincerely worry and will try to do everything to help their relative. You should always seek help from relatives, because they often give very practical advice. And the last way to calm emotional experiences, feelings is to turn to friends for help. These are the people who, most likely, will not delve into the past, but will open their eyes to the present (especially when it comes to young people). Only good comrades can spin in the cycle of the day without giving their friend a moment's respite. Study, fun, self-discovery, cinema, exhibitions, discos… There simply won’t be time for self-flagellation and unnecessary worries. And there time will pass, and everything will gradually subside and be forgotten.

A few words about medicines

How else can you help yourself if your soul hurts, what to do in such a situation? So, sometimes you can hear simple advice: you need to take certain medications. These are the so-called antidepressants or simply sedative drugs. But this advice is very dangerous. The thing is that it is very, very dangerous to prescribe any medications on your own. This can have a very negative effect on health. Antidepressants should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician after a certain examination and diagnosis of the disease. Here it is necessary to clarify: there are not so many such mental problems in which medicines help. You need to learn how to cope with everything on your own, without the influence of extraneous chemicals.

A few words about relaxing remedies

A lot of people can tell you how to get rid of mental pain. After all, the most commonly used method is the use of various relaxing agents. It can be alcohol, soft drugs. Undoubtedly, for a short period they can bring relief, clouding the mind. But this is by no means a way out of a difficult situation. After all, the next day the sensations return, and a difficult physical condition is also added to this. So it's doubly worse. In addition, taking the above-described means negatively affects a person, and in some cases leads to addictions that are oh so difficult to deal with.

If a person has a soul ache, what should be done to cope with this condition? So you need to talk about your problem. However, opening up to a person, albeit close ones, is far from always easy and simple. In this case, a diary is perfect. You need to try to pour out all your feelings and experiences on paper. You need to take notes at a time when it is very bad. You have to write for at least a week. Everything else will need to be read. Already after reading what has been written, a lot can become clear. Some things will seem ridiculous, but some things will already be possible to get rid of. It is worth remembering that by looking at the problem from the outside, you can better understand it and clarify some points for yourself.

How to calm down negative emotional feelings? You need to try to forget about the problem that worries you. This will take a little work. Namely, to get rid of everything that reminds of a difficult past. For example, if there was a breakup with a loved one, you will have to throw away or distribute all the gifts and destroy joint photos. Nothing should be left in the environment that can cause pain or memories.

The next tip on how to get rid of mental pain is to do what you love. You need to do everything to just not remember your problem. Creativity is the best way to do this. Embroidery, drawing, cycling, music - these are the things without which it is simply impossible to imagine a normal life. Taking your time completely, there is simply not enough time for negative thoughts and despondency.

If a person is tormented by various mental suffering, you can try to volunteer. In this case, you need to go to the nearest public organization and offer yourself as an assistant on a free basis. At the same time, you can talk about the reasons for such an act. In this case, a person can be sent to various meetings where people share their problems. After listening to the stories of others, he can draw a simple conclusion that his problem is not yet so terrible, that it can be dealt with. After all, there are more complex and terrible situations. At the same time, helping people, you can perfectly assert yourself, realizing that it is still very useful to society and other people. And such thoughts have a very positive effect on the process of recovery from mental suffering.

What to do if a person has a strong emotional wound? You can try to deal with it in a similar way. For example, if the cause of suffering is a breakup with a loved one, you need to start dating other people. If you were fired from your job or expelled from the institute, you can go to courses and learn a new profession. We must always remember what does not exist. Fate loves punchy and moderately arrogant, so you never need to lose heart and give up. After all, whoever knocks, they open it.

We must remember that life is one. It just won't work the second time around. Therefore, you need to try to do everything that you can at this very moment, here and now. As the saying goes, make the most of life. If you periodically return to the past, you can not keep up with the changes that are happening today. However, saying is not doing. Everything is much more complicated here. A simple tip on how not to think about what was: if such a desire arises, and thoughts come back, you just need to force yourself to visualize a different future. This is a great way to speed up your mental recovery. We must come up with a picture of a bright future and return to it every time. And if everything is done correctly, the invented world will soon become a reality, and life will again go on an ascending line.

Everyone knows the simple truth: you need to give more, not receive. After all, it brings great moral satisfaction. If the soul is bad, we must try to improve the life of everyone around. You can help mom do a spring cleaning, give dad a long-awaited spinning rod or take a walk with your sister's child. Thanks and encouragement from the outside perfectly improve mood and give only positive emotions. And it's much easier to deal with difficult memories.

Here we will not talk about selfishness, but about the fact that you need to give yourself the maximum of what can please. At this time, you can try to fulfill at least one cherished dream - to jump with a parachute, go to the sea or just go to the amusement park. The expectation of something beautiful and positive emotions are great for dealing with multiple mental problems.

Simple Conclusions

And so that various mental illnesses and problems do not arise, you should always try to think positively. After all, all those tests that fate sends should only make a person stronger. And besides, you should always remember that behind the dark life strip there will always be white. Expecting the beautiful, it will soon be possible to wait for it.

The pain in my soul can no longer be removed, thoughts about you can’t be erased either, but how I want to score everything and you don’t love anymore ...

Knock on the closed door of my soul... Hear how the wolves howl at the moon in the darkness of my mind... Feel the pain that you caused me...

Believe me, I'm not afraid to feel, I'm afraid to drown in feelings. I'm not afraid of physical pain, I'm afraid of mental pain. I'm not afraid to love. I'm afraid to be unloved

I will not die without your love, but only something hurts in my chest ... and my heart does not want to lose you ... Understand, I will always remember you and wait ...

Do you hear the scream??? -Is this your soul? -No... it's my heart... it's crying... in pain...

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other

it’s bad… it’s bad in the soul… I don’t want anything… I want to hide in a corner and scream softly in pain!!!

There are no words to express all the bitterness and pain ... there are no words to say how much I love you ... there is no strength to try to hold you ... no strength ... you are leaving, I stand watching ...

I would give you my life if there were no lies, I would be yours forever if there was no pain!!!

There is and cannot be anything more terrible in the world than eternal happiness. Bernard Show

love is the pain that we impose on ourselves

The soul hurts and asks for mercy,
He says: "Forget it! Think again, come to your senses!"
But the sobbing heart answers: “I won’t forget,
I remember and forever, forever I will remember ... "

Love is like a tick in the heart… you have to rip it out along with the pieces, experiencing hellish pain… Who understands me now?

pain in my soul, I didn’t forget you, how much time we had with you, time flies, you won’t stop it, you won’t calm me down, roll, roll down the cheek, tear, I can’t, I can’t live without you, how can I explain everything to me, I can’t forget you

Remember you said: love is pain? You were wrong, love is hell.

I love... I'm waiting for you and I understand... I love... I'm dying without you... I love... My pain doesn't subside... I love... I don't know what to do...

"Love does not happen without pain!" - said the hare, hugging the hedgehog tightly ...

A lover will never hurt a loved one!

The soul quietly rested, After all, with every drop of blood She felt less and less Pain from lost love.

I loved and hated, but now the soul is empty. Everything disappeared, leaving no trace. And does not know the pain in the chest a piece of ice.

No more feelings, they are drowned in tears. No more fear, it's been replaced by pain. Only a stone in the chest and it's hard to breathe ... and the heart bleeds ...

It was very painful to let you go ... The main thing is not to break loose, not to call ... And the fingers themselves dial a painfully familiar phone number ... = (

I'm not crying - only my heart hurts! It's hard to take the pain away! This is because the one who should have understood did not understand anything !!!

Farewell, live with longing and pain, but not with me ... I've had enough)) Be happy in body and soul, but without me, I'm tired))).

Love causes pain that cannot be explained... There is a fragment in my heart that goes deeper and deeper... I don't need anyone else!.. There is cold and ice in my heart....P.S I'm free:)

Pain, tears, darkness and rain, The soul is all in wounds, the heart is in the blood, love bypasses ...

I still breathe, I still live with you
I'm still breathing, but instead of life, pain
I'm still breathing, but there is emptiness in my heart,
I'm still alive, but I'm not the same anymore.

Feeling the joy and pain once, you give yourself to a new love, as for the last time ...

Girls, who has ever experienced the terrible pain caused by love?

love is a great feeling, not only because it gives the greatest pleasure, but also causes the greatest pain ...

Even funny people have to be sad. Mental pain is not rare in our world, so it should not be concealed, but expressed with the help of beautiful phrases.

VK status about pain in the soul

Sad statuses about pain in the soul VK

Contrary to beliefs, it is not time or circumstances that bring us suffering, but people. Most often the most expensive.

Sad statuses about loneliness

As sad as it may be, it is extremely important to be alone and put everything in its place. As it is impossible by the way such phrases:

  1. Surviving a loved one is the worst of loneliness.
  2. When you are not there, you have to save yourself with hot tea, a blanket and dreams.
  3. We are so alone with our huge contact books and endless social media friends.
  4. The worst thing is not to be silent about your problems, but to meet with a misunderstanding of those to whom you tell about them.
  5. Our hopes are just as lonely, for they are the last to die.
  6. I'll even attach a funny emoji to the message, but know that even then I might not stop crying.
  7. Someday you will realize that I meant too much, but then you will mean nothing to me.
  8. I am lonely not because everyone does not understand me, but because it is you who do not understand.
  9. Yes, I'm single, but I could be unhappy and in a relationship.
  10. She is afraid of loneliness, but increasingly wants to go where no one knows her.

Choose only the most unusual and memorable phrases for your account.
