A wife's betrayal or a husband's infidelity are real stories. The story of one betrayal Men's betrayal stories from life

I have accumulated several stunning stories about women cheating. Their story is a real life story, which they flaunt with a sense of dignity.

You can't cheat on a man. It is a sin.

But some women literally persuade me to publish their puny stories.

Cheating for them is tantamount to going to the toilet. The main thing is not to run out of toilet paper.

Cheating on my husband with his ex-wife

Cool, well, this is just a sensation. Splashes of champagne.

My freedom is a full life.

Today I’m cheating (no, enjoying it) with someone else’s growing stronger husband, and tomorrow I see that mine isn’t wasting my time either.

What should I come up with this time?

You see, what a disaster.

The husband's ex-wife cheated on him with a woman. So they separated.

Without thinking twice, I decided to call her.

Word for word, we burst out laughing and turned the conversation to a sensitive topic.

In general, I came to her. The apartment is rubbish.

The bed is dismantled and covered with adult toys.

The trees are green, this is what I understand, betrayal.

A hitherto unknown pleasure and a feeling that cannot be expressed in words.

Don't be afraid, girls, I'm not agitating you for same-sex love.

On the contrary, live in an embrace with your men, not forgetting to wipe their snot after another fiasco.

A story about a woman's infidelity in a holiday home

I don’t want to judge others, and don’t let faithful men rush at me.

But I have never met anyone like this on my journey.

Everyone strives to change - subconsciously, on a physiological level.

We get old, we get cellulite; We're starting to smell bad.

Meanwhile, husbands cheat with young and lonely people.

I arrived at the holiday home and took a room according to the voucher.

Two people - 2 women. We are so similar that we could talk until the morning.

In the evening, go dancing. There we met the colonel, who was still wow.

So, in turn, he dirty us, and we, two tubs, puffed playfully.

The bull is strong, even though he has a belly.

My conscience didn’t gnaw at me, my memory didn’t gnaw at me.

Now I go to rest homes to relax, and not call my husband, worrying about how many bowls of soup he didn’t have enough to get drunk.

A story about a woman cheating in a hotel

Never cheat on your husbands. This is how I instructed my friends.

And they just laughed.

Like, you fool, you don’t know life.

Your Nikolai has tried us all for a long time.

I took their words as a bad joke. I remember I didn’t even talk to my friends for about a week.

The girls were right, I caught him in my own apartment, having asked to take time off from work due to illness.

I go in, and he whines lustfully under another skinny snag.

I threw off the faceplate, shaking it out onto the frosty street.

She hit her fool on the cheeks, but harbored a grudge in her soul.

Damn, he’s frail himself, with a silvery bald patch, and he looks like a pullet all over.

In short, so as not to torment you, I decided to take revenge.

I rented a hotel through a former work colleague. She always had free rooms.

That’s where she took the next moth that flew onto my still good body.

I told you about the betrayal, without trying to persuade you to take this petty step.

It’s just that some men confidently believe that they can, but we can’t.

Fuck you on a platter!

Women's stories about betrayal were edited by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

In short, it is very easy to ruin a marriage, but if you need details, then sit back.

Back in the eighth grade, I fell in love with a classmate whose name I won’t mention. But let it be Natalya. It was an intense love bordering on obsession. Probably, I experienced the strongest feelings in the eighth grade. I've never fallen more in love with anyone. And in terms of duration... this is the strongest love. We met until the last call. We talked about how it would be nice to start living together after school. But I graduated from school, but didn’t have time to go to university - I ended up in the army. Two years of service did their vile deed - Natalya did not wait for me and married someone else.

In 15 years of living together with my wife, I have never cheated on her, I never even had such a thought. Recently, either the devil pulled it or alcohol was to blame, I’m not looking for excuses, but I went to the left.

It’s not for nothing that the Irish have a proverb that you shouldn’t brag about the size of your wallet, the beauty of your wife or the taste of your beer.

We have been living with my husband for 20 years. We have two children, 15 and 18 years old. There is complete harmony in the family. Everyone thinks that we have an ideal family, because quarrels and conflicts in our home are very rare. There had never been a crisis in a relationship before, but recently I began to notice that my husband had changed.

11 monstrously real stories about betrayal and treason

What could be worse than this in a relationship? It seems nothing. We all try every day to make our relationships more or less normal and healthy. This is real everyday work, and not just sighs under the moon. And then one day the moment comes when someone on the other end of the line does what would seem impossible to expect from this person. You can't make it up on purpose.

At a party I found him in the bedroom during an orgy

“Once my now ex and I came to a party. There were more guys than girls there, but I knew someone and sat down to chat. Then I lost him. I searched all over the house. And I found it in the bedroom, there were five more naked men and two chicks. They seemed to be having a lot of fun at that moment. But not for me.”

I skipped work to throw a surprise party where she cheated on me

“I didn't go to work to plan a surprise party for my girlfriend. And in the midst of the fun he caught her with someone else. There was a scandal. And the next day I was fired.”

My boyfriend brought another chick to Christmas

“We celebrated Christmas with our friends. And my boyfriend brought some strange chick there. When I saw her, I shook. I looked at him with a silent question: “Dude, are you serious? What does all of this mean?". He said that it was his friend who called her and he had nothing to do with it. In addition, she was kind of creepy and drunk as hell. And I was wildly offended, because I felt that they had something.”

When I didn't want sex after giving birth, he said Tinder and went on dates

“I was never jealous of him. He liked to hang out all the time and I didn’t interfere. My pregnancy was not planned, but we had a sweet relationship and did not consider abortion. Naturally, I had to recover a month after giving birth. And he downloaded Tinder and went on dates. I only found out a few months later when my friend came across his profile. A year later, I started an internship and hung out with all sorts of promising smart guys and slept with them. Then she returned. I told him everything and broke up with him, proud of myself.”

Some guy asked my ex to send me a photo. And she sent me naked

“I was dating a girl. One day she asked me to print something from her email and gave me all the passwords. I did everything, but went on poking around in her computer. And I saw that she was grazing on all sorts of dating sites and communicating there only with men. One of them asked to send a photo and she sent a photo of me naked. She turned out to be a bastard even after we broke up and one day sent me a photo of another girl with the caption: “Look, I found something better than you.”

My best friend at university copied my coursework and passed it off as her own.

“My college friend copied my work and passed it off as hers before I did. And she set me up in front of the professor. But they gave me another chance and I did another project and defended it. And she failed because she didn’t know a damn thing about the subject.”

When my mom was pregnant with me, my older sister caught my dad kissing my mom's friend

“Mom was betrayed by both my biological father and her friend. My sister caught them, and my mother found out about everything a few days after I was born. I was 22 days old and she threw him out of the house. My father began to live with my mother’s friend, they adopted a boy, but their father then abandoned them. He never gave me anything or bought me anything, but only wrote letters in which he told me how he bought himself a new TV or a new car. I’m still angry at him.”

One day at a party I lost my mind

“We had a serious relationship, but the guy kept calling it “open.” And I thought that he cheated on me three times. Then I went to a swingers party and hooked up with a huge number of people. Only 27!”

I caught my ex-husband cheating when I was eight and a half months pregnant

“I caught my husband with another woman when I was heavily pregnant. She yelled at both and hit him and her. I returned home, threw all his things into boxes and sent it to his mother. That same evening I started having contractions and went to give birth. My daughter was born slightly premature and is now 14 years old. And I sincerely wish her never to experience this.”

My boyfriend broke up with me via text because I “study too much”

“My first boyfriend seemed very nice to me, he said that he loved me all the time, but at the same time he worked all the time. Then he began to miss our meetings and invent all sorts of reasons. And then I received a message from him that we couldn’t date because I “spend too much time studying. I was terribly upset and my self-esteem fell wildly. Then I found out that he was hooking up with his ex and meeting with his former colleagues for money or gifts. I’m very glad that fate took such a piece of crap away from me.”

At the same time, he was dating another girl who paid for him everywhere

“Everything was perfect when we started dating. True, sometimes she complained that she was completely broke, and then suddenly appeared with expensive gifts. But all the time they were things from the same store or gift coupons. I began to suspect something. This went on for a year, I began to follow him and be very attentive. And I found out that even longer than with me, he had been dating a girl from another city. I told him about my guesses. He said that I was crazy and I needed to see a psychologist. Then I talked to her and she told me that she works in the store where the gifts come from, and pays literally all of his expenses, even the phone and health insurance. He later told me that he simply fell in love with me, but could not part with her because of money. Then I told her everything, but she loved him so much that she couldn’t leave him, he manipulated her all the time. Then I decided to leave.”

Cheating on my husband... Does this sound familiar to you? Unfortunately, cheating on my spouse is all too familiar to me. Conscience torments. On the other hand, it seems to me that Vitya is more to blame for my betrayal than I am.

Now I’ll tell you my story, and you decide which of us is worse and what is my psychology of a woman cheating on her husband

We met on VKontakte. We talked for a long time, then we met. The third step was that we started living together. After some time, we were solemnly married.

In all the time we were together, I never once walked to the left. And I didn’t even have such thoughts! Of course, I had to endure a lot, yes! My beloved spent too much time cuddling with the laptop. I was angry! And she complained to her sister about such a life. My sister said that her husband does not leave his laptop at all. He got hooked on one game, to which he stuck like a leaf. And then I realized that everything was not so bad for me!

But everything changed as soon as I found out that my beloved husband was “traveling” on a dating app. He went out to the store and did not close the window with the application (apparently he forgot to do this). Well, I couldn’t resist... I read it... All the words that he said to me and wrote in messages, he wrote (and said, most likely) to others. Resentment and frustration overwhelmed me and wounded me to the depths of my heart... The “shock surprise” effect played its role. I cried, cried, cried... Until my childhood friend called me. He called, and somehow I calmed down a little, because I was always “able” to be distracted by phone calls and small talk.

Slavik offered to come to him. I agreed (I don’t remember exactly how it happened). He told me not to take public transport and called me a taxi. I know that he sincerely worried about me. I didn't push back too much. I got ready and went. The most luxurious and romantic table was waiting for me at his house. Everything was quiet and beautiful... I even melted a little. It seemed to me that Slava asked me on a date, but I drove these thoughts away from myself. He remembered that I was not free, and would not seduce me! After drinking a bottle of champagne, I realized that I was very mistaken.

He hugged me. We watched some super comedy. Then, spontaneously, it came to kissing. We remembered our distant past. Ten or eleven years ago we met. My God! How time has flown!

We turned off our cell phones at the same time and made ourselves comfortable next to each other…. Everything happened suddenly. But I don't regret anything! True, I woke up in his arms. I knew there would be a showdown at home. At first I just wanted to lie. But then I decided that it wasn’t worth doing. Slavik prepared me an excellent breakfast, brought it to bed, put flowers on the nightstand... Everything was like in the most gorgeous movie! And I thought it was a dream. And I didn’t want to wake up. Slavik saw that I woke up and said the following phrase: “I know that it’s time for you, but I dream that you will come back.” I wanted to hear it from him! And I also hoped that he would confess his love to me. He took me home, and when I got out of the car, he said that he loved…. Somehow, automatically, I told him the same words.

A surprise awaited me at home. I entered the apartment completely silently... It seemed to me that Vitya was at work, and he was in our bed with a girl! My heart almost burst out of my chest. I felt so bad at the moments I saw that I could faint. He said that I understood everything wrong and all that. And you didn’t need to understand anything! I don't consider myself stupid. I saw everything I should have seen. I wrote a message to Slavik. He told me to pack my things and rush to him. Without hesitation, I did just that. The husband was still trying to prove something, to stop... But I firmly decided that it was time to leave.

What I feel? At first I was “met” by pain. But then I realized that I was happy! I am incredibly happy that everything happened this way.

I’m not rushing to the registry office yet to file for divorce, because I understand that this is an extra “reason” for meeting him. I avoid this meeting, as well as misfortunes!

I have a friend Polina. So she had a similar story quite recently. I also met my husband on the Internet. They also did not meet for a long time, but almost immediately began to live together.

Polya went out to the store and was delayed because the line was huge. When she arrived, she saw a “savory” picture: her husband was having sex with his classmate! The worst thing is that they did this on a sofa that they bought the day before! Polina said nothing to the couple. But she slapped both him and her. It's a pity that I didn't see this. By the way, Polka filed for divorce the very next day. She asked me to be next to her. Go…. A creepy place for sure! Now I realize that I will have to go there too. Slava and I feel so good that I don’t want to think about anything else! But he also urges me. Wants me to be free. He wants to give his last name... How touching!

I have dreamed about this all my life. Although she lived only a short time, she managed to experience a lot. As much, probably, as no one has ever experienced. But I'm not complaining! This is a very huge experience that gave me a lot to understand.

Recently I had a dream. Lots and lots of sweets and fireworks! I asked a classmate to “decipher” the dream - she said that it was all for the better. I would like to believe these words right away, but it was hard to believe. I’ll be honest: I love dreams that can be considered prophetic. And dreams can often come true if you really want it!

Will I forgive betrayal to my dear one? No! I realized that I couldn’t do this. This is not the stuff I am made from. It hurts to forgive! And impossible. In general, I want to “get sick” with amnesia so that I can completely forget everything! But I don’t know how to achieve this faster. Only love can heal me! She is a sorceress. You will need to take magic lessons from her...

Dear girls, my practical advice to you: do not cheat on your husbands and do not forgive them for cheating! If you change just once, everything can happen again! And then it will be difficult to stop, if you manage to do it at all.

If betrayal has already happened to you, survive it! Imagine that it happened somewhere and not with you. It is always difficult to learn to live again, but this does not give anyone the right to retreat! Neither you nor anyone else. Always try to remember this.
