High quality bed linen. How to choose? Which fabric is better to buy bed linen from: an overview of various fabrics, their properties and characteristics Choose bed linen

A person’s well-being largely depends on the quality of his sleep. An entire industry is working to improve it, producing special beds with orthopedic bases, all kinds of mattresses for every taste and, of course, bed linen. After all, you can only get a great night's sleep where nothing irritates you. All good housewives know this and carefully select bedroom sets, evaluating and comparing bed linen manufacturers. And this is very difficult to do! Currently, there are more than a hundred bed linen manufacturers operating on the Russian market. A wide range is offered to customers not only by domestic, but also by foreign companies. Today we will try to find out which bedding is best and tell you about the most famous brands in this industry.

Choosing a bedding set: what to consider

When choosing one or another textile for the home, any housewife first of all pays attention to the composition of the fabric. It is usually indicated on the label, but often bed linen manufacturers are cunning, so buyers find out about the true characteristics of the set already at home.

There is an opinion that the best linen is made from calico and satin. However, this does not always indicate the naturalness of the material, so you need to carefully read the label and pay attention not to the fabric, but to the fibers in its composition. So, which bedding is best? Let's find out together.

Natural fabrics can consist of three types of fibers. Sometimes they are combined, but most often they are used to make monomaterials. Natural threads include:

  • Silk. Premium bed linen is produced from it. Scientists say that silk has a beneficial effect on the human body and promotes sound sleep due to the feeling of softness and coolness. But it is very difficult to care for and requires careful treatment. Such sets are washed only on a gentle cycle or sent to dry cleaning.
  • Flax. From time immemorial it has been considered the strongest material. Manufacturers of bed linen claim that it can easily withstand up to two hundred washes. At the same time, the colors do not fade and delight housewives with their original brightness. Linen thread is used in various fabrics.
  • Cotton. Cotton fabrics are very comfortable to sleep on. The main property of this material is its ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, cotton bed linen is warm in winter, and cool and not hot in summer. However, keep in mind that this material must be selected especially carefully. After all, poor quality underwear will quickly shrink and fade.

Knowing what fibers are used to produce linen, you can get an idea of ​​the fabrics from which bedding sets are made.

Brief characteristics of fabrics

Today, manufacturers use several types of fabrics, the features of which we will now tell you about:

  • Satin. Housewives often prefer this material, because it has high density and a noble shine. It is formed due to a special weaving - twisted threads. In many respects, satin resembles silk, but is much cheaper.
  • Percale. This fabric has a very, very high density; it is recommended to be used for down and feather products (pillows, blankets).
  • Calico. Cotton bed linen is made from this fabric very often, as it is inexpensive and is in great demand among a certain category of buyers. However, it is worth considering that such sets are short-lived and quickly lose their appearance and brightness of colors.
  • Ranfors. This fabric is considered durable and practical, but it tends to shrink. It uses cotton threads with a diagonal weave.
  • Jacquard satin. In fabric production, several types of threads are often used; they have a complex weave. Thanks to this, jacquard satin has a wide range of colors.

Recently, bedding sets made from bamboo fiber have become widespread. Such fabrics are very pleasant to the touch and are much more delicate than natural cotton.

Bed linen review

It often happens that buyers are completely satisfied with the composition of the fabric, but are not satisfied with the tailoring or coloring of the set. Therefore, every housewife has a manufacturer that she prefers based on certain indicators. We analyzed the reviews and characteristics of the most famous brands producing bed linen and created our review. The following brands took part in it:

  • Bed linen "Mona Lisa".
  • "Vasilisa" kits.
  • Bed linen Asabella.
  • Valtery.
  • Belarusian bed linen “Blakit”.
  • Bed linen "Tas" (Türkiye).

Many of our readers may be familiar with the brands listed above. But for those to whom they don’t say anything, we have prepared a detailed description of each brand.

Bed linen "Monolith"

This manufacturer is considered one of the largest in Russia; its products are sold in almost every shopping center in the country. Founded twenty-five years ago, the company has grown very quickly and unites several sewing workshops. Today, Monolit has many warehouses, branches and stores. It is this company that owns the Mona Lisa trademark, whose bed linen meets the highest quality standards.

Buyers are pleased with the wide price range and the ability to choose from a huge number of colors. Judging by the reviews, the sets practically do not fade and have even seams.

The advantages of the brand include the following indicators:

  • multicolor printing;
  • natural fabric composition;
  • average price category;
  • no shrinkage after washing;
  • high material density;
  • durability.

It’s nice that buyers found virtually no cons with the brand. Some buyers note incorrectly sewn labels, but treat this with a grain of humor. Overall, this bed linen is recommended for purchase and receives a very high rating.

Sets from Ivanovo

It has been known since Soviet times that bed linen is produced in Ivanovo of very high quality. Moreover, it has a low cost, and therefore is accessible to the general mass of consumers. From the category of inexpensive brands, the best is Vasilisa bed linen. It appeared on Russian shelves about ten years ago and very quickly gained the trust of consumers.

They loved the brand for its quality and practicality at an affordable price. In addition to bed linen, Vasilisa produces blankets, pillows, towels and other textile products. They are also in demand among our compatriots.

The following points stand out from the advantages:

  • the most inexpensive bed linen from Ivanovo;
  • bright colors;
  • does not fade or change shape during use;
  • the kits do not form pellets, and they very rarely tear;
  • compliance with the specified dimensions.

The manufacturer always specifies that for the long service life of the purchased bed linen, it is necessary to follow the rules of care for it. First of all, buyers must adhere to the specified temperature when washing. This is very important to maintain the brightness of the kit's colors.

Royal luxury in bed linen

Asabella bed linen is unknown to most buyers, since only elite sets made from expensive fabrics are produced under this brand. For its products, the brand uses jacquard satin, ranfors, silk and other materials. Some buyers believe that bed linen from this manufacturer is a real work of art. Moreover, it is developed by Italian designers. They select the fabrics for it, and the sewing itself is done in China. All equipment was also brought from Italy, so we can say that Russians get the highest quality product for their money.

Despite the fact that the average cost of a set of Asabella underwear ranges from seventeen thousand rubles, which is an prohibitive price for most of our compatriots, the brand has its fans and regular customers. They often write that the linen practically does not wrinkle and even after several years of use it looks great.

The advantages of the brand can be listed in the following list:

  • high quality bed linen;
  • luxurious design;
  • lasts a long time;
  • does not shed;
  • does not tear;
  • After several years of use, the lace and beads remain in place.

The disadvantages of Asabella are few:

  • high cost of kits;
  • Does not withstand washing and requires dry cleaning.

This brand is perfect for wealthy people who value their comfort above all else.

The best brand from Belarus

Belarusian bed linen has long been loved by our compatriots for its quality and low price. “Blakit” is considered the best brand; this company offers a wide range of textile products. In addition to bed linen, you can purchase yarn, tablecloths and workwear. Moreover, all Blakit products are practical, which is appreciated by thrifty housewives who do not want to spend a lot of money on home textiles.

Many people write that the bedding of the Belarusian brand literally consists of only advantages, and they list them with pleasure:

  • wide selection of colors to suit every taste;
  • convenient size range;
  • high wear resistance;
  • easy to iron;
  • does not wrinkle much;
  • the colors retain their brightness for a long time.

In addition, the average cost of a set does not exceed one thousand rubles, which makes it as affordable as possible for many categories of Russian families.

Housewives usually cite inconvenient fasteners as a disadvantage. But they are not found on all models, so you can always choose something suitable for yourself from a wide range.

Trusted manufacturer from China

If we talk about foreign companies that are represented on the Russian bed linen market, then we cannot fail to mention Valtery. This famous brand is very popular among Russians, despite the fact that all products are manufactured in China. It is worth noting that the brand’s factories purchase only the most modern equipment, so they vouch for the quality of their products.

The Valtery brand is notable for the fact that it offers customers bed linen from different fabrics. The machines produce sets of calico, satin, silk, poplin and other materials. A separate series is dedicated to children's textiles. Under the Valtery brand, on store shelves you can find underwear for little ones, distinguished by calm pastel colors, and sets for older children. They often depict favorite cartoon characters and are a riot of colors.

On average, a set of bed linen costs a little more than one and a half thousand rubles. For this money, buyers become owners of a product with many advantages:

  • amazingly beautiful drawing;
  • embroidery trim;
  • the sheet always has a slightly larger size than indicated on the package, so laying out the linen is very convenient;
  • beautiful packaging that allows you to purchase sets as a gift;
  • soft and smooth material that is pleasant to sleep on.

Unfortunately, this brand also has a number of disadvantages:

  • slight fading of colors after the first wash;
  • formation of pellets.

Many housewives believe that Valtery bed linen is still worth purchasing, since its advantages significantly outweigh minor shortcomings.

Trademark "Tas"

Bed linen has been made from satin in Turkey for a long time, but it entered the Russian market about thirty years ago. Moreover, among the numerous brands, “Tas” literally immediately stood out. The brand was created around the middle of the last century and offers a wide range of home textiles. This brand produces everything a good housewife might need. But special attention is still paid to satin bed linen. In Russian ratings, this company has been considered the largest supplier in recent years.

The average set costs one thousand six hundred rubles, which is a very reasonable price for our compatriots. They confidently name its main advantages over other brands:

  • high-quality drawing;
  • does not fade after washing;
  • does not shrink;
  • features a unique combination of strength and softness;
  • perfect seam processing;
  • durability.

All of the above advantages make Tas a very popular brand in our country. Its only drawback can be considered the cost. If you compare several brands of similar quality, it turns out that the Turkish manufacturer is the most expensive among equals. However, many Russian families prefer it.


So what bedding can definitely be considered the best? We think that there cannot be one answer to this question. Each housewife chooses sets based on a whole set of factors, among which the main ones are price and quality. And these, as you know, are subjective concepts. Therefore, any family will tell you their favorite brand of bed linen and even list its undeniable advantages.

In turn, we can advise purchasing sets only from natural fabrics, the composition of which is stated on the label. Also, do not get carried away by unfamiliar manufacturers, even if the price they set seems very attractive. After all, sometimes such a purchase can cause an allergic reaction and harm the whole family. Therefore, be careful and let nothing disturb your sweet sleep.

Good sleep is an indicator of a healthy lifestyle. A person spends a third of his time sleeping. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on the quality of bed linen. In addition to aesthetic appeal, it must meet safety criteria. Very often, underneath external beauty there is a hidden threat, and it easily overtakes those who do not know how to choose bedding and do not understand how important this choice is.

Safety criteria for bedding

The mention of bed linen evokes the most pleasant associations in a person. This includes the sweet sniffling of a baby, the hugs of a loved one, and simply pleasant dreams. But no matter how romantic aura it may be, underwear, first of all, is a hygiene item, and certain hygienic requirements are imposed on it:

  • Hygroscopicity– the ability of the material to remove moisture from the body and absorb it. This is one of the most important indicators of fabric quality. The higher the level of hygroscopicity, the more comfortable the sleep. Cotton and linen absorb moisture best. The hygroscopicity of silk is approximately 30%. For synthetic materials this figure is 1%.
  • Hypoallergenic– absence of allergy-causing fibers in the fabric. All-natural fibers meet this criterion. But synthetic materials, according to doctors, confidently hold the lead in contact dermatitis.
  • Breathability– the ability of the material to allow air to pass through, providing ventilation and creating comfortable sleeping conditions. Poor air permeability can lead to the emergence and development of skin allergic and infectious diseases. But even if this does not happen, the person will wake up tired the next morning. Cotton and linen have good breathability. But silk allows air to pass through very poorly.
  • Thermal protection– ability to conserve heat. Linen and ranfors are ideal in this regard. They are called air conditioners in the textile world: it is not hot on such beds in summer and not cold in winter.
  • Tactility– the ability of a fabric to cause pleasant sensations when in contact with the human body. This indicator is especially important for those with sensitive skin. The most preferred in this regard are silk, Tencel, bamboo and terry.
  • Electrostaticity– accumulation of excess static electricity by the fabric. This is the “sin” of synthetic materials.

Has increased sorption capacity. Lingerie that does not meet hygienic requirements is fraught with serious consequences for the body in the form of allergies, exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, and sometimes serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and even blood.

How to avoid ending up in bed with your enemy

Bed linen is made from natural and a huge number of artificial fabrics. To reduce the cost of the kit, manufacturers use synthetic materials. Sleeping on such a bed, if the synthetics are also of poor quality, can lead to serious consequences. The expression “in bed with the enemy” fits perfectly in this case. The enemy is illness, insomnia, morning fatigue. But if saving is important to you, give preference to higher quality synthetic materials - fleece, microfiber, micromodal. These materials are gentle, soft, less static than other synthetics.

But still, whatever one may say, high-quality underwear should be made from natural fabrics. “Silk is the key to good sleep,” as they say in the East. Europeans prefer cotton and linen - these are ideal fabrics for hygienic conditions for sewing bed linen.

The most practical - cotton underwear

The cotton family of materials is represented by a number of fabrics. All of them have unique properties in their effect on the skin: they do not create a greenhouse effect, absorb moisture well, do not electrify, are easy to care for and durable. The fabrics are made from cotton threads and differ in the way they are woven. The price and demand for bedding sets depends on the pros and cons of each material.

  • Satin or Egyptian cotton– the most expensive and luxurious cotton fabric. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, it is not inferior to silk. Expensive sets are made from it. A huge advantage is that satin is easy to care for and quite wear-resistant. And the one that is classified as “luxury” does not wrinkle even with intensive pressing.
  • Calico inexpensive and practical. Linen made from it does not require delicate care and dries quickly. The material is wear-resistant - a set made from it will last for many years. An excellent option for daily use in the summer.
  • Chintz the most short-lived and fluffy, but extremely tactile, making it ideal for sensitive skin.
  • Poplin almost does not wrinkle, is easy to care for, pleasant to the touch due to its silky surface. The main advantage is the price, it is quite affordable.
  • Flannel or brushed cotton– the most preferred fabric in the cold season. In terms of tactile sensations, it has no equal in this group. It’s not for nothing that baby diapers are made from flannel.
  • Batiste sets airy and flowing. They are best purchased for guest rooms or as an elegant gift. The fabric is not strong enough, so it is not suitable for daily use.
  • Ranfors It surpasses even linen in density and has all its advantages, but at the same time practically does not wrinkle and dries quickly.
  • Percale used for sewing luxury linen. The fabric is made from elite, long-staple cotton. One of the most wear-resistant materials - can withstand more than 1000 washes.

All of the listed fabrics are environmentally friendly because they are made from 100% natural cotton.

Linen, jacquard, and exotic materials

There is no alternative linen– it is the most wear-resistant, washes well and becomes even brighter with each subsequent wash. Linen has no drawbacks, except for one thing - this fabric wrinkles easily. But dermatologists do not advise giving preference to flax if a person has dry skin or suffers from ichthyosis - in this case, you need to choose materials that are soft to the touch.

Just as strong and durable jacquard. It can consist entirely of cotton (certainly long-fiber), or be diluted halfway with flax or silk. Polyester content up to 20% is acceptable. It is added to highlight the beauty and add tactility to the design. Jacquard is used for luxury tailoring - it is an expensive and noble fabric. Its peculiarity is that the pattern is created at the stage of weaving threads.

Natural materials include innovative materials that have recently appeared on the market - bamboo fabric and tencel– Australian eucalyptus. These are excellent fabrics for sewing thin, durable, hygienically ideal bed linen, especially for summer. Their main advantage is the bactericidal and anti-allergenic properties of the material. But exotic sets are more expensive than cotton ones.

Silk luxury

Silk is an elegant and romantic material, praised by lyricists. However, it is prohibitively expensive - the price of the kit starts at $500. Unfortunately, the market is filled with high-quality fakes. But determining whether it is actually silk is not difficult. To do this, turn the pillowcase inside out and pull out the thread at the seam. Natural silk has very fine fiber. It burns with the smell of a feather, the ashes do not clump together and are easily rubbed between your fingers.

An alternative to silk can be a satin or percale set, as mentioned above. But the atlas will replace the original only in appearance. In all other respects, this is ordinary synthetic underwear.

You came to the store

Experts advise buyers to carefully study underwear before purchasing. In stores whose owners value their reputation, they will even allow you to set fire to a sample of the fabric from which the set is made. Synthetics burn, fusing into a solid ball, with black smoke.

Bed linen is not a product with mandatory certification. But some manufacturers, in order to prove the quality of their products, carry it out. So having a certificate is an important plus when choosing.

Also pay attention to the following points:

  • Coloring. Wipe the front side of the product with a damp cloth. Paint transferred to the napkin indicates the low quality of the product. If the front and back sides are significantly different in color, there is a chance that the linen will fade a lot. Many pigments contain a color fixer, formaldehyde, which is practically not excreted from the body. Experts do not recommend purchasing underwear with a very bright fabric pattern.
  • Weave densitychecked in the light - the binding must be uniform and dense; the looser the weaving, the lower the quality.
  • Tactile sensation.Synthetics are slippery, like glass. Linen is heavy and slightly rough, with characteristic knots on the surface. Cotton is softer and warmer to the touch. Tencel is silky, slightly reminiscent of the surface of a peach. Bamboo is somewhat similar to cashmere.
  • Smell. If a natural product has a noticeable chemical smell, it means it was painted with low-quality pigment. It is better to refuse to buy it.
  • Sewing.Turn the laundry inside out and check the quality of the stitches - they should be even, with a hem of no more than 3 mm, without protruding threads. The sheet is sewn from a single piece, without any seams in the middle. The flap of the pillowcase is 25 cm as standard, otherwise the pillow will fall out of it.
  • Label. It must indicate the composition and provide recommendations for care. It is best to take a set that can be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. A good manufacturer indicates its address and telephone number. It is mandatory to have information about the completeness in full accordance with the actual dimensions of the kit. It should be remembered that European manufacturers do not always complement the set of sheets.
  • Size. There are bed linen standards:

one and a half (140x205 cm);
double (175x205 cm);
euro (200x220 cm);
family - equipped with two duvet covers;
children's (110x140 cm).

Length-width can vary upward by 10-20 cm.

If you buy underwear from an online store and it is delivered to you by a courier, inspect the set with him before you give the money. If you receive it by mail, do the same at the branch. Remember: bed linen cannot be returned to the store. Therefore, after you bring it home, it will no longer be possible to return the product you don’t like.

Color heals, calms and invigorates

Psychologists and doctors advise giving preference to underwear in cool, neutral shades - white and blue. But experts in the field of color say: the morning mood is directly related to the color of bed linen. In addition to complete harmony with the overall interior of the bedroom, the color and pattern must match the person’s character.

For business people, practical, non-distracting shades and colors are preferred. For those who value stability in life, classic tones are suitable. Workaholics are shown geometric designs.

Those who lack care should purchase a pink or light green set. Spouses who have long been accustomed to each other can add a touch of novelty to their relationship by purchasing emerald-colored underwear. Romantic couples are advised to relax on a purple bed.

Underwear in exciting shades, in particular red, will help raise your overall vitality. If you are prone to frequent mood changes, give preference to yellow or orange.

For ARVI, and also to calm the nervous system, the bed should be dressed in blue tones. For muscle pain and headaches, choose green shades.

We wish you a good choice and pleasant dreams. We hope that our advice helped you choose the highest quality bedding in terms of comfort and harmlessness to the body.

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping. It's no secret that sound, healthy sleep is the key to health, visual attractiveness, performance and good mood. That’s why it’s so important to properly organize your sleeping space, from choosing a bed to bedding.

How to choose the size of bed linen?

When buying underwear, it is very important not to make a mistake in the size. And to do this, you need to select sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases to match the size of the mattress, blankets and pillows. Therefore, pay attention to the size characteristics of bed linen indicated on the packaging.

Why is it so important to choose quality bedding?

Bed linen comes into contact with a person’s body and face for several hours a day. Therefore, low-quality dyes can lead to allergies and discomfort during sleep. Bed linen should “breathe” - allow air to pass through, that is, be made from natural fabrics (or have a minimum percentage of synthetics). Otherwise, sleeping on linen will be cold in winter and hot in summer.

True, some modern “unusual” fabrics for linen combine the advantages of natural material and are devoid of its disadvantages.

Bed linen is washed frequently, so high-quality linen will last you longer and will delight you with its always attractive appearance.

Types and characteristics of fabrics for bed linen

Gone are the days when the choice of fabrics was limited to cotton and satin. Yes, and they have undergone some changes as a result of the use of modern technologies.



Satin bedding The linen fascinates with its brilliance and beauty. What kind of fabric is this? Despite the common name, “satin” is not the name of the fabric itself, but a type of weaving. That is, the satin can be silk, polyester, satin and others.

The main disadvantage of satin is considered to be, oddly enough, its advantage - shine, which not only gives the linen an elegant look, but also slippery. Some people love satin lingerie for its coolness and smoothness. Well, some people, on the contrary, don’t like it because the blanket “ran away” and the electricity.

When looking for satin bed linen, keep in mind that the low price means that an attractive set can be made of polyester. This means that sleeping on it will be cold in winter and hot in summer (due to the fact that the fabric does not breathe).

But natural silk is expensive, difficult to care for and requires careful handling.


Silk is a very unusual fabric obtained from the threads of the silkworm cocoon. The labor-intensive technology of silk production has not changed for four thousand years. The only difference between the modern production process is that silkworm caterpillars are bred artificially in special factories.

Silk is a natural fabric, so in addition to aesthetics, silk material is comfortable for the body: it “breathes,” light, delicate and durable. There is nothing more pleasant than sleeping on silk beds in the warm season - the fabric gives the body smoothness and coolness.

The main disadvantage of silk is its price (high-quality linen costs from 30,000 rubles) and delicate care (manufacturers recommend hand washing).

A good option for bed linen are fabrics that combine silk and cotton threads. In this case, the laundry can be washed in a washing machine like cotton - at a temperature of 40 o C.


Incredibly, this plant produces strong fiber during its production process. With its qualities, bamboo fabric resembles a mix of cotton and silk, having a slight shine and softness.

Bamboo bed linen immediately gained recognition from consumers due to its properties: environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity, softness, thermoregulation and durability.

Bamboo fabric is difficult to dye, so bedding sets made from this fabric are in natural shades: pale green, light, beige.

Bamboo linen is easy to care for: delicate machine wash separately from other types of linen and ironing at low temperature.


Another fabric of plant origin. Tencel is a fiber made from eucalyptus wood. Thanks to its softness, shine, elasticity, non-slip properties and warmth, Tencel bed linen is among the favorites of luxury linen, along with silk. True, due to the complex production of Tencel, underwear made from eucalyptus is not cheap (from 20,000 rubles and above).

To the unusual abilities of Tencel you can add dust-repellent and bactericidal properties. Eucalyptus fabric is highly dyeable and therefore comes in a wide range of colors.

Care for Tencel linen is delicate - washing temperature, spinning, ironing - everything is gentle.

Criteria for quality bed linen

When purchasing bed linen, pay attention to its quality. For example, cheap silk will quickly become unusable, and you will be sorry for the money spent, for which you could buy satin lingerie of the highest quality.

Signs of quality:

  • Fabric density should be uniform. If the sparseness of the fibers is visible, then it is better to refrain from purchasing such underwear.
  • Seams must be complete and continuous, and the threads must be the same color as the fabric. The curvature of the seams and protruding threads scream about a low-quality product that will soon become unusable.
  • Smell. Sharp will tell you about using low-quality fabric dye. Such linen can shed and cause allergies. High-quality linen smells like textiles and new.

You can write endlessly about bed linen - manufacturers do not stand still and new mixes of fabrics, colors and original designs appear every year. We hope that you have learned something new about the types of bedding and our article will help you choose a set that will become your favorite.

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Several different personalities coexist in it at the same time. He flutters around in pink scarves and stockings, but loves black humor, rock music, art house and unusual people. Likes to quote the Cheshire Cat. In his free time, he splashes in the pool, reads classics and science fiction. I recently discovered my interest in copywriting, and hopes that it will be mutual. He believes that this is real creative cuisine. And my favorite topics for articles are clothing, various accessories, cosmetics and gift topics.

Reading time: 8 minutes

A comfortable bed and bedding made from natural materials are necessary for a person to fully relax. Sleep affects your well-being and mood throughout the day. What bedding is of the best quality, and how to choose it? We invite you to study all the characteristics to decide which kit is best for you. The stores present a wide range: from budget sets to luxury ones.

A high-quality kit has the following characteristics:

  • High strength and wear resistance. You will realize the importance of these parameters after several washes. Linen that is too loose will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
  • Good hygroscopicity and breathability. This will come in handy in the summer when people sweat more often. Cotton, linen, silk and other natural fabrics will help withstand the heat.
  • Dyes must be hypoallergenic and resistant to regular washing.

What bedding is the best quality?

Fabric density

Density is an important criterion when choosing, affecting the strength and durability of the kit. Density indicators are often indicated on the label only by manufacturers of products that meet all standards. Density is divided into linear (number of threads per 1 cm²) and surface (grams per m²).

Table 1. Linear density (n. per 1 cm²)

Very low From 20 to 30
Low From 35 to 40
Average From 50 to 65
Above average From 65 to 80
High From 85 to 120
Very high From 130 to 280

In determining the surface density, the type, method of weaving and twist of the thread play an important role. Therefore, it is impossible to make a general gradation, since each painting must be considered separately.


The packaging should be light but strong. It protects the kits from moisture, light and ensures safety during transportation and storage. The appearance and quality of the packaging reflects the quality of the laundry inside. Polymer film and reinforced multilayer materials are common. Reinforcement makes the packaging stronger, which contributes to the safety of the product.


The presence of a label with marking is a prerequisite for the production and storage of bed linen. The marking includes symbols, tips for caring for the product, and packaging date. The technical characteristics of the product and a list of products included in the kit are also indicated. The text should be easy to read and understandable for the average buyer. The label is attached directly to the kit or packaging.

Conscientious manufacturers whose products comply with all standards provide information about the product and contact information. The lack of information on the label indicates the low quality of the product and the reluctance of the manufacturer to disclose the company name.


A set that meets the requirements of GOST must be sewn from solid fabric. The presence of a seam on a sheet or duvet cover is unacceptable. The seam reduces the strength of the product and spoils the appearance. Also, avoid an abundance of accessories - buttons complicate washing and can injure a person while sleeping. If possible, it is worth checking the seams for strength. To do this, stretch the fabric in different directions. If the thread tension during sewing was insufficient, the seam will be loose, weak and you will see gaps. You should refrain from purchasing such a kit. All cuts must be finished with a linen seam.


High-quality paint can withstand high temperatures when washed. The label must include an inscription about the recommended washing mode and maximum washing temperature. Some manufacturers indicate dye strength, which should be 4 or higher. To check the quality of painting, you need to rub the front side of the fabric. A colored palm indicates low quality. The design must be clear on both sides, otherwise the set will quickly fade.


Bed linen created in accordance with GOST has an unobtrusive smell of a new textile product. The presence of a chemical or smell of paint indicates a high content of harmful substances and non-compliance with production technology. This also indicates improper storage and transportation.


Before purchasing, measure the parameters of the mattress, blanket and pillows, because the sizes of Russian and foreign manufacturers differ.

Set Duvet cover Sheet Pillowcases
1.5 bedroom From 143x210 cm

Up to 160x230 cm

145x200 cm 50x70cm
2-bedroom (Russian standard) From 175x210

Up to 180x220 cm

175x210 cm 50x70 cm
2 bedroom () From 200x220 cm

Up to 215x220 cm

200x215 cm 70x70 cm
Royal (Euro maxi) 240x260 cm 220x240 cm 70x70 cm
and 2 duvet covers From 140x210 cm

Up to 160x230 cm

From 175x210 50x70 cm


When buying European bed linen, it is worth knowing some markings:

  • 1 bedroom – 1 bed/single;
  • 2-bedroom – full/double/2-bed;
  • Euro – Queen;
  • 5 set – extra long single;
  • 3 bedroom – King size.

How to choose PBC from the varieties of fabrics


Dense at a budget price. increases strength, so the material does not require careful maintenance.

The benefits include:

  • Wear resistance;
  • Strength;
  • Quickly absorbs moisture;
  • The cost is within 1300 rubles;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Hygiene.

Satin bedding

Created by twisting cotton fibers. In production, not only natural, but also synthetic threads are used. The stronger the curl, the stronger the shine. doesn't wrinkle at all. It looks like silk, but the cost is an order of magnitude lower. The reverse side has a rough structure and thanks to this it does not slip on the mattress.


  • Strength;
  • Practicality;
  • Noble shine;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Warms in cold weather.

Despite all the advantages, there are also disadvantages: if gloss was used to create the fabric, then sleeping on such linen will be slippery. In the summer, it is worth abandoning satin in favor of breathable materials.


Outwardly, it is similar to calico, as it has a plain weave. However, when producing poplin, silk, viscose, wool and synthetic threads are added to the composition. The main difference and feature is the use of two threads of different widths, which determine the appearance of the fabric - ribbed.


  • Shine;
  • Softness;
  • Elasticity;
  • Smooth, flat surface;
  • Withstands up to 300 washes;
  • Excellent hygroscopicity;
  • Heat retention;
  • Does not lose shape after creasing;
  • Doesn't shed.

Overall, good quality for a low price. It can be washed at 100°.

Percale in bed linen

- a type of cotton fabric with strong weaves of fibers. Long pile cotton is used to create it. The threads form a plain weave. Untwisted thread adds strength and smoothness to the finished product. The density of percale is 90/160 per 10 cm of fabric. This is a high indicator, which increases the service life without loss of shape.

  • Density 100-160 per cm²;
  • Comfort while sleeping due to the velvety, soft surface;
  • Good breathability and heat retention;
  • It is not inferior to satin in quality and appearance, but costs less;
  • It is environmentally friendly, therefore suitable for making children's kits.


- a sophisticated and airy material that is made from cotton, linen and synthetic fibers. The density of cambric increases due to the simultaneous use of several types of threads. A density of 20-30 threads per 1 cm ensures a silky surface and airiness of this fabric. Inferior to poplin and satin in terms of number of washes. For comparison: poplin can withstand up to 200, and satin up to 300.

This aristocratic material requires delicate care. You need to wash in warm water without spinning, and iron from the wrong side through gauze.

  • The light weight of cambric creates a light, airy coating, so sleeping on such linen is very comfortable;
  • The fabric is breathable, so it is suitable for the summer;
  • Hypoallergenic material;
  • Batiste, despite its airiness, holds its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • Dries quickly and is pleasant to the touch.

Ranfors bed linen sets

- material made from purified cotton. The higher the quality of cleaning, the less shrinkage the fabric will give after washing. It has a diagonal weave, which increases strength and makes the surface smooth. The density of this material is higher than calico and is 42 threads per 1 cm².

  • Lightness, but at the same time strength. Does not require special care and tolerates washing well;
  • Quickly absorbs moisture, so it is suitable for summer;
  • Does not lose shape;
  • Not electrified;
  • Hygienic, as only high quality dyes are used in production.

Ranfors is sometimes confused with calico or poplin, since the characteristics are similar. However, it has a higher cost.


This material is considered elite. Delicate and flowing silk will appeal to even the most selective individuals. has a natural composition without impurities and chemicals.

If we exclude the high price tag, silk has only one advantage:

  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Conducts heat well. It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter;
  • Will last a long time due to the strength of the threads;
  • Aesthetics in appearance and pleasant tactile sensations.

To avoid buying a fake, just touch the material - it will heat up quickly, but the artificial one will remain cold.

Also, take a closer look at the pattern: it should match on the face and back.


Top 10 manufacturing companies:

Something new appears regularly in the world of bed linen. Improved technologies are being introduced and new fabrics are being created. The choice is huge, but among this variety it is important to find what suits you.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Everyone knows about the importance of good bed linen. It is this, after a comfortable bed and pillow, that provides that comfortable sleep, which is responsible for many processes in life after waking up. Therefore, you need to choose bed linen not only by color, but also by other important criteria. Read also: . How to make the right choice when buying bed linen?

General rules for choosing bed linen

First of all, don't get confused method of weaving fabric and its composition . The terms “calico” or “satin” are information specifically about the weaving method, and not about the composition of the fiber.

What else needs to be taken into account when choosing bed linen?

  • For children's underwear the best choice would be bamboo or pure cotton .
  • In terms of cost: the least likely to empty your wallet are synthetic and mixed (polycotton) fabrics and cheap calico. Underwear made from flannel, poplin, terry cloth, calico . The most expensive ones will be jacquard, cambric and silk sets (it’s not a shame to give such underwear as a gift).
  • The most comfortable for sleeping are sets made of llinen and silk, satin, in winter - from terry cloth and flannel .
  • The most durable will be linen set , as well as linen made of jacquard, calico, satin and silk.
  • Service life of linen. This criterion depends on weave density (i.e. the number of threads per 1 sq/cm). The higher this indicator, the longer the laundry will last.
  • Completeness. The standard set (according to GOST) is a pair of pillowcases and a sheet with a duvet cover. But for a European set, a sheet is an optional element.
  • Mildew smell from laundry indicates the fragility of the fabric and the presence of microorganisms in it.
  • Chemical smell – this is the presence of formaldehyde or unstable dyes in the fabric.
  • The seam must be double stitched , otherwise it will disperse almost immediately.
  • In the center of the laundry there should be no joints/seams .
  • Labeling of linen should reflect complete information about the composition of raw materials and the manufacturer .

Fabrics for bed linen – which ones are better?

Bed linen is made from linen, bamboo, cotton, silk and synthetics. As for viscose and other (exotic) materials, they are used extremely rarely for these purposes. Although, combinations such as cotton/synthetic, cotton/linen, etc. are allowed.

More about fabrics:

  • Natural silk known for its high cost. This is its only drawback. Therefore, when you hear that silk underwear is slippery and cold to sleep on, and that there are “spots” on it, know that we are talking about artificial silk or underwear of extremely low quality.
  • Flaw flax– these are difficulties with high-quality ironing of linen. The rest is pure advantages: environmental friendliness, comfort, ideal absorbency and heat transfer, wear resistance and the highest strength.
  • Cotton/linen blend fabric– the price is lower, ironing is easier, but the strength is less. A good set option: the sheet is linen, the rest is linen and cotton.
  • Bamboo appeared on the domestic market not so long ago. This linen is shiny and soft, comfortable to wear in any season, and has antimicrobial properties. Durability is high if you do not neglect the rules of care.
  • Cotton. The most common option. Prices vary depending on the quality and processing of raw materials. Egyptian cotton is recognized as the best and most durable.
  • It is often possible to see synthetic underwear. They usually take it because of its low cost. There is no benefit from such linen, except that it practically does not need to be ironed, and it dries in 10 minutes on the balcony.
  • Linen made of polycotton (cotton/synthetic)– these are bright cheerful colors, low price, easy care, durability. But sleeping on it is very uncomfortable.

Selecting linen according to density level and weaving method.

Choosing the right bedding sizes

Pillowcase sizes are usually 70/70 or 50/70. As for the size of the sheet and duvet cover, they may vary slightly, in accordance with the manufacturer’s ideas and the fabric.

Bed linen design - for comfort and beauty

Despite the variety of colors, for many people it remains their favorite white bed linen . This classic fits into any interior. Regarding color sets – they are chosen both to suit the mood and the overall decor of the bedroom.

  • For kids - bright and cheerful bedding , with cartoon characters, natural and space subjects.
  • Lingerie with lace – for romantic natures.
  • Eastern style usually characteristic of business-like, self-confident people.
  • Calm, homely people choose pastel shades and light patterns .

When choosing a design, the main thing is to remember the purpose of the linen. That is, about healthy, sound sleep. Therefore, underwear of aggressive or acidic colors is completely useless in the bedroom. The color scheme should calm the nervous system, and not to excite.
