How to be weak next to a man. How to get what you want from men? History of female transformation

In this article we will talk about another bright problem of our time, which has become widespread in the world. You will learn the truth about "strong" women and learn what it means to be a weak woman.

The article is rather painful, so the comments after it are open to your statements, indignation, etc.

In modern society, the problem of underdeveloped men and underdeveloped women is acute. What underdevelopment are we talking about?

We are talking about the fact that in women there are less and less feminine qualities, and in men there are less and less masculine qualities. We are talking about women, so we will continue about them.

Signs of an underdeveloped woman

It is very easy to recognize such a woman. This is a woman who goes towards career and work, and not towards family and relationships.

There are many such women now.

They have a high-paying job or business for which they give most of their time; they have housing bought at their own expense; they have cars and other indicators of modern "success".

Do you think such a woman will be able to meet a normal developed man?

Such women hope so. But, unfortunately, their hopes are not destined to come true in 99% of cases.

In our world, everything is tripled simply: a developed person gets a developed person, an undeveloped person gets an undeveloped one.

The problem is that we do not know that the nature of a woman, her destiny is love, relationships, family, children. But not a career, providing for a family, etc.

A woman with strong career and work aspirations will not be able to get a developed man in her life.

As a rule, such women get weak men who do not want to strain and take responsibility because everything is already there for life (“a strong” woman has earned everything).

And such women get the corresponding men, who are like children for them to take care of (most likely, the man will be younger).

Often such relationships fall apart after the man in such a relationship matures and becomes developed, and the woman ages. He finds himself a normal woman younger than himself, but he leaves this one.

Reasons for the degradation of men and women

This trend of so-called strong women, imposed from the West, is destroying the normal family structure. As a result, men become irresponsible, indecisive, weak and cowardly.

Much of this is due to the wrong upbringing in our modern culture. If earlier they brought up men in boys, and women in girls from childhood, now everyone is being adjusted to the same standard, making a child's personality something between a man and a woman.

In view of this, one must know that much depends on parents and on the upbringing they give their children.

There is no need to hope for a school and an institute, they do not give a moral and spiritual education that can make a person happy and satisfied.

It also partly happened due to the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, when all values ​​\u200b\u200bcollapsed and many men experienced terrible stress. Everything they believed in and aspired to ceased to exist in an instant.

And since a man lives by ideas and certain values, they began to break mentally.

It was then that mass drunkenness and its accompanying phenomena began.

Women in those difficult times, on the contrary, began to think how to get out of a difficult situation, how to feed and clothe their children. As a result, they went into business, into careers, began to occupy leadership positions.

At the same time, the institution of the family began to rapidly degrade, the number of divorces increased significantly.

No wonder, because men are no longer men, and women are no longer women.

To be frank, such a successful modern woman with the signs listed above is a weak woman. She cannot and does not know how to live in accordance with her nature, she cannot be happy and cannot meet a normal man.

Another sign of a weak woman is rude and depraved behavior, causing appearance, etc.

This is what it means to be a weak woman.

What to do?

There is only one solution to this problem.

A woman needs to begin to smoothly transfer her efforts towards family life and relationships.

You don’t need to touch your husband at the same time, wait for him to suddenly become strong. No, now it will take time.

The woman will need to gradually give the initiative in various situations into the hands of her husband. Thus, she will make him strong, responsible and decisive, and herself and the whole family happy.

One of the signs of a strong developed woman is the ability to take on the character of her husband.

For example, a strong woman in a relationship with her husband always agrees with him when resolving any issues. And this does not mean that everything will be so.

With this behavior, she will be able to turn any situation the way she wants it. Indeed, in fact, a woman controls the atmosphere and events in the family.

This is not given to a woman just like that, easily.

In order to have such an ability (outwardly to agree and accept the authority of her husband), a woman needs to develop feminine character traits in herself, engage in women's activities, and resolve issues in the family and relationships.

Acting as described above, the woman will gradually become a developed and strong personality, respectively, her husband will also gradually become a strong person, responsible, determined and purposeful.

The main thing to take away from this article

Now we note the most important thing in the article that needs to be understood and remembered.

1. Signs of an underdeveloped (weak) woman

Such a woman has an independent appearance, she is characterized by ostentatious independence and the opinion that she does not need a man. Often she has a car and an apartment (house), which she earned herself.

A rough or masculine demeanor distinguishes this woman from real women, as well as a defiant appearance and similar signs. And in our time, alcohol and smoking can be added here.

2. What does it mean to be a strong woman?

Such a woman radiates love, calmness and kindness. She looks modest, or at least has a non-defiant appearance. This woman has many girlfriends.

Such a woman, as a rule, looks 5-10 years younger than her age (but there are exceptions). Often the man of such a woman is developed with a whole set of positive qualities: loyalty, honesty, responsibility, etc.

3. How to become a developed woman?

You need to start developing in yourself the feminine qualities of character: kindness, gentleness, non-violence, truthfulness, compassion, humility, etc.

Weakness attracts strength. A weak woman attracts a strong man. Sounds tempting. But how to be a "weak" woman in the conditions of modern capitalism with an "inhuman" face, when you need to survive and fight back, work with your elbows and move over corpses. AS? While she thinks about it, they will eat it, deceive it, set it up! not she them, so they her!

In the cruel, fast-paced world of ever-increasing corruption at all levels of life, a woman is trapped in traps of envy and cunning, deceit and cruelty. And what is left for her? Gnawing into life with her claws and tearing off pieces from it to feed herself and her children, whom she often brings up alone, the modern business woman has learned to be strong.

And even very strong. So strong that an ordinary average man seems next to her a weakling and a loser. And if his conscience allows him, he hides under her wing, if pride allows, he becomes henpecked, but if not, then he retreats away.

She, strong and aggressively independent, is avoided and avoided not only by weaklings, but also by strong men like her.

They are interested in her, she turns on, attracts, attracts, but it’s hard to deal with her, she is a competitor, she requires a high level of communication. And it's stressful. With a woman, you want to relax and not think about your perfection.

Sometimes you really want her to look into his mouth and consider it a demigod that he is ready to find someone simpler and forgive her lack of brains and a bad figure. Only to be the leader, the leader, who decides everything and everyone. And to be stronger for the simple reason that he is a man.

So he prefers "weak" and "stupid". And with the "strong" remains friends. It is not easy with her, because she herself has learned to make decisions and take responsibility for herself. And sometimes he does it much better than a man.

But what is she? She, poor thing, finds herself all alone in her heroic self-sufficiency. Miss congeniality, not claimed by either the weak or the strong.

And she, by the way, just wants love, like every person on earth. Because with all her strength, intelligence and enterprise, she still remains a Woman.

With invariable feminine weaknesses and tricks, sweet habits and words, with a lullaby that sounds in her in rare moments of inner tenderness, with all her little feminine traits, thrust so far into the deepest depths of her being that you will not find.

A modern woman, preoccupied with her career and active advancement in life, takes men's places and plays men's roles, and to some extent she herself expels real men from her life.

In fact, why does she need them if she is both a Swiss, a reaper and a gambler on the pipe. And at the same time, she manages to learn three languages, give birth to a child, build her body and business, and even form her own completely original and deep inner spiritual world.

She, according to an old school habit, does all this so diligently, not allowing herself to relax and dismiss nurses, that she does not notice how her tender weak points and features are gradually filled with lead and become stronger than any armor. And flowers cannot grow through this armor. Because they are gentle...

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the more our heroine will bite into life, the more violently life will separate her from the simple womanish happiness that she craves in the depths of her soul, no matter what. And worthy like no other. Happiness, where a woman is supposed to be the way God originally created her. Weak, tender, compassionate and kind, requiring care and love.

In order to protect herself from life, she becomes hardened, but this separates her from the life stream in which she is destined to swim and enjoy this process, fulfilling her mission and taking her place. It becomes heavy, iron and cold and can regain lightness only by radically changing its worldview.

At first glance, this seems impossible. And why? Do not go down to the level of losers? Do not give up the positions that she won on her own and with such difficulty!

Of course, don't give up! There is another, more humane way to bring her back to life. To do this, she just needs to allow herself to be weak! It’s like learning it all over again, as if nothing had happened, starting from a blank sheet.

At least once a day, you need to allow yourself complete helplessness, which requires outside intervention.

Better from a man. This mobilizes him and gives the woman a pleasant feeling of complementarity.

Yes, it is not easy for modern women to let life moments that she is used to carefully control over take their course. Yes, she herself knows how to repair tanks and negotiate, sign contracts and change gaskets in taps. Not to mention hammering nails and screwing in light bulbs. But why?

Why should she grab onto everything if there is a convenient opportunity to demonstrate, and most importantly, feel her helplessness. In general, this is a very good indicator if she has such small secret "weak points" that she is used to hiding. Now they need to be revealed to the world. Let everyone see that she has them. This will give her a bit of fragile feminine charm. And it will attract those who are ready to protect this beauty!

Gotta learn to ask for help

The thing is sometimes unthinkable for self-sufficient people who consider themselves docks in any matters. But, firstly, it is impossible to be absolute docks in everything, and, secondly, the one who asks for help indirectly speaks of his imperfection, which means that he is a living person, the same as everyone else.

And that you can approach it and find the key. And even become necessary. It's so important, especially for a man, to be necessary for a woman. This mobilizes him, elevates him in his own eyes. This inspires and arouses interest in those who need this help.

There is a certain psychological law of our attraction to those whom we have helped. We are always interested in how our word will respond, and how our work will be useful. Remember what you like to do more, give gifts or receive them? Surely you enjoy doing good to someone. So put yourself in the place of that man who will have such a happy opportunity - to be your assistant or savior.

Stop Taking the Exam for Excellence

It's impossible to be perfect in everything. Relax. Allow yourself to be a little lazy, to be lazy. Forget the tight schedule you've squeezed your life into. Take a look at it, does it provide a place for a man, and for love in the version that can be?

When you gladly allow yourself to give him all your time without a trace, you will become in demand. At least for a while, but try to feel your own need for another person.

Sometimes a business woman is so preoccupied with the pressing working moments of her survival that she does not allow herself to live. Relax, just relax. Go shopping like a normal person, chat with a friend, lie on the couch with a book.

In the end, it is sometimes useful to remember what all this boron cheese is for. Where are we all rushing, striving, why all this? And when will we start to just live? Maybe make it right
now, without putting it off indefinitely?

How to become a weak woman so that a real, strong man appears next to you, about whom you dream so much?

Every business woman has her own way. And this path is only a movement towards oneself, one's feminine nature, one's destiny. Each of us knows it and feels it. Only for some reason violently resists this knowledge.

Now, weigh all the pros and cons. And think that you have already been strong and self-sufficient. Maybe stop playing other people's games? It's time to try yourself in the role of a simple woman, weak and vulnerable, without an iron shell. A woman who remembers the lullaby of her soul. And it needs protection.

Just when she allows herself to do this, someone will appear in her life who will be able to protect her. Checked!

Nothing happens just like that, everything follows from something. Why do women become those who can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. Many will say, but how else? When a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently are thrown on your fragile shoulders, doing men's work and many other arguments. Perhaps this is the way it is ... On the one hand, the weaker sex acquires the features of an imperious person in order to make it easier to live in such a dynamic world. On the other hand, aren't we ourselves to blame for our current situations? Men's work should be done by a man, and you should not snatch the hammer from his hands, because you do not like the way he nails. Can a woman be a woman? If you are tired of carrying the entire burden of responsibility on your fragile shoulders, we will try to figure out how to become a weak woman outwardly. How to encourage men to exploits for the sake of us - beautiful ladies!

Feminine and masculine

Every human being is inherently both feminine and masculine. But only one thing occupies a leading position: for men - masculine, for women, respectively, feminine. But the most important thing is to maintain this balance. That is, it is correct to correlate the data of the beginning. For example, you are the head of a company. Of course, you need to show will, stamina, a male function is manifested in you. But it's different when you're in a family! No matter how difficult it is, you must try to at least outwardly be a weak woman in the eyes of your beloved man. You must leave the manners of the boss at work, and in the circle of loved ones be sweet, fragile, weak. On this topic, a wonderful film "Office Romance" was shot. When exactly the outward manifestation of weakness made a beautiful woman out of a prim careerist.

The role of a woman in the family, no matter how old fashioned it may sound, is to support her beloved. To enable a man to realize both his own and your joint goals, and not to rush into battle himself. Believe me, you will be rewarded handsomely for the role of a weak woman! A man will carry you in his arms, protect, groom and cherish - protect you from the harsh reality. He will draw strength from your seeming weakness, even if you are by no means a weakling. Let him feel his significance, even if you are objectively stronger than him in many ways. Otherwise, the feminine will begin to predominate in your companion over time. It is not normal for a man to be led by a woman. Sooner or later, a man will develop a sense of inferiority. This situation leads to disagreements, quarrels over trifles, lack of passion in intimate relationships. In the end - to indifference! Better loosen your grip and give the right to the hands of a man. And use folk wisdom yourself: a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. Wherever the neck turns, there the head will turn.

The role of motherhood and the role of women

It's so wonderful to be a mother and a woman! However, although these concepts have common things, they are still different roles. And that's why. A woman, like a mother, realizes her masculinity in the fact that she is ready for constant bestowal. Return in education, guardianship, knowledge and experience. This is one of the reasons why, after the birth of a baby, discord often begins in couples. A man does not understand the behavior of the second half. And it is only connected with the protection of his child. In order to avoid divorces and other discord in the family, a man must understand the reasons for a woman's change and not demand the impossible from her for a given period. A woman, in turn, should not forget about her true beginning, because the potential of the mother in us is fully developed.


The modern world and fashion dictates its own rules to a woman, which speak of independence and self-sufficiency. Yes, and in the family, from childhood, the girl is instilled with the idea that she needs to get a good education, get a well-paid job, so as not to depend on anyone. After all, all men are so unreliable. Of course, it is pointless to speak out against a career and personal self-realization. However, men can admire a woman who is self-confident, intelligent, able to compete with him. But admiration may not develop into love. Understand, the nature of a man is such that he will not get sincere joy and pleasure, taking care of a woman who can do just fine without him.

When a man is in the presence of a tender, soft, trusting and somewhat weak woman, he wants to protect and protect his fragile creation. In search of our soul mate, we are guided by our negative beginning. And if a man has not revealed his feminine essence in a partner, disappointment comes. And do not think that they are so weak, they cannot cope with a strong woman. After all, we are also looking for a companion in which our male half will be revealed. Of course, there are women who are deliberately looking for a pliable man, the latter, in turn, are looking for a “second mother”. But these things are connected with internal complexes, which are also worth solving.

What is the secret of femininity?

A modern woman is allowed a lot. She can be a deputy, a boss, a president. But if she takes an equal position with a man, she goes against her nature. The paradox is that no matter what posts we hold, no matter how much money we earn, we will not be truly happy if it leaves our natural essence. Of course, you can engage in self-persuasion, put on masks, join all kinds of feminist organizations. But being alone with ourselves, we realize that something is missing.

There is one good Eastern wisdom that says: "We get what we actively strive for." Many women are driven by the fear of being alone, in the worst case, with a child. After all, men with the current availability of women do not want to work on relationships. You can think mother and so. But if you change your position to the opposite - to be an open, vulnerable, weak woman. If you are not afraid to love and give a part of yourself to a loved one, then not weak-willed creatures will seek meetings with you, but real men.

I would like to add one more point. Everyone knows that the basic qualities are laid down in childhood. And if the son knows that the mother is vulnerable, defenseless, she needs to be protected, then in his independent and family life he will also perceive his soul mate. Treat her the way you taught him to treat you. I think you will be proud of the fact that you have raised a true man. And all thanks to what? The fact that they allowed themselves to be a weak woman, at least outwardly. Experts give several recommendations on how to awaken the feminine nature in yourself:

1. Treat things and situations like women. Leave without regret with feelings of fearlessness, constant rivalry with a man. And in return, get a feeling of defenselessness and dependence on a man. Give up the desire to constantly control everything.

2. Stop doing men's jobs. First, decide what you want to give up. Then share your thoughts with the man. Let him know that you can't do without his help. If he agrees, hand over to him the reins for these types of work in full. Most importantly, do not worry about the consequences of this act. Even if your man does not immediately take action, do not put pressure on him and do not slow him down. Maybe the train will only move when you let go of your grip. And on the other hand, if you give some things an excessive value, this does not mean that your companion should also approach them. If a man refuses to perform a certain type of work, you should not immediately shoulder them. Do what you can and the rest will have to wait. Do not forget what you are striving for, and enjoy your "female position". And after a while, go back to your spouse with this question.

Z. You have to do a man's job - do it like a woman. You should not demonstrate your male competence. Make it so that the man understands that you need help. Otherwise, you will bear this heavy burden only on yourself.

4. Don't be afraid to obey. Perhaps this is not fashionable, but only in case of agreement with a man, and not heated debates and constant upholding of one’s position, one can move towards harmony. This is such a masculine nature that they are humiliated when a woman takes over. Even if you have a different opinion, let it remain with you, because your desires can be presented very cunningly and unobtrusively. And only in matters of a moral nature is it necessary to stand to the end.

After all, it was not in vain that in ancient times, men fought for the heart of a woman. If you have a desire, you can also awaken chivalrous feelings in your lover. If you at least outwardly become a weak woman, then men will take care of you, protect you and, ultimately, love you!

People are divided into two types - strong and weak sex. But modern life makes adjustments - some women, by nature weak and fragile, are rapidly building up their inner strength. It is very difficult for them to build a relationship with a man, because gentlemen cause them condescending bewilderment.

When a woman develops masculine qualities in herself, she hopes that a strong partner will soon come who will solve her problems. But even if this "superman" exists, he will look for a weak and defenseless girl - such is the law of nature.

The problem is that the stronger a woman becomes, the more difficult it is for her to find a worthy partner and build a relationship with a man. Such girls attract insecure and weak men who themselves need protection.

If you want to create a serious relationship with a strong partner, develop feminine qualities in yourself. Your true strength is weakness. She fascinates men, inspires and attracts.

Building Strong Relationships: Don't Criticize

When you note the mistakes of the chosen one and give him advice, you look very smart in your eyes. But men don't think so. They get angry when women put themselves up a notch. Endless criticism turns an adult man into an obstinate teenager - a rebellious spirit wakes up in him.

If the behavior of the chosen one annoys you, think about why you are building a relationship with him. A wise woman respects her partner and guides him very gently so that he does not feel pressured. Remarks can be softened with admiration, compliments and a kiss.

Do not Cry

A man who is yelled at by a woman looks pathetic. If you subject your partner to such a test, he will no longer respect you. A shrill, loud voice causes "deafness" in the representatives of the stronger sex. They cease to perceive information and mentally fence themselves off from the chosen one.

It is especially humiliating if you yell at your chosen one in the presence of other people. He may be patient for a while, but it is unlikely to be enough for a long time. You will not be able to maintain a relationship with a man, because it is very difficult to restore trust, mutual understanding and respect.

A strong woman is used to organizing everything herself and keeping everything under control. She personally deals with all issues, up to the purchase of toothpaste, complaining of fatigue.

It's time to wake up the "weak woman" in you. Believe that your chosen one can be responsible and organized. When you stop patronizing him, he will begin to resolve all issues on his own. Trust your partner, relax, and channel your energy into strengthening the relationship. Better cook a delicious dinner, put on a beautiful dress and wait for your hero.

Tune in for good

To build a happy serious relationship, the right attitude is important. Remember that thoughts are material. A man catches the emotional message that comes from a woman. Think of your chosen one as an attentive, strong and reliable person. Such an attitude will be read in your look, actions, attitude.

When a man feels that a woman believes in him, he is ready for any exploits for her sake. Tell the chosen one more often how you appreciate his masculinity, strength and reliability.

Female psychology: ask for help

A strong woman never asks men for help - such is her psychology. She is used to relying only on herself and does not want to be obliged. In her style to give orders and command - she wants to command. But this is not the best tactic in a relationship with a man.

Don't be afraid to ask your partner for help. Requests should sound soft, add "thank you" and "please". Remember that girls give all the best if they know how to ask correctly. When a woman can be grateful, a man will want to put the whole world at her feet.

Don't use the word "should"

Do not make a "debtor" out of the chosen one. Should kiss every 15 minutes, call regularly, talk about any step you take. Do not rush to “hang” obligations on a partner. The word "should" will kill all the romance and lightness in a serious relationship.

Your task is to transform obligation into desire. Make a man want to be with you, hear your voice, touch, pamper. Walk in romantic places more often, arrange dates.

A strong woman loves to control everything - this also applies to the chosen one. She wants a minute-by-minute report of where he's been and what he's been doing. She likes to build relationships with a "manual" man - it is convenient to manage him. But such a gentleman will never become a support and support, a stone wall.

Do not remind a man of his mistakes, do not arrange emotional blackmail. Such preventive measures will destroy even a serious relationship. A wise woman rejoices in the success of the chosen one and is proud of his virtues. She understands that her area of ​​​​possession is a house, and a man is created for the whole world. To be realized in life, he needs space - do not hold it. And he will come back to you, bringing new trophies.

Silent games must be right

Women love silent games - they believe that this way they can demonstrate their strength, firmness, determination and steadfastness. But such entertainment annoys men.

A wise and gentle woman will never use silence to force a gentleman to act in her interests. This means of manipulation brings a man to his knees and destroys a serious relationship.

be patient

A strong woman is accustomed to stubbornly go to the goal - she wants everything at once. But remember that one of the valuable qualities of a woman is the ability to wait without suffering from inner feelings. Do not push your partner "to the wall", demanding a service or a gift right now.

A desired woman inspires a man, nurtures in him the desire to please and please. Let your boyfriend feel like a hero, a getter.

Believe that female weakness, tenderness, kindness attract a successful and reliable man, unlike your independence and coldness. Relax and enjoy the relationship with a man, compliments and courtship.
