How to give funny, cool and offensive nicknames to different people: friends, boyfriend and girlfriend? How to call a guy you know. Play on his weaknesses and complexes

"I want to humiliate the guy!" Numerous portals and forums of the global network are full of such headlines. Every woman has her own reasons for searching for catchphrases and various options of how this can be done, but let's approach this issue from a scientific point of view and consider how to humiliate a man beautifully and witty.

How to humiliate a man with words?

If a woman asks such a question, then she has reached the limit. The beautiful half of humanity has a huge supply of patience. But if it eventually burst, you can expect anything. It's no secret that for the most part it is men who are the weaker sex in moral terms. Yes, their strength can be useful in housework and in exceptional cases as a support and support. However, those of us who have decided to humiliate this very “stronger sex”, but it is necessary to put pressure on weaknesses. And there are a lot of their men - any criticism can knock down even an outwardly self-confident guy. So let's see how you can still humiliate a man?

  1. Self-esteem. Before you come up with a phrase that will help you in the question of how to humiliate a guy, try to get to know his worldview and attitude to life better. Men are very concerned about their self-esteem, and it is quite easy to shake it. Play on the most important factor - a sense of pride in belonging to the order of males. In other words, try telling a man that he doesn't suit you as a man. Some may simply hurt and offend, while others will be seriously humiliated. Everything depends on the circumstances.
  2. An especially great way to humiliate a guy is to make a cruel joke after intimacy. Try telling the man that he wasn't up to par. This will be a major blow. By the way, such “jokes” can make your partner impotent for at least a week.
  3. Appearance also plays an important role for men. Suffice it to say how much you liked the muscles of “that handsome guy over there” and your interlocutor will begin to grind his teeth.
  4. Talent. Men always want to be the very best, and if your opponent does not shine with special data, give him an example of any celebrity who already had popularity and other merits at his age.
  5. You can also ride on the topic "sissy", a coward and so on. Such expressions will definitely not pass by the ears of your interlocutor.

What words can be used to humiliate a guy?

On this, general information, perhaps, will suffice. Let's go directly to what words you can humiliate a guy depending on your goals and circumstances.

Let's proceed from the fact that the person you want to offend with words is clearly not distinguished by a complaisant character and will not go into his pocket for a word. This is especially true for girls who are thinking about how to humiliate their ex-boyfriend. So, imagine several circumstances that are the same or similar to those that you had and options for your answers to a guy who also intends to insult you.

You are a fool!

Yes, I'm stupid. Show Help? This is evident, because you constantly have to communicate with fools.

Yes, you're a complete idiot!

And if there were no suckers, where would you be now?

You're kind of bad at dancing.

I'm just hiding my legs so you don't get crushed.

What did you blurt out there (squeaked another option)?

Others perceive my speech normally. You apparently have problems with hearing, or with a sense of beauty.

You're pretty brave, aren't you?

And why are you talking like that? Is your emergency room membership expired?

You can vary these answers depending on your goals. By remembering them, you will no longer face the problem of how to morally humiliate a guy. Do not forget that you can hurt the dignity of a person only if he has low self-esteem. It is quite difficult to offend a confident man. Evaluate your strengths before you decide to take such a step. However, if you are sure that you can handle it and dream of ready-made recipes for how to humiliate a guy with words, we present you with a selection of phrases filled with wonderful sarcasm.

How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames

Having started dating or living together, the couple comes up with not only general rules, tradition but also cute affectionate nicknames each other. Some of them are widely used by many lovers, others are known only to two people.

Often girls want to say affectionate words to their beloved, to call him in a special unusual way, but they don’t know if the guy will like them. To help such persons, our list of the most interesting and original home nicknames has been compiled.

Most often in everyday communication or in a circle of friends, girls call their beloved the most neutral words that are well known to everyone. Even if the couple has their own gentle affectionate nicknames, you should not introduce them to everyone around. Let your invented words remain a secret for strangers.

Here is a list of popular words that you can call your boyfriend in public:

  • Cute
  • Darling
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • The sun is mine
  • My handsome

Using these affectionate words in the company of friends, you can show others your feelings for a guy, demonstrate tender and romantic relationship between you. Affectionately calling a boyfriend is loved by many girls, and gentlemen are usually very pleased and flattered to hear this. Attaching the pronoun "my" to any nice word even more indicates closeness in a relationship, do not be afraid to say it often.

Many couples like to call each other diminutives or phrases associated with beautiful, strong, cute animals. You can follow their example to affectionately call your loved one some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to use offensive nicknames so as not to accidentally call the gentleman a goat or a ram.

Here are the most commonly used nicknames:

  • Teddy bear, teddy bear
  • cat, kitten, kitty
  • lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, tiger cub
  • Zai, bunny

You can incline these words, come up with similar ones based on them, it’s not forbidden to even affectionately call a guy a gopher, a hamster or a piglet, if he likes it. However, you should not use such nicknames in an unfamiliar team or in a serious setting.

In the circle of friends or at home, you can call each other the way you want, with any phrases, nicknames, as long as they are not offensive. If you have at least a little imagination, it is not forbidden to invent them yourself, it will even be more interesting and original. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the hints.

Here are the most common nicknames for lovers:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • naughty

You can affectionately call your loved one by name, for example, not Serezha or Seryoga, but Serezhenka or Serzhik. A lot of guys love it. If a boyfriend has some outstanding abilities, for example, in cooking, repair, sex, why not come up with words to praise? It would not be superfluous to also note the muscles, appearance, hairstyle, manner of dressing.

Suitable nicknames are:

  • My strong man
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • golden
  • Precious mine
  • sweet tooth
  • The only one

Guys like it when their girlfriends call them affectionately and gently, while hugging or kissing. Moreover, it is necessary to speak affectionate words if the gentleman is shy of his appearance or has low self-esteem - let him believe in his strength, in your love.

To affectionately name a loved one, you do not need to invent complex phrases - just praise him, say something tender. You can even compare him with one of the actors, film heroes, fairy-tale characters, if only the young man liked it.

  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My sweetest romantic
  • What are you sexy and tireless
  • I'm crazy about your kisses, touches
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you all the time, all day

The list of phrases may depend on the mood of a friend, his abilities, skills, strength, intelligence, appearance. Do not be afraid to praise the guy even for a trifling matter or help, he will definitely appreciate and take this into account.

If your relationship is long enough and strong enough, and both of them are all right with humor, you can come up with any stupid or funny words for each other. Make sure that they do not sound too offensive and stupid, otherwise you can upset the gentleman with your joke.

It will be unusual to hear nicknames such as:

  • Sweeties
  • fat belly
  • bald
  • pepper
  • Elephant Dump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Angel
  • Sexy
  • Donut

If the guy is not offended, you can call him whatever you like. The main thing is that the words should be gentle and sincere.

How to affectionately call a guy - unusual cute nicknames
How to affectionately call a guy so that it sounds unusual and beautiful. The list of nicknames for a loved one is diverse - from a cute bunny and a bear cub to a baby doll.

How to call a guy affectionately?

boys as you like

when they call you

my boyfriend is strong, everyone respects him, igor calls me the sun or the hare. what should I call him?

and I call a dunce) and a cat and a cat)

Affectionate and funny

By the way, his name is Sasha)))

Deer By the way, his name is Sasha)))

as an option - Sanyochek! I call a friend like that really, not a guy, but a friend really likes it :)

And the guy was called "Sunshine" :)

My boyfriend calls me Katyunya, Katyushka, Katenka, Katyuha .. well, etc. And I call my boyfriend from his affectionate name (Artem) temochka, lapulya, zaya, but most of all I like Temka!

what should I call the pile, his name is Zhenya

From everything I read, I chose MY EBRIK for my boyfriend, and what’s cool, and most importantly, it characterizes him very much)))))

And I trudge when he calls me MY SELF, SWEET, GIRL

Such * ra, Hu * sos, Pidril O.

His name is Andrei ..)) how else can you call it.

call him Screw.

and my Zhenya-Eugene .. how to call it affectionately.

I'm generally enraged by the type: hare. hare. and everything like that. Sun.

You call by name. somehow funnier.

Can. Cute. Darling. current everywhere to add mine\mine. and no matter what you call it. will still stand out will be "MY"

and if his name is Artyom?

and one more thing: I really want to meet him, but the language is taken away somehow affectionately called

I, too, in such a situation, I call - "cute"!

Deer - Nastya, are you chtol ??

I call Zeliboba * uy, Bun-Plushka, Pisetrub (heard as PisetrP), Merry ***.

mne chlenik bolshe ponravilsya

I call my baby moose, sun, sun, my joy, my sweet, the main thing is to understand how he himself likes to call it.

I call him in general ((Zina))

or kekeshka. or kazyavka

well, and that he gave me a zaya cat. kisulya there **

Here I have the same garbage with a guy.

I call him dear, dear)

and I can't think of anything else

my beloved female calls me and I'm his pigtail)

And what affectionate words can be called Maxim.

while reading ugala))))))

Sugar butt call)))

What is the name of Serezha?

I don't know anymore. his name is Roma. how to call??

You are my ray among the clouds 🙂

I call: my happiness, my baby, my dear, pretty, beloved, gentle, dear, my heart.

Name "my stallion" Pts like it!

dove, burdock, stink .. and if you excelled in something, then a banana!

cool here you have a question))) but what to call Vova ?? (we don't meet, it's far from that)

Kitten, bear cub, tiger cub, baby, masya, cute, dear, dear, beloved.

SASHULYOCHIK. My boyfriend's name is also Sasha, and his last name is Ulko. So I call him Sashulka

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How to call a guy affectionately?
T.*****. call it so that it would be pleasant for him, and not sound promising. Favorite - not suitable ... P.S. we do not meet with him, but we communicate very well ... What are the options?

How to call a guy?

The first thing that comes to mind in response is, of course, “goat!”. As my close friend likes to say: “All men are goats! Even the best of them - Brad Pitt - is also a goat, because he does not live with me, but with this inadequate Jolie!

Nicknames and names usually appear by themselves, somehow intuitively subconsciously. Most of the name-calling is born in connection with the appearance of the guy:

  • "red" if the guy has red hair;
  • "patsy" if he wears long hair;
  • "lop-eared" if he has protruding ears;
  • "long" if the guy is taller than the "average for the area";
  • "nosed" if the guy has a prominent nose;
  • "bug-eyed" if he has large eyes;
  • "hunchbacked" if he stoops;
  • "fat-ass", "fat", "boar" or "boar" if the guy is different overweight. What a handsome guy, isn't he?

In the childhood of some children, such nicknames or names are very upsetting, sometimes it comes to tears or a fight. But growing up, the guys stop paying attention to it. Even very often they introduce themselves when they meet with a nickname stuck when calling names: “Hello! My name is Max, for friends - Long! They say this with a certain amount of pride in their height and with healthy self-irony, which attracts many girls.

Well, "goat" is already a classic. But this word is insulting, for him you can get both in the face and in return: “Sheep!” run into without further ado. You can call a guy a "freak" - such a "compliment" will also not go unanswered. The word "cattle" evokes unpleasant associations, because it gives an impartial description of the guy's moral character. In general, name-calling, which is based on the appearance of a guy, is somehow not very catchy after school. It is much more offensive for a guy to hear name-calling addressed to him, which characterizes the qualities of his soul and humiliates his personality.

Guys become wiser, realizing that with what appearance they were born, they live with such. Well, yes, “big-eared” and “fat-assed”, you think! What is it ... The bulk of men believe that pumping fat and plastic ears is the lot of buggers.

Here is the most offensive nickname or name-calling for guys - a pederast. The word came from places of detention and has several synonyms: a rooster, a faggot, a faggot, a faggot, a homosexual. These are the most widely known offensive nicknames. Although they do not belong to obscene language, but in a decent society such words should not be pronounced - this will detract from the reputation of the most insulting. After all, others may have a completely reasonable question: “How do you know such words?”.

A nickname is an acquired, informal name for an adult or child. It, often, notices not desirable, but real qualities and properties of a person. Emphasizes the special meaning of these qualities and properties for others. This is a noticeable feature of appearance or activity.

Nicknames exist as social phenomenon, we can talk about the system of nicknames. They can be different: emphasize social activity and be a way of teasing and even humiliation, be considered a manifestation of sympathy and be a means of insult. Parents and teenagers are the most active in this direction.

Nicknames for beloved children.

Sometimes a child chooses a name for a long time at birth, but then they call him other, affectionate nicknames, as they say, "from an excess of feelings." And there's a lot of room for creativity here. To the already familiar Dolls, Suns, Baby Dolls and Sweets, more original ones are added.

The most common are the nicknames of children, derived from the names of animals, birds and even insects. Here happy parents"reward" their adored children in different ways: Hamster, Kitten, Hedgehog, Swallow, Owlet, Mosquito, Insect, Bug, Cuckoo. You can even meet Klopik and Cockroach.

Often parents like it if there is a play on words in the nickname. For example: Katya - Katyonok, Alice - Fox, Veronica - Nika, Svetlana - Lana.

In the nicknames of children, heroes of cartoons and fairy tales often appear. These are Gnome, Funtik, Drakosha, Barmaley, Pokemosha, Prince.

Often the names rhyme. Then such nicknames are obtained: Irinka-tangerine, Glebushka-bread, Vanka-vstanka, Natasha-bug.

There are also “culinary” nicknames: Bun, Pie, Cheesecake, Bagel.

They call their beloved children both Berries and Currants.

Among flower nicknames, Daisies, Dandelions, Roses occupy a firm place.

Sometimes children are called by actions or parts of the body: Chekastik, Ushastik, Puzanchik, Fatty, Puffy, Pishchalkin, Whip, Spin-twist, Snotty, Lapuhastik.

Sometimes nicknamed by character: Shilo, Egoza, Laughing, Chef, Spring, Plaksun.

In the mouths of parents, everything sounds with love, even name-calling. For example: Golopopik (naked ass), Leech ( breast sucking), Nyunya (whimpering), Pisyundrych (often pissing), Kishkomot (naughty).

Nicknames in the teenage world.

Nicknames play significant role in the world of teenagers. They are chosen for various reasons. Anything can serve as a reason: the qualities and actions of a person, certain circumstances, events, associations with the official name and surname. They are given because of the desire to offend, and stand out, and for fun.

IN school environment nicknames are often formed from surnames and given names. For example: Suslov - Gopher, Lysenko - Bald, Kuzmin - Kuzya, Rybalko - Rybalya, Isaev - Isai, Shevchenko - Sheva, Sergey - Gray, Angelina - Angel.

Separate nicknames characterize the features of appearance: Hog (excessively fat), Pyshka (full), Long, Tower, Skyscraper (tall), Monkey, Erysipelas (“grimacing”), Short, Small (short stature).

By nature and qualities: Sticky (annoying), Prodigy, Botan (smart), Kamatoznik, Slowpoke (inhibited), Brigadier (constantly indicating what to do), Hidden threat (getting into various troubles).

Sometimes nicknames appear by association with a surname. So, Vorobyov - Bird, Sudakov - Fish, Cucumbers - Vegetable, Shaposhnikov - Cap, Korovin - Molochkov, Shmelev - Bee, Zaitsev - Rabbit, Lapshin - Macaroni, Spaghetti.

Often they are identified with the surname famous person or literary hero. For example, Bogdanov - Titomir, Pevtsov - Chaliapin, Malysheva - Thumbelina, Not good - Malchish-Plokhish.

Nicknames or Nicks.

Nicknames are popular on the Internet. This is a nickname. When you plunge into the endless expanse of the Internet, you need to identify yourself somehow, take a network name. You can just have your own name, for example, Vasya, Sveta, but this is trite. And everyone wants to come up with something original, suitable only for you.

This is exactly the one rare case when you give yourself a nickname. Everyone here is doing their best. From simple (Christina - Criss, Sabrina - Brie, Veronica - Nika) to sophisticated (Valetta, Diezo, Erdelietta, Khachachun).

Some are taking funny Nicks. For example: Very blonde, Crocodile, Murmailo, Underscraper, Smorkel, Monitor Klaviaturovich, Hangmetologist, Bespectacled macho.

Others are fond of elven names: Irima (beautiful), Kue (dove), Tauretari (queen of the forest), Mornemir (black diamond), Taurochtar (forest warrior), Ainon (saint).

Some like to be called by the names of various vampires, ancient Greek names, the names of kings, popular literary characters, names of flowers, animals. The scope for creativity is huge.

Nicknames of famous football players and clubs.

Nicknames are given not only to children and teenagers. Even famous people have them. This is especially popular in football. So, the legendary Pele is called not only the "King of Football", but also the "Man who brings misfortune." He got his original nickname because of the overwhelmingly poor predictions of football matches.

The Asian footballer Naohiro Takahara has the most original nickname - "Sushi Bombardier" for accurate and unique goals.

Arjen Robben is called "The Glass Man". This is a talented winger (football team player, acting between defense and attack) of the world, but constant injuries prevent him from revealing his full strength.

Tony Adamis, England legend, got his offensive nickname "Donkey" from the British press for a casual attitude to appearance.

The Dutchman Michael Reitziger was nicknamed "Gas Mask" because of the unusual structure of the skull.

Frenchman Nicolas Anelka became "Incredibly Moody" because no one can remember him as joyful. Yes, and the character, closed and uncommunicative, helped in this.

Even football clubs have nicknames. For example, "Manchester City" was nicknamed "Blue Moon" because this is the name of the traditional song of the fans of this club.

The Barnsley Club is called the "Mongrel". The club's mascot was Toby the mongrel. She entertained the audience at Oakwell for many years.

The Scanthrope United Club is the Iron because Scanthrope is a steel center in the UK. Hence the nickname.

Almost all population groups have nicknames. And it is not at all bad to receive it if it is given benevolently, openly, talentedly.

Popular facts.

Good afternoon, dear mothers and dads, as well as your kids!

School nicknames - common cause children's complexes, resentment, lack of normal relationships with peers, and even life failures in adulthood. Is it worth paying attention to them, and how to teach a child to be independent of people's opinions?

You can get a nickname, good or offensive, in any team, even working in an institution high class. Listen carefully: even people talk about politicians using mostly nicknames.

And it all starts in early childhood... We get the first nicknames in kindergartens or at school. Sometimes they seriously bother us, accompanying us throughout our lives.

Being parents ourselves, we are faced with the fact that our child comes from kindergarten or school with tears in his eyes and an explanation of the reason: “They call me names!” How to proceed in this case?

It is clear that a complaint to a teacher or class teacher will not lead to a successful outcome: the offenders will only get embittered. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze what caused the nickname, how it reflects the problem and how to treat it philosophically.

Adults should first do such an analysis in their head, and present the result to the child as advice.

But first of all, let's find out why we need nicknames at all. Then it will be clear how to treat them. There may be several reasons:

  • the desire to emphasize one's advantages at the expense of humiliating another;
  • classify as “ours” and single out “strangers”;
  • indicate the outstanding quality of a person (positive or negative).

Any nickname expresses public opinion about a person. And in this case, the position of adults in the family is very significant. If dad and mom are used to not paying attention to people's opinions and silently fulfilling their duties at work or in relation to others, they will pass on their lifestyle to the child.

Then the kid will learn, practice, achieve success and look through his fingers at the attempts of those around him to offend him.

But if public opinion it is important for the family, and my mother laments all the time: “What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say?” (quote from “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboyedov), then the baby will grow up suspicious, will adapt all his life to the desires of others.

The first scenario is preferable: it is necessary to teach the child not to pay attention to careless comrades, to do his own thing and look for friends to his liking.

But such a course of events is possible if the nickname is not too offensive, or you know that everything is fine with your baby both in terms of studies, and in terms of behavior at school, and in terms of health. Then you can give up on everyone.

If there is a problem in the family or in the child himself, the nickname can only exacerbate the situation. Then you need to teach the baby not only to perceive the situation philosophically, but also to help solve the problem. Let's look at what nicknames are and what they can reflect.

Varieties of nicknames

So, we have identified three types of "call names":

  • Offensive nicknames when a person asserts himself by belittling the dignity of his neighbor. If this is just an attempt to humiliate, it is worth giving up on it. With the right approach, your baby will not pay attention to her. But if your child is called “fat trust”, “yabida”, there are behavioral or health problems. In this case, it is not always possible to get by with conversations and persuasion.
  • Nicknames that emphasize certain qualities. Such teasing is rarely offensive. They are formed on the basis of the appearance of a person or the qualities of his character. In children, they are reflected mainly by fairy-tale characters. For example, a paw-eared boy will most likely be called a "cheburashka", a clumsy one - a "bear" or "Carlson". At the same time, everyone gets nicknames: this is how the kids emphasize each other's individuality.
  • Nicknames that distinguish their own in the group also have little offensive. All friends get nicknames, this is a kind of password, access to the "secret society".

So, the first category will have the most problems, since teasers in it are clearly created to offend and humiliate. We will figure out how to teach a child to accept them and not close.

We have a conversation

Anxiety of the child about the nickname is quite understandable. A suspicious baby will worry about his apparent imperfection, will be embarrassed by the identified shortcomings. I want to warn you right away: parents need to be patient so that the baby learns to behave with restraint and calmness.

The success of psychological correction will depend on the microclimate in the family. The child must trust his parents, then he will listen to their advice.

  • If the nickname is not offensive (makes fun of the last name or item of clothing), convince the child to accept it and treat it as good joke. If the baby stops focusing on the problem, peers will also treat him normally.
  • Ignore. Explain that being offended is a property weak people who take every little thing to heart. Strong people do not pay attention to the mockery of others, but continue to strive for their goal.
  • If the nickname is a sign of belonging to a group of friends, but for the crumbs the nickname sounds offensive, you should consider whether he needs such friends. Maybe you should look at other guys.
  • The nickname is your first brand. This is how wise parents will argue in a family where dad and mom had to overcome a lot in order to gain a fortune and feel like influential people. Not even all adults are ready for such a perception of nicknames. But as an option, you can try in the form of a game. Let the kid come up with what product or service can be sold under that name?

  • Nickname is recognition. A belief similar to the previous one. Any disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.
  • If the nickname is offensive, it is unlikely to arise from scratch. Talk to the teacher about how the child behaves at school, whether his relationship with children is normal. If there is a problem, it makes sense to visit a psychologist. If the crumbs are called fat or lanky, think about how to help the child get into a normal physical shape (revise the diet, give it to the sports section, etc.).

Of course, it is difficult for a 5-6 year old baby not to be offended and angry, but convince him not to show his feelings at least outwardly. And at this time, think about how to fix the problem, if it really exists. After all, the child will have to live with it! And increase self-esteem, cultivate self-respect, then the opinions of others will be indifferent.

Nerd - stigma or advantage?

A special place among school nicknames is occupied by the word "nerd" or "nerd". It denotes a very intelligent person, fixated solely on study or science.

Many, having heard this word, imagine a thin, slightly clumsy guy with glasses, who at the same time is well versed in technology and scientific research, but cannot stand up for himself at all.

Is it good or bad to be smart? I think it all depends on the attitude of a person to himself and to others.

If a child learns well, understands difficult things, sets goals in life, the opinion of children at school should worry him last. In a few years, he will part ways with his classmates and may never see them again. And he still has to build a career, study, etc.

So that your baby’s appearance does not look like a “nerd”, try to combine physical development and mental. A nerd attending a boxing or karate section, believe me, inspires respect, and some boys are simply afraid to call him names in the face.

But arrogance and a sense of one's own stardom will definitely lead to the fact that a nerd will grow out of the crumbs. Do not cultivate idolatry in the family and do not put the achievements of your child at the forefront. Yes, you have achieved a lot, but you can do even more. This is the motto of wise parents!

In a healthy family atmosphere, a balanced, versatile developed child. Not a single nickname clings to this. So it is in the power of parents to minimize school teasing in relation to their child!

About Me

As you have already noticed, our surname is Chesnakovy. And no wonder all our friends call us garlic. And so, when my son went to school, I assumed that his nickname would be "garlic".

Without focusing on this, for some time I unobtrusively explained to my son that he had a very cool surname. And you know, they call it garlic, but it's not a common name, it's a respectable nickname.

Therefore, I believe that much depends on you, dear parents.

On such a victorious note, we will end our conversation today. Now you know exactly what to do with these school nicknames.

See you.

Ekaterina Chesnakova was with you with garlic, peppercorns and raisins.


Today science deals with national nicknames. A neutral national nickname is scientifically called an exonym, and an offensive nickname with a negative connotation is called ethnopholism. Knowing the origin of national nicknames, you can understand a lot - about yourself, and about your neighbor, and about your neighbor's neighbor.

Russian, most often - a native of Moscow, which, even without being the capital, had a huge influence on the Russian lands and on the state affairs of neighboring countries. The nickname did not immediately receive a negative connotation. During the campaigns, Russian troops did not live in barracks and camps, but in the huts of the indigenous people who fed them. Whether a soldier (Moskal) would be full or hungry depended on his ability to "negotiate" with the owners of the house about grubs. In addition, Russian soldiers were not indifferent to local girls. However, the relationship lasted only as long as the Muscovites were guests of the village. And when call of duty called a soldier to other lands, relationships with local girls were forgotten. Then the verb "moskalit" appeared - to cheat, cheat.

The nickname of Russians among Soviet Koreans. This word is the Chinese word "maozy" (or "mouzy") pronounced in the Korean manner, which means "bearded man", as the Chinese called the Russians.


The neutral designation for Russians in Finnish is "venäläinen". "Russya" is pejorative. Currently, the word "ryussya" is used in colloquial language often in relation to all Russian speakers in Finland, originating from the former USSR, sometimes including children from mixed marriages. Initially, such a nickname was used in relation to the Orthodox population (mostly ethnically Karelian). The spread of the word was facilitated by the fact that in Swedish, which for a long time retained a leading position in Finland, Russians were called and are called to this day the word "ryss" (stylistically neutral). So in western Finland, which is more heavily influenced by Swedish, the word "ryss?" has no disparaging meaning. Not so long ago " national question' went to court. A Lahti resident has filed a lawsuit against his employer for naming his son "ryussia". The employer was ordered to pay a large compensation.
Funny how the popular Finnish Black Russian cocktail sounds like Musta Ryss? - "black hare"" The expression "Russian roulette" is translated as ryss? ruletta, but sometimes fi:vúnalainen ruletta is also said.
The mirror insulting designation of the Finns in Russian is "chukhnya". In Dahl's dictionary: "Chukhonets, Chukhonka, St. Petersburg nickname for suburban Finns."


This ethnofolism was inherited by the Russians from their neighbors - the "Balts", or rather the Estonians. "Tybla" came from the treatment "you, bl." So originally in Estonia they called the soldiers of the Red Army in 1918-1920, 1940-1941 and 1944. The relatively small Russian minority in pre-war independent Estonia was not at first addressed by this appeal. During Soviet power this expression began to be used only among the indigenous population. After gaining freedom of speech and independence in 1991, it has firmly entered the lexicon as a contemptuous and insulting nickname for the Russian-speaking inhabitants of the country, especially those who do not speak the local language. The Media Council believes that the expression "tibla" is primarily used as a designation for Homo soveticus (Soviet man).


Originally a designation for Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan (the Russian equivalent of the word showrawi is ?ourav?: Soviet). On this moment neutral, even respectful, designation of all Russians in Arab countries.

About 1500 live on our planet, which have their own individual names that distinguish them from each other. But in addition to official names, many peoples also have nicknames given to them at one time by their friends, neighbors or, conversely, opponents. Of course, they are not mentioned in international treaties and other important documents.

Each of these nicknames, sometimes mockingly joking, sometimes sarcastically offensive, has its own history and its own destiny. Some of them are known only to historians, while others, on the contrary, exist to this day.

Some nicknames even became official names peoples in the languages ​​in which they originated. Everything depends on the historical situation that contributed to their appearance, and further relations between peoples.

Where did the barbarians come from?

The appearance of the first national nicknames dates back to ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, used the word "barbarians" in relation to the peoples surrounding them. They were called peoples belonging to various ethnic groups and speaking different languages: Slavs, Germans, Celts and many others. For Greece and Rome, with their developed culture, these peoples looked very backward. And their language was incomprehensible.

It seemed to the Greeks and Romans that, while communicating with each other, they utter some strange sounds - “var-var”. Hence the nickname, which has existed for many centuries. Later, this word lost its original meaning and became a household word. Now it means a rude, ignorant person who destroys what was created by the labor of others, regardless of his nationality.

Who are the freaks?

National nicknames also appeared in Rus'. In the second half of the 15th century, on the initiative of Grand Duke Ivan III, many foreigners came to the Russian state, mainly from southern Europe, mainly from Italy. These were architects, engineers, gunsmiths and other craftsmen. Here the Italians received the nickname "fryagi", "fryazi" or "fryaziny".

This word was borrowed with some distortion from the Serbian language, where it meant "Latins", that is, Catholics. Accordingly, any item of Italian import was designated by the word "fryazhsky". IN official documents of that time, the nickname “Fryazin” was added to the names of the Italian masters, with which many of them went down in history.

How did the Germans become Germans?

Pronouncing the words "German", "German", we do not even think about their origin. And it has its own, also dating back to the Middle Ages. In addition to the Italians, who received “their” nickname, residents of other European countries also came to us. These were diplomats, merchants and masters of various professions. Naturally, immediately upon arrival, none of them knew Russian and could not communicate with the local population without an interpreter.

Having met a foreigner on the street and asked him some question, a Russian person did not receive any answer from him. So the opinion appeared that all foreigners are dumb and cannot speak. That's why they called them Germans. Moreover, this concept included not only the inhabitants of Germany, but also the Dutch, the British and many others. Gradually, this word began to designate precisely the Germans, and it established itself in the Russian language as a generally accepted norm.

Boches, Fritz and Hans.

Nicknames appeared at a later time. Especially "got" the same Germans, who were often given contemptuous nicknames by other nations. In the 19th century, Prussia - the largest German state - often waged wars with its neighbors. France was one of the main targets of its aggression. The evil-tongued French came up with a nickname for their opponents. They disparagingly called them bosses.

This word also existed in the 20th century, especially during the two world wars unleashed by Germany. During the First World War, Russia also had to face the Germans in a military confrontation. And in Russian, it was not long before another nickname for them appeared - Fritz. This word comes from one of the common names in Germany, which can be both independent and diminutive of the name Friedrich.

This nickname of the Germans became especially popular in 1941, when Germany again attacked now on Soviet Union. There was at that time another nickname - Hans, also derived from the common German name. However, now these nicknames, which are not very pleasant for the German people, are already a thing of the past, and our countries have maintained friendly relations for many years.

Chub against beard.

Anything can be the basis for the appearance of national nicknames. Some features can become a reason appearance of people. The most famous is a kind of "exchange" of nicknames between the two fraternal Slavic peoples - Russian and Ukrainian.

At one time, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks shaved their heads, leaving a forelock in front, which the Russians called "khokhol". The carriers of such a hairstyle themselves were also called Khokhols, and from them the nickname passed to all crests in general. Of course, they did not remain in debt and also came up with a nickname for the Russians, associated with their appearance.

Unlike Ukrainians, Russians wore beards, which gave the first reason to call them katsaps. In Ukrainian, the word "tsap" means a goat, which, as you know, has a "beard". The Ukrainian phrase "yak tsap" literally meant "like a goat". Later it was transformed into the well-known word "katsap". Both of these nicknames have long become comic, and people with a sense of humor are not offended by them.

There is another nickname for Russians in Ukraine, which has a more negative connotation - Muscovites. Naturally, it comes from the name of the capital of Russia. Initially, this was the name of the officials who, after the unification of Ukraine with the Russian state, came there to establish new orders. Then this nickname began to be called all Russians. It is in this meaning, and extremely dismissive, that it still exists in the west of Ukraine.

Potatoes, pasta and frogs.

Finally, some nicknames originated from the characteristics of a particular national cuisine. It is known that in Italy one of the favorite national dishes- pasta. "Good" neighbors immediately responded to this fact, calling the Italians pasta. However, this does not prevent residents of all countries of the world from visiting numerous Italian restaurants and eating spaghetti with pleasure.

The French were not left without a nickname, in national cuisine which some types of frogs are used. They became known as frogs. True, the French themselves are not very pleased with this nickname. Moreover, in French cuisine there are enough other dishes from a variety of products.

With regard to the nickname, the Belarusians were the most fortunate. In their cuisine there are a lot of various and tasty potato dishes, which the Belarusian land is rich in. In Belarusian, potatoes are called "bulba". So the Belarusians were nicknamed by their neighbors - Russians and Ukrainians - Bulbash. However, the Belarusian people are not at all offended by such a nickname. Cheerful, good-natured and hospitable Bulbash has long become something of an unofficial symbol of Belarus.

In russian language.

Abrek - Chechen, Dagestan, in broad sense representative of any nation North Caucasus male. Among the Caucasians themselves - a mountaineer-outcast.

Azer, aizer - Azerbaijani.

Azeri is also one of the self-names of Azerbaijanis, probably originating from the name of the disappeared Indo-European language of the northwestern subgroup of Iranian languages, which existed on the territory of Southern Iranian Azerbaijan, presumably until the 17th century.

Amerikos, Amer, Pindos (this word originally denoted the Greeks) - an American.

Ara is Armenian (does not carry an offensive connotation).

Afro -assed, Afromasy, Africuruminous - Negro. Appeared as abruptly backlash to the politically correct "African American".

An Afro-Russian is a Negro living in Russia.

Baibak is the nickname of the Karelians or the inhabitants of Karelia in general. It has a contemptuous connotation, hints at the negative qualities inherent in the steppe marmot - laziness, stupidity.

Basurman (Busurman, Busarman, Basurman, Busarman) - in the old days in Rus': a Tatar, a person of a different religion, mainly from the East. Initially, the nickname has a religious meaning: "basurman" - obviously, a distorted "Muslim" - that is, a non-believer.

Biralyukas (bralyukas) - Lithuanians. Origin from "brolis" - "brother", "brolyukas" - "brother".

Bulbash (from Bel. Bulba - "potato") - Belarusian.

Hans is German.

Guran - usually used in relation to the descendants of mixed marriages of Russians and Buryats in Transbaikalia, also to the Transbaikal Cossacks. It came from the name of a male roe deer, which is one of the main game animals in Transbaikalia. Gurans in Transbaikalia have a special "brotherly" (semi-Mongoloid) appearance, thick black hair, wide cheekbones and swarthy skin, and also speak a special, Trans-Baikal dialect of the Russian language.

The Jew is a Jew.

Beast, animal (came out of thieves' jargon) - a contemptuous nickname for visitors mainly from the Transcaucasus or Central Asia, less often from the North Caucasus.

Labus (Hans) - Latvians. Comes from the Lithuanian greeting "labas", "laba diena" - "good afternoon"

Lyakh (obsolete) - Pole.

The frog is French.

Lapps are Saami.

Myrk, Moor - a derogatory nickname for uncultured, uncouth, rude people in Kyrgyzstan. Synonym - "cattle". The nickname is used by the population living in the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek in relation to rural residents.

Pasta is Italian.

Mambet - formerly widespread male name, derived from the word "Mahambet" Kazakh pronunciation of the word "Muhammad". It is used both by the non-Kazakh population and by urban Kazakhs in relation to rural Kazakhs or recent immigrants from the village. A priori, a Kazakh who does not speak Russian well is considered a mambet in Kazakhstan.

Muscovites - Russians (outdated).

Non-Russian - used disparagingly in relation to anyone who is not Russian.

Ниггер - заимствованное из США оскорбительное наименование чернокожего.

Pindos (sometimes "pendos") - from about the 19th century Russian Empire, as now in the south of Russia and Ukraine, as well as in Kazakhstan, are Greeks. However, it is now increasingly used in relation to Americans.

Psheki (pshek) - Poles. It arose due to the "hissing" nature of Polish speech.

Rusaks, Rusapets, Rusopyats - an outdated self-name of Russians.

Samoyeds (obsolete) - Nenets.

Seldyuk is a Siberian nickname, roughly the same as chaldon.

Fritz is the name of the Germans. Origin - shortened form of the name "Friedrich"

Tungus (outdated) - Evenks.

Narrow-eyed is a disrespectful nickname for the Mongoloids (Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc.).

Khach, Khachik - an Armenian (in recent years, any native of the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasian countries is mistaken).

Chaplashka is a Tatar (approx. in Tatarstan).

Chah (i) (obsolete) - Czech.

Black-assed (from hair color or dark skin) - absolute brunettes, people from the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East. It is a kind of backronym for the American Wog, which is also used to refer to residents from the Middle East, Southern Europe and the Balkans: Italians, Moroccans, Latin Americans, Macedonians, Greeks or Spaniards. The nickname, originally referring to blacks, has now mostly been transferred to black-haired or dark-skinned foreigners.

The first meaning (from hair color or swarthy skin) is a pejorative designation by the predominantly Russian population of representatives of the Transcaucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. In Russia, this term has a different meaning in contrast to the United States, that is, people are meant not literally “black”, but precisely “black-haired”, brunettes, people who are Caucasian in their type, but still with skin slightly darker than that of northern Europeans. This nickname denotes Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Moldovans, etc.

The second meaning (according to skin color) is the same as African Americans, Negroes, blacks belonging to the Negroid race.

Khokhols - crests (from the Cossack custom to wear a forelock).

Chaldons, cheldons - a dialect designation of Siberians. It was used among Russian Siberians in relation to other Russian Siberians with an emphasis on the stupidity and “valenkovnost” of a person. At present, the use of the word is rare even in Siberia, it is found mainly among the older generation.

Black dropouts (by skin color) are representatives of the black race, blacks, the designation “black” is also common.

Czech (derivative, army slang) - a Chechen, predominantly a Chechen fighter.

Chocks, chumps, chureks, chebureks, babakhany, rhinos, chuchmeks, saxauls - a contemptuous designation of representatives of the peoples of Central Asia. This word has entered colloquial speech from criminal jargon, obviously from Turkic.

Chukhonets, chukhon, chukhna - a disrespectful nickname, used mainly by the Russian population in relation initially to the Ingrian Finns, later to the Finns of Finland and other representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Chukhna, Chushka - Finland.

Hellenes are Greeks.

Yankees are Americans.

in other languages.

Ami (Ami) - the nickname of the Americans by the Germans (simplification / reduction).

Aleman - lit. "German" (Spanish) - in Cuba, all white Europeans.

Ak-kulak, ash-kuloh (literally white-eared) - an insulting nickname for the Slavs in Central Asia, an analogue of the Russian "black-assed".

Boshes are Germans. Borrowed from French, the lexicon of the First World War, got into Russian.

Bosha is the nickname of the Gypsies among Armenians.

Burla (burlak) is an insulting nickname for Russians in Central Asia.

Wessy - residents of Germany (before the unification of Germany and the GDR). It comes from the German Westdeutschland - West Germany.

Gaijin (from gaikokujin, foreigner) is a disrespectful nickname for non-Japanese in Japan.

Goy - (a word from the Torah) means a non-Jew. It is used in both humiliating and neutral meanings.

Gringos are foreigners, most often Caucasian in appearance, often Americans (in Latin America and Mexico).

John Bull is an Englishman.

Kafir - all non-Muslims (identical to the Jewish goy, Russian infidel, impious, non-Christ).

Latinos is a nickname for Hispanics in the United States, the word has also been transferred to Russian.

Nazaris (Arabic lit. "Nazarenes") are Christians among the southern Arabs.

Ora - the treatment of men among themselves among the Abkhazians.

Rusaki is the collective self-name of the Russian-speaking population in Germany.

Rushpans - Ukrainian. "Russians".

Sarybas, sarybash (literally "yellow-headed") - an insulting nickname for Europeans in Central Asia, used in the sense of "coward", "blunder", "fool".

Shoshka (chuchka) is a derogatory nickname for the Slavs (mostly Russians) in Central Asia, literally "pigs" is sometimes used in the sense of "pig-like", "pig-eaters", "pig people".

Ivans are Russians (among the Germans and not only).

Kalbit - in the regions of Russia bordering Kazakhstan contemptuously - Kazakh.

Kizdym - Kazakh.

Katsapy (Ukrainian word) - Russians. Most often refers to the inhabitants of Moscow because of the unusual dialect common there. Most Russians, including Muscovites, are unaware of the existence of any nickname given by Ukrainians, in principle, let alone this specific one.

Cockney is a resident of London's working-class neighborhoods. IN English language, from which it is borrowed, is not offensive.

Xenos is a word used by the indigenous population of Greece in relation to foreigners, foreign-speaking people, emigrants, migrants and to all those who are alien to Greek culture. The word is used in both derogatory and neutral meanings. Xenophobia is the same root word for hostility towards outsiders. A word similar in meaning in use in Russian is non-Russian.

Laowai is a vernacular Chinese term for any foreigners of European origin.

Laomaozi (maozi) is a vernacular designation by the Chinese of Russians.

Muscovites are Russians, more often immigrants from Moscow.

Ossi - residents of the GDR (before the unification of the FRG and the GDR) and the eastern part of present-day Germany. It comes from the German Ostdeutschland - East Germany.

Pakis is a derogatory nickname for people from Pakistan in the UK.

Persil is a contemptuous nickname for an Azerbaijani or a Turk in Turkmenistan.

Pifke is a nickname that the inhabitants of Austria and especially Vienna call the inhabitants of part of Germany, at present this is mainly called tourists from Germany. In Germany itself, this nickname is used as a playful designation of a braggart or imaginary.

Raski is a contemptuous name for Russians (in the broad sense of all citizens from the former USSR) among Americans.

Ryussa - Russians among the Finns.

Sart is a word used by the Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Turkmens to people of Uzbek nationality, most often this word is perceived as humiliating and abusive.

Tibla is an offensive nickname for Russian speakers in Estonia.

Farang is a Thai word originally referring to the French. Is not offensive. In Thailand and Cambodia, farang (barang) refers to any foreigner of European origin.

Habibi - so the Americans disparagingly call the Arabs.

Shuravi - Originally the designation of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. At the moment, the neutral designation of all Russians in Arab countries.

Yahudiy - colloquial designation by Uzbeks of a person of the Jewish religion, is used both in a humiliating and in a neutral sense.

POM (Pommy) is a playful nickname for the English in Australia, New Zealand and sometimes South Africa.

How much do nicknames and nicknames mean in our life? Empty, small words that replace names - well, what meaning can they have? But everything is quite the opposite - one simple word, but said as a name - a nickname, determines a lot. The nature of the relationship, resentment for life, irritation or anger, or maybe a comprehensive joy and happiness - all this and even more can be found in our nicknames.

Why are nicknames sometimes funny and sometimes very offensive?
Who and why likes to call people not by their names, but to give them nicknames and nicknames?
Why do people call names hurtful words and calls?

Good nicknames for boys and girls

The nature of affectionate names, good nicknames, touching nicknames lies in the roots of the visual vector. When the audience is happy, they want to express their better feelings through the word, picking it up by allegories. so cute and funny nicknames tens of thousands, and maybe even millions in any language of the world.

After all, calling a person by name is banal and the same, and a visual person wants to stand out and highlight. The viewer by nature has a very rich imagination and, having seen something wonderful, pleasant and kind, fills it with the same meanings.

It often happens that a visual person cannot cope with the task and is looking for cute, good nicknames on the Internet for your boyfriend or girlfriend. However, the best, kindest and most tender nickname will be exactly the one that is independently invented on the basis of the personal qualities of a loved one.

Why do people call names, give bad nicknames?

Surprisingly, but visual people, so fond of giving beautiful nicknames and nicknames, in early childhood they themselves encounter offensive, unpleasant nicknames that can deeply hurt them to the very heart. Vulnerable by nature, they are very complex and begin to be shy when all their classmates suddenly start to poison them with a “giraffe” or “fat man”. And if a long, offensive line in rhyme is glued to the name, which easily falls on the ear and literally eats into the subconscious, then the situation becomes threatening. There are many cases when, due to offensive and unpleasant nicknames at school, children lost interest in learning, experienced depression, and felt oppressed.

The nature of the nicknames given to us in childhood often comes from the eagle. Oralniks give nicknames, very accurately noticing our innate character traits or relying on names and surnames, creating a name that sticks to a person. Although their invented names often sound quite brutal, nevertheless, some children get good nicknames, if they can be called such, say, Sleeper or Baton, Gaz or Africa, while others have to endure Nosataya, Goat, Bespectacled. This disparity is due to child ranking, where the weakest (or the one who stands out) always gets the most. And these are most often skin-visual boys and girls.

It is interesting that no matter how hard the viewer tries to give an unpleasant nickname to his offender in response, he does not succeed. Nobody picks up and repeats his words, and nicknames are not glued to people. This is due to the fact that real nicknames that cling to a person can only be given by an oral speaker - accurately and very catchy noticing the bright feature of his victim and inducing the entire team to repeat this word.

Why does the guy call names offensive nicknames?

It happens that in adulthood we are faced with unpleasant nicknames and nicknames. Again, this hurts and hurts only people with a visual vector who take such statements too close to their hearts.

The nature of offensive nicknames in a couple often lies in the problem of hidden verbal sadism, which is not fully realized by either side. This happens if the nicknames are in the format of name-calling, they are aimed at hurting their loved one, hooking more painfully. For example, when a guy calls his thin girl "elephant" or "hippo", and in response to her insults, he laughs, as if there is nothing terrible or ugly in such names.

Such offensive, unpleasant nicknames are given by people with an anal vector that is in frustration or lack. Having accumulated grievances, he wants to pour them out somewhere and expresses them in such an uncomplicated way.

Our nicknames and nicknames are our life

Good and bad nicknames and nicknames are a reflection of the quality of our life. It very often happens that this nickname, painfully hurts and changes our whole life, burdening our entire existence with its meaning. It is necessary to get rid of such a burden of nicknames.

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You need to maintain a tender, romantic relationship in a couple from the first date and throughout the entire period when people meet. One of the simple and available ways- speak dear person beautiful, good words which would be nice to hear. Gentle, affectionate adjectives spoken to each other can soften hearts, forget insults and feel like the one to whom they are addressed, loved and needed.

As is commonly believed, it is women who love with their ears and adore nice compliments. In fact, any guy will also be pleased if his significant other treats him gently and will address him with the help of kind words. For girls, it is sometimes difficult to come up with something original and not ordinary. If you want to learn about how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, and find interesting fresh ideas, read on.

Why is it important to say kind words in a relationship?

Gentle compliments are the key to strong long term relationship lovers, one of its main components. Precisely said by the wife or girlfriend warm phrases for a husband or a boy, make the union stronger, establish mutual understanding, prove sincere love. No matter how strange it may sound, but in a couple in which they cannot be treated gently and say sweet words, partings most often occur. Cute nicknames given to your lover make him smile and give him a positive charge for the whole day.

Men also need support from a woman, although they look so strict and strong. Especially when a boyfriend or son is sick, it is important to address them with love and warmth, regret and come up with phrases that help you courageously go through all the difficulties. This can not only support, but also help to recover faster.

At the very beginning of a relationship, it can sometimes be difficult to find suitable funny names for a guy, and he may not understand your humor. Therefore, you should use the general standard references at the beginning, so that you definitely like it. Use words such as “zaya”, “baby doll” with caution, because some men are annoyed by this, they seem offensive to them.

Try to add the pronoun "my" to the names to soften the official tone. Put all your tenderness and love into the appeal so that the words sound sincere. The following set of the most common references will help you in your choice:

  • Dear, The only, Native, Rodnulka, Dear, Dear, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved, Affectionate, Unique, Desired, Cool, Courageous, Irreplaceable, Long-awaited, Beloved, Magical, My Good, My Pride.
  • Angel, Angel, Handsome, Sunny, Clear Sun, Baby, Kroshulya, Sweetheart, Lapulya, Atlas, Hero, Hercules, Simpotyazhka.
  • Baby doll, Baby doll, Pusya, Pusenok, Pusenka.
  • Baby, Cute, Sweet, Caramel, Peach, Marmalade, Heartbreaker, Chocolate, Knopik, Rodnusik, Cupcake, Cutie.

After what has been said, watch the reaction of your soul mate. The main thing is that the guy adequately perceives tenderness and does not take offense, especially if you pronounce them in the company of friends. In this way, you will be able to maintain romantic relationships and further expand your vocabulary with more intimate terms.

Boy and girl

Lovely words of tenderness about animals

Diminutive nicknames similar to animals, only in a more gentle form, are popular. Try to choose an individual nickname for the guy that best describes his character or appearance.

  • Hippo, Begemoska.
  • Hedgehog, Hedgehog, Hedgehog.
  • Toad, Frog, Frog.
  • Hare, Hare, Zaikin, Hare, Hare, Hare, Hare.
  • Cat, Kitty, Kotok, Kitty, Kitty, Kitten, Kisyunya.
  • Goat, goat.
  • Fox, Fox, Fox.
  • Teddy bear, Bear, Bear.
  • Mouse, Myshkin, Mouse.
  • Elephant, Elephant, Elephant.
  • Tiger cub, Tigger.
  • Hamster, Hamster.
  • Crocodile.
  • Chick, Chick, Chick.

Funny names given to a guy can also be written to him in messages. Make sure that your description does not sound rude or offensive to another person, because there are words that are inappropriate and vulgar. Such things should not be said in front of strangers, it is better to leave them for solitude and night.

Funny appeals to guys with a sense of humor

In fact, all men remain children at heart and they want to feel like a little playful child next to the girl. If your young man great sense of humor, consider yourself very lucky. In this case, you can safely show your imagination and come up with a variety of cute name-calling, the main thing is that they do not hurt the guy if, for example, he has complexes due to appearance flaws. You may like one of the options with a description of the value:

  • Baby, Malysh, Malyshkin - emphasize your passion for the guy.
  • Baby, Baby, My Little, Lyalik - help the guy feel like a little child, return to childhood, become happier.
  • Durynda, Fool, My Fool, Kissing - so you can only call it very loved one if he was guilty of something and asked for forgiveness.
  • Musya, Musipusechka, Masik, Tsemik, Manyunka - these words indicate that feelings are very strong and as close as possible, and also that you are extremely passionate about a person.
  • Candy, Sladyunka, Donut, Cookie, Croissant, Eclair, Bar - express an increased surge of emotions.
  • Kotyatina, Kotya, Murchik, Kotofey, Kisenysh, Kisyunchik, Bear cub - all your attention is very much riveted to the object of your love.
  • Paw, Lapulya, Lapusik, Lapotulka, Lapunchik - gentle names characterize your determination to be active in relation to your loved one, to try your best for him in a relationship.
  • Puzik, Telepuz, Smurf, Luntik, Masyanka, Jumper - such cartoonish nicknames will be nice to hear for a cartoon lover.

Also, with such cute words, you can coolly write down the name of a guy on your phone or beautifully sign a postcard for the holiday or pictures. For girls, one of the options can be chosen to call a very close friend. Some nickname will also appeal to your lover, if you have one.

How can you call a man if he is too serious?

For such men, only words that have a high meaning will be appropriate. They will have to describe something heroic, decent, not sound vulgar. At the same time, characterize your keen interest and genuine sincerity. You may be able to melt a serious character with the following affectionate nicknames:

  • Golden, Golden, Gold
  • sunshine, sunshine
  • My king, my prince
  • Beloved, Dear, Dear, Beloved, My Soul

Instead of nicknames, you can come up with words in prose that your chosen one will be pleased to hear. Repeat them more often so that he feels your strong love.

  • "I can do anything with you"
  • "You are my life, my air"
  • "You make me feel like a real woman"
  • "I'm behind you, like behind a stone wall"
  • "Your kisses more expensive than gold for me"
  • “Words are not enough to express my feelings for you”
  • "Our love is called real"

How to affectionately call a young man by name?

Male names can be slightly modified to make their pronunciation special, unique to you. This will highlight your special treatment to a loved one and bring the couple even closer to each other. Get acquainted with the following options, given by the letters of the alphabet, how to call a man affectionately by name:

  • Alexander - you can name Sasha, Sashunya, Sashunchik, Shurik, Sanechka, Alex
  • Alexey - Lesha, Leshechka, Aleshenka, Lesik, Alexyusha
  • Anatoly - Tolik, Tolyasik, Anatole, Tolka.
  • Anton - Antoshka, Tokha, Antoshenka, Antonchik
  • Artem - Temka, Theme, Artemka, Artemchik, Temych, Artemushka.
  • Artur - Arturka, Arturchik, Artusha.
  • Bogdan - Bogdashka, Bogdanchik, Bodya.
  • Vadim - Vadimchik, Vadyusha, Vadimka
  • Valentin - Valentinchik, Roller, Valentinushka
  • Valera - Valerchik, Valerunchik, Valerik
  • Vladislav - Vladik, Vladichek, Slavik, Slavyan
  • Victor - Vitechka, Vityunchik, Vik, Vityenka
  • Vladimir - Vova, Vovchik, Volodenka, Vovachik, Vovashka
  • Vitaly - Vitalka, Vitalyusik, Vitalyunchik, Tasik, Vitasik
  • George - Zhorka, Zhorik, Dahlia
  • David - Davidik, Davidunchik, Davidushka
  • Danil - Danilka, Danya, Danyusha, Danyushka, Danechka
  • Dmitry - Dimasik, Dimochka, Dimulya, Dimchik, Dimasik
  • Egor - Egorka, Egorych, Egorushka
  • Eugene - Zhenya, Evgesha, Zhenechka, Zhenchik
  • Igor - Igoryusha, Igorek, Igorechek, Igoryunya
  • Ilya - Ilyushka, Ilyushechka, Ilyunka
  • Ivan - Vanya, Vanes, Vanechka, Vanyushka, Ivanushka
  • Konstantin - Kostya, Kostya, Kostyanchik, Kostyunya
  • Kirill - Kiryusha, Kiryushka, Kirillushka
  • Matvey - Matveyka, Matveyushka, Matveychik
  • Mikhail - Misha, Mishunya, Mishusya
  • Oleg - Olezha, Olezhka, Olezhenka
  • Pavel - Pasha, Pashulka, Pashechka, Pashunya
  • Roman - Roma, Romochka, Romchik, Romych
  • Ruslan - Ruslanchik, Rusik, Rusechka
  • Rodion - Rodionchik, Rodionushka
  • Stanislav - Stasik, Stanislavchik, Stasyunya, Stanislavushka
  • Sergey - Seryozha, Serezhenka, Serzhik, Serge, Sergunya
  • Timofey - Timofeyushka, Timofeyka, Timoshka
  • Timur - Timurka, Timurchik, Timka
  • Philip - Fillyunya, Filyushka, Phillipka
  • Edward - Edik, Edyusha, Eduardushka
  • Yuri - Yurets, Yurochka, Yurok, Yurunchik
  • Jacob - Yashka, Yashechka, Yashunka

What words can not be said to a loved one?

You should come up with nicknames for your soulmate correctly and carefully. It is advisable to be interested in whether he likes this or that name. It is strongly not recommended to call a guy a foul language, even if it is a joke, because it will not be pleasant for your man to hear. When going out together in society, try to avoid too intimate and funny addresses that can be heard by strangers. This may be misunderstood, and the guy may feel embarrassed, embarrassed.

Be tactful if the guy is overweight or short. Perhaps he is very worried about this, so nicknames of this type, such as:

  • baby elephant,
  • donut,
  • pie,
  • peanut,
  • midget,
  • Shorty,
  • manyusik

can injure and create negative emotions, and even provoke a quarrel at all.

There are many nicknames, how to affectionately call a guy, it is important to choose an interesting and original version so that you like it and cause a joyful smile on the face of your soul mate.

About 1500 different peoples live on our planet, which have their own individual names that distinguish them from each other. But in addition to official names, many peoples also have nicknames given to them at one time by their friends, neighbors or, conversely, opponents. Of course, they are not mentioned in international treaties and other important documents.

Each of these nicknames, sometimes mockingly joking, sometimes sarcastically offensive, has its own history and its own destiny. Some of them are known only to historians, while others, on the contrary, exist to this day.

Some nicknames even became the official names of peoples in the languages ​​in which they originated. Everything depends on the historical situation that contributed to their appearance, and further relations between peoples.

Where did the barbarians come from?

The appearance of the first national nicknames dates back to ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, used the word "barbarians" in relation to the peoples surrounding them. They were called peoples belonging to different ethnic groups and speaking different languages: Slavs, Germans, Celts and many others. For Greece and Rome, with their developed culture, these peoples looked very backward. And their language was incomprehensible.

It seemed to the Greeks and Romans that, while communicating with each other, they utter some strange sounds - “var-var”. Hence the nickname, which has existed for many centuries. Later, this word lost its original meaning and became a household word. Now it means a rude, ignorant person who destroys what was created by the labor of others, regardless of his nationality.

Who are the freaks?

National nicknames also appeared in Rus'. In the second half of the 15th century, on the initiative of Grand Duke Ivan III, many foreigners came to the Russian state, mainly from southern Europe, mainly from Italy. These were architects, engineers, gunsmiths and other craftsmen. Here the Italians received the nickname "fryagi", "fryazi" or "fryaziny".

This word was borrowed with some distortion from the Serbian language, where it meant "Latins", that is, Catholics. Accordingly, any item of Italian import was designated by the word "fryazhsky". In the official documents of that time, the nickname “Fryazin” was added to the names of the Italian masters, with which many of them went down in history.

How did the Germans become Germans?

Pronouncing the words "German", "German", we do not even think about their origin. And it has its interesting story also dating back to the Middle Ages. In addition to the Italians, who received “their” nickname, residents of other European countries also came to us. These were diplomats, merchants and masters of various professions. Naturally, immediately upon arrival, none of them knew Russian and could not communicate with the local population without an interpreter.

Having met a foreigner on the street and asked him some question, a Russian person did not receive any answer from him. So the opinion appeared that all foreigners are dumb and cannot speak. That's why they called them Germans. Moreover, this concept included not only the inhabitants of Germany, but also the Dutch, the British and many others. Gradually, this word began to designate precisely the Germans, and it established itself in the Russian language as a generally accepted norm.

Boches, Fritz and Hans.

Nicknames appeared at a later time. Especially "got" the same Germans, who were often given contemptuous nicknames by other nations. In the 19th century, Prussia - the largest German state - often waged wars with its neighbors. France was one of the main targets of its aggression. The evil-tongued French came up with a nickname for their opponents. They disparagingly called them bosses.

This word also existed in the 20th century, especially during the two world wars unleashed by Germany. During the First World War, Russia also had to face the Germans in a military confrontation. And in Russian, it was not long before another nickname for them appeared - Fritz. This word comes from one of the common names in Germany, which can be both independent and diminutive of the name Friedrich.

This nickname of the Germans became especially popular in 1941, when Germany again attacked the now Soviet Union. There was another nickname at that time - Hans, also derived from a common German name. However, now these nicknames, which are not very pleasant for the German people, are already a thing of the past, and our countries have maintained friendly relations for many years.

Chub against beard.

Anything can be the basis for the appearance of national nicknames. Some features of the appearance of people can become an occasion. The most famous is a kind of "exchange" of nicknames between the two fraternal Slavic peoples - Russian and Ukrainian.

At one time, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks shaved their heads, leaving a forelock in front, which the Russians called "khokhol". The carriers of such a hairstyle themselves were also called Khokhols, and from them the nickname passed to all crests in general. Of course, they did not remain in debt and also came up with a nickname for the Russians, associated with their appearance.

Unlike Ukrainians, Russians wore beards, which gave the first reason to call them katsaps. In Ukrainian, the word "tsap" means a goat, which, as you know, has a "beard". The Ukrainian phrase "yak tsap" literally meant "like a goat". Later it was transformed into the well-known word "katsap". Both of these nicknames have long become comic, and people with a sense of humor are not offended by them.

There is another nickname for Russians in Ukraine, which has a more negative connotation - Muscovites. Naturally, it comes from the name of the capital of Russia. Initially, this was the name of the officials who, after the unification of Ukraine with the Russian state, came there to establish new orders. Then this nickname began to be called all Russians. It is in this meaning, and extremely dismissive, that it still exists in the west of Ukraine.

Potatoes, pasta and frogs.

Finally, some nicknames originated from the characteristics of a particular national cuisine. It is known that in Italy one of the favorite national dishes is pasta. "Good" neighbors immediately responded to this fact, calling the Italians pasta. However, this does not prevent residents of all countries of the world from visiting numerous Italian restaurants and eating spaghetti with pleasure.

The French were not left without a nickname, in whose national cuisine certain types of frogs are used. They became known as frogs. True, the French themselves are not very pleased with this nickname. Moreover, in French cuisine there are enough other dishes from a variety of products.

With regard to the nickname, the Belarusians were the most fortunate. In their cuisine there are a lot of various and tasty potato dishes, which the Belarusian land is rich in. In Belarusian, potatoes are called "bulba". So the Belarusians were nicknamed by their neighbors - Russians and Ukrainians - Bulbash. However, the Belarusian people are not at all offended by such a nickname. Cheerful, good-natured and hospitable Bulbash has long become something of an unofficial symbol of Belarus.

In russian language.

Abrek is a Chechen, Dagestan, in a broad sense, a male representative of any people of the North Caucasus. Among the Caucasians themselves - a mountaineer-outcast.

Azer, aizer - Azerbaijani.

Azeri is also one of the self-names of Azerbaijanis, probably originating from the name of the disappeared Indo-European language of the northwestern subgroup of Iranian languages, which existed on the territory of Southern Iranian Azerbaijan, presumably until the 17th century.

Amerikos, Amer, Pindos(this word originally denoted the Greeks) - an American.

Ara is Armenian (does not carry an offensive connotation).

Afro-ass, afro-ass, afro-black-ass- black person. It arose as a sharply negative reaction to the politically correct "African American".

An Afro-Russian is a Negro living in Russia.

Baibak is the nickname of the Karelians or the inhabitants of Karelia in general. It has a contemptuous connotation, hints at the negative qualities inherent in the steppe marmot - laziness, stupidity.

Basurman (Busurman, Busarman, Basurmanin, Busarmanin)- in the old days in Rus': a Tatar, a person of a different religion, mainly from the East. Initially, the nickname has a religious meaning: "basurman" - obviously, a distorted "Muslim" - that is, a non-believer.

Biralyukas (bralyukas)- Lithuanians. Origin from "brolis" - "brother", "brolyukas" - "brother".

Bulbash (from Bel. Bulba - "potato") - Belarusian.

Hans is German.

Guran - usually used in relation to the descendants of mixed marriages of Russians and Buryats in Transbaikalia, also to the Transbaikal Cossacks. It came from the name of a male roe deer, which is one of the main game animals in Transbaikalia. Gurans in Transbaikalia have a special "brotherly" (semi-Mongoloid) appearance, thick black hair, wide cheekbones and swarthy skin, and also speak a special, Transbaikalian dialect of the Russian language.

The Jew is a Jew.

Beast, animal (came out of thieves' jargon) - a contemptuous nickname for visitors mainly from the Transcaucasus or Central Asia, less often from the North Caucasus.

Labus (Hans) - Latvians. Comes from the Lithuanian greeting "labas", "laba diena" - "good afternoon"

Lyakh (obsolete) - Pole.

The frog is French.

Lapps are Saami.

Myrk, Moor - a derogatory nickname for uncultured, uncouth, rude people in Kyrgyzstan. Synonym - "cattle". The nickname is used by the population living in the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek in relation to rural residents.

Pasta is Italian.

Mambet is a formerly widespread male name derived from the Kazakh pronunciation of the word "Muhammed" from the word "Mahambet". It is used both by the non-Kazakh population and by urban Kazakhs in relation to rural Kazakhs or recent immigrants from the village. A priori, a Kazakh who does not speak Russian well is considered a mambet in Kazakhstan.

Muscovites - Russians (outdated).

Non-Russian - used disparagingly in relation to anyone who is not Russian.

Ниггер - заимствованное из США оскорбительное наименование чернокожего.

Pindos (sometimes "pendos") - from about the 19th century in the Russian Empire, as now in the south of Russia and Ukraine, as well as in Kazakhstan, are Greeks. However, it is now increasingly used in relation to Americans.

Psheki (pshek) - Poles. It arose due to the "hissing" nature of Polish speech.

Russians, Rusapets, Russians- outdated self-name of Russians.

Samoyeds (obsolete) - Nenets.

Seldyuk is a Siberian nickname, roughly the same as chaldon.

Fritz is the name of the Germans. Origin - shortened form of the name "Friedrich"

Tungus (outdated) - Evenks.

Narrow-eyed is a disrespectful nickname for the Mongoloids (Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc.).

Khach, Khachik - an Armenian (in recent years, any native of the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasian countries is mistaken).

Chaplashka is a Tatar (approx. in Tatarstan).

Chah (i) (obsolete) - Czech.

Black-assed (from hair color or dark skin) - absolute brunettes, people from the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East. It is a kind of backronym for the American Wog, which is also used to refer to residents from the Middle East, Southern Europe and the Balkans: Italians, Moroccans, Latin Americans, Macedonians, Greeks or Spaniards. The nickname, originally referring to blacks, has now mostly been transferred to black-haired or dark-skinned foreigners.


The first meaning (from hair color or swarthy skin) is a pejorative designation by the predominantly Russian population of representatives of the Transcaucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. In Russia, this term has a different meaning in contrast to the United States, that is, people are meant not literally “black”, but precisely “black-haired”, brunettes, people who are Caucasian in their type, but still with skin slightly darker than that of northern Europeans. This nickname denotes Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Moldovans, etc.

The second meaning (according to skin color) is the same as African Americans, Negroes, blacks belonging to the Negroid race.

Khokhols - crests (from the Cossack custom to wear a forelock).

Chaldons, chaldons- the old name of the Don Cossacks who remained to live in Siberia after its development. Cheldon is a man from the Don. It was used among Russian Siberians in relation to other Russian Siberians with an emphasis on the stupidity and “valenkovnost” of a person. At present, the use of the word is rare even in Siberia, it is found mainly among the older generation.

Black dropouts (by skin color) are representatives of the black race, blacks, the designation “black” is also common.

Czech (derivative, army slang) - a Chechen, predominantly a Chechen fighter.

Chocks, chumps, chureks, chebureks, babakhany, rhinos, chuchmeks, saxauls- contemptuous designation of representatives of the peoples of Central Asia. This word has penetrated into colloquial speech from the criminal jargon, obviously from the Turks.

Chukhonets, chukhon, chukhna- a disrespectful nickname, used mainly by the Russian population in relation initially to the Ingrian Finns, later to the Finns of Finland and other representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Chukhna, Chushka - Finland.

Hellenes are Greeks.

Yankees are Americans.

in other languages.

Ami (Ami) - the nickname of the Americans by the Germans (simplification / reduction).

Aleman - lit. "German" (Spanish) - in Cuba, all white Europeans.

Ak-fist, ash-kuloh(literally white-eared) - an insulting nickname for the Slavs in Central Asia, an analogue of the Russian "black-assed".

Boshes are Germans. Borrowed from the French language, the lexicon of the First World War, it also got into Russian.

Bosha is the nickname of the Gypsies among Armenians.

Burla (burlak) is an insulting nickname for Russians in Central Asia.

Wessy - residents of Germany (before the unification of Germany and the GDR). It comes from the German Westdeutschland - West Germany.

Gaijin (from gaikokujin, foreigner) is a disrespectful nickname for non-Japanese in Japan.

Goy - (a word from the Torah) means a non-Jew. It is used in both humiliating and neutral meanings.

Gringos are foreigners, most often Caucasian in appearance, often Americans (in Latin America and Mexico).

John Bull is an Englishman.

Kafir - all non-Muslims (identical to the Jewish goy, Russian infidel, impious, non-Christ).

Latinos is a nickname for Hispanics in the United States, the word has also been transferred to Russian.

Nazaris (Arabic lit. "Nazarenes") are Christians among the southern Arabs.

Ora - the treatment of men among themselves among the Abkhazians.

Rusaki is the collective self-name of the Russian-speaking population in Germany.

Rushpans - Ukrainian. "Russians".

Sarybas, sarybash(literally "yellow-headed") - an insulting nickname for Europeans in Central Asia, used in the sense of "coward", "blunder", "fool".

Shoshka (chuchka) is a derogatory nickname for the Slavs (mostly Russians) in Central Asia, literally "pigs" is sometimes used in the sense of "pig-like", "pig-eaters", "pig people".

Ivans are Russians (among the Germans and not only).

Kalbit - in the regions of Russia bordering Kazakhstan contemptuously - Kazakh.

Kizdym - Kazakh.

Katsapy (Ukrainian word) - Russians. Most often refers to the inhabitants of Moscow because of the unusual dialect common there. Most Russians, including Muscovites, are unaware of the existence of any nickname given by Ukrainians, in principle, let alone this specific one.

Cockney is a resident of London's working-class neighborhoods. In English, from where it is borrowed, is not offensive.

Xenos is a word used by the indigenous population of Greece in relation to foreigners, foreign-speaking people, emigrants, migrants and to all those who are alien to Greek culture. The word is used in both derogatory and neutral meanings. Xenophobia is the same root word for hostility towards outsiders. A word similar in meaning in use in Russian is non-Russian.

Laowai is a vernacular Chinese term for any foreigners of European origin.

Laomaozi (maozi)- colloquial Chinese designation of Russians.

Muscovites are Russians, more often immigrants from Moscow.

Ossi - residents of the GDR (before the unification of the FRG and the GDR) and the eastern part of present-day Germany. It comes from the German Ostdeutschland - East Germany.

Pakis is a derogatory nickname for people from Pakistan in the UK.

Persil is a contemptuous nickname for an Azerbaijani or a Turk in Turkmenistan.

Pifke is a nickname that the inhabitants of Austria and especially Vienna call the inhabitants of part of Germany, at present this is mainly called tourists from Germany. In Germany itself, this nickname is used as a playful designation of a braggart or imaginary.

Raski is a contemptuous name for Russians (in the broad sense of all citizens from the former USSR) among Americans.

Ryussa - Russians among the Finns.

Sart is a word used by the Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Turkmens to people of Uzbek nationality, most often this word is perceived as humiliating and abusive.

Tibla is an offensive nickname for Russian speakers in Estonia.

Farang is a Thai word originally referring to the French. Is not offensive. In Thailand and Cambodia, farang (barang) refers to any foreigner of European origin.

Habibi - so the Americans disparagingly call the Arabs.

Shuravi - Originally the designation of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. At the moment, the neutral designation of all Russians in Arab countries.

Yahudiy - colloquial designation by Uzbeks of a person of the Jewish religion, is used both in a humiliating and in a neutral sense.

POM (Pommy) is a playful nickname for the English in Australia, New Zealand and sometimes South Africa.
