How to get rid of the electrification of the body. How to make things not electrified

Static electricity is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. Its accumulation in the form of electric charges occurs on the surfaces of various objects. If possible, static electricity must be disposed of, as contact with such electrified surfaces can sometimes cause unpleasant pain or even the appearance of sparks.

In order to know how to remove static electricity, you must first of all pay attention to the surface that accumulates static. After all, the choice of an antistatic agent will be based on which surface it will be applied to.

The most common case is the occurrence of static electricity on the fabric. Below, let's look at how to get rid of static electricity on clothes.

Removing static electricity from clothing.

In order to remove static electricity from clothes, you need to make a choice in favor of one of the methods.

The first way is the easiest. You need to purchase a special antistatic agent, which is sold both in clothing stores and in hardware stores. The effect of such an antistatic agent lasts longer than the effect of other methods for removing electrostatic, however, you will have to overpay a little for such an advantage. The antistatic agent is sprayed onto the surface of the garment, regardless of whether it is the front or back side. Of course, in this case, the consumption of antistatic agent will be very large, however, static electricity will not manifest itself on clothes treated in this way for a long time.

Another way to get rid of static electricity on clothing is to wipe it with a clean cotton rag. Walk her on both sides of her clothes, and all the static will be collected.
When choosing clothes, you should dwell on things made only from natural materials, because they have the properties of repelling static electricity, unlike artificial fabrics, which can sparkle just by touching them.

Human static electricity.

Static electricity on the human body accumulates mainly in the head area, and more specifically in the hair. Surely you have noticed more than once that when you come from the street after taking off your hat, your hair sticks to each other or even stands on end. This comes from the concentration of a significant amount of static electricity in them, in order to get rid of this, you need to do the following sequence of actions.

We take a bottle of a moisturizing spray, or a decoction for the hair, apply this product on, dry them with a hairdryer. However, the problem is not always only in the human hairline.

There are cases when a person was literally stuffed with static, and no special sprays were able to help him. This can be observed on dressed clothes - to remove static electricity, it is necessary to spray an antistatic agent on it. If there is no positive effect, try touching the battery with your hands, or touch the floor at the same time with your hands and feet - theoretically, such simple actions should neutralize the static. Another option that you will have to fork out for is an antistatic wristband, which is sold in specialized stores.

How to remove static electricity in the apartment.

One of the reasons for increased static in the room can be "charged" air. In this case, a humidifier will come to the rescue, designed to negate a fairly substantial proportion of static electricity.

If there is no such device nearby, then you can place water containers in the apartment or spray water from a spray bottle, while paying special attention to carpets, since they are the main sources of static accumulation in the room.

Well, having studied the above information on how to get rid of static electricity, you can now do it yourself. Drawing a line to a common denominator, we can advise the following: so that static no longer gives you trouble, stock up on clothes made from natural materials, moisten sources of increased static accumulation, and from time to time carry out, so to speak, grounding actions.

Of course, every person on the planet at least once succumbed to electric shocks when they touched a doorknob, a car, or other objects. Many people ask themselves the question: “What is this? How does it work? Why is this action taking place? One thing can be said that this is static electricity, which is important to be aware of. This and many other issues on this topic are discussed in this article.

Static electricity - what is it?

Static electricity is a frequent phenomenon, which is explained by an excess of free electrons, carriers of natural current. It appears and is stored most often on the surface or in the middle of a material that does not have the ability to conduct current. In other words, it is collected and stored until a certain time on a dielectric or on an insulated conductor.

This phenomenon is very common both in everyday life and in nature. You can encounter it if you are close to a waterfall or seashore, lightning or avalanches. If we talk about the daily life of a person, then this kind of electricity can be obtained due to ordinary friction.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the person himself is able to generate his own individual electrostatic field, so some are very sensitive to such a current, while others, on the contrary, do not feel anything. The reason for this is the individual work of the central nervous system, which still produces this field. So, the stronger the nerves, the stronger the field.

How to remove static electricity?

It is very unpleasant when interaction with this phenomenon leaves not the best memories. If, touching any object of a person, we are struck by a small discharge of current, it means that the effect of static electricity has increased, and it must be removed.

How to remove static electricity in the apartment?

Static electricity can be not only on clothes, but, so to speak, in the entire apartment. On any item, starting with a needle, pin or hairpin, ending with a TV, refrigerator and more. Therefore, in order to reduce "communication" with this phenomenon, not to be afraid to be around and touch furniture and other things, it is worth knowing how to remove static electricity. Here are some tips to use when dealing with current if there is no antistatic nearby.

  1. Dust on a TV or computer screen is very often subjected to such a charge. This is because the dust itself accumulates a small current, and if it is on the screens associated with electricity, then their number increases much faster.
    In order to fix this, you need to carry out wet cleaning more often, thoroughly wiping the monitors. Thus, the accumulation of current on the surfaces of objects and in the air will decrease.

  1. There is also a little secret about the humidity and air in the room. Humidity in the air is equivalent to coins in your pocket - it attracts current charges very well.
    In order to reduce the appearance of static charges in the air, you can collect water bottles and place them around the apartment. This humidifies the air and accordingly collects all the charges. After waiting a few hours, you can pour out the bottled water, and check the apartment, thus venting all possible charges from the house.

  1. It happens that even after such tricks, the frequency of charges does not stop decreasing, and this begins to seriously disturb the whole family. Then it is worth conducting a thorough audit in the apartment. It is necessary to minimize the amount of synthetics in the house. It is better to replace them with those that definitely cannot cause problems with electrostatics. These are silk, wool, cotton and other materials.

How to remove static current from clothes?

Pretty nasty or even painful sensations when, putting on your favorite sweater, your hair becomes electrified, your hairstyle deteriorates, and the thing itself is shocking. And this happens not only with a sweater, but with all things from the wardrobe. It is worth considering whether it is time to start fighting this current?
You can buy special products in stores, but it is very expensive and chemicals do not have a very favorable effect on human skin. Therefore, you can follow the tips below to help remove the charge on your clothes with the help of home remedies.

  1. The first thing that comes to the rescue is baking soda. When the moment of washing comes, it is necessary to pour one-fourth of the glass directly into the clothes itself. It should be borne in mind that the amount of soda used changes if the clothes in the drum of the machine are less or more than the average amount. However, in any case, it is impossible to pour more than half a glass at a time. Soda forms a kind of protective layer on clothes, which prevents the formation of current, and at the same time it is not visible on clothes, if you adhere to the norm. Otherwise, if you pour more than half a glass, then the entire protective layer will be very visible to others.
  2. Another good solution to the problem can be ordinary vinegar. After finishing washing, do not immediately remove the clothes, but pour approximately 50 ml of distilled white vinegar into the drum. It can be replaced, using apple cider vinegar, which will not greatly change the result. Next, you need to turn on the machine and put the laundry to rinse and wring out.
    Vinegar acts in the same way as baking soda - it creates a protective layer. But if you use more vinegar, then the result will not be the color of the clothes, but a pungent smell.
  3. Another option is to use natural fabrics. Static electricity accumulates on them very badly. Therefore, when washing, you can simply put a linen cloth, a piece of wool or something else into the drum. Thus, all the charge accumulated on the clothes will go to this piece and it can be easily disposed of.
  4. There is also a little trick. For clothes that are subject to current, you can pin a metal pin, hairpin, brooch on the inside, or just put a little change in your pocket. Static electricity will quickly go to conductive metal, and will not accumulate on clothing.

One of the easiest ways to solve a problem

To permanently get rid of static electricity in the house and on clothes, you can use a very good and simple way. It is logical that any charge can be discharged, which is exactly what should be done.
To discharge static electricity, you need ordinary grounded objects that conduct current well. This, for example, can be a battery, scissors, pipeline and the like. You just need to touch them, and then the current will go away. However, you need to be prepared for an unpleasant click. If you don’t want to endure pain, you need to pick up, for example, the same scissors and touch them to the battery.

Here, in fact, is all you need to know. Static electricity is not a very pleasant thing, but it can be dealt with. Therefore, it is simply necessary to follow these tips and secrets. Then everything will be fine and without discomfort.

Everyone had to observe how, when leaving the car, when removing clothes, a spark jumps between the body and objects and a tingling sensation is felt. So, static electricity manifests itself, caused by the accumulation of opposite charges on garments. The magnitude of the spark can be quite large, and the current shocks are noticeable and unpleasant. The fact is that the potential difference (voltage) on clothes reaches - up to several thousand volts. Let this figure not scare anyone - the current power is negligible and static cannot cause any harm, except for small injections in the finger. Another thing is when the discharge occurs at a gas station. At a certain concentration of gasoline or gas vapors, the mixture can ignite from the slightest spark. You can watch the refueling tanker. A metal chain descends from the rear of the vehicle to discharge static electricity from metal rubbing against the ground.

Causes of static electricity

Many people remember school experiments in physics, when after rubbing a plastic rod with a woolen cloth, these things became electrified and could cause a spark and attract small objects. The same principle of static accumulation occurs when wearing clothes. Often and strongly electrified things made from natural materials (silk, wool) in contact with fully synthetic fabrics.

From the same physics, it is known that water conducts electricity well, so damp clothes never become electrified. This does not happen in wet weather either. Moisture on clothes and in the air causes the charges to be evenly distributed throughout all things without causing a buildup of static electricity.

Things are most electrified in dry weather, especially in winter when there is a big frost. All lovers of natural fur coats know this after a trip in a car with synthetic upholstery.

Why and how to remove static from clothes

Static stress must be dealt with successfully. Sparks and tingling are not all troubles. Electrified things stick to the body, attract dust. A good way to remove static electricity from clothes is to use anti-static sprays. The substances contained in the nebulizer do not allow electricity to form on the tissues, evenly distributing opposite charges. The spray is applied in advance, three to four hours before going out, and it will do its job until the next wash. To avoid the risk of stains, spray the antistatic agent on the lining side of the garment. It is impossible to spray several elements of the wardrobe at the same time! You can get the exact opposite effect.

Not everyone can use this method. Alcohol-based substances have a persistent strong and unpleasant odor, and water-based ones can cause allergic reactions in people prone to this.

Fortunately, there are home methods to avoid electricity buildup.

Folk ways

Removing static and eliminating the accumulation of electricity without using chemicals is not a problem.

You can prevent charge build-up by doing the following:

  • Do not wear synthetic clothing. Natural materials do not collect static when rubbing against each other. Polyester in the composition of fabrics is very strongly electrified;
  • Wear shoes with leather soles. Leather, unlike rubber, always has some moisture and allows the accumulated charges to drain to the ground.

Only the fabric that can conduct electric current is not electrified, that is, wet or containing a metallized thread - Lurex. All others are capable of accumulating charge to a greater or lesser extent.

The main enemy of static is moisture and metal. So, to save yourself from discomfort, you can do the following:

  • If the dress becomes electrified and begins to stick to the legs and arms, then before putting it on or tights, apply a moisturizing lotion or cream to the body. Wet skin will not allow a charge to accumulate;
  • Sweep over clothing with wet hands. Of course, one must be aware that stains may remain on some fabrics;
  • An ordinary safety pin will help to remove static from clothes. Pin it on the inside of the garment. There is no mysticism here, the pin removes the charge and does not allow it to accumulate. The main thing is to know how and where to fix it. It's not just about the metal. Keys to a car or apartment, small change in pockets is also metal, but they have no effect. The pin on the clothes should ensure its contact with the skin or other article of clothing, from friction with which electricity accumulates. A convenient place is the seam on the inside of the collar in the area where the product tag is attached. There and imperceptibly, and there is contact with the neck.
  • To permanently get rid of static, wash clothes with the addition of a conditioner or fabric softener;
  • If there is no conditioner, add a quarter cup of baking soda or 50 ml of table vinegar when washing clothes. Add vinegar at the end of the wash before rinsing;
  • In extreme cases, such a folk method as spraying hairspray on the lining of outerwear will help. You need to spray from a distance of at least 30 cm and wait for it to dry!

How to save yourself from painful electric shocks

If all the measures taken did not bring success or they forgot to do something in a hurry and the clothes beat with current, then there are ways to painlessly remove the excess charge:

  • Wearing gloves on your hands will reduce or remove the pain from the spark. In extreme cases, pick up a coin and touch a metal object to relieve tension. On a note! The back of the hand is less sensitive than the fingertips.

  • When exiting the car, first you need to grab the metal parts of the car body with your hand, and then put your foot on the ground. The accumulated charge will flow painlessly to the ground through the sole of the shoe. When the car is at a gas station, passengers should not be allowed to get out of the car, especially if they are wearing natural fur coats.
  • Antistatic applied to the upholstery of a car will not harm even allergy sufferers, since there is practically no contact with bare skin. On sale there are special antistatic wipes for car interiors.
  • Store clothes in a closet on metal hangers.
  • Some people talk about the benefits of cotton insoles in shoes.
  • Periodically spray carpet or carpet with fabric softener from a hand sprayer. Don't forget to wait for it to dry!
  • If the house has a dryer and the laundry is dried in it, then three to four minutes before the end of the process, you need to reduce the temperature to the minimum value and put a damp cloth inside the machine. Humidified air inside will not allow the occurrence of static electricity.
  • Use a humidifier in your apartment. This is important during the heating season. At this time, the humidity of the air is greatly reduced due to central heating.

Static electricity most often manifests itself in nature:

- near large waterfalls (in the air - negative ions exceed positive ones);

- off the coast of the seas (in the air - a positive charge due to salt water);

- on the snowy surfaces of mountains (movement of avalanches);

- lightning.

Today, static electricity is one of the types of environmental pollution in the human environment. It is caused by the use of a large number of synthetic materials in construction, clothing, equipment and furniture.


Sources of static electricity are office equipment, computers and various household electrical appliances that create electrostatic fields, in whose area of ​​​​action both the cases of these same devices and the smallest dust particles fall. These charged particles settle on the monitor screen, upholstery, carpeting, linoleum, clothing made of synthetic materials, as well as on human skin and in the respiratory tract. The effect of such electricity on a living organism is not well explored area.

Many researchers are of the opinion that the basis of the action of static electricity on a person is the so-called neuroreflex mechanism. It consists in the following: when interacting with an object that has an electrostatic charge, a slight discharge of the charge of the object occurs through the human body. The result is a reflex movement, leading to possible injury or a fall.

In addition, when a person stays in the field of such a charge for a long time, changes in the functions of the central nervous system (central nervous system), as well as the cardiovascular system. These functional changes lead to sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, headache, increased emotionality and irritability. Phobias (fear of a person before the appearance of an electric charge and subsequent pain sensations) may occur. In this regard, it is important to know how to get rid of static electricity.


The following recommendations will help get rid of electrostatics on the hair:

Styling products

Most of the various lotions, gels, mousses, sprays and hairsprays contain antistatic ingredients. These products should only be applied to the hair itself! To do this, you need to squeeze a small amount of the product into the palm of your hand, rub it lightly and distribute it over frizzy hair with a light movement. People with thin, dry and split ends should use products with an oily texture (for example, hair silk) when styling. These products, when properly applied evenly (1-2 drops), will make your hair shiny, smooth and manageable.

Can help eliminate static electricity on hair antistatic wipes. They can wipe both the hair itself and the hair brushes. These wipes are absolutely safe and will not cause any harm to the hair. If you need emergency hair care, then you should contact the beauty salon. Here they can provide a service that is popular today - Lamination of hair. It consists in covering each hair with a protective film that saves them from dryness for a while. As a result, the hair looks soft and silky.

Shampoo and conditioner

One of the main causes of electrostatics on human hair is their lack of moisture(especially in winter). To prevent this problem, it is necessary to choose and use the right shampoo and conditioner. Good cosmetics will make your hair lush and shiny.

Folk remedies

The simplest and most effective method of dealing with electrostatics is spraying mineral or thermal water next to the hair. You can also comb your hair with a brush dipped in such water. If there are no styling products and water nearby, you should lubricate your hands with a moisturizer or lotion, and then smooth your hair with your palms.

Good antistatic agents have oils (eucalyptus, lavender and rose) and black tea. It is enough to apply just a couple of drops of oil to the comb and the effect is guaranteed. In addition, it will relieve hair from static, heal hair and give it a unique aroma. Black tea, as well as a decoction of various herbs (chamomile, nettle, currant, etc.) are suitable for rinsing washed hair. When washing hair is necessary (at least once a week) do a head massage, with rubbing olive, castor or burdock oils.

In order for the hair to look well-groomed and be free from static electricity, the following steps should be followed:- forget cheap plastic combs. It is better to use hair brushes with natural bristles (a good option is a wooden comb, a comb made of carbon, ebonite, a bone comb) and with blunt teeth. There are also special antistatic plastic and silicone combs;

- washed hair should always be rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs, water with lemon juice or just cool water;

- dry your hair correctly (in the direction of their growth);

- remove split ends (you can trim your hair both at home and at the hairdresser);

- When indoors, always remove your headgear;

- along with external hair healing, you need internal - take vitamin complexes (the composition should contain zinc and biotin).


In most cases, we ourselves create favorable conditions for the occurrence of static electricity. If you wish, you can get rid of it, but for this you need to follow a few rules:

- do not dry your hair with a hairdryer without a built-in ionizer and use tongs, curling irons, irons, thermal curlers and other devices that “dry” your hair as little as possible;

- do not comb your hair too hard and for a long time, so as not to damage the hair roots and not to electrify their tips;

- do not pull your hair too tightly with hairpins and elastic bands;

- do not wear tight hats;

- you should not touch your hair (correct or smooth it) as soon as you enter the room from the street, it is better to wait a few minutes


1. The most efficient and effective method to get rid of electrostatics on clothes is do not wear synthetic materials, and give preference to natural ones (silk, linen, cashmere, cotton, etc.). After all, natural fabric absorbs moisture and due to this practically does not accumulate charges.

2. An important point is washing things. When rinsing it is desirable add some antistatic fabric softener to the water. In this case, it is imperative to follow the recommendations on the packaging, which indicate the types of fabrics for which this product is intended.

3. If it is not possible to use fabric softener (for example, when washing outerwear), then you can use antistatic spray. To do this, spray the spray evenly over the surface of the clothing at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. This procedure is best done in a well-ventilated area (e.g. balcony). the product has an unpleasant, persistent odor. After that, clothes can be put on after a while.

4. You can quickly remove static electricity from clothes using a spray bottle with water and adding the required amount of fabric softener. This mixture should be lightly sprayed onto clothing. True, this method eliminates electrostatics only for a short time.

5. Solve the problem of static electricity helps water. Should moisten hands and smooth clothes with light movements to make it slightly damp. This method is short term.

6. When wearing clothes made of artificial fabrics, you should not wear several things at once (it is possible to combine: artificial fabrics with natural ones).

7. Wearing shoes with leather or rubber soles will avoid the accumulation of electrical charges on the body. Also inserted into shoes cotton insoles or stick special strips with antistatic action on the sole.


1. One of the main reasons for the formation of static electricity in the room is dry air so it needs to be hydrated. The simplest ways are airing the room, regular wet cleaning. In addition, you can buy a special device - an air humidifier, pour water into a saucepan and put it near the battery, or just hang wet rags and towels on it.

2. No home is complete without such true friends as houseplants. They help not only purify the air and regulate the humidity in the room, but also reduce the electrostatic field. These plants include: ficus, lemon, dracaena, chlorophytum, echeveria, begonia, spathiphyllum and others.

3. The interior of every modern house is dominated by synthetic materials. It is preferable to purchase furniture, carpets, bedspreads, linens and curtains made from natural materials. But if this is not possible, then treat interior items with antistatic agents or wipe with a damp cloth.

4. Static electricity at home appears due to the many different electrical appliances that are located in one place. Therefore, you should not use all the devices at the same time, but place them, if possible, evenly throughout the room.

5. When working with electronics, special antistatic wristbands, which are worn on the wrist and connected to the part of the device that is grounded. If there is no such bracelet, then when working with equipment, you should hold or lean with open parts of the body against its grounded part.


It is possible to reduce the level of electrization of the car body by installing a special antistatic strip on it. It is a small (about 10 cm) tape made of rubber with an insert inside. Through this insert, the current goes to the ground. You need to purchase such strips only with an insert made of wire, graphite or aluminum powder. Such an antistatic agent has several advantages:

- the car will stop "shocking" its owner when leaving;

- Ensures safety at the gas station;

- much less dust will settle on the car.

The following rules will also help get rid of electrostatics:

- pick up any metal object (a bunch of keys) and touch a grounded surface (heating radiator or pipe);

- When exiting the vehicle, grasp the metal part of the door (not the plastic handle) and then stand completely out of the vehicle. You can also touch the glass;

- close the car door with a hand covered with clothing, or with its back;

- be sure to treat chairs, car mats, as well as your clothes and shoes with antistatic agents. Use, if possible, antistatic cuffs.

Static electricity in a car is a serious and dangerous problem. Indeed, in the immediate vicinity there are vapors of gasoline (for example, at the mouth of a gas tank, in a canister), which is a combustible substance and can ignite from an electrostatic charge.


Charges accumulate on equipment and materials, accompanying electrical discharges can cause fires and explosions, disruption of technological processes, accuracy of readings of electrical appliances and automation equipment.
Of particular danger due to the accumulation of static electricity are food production enterprises, in which technological processes are associated with crushing, grinding and sifting the product (baking, confectionery, starch, sugar, etc.), cleaning and processing grain, transporting solid and liquid products with using conveyors and pipes (warehouses for bulk storage of flour, breweries, distilleries, etc.).

When bodies that differ in temperature, concentration of charged particles, energy state of atoms, surface roughness and other parameters come into contact, electric charges are redistributed between them. At the same time, at the interface of bodies, positive charges are concentrated on one of them, and negative charges on the other. An electrical double layer is formed. In the process of separation of the contacting surfaces, part of the charges is neutralized, and part is stored on the bodies.
Under production conditions, the electrization of various substances depends on many factors, and above all on the physicochemical properties of the processed substances, the type and nature of the technological process. The magnitude of the electrostatic charge depends on the electrical conductivity of the materials, their relative dielectric constant, the speed of movement, the nature of the contact between the materials in contact, the electrical properties of the environment, relative humidity and air temperature.

The electrification of dielectric materials increases especially sharply at a specific electrical resistance of 109 Ohm-m, as well as at a relative air humidity of less than 50%. With a resistivity of 108 ohm-m or less, electrification is practically not detected. The degree of electrization of liquids mainly depends on its dielectric properties and kinematic viscosity, flow rate, diameter and length of the pipeline, pipeline material, the state of its internal walls, and liquid temperature. The intensity of charge formation is observed during filtration due to the large contact area of ​​the liquid with the filter elements.

The splashing of liquids when filling tanks with a freely falling jet of a combustible liquid, for example, in distilleries, is accompanied by electrification of the drops, as a result of which there is a danger of an electric charge and ignition of the vapors of these liquids. therefore pouring liquid into tanks with a free-falling jet is not allowed. The distance from the end of the loading pipe to the bottom of the vessel should not exceed 200 mm, and if this is not possible, the jet is directed along the wall.

Electrostatic charges sufficient to ignite almost all explosive mixtures of air with gases, vapors and some dusts can accumulate on a person (clothing made of synthetic fabrics, walking on dielectrics, using electrically non-conductive shoes, etc.), as well as transfer to him from an electrified equipment and materials.
The potential of an electrostatic charge on a person can reach 15,000-20,000 V. Discharges of such a potential do not pose a danger to humans, since the current strength is negligible and feels like a prick, a jolt: or a spasm. However, under their influence, reflex movements are possible, which can lead to a fall from a height, getting into the danger zone of the car, etc.

ESD protection measures are divided into three main groups:

  • preventing the possibility of an electrostatic charge;
  • reducing the magnitude of the electrostatic charge potential to a safe level;
  • neutralizing charges of static electricity.

The main way to prevent the occurrence of an electrostatic charge is to constantly remove static electricity from process equipment using grounding. Each system of apparatuses and pipelines is grounded at least in two places. Rubber hoses are wrapped with grounded copper wire in 10 cm increments.

To prevent the formation of static electricity on the elements of metal structures, pipelines for various purposes, located at a distance of less than 10 cm parallel to each other, closed circuits are used, created using metal grounded jumpers installed between them every 20 m or less.

To reduce the potential of the electrostatic charge formed on the equipment and processed materials to a safe level, technological methods are used (safe speeds of movement of transported liquid and dust-like substances, selection of friction surfaces, materials of mutually compensating emerging charges, etc.), as well as methods of removal by increasing the relative humidity of air and material, chemical surface treatment, application of antistatic agents and conductive films.

General or local air humidification of more than 70% provides a constant removal of electrostatic charges. The surface conductivity of materials is increased by treatment with surfactants, the use of coatings from electrically conductive enamels, and lubricants. Charges of static electricity are neutralized by means of air ionization, in which the number of pairs of ions formed in a unit of its volume corresponds to the rate of occurrence of neutralized electrostatic charges. For this, induction, radioisotope and combined ionizers.

For the continuous removal of electrostatic charges from a person are used conductive floors, grounded areas or work platforms, equipment, ladders, as well as personal protective equipment in the form of anti-electrostatic gowns and shoes, with leather or conductive rubber sole.

Now, knowing how to get rid of static electricity, you will forget about unpleasant encounters with him!
