How to learn to talk about intimate topics. sexy talk

Sex texting or sexting is a great way to turn your boyfriend or girlfriend on and take your relationship to the next level if you send it to the right person at the right time. If you want to know how to write obscene text messages that will turn on your interlocutor as soon as you press the "send" button, just follow our instructions.




  1. Raise the stakes. Continue to send obscene texts, but in a more direct tone. You can even invite your partner over to make the passion of texting a reality. If a girl says she is preparing for a sex education seminar, ask if she can come and work out with you. Here's another way to raise the stakes:

    • "Wait, let me get dressed."
    • “It's so hot in here. I'll take off my shirt."
    • "What are you wearing now?"
    • "What if I show you what I mean?"
    • "Can you guess the color of my panties?"
  2. If the partner answers yes, raise the stakes even higher. If you see that the interlocutor likes obscenity, or maybe he even wants to try something in reality, you can make the conversation even more frank. You can talk about the meeting or what you touch or how you take off your clothes. Here's what to say:

    • “I took off all my clothes. I am under the blanket".
    • "I'd love to chat, but I'd rather close my eyes and introduce you."
    • "What would we do if you were around?"
    • “It's so cold in here. Would you like to warm me up?
    • “Sorry for taking so long to answer. My hands are a little busy."
  3. Get creative. If you and your partner are already turned on, you can continue like this until you start to caress yourself. Or, when it gets too "hot", you can make an appointment. Whatever happens, your correspondence should be creative and interesting so that your partner does not get bored. Use as many details and descriptions as possible, respond quickly so that the other person knows that you are giving them your full attention.

    • “If you were here, I would stroke your hair. But now I’m going to stroke something else…”
    • "I'm so excited that I can hardly write."
    • "I'm wearing a tight T-shirt. Take it off for you?"
    • "I'm taking off your belt - thinking about spanking you a little..."
    • “I just got out of the shower, my hair is wet. Do you have a towel?"

strong end

  1. Masturbate. If obscene texting is heading in the right direction, then you and your partner will slowly start taking off your clothes and touching yourself. If you both enjoy it, it can be a lot of fun and exciting. Just tell me what you would do, what you are doing now and what you would do together.

    • All you have to do is relax and send obscene messages until both of you have an orgasm.
    • You can say, "I want you to [verb] my [body part]." So your sexual experience will become more real.
    • Tell me how you feel during the correspondence - describe all the sensations, even what you feel with your fingertips.
  2. Introduce the person you are texting with. Mutual masturbation is fun, but having sex is much more enjoyable. If the conversation is heading in that direction, you can simply ask your partner if they'd like to come over, or ask them yourself. Here's what to say:

    • "I'm trying to imagine what you look like, but I'd rather meet you."
    • "Why don't you climb into my bed? I want to see if we will be as good as I imagine.”
    • “I guessed the color of your panties. But how do I know it's true?"
    • “Why don’t we continue in reality? I want my hands to do something other than texting.”
    • "Why don't I come to you? I'll still be there. If you don't mind, of course."
  3. End the conversation. Whether you're ending a conversation because you made an appointment, or because you got everything you wanted, you need to be sensitive. You can just say that it's time for you to leave. Whatever the reason, be subtle and keep a sexy tone even at the end.

    • Don't just say "bye" or "see you" at the end of the conversation. Say "I can't wait for your next text" or "Let's text you for another hot, lonely night." Make your partner think about you and crave another correspondence.
    • Don't switch to a non-sexual topic at the end of a conversation. Don't say, "By the way, are you going to Katya's birthday party tomorrow?" Ask about it later.
    • If you're ending the conversation because you're meeting in person, just say, "I can't wait for us to continue this conversation live," as you drive to her house.
  • Girls like to hear and read sensual, romantic things. Guys, on the other hand, usually freeze with excitement, as soon as they write what you want to do with them.
  • Know who you are talking to. You should not send obscene texts to a girl you just met or whose number you took last night. Not everyone likes lewd messages and no one likes dirty texts at the beginning of a relationship. Make sure that your interlocutor likes this type of communication, and he will not be shocked by receiving an obscene message from you. It should be either your partner, or a person who is quite liberated.
  • Choose the right time. Even if you know that the interlocutor likes sexting, you should send such SMS when he is free. If this person is working or writing a test, he or she will not be able to reply to your messages. And if you want your messages to attract personal contact, make sure your partner doesn't have plans for the next hour. It is best to send messages in the evening or at night, when the interlocutor is alone, bored and thinking about you. Night is the sexiest time.
  • It is difficult to understand the tone of the conversation in text messages, so try to laugh it off in any situation.
  • To start a conversation about sex, turn an everyday, ordinary act into something obscene. For example, write something like, "I'm licking a pink lollipop, what are you doing?"


  • Start small, take your time. First you need to know the mood of the partner.
  • Remember that SMS can be saved and used for blackmail. Don't send obscene messages to people you don't really like - anyone can read them, you don't want to risk your reputation for no reason.
  • Be careful: anyone can take over the phone, and this someone can send obscene messages to everyone in a notebook. So if the most handsome guy or girl is texting you sexually, then this is most likely a joke.

If you decide to talk with a girl on standard topics, then first of all, you must be sure that these topics are of interest to her. Cinema is a normal interesting topic, but not every girl goes to the cinema, some do not watch TV at all.

So with such a girl, talking about cinema will be, to put it mildly, unsuccessful, first you need to understand what your handsome woman is interested in and what she likes to talk about. To do this, you can go through homework for a minute, on the most interesting topics, the girl’s eyes will definitely light up, the main thing is to follow this. Let us designate two main rules for constructing a dialogue:

  1. We talk about topics that are interesting to the girl, sorting through the main list and selecting interesting ones
  2. Don't stop her from talking. Girls say 80+%, you nod, agree, sometimes listen to what she has to say.

What topics should not be started for a conversation with a girl

As a rule, a girl will be much more pleasant to talk about a topic in which she understands. For example, if she is a professional tennis player, then discussing the recent tournament in France would be a worthy topic of conversation. If she is an avid lecture truant, then she should have a good idea of ​​how you can diversify your pastime during boring lectures.

It is better to look at the details of complex topics like nanotechnology in advance, at least briefly on the way to a date, for the rest you will have to learn to speak a lot, often and interestingly. Increasing vocabulary and fiction to help you, there is no quick pill in this matter.

Topics should be casual. If you start talking to the same truant that skipping lectures is bad or tell her the theory of the decay of molecules that she missed, then she is unlikely to like it. It should be something neutral that does not bring her mind back to work, school, work and home problems.

Judge for yourself, you go out for a walk, meet friends in a bar, and instead of a long-awaited conversation about football, they start asking you about how you are doing at work, are you interested in working there, etc. And when, even after work, they start loading you with it, then, you must admit, this is not entirely pleasant. So topics about study, work and various problems - in the furnace. It is also not necessary to evaluate her actions in any negative context.

If the girl's intellect resembles some kind of chaotic jelly-like substance, then there is no need to blame her for this. It sounds simple, but in practice this mistake is always made. If you want to lose a girl, go ahead.

What topics to cover with a girl on a date

You must understand what you are talking about. It's not very interesting to talk to a boxer who doesn't understand anything about music about how the semitone on the fretboard is determined by the frets. First, think about whether the topic you have chosen will be interesting to your interlocutor. To understand the literacy of a girl in a certain topic is quite simple.

It is enough to insert a mention of a possible topic into a regular sentence. For example, you tell her about how you went to this cafe. Say that you met a familiar guitarist on the way, who advised you this place. If a girl at the mention of a guitarist perks up a little or is directly interested, then this is clearly an appropriate topic. Caught music in the list of our topics for conversation with a girl.

Ideally during dating and picking up the phone in advance skim through her interests. But here is the problem, being carried away by a pickup truck - you will be lucky if you remember the girl from whom you took the phone, and also remember the topics ... But if you wish, you can get confused, especially if the girl is standing.

Make the theme fun. You can talk about the same guitarist for hours, but after 15 minutes it will become boring if you do not deign to dilute this topic with jokes. You meet a girl and your task is to make her remember you not as a professional guitarist, but as a nice guy with whom it is interesting to spend time.

So do not try to show your knowledge in some area, but show your versatility and interestingness. Returning to the same unfortunate guitarist, you can tell that you yourself made a guitar for yourself, but while you were making it, you managed to make 5 balalaikas, which you then sold on the market as a rarity. Your interest in such topics depends on how much you have developed your nonsense generator, and here everything is already in your hands.

List of topics to chat with a girl

Here is an approximate list of topics that you can talk about during a meeting:

Theme: Cinema

Great topic for conversation. You can always talk about Brad Pitt's shortcomings in relation to you, Pamela Anderson's great breasts, or enter a new level of twilight with the Night's Watch. The girl, without asking you, will begin to list those films that she likes, so understanding the genre that she is interested in is not so difficult. Well, if the movie conversation ends with you inviting her to an adult session, and she agrees, then I won’t be too surprised.

Little hint - Matrix, Texas chainsaw massacre, etc. often not the best topics, watch and analyze more intelligent and meaningful films, even without any girls, this will be very useful for the overall development of you as a person.

Theme: Hobby

Returning to the same guitarist (probably guitarists already hate me, but let's not deviate from examples), we can talk about playing the guitar at night, how sleeping people threw tomatoes at you, and the neighbors called the police. Again, you can invite a girl to your concert, which will be held at your home. Special guests you and her, a delicious dinner, romance and a bunch of flowers are included as a gift. Well, what girl would refuse such a thing?

Theme: Weather

Sun, rain, slush, snow, puddles, snowdrops - each person has some preferences in the weather. In each type of climatic conditions, you can fit a bunch of facts. For example, if a girl loves winter, then talk about it, remember ice skating, the ability to catch snowflakes with your mouth and sled down a hill, build snowmen, swim naked in an ice hole, ski ... endless topics.

Topic: MF Relationships

A universal topic, because 100% of girls are ready to talk about it. Girls are ready to discuss the possibility of male and female friendship for hours, not to mention sitting on benches and watching the stars, romance, love, sex, feelings. If you touch on these topics, then prepare your headphones and turn on the music, and leave the conversation to the girl.

Theme: Music

This topic is complex. In it, the main thing is to get into the card for a girl, i.e. to match your musical preferences. That's why I love Wagner. But as soon as I tell the girl about it, I immediately see either a stupid disapproving smirk, or an approving look, but with a touch of obvious dissimilarity in musical preferences. In both cases, this is a minus for me. And only very rarely there are girls who share my musical preferences.

As a result, I began to understand a little in all directions, and in order to avoid this negative assessment, I simply agree, which I advise you to do. Well, if all the same tastes converge, then rejoice and discuss the latest tour of your favorite bands. By the way, you can offer to go and listen to them at your home, where you, of course, have a recording of their last concert (they say they were in the 80s). Well, if this record was unexpectedly gnawed by a neighbor’s dog, then it’s okay too, you can always drink champagne or wine with grief.

And again, do not criticize for bad tastes. She likes to listen to Bianca - a flag in her hands and a drum around her neck, it turns out that you also have a great attitude towards her work. There are no common tastes - translate the topic.

Theme: Other countries (travel)

Surely you remember how last winter you went to rest in the African city of Blabla, in which a tribe of interesting aborigines lived, with whom you ate crocodile meat and danced a local dance around the fire. Laws, customs, fun adventures, wind grass, food, and so on and so forth. Paradise for a delusional generator.

Theme: Mysticism

In general, a fairy-tale theme, since all ladies are susceptible to various mysticism, rituals and summoning spirits, etc. And don't tell me that this is only for people who are 14 years old, it's all nonsense. Firstly, it is interesting, at least to talk about it, to tell how the Barabasheks were called, and about the aliens who will conquer the world, and secondly, falling into childhood is a very pleasant experience for girls. At the age of 20, I called Akulina with friends and girlfriends and nothing, it was fun and interesting, now 32 is still fun, I just call the god Phalos to perform the rite of passage. In addition, a conversation about any mysticism can be carried on for several days.

Theme: Feelings

No. It's not about what you want from her, but about how you feel. This is also a universal theme, you can start and finish it whenever you want. Girls want you to tell her about your feelings and feelings not about love, but in general, about everything. About how you feel.

You see, the vast majority of girls are very insecure, they may think that you feel bad and uninteresting with them, they may think that you only want one thing from them (by the way, as a rule, it is), but if you sometimes talk about what you feel, then such thoughts will not arise. Just say how you feel walking down this street or sitting in this cafe. It's not that hard.

Feelings - this is not a rush of blood to the penis, this is a description of the emotions that you experience just walking down the street with her or chatting on other topics. Learn to describe them in small sentences without thinking. It helps a lot in creating a good report. One condition - only the truth. Of course, we do not share the negative.

Theme: Past

We were all children, such naive, kind and curly-haired creatures, and someone is still in it. During this period, a huge number of events took place that can be associated with the situation in which you are, with some actions or words. In addition, when you talk about your childhood, then subconsciously there is trust between people, they become closer.

Theme: Future

The same as the previous paragraph, only talking about dreams, plans for the future, albeit unrealizable, fantasies and in general about what will happen to the world and you in a moment or a year. If you manage to start this topic and develop it normally, this will also cause a feeling of trust, which can radically change your communication.

Theme: Sex

It is normal to reduce the conversation to sex even at the beginning of an acquaintance. You can even start an acquaintance with "Well, asshole" and it's great to continue communication in the same vein. There will just be an extra check for adequacy. Such topics are very useful in seduction. The girl begins to think in the direction you need, liberates herself, and begins to mentally prepare for the continuation of your relationship behind the nearest tent.

Of course, one conversation about sex will not be enough, but as one of the components, such a topic fits perfectly into the process of seduction. The very first question that I get asked at the seminar is how to competently translate the conversation on the topic of sex? As an option, lift the girl's skirt, but if she decided to dress in the uniform of an armored school, then here is an approximate list of topics about sex that girls do not mind talking about:

  • sex in the morning
  • how important is sex in a relationship
  • about the great, that is, about the poses
  • sexual games
  • favorite condoms (I don’t know why, but they like to talk about anything)
  • how long without sex
  • unusual places in which the girl had sex
  • about the benefits of sex
  • preludes
  • talking during sex

And then all the talkers with experience in the heels of average girls begin to argue that it is impossible to talk about sex, and the girls that they will immediately send the guy who started such a conversation. Guys - try, then draw conclusions. On this topic, all the balabolki theorists are falling, thinking up the result, without even trying. If you ask girls if they will talk to a stranger about sex, they will say no, they won't. If you just start talking to them about sex, no one will refuse and support the topic.

There can be many topics for conversation. Even now you are surrounded by things that you can talk about for hours and it will be interesting. I strongly recommend that you spend a couple of hours of your life and write down several dozen topics that are interesting to you, and run them on dates. If you approach the task wisely, then in a dozen dates you will never have the question “What to talk about with a girl on a date.”

Some girls who dream of rekindling the flame of passion again think about what vulgar question to ask a guy? This great way to get attention quickly and innovate relationships. Of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the fine line between provocation and insult. An incorrectly formulated question, even with a positive message, can destroy an already fragile relationship.

First, you should identify the goals that are being pursued. Depending on this, we will select questions with varying degrees of "vulgarity". Agree, the questions asked to a classmate and beloved guy should be different.

A competent game with intimate questions is a rather complicated matter, but insanely interesting. Do not directly ask questions by type “When and how did you lose your virginity?” or "Did you measure your penis with a ruler?" If you want to cheer each other up, it's much more interesting to catch a man. For example, he says that it is inconvenient for him to correspond on the phone, because, you see, his fingers are big. Catch him by saying it's good.

Intimate questions to ask a guy include:

  • How does he feel about sex in non-standard places?
  • Does swearing during sex turn him on?
  • About sexual fantasies.
  • How does he feel about girls who like to walk around the house and sleep naked?
  • What would he do if you settled on a desert island?
  • What positions in sex does he prefer the most?

What interesting questions can you ask a guy?

Interesting questions dilute communication as easy as shelling pears. Philosophize. Ask if he was making a movie what it would be about. Find out how a young man feels about extreme sports. Laugh together, talking about cats jumping from the 8th floor - whether they celebrate the day of the Airborne Forces or not.

Top 10 Ridiculous Dirty Questions for a Guy:

  1. Would you fuck a 55 year old woman for a million dollars?
  2. How many times a day do you masturbate? Does your hand hurt?
  3. Have you ever wondered how much penis enlargement surgery costs?
  4. Admit it, you like to be friends with gays?
  5. Honey, can I buy a vibrator?
  6. What size is your dignity? … Brain!
  7. How does he feel about threesomes?
  8. Does he shave his intimate area or not?
  9. How many times a day can he do this?
  10. For the sake of sex with a beautiful girl, what is he ready for?

Sexual questions to a guy are a good way to excite and provoke a guy. This will help to find out interesting intimate details of his life. The psychology of relationships is as follows: it is necessary to constantly bring notes of piquancy. Discussing vulgar topics helps to understand the reasons for the partner's behavior, especially if the guy does not want a relationship.

Top vulgar questions for a guy to warm up passions:

  1. Are you spying on a girl in the shower, locker room?
  2. When you first saw porn, what were your impressions?
  3. Who was the first object of your fantasies?
  4. What famous book heroine would you like to make love to?
  5. What will be the first thought when you see a girl in your T-shirt on a naked body?
  6. What color of erotic lingerie excites the most?
  7. Do you often talk to your friends about dirty topics?
  8. Do you like to discuss your dignity with a girl?
  9. Do you get excited at the sight of a woman dressed as a nurse, a police officer, a student?
  10. Who is your favorite porn actress?
  11. How long can you last without sex?
  12. What attracts more: oral or anal sex?
  13. Do you prefer waking up to coffee in bed or a gentle blowjob?
  14. What do you think is the best time of day to have sex?
  15. Does it turn you on if someone outside finds you with your beloved during an intimate process?
  16. Are there times when you don't wear underwear?
  17. Do you want someone outside to watch the sex?
  18. How do you deal with an erection when you see a sexy girl in public?
  19. What can't excite you?
  20. Do you dream of trying with twins?
  21. Are you drawn to the thought of trying to have sex discreetly in a public place?
  22. How sensitive are your erogenous zones, where to look for them?
  23. Do you call your “friendly organ” by an affectionate name?
  24. Are you more attracted to experienced girls or virgins?
  25. In what position did you first make love?

The questions that are appropriate to ask a grown man are different. As a rule, a mature person has little interest in peeping, other fun "explosion of puberty." Vulgar topics are appropriate, but ridiculous, hurtful questions about size or homosexual experience should be avoided.

Top vulgar questions for a man:

  1. Are there taboos in intimate life for you?
  2. How do you feel about sex in the workplace?
  3. What type of women are you more attracted to?
  4. Sex - a way of spiritual and physical reunion or a marital duty?
  5. What is the sexiest thing a woman can do?
  6. What smells set you up for sexual thoughts?
  7. How often do you want to diversify intimacy with experiments?
  8. What was the most unusual experiment in bed?
  9. Are you inclined to make mistresses or stir up interest in your wife?
  10. The most acceptable frequency of sex?
  11. Do you think erotic costumes are a good way to bring novelty into a relationship?
  12. Do you like sex in the shower?
  13. Holiday romance - treason or a way to escape from the routine?

What questions should not be asked to a guy to interest him?

If the girl hopes for a long and serious relationship, you need to know what questions should not be asked to a man in any case. These include clarifications about the income of a loved one, his sexual orientation, views on the political situation in the country, as well as disputes regarding religion. By asking such questions, the girl will demonstrate a complete lack of education, tact, or even commercialism.

The right questions to interest a guy are hobbies. Find out what your loved one dreams about. Specify what he wants to achieve in life. Develop communication in the direction that is interesting to both. You should not talk about motorcycles, unless, of course, you are not an ardent fan of two-wheeled transport. Otherwise, the pretense of the girl looks, at least, pathetic. In conversations, a compliment on the case, light flirting is appropriate.

We hope that this material was useful for you and now you know exactly what interesting questions you can ask a guy.

What's the dumbest question to ask a guy? Attract attention

To attract the attention of a girl, to interest her, it is worthwhile to think over topics for conversation in advance.

The first step is to carefully study her interests, hobbies, based on this, you can make an approximate content with information.

Which will help you choose the right direction of communication with a girl. Topics can be philosophical, serious, intellectual, funny.

If you plan to chat with a girl in contact, by phone, then you should first study her interests.

It is important to remember what you know about her. It will be much easier if you already know her through mutual friends or you have previously corresponded with her.

Important! If you plan to chat with a girl, then the first thing to do is to carefully study the VK page of the future interlocutor.

View all the important details - photos, groups, communities, uploaded videos and audio files. All this will tell the interlocutor's hobbies and help start a conversation.

To quickly start an interesting conversation with a girl, you should pay attention to the tips:

  • If, when studying the page, you see something in common - acquaintances, hobbies, hobbies, then you can start a conversation with this topic.
  • To attract attention, tell about an interesting event from the autobiography.
  • You should not immediately communicate on personal topics, this can discourage a girl from communicating.
  • If you do not want to disappoint the interlocutor and not become uninteresting for her, then be guided by the situation. It’s better to study her page in contact again, review photos, groups.

List of questions by phone and in correspondence in VK

If you are interested in a girl, then first of all choose topics for a conversation with her. You can first consult with friends, they can help in this matter.

If you wish, you can chat with a girlfriend or friend of a girl, through her friends you can learn about interests, hobbies and other nuances.

To communicate by phone or by correspondence in VK, you need to make a list of questions on various topics - intellectual, unusual, funny, romantic, serious, smart, vulgar, general.

If you can’t come up with it, then you can use the generator, which will select a large number of topics for communication.

So, consider a list of common questions for communicating with a girl:

  • What was your day like?
  • What is your mood now?
  • What are you doing?
  • At lunchtime, do you visit a cafe or take lunch with you from home?
  • How did you get home from work without incident?
  • It's cold here, how are you doing with the weather?
  • You live in a beautiful city. What places would you recommend visiting in the city for tourists?
  • Have you already been given leave from work this year?
  • Are you jogging in the morning?
  • How did you spend the holiday on March 8, the New Year?
  • What gifts did you get for your birthday?

List of questions about life and hobbies:

  • Do you like to travel long distances?
  • What directions in music do you prefer?
  • What do you like to read from modern literature?
  • Have you played computer games?
  • What movie would you like to watch now?
  • You can swim?
  • What are the most important qualities in friends for you?
  • Are you alone in the family or do you have brothers or sisters?
  • What were your favorite games as a child?
  • Did you look up to your mother as a child?
  • Do you like to dine on weekends with your family?
  • Do you have a cat or a dog?
  • Can you nail shelves or pictures on the wall yourself?

Funny and unusual questions:

  • What do you do with an alarm clock when it wakes you up too early?
  • What color would you paint the refrigerator?
  • What weather is closer to you?
  • How do you fold clothes?
  • Did you go for a walk outside in slippers?
  • Do you like breaking thin ice in puddles?
  • Don't you think it would be great if people could fly like birds?
  • What thoughts do you have when you appear in the mirror shaggy in the morning?
  • Have you ever had soup for breakfast?
  • What tree would you be?
  • Do you like bursting bubble wrap?
  • Have you ever sung while stuck in an elevator?

Vulgar ones should be avoided, because they will discourage her from further conversation for a long time.

The question generator will help you create a list of 20 or 100 suitable questions for communication. If you wish, you can create an essay that will allow you to think over topics for conversation in advance.

What to come up with philosophical themes

With frequent correspondence with a girl in VK, you must first select a topic for communication.

To interest her, you can come up with philosophical or general topics that can attract the attention of the interlocutor.

It is worth noting! During a conversation in VK, the interlocutors do not see each other's faces, so the conversation can start more easily.

But it is still important to come up with an interesting topic that will arouse increased interest in a person and kindle his desire for further communication.

Below in the table there is a list of the best topics for guys and men that are used to talk with the fairer sex:

Subject brief information
Questions about a girl You can talk about her appearance, interests, hobbies
Movie If you plan to arouse interest, then be sure to ask questions about your favorite films, during the conversation you can find out what genres and actors she likes.

Do not forget to find out how she feels about going to the cinema, if possible, call the cinema

Travel Topics You can find out where the girl went on vacation. Which countries and cities she has already managed to visit, and what attracted her more, what sights she saw.

Don't forget about yourself, tell us where you've been, what you've seen and where you'd like to go again

Friends Talk to her about her friends. Find out how he relaxes with friends, what their common interests are. Tell about yourself, about friends
Job Talk about work. Find out who works. If she loves work, then the conversation can drag on and turn into a friendly channel. But tell us about yourself and your work

It is not so difficult to offer a topic for a conversation to a girl, the main thing is to choose the right one.

And you can find out how to find it from the article, for this you should study the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor in advance, this will help to start a relaxed and interesting conversation.

You should not ask obscene and repulsive questions that can forever discourage the girl from further communication.

Useful video

It is necessary not only to be able to talk with girls, it is important to be able to touch on the most frank topics that were in her life. And we will talk about such topics in this article!

The coolest birthday in a GIRL's life.

Why a birthday?
Because on birthdays people usually feel good, they have fun and receive gifts. On birthdays, a person is at an emotional peak.
When we ask and talk about this topic, the girl automatically plunges into this day. What does it mean?
She enjoys the memories of that day.
We focus on pleasant memories.
This can be called immersion in the past in order to evoke positive emotions.

With this day, usually the brightest emotions

Once I was sitting in a cafe with a girl and asked about DR, she began to talk in colors and with all the details. For a moment I thought I was there with her.
I looked at her and saw how she smiles and plunges into that day, she enjoys these memories.

Thus, we can talk about a birthday, and the girl will enjoy pleasant memories, and you, the man, will enjoy the process and her happy eyes.
(Unless, of course, she likes you somehow)

The main thing here is to be sincerely interested in her life and not just ask about the best birthday, and then sit in your smartphone.
Show your interest, communicate, ask clarifying questions, and you will see that the process is going as it should.

Real themes!

I advise that you speak only on topics that are really interesting to you.
If you are not interested or bored with what she is talking about, then tell her about it gently, offer yourself another topic that will be of interest to both and start a dialogue.
When a person listens to a boring story that is not interesting at all, then we automatically begin to yawn, look around, “drip” in a smartphone, and so on.
The girl notices all this and perceives you as a little interested interlocutor, and this is unpleasant.
You came on a date to communicate and enjoy the process of communicating with a person. You should be happy with all of this.

If one of you often looks at the time or just digs into the phone, then most likely the date will be unsuccessful.

Start starting those topics that will be of interest to both, get to know her, build a dialogue)

You ask, where are the topics about sex?
Everything is going in stages, Moscow was not built in one day.

Find out about her ex-boyfriends.

From my practice, I noticed that not all guys like and want to talk about their ex-boyfriend. Why?
No one really could explain to me why.
Now I will explain why this is important. In psychology, there is such a feature as “mirror communication”. This is when you, when communicating with gestures and body position, behave in the same way as the interlocutor.
The same should be done with the topic of ex-boyfriends. Like this?
You asked the question - how did you spend your free time with your ex?
She replied: "Well, we loved to go to parks, to exhibitions, we loved to walk around Moscow at night."
You understand about her preferences here.

Talking about an ex is sometimes helpful.

“Mm, she likes to walk around Moscow at night, and I like to drive a car around Moscow at night. Damn, it’s very cool, we need to take a walk, and then ride.”
There is a common understanding.
Who was the main character in your relationship?
- Well, you know, I love it when a man is in charge in a relationship, and accordingly, all my former young people were the first to take the initiative.

Mm, cool, I also like to be in charge in a relationship, I just met GIRLS who want to dominate.

What I wrote above is for more serious topics.

“When a person comes to boxing, he is not allowed to immediately enter the ring against the champion.
He is well trained in this way, prepared for battle.

Also, the third step can be what we led to.
- Between us, what kind of sex do you prefer? There are all sorts of people, someone loves hard, and someone loves tenderly. Tell me, of course it's strictly between us.

As you can see, I add "strictly between us." This is how we remove the barriers in the head of the GIRL before they appear and until the moment when the subconscious starts to say: “Nastya, my God, what are you, do you want to tell this young man who you know for a couple of hours about your preferences in intimate life ?
Thus, I logically explained that yes, there are all kinds of people, but if we plan to communicate and have already met, then let's talk and find out about our personal affairs, this will help us in communication in the future.

Using such a seemingly simple scheme, but at the same time very effective, you will receive everything secret that she might have hidden and not told to anyone before you.

Don't forget that girls love to take responsibility off their shoulders. Therefore, when you touch on very personal topics, then try to process her objections in advance.
(Example above)

Dream together

Offer the GIRL right now to create the most perfect day in her life.
The task is for her to mentally draw and verbally describe her ideal day. From the moment she gets up in the morning until the evening when she is at home after a tough and eventful day.
This is done to build up on emotions.

Just imagine, you have been dreaming all your life about living in a cozy house in the middle of the forest and doing your own business there.

Nobody knows, nobody asked you about it. You also start asking the GIRL about the coolest day in her life, and together you start creating this day.

Fantasizing and dreaming together is very close

After she has described her ideal day, you can also describe your dream day.

You say: “Cool, you shared such a secret, now I!”

When you start drawing a day, then try to write the interlocutor somewhere, well, let's say here's a mini example:

“I woke up in my cozy house, next to a girl, blonde + smart big. Her name is Tanya, yes it's you near. The truth is, you don’t know yet.”

It works well because she's emotionally overwhelmed. You describe your day, and suddenly, she suddenly finds herself in it.
The main thing is to forget about the framework, invent what you want, do not set any restrictions.

Now, if you go through these topics in order, then you will build a good dialogue with the girl, which is what you want to achieve.
By the way, everything is very simple, you just need to try. Do! Experiment!

I think this information was helpful. If you have someone who would benefit from this article, share the link with them.
Good luck with the girls!
