How to stop being rude and become feminine. Femininity Step by Step Lessons

It's sad to know that many, many girls are looking for answers to the question, how to be feminine. Nevertheless, the female power, which in normal amounts makes a goddess and a sorceress out of a woman, sometimes flows away completely in the wrong direction. And in the end it turns out that the woman is devastated. And she urgently needs to replenish resources.

Presence makes a feminine girl, girl and woman. It so happens that in today's world a woman is accumulating more and more masculine energy: at work (especially in managerial positions or working in several jobs, a lot and often), at home (fixing plumbing, screwing in light bulbs, and so on), in relationships (strives for equality, does not know how to be soft, malleable, does not allow himself to be paid for and helped by himself), in society as a whole, he follows the slogan “I AM MYSELF!”.

As a result, it turns out that feminine energy many women give way to men. And from here problems in relations follow - only gay men want to live with a man. And there are many other problems - a woman cannot feel happy when she lacks female energy. And besides, her husband and family - if she has any - will not be happy with her either. Because a woman can make someone happy only when she is full of feminine energy and happy herself.

How to become feminine: 15 ways to be filled with feminine energy

1. Start dressing nicely, especially at home
Of course, I'm sure you dress well anyway. But now it's about dressing beautifully. At least for a while, put jeans and trousers on the topmost shelf. And take out the dress that has been saddened without attention. If there is no such item, buy it. If you absolutely can’t do without jeans, then find a dress or tunic that can be worn over jeans. It's so fashionable now. Don't decide? Then at least the blouse should be beautiful - with embroidery, ruffles and ruffles, shiny buttons or a brooch.
Do not forget to pet all this splendor :).
And yet - every day, including at home - dress beautifully, as if it were a holiday today. Feeling how much strength you will have and how your mood will improve, you will love this item forever.
And it is desirable to wear shoes with heels!

2. Get regular manicures and pedicures
Precisely regularly, so that there is not a day's gap between perfect nails and perfect nails. Taking care of ourselves, we are filled with the feminine and in general energy of the Universe. After all, you remember: where attention goes, energy goes there.

3. Go to the hairdresser every month
Even if you have long hair - look in, look for the growing moon - and go ahead. And the hair will become better, and you will feel much more confident, and you will be filled with female energy twice - first from looking at (the energy of the Moon is female), and then from going to the beauty master.

4. Take a bath once a week
Not just a bath, but a magical bath: with candles, fragrant oils, soft foam, sea salt, subdued light, alone with yourself. Such a ritual of purity, done in accordance with all the rules, will help to become feminine and fill it with feminine energy. Do not skimp on attributes, do not spare time for preparations - everything spent - both time and money - will pay off with interest.

5. Do a face mask at least once a week
Store-bought or handmade, the mask will not only take care of your skin, but also charge you with feminine energy. Over time, you will notice how much better they look. Don't be lazy.

6. Communicate every day with other women
It doesn't matter if it's mom, sister, girlfriend or strangers in line at the checkout. Female energy is amplified many times in the so-called "women's circle". Communication with women will give you strength, inspire and fill you.

7. Ask for help at every opportunity.
The first time can be difficult, especially if you do not know how to ask and prefer to do everything yourself. But try it - you'll like it. Ready to take out the trash? Ask your husband or child. Can't figure out a new program at work and are already typing a guide into a search engine? Ask an employee, system administrator, workplace neighbor to help you figure it out. Ask a friend to go with you to the dentist. Ask your neighbor to hold the door. Ask for advice from your loved one, even if you know exactly what to do. Ask higher powers for help in a difficult situation. Ask specifically and clearly. And it will be given to you, because you are a woman.

8. Give compliments, including compliments to yourself every time you look in the mirror.
When choosing between the thought “how beautifully Lena from accounting is dressed today” and the words “Lena, you look gorgeous,” give preference to the second option. The exchange of positive energy with a woman (and Lena will be very pleased) will greatly enhance your feminine energies. And at the same time, relationships with others will improve. There is nothing to add about compliments to yourself - from today not a single look in the mirror should be left without words of love and support for your beloved, well, or thoughts.

9. Meditate
I am not talking now about meditation as an art and about meditation for enlightenment, although this is certainly worth striving for. But since we are talking about how to become feminine, then I'm talking about meditation to calm the mind, to give up the running line of thoughts for a while and to get away from worries for a while. Give yourself eight minutes of silence at least once a day.

10. Sing and dance
We have become adults, boring, we care about how we look from the outside ... Spit on all this - so what if you don’t know how to dance and that a bear came into your ear even before birth. Sing along to your radio, dance at least on your own. At first, you may have to force yourself, and then the body will loosen up, the blocks will fall off - and you will feel a natural need to move.

11. Go shopping at least twice a month, and go shopping for those that sell cute little things that are completely, completely unnecessary, but so beautiful ...
I think you understand what I mean. Sometimes allow yourself to buy something, albeit not very necessary, but very attractive. And of course it is useful to buy clothes, cosmetics, perfumes and accessories. How to become feminine? - Go shopping!

12. Take pictures and ask to be photographed
Many young ladies do not like photo shoots, because “they do not look good in pictures”, “they are shy or afraid of the camera”, “they are ugly or not made up” ... Make up, dress beautifully, do your hair - and take pictures. Analyze photos in which you do not like yourself. Take a different position, turn the other side to the camera, change your facial expression ... And finally see that you are a beauty. And the beautiful photos are proof of that. Get an album in which there will be only your successful shots, and always in a good joyful mood.

13. Bring meaning to household chores
Cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing and other household chores are not only hard work. These are also ways to be filled with feminine energy, to become more feminine. Therefore, if you abandoned all this a long time ago, it is worth looking at these things from the other side.
Do your homework with the thought that you are filling up at this time, do everything with love. At this time, it is good to think with love about your husband, children, if any. So you will not just clean and cook. You will fill the space with happiness, joy and love, and the food will be healing and sacred, bringing good to all who eat it.

14. Speak quieter
Try to follow your speech. Loud, emotional, with a slipping obscenity, harsh, rude? ... If at least one of these words characterizes your speech, work on it.
Watch what and how you say. To begin with, try to speak a little quieter and more smoothly, remove rude words and all sorts of denials. At first it will be a little unusual for you, but over time you will begin to speak differently, and as a result, you will become more feminine.

15. Feed
Relatives, employees, friends, birds, dogs, cats ... You will not only be filled with feminine energy, but also

Now the theme of femininity is very popular. And today, just a huge number of women are wondering "How to become more feminine?". At the same time, they often turn to the outer side of femininity - feminine clothes, shoes, accessories. They learn how to do beautiful hairstyles and make-up. And this, of course, is good, because external changes can push us to internal changes - deep, much more important. But I'm still of the opinion that you need to start from the inside out. After all, what is femininity in its essence? This is a special energy. The energy of light, the energy of peace. Only a certain inner state can give us this energy. And even if you are in trousers and do not put on makeup, the energy will not go anywhere. You will remain a woman, and everyone around you will feel it.

So how to become more feminine inside?

I think it's no secret to anyone that some activities fill us (both physical and purely feminine) with energy, some deplete its reserves. However, before talking about what women's activities help to become more feminine inside, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the main secret of femininity, its main ingredient is LOVE. Moreover, love is “giving”. Any action done by a woman with love, with concern for others, makes her more fulfilled, happier, more feminine.

So, the simplest, the most accessible for each of us, and at the same time the most filling with female energy are the following:

  1. Cleaning.

Do not think, I am not an ardent enthusiast and fan of cleaning. Yes, I tried to implement the Fly Lady system in my life, I cleaned the house according to Marie Kondo, etc. None of this worked in my life as much as it could. Because I'm not a fan of cleaning. Cleaning is not an end in itself for me. And for no one should be her. The purpose of cleaning for a woman should be to create a space of love for her loved ones.

Speaking about my experience, I can say that in the process of mastering various methods of restoring order and cleanliness, I often still could not bring myself to do much of the necessary. But as soon as I looked at cleaning as a way to live a freer life (when the house is clean and there is at least relative order, the mind calms down, a person has better rest, the ability to concentrate improves, etc.), and also as a way to serve my loved ones, I instantly fell in love with this activity. From the category of painful, it moved into the category of very pleasant. Studying my feelings, I felt and many times after I was convinced that when cleaning is done with the aim of serving my family (and myself), it makes me very happy, it calms, it makes me feel like a real homemaker, a real home fairy, a princess. Therefore, in order for cleaning to fill you up, to help you become more feminine inside, you must put love into it. Otherwise, you will not just not be filled with energy, but rather get tired.

  1. Cooking.

Now almost every second photo on my Instagram account is related to food (my nickname is @polinkaaamalinka, subscribe, I'm always glad to make new acquaintances and high-quality communication). The irony is that I never really knew how and didn’t like to cook))))) And I didn’t just dislike, but always considered cooking hard labor))))) And now photos with food, as a rule, gain more likes, than my other publications))) What is the secret of such changes in me? My secret is love in the heart.

When wondering how to become more feminine inside, you may ask, “What does cooking have to do with it?”. I will answer. When a woman makes cooking exclusively her duty, part of her routine (and we have to cook every day, where can we get the joy from the process), cooking often becomes painful and in no way fills her. And vice versa, if a woman tries to cook something tasty and healthy for her family, puts her soul into the process, then the level of female energy rises. In addition, by preparing healthy food for ourselves with positive emotions, we not only contribute to the health of our body, we also nourish our soul with good feelings.

  1. Needlework.

With needlework, I always had the same situation as with cooking))) In terms of work at school, I was given a five only because I was an excellent student in all other subjects. My mother and her friend almost always finished embroidery, knitting, sewing for me))) I wanted a quick result, and needlework is always a long process. And only many years after graduation, when I began to study femininity, I felt the beauty of needlework on a woman. And it turned out that it fills with female energy precisely because it is a long and monotonous work. Monotonous work calms the mind, relieves internal rushing. A nice bonus to a peaceful mind and overflowing female energy is a pretty skirt or a beautifully decorated element of apartment decor)))

When wondering how to become more feminine and tender inside, remember that true femininity is the ability to fill the simplest, most everyday things with love and magic. Learn to give meaning to housework, as well as any other women's affairs. Learn to turn your every action into a sacred ritual, and without noticing it yourself, you will turn into an amazingly feminine and, most importantly, an incredibly happy woman!

With love and warmth in my heart, Polina.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of society are sure that men choose women for such qualities as beauty, intelligence and financial position. In fact, this is not at all important for them, since you can often see a not so attractive girl surrounded by men. All this because such girls can be soft, gentle and feminine. It is not at all necessary to have a beautiful appearance and a subtle mind in order to slay men on the spot. In fact, it is enough to behave like a true woman who is confident in herself and knows what she wants from life.

So, it's all about femininity. But how to be feminine if such a science is not taught at school? It is worth understanding for yourself that it is never too late to learn femininity. Before you start becoming an ideal woman, you should determine for yourself the goals that are most important at the moment. Someone may wish, another woman wants to improve relations in her family, and still others simply dream of being a softer and more caring mother. Once the goal is determined, one should move in its direction, developing only the necessary aspects of femininity.

Why study femininity

When a girl decides to become feminine and begins to take steps in the right direction, she can reveal many possibilities of her nature that she did not suspect before. The first discovery will be the emergence of communication skills. First of all, femininity is associated with charm, thanks to which it is easy to find a common language with anyone. This quality is very important for any modern woman. It will not only help you learn how to communicate with strangers and make friends, but also provide career opportunities.

On the way to femininity the girl, undoubtedly, will open the wisdom of the feminine. A kind of piggy bank of millions of women will open in front of the young lady. Everything that every woman needs to know and observe, from appearance to behavior, will be accessible and understandable to her. Femininity is not a momentary quality, but daily work. Nature has given all women a unique appearance, and her grooming and beauty depends only on her.

In addition to communication skills and discovering beauty secrets, a girl will be able to learn how to control her body. This is a very important moment in acquiring femininity, as a beautiful gait, a straight back and smooth movements are the pride of every girl. Such techniques can be learned by doing yoga, ballet, oriental or Latin American dances, it is also useful. Not only the face, but also the body should talk about femininity, since only it does not know how to lie.

When a girl strives for femininity, she will have to learn how to present herself correctly. For this, a lot of work needs to be done. First, a girl should determine what type of femininity suits her. It can be modest, liberated or graceful nature. When the type is determined, then you can begin to build a certain image, which will be made up of clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup. Also, do not forget about certain behavior in society and communication that suits the chosen nature.

Be softer

If a girl wants to become feminine in order to be more desirable and loved by her man, then it is worth gaining one important quality - softness. For every man, a woman is the personification of warmth, kindness and care. All this is because they saw this quality in their mothers, so they are looking for it in their chosen ones. All men like softness in everything, from gestures and voice to actions and looks. You can start striving for softness from the simplest, for example, wearing clothes made of very soft and pleasant to the touch fabrics.

It is very important on the way to softness to listen to yourself, what and in what voice is said. If the young lady hears notes of anger or stress and in her voice, then they should be replaced with softer and more pleasant notes. You need to try to control yourself in a conversation not only with your beloved man, but also with friends and relatives. You should speak moderately quietly, measuredly and calmly. In a conversation with a soulmate, you can use it, but they must also be pronounced affectionately.

Softness is very evident in the look and face. Of course, it can be extremely difficult to maintain this softness when fatigue and irritation press on a girl. But if you train and force yourself to smile every day, be affectionate and try to maintain softness in your eyes. Such a practice will not pass just like that, but will leave pleasant and gentle features on the face.

Appearance can also show the softness of a woman. Men prefer women with rounded silhouettes as they are softer rather than angular. You should not wear strict haircuts and sharp shoulders, especially since they are now out of fashion. You need to walk only with a straight back, making your gait more airy, light and unhurried. So not only those around, but the young lady herself will feel more confident, attractive and will be very easy.

Frequent meetings with well-groomed girlfriends are the key to femininity.

If a girl is still worried about the question of how to become more feminine, then she probably does not often meet her friends. Of course, friends should be an example for any woman, otherwise there will be nowhere to strive. You should choose girlfriends who have feminine qualities. All men take an example from their friends, adopting different habits, ways of thinking and behavior. Therefore, girls also need to spend more time in each other's company and adopt useful qualities.

Femininity is a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

In addition to emotional and psychological moments, it is very important not to forget about the outer shell. The desire to be well-groomed is a hallmark of a woman. It should not be said that there is absolutely no time for self-care. For this process, it is imperative to allocate a sufficient amount of time and money, since care requires some costs.

If possible, then you need to regularly visit beauty salons, where professionals will take care of the body, face, hair and nails. You can take care of yourself at home without spending large sums. Also, do not forget to wear skirts and dresses, as they make the appearance more feminine. Applying all of the above tips, every girl will certainly become more feminine and will be able to win men's hearts and be self-confident. It was then that the question of how to become tender and feminine will sink into oblivion!

We answer the question: how to become feminine in our difficult time? The age-old struggle of women to expand their rights in private and public life has borne fruit. If in Muslim countries, due to religious traditions, the role of women in society is not yet so noticeable, then in the rest of the world the situation is different. Women, on an equal footing with men, manage business structures and public authorities, earn money and support families. This, of course, has positive aspects. But a woman who is forced to earn her daily bread herself or even together with her husband, to be torn between work and life, to keep up with everything, to keep up with the modern hectic pace of life, often forgets about her nature, about the feminine.

And the grandmothers on the benches are surprised: “Why is she such a beautiful, smart, successful woman who has achieved everything is still not married or is raising a child alone? Probably - walking ... ". But in fact, absorbed in work and problems, this beauty and clever girl simply cannot attract a man. After all, representatives of the stronger sex want to see in their lady of the heart, first of all, a Woman, whose soft, warm and gentle image caresses the eye and soul. That is, a man is attracted by femininity.

What is femininity

Femininity- this is not only the biological sex and the ability to bear children. This is the ability to maximize your nature, attract men, while maintaining your strength and independence.

There are several signs that define this truly feminine trait:

  • love for oneself, one's appearance, the ability to take care of oneself, to emphasize one's advantages and hide shortcomings;

  • special gait, beautiful posture, good manners;

  • softness and flexibility in communication;

  • the ability to be playful coquette. However, "portions of coquetry" are dispensed in doses and always to the point;

  • acceptance of the opposite sex, respect and love for men, the desire to please.

In some, femininity is innate and manifests itself even in childhood. A girl may have a discreet appearance, but they say about her: "Vibes emanate from her." And if this is not inherent in you at the moment, you should not be upset. Most often, feminine are not born, but become. The main thing is to want.

What to do to become feminine

First you need to accept yourself. Clearly realize that with such an appearance, character, mindset, temperament, you have to live for as many years as you have been given. This does not mean that you should not practice self-improvement. But what cannot be changed in oneself must be accepted and loved.

It is the cultivation of self-love that will be the next step towards the development of femininity. Every time, standing in front of a mirror, mentally say pleasant words to yourself, praise yourself. You can list all your virtues on paper. Rereading them, you will surely be surprised at how beautiful, smart, economic, etc. you are. Focus on what is better in your appearance than others, what you can do better than others. Your self-esteem determines how others treat you.

Love to take care of yourself. Remember that a real woman should look good in any situation, even when she is standing at the stove at home or running with a mop, even when she is taking out the trash can. If you look great at work and in society, in a brand-new suit, with a spectacular hairstyle, and at home you wander around the apartment in a battered terry bathrobe, old slippers and with an unwashed head - you take care of yourself not for yourself, but "on show off." This is how many women on maternity leave, spending almost all their time at home with a child, stop taking care of themselves. And then they wonder why their husbands cheat on them, or even leave.
Do not be lazy to take care of your face and body, be interested in new cosmetics and perfumes.

Rethink your wardrobe. What kind of clothes does he wear? If, besides a pair of business suits, there are mostly elongated sweaters, shapeless T-shirts and unisex overalls, what kind of femininity can we talk about? Go shopping and treat yourself to elegant dresses, skirts, blouses, and, of course, stilettos.
Further, having updated the wardrobe and armed with cosmetics, we create our own image. Finding yourself, creating your own unique image is the task of every woman. Wear clothes that suit you and show off your best features. Choose your type of makeup. This, of course, will take some time. Mistakes are also unavoidable. But the result will be the harmony of your inner "I" with your appearance. And femininity implies harmony in everything.

Try to develop grace and good manners. This is the key to a successful presentation. Men believe that the beauty of a woman is formed not so much by facial features and figure as by gait and posture. If you have hunched shoulders and a "gait of a martinet" - if you have a perfect face and a chiseled figure, you will not be attractive.

Get rid of unnecessary movement. Eliminate any unnecessary waving of your arms, tapping your foot on the floor, and so on. Any, the most "standard" movement can be performed in different ways. And the opinion about you will depend on how you performed this or that gesture. Movements should be natural, smooth, not fussy, not constrained, but not defiant either.

Do not forget pay attention to self-education and self-development and use the acquired knowledge in communication. At the same time, you should not strain your brain and strive to comprehend what is deeply uninteresting to you. After all, you are not studying to impress the opposite sex with your knowledge. Read about what you like. But try to learn something new every day, study, reflect, attend trainings. An interesting person who is constantly evolving.

Of great importance are communication skills. In the Middle Ages, it took many years to train courtesans. And one of the important components was teaching the art of communication. These ladies were popular, above all, for their ability to keep up the conversation. And they did it so subtly and tactfully that men felt like real supermen in their society. This allowed courtesans to have famous politicians, writers, and artists as their admirers.

Watch your speech, be able to listen carefully, without interrupting, treat the interlocutor with respect. But at the same time, tactfully stop any attempt to "cry in the vest." Be social, but keep your distance. It is not very desirable to communicate with the arrogant "snow queen". But if you are "your friend on the board", you will be perceived that way, but by no means as a woman.

And of course, use one of the main female weapons - a smile. But again, remember to be appropriate. You will smile all the time, or, for example, when they tell you about troubles, you will be considered inadequate. Just try to "keep face" in any situation, no matter if you are in a company or alone. So that this skill is worked out to automatism. After all, if a person has a gloomy expression, eyebrows are shifted, a heavy look “to nowhere”, you don’t even want to talk to him, let alone communicate. And when the face is open, the look is lively and sparkling, when interest in this world and love for it are felt in the whole appearance - such a woman becomes magically attractive.

And most importantly - be able to let a man feel his masculine essence. Do not be afraid to show your fragility and defenselessness. Show that you need male help and support.

All this can be achieved through self-discipline, tireless work on oneself. But the effort is worth it! No wonder psychologists believe that in order for happiness to come to you, you need to create conditions for it. So change yourself and change the world. And the world will thank you.

A charming girl is a conqueror of men's hearts. Every woman wants to be feminine in order to conquer men, as well as to be loved, beautiful and attractive.

Many of us associate femininity with charm. This phenomenon is inside a woman, but it is not available to everyone. Not always a beautiful and stylish representative of the fair sex can be called feminine. This art needs to be learned and learned about how to become feminine.

What should be paid attention to achieve success and become charming?

  • Sight
  • Touch and gestures
  • Self confidence
  • Communication skills
  • Figure
  • Image


Look and femininity are concepts that cannot be separated from each other. An unfriendly and indifferent look can repel a person, but a caring, gentle and affectionate one, on the contrary, will please anyone. To achieve a friendly expression of the eyes, you must always think about the pleasant. For example, remember situations that cause you only positive emotions.

When talking with a person, you need to look into his eyes, while the look should be open. In the course of a conversation, you can blink your eyes coquettishly in order to evoke ambiguous feelings in your interlocutor. You can resort to a little trick - pick up mascara for the eyes, you can either lengthen or add volume, or in combination.

Touch and gestures

Every man dreams of female touches. Indeed, this phenomenon is seen as something intimate and personal, but at the same time, touches can also be feminine.

That is, these are their touches to clothes, face, hair. For example, very often the fair sex can fix a strand of hair that has come out of their hair. Or cross your legs, or cross your arms over your chest. Such movements can form a certain portrait of a woman. Therefore, feminine touches must be performed gently, smoothly and unhurriedly, but one should not make a frank emphasis on this.

Gestures can also tell a lot about a person. In the course of a conversation, each of us can often gesticulate to help us develop the thought that needs to be expressed. But imagine a girl actively waving her arms. In addition to laughter, such a person will not be able to evoke any feelings. That is why it is necessary to control your gestures in order to remain feminine in any situation.

It is important, in this case, to exercise and nails. The girl must be neat.

Self confidence

Self-confident and strong personalities are valued in our lives. Self-confidence is also the key to femininity. But for this you need to accept and love yourself for who you are. Of course, it is also worth listening to the opinions of others, but not putting them in the first place. If you somewhere and sometime hear a negative opinion about yourself, then you should not attach importance to this. You know it's not like that at all. Now you know how to become a self-confident person.

Communication skills

Did you know that courtesans and geishas fascinated many men not with their beauty, but with their ability to communicate. Femininity also implies the ability to communicate, talk and keep up a conversation. Agree that a man is often looking for a good interlocutor with whom you can talk about life, problems, beauty.

To learn how to correctly and beautifully express your thoughts and become feminine, you need to develop intellectually. Namely: read fiction, attend exhibitions, go to the theater, be interested in news in the field of politics, economics, the life of famous people. Only a well-read and literate girl can really interest a man. People around you will be able to admire your knowledge, and you will become an interesting conversationalist, able to support any conversation.

Do not forget that it is not appropriate for a feminine representative of the fair sex to use swearing and slang in her speech. This will alienate your interlocutor and leave him bad memories of your person. Try not to raise your tone, speak smoothly and clearly so that those around you understand. By the way, some feminine ladies are able to captivate a man thanks to their gentle voice. Therefore, you have something to strive for.

Knowledge of how to seduce the opposite sex helps. Such a gentle appeal will please any person and set him up positively for you.


Every man considers feminine exactly that representative of the fair sex, who is the owner of a beautiful figure. In turn, many women try to get closer to the ideal and become the owner of the coveted sizes: 90-60-90. To do this, ladies go on diets, go in for physical education and dance. And they think that they will become feminine if they lose weight.

But it is worth noting that a representative of the beautiful half of humanity with magnificent forms can become feminine. An ideal figure is not an indication that a girl is feminine. But the correct way of presenting your forms is the key to success.

Firstly, the girl's body should always be well-groomed. To do this, you need to use various cosmetics that can help get rid of pimples, wrinkles, and also make the skin soft and tender. It is necessary to take care of yourself every day: observe hygiene, depilate on time, manicure, pedicure.

Special attention should be paid to the care of hair and nails. In order for the hair to be strong, soft, shiny, it is necessary to use special products. From time to time it is necessary to make baths with the addition of salt and vegetable oil so that the nails are strong and beautiful.

Don't forget to take care of your skin. You can resort to the help of professional cosmetologists or take care of your skin at home. For example, various masks will nourish and moisturize your skin, and various creams will help prevent wrinkles. Try to hide visible lack of sleep and fatigue on your face.
To become attractive and feminine, you need to smile more often. Then the people around you will see in you a gentle and friendly girl with whom you want to communicate.

You should also pay attention to your diet. Try to eat only fresh foods, ideally if they are steamed. Eliminate fried, spicy and smoked foods from your diet. In this case, your body will be healthy, and you will look amazing, and this can also set you on the path to becoming more feminine.


What clothes, first of all, can be associated with a feminine image? Perhaps that is a variety of skirts and dresses, as well as high-heeled shoes. A girl who puts on a beautiful dress and stilettos can already be considered feminine. Is it really?

Obviously, clothes play an important role in the life of every woman. Each of us can independently create a feminine image that will be unique and inimitable. Perhaps not every person dares to call attractive the girl who walks every day in ripped jeans, a stretched T-shirt and sneakers. That is why you need to choose stylish things that go well with each other. Also, the clothes should fit perfectly on you. Don't choose clothes that are too big for you.

To become fashionable, it is not necessary to follow all the new products, because you can simply not keep up with them. The main thing is that your clothes are of high quality, comfortable and beautiful. This is perhaps one of the main pledges of femininity.

Do not forget that clothes look great if they are matched to the place you are going to visit. For example, if you want to go out into nature, then a sports suit is also suitable, but in a restaurant you should wear a dress. The office dress code involves a formal suit, and you can go to the store in simple but well-chosen jeans.
Agree, to become elegant, you just need to devote more time to choosing your wardrobe.

Make-up can be both bright and “natural”, most importantly, appropriate for the time and place. To help, there are many step-by-step video tutorials, like toner, shadows and other cosmetics.

Femininity is the lot of every woman of the fair sex.

Thus, the secrets of femininity are revealed, every girl is able to master them. Every woman can consider herself charming, but suffers from a lack of male attention, she does not know how to attract a guy if she likes it. So, you just need to change something in yourself in order to please the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

It is not necessary to spend big money on plastic surgery to change your appearance. Maybe you just need to learn how to speak and communicate, manage your emotions and avoid unnecessary conflicts. But a feminine girl does not mean at all that you have to be a weak, captivated and hidden person. You just need to be yourself, but look cute, friendly and feminine.

In this case, you will always be in the spotlight, enjoy success and catch the admiring glances of men. Perhaps every woman dreams about it. Thanks to these recommendations, I hope you now know how to become feminine, and therefore, be charming. Now you will definitely not be left without attention!
