How to get an even tan in a solarium. How to go to the solarium to tan beautifully

If earlier aristocratic pallor was in fashion, now golden skin is in trend. And it's great that fashion trends coincide with technological progress - now it is not necessary to go to resorts and spend a lot of time near the water. After all, you can go to the solarium!

What is a solarium?

While in the solarium, the body receives long-wave radiation, which is why melanin begins to be produced, giving the skin a dark shade.

The intensity of the resulting tan is due to some factors: the power and number of lamps, the duration of the session.

Exposure to the skin of sunlight and radiation in the capsule is essentially the same. The only difference is that in the solarium you can change the intensity of radiation and there are no dangerous rays.

Types of solariums

Now there are three types of solariums:

How many days after peeling can I go to the solarium?

Approximately 3 days later. If you feel that the skin is still irritated, then it is better to postpone the procedure.

Can I take a bath after a solarium?

Of course, you can, but preferably not less than 2-3 hours after the procedure. But you should not take too much after the session, use scrubs, as they can speed up the disappearance of the tan.

Many questions can be asked to a doctor you trust. He will give specific recommendations based on data about your health.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

No, you can't enter the booth without glasses in any case. Even if you close your eyes, it will not protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to go to the solarium in lenses?

In general, sunbathing in lenses is not prohibited, but undesirable. If possible, take them off. And also, in any case, you need to use special glasses.

Yes, but highly undesirable. At the same time, to protect the eyes, it is necessary to use special glasses to protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stikini?

You shouldn't sunbathe without them. They provide irreplaceable protection.

What can replace stikini in a solarium?

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium (for example, in the country, on the beach of the sea or river)?

No you can not. Better lie down and rest.

Is it possible to exercise after a solarium?

Can. If you have the strength and desire. There are no specific contraindications for this.

Is it possible to go to the solarium with a temperature?

This is not worth doing. The body is already weakened and, thus, one can only worsen one's condition.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with fair skin?

In general, it is possible, but very carefully, no more than 3 minutes per session. Light skin is prone to burns.

Can Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium if there are tattoos on the body?

In order for the tattoo not to discolor, it must be covered. Stickers can be purchased to protect the drawing. They must be in the beauty salon. You can read more about tanning if you have tattoos.

At what age can you go to the solarium?

And in some progressive countries there is even a law prohibiting people under 18 from doing such a procedure. Therefore, you should not take risks and do such a procedure until adulthood.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?

No. Since an unstable hormonal background can lead to the appearance of age spots and, in general, adversely affect the health of the expectant mother. Read more in.

Solarium and pregnancy

Is it possible to go to the solarium with various pathologies?

This question can only be discussed with a doctor! Only he will give you the correct answer. You can't trust anyone but him. Information on forums, from employees of a beauty salon, from acquaintances may be unreliable.

Video: a blogger talks about the important rules for tanning in a solarium.

Instructions for use

How to use the solarium? Step by step instructions:

  • Decide on the choice of salon. And choose the type of solarium that suits you best.
  • Before the actual session, inspect the place for cleanliness. If you see dirt on the booth, you should find another place.
  • The salon employee must show and tell about the buttons in the cabin, their functions.
  • The employee issues protective goggles, they must be worn!
  • Go (or lie down) in the solarium and close the lid.
  • Get out of the solarium and enjoy the golden hue of your skin.
  • After the procedure, you can

Thanks to the solarium, anyone can achieve a beautiful skin tone, regardless of the season. Now such a tan is no longer a luxury that is available to a small circle of people. And despite the stereotypes, the solarium is able to benefit the human body. It is only important to adhere to the established rules and recommendations of the doctor.

In contact with

Every woman wants to look slim and tanned at any time of the year. In winter and spring, the skin returns to its pale appearance, an even tan disappears. It suits someone very well, while others lose some of their originality and charm. If it is not possible to go to hot countries to rest and get a bronze tan, then you can buy it in the solarium. The tan will be even and beautiful if you follow a few important rules.

Be sure to check with your doctor first. Solarium, like any cosmetic and medical procedure, has its contraindications. It is especially necessary to be careful for those who have skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, infectious skin diseases. In this case, a visit to the solarium can have serious consequences for health and should be abandoned. It is necessary to exercise caution if there are diseases of the heart, liver, and other internal organs. There is no health hazard in this case, but the tan may not lie evenly, in spots. Use peeling. An even and beautiful tan lies on clean, smooth skin, no matter where you sunbathe - in a solarium or under the sun's rays. To get rid of bumps and keratinized particles on the skin, treat the skin with a body scrub no later than a day before visiting the solarium. The scrub should be fine-grained, smooth the skin, and not scratch. You can cook it at home: coffee grounds, table salt or apricot pits, crushed very finely. Prepare for the solarium correctly and you will be able to tan in the solarium effectively and quickly.

Treat water procedures with caution. Immediately before visiting the solarium, do not use products that have a degreasing effect on the skin in the shower. Even the use of ordinary soap is not recommended. You can dry out your skin, stripping it of a thin layer of fat, and even get burned. Perform water procedures a day before visiting the solarium. Do not use eau de toilette, perfumes or perfumed creams just before the session.

Use bronzers. You are mistaken in thinking that long-term procedures in the solarium will make the skin bronze. It is necessary to take procedures in a solarium, starting with minimal doses and gradually increasing the time so as not to harm the skin. Bronzers help to give a nice even tan color faster, starting from the first procedure. You can buy a special cosmetic product in a boutique or use natural dyes: cocoa butter, nut and sugar cane extracts, products with beta-carotene, etc.

Choose the right tanning products. In the solarium, cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet rays are not suitable. On the contrary, it can spoil the expected result, slow down the process. Choose a tanning bed protector according to your skin type. After the session, use moisturizing and cooling cosmetics. Such cosmetics will protect the skin, make the shade bronze faster, and fix the result. Therefore, this should not be neglected.

Attend sessions regularly. Of course, when visiting a solarium, you will get a beautiful and even tan if you follow the procedures correctly. But, unfortunately, this skin color does not last for a long time, it is gradually “erased”. This happens faster than with a natural tan under the sun. The skin brightens, because it is renewed in layers, it is noticeable already a month after the last session. In the cold season, regularly visit the solarium - this is the easiest way to maintain a bronze skin tone. To keep your tan as long as possible, eat foods with beta-carotene and retinol, vitamins A and E.

Give preference to a vertical solarium. In modern salons, both types of solariums are usually offered: horizontal and vertical. The first type is more traditional, familiar, but in the second, you will get a tan much faster. Each type of solarium has its own advantages, but if you want to achieve results as quickly as possible, choose a vertical solarium.

When visiting a solarium, protect your hair. Carefully monitor the condition of the eyes and hair during the procedures. Especially if you decide on long sessions to tan faster. Otherwise, you will get a contrast: a beautiful tan and unkempt hair. Use a protective cap during treatments, nourish and moisturize your hair between sessions, make masks that prevent drying and weakening of hair.

Correctly performing the procedures in the solarium, following all the recommendations, you will become the happy owner of an even and beautiful tan in the shortest possible time without harm to health.

Many of the fair sex want to have an even bronze skin tone throughout the year. Not everyone has the opportunity in the winter cold to give up on rest in another hemisphere, get a tan, and upon returning to amaze others with a fresh look. The solution in this case may be a visit to the solarium.


Artificial lighting will not harm only if the rules are followed. Reasonable use of the solarium has a positive effect:

  • the process of vitamin D synthesis starts, and this, in turn, helps to better absorb calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bones;
  • the immune system receives powerful support;
  • the condition of the skin improves;
  • the body is charged with energy and good mood;
  • there is an opportunity to gradually prepare for the hot summer and reduce the risk of sunburn.

Two types of sources are used: high and low pressure. The first option allows you to quickly get a bronze color. This is due to the greater number of A-rays. Melanin reacts more actively to their effects. Recommended for people with dark skin and in the presence of a tan. The second type gives light consisting of A- and B-rays. It acts more slowly, but lasts a long time. Suitable for fair-skinned people.

According to the design, they are distinguished: horizontal, vertical, turbo-solarium and in the form of an armchair. The latter is used to give shade to the visible parts of the body. The solarium of vertical type differs in the greatest power. But to get a tan, you have to work hard. You will have to raise your hands up to illuminate the sides. In a horizontal design, the client can sit comfortably and get a tan that lasts longer. The most comfortable is the turbo solarium. This is due to the presence of an air cooling system inside the flask.


Like any procedure, a visit to the solarium can be fraught with danger if you do not adhere to strict rules of conduct. Those who use the solarium constantly face the problem of dry skin, premature wrinkles. If you do not use protective and caring products, hair suffers greatly. They become brittle, lifeless and begin to fall out.

Frequent procedures lead to a constant production of melatonin, and this can cause the appearance and even skin cancer. In some types of diseases, excess radiation exacerbates chronic ailments. Coarseness of the upper layer is often the cause of pore closure. This is bad for the skin.

To get a beautiful tan in a solarium, you must follow the following rules. Then cosmetic actions will not affect the state of health and will allow you to tan well:

  • Consultation. Before starting the procedures, it is important to find out from the doctor possible contraindications. If there are problems with the skin (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), heart, liver, such a visit is indispensable.
  • Peeling. The skin needs to be prepared: freed from dead particles and smoothed. A day before visiting the salon, a scrub with abrasive particles is used. You can use home remedies (for example: ground coffee, oatmeal, sea salt).
  • Ban on water procedures. The day before the scheduled session, do not epilate. The use of perfumes and other perfume products, soaps and shower gels before visiting the salon is undesirable. It is better to leave a natural film on the skin. This will help maintain a normal balance and protect against burns.
  • Make-up for tanning. Products with radiation filters have no place in the solarium. There is a special line for such a procedure. Some products will allow you to tan faster, others will effectively fix the result.
  • Visiting schedule. After a few sessions, the desired shade will be achieved. But in order to achieve color consistency, the procedure will have to be repeated regularly.
  • Time. The duration of the session depends on the phototype of the person. Fair-skinned people should start with 3 minutes, and dark-skinned people with 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 15 minutes. The number of sessions in the first case is 2-3 times a week. To achieve a beautiful skin tone, you will have to visit the salon longer. The rest, in order to get a tan, are allowed to visit the solarium every day.
  • Means of protection. It is important to protect your hair and eyes from radiation. Always wear special goggles and a cap. Pamper your hair with a nourishing mask. This will protect the hair from drying out and weakening. Use the same set of cotton underwear so as not to get a zebra effect. If the goal is to tan completely, you need to take care of purchasing a protective spray for the intimate area. Don't forget to leave decorations at home. It is important to protect nipples and moles from exposure to radiation. Lip balm is used. It will protect delicate skin from overdrying and exposure to ultraviolet rays. You will also need slippers and a towel. Some salons provide disposable items, but you can use your own.
  • Bronzers. At the same time, you can apply creams that give a tanning effect or use natural products (walnut extract, cocoa butter, etc.).
  • Lamp life. In order to avoid dangerous consequences, it is worth reading the lamp replacement log. The duration of use is indicated in the accompanying documents. If the deadlines (400–500 hours) are exceeded, then it is unacceptable to apply them.
  • To tan evenly, it is useful to take turns visiting a vertical and horizontal solarium. Turning off the top row of lamps will help protect your skin from excessive radiation.

At the end of the session, it is advised to rest for 2 hours and not perform water procedures. This will help the tan to set in. A cup of green tea will help restore lost moisture.


After the end of the course, the tan lasts for a month. The skin is then brightened as a result of natural renewal. There are subtleties that allow you to maintain a bronze tint for a longer time:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing care products.
  • Foods high in vitamins A, E, C should be on the daily menu. Vegetables and fruits of red, yellow colors, milk, eggs, spinach, beef liver, cheese will help maintain a tan.
  • A glass of carrot juice before each session will allow you to tan faster and keep the result.


With the vertical method, there is a problem with the skin of the legs. She doesn't tan well. For this, booths with a mirror floor are produced. Light, reflected from it, has a better effect on inaccessible areas. The option looks interesting - a solarium with a shower. It is known that water attracts ultraviolet rays. The result is a more even color.


You should not take a visit to the solarium with great zeal. Any cosmetic procedures should emphasize the dignity of a person and help to look natural. Passion for the process can lead to the appearance of a shade that is too dark, which visually adds several years. In addition, this approach will have a detrimental effect on the state of the body. Excess radiation can provoke the development of dangerous diseases.

If you are a lover of tanned skin, but do not know how to get a beautiful tan in winter, maybe you are reluctant to lie on the beach, or it is contraindicated to sunbathe in the sun, feel free to sunbathe in a solarium. But before signing up for a session, you should consider the procedure itself in more detail, what are the rules and advice of the masters, are there any contraindications, what to do if the result is needed quickly. If the words “I can’t tan in a solarium, what should I do?” - about you, then this article will give you answers to all your questions.

What is a solarium and how to get a tan in it

A solarium is a special chamber that is equipped with ultraviolet lamps that irradiate the skin in doses. Special additives that contain UV lamps prevent the radiation of short ultraviolet waves, thereby protecting the epidermis from dangerous radiation.

It is up to you to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, but the result of tanning will be in both cases. The only difference in choice is that in the solarium you can choose the intensity of the lamps based on the type of skin, as well as the power, based on what shade you want to get.

General rules: how and how much to sunbathe in a solarium

  • you should consult your doctor before visiting;
  • visits should be limited to 12 times/month;
  • session time should not exceed 12 minutes / day, if this is the first procedure - no more than 4 minutes;
  • in just one year you can use 6 full courses of attendance;
  • the interval between sessions should be at least a day;
  • many cosmetics contain substances that, penetrating under the skin, can behave unpredictably under
  • exposure to UV rays, so do not use cosmetics, toilet water before the procedure;
  • after the session, you should not take a shower for 4 hours, as the dermis continues to produce melanin;
  • the day before the session, peeling can be done so that the skin surface is even, without flaws;
  • you should refrain from attending a session after cosmetic procedures that can injure the top layer of the skin, also in the presence of open wounds.

How to get a tan in a solarium in a month by skin type

Pale skin type. You don't have to worry about how much time to tan. This type of skin is not prone to tanning either in the sun or artificially. However, you should not get too carried away with ultraviolet light, anyone can get burned.

Moderately fair skin type, blond hair. You should choose an average visiting schedule. It is worth starting with 5 minutes in one session, with a break of 3 days. After darkening of the skin, you can increase the time to 7 minutes, with the same interval of days.

Owners of velvety skin, dark hair. You can receive radiation without using sunscreen or cream. You are guaranteed a chocolate shade for 5 visits. Enough 12 minutes a day with an interval of up to 2 days. It is not necessary to increase the dose.

Dark skin type, dark hair. Up to 7 sessions of 12 minutes per day are enough for you. Usually, the tan on such skin is quite persistent, so there is no need to repeat the course of the visit.

How fast can you get a tan in a solarium

In order to quickly get a tan in a solarium, you should follow all the rules of the procedure. To the basic rules - how to quickly tan in a solarium without cream, you can add a couple more that will help you quickly get the desired skin tone:

  • Be sure to consult with the administrator before choosing the type of procedure.
  • Places where there are birthmarks or tattoos are best covered.
  • Use bronzers, their action is aimed at painting the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • To tan as quickly as possible, you should use a vertical camera.
  • Attend procedures regularly. This will help you maintain the desired skin tone for as long as possible.

To speed up the tanning in the solarium, the masters recommend using special products. You can also use them to improve the effect. It is important to distinguish between tanning cosmetics designed to accelerate the effect and protect the skin, and after, which fixes the result by caring for the skin.

Please note that a quick tanning product in a tanning bed should have a moisturizing effect. It is necessary to use such a cream, lotion or oil both before visiting the session and after.

How to tan evenly in a solarium and quickly achieve results? You can use a special scrub cream, it will help get rid of dead skin cells. Makes skin even and smooth.

You can also use folk remedies for tanning in the solarium. Among the most famous is nutrition. It is enough to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice before visiting the session for a quick effect, a more saturated shade. If you do not like carrots, you can drink a glass of natural cocoa, or a couple of pieces of chocolate half an hour before the session.

How to speed up and improve the quality of tanning

If you are interested in the topic of how to get a chocolate-colored tan in a solarium, you need to listen to the opinion of not only masters, but also dermatologists.

It is worth noting the importance of using special cosmetics before and after the session. This contributes to the acceleration of skin color change, protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation, prevents premature aging, and makes the tan more resistant.

You should choose cosmetics from trusted brands designed specifically for this type of tan.

Who is contraindicated for tanning in a solarium

There are groups of people, the second is contraindicated as tanning in the sun, and in artificial. Among them:

  • Children. Their skin is very delicate, susceptible to UV radiation. Therefore, persons under the age of 15 are prohibited from attending the procedures.
  • Women carrying/nursing a child you can attend tanning treatments. The only thing is that no one can guarantee you a good result, there is a high risk of uneven pigmentation. It is better to refrain from solarium in this position.
  • People undergoing treatment antibiotics, complex hormones should refrain from sunburn.

You should also refrain from sunbathing for people suffering from diseases:

  • diseases of the heart and circulatory systems;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance or hypersensitivity to UV radiation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • excessive pigmentation of the skin.

Everyone decides how best to sunbathe: with the help of ultraviolet light, or in the sun. In the solarium, you can get a bronze tan faster and safer. You are given the opportunity to choose the intensity of the shade, the radiation power. On the beach, you can only control the tanning time. Having listened to the advice, following all the rules, you can tan in the solarium well, quickly and enjoy your tanned body for a long time.

Sunburn not only decorates our body with a chic shade, but also improves health. Solarium lamps emit rays that are much safer than ultraviolet. Insolation, like sunbathing, contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body, hormones responsible for a good mood. A visit to the solarium during the cold period will enhance the protective functions of the body. Many lovers of a beautiful skin tone are interested in the question of how to quickly tan in a solarium. Often, for a certain event, you just need to look chic. To give the skin a golden attractive color, visit the solarium. After all, a tan makes the image much more attractive.

How to quickly get a tan in a solarium

It should be understood that if you have not sunbathed for a long time, then the desire to tan in a short time is fraught with a burn. A beautiful healthy tan will cover the skin only after 6-8 insolation sessions. They can be carried out no more than 1-2 times a week. For a normal reaction of the body to sunburn, a certain time is needed. In order not to suffer the consequences, you need to wonder not only how to quickly get dark skin, but also think about how to get a good tan in a solarium.
It should also be taken into account that a quick tan can cause redness and peeling, and this will only spoil. Many people use carrot juice to improve their tan. It is believed that if you drink it before and after insolation, then the opportunity to tan faster increases. If you like to enjoy the procedures in an upright position, but notice that your legs do not sunbathe in the solarium, then you should sometimes change the position to a horizontal position. To give the skin a golden hue in a short time and not harm it, a series of creams "Sunburn without sun" will help. Such a cream is applied to clean, pre-scrubbed skin, and after a few hours you are provided with a light tan.

How to quickly tan in a solarium using special cosmetics

Solarium cosmetics allow you to quickly achieve the effect of swarthy skin. They protect it from drying out, moisturize, and contribute to a more even distribution of tan. In addition, tanning cosmetics allow the tan to stay on the skin for a long time. Solarium products can be selected according to skin type. They contain caring and protecting components, vitamins, complexes that stimulate the production of melanin. Solarium cosmetics do not contain filters from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, so if you decide to use the products without insolation, you need to remember this and not be under direct rays for a long time. So, you can quickly get a dark shade in a solarium using cosmetics and a basic level of tan.


Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to quickly tan in a solarium can be advised not to do something that they will regret later. Indeed, in pursuit of a beautiful skin tone and attractiveness, you can get a serious disease associated with a violation of the pigmentation system. Sunbathe wisely and always be beautiful and healthy!

In addition to the chocolate shade, ultraviolet boasts other properties. Of course, its impact is much greater in an artificially created cabin than in nature. That is why the qualities and nuances differ. Among the most striking advantages are:

  • The synthesis of vitamin D has a positive effect on the development of bone and muscle tissue. Thus, the risk of many diseases and ailments is reduced;
  • As you know, ultraviolet dries small rashes and acne. It not only fights post-acne, but is also able to prevent the appearance of acne. However, this effect may not appear if the cause of the skin problem is associated with an internal imbalance in the body;
  • UV rays can boost immunity and fight the first signs of flu and colds;
  • Unlike sun exposure, artificial tanning avoids exposure;
  • Tanning in the solarium raises the level of hormones responsible for high spirits. Many people claim that this is how they fight their depression and anxiety. A person receives a greater effect in the cold season, when cloudy weather is considered a permanent phenomenon;
  • If we again compare tanning in a solarium with sessions in nature, then the artificial method also wins in intensity. Hue boasts not only brightness, but also uniformity;
  • The speed of obtaining the desired shade.

It is impossible not to note the minuses, which should also always be studied. It is necessary to realize that much depends not on our desire, but also on health. We list the most negative points of tanning in a solarium:

  • Risk of premature aging of the epidermis. This is due to the fact that UV rays can destroy the elastic framework of the skin. In addition, a similar process causes dehydration in the cells, which causes dryness and flaking;
  • If you do not take into account the safety regulations, you can easily get burned in the cab. Also, neglecting disposable caps can increase dry hair;
  • Skin cancer, which is provoked by high production of melanin in the body;
  • If a person has a tendency to other serious diseases, they can worsen. That is why always consult your doctor;
  • For some, a solarium is able to dry out acne, and for someone, it can destroy the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This can cause blackheads and new blackheads to appear;

Rules for tanning

If you are going to go to the solarium for the first time, then carefully consider the choice of location. If possible, collect feedback, and check with the administrator for lamp output. Ideally, no more than 1000 hours should be worked. If the institution refuses to provide documents or does not have them at all, then it will be safer to find another place.

Girls often wonder how many minutes can you sunbathe in a solarium for the first time? In this case, much depends on the intensity of tanning on the body:

  1. Celtic type (light skin and hair, often they are reddish; gray or blue eyes; freckles) - it’s worth starting from 3 minutes, as there is a high probability of burns. Do not forget about the cream, which should have good protection. How often to sunbathe in a Celtic solarium? It is better to limit the visit to 1-2 times a week and not be in the cabin for more than 6 minutes.
  2. European type (blond hair, blue or green eyes; minimal freckles) - the first time you can go for 4 minutes, and then increase the duration by 1-2 minutes (up to 8 minutes). How to tan with fair skin? This will be done quite easily if you increase the number of visits to 3 times a week.
  3. swarthy european type (darkish or yellow skin; dark hair color; brown or dark gray eyes) - in this case, you can start from 6 minutes. The maximum residence time is 10 minutes, since a long duration adversely affects the epidermis. You can go to the solarium every other day, especially since the effect will be quite fast.
  4. mediterranean type (dark skin; and hair; no freckles) - how much to sunbathe in a solarium for this type? you can start from 8 minutes, since the likelihood of burns is minimal. 2-3 procedures are enough to get the result.

How to quickly and intensively tan in a solarium?

The first step is to buy a special one. It differs from the means that are used, because the intensity of the rays is much higher. In addition, artificial light can not perceive oils or balms that suit you in everyday life. Thus, you will not only achieve a more luxurious tan, but also protect your skin.

If you are looking for a way to quickly tan in a solarium, then in this case, the cream will save. Try to buy products with, as they have a self-tanning effect and enhance the color. However, this thing has a tendency to quickly wash off.

More durable and faster results can be obtained using accelerators. They make melatonin more active, so the chocolate shade may appear faster. But sunbathing in a solarium with natural or synthetic oil is not worth it, since with it you will literally “fry”. Nevertheless, for artificial rays, the cream is considered the best and safest option.

Recently, creams with a “tingle effect” are gaining great popularity. They increase blood circulation, as a result of which the shade is more intense and appears much faster. However, they have an unpleasant effect, which manifests itself in the form of burning and itching of the body. If you decide to purchase such a product, then do not worry, strange sensations disappear after a few hours.

How to keep a tan for a long time after a solarium?

The shade will last longer as you apply. They must be applied after the procedure, waiting for complete or partial absorption. If you do not want to spend finances, then you can do with any moisturizer. The effect will not be as bright, but the skin will be moisturized, which means it will peel off more slowly.

In addition, the speed and duration of tanning can be increased with special drops and juice. Try to drink fresh carrot juice half an hour before the session, and also for prevention at least 1-2 times a week. You will get an even greater effect from drops with beta-keratin. They are safe and not very expensive. Sold in any pharmacy.

Also erase tan scrubs and aggressive washcloths. Try to wash with moisturizing gels and use more gentle care products. By the way, the shower itself after a solarium should be taken after a few hours, so that the body completes a certain process of pigmentation.

Solarium contraindications

  • Do not sunbathe in the solarium during menstruation;
  • The presence of benign and malignant tumors categorically prohibits the appearance in the magic cabin;
  • Rash and other skin diseases solarium will exacerbate all the more;
  • Questions from whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe or go to the solarium while breastfeeding have an extremely negative answer. The detailed effect of rays on the fetus has no scientific justification, which means that the result of such experiments may be the most unexpected;
  • It is also worth abandoning the artificial sun for people with hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease, as well as heart problems;
  • A solarium can aggravate mastopathy and increase the number of age spots, if a person has a tendency to this;
  • It is not worth the risk for those whose body is covered with a large number of moles;
  • Sometimes certain drugs have a negative effect. Oral contraceptives and some antidepressants are often indicated;
  • Peeling can be called a serious contraindication. Such aggressive cleansing of the skin should be carried out at least a week before the session.


  1. You should not sunbathe without a cream, as this has a very negative effect on the condition of the epidermis;
  2. It is necessary to wash off all cosmetics, including perfume. Some products may contain substances that, in interaction with UV rays, will cause allergies or give an uneven tan;
  3. Tattoos, moles and age spots should be covered with special stickers;
  4. If you decide to sunbathe without underwear , then do not forget about the stikini that stick to the nipples;
  5. Before the session, you need to remove the lenses, and protect your eyes with specialized glasses, which are always in the solarium. Sunbathing without glasses is not recommended, as you can get a corneal burn. If you still do not want to wear this accessory, then at least do not open your eyes during the session;
  6. Always cover your hair with a disposable cap, as artificial light dries the strands a lot;
  7. You need to start sunbathing gradually, so do not rush to take a large number of minutes at once;
  8. Always check the cleanliness of the booth, because the studio administrator may forget to treat the floor. Do not forget that fungus and various skin diseases are easily transmitted in this way;
  9. Do not scrub or wash with soapy gels at least 3 hours before tanning. They remove the protective film on the skin.

A cosmetologist shares the rules and secrets of proper tanning in a solarium. We look to prevent a catastrophe for our appearance.

In this article, we will not talk about those "secrets" of visiting the solarium, which have long been known. For example, on the topic of how to choose the right one, how, and in general - - there were already articles on the women's site "".

Remember: the cream you need is the face cream!

Buy a large jar of face cream. For some reason, the administrators in the solarium do not like him too much - maybe because the main fat comes from the rest of the cosmetics?

In addition to face cream, get body cream. You will need this cream in just 2 versions:

  • Cream for the first days of tanning- take a small package, you will need it for the first 2-3 sessions.
  • Cream for severely tanned skin- and here it is better to take a specific tube so that it lasts for a long time.

Be sure to buy sun protection lipstick- then I will write, for what else, besides lips, it can come in handy.

Is it worth buying expensive cosmetics for a solarium, or can I get cheaper ones?
Expensive cosmetics are applied easier, but otherwise - I assure you - there is almost no difference! And with that, and with another tan turns out wonderful!

Secrets of tanning the face in the solarium

Face cream

Be sure to use special face cream– it will protect your skin from photoaging! Apply immediately before tanning. Don't forget to apply protective lipstick on your lips.

Pink lamps in the solarium

Beware of tanning beds with special pink lamps, which are designed for intensive tanning of the face and décolleté. The fact is that the body tans more slowly than the face, and under such lamps it is easiest to get burned!

If you do not want to scare passers-by with a red-brown muzzle, avoid pink lamps, or do seances shorter.

How not to get a dark face

However, even under ordinary lamps, you can get too dark a complexion. Agree - in winter it looks more than unnatural. Solariums only for the body do not yet exist (in rare cities there are solariums “only for legs” - but this is rather an exception to the rule), so the way out is regular towel.

While sunbathing, you periodically cover your face with a towel. It is more convenient to do this in a horizontal solarium, but you can also get the hang of it in a vertical one.

Solarium and glasses

Sunglasses in a solarium are a necessary accessory, but if you sunbathe according to all the rules and wear glasses for the whole session, circles on your face will surely remain!

That's why: while in the solarium, glasses should be removed periodically, close your eyes with your hands, and then remove them altogether for a couple of minutes - let your face tan evenly.

Hair protection in the solarium

Hair in a tanning bed usually protects disposable caps which are sold there. However, no one else will use this hat except you - so you can use it until it is completely stretched.

Don't forget to wear a hat open ears and forehead otherwise they will remain white

Protecting the chest in the solarium

Nipple protector in solarium- a thing necessary, but enough Expensive if you visit the solarium often. What to do?

Use sun protection lipstick- carefully coat her nipples! I assure you that the protection is the same, because even after lipstick, characteristic untanned spots remain on the body.

Body tanning in the solarium

Always sunbathe in the same shorts!!!

  • Being in the solarium do not be afraid to smear panties with cream- after all, after the session, it will not be a pity to boil them.
  • Before entering the solarium, carefully straighten the panties on the body so that they coincide with the already existing tan - so the lines will be perfectly underlined!

But what about the back?

Before the solarium, I manage to smear cream on everything except my back. How to be?

But no way! The back tans so well- it is not necessary to smear it!

The transition of the cream from the body to the back is usually completely invisible. In addition, you still won’t be able to smear it properly, but you can earn a bad mood in this way ...


Smeared the body - dry your palms thoroughly wet wipe. Often the cream contains a little self-tanning - and after a solarium you can get brown palms.

Your safety

You won't have no fungus, no scabies if you follow my advice:

  • Before you enter the solarium, take a damp cloth and wipe everything you touch - handrails, floor...
  • After leaving the solarium, wipe with a damp cloth palms and feet- not much.
  • Be sure to take home shower.

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With the onset of autumn, something like artificial depression settles next to us: everything seems to be fine in life, and the prospects are not bad, and relatives and friends are nearby, but still, something seems to be missing, and at times it even seems that “everything is bad ". If you are familiar with this sensation, know that it is an illusion! This autumn with its cold weather and gloomy skies affects us so much. But do not be offended by her, she is not evil. Better yet, go sunbathing in the solarium! A visit to the solarium will give you a sunny brown shade of tanned skin. And as a nice bonus - a good mood. The main thing is to follow the rules of quartz tanning. They will be discussed in this article.

Solariums: cheap and cheerful

Life is full of contradictions. Swarthy enchantresses of the East hide behind a veil, and blondes burn their milky skin to blisters. In summer, glamorous girls take care of their skin, and with the beginning of autumn they go to solariums.

A solarium should be selected like a sauna and a face cream: according to skin type, age and services offered. It would not be superfluous to ask if there are stikini in the salon - stickers on the chest, glasses, cosmetics for the solarium and disposable slippers - it is possible that they will not be in small salons. It is important that after the session there is an opportunity to relax - the load after a few minutes of the solarium is the same as after two hours in the steam room. Therefore, immediately after the session, it is advisable to relax on the couch, and not storm the subway car.

In the West, the disadvantages of going to the solarium include the fact that you get addicted to it, like a drug. In the UK, tanning beds are not allowed for children under 16. In 27 US states, teenagers cannot visit tanning salons and studios without the written permission of their parents. Although if my child said that without the chocolate color of the skin they feel naked, I would not take him to the solarium, but to a psychiatrist.

There are two main types of solariums - horizontal and vertical. Whichever one you choose, it is important that the lamps in it are in good working order. You are required to present a UV certificate upon request and tell you when the lamps were last changed. The certificate indicates the percentage of ultraviolet B. For people with delicate skin, it should be about 0.7%, for dark-skinned people - up to 2.4%.

Horizontal solarium

The solarium can be one-sided, consisting of an acrylic bed and a reflective panel. Such models are considered semi-professional, they do not pretend to perform large amounts of work, and now they are almost never found in salons. Bilateral solariums are jokingly called sandwiches - the tan sticks on both sides, but sometimes in those places where the skin comes into contact with the acrylic coating, they remain. The lamps used in horizontal solariums are low power, and some models provide soft radiation for the face - so the tanning time can vary from 10 minutes to half an hour.

Vertical solarium

It is a cabin in which you can stand, holding the handrails for convenience, or you can dance - some believe that this is a better tan. Tanning in vertical solariums is even and natural. The lamps of an upright tanning bed are usually stronger. Therefore, the tanning time is reduced to 10-13 minutes.

Turbo solariums

This is a type of vertical solarium. In fact, the prefix "turbo" means that a powerful cooling system is built into the device, which allows it to work for a long time. But in practice, turbo tanning beds are called devices equipped with fashionable beauty: a cooling system that excludes sweating, a music center, aroma installations, several tanning programs, and a mirror floor. There is even an elevator so that short clients can use the “special radiation for the face” option! As a rule, turbo solariums are equipped with more powerful lamps, so the tanning time is 7-8 minutes.

Who doesn't need a solarium?

Solarium is contraindicated in case of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland, diseases of the liver and heart, mastopathy.
Pregnant, lactating women and ladies should not go to the solarium on critical days.
The solarium has age restrictions: children under 15 and older people over 70 should not sunbathe. The delicate skin of children is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays, and it is better for grandparents to consult a doctor.
In people belonging to the so-called "Celtic" phototype (milk-white skin, red or light blond hair, light eyes), the risk of burns is too great.

Before entering the cockpit...

Check with your doctor. If he finds no contraindications, discuss the best tanning regimen for you.
Before the solarium, it is necessary to wash off all cosmetics without soap - otherwise an allergic reaction is possible. It is advisable to use a hygienic lipstick with a UV filter and protect your hair with a scarf or a light cap.
Be sure to find out where the solarium has a start button. If you feel even the slightest discomfort, immediately press the stop button and call the service personnel.

How often can you visit the solarium?

This is an individual matter. According to the internationally accepted formula, also known as the euronorm, a maximum of 60 sessions per year. You can not sunbathe more than twice a day. Some experts believe that you can visit the solarium every other day, but not more than three times a week, others believe that 4-5 daily procedures once every 4-6 months are enough for good health. It is only necessary to remember that too high doses of ultraviolet radiation cause skin aging.

How to get a tan faster in a solarium?

It is believed that a vertical solarium is more suitable for a quick tan. This is not entirely true. The speed of tanning does not depend on the shape of the solarium, but on the power and number of lamps, and you can find a powerful horizontal and weak vertical solarium.

Tanning in a solarium can be enhanced, and the skin can be protected with the help of professional cosmetics for a solarium - almost every beauty salon has it. There are three types of preparations for solariums: developers, fixatives and activators. When choosing them, it is better to consult a professional or a friend experienced in the "solar" business: one cosmetic is suitable for beginners, the other is intended only for tanned skin.

Many of the fair sex want to have an even bronze skin tone throughout the year. Not everyone has the opportunity in the winter cold to give up on rest in another hemisphere, get a tan, and upon returning to amaze others with a fresh look. The solution in this case may be a visit to the solarium.


Artificial lighting will not harm only if the rules are followed. Reasonable use of the solarium has a positive effect:

  • the process of vitamin D synthesis starts, and this, in turn, helps to better absorb calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bones;
  • the immune system receives powerful support;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • the body is charged with energy and good mood;
  • there is an opportunity to gradually prepare for the hot summer and reduce the risk of sunburn.

Two types of sources are used: high and low pressure. The first option allows you to quickly get a bronze color. This is due to the greater number of A-rays. Melanin reacts more actively to their effects. Recommended for people with dark skin and in the presence of a tan. The second type gives light consisting of A- and B-rays. It acts more slowly, but lasts a long time. Suitable for fair-skinned people.

According to the design, they are distinguished: horizontal, vertical, turbo-solarium and in the form of an armchair. The latter is used to give shade to the visible parts of the body. The solarium of vertical type differs in the greatest power. But to get a tan, you have to work hard. You will have to raise your hands up to illuminate the sides. In a horizontal design, the client can sit comfortably and get a tan that lasts longer. The most comfortable is the turbo solarium. This is due to the presence of an air cooling system inside the flask.


Like any procedure, a visit to the solarium can be fraught with danger if you do not adhere to strict rules of conduct. Those who use the solarium constantly face the problem of dry skin, premature wrinkles. If you do not use protective and caring products, hair suffers greatly. They become brittle, lifeless and begin to fall out.

Frequent procedures lead to constant production of melatonin, and this can cause skin cancer. In some types of diseases, excess radiation exacerbates chronic ailments. Coarseness of the upper layer is often the cause of pore closure. This is bad for the skin.

To get a beautiful tan in a solarium, you must follow the following rules. Then cosmetic actions will not affect the state of health and will allow you to tan well:

  • Consultation. Before starting the procedures, it is important to find out from the doctor possible contraindications. If there are problems with the skin (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), heart, liver, such a visit is indispensable.
  • Peeling. The skin needs to be prepared: freed from dead particles and smoothed. A day before visiting the salon, a scrub with abrasive particles is used. You can use home remedies (for example: ground coffee, oatmeal, sea salt).
  • Ban on water procedures. The day before the scheduled session, do not epilate. The use of perfumes and other perfume products, soaps and shower gels before visiting the salon is undesirable. It is better to leave a natural film on the skin. This will help maintain a normal balance and protect against burns.
  • Make-up for tanning. Products with radiation filters have no place in the solarium. There is a special line for such a procedure. Some products will allow you to tan faster, others will effectively fix the result.
  • Visiting schedule. After a few sessions, the desired shade will be achieved. But in order to achieve color consistency, the procedure will have to be repeated regularly.
  • Time. The duration of the session depends on the phototype of the person. Fair-skinned people should start with 3 minutes, and dark-skinned people with 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 15 minutes. The number of sessions in the first case is 2-3 times a week. To achieve a beautiful skin tone, you will have to visit the salon longer. The rest, in order to get a tan, are allowed to visit the solarium every day.
  • Means of protection. It is important to protect your hair and eyes from radiation. Always wear special goggles and a cap. Pamper your hair with a nourishing mask. This will protect the hair from drying out and weakening. Use the same set of cotton underwear so as not to get a zebra effect. If the goal is to tan completely, you need to take care of purchasing a protective spray for the intimate area. Don't forget to leave decorations at home. It is important to protect nipples and moles from exposure to radiation. Lip balm is used. It will protect delicate skin from overdrying and exposure to ultraviolet rays. You will also need slippers and a towel. Some salons provide disposable items, but you can use your own.
  • Bronzers. At the same time, you can apply creams that give a tanning effect or use natural products (walnut extract, cocoa butter, etc.).
  • Lamp life. In order to avoid dangerous consequences, it is worth reading the lamp replacement log. The duration of use is indicated in the accompanying documents. If the deadlines (400–500 hours) are exceeded, then it is unacceptable to apply them.
  • To tan evenly, it is useful to take turns visiting a vertical and horizontal solarium. Turning off the top row of lamps will help protect your skin from excessive radiation.

At the end of the session, it is advised to rest for 2 hours and not perform water procedures. This will help the tan to set in. A cup of green tea will help restore lost moisture.


After the end of the course, the tan lasts for a month. The skin is then brightened as a result of natural renewal. There are subtleties that allow you to maintain a bronze tint for a longer time:

  • Moisturizing and nourishing care products.
  • Foods high in vitamins A, E, C should be on the daily menu. Vegetables and fruits of red, yellow colors, milk, eggs, spinach, beef liver, cheese will help maintain a tan.
  • A glass of carrot juice before each session will allow you to tan faster and keep the result.


With the vertical method, there is a problem with the skin of the legs. She doesn't tan well. For this, booths with a mirror floor are produced. Light, reflected from it, has a better effect on inaccessible areas. The option looks interesting - a solarium with a shower. It is known that water attracts ultraviolet rays. The result is a more even color.


You should not take a visit to the solarium with great zeal. Any cosmetic procedures should emphasize the dignity of a person and help to look natural. Passion for the process can lead to the appearance of a shade that is too dark, which visually adds several years. In addition, this approach will have a detrimental effect on the state of the body. Excess radiation can provoke the development of dangerous diseases.
