How to understand that there was a spontaneous miscarriage. What does an early miscarriage look like? Examination for recurrent miscarriage

A miscarriage is considered to be an abortion before 22 weeks or with a fetal weight of less than 500 g, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of fetal life.

How does a miscarriage happen?

A miscarriage is the premature exit of the fetus from the mother's body. There are two options for the course of this process, which directly depend on the timing of pregnancy.

The first option is a miscarriage by the type of rejection. This type of miscarriage occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy as a result of the immune conflict between the mother and the fetus. As a result, there is a violation of the functions of the future placenta and the production of antibodies to the cells of a "foreign" organism. In this case, the chorion is destroyed, and the fetal egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by bleeding of varying degrees - more often it is heavy bleeding.

The second variant of miscarriage occurs according to the type of childbirth, and is observed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The main role in this variant is played by a change in the tone of the uterus - a significant increase in the tone of the uterine muscles or insufficiency of the closing apparatus of the uterus. In this case, there are contractions, the opening of the cervix and the birth of the fetus.

How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred?

With miscarriages in the first trimester, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, smearing red-brown compartments appear, bleeding may occur, and sometimes the urge to urinate and defecate. In this case, the fetus completely or partially leaves the uterine cavity with blood clots.

At a later date, a miscarriage proceeds according to the type of premature birth with contractions and cramping pain, the release of amniotic fluid and the fetus with its membranes, in whole or in part.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs?

If you notice the appearance of bloody compartments in the early stages of pregnancy, consult a doctor immediately, as there is a chance to save the pregnancy before heavy bleeding occurs. With heavy bleeding, hospitalization is necessary, since large blood loss, blood poisoning and death for a woman are possible. Preservation of pregnancy in such cases, as a rule, fails.

If a late miscarriage occurs, a visit to the doctor or hospitalization is also necessary, since the fetal membranes may remain in the uterine cavity, the infection of which is a threat to the life and health of the mother.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs at home?

In case of any miscarriage or suspicion of it, call a doctor or an ambulance immediately! Try to clearly and distinctly tell the dispatcher your address, the symptoms that bother you and the timing of pregnancy.

You should also know what a woman needs to do before help arrives if a miscarriage occurs:

  1. Lie on the bed with a rolled-up blanket or pillow under your buttocks to help reduce bleeding.
  2. Cold (ice pack, if there is none - any frozen foods wrapped in a towel, a heating pad with as cold water as possible) on the lower abdomen.
  3. Remember your blood type and Rh factor (blood transfusion may be needed). It is better to write this information down and put a note next to it.
  4. Do not throw away diapers, towels and blood-soaked materials - the doctor needs them to assess blood loss.
  5. Monitor your general condition - measure blood pressure and pulse before the doctor arrives.
  6. If possible, prepare a set of instruments for gynecological examination and curettage.

What happens after a miscarriage?

After a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, the membranes of the fetus, blood clots, and remnants of amniotic fluid remain in the birth canal, which become infected and decompose. The complete exit of all membranes is extremely rare, which requires diagnostic curettage of the remnants of the uterine cavity and suturing of ruptures, if any.

Spontaneous miscarriages are a signal of the need for examination to prevent future abortions. It is necessary to find out the cause of the miscarriage and eliminate it. In the early stages of pregnancy, miscarriages rarely threaten a woman's reproductive health and more often prevent the birth of a child with chromosomal developmental anomalies, often incompatible with life.

It's good when the pregnancy is desired. However, two clear stripes on the test do not at all guarantee that the baby will be all right until birth. Sometimes the female body, for some reason, independently gets rid of the fetus some time after its appearance. We are talking about miscarriage in early pregnancy. Why is this happening and is there a way to prevent trouble?

Let's turn to impartial statistics: a quarter of all early-term pregnancies are doomed to spontaneous termination. In order to be able to influence the course of events, it is important to know the causes of a miscarriage and its signs.

How does an early miscarriage occur?

Unfortunately, in the presence of serious prerequisites for spontaneous abortion at an early stage, it is almost impossible to reverse the pathological process. The fetus at this time is so small that the woman does not even understand what is happening to her. At first glance, it looks like the resumption of the menstrual cycle after a long delay (1 - 2 weeks). Menstruation, more abundant than usual, is accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, not all women go to the hospital after the incident. Only a few get to see a doctor - mostly those who are frightened by the appearance of a blood clot that has come out, resembling a torn bladder. Ideally, all women need a medical examination - if there really was a miscarriage, then additional cleaning may be necessary after it.

When a woman is aware of her "interesting" situation, it is much easier for her to predict the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage at an early date. First of all, you should carefully monitor the sensations in the lower abdomen and back. Painful dull and pulling spasms, smearing discharge with bloody or tissue lumps signal danger. If you seek medical help immediately, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy.

An early miscarriage is said to be when the pregnancy ends spontaneously before the 12th week of the fetus's existence. A late miscarriage occurs for up to 22 weeks, and subject to the timely and coordinated actions of doctors, a premature baby has every chance of surviving.

Early miscarriage: prejudice

There are many myths in society about the causes of spontaneous abortion. How to avoid an early miscarriage, you will be told on any women's forum, but not all advice can be trusted. It is reliably known that before the 12th week of pregnancy, the following factors do not pose a threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • air travel by plane;
  • minor blunt trauma in the abdomen;
  • moderate exercise;
  • a single case of spontaneous abortion up to 12 weeks in history;
  • active sex life;
  • stress.

The real causes of miscarriage in the early stages

Doctors cite many socio-biological and medical factors as the reasons for spontaneous abortion. It is often very difficult to determine what exactly caused the misfortune: sometimes a miscarriage is based on one factor, and sometimes a whole complex. A certain percentage of women are familiar with this pathology firsthand: the unfortunate survived several miscarriages in a row. In medical circles, this phenomenon was designated as habitual miscarriage. We list the most serious and common factors that cause the threat of miscarriage in the early stages:

  • most often, the body itself gets rid of non-viable offspring if the appearance and development of the fetus is associated with a certain anomaly or genetic pathology. This may be a hereditary “breakdown” at the gene level or a spontaneous mutation caused by radiation, a dangerous virus, or a difficult environmental situation. Medicine, alas, cannot change or prevent this process. That is why thorough preparation for the upcoming pregnancy is impossible without the advice of future parents from a geneticist;
  • a significant danger to the normal development of pregnancy is a violation of the immune and hormonal systems. A woman needs to pass the necessary check at the stage of planning a child, then doctors will be able to eliminate all the "pitfalls" in advance. Quite often, progesterone deficiency, an excess of androgens, pathologies in the activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands become an obstacle to fulfilling the dream of motherhood;
  • Another urgent problem for the successful development of the fetus in the womb of a woman is the Rhesus conflict. The mother's body reacts to the fetus as a foreign object and gets rid of it, since the Rh factor of its blood is with the “-” sign, and it was taken from the father with the “+” sign. If concerns about this are real, the situation is corrected with the help of immunomodulatory therapy even at the stage of pregnancy planning;

  • The undoubted enemy of a healthy pregnancy is infection (regardless of origin). In particular, these are all diseases that are transmitted “through the bed”: herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Pathogens, affecting the fetal membranes, infect the fetus, which leads to miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy;
  • a disappointing ending of early pregnancy awaits a woman with chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of internal organs. The most insidious of them: viral hepatitis, rubella, pneumonia, influenza, severe tonsillitis;
  • it is extremely difficult for the female body to cope with pregnancy because of the stress caused by abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancies in the past threatens with secondary infertility and habitual miscarriage in the future. A woman must certainly inform the doctor about such facts of her biography during pregnancy planning;

  • one should not ignore such individual characteristics of the female body, such as, for example, congenital anomalies of development and oncological diseases of the internal genital organs, ICI. These and other pathologies exclude pregnancy as such.

The first symptoms of a miscarriage in the early stages

The nature of the development of a miscarriage excludes simultaneity - spontaneous abortion can be divided into several stages. So, let's find out how to determine an early miscarriage.

The first "bells" are painful sensations covering the back in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Often at the same time, brownish or reddish clots stand out from the genital tract. Blood during an early miscarriage is a very dangerous sign that indicates that tissue detachment has begun. Even a few drops of blood on underwear are a serious reason for immediate medical attention. Reliable prevention of spontaneous abortion is a regular visit to the antenatal clinic for a routine examination and delivery of all necessary tests. Only in this way will the expectant mother be sure that everything is in order with her baby.

What does an early miscarriage look like: the main stages

The first stage of the pathology, the signs of which we learned above, is very common in expectant mothers. To save the baby, expectant mothers are forced to lie on the conservation of almost the entire prenatal contractions. The initial stage of the pathology is marked by hypertonicity of the uterus, bleeding and discomfort, reminiscent of contractions.

The second stage of violation leads to more serious consequences. At this moment, all the signs already indicate a full-fledged miscarriage at an early stage: a fragmentary detachment of the fetal egg from the inner wall of the uterus begins. However, at this time, the trouble can still be prevented, doctors say. This is possible thanks to the immediate and coordinated intervention of professionals, provided that the pregnant woman got to the hospital in a timely manner.

The next stage of spontaneous abortion at an early stage is a miscarriage on the go. Now there is nothing to help the fetus. The pregnant woman is suddenly seized by sharp spasms, bleeding begins almost immediately - the most convincing sign of an early miscarriage. This indicates the final death of the fetal egg, which comes out in whole or in part (incomplete miscarriage). In the photo, a fetal egg with an early miscarriage:

Pathology ends with a complete spontaneous abortion. After an early miscarriage, the uterus contracts and quickly returns to "pre-pregnant" size. A complication in this case is an incomplete abortion or missed pregnancy (diagnosed on ultrasound), when there is a high risk of pus formation or the onset of sepsis.

How to recognize a miscarriage early

At first glance, it is quite simple to determine a miscarriage, so some women believe that if they feel well after the incident, they can neglect a visit to the hospital. However, this is a dangerous delusion: all signs of spontaneous abortion at an early stage are also characteristic of other, more serious diseases that, without proper diagnosis, can be mistaken for a miscarriage:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • malignant formation in the cervical region;
  • bloodless torsion of an ovarian cyst;
  • cervical injury.

These conditions can be excluded only within the walls of a medical institution.

What to do with an early miscarriage

Unfortunately, doctors are not able to radically change the course of events at the very beginning of pregnancy - you cannot go against nature.

It is common practice to prescribe Tranexam to stop bleeding. If a woman has had several failed pregnancies in the past, Utrozhestan will be prescribed. When, thanks to the efforts of doctors, the pregnancy can be brought to the second trimester, with a threatened miscarriage, it is worth applying stitches or a pessary if there is a short cervix with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In principle, this is where the methods of dealing with pathology end.

Now we list what will not help in the process of developing a miscarriage:

  • bed rest - a conscious decrease in the mother's motor activity cannot stop a miscarriage if there are real prerequisites for its accomplishment;
  • taking drugs: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6, Analgin.

A few weeks after a complete miscarriage, a woman needs to see a doctor and donate blood to analyze the level of hCG. If all indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the level of the hormone has not decreased at all, or has decreased, but has not dropped to the required minimum, there is a possibility of a mole. This is a dangerous complication that requires immediate medical attention.

An abortion in progress can be completed in several ways. If, during the examination, blood is still excreted from the vagina, and the fetal egg or embryo is still in the uterus, the doctor may determine the following tactics of action:

  • expectant approach lasting up to 7 days (perhaps the body will reject the unnecessary without outside interference);
  • a drug approach (a woman is prescribed Misoprostol, under the influence of which the uterine muscles are strongly compressed and bring the remnants of the fetal egg out);
  • surgical cleaning (if vaginal bleeding becomes massive).

How to prevent early miscarriage

To exclude all possible factors that provoke an early miscarriage, you need to acquire offspring under the professional guidance of a doctor. To do this, a woman undergoes a full examination not during pregnancy, but even at the stage of planning a child. This is the only way to make sure that there are no various “breakdowns” at the cellular level and internal pathologies. Moreover, future parents are reviewing and adjusting their usual lifestyle in accordance with the upcoming changes: at this stage, it is important to put an end to addictions, adjust the daily routine and diet.

Early miscarriage: how to understand where to go next

After such a crushing failure, the woman is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment. If the cause of the incident could not be established earlier, doctors will conduct the necessary diagnostics to determine it now. This is important, otherwise a woman runs the risk of facing the same problem the next time she prepares for motherhood.

The ultrasound procedure is a mandatory step after an early miscarriage. If there are fragments of an egg or embryo in the uterus, a woman will need a cleaning to avoid the development of inflammation or infection. After all the necessary procedures, the doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibiotic therapy, which will exclude various infectious diseases, as well as a course of hormones that will put the woman's endocrine system in order.

Among other things, a failed mother is in dire need of professional psychological support. The loss of a baby, even if it is so tiny, leaves an indelible imprint in the mind of a woman. It is important to experience this moment with the support of a psychologist or relatives.

It is wrong to fence oneself off from the outside world and remain alone with one's misfortune, so negative emotions will simply “eat up” all hope for the best. Psychologists recommend that women who have experienced a miscarriage not be ashamed of their feelings and not hold back aggression and tears - the sooner you can get rid of them, the faster the recovery will come. And in no case should you be afraid of the future: modern medicine and competent doctors will do everything possible so that a new pregnancy ends with the triumphant cry of a long-awaited baby!

A slight delay, a positive pregnancy test, and beginning spotting from the vagina is an approximate picture of an early miscarriage. It happens that a woman does not even suspect that she was pregnant and believes that she just started another menstruation. Sometimes you can understand if there was a miscarriage or menstruation only if you donate blood for the hCG hormone on one of the first days of bleeding: if an increased amount of it is found, then there was still a pregnancy.

When Can Abortion Occur?

Many who do not know what a miscarriage looks like are used to believing that spontaneous abortion can only occur in the first days after pregnancy, but this is not entirely true. Termination of pregnancy for physiological reasons can occur at any time, if this happens after 22 weeks, then doctors will call such a case premature birth. But in the first days of the delay, the fetal egg is too small to distinguish it from ordinary clots - pieces of the endometrium. Usually, information about what an early miscarriage looks like is of interest to those who have had it in the first few weeks.

So, only after the fifth week of pregnancy it is already possible to understand what an early miscarriage looks like, and to distinguish its menstruation. Usually at this time, the girl already knows about the onset of pregnancy and any pain localized in the lower abdomen, and even more so bloody discharge from the vagina, should scare her. In this situation, it is better to call an ambulance, not refuse hospitalization, so as not to see with your own eyes what an early miscarriage looks like.

In some cases, only in a hospital setting can the baby be saved. So, if you feel intense, sometimes cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which for some may radiate to the lower back, and blood is released from the genital tract, then this is a beginning miscarriage. At home, spontaneous interruption can end even in a couple of hours: a fetal egg will come out of the uterus. For a period of about 5-6 weeks, it is approximately the size of a quail egg, the color varies from flesh to gray, with streaks of blood. After just a couple of weeks, the fetal egg is much larger, if it comes out completely, then it is an elongated oval shape, often resembling a deflated ball. True, there are few chances that a complete miscarriage will occur with the expulsion of all membranes from the uterus.

Spontaneous interruption: tactics of action

If you have already realized that you have lost a child and found out what an early miscarriage looks like, you need to seek help from the hospital. After all, you cannot be sure that all the membranes of the fetal egg have come out of you and nothing is left in the uterus. This can only be verified with an ultrasound. Any tissues remaining in the uterine cavity can cause inflammation, decay of foreign tissues and, as a result, lead to intoxication of the woman's body. In addition, as a result of complete detachment of the fetal egg, bleeding may open. This can cause the removal of the uterus or, in case of untimely assistance, lead to the death of a woman. If any problems are found in the gynecology department, the uterine cavity is cleaned: the procedure for carrying it out resembles an abortion.

A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within the first 22 weeks after conception.

The main symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, which is accompanied by cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. Scanty spotting from the vagina is quite common in the first trimester of pregnancy (first 12 weeks) and is not an unambiguous sign of a miscarriage.

Miscarriage can be triggered by various factors, although the exact cause is not always possible to determine. Most often, pregnancy loss occurs due to circumstances beyond the control of the woman. Most women have only one miscarriage and the next pregnancy proceeds normally.

Miscarriages happen much more often than many people think. The probability of this is approximately 1:7. Very often, miscarriages occur unnoticed by a woman, when she does not yet realize that she is pregnant. Three or more miscarriages in a row (called habitual miscarriage) are rare, occurring in about 1% of women.

If you know you are pregnant and notice vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, call an ambulance by calling your home number 03 or mobile 911 or 112. An ambulance will take you to the gynecological department of the hospital, where doctors will perform an examination: examination, analysis for hCG and ultrasound of the genital organs.

Treatment tactics will depend on the duration of pregnancy, the desire to keep the child and the type of miscarriage. In the early stages of a miscarriage, it is possible to maintain a pregnancy with the help of a regimen and medical support. If the miscarriage has already occurred, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of the tissues of the fetus and placenta from the uterine cavity, which is possible with the help of medications or surgery.

Miscarriage symptoms

The most common symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. Bloody discharge is scanty or abundant bright red or brown-brown. Bleeding can periodically pass and resume within a few days. However, light vaginal bleeding is quite common in the first trimester of pregnancy (first 12 weeks) and is not a clear sign of a miscarriage.

Other symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • cramps or pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge of fluid from the vagina;
  • isolation of fetal tissue from the vagina;
  • cessation of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, soreness, and breast engorgement.

Most miscarriages occur in the early stages up to 4-8 weeks, less often - up to 12 weeks. At this time, a woman may not yet know about pregnancy and take the appearance of spotting for the next menstruation. Most of these cases end happily. However, it is possible to develop severe complications, sometimes life-threatening. For example, the appearance of spotting and abdominal pain against the background of a slight delay in menstruation is typical for ectopic pregnancy, which can lead to the death of a woman from bleeding and shock.

Another cause of complications can be an infection of the uterus - endometritis, accompanied by high fever, prolonged discharge and abdominal pain. Another cause of complications is cystic drift - the development of atypical, tumor tissues from the remains of the fetal egg. Therefore, if vaginal bleeding occurs outside of menstruation, contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, who If there is a delay in menstruation, or you already know that you are pregnant, call an ambulance by calling 03 - from a landline phone, 112 or 911 - from a mobile phone.

Causes of miscarriage

It is not always possible to determine the exact cause of a miscarriage, but there are many factors that can affect the course of pregnancy. A miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy (from 1 to 12 weeks) usually occurs due to fetal developmental disorders, genetic defects. Early miscarriages account for approximately 75% of all cases.

Early miscarriage

Early pregnancy loss can be accidental, but there are several factors that increase the chance of a miscarriage. The age of the mother matters here:

  • in women under 30, the risk is 10%;
  • in women 35-39 years old, the risk is 20%;
  • in women over 45, the risk is over 50%.

Other risk factors:

  • smoking during pregnancy;
  • drug use during pregnancy;
  • consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine per day (a cup of tea contains about 75 mg of caffeine, a cup of instant coffee contains about 100 mg);
  • drinking more than two units of alcohol per week: a unit of alcohol equals 250 ml of medium strength beer, a small glass of wine or 25 ml of spirits.

One of the immediate causes of early miscarriage may be a chromosomal abnormality. Chromosomes are densely packed DNA molecules that contain genetic information about all aspects of the growth, development and appearance of an unborn child, down to its eye color. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, a failure occurs during conception, and the embryo has an incorrect set of chromosomes. This means that the fetus will not be able to develop normally, and a miscarriage occurs. According to some estimates, about 60% of all miscarriages occur due to chromosomal abnormalities.

Another possible cause is the pathology of the placenta. The placenta is the tissue that connects the circulatory system of the mother and fetus. If any failure occurs during the formation of the placenta, this can lead to a miscarriage.

Miscarriage in the second trimester

The risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is increased with certain chronic diseases, such as:

  • diabetes mellitus (decompensated);
  • extremely high blood pressure;
  • lupus (a disease in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue);
  • hyperactivity of the thyroid gland;
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

The following infectious diseases also increase the risk of miscarriage:

  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • malaria.

The chance of miscarriage is increased by taking the following medicines:

  • misoprostol (taken to treat stomach ulcers)
  • retinoids (analogues of vitamin A, used to treat eczema and acne);
  • methotrexate (taken to treat rheumatoid arthritis);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (used to relieve pain and inflammation).

Before taking the medicine, make sure that it is suitable for pregnant women.

Features of the structure of the uterus and tumors. Incorrect structure of the uterus and neoplasms in the uterus (for example, benign neoplasms, the so-called fibroids) can also lead to miscarriage in the second trimester.

Weakness of the cervix. In some women, the muscles of the cervix are weakened. This is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI), which usually occurs as a result of trauma after surgery in this area. This can cause the cervix to dilate prematurely, causing a miscarriage.

Polycystic ovaries (PCOS). With PCOS, a woman's ovaries are enlarged, which can cause a hormonal imbalance in the body and an abortion. Polycystic is considered the main cause of infertility. Research also suggests that the condition increases the risk of miscarriage in fertile women. However, the exact relationship between them has not been established.

Misconceptions about miscarriage

If there are no other aggravating causes, that is, the woman is healthy and the pregnancy develops normally, the following factors do not increase the risk of miscarriage:

  • the psychological state of the pregnant woman, such as stress or depression;
  • shock or severe fright;
  • physical activity (the level of permissible physical activity should be discussed with the doctor);
  • lifting weights or straining;
  • work during pregnancy;
  • sex during pregnancy.

habitual miscarriage

Many women, having experienced a miscarriage, are afraid that it will happen again. But only 1% of women experience repeated miscarriages. Three or more miscarriages in a row are called recurrent miscarriage. However, this problem is treated, and most women with this diagnosis manage to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

Diagnosis of a miscarriage

Evaluation for suspected miscarriage usually includes a gynecological examination, transvaginal ultrasound, and an hCG test. The examination will confirm whether there was a miscarriage, and also whether parts of the fetal egg remained in the uterus (complete or incomplete miscarriage).

First of all, the doctor will conduct a gynecological examination to examine the vagina, cervix, identify the source of bleeding, areas of greatest pain, and assess the size of the uterus.

Then, as a rule, a transvaginal ultrasound (ultrasound) is prescribed to accurately determine the size of the uterus, the presence of a fetus or remnants of fetal tissues in the uterus, and the fetal heartbeat. To do this, a small probe is inserted into the vagina - a vaginal probe. This procedure can be a little uncomfortable, but usually does not cause pain. If desired, an ultrasound can be performed with an abdominal sensor - through the wall of the abdomen. Neither type of examination will harm the fetus or increase the risk of miscarriage.

In addition, a blood test for hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is prescribed. It is a hormone produced during pregnancy. Sometimes progesterone levels are also measured. If the result is doubtful, the tests can be repeated after 48 hours. In some cases, it is impossible to immediately confirm a miscarriage based on ultrasound and blood tests. For example, at an early stage of fetal development (less than 6 weeks). In this case, it is recommended to repeat the examination after 1-2 weeks.

Sometimes a miscarriage is diagnosed during regular antenatal care checkups. An ultrasound may show that there is no fetal heartbeat or that the fetus is too small for the given term. This is called a missed pregnancy.

Examination for recurrent miscarriage

3 or more miscarriages in a row are called recurrent miscarriage. In this case, additional tests and examinations are prescribed to identify the causes of miscarriage, although in about half of the women it is not possible to establish them. These tests and examinations are described below.

Karyotyping- This is a cytogenetic study that allows you to study the structure and count the number of chromosomes. With the help of karyotyping, both partners are examined to identify chromosomal abnormalities - a possible cause of pregnancy loss.

If the analysis reveals chromosomal abnormalities, you will be referred to a clinical geneticist, a specialist who provides genetic counseling. He will talk about the chances of a successful pregnancy in the future, as well as available treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Blood tests are appointed to check the content of the following substances in it:

  • luteinizing hormone - involved in the development of the egg;
  • antibodies to phospholipids (APL) and lupus anticoagulant (LA) - this test is performed twice with an interval of six weeks, before pregnancy.

Antibodies to phospholipids increase the risk of blood clots, which disrupt the blood supply to the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

miscarriage treatment

The tactics of treatment for miscarriage depends on its type, stage and results of the examination.

Miscarriages in the early stages (up to 4-8, and sometimes 12 weeks) often go undiagnosed, because the woman does not know that she was pregnant, takes the bleeding for the next menstruation and does not go to the doctor. In some cases, such miscarriages end with a complete cleansing of the uterine cavity, stopping bleeding and restoring general well-being without treatment. However, there is a high probability of dangerous complications that can threaten not only the health, but also the life of a woman. Therefore, with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina and pain in the lower abdomen against the background of a delay in menstruation, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, and with an already established pregnancy, call an ambulance.

The doctor will conduct an urgent examination and, if a miscarriage is confirmed, prescribe treatment. Modern methods of medical and surgical treatment in some cases make it possible to maintain a pregnancy, and if a miscarriage has already occurred, to avoid complications and restore the reproductive function of a woman.

The goal of treatment is to completely remove fetal tissue from the uterus, stop bleeding and prevent infectious complications. If the bleeding that occurs indicates a threat of miscarriage (fetal rejection has not yet occurred), and the woman wants to keep the pregnancy, preservation therapy is carried out.

If a miscarriage is suspected, a woman is usually hospitalized.

Medical treatment for miscarriage

Drug therapy for miscarriage consists of taking medications:

  • reducing the uterus;
  • increasing blood clotting;
  • antibacterial and antifungal agents.

Sometimes a special treatment is prescribed to cleanse the uterine cavity from the remnants of fetal tissues. As a rule, medicine is offered in the form of a medical candle, which is inserted into the vagina and dissolves there, but if desired, it can be replaced with tablets.

For these purposes, the drug mifepristone is more often used, and after two days - misoprostol, which begins to act after a few hours. The result of therapy will be the appearance of cramping pains in the lower abdomen and profuse bleeding from the vagina.

Take a pregnancy test three weeks after taking the medicine. If the result is positive, further tests will be needed to make sure you don't have an ectopic pregnancy or a mole.

Surgery for a miscarriage

If a miscarriage is accompanied by heavy bleeding, it is urgent to remove the remnants of fetal tissue from the uterus. To do this, the uterine cavity is scraped out with a special surgical instrument, and the resulting tissues are sent to the laboratory for analysis. During the operation, the cervix is ​​opened with a special dilator, if necessary, and the remaining tissue of the fetus is removed. The operation is performed under anesthesia.

In some cases, instead of scraping the uterus, vacuum aspiration is used - a more gentle removal of the contents of the uterus in early pregnancy. However, this method is not always effective.

With a large blood loss, transfusion of donor blood components may be required. If you are Rh negative, you should be given an anti-D immune globulin after surgery to prevent Rh conflict in future pregnancies.

Preservation of pregnancy

With the threat of a miscarriage, a miscarriage that has begun and the desire of a woman to maintain a pregnancy, special therapy is prescribed:

  • bed rest;
  • abstaining from sex;
  • drugs that reduce uterine contractility and hormone therapy, depending on the period and condition of the woman.

After a miscarriage

As a rule, these are examinations for sexual infections, tests for the level of sex hormones depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, antibodies to phospholipids (APL) and lupus anticoagulant (LA).

It is advisable to plan the next pregnancy and, with a successful attempt at conception, contact a gynecologist as early as possible in order to control the course of pregnancy from the very beginning and prevent possible problems in time.

A miscarriage can have a strong psychological impact. Many experience a sense of bereavement. You may feel tired, lose your appetite, and sleep little, as well as guilt, shock, or anger (sometimes directed at your partner, friends, or family who have had a successful pregnancy).

Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Communication with people helps someone, it is too difficult for others to discuss what happened. Some women come to terms with a miscarriage after a few weeks and start planning their next pregnancy. Others, at least for some time, cannot even think about a new pregnancy.

The father of the child may also experience a sense of loss. It may be more difficult for him to express his feelings, especially if he believes that he should support the mother of the child, and not vice versa. Discuss your feelings with each other. If you or your partner cannot cope with grief, find a good psychologist or psychotherapist. There are also support groups for people who have experienced a miscarriage.

Refrain from sex until all symptoms are gone. Menstruation should resume 4-6 weeks after the miscarriage, but the cycle may not return to normal until a few months later. If you don't want to get pregnant, start using birth control right away. Plan your pregnancy in advance: consult your doctor, make sure you are mentally and physically ready for this. Remember that most often a miscarriage occurs only once, and then you can successfully bear a child.

Prevention of miscarriage

It is not always possible to prevent a miscarriage, since many of its causes do not depend on either the woman or the man. However, some tips will help reduce the likelihood of pregnancy loss.

To reduce the risk of miscarriage:

  • stop smoking during pregnancy;
  • give up alcohol and drugs during pregnancy;
  • eat healthy, eat at least five servings of fresh vegetables and fruits a day;
  • try to avoid certain infectious diseases during pregnancy, such as rubella;
  • maintain normal weight before conception (see below).

If the body mass index exceeds 30, they are said to be obese. This disease increases the risk of pregnancy loss. You can calculate your body mass index yourself or get yours from your doctor.

To protect yourself and your baby, it is better to get rid of excess weight before pregnancy. Normal weight avoids the risks associated with obesity during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about how you can lose weight or find a good nutritionist.

While there is no evidence that losing weight during pregnancy will reduce the risk of miscarriage, a healthy diet and physical activity, such as walking or swimming, are beneficial for all pregnant women. If you have led a sedentary lifestyle, check with your doctor before starting regular exercise during pregnancy.

Sometimes it is possible to determine the cause of the miscarriage, and in such cases, treatment helps to keep the pregnancy in the future. Below are some of the causes of miscarriage that can be treated.

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)- a disease that causes the formation of blood clots, amenable to drug treatment. Studies have shown that the combination of aspirin and heparin (drugs to prevent blood clots) reduces the risk of miscarriage in women with this condition.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI)- this is a weakening (failure) of the cervix. ICI is eliminated by stitching the neck with a strong thread that prevents its premature opening. Usually, surgery is performed after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and the suture is removed around the 37th week. Sometimes, instead of a suture, a special device is used to fix the neck - an obstetric pessary.

One of the greatest and most long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course, the joy of motherhood. Having learned about her pregnancy (according to the results of a test or with the confirmation of a doctor), a woman already casually looks at the windows with children's things and toys, plans how and where she will give birth, comes up with a name for the future baby, etc. True, no one around has yet notices that you are pregnant, because the baby inside you is very tiny and is just starting its difficult path of development and growth.

Unfortunately, your happiness may be overshadowed ‒ medical statistics claims that a quarter of early pregnancies end in miscarriages. At this time, a woman may not yet know about the changes in her body. Then it is a little easier for her to cope with the pain of loss.

How to avoid early miscarriage? To do this, expectant mothers need to know what can provoke a miscarriage, what symptoms and signs it is accompanied by, how to prevent them and whether they can be avoided.

This problem in medicine is considered quite serious, because it is often encountered, and in most cases the process is almost impossible to stop. If a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs at the very beginning, then the woman may not even understand what happened.

Without realizing her position, the woman simply thinks that the menstrual cycle has gone astray or there has been a delay (usually a week or two). Then some feel slight pain in the abdomen, and menstruation begins, which, however, can go much more abundantly than usual. Far from all women treat such women, but only those who were frightened by a blood clot that came out, similar to a burst bubble.

Nevertheless, worth going to the doctor even if nothing else bothers you. They will do an examination to see if it really was an early miscarriage, and also check if additional cleaning is needed after that.

If a woman knows about her pregnancy, then she needs to be very attentive to any manifestations of pain or discomfort in the abdomen and back. The slightest smearing character with an admixture of blood or tissue clots is already dangerous. Sometimes pregnancy is still possible so you should contact your doctor immediately.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks, which is classified as an early miscarriage. If it happens before 22 weeks, it will be too late. Unfortunately, this also happens for a variety of reasons. Further, doctors already define this threat as premature birth, and with prompt and timely intervention, they can save a premature baby.

Causes of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why does an early miscarriage occur? Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row. Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage.

The cause of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage is very difficult to determine, this will require a comprehensive detailed examination, many different tests and appropriate treatment.

But it may also happen that even this will not help, that is, the termination of pregnancy will be affected by factors that simply cannot be predicted or prevented.

The main reasons that cause or provoke a miscarriage are a number of socio-biological and medical factors. The first group is purely personal and subjective reasons:

  • unfavourable conditions(place of work in hazardous production, radiation, exposure to environmental toxins, severe psycho-emotional background and microclimate in the family, etc.);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle and bad habits (if you are, then you should quit smoking, do not drink alcohol, give up strict diets, excessive coffee consumption, adjust your diet and daily routine);
  • woman's age is also often one of the causes of miscarriage;
  • stressful situations, nervous shocks or strong feelings - this is a serious threat to a small life. A woman should protect herself from all this, but in no case do not take sedatives so as not to harm the baby even more. It is better to consult a doctor to find the right way out if stress cannot be avoided;
  • do not ignore the danger that all kinds of physical exercise. Give up hard physical work and do not lift heavy things (even grocery bags that weigh more than 5 kg are taboo for you). Sports should also be approached with caution. Some types, especially extreme ones, cannot be combined with pregnancy. Be careful with hot baths, baths or saunas;
  • if it happened to you accident(unforeseen emergency, car accident, etc.) so that you are seriously injured or injured, the body may not be able to keep the pregnancy going. Even a slight fall due to negligence is dangerous (uncomfortable shoes, ice, etc.).

Medical reasons or women's health problems

  1. Doctors say that early miscarriage is most often provoked genetic disorders or abnormalities in the fetus. A woman may suffer from a hereditary form of pathology, although there are single mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors: radiation, viruses, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. It is no longer possible to control or stop this process. Thus, nature itself produces a kind of control, relieving you of unviable offspring. However, doctors recommend that couples who want to conceive a healthy child seek advice from a geneticist, as well as carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.
  2. Very often, the cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is hormonal disorders in a woman's body. If you detect the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, then this threat can be eliminated. The most common complaints are of a lack, although there are cases of an increased content of male hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which prevent the organs from functioning correctly and fully, also cause miscarriages. Usually in such cases, hormone therapy or appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is better to check the condition of your body before pregnancy.
  3. Any pathology of the immune system threatened with abortion. The most common manifestation is considered to be a complication in the form of an Rhesus conflict. This means that your body is fighting a foreign embryo and rejecting it, because its blood Rh factor is negative, and it was taken from dad - positive. If there is such a possibility, then doctors recommend prophylaxis with immunomodulators.
  4. Very dangerous for pregnancy of any kind infections. This includes all sexually transmitted diseases: herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others. Due to the fact that the fetal membranes are affected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria, the fetus itself can also be infected, which leads to miscarriage.
  5. Also a serious risk for the baby are inflammatory diseases internal organs and even common infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rubella, influenza or tonsillitis with complications and fever, pneumonia and others. When planning a pregnancy, pay close attention to your health in order to identify and eliminate any possible hazards.
  6. A huge stress for the female body should be called abortion. If previous pregnancies were interrupted artificially, then there is a huge risk of complications that lead to miscarriage or even secondary infertility. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had an abortion before.
  7. The first trimester of pregnancy practically excludes the use of any medicines, medicines and even herbs. All this often poses a great threat to the life of the fetus and affects its development. Never self-medicate, because even elementary parsley in the form of seasoning can lead to. Always consult your gynecologist and read the instructions carefully.

Also cause miscarriage individual characteristics of the organism women. So, if she suffers from congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, oncological diseases of the genital organs or other pathologies, then often the pregnancy simply cannot be preserved.

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages: signs and symptoms

How to recognize an early miscarriage and what are the symptoms?

There are several main stages of spontaneous abortion, since it does not happen all at once. Each of these stages is characterized by its own symptoms of the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and sometimes this can be stopped or prevented if you seek medical attention in time.

So, the first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, which should alert you any symptoms of pain or pain in the back and in the abdomen, which are accompanied by brown or red discharge. Sound the alarm even if a few drops of blood appear from the vagina, because this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Also pay attention to your condition: have the main signs of pregnancy disappeared?

Not to be missed scheduled visits to the doctor, passing mandatory tests or necessary examinations. So you can exclude any pathologies in the development of your baby and be sure that the pregnancy is going well.

The main stages of a miscarriage

  1. Threat or risk spontaneous abortion. This condition happens very often, which is why some women are forced to lie down for almost the entire 9 months. It is characterized by the above-mentioned cramping pains and spotting, sometimes even very copious. You can also note the increased tone of the uterus.
  2. The second stage is more serious - it is already classified as incipient miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The fetal egg has already partially exfoliated from the walls of the uterus, so the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages will be pronounced. But doctors still consider this stage to be reversible, that is, with prompt and qualified intervention, they can save the life of your child.
  3. With the so-called "miscarriage in motion" pregnancy can't be saved. At this stage, the woman feels severe and sharp pain, and profuse bleeding occurs almost immediately. The fertilized egg has already died, and the cervix is ​​open, so it can come out all at once or in parts, which will be considered an incomplete miscarriage.
  4. The last stage is the completed spontaneous abortion. The uterus, having expelled the dead fetal egg, contracts and returns to its previous size.

Treatment and consequences after a miscarriage in early pregnancy

What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy? If, nevertheless, it happened that the pregnancy could not be maintained, and you lost the child, then you need to undergo therapy, which is mandatory after a miscarriage. The doctor should send you to body examination to determine the cause that provoked the miscarriage (if this has not been done before).

It is imperative to check whether the fetal egg has completely left the walls of the uterus, since with an incomplete or failed abortion, you will need curettage. There will also antibiotics are prescribed, which will help to cope with a possible infection, and hormonal contraceptives. This will stabilize your hormones.

In addition to physical stress on the body, miscarriage is very serious. psychological and emotional test for any woman. The pain of loss can develop into a severe prolonged depression, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited and desired. Do not withdraw into yourself during this difficult time, try to trust your spouse, parents, loved ones, so that they support you and help you survive grief. Allow yourself to grieve and cry, you can even seek help from a psychologist if you are unable to cope with your feelings.

Do not be afraid of the same failures in the future and despair. Just be more responsible with your next one early. Remember that the body is still restoration required, so do not rush to become a mother again for at least six months. During this time, you can get rid of existing problems, drink on drink, undergo complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

The right psychological attitude and only positive thoughts are also very important, that everything will be fine with you, and after a certain period of time you will take your long-awaited baby in your arms.

If you find out that you carry a small life in you, then you need to minimize the potential risks that can lead to miscarriages as much as possible. Follow simple rules: adjust your diet, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, be extremely careful, avoid stress and nervous shocks.

Be sure to stand on registration in women's clinic. The doctor can help identify illnesses or problems that you did not know about, but which may pose a threat to the child. Timely treatment or prevention will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Follow all the recommendations that your gynecologist gives you.

At the slightest sign of danger immediately go to the hospital. In most cases, the pregnancy can still be saved. If you have experienced the loss of a child, do not despair and do not be alone with your pain.

Video about miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

We invite you to watch one of the pregnancy video guide series, where you will be told about such a problem as a miscarriage, what can be the cause and how to survive the loss.

Please share in the comments have you faced similar problem: what helped you prevent the threat, what symptoms and signs did it accompany, did you prepare for conception in advance, what kind of therapy did you undergo?
