How to put on a trench collar for a baby. Catalog of orthopedic goods - products for all occasions

The baby in the womb is in the amniotic fluid. They protect him not only from the sudden movements of his mother, but also from his own energetic turns and gestures. In the process of childbirth, he has to not only leave a warm and safe place, but also make a difficult path through the mother's birth canal. And then the mother is in so much pain that she practically does not hear the midwife and does not follow her recommendations.

And then something went wrong in childbirth. The newborn suffers, it hurts. Upon examination, a neonatologist may recommend putting on an orthopedic splint, a Shants collar right in the maternity ward.

Soft neck brace

The Shants orthopedic collar is a soft foam bandage that fixes the baby's neck. In the maternity hospital, this device is removed only for weighing and processing the baby's skin. The rest of the time, if so appointed by the doctor, the newborn spends in the collar, in which he sleeps and eats perfectly. When you can remove the orthopedic collar, the doctor decides.

Mom should not worry about whether the baby is comfortable, whether the bandage is pressing. As a rule, in the maternity hospital, children tolerate this treatment manipulation well. Now there is a choice of orthopedic products - soft neck bandages, designed for the size of the newborn and his fragility. No need to make a collar from improvised materials.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a child at the age of 1 month must be shown to doctors: an orthopedist and a neuropathologist. However, if the baby is worried about something or the diagnosis was made at birth, then you should not delay a visit to the clinic.

Sometimes parents themselves notice that the child willingly turns his head in only one direction. The doctor makes the final diagnosis. If, during examination, a newborn has muscle torticollis, impaired muscle tone in the cervical spine, craniocerebral injury, cerebrovascular accident, then the orthopedist and (or) neuropathologist recommend the child a course of therapeutic massage, physiotherapy and wearing a neck brace that can align or strengthen cervical spine.

How to wear a newborn bandage

The cervical spine is the most mobile. The blood supply of several organs depends on its condition. With the development of instability in the cervical vertebrae, the organs of vision, hearing, and the entire brain will suffer from impaired blood supply. Special orthopedic collars have a double effect. On the one hand, they stretch the cervical vertebrae, unloading them, relieving muscle spasm, improving blood circulation and preventing nerve endings from being squeezed. On the other hand, due to fixation, the spine is stabilized, painful movements are limited.

Neck collars and bandages according to the method of fixation are divided into:

  • soft;
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough.

Collars of soft and moderate fixation, Shants collars, Shants tires in appearance resemble a soft collar with a clasp at the back. They can be either of uniform width or asymmetrical: with a narrow and wide part. The Shants collar provides a soft or moderate fixation; only a doctor can prescribe it.

  • short neck syndrome;
  • installation torticollis;
  • syndrome of depression of the central nervous system;
  • movement disorder syndrome;
  • hyperexcitability.

Rigid neck brace for child

Shants collars are selected in size, because all newborns have different weights and heights. The size (height) of the device is determined by the length of the child's neck, measured from the angle of the lower jaw to the collarbone. As a rule, in infants, this value ranges from 3 to 5 cm. If the collar is longer or shorter than the length of the neck, then this will not only not be beneficial, but may also worsen the child's well-being.

Few people know how to wear a Shants collar. It is worn cut up under the chin and fastened at the back. It is necessary to observe hygiene (the collar must be clean and dry), to prevent diaper rash and irritation of the skin underneath.

If the doctor has prescribed a child to wear an orthopedic cervical collar, then it is important for the mother to follow these recommendations. After all, wearing a collar is the key to successful treatment, proper fixation and stabilization of the problem area of ​​the neck, normalization of blood flow in the head and neck. In addition, the Shants collar enhances the effect after therapeutic massage and physiotherapy. It must be worn for the entire period prescribed by the doctor: it can be a few minutes a day, or a day, or a month, or six months.

It is not difficult to take care of the product: hand wash in cool water, rinse thoroughly from the powder, dry in a straightened state away from a source of strong heat, do not iron.

Types of medical belts

Consider some models of orthopedic collars and splints.

Soft fixation products:

  1. Tires - collars for premature newborns (OB 001, OB 002), made of hypoallergenic elastic materials, designed for soft fixation, provide rest and warming. The cost is from 250 rubles.

Orthopedic collars of semi-rigid, moderate fixation:

    1. Orthopedic collar for newborns TV - 000 is produced by Trivers, designed for moderate fixation of the neck and head. Made of polyurethane foam, the cover is made of cotton. Fastener "Velcro" - contact tape. Height - 3.5 cm. The product is also designed to be worn during a night's sleep. The cost is from 105 rubles. Contraindication to wearing may be individual intolerance to the material of the product. Models TV-001, TV-002 differ from the previous ones by 5 and 8 cm and are intended for long-term wear.

  1. Neck brace F-300. Designed for moderate hold, made of hypoallergenic foam rubber, which includes polyamide, cotton, polyester, latex. Cotton cover, fixed with Vektro tape. Height - 4 cm, cost - from 128 rubles.
  2. Bandage Orlett VN-6-53 is made of biologically inert cold-formed polyurethane foam, the cover is made of knitted fabric containing polyester and viscose, removable. It differs from the previous options in price (from 350 rubles) and country of origin (Germany).

Neck bandages of strong or full fixation:

  1. Orthoses - neck bandages of strong or full fixation. They are prescribed for complete fixation of the spine, after injuries and surgery, for transport evacuation and with strong mobility and displacement of the cervical vertebrae. Orthoses do not interfere with such medical manipulations as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging. If a neck injury is suspected, they are not removed. Children's orthosis "Philadelphia" has a tracheotomy opening above the trachea, which allows you to control the condition of the skin and perform the necessary manipulations in case of suffocation.

What to do if the baby is worried about the orthopedic collar

Many mothers whose babies are shown wearing a neck brace complain that babies start crying when putting on the product. The crying period is long, and it is almost impossible to calm the baby. Contact your doctor again. Perhaps the size is wrong, or the mother is wearing the collar incorrectly and fastening the collar too tightly.

If everything is done correctly, but the crying does not stop, then put on the collar after or before pleasant manipulations. You can bathe your baby and put on a splint immediately after bathing, but before feeding. You can put on a bandage at the end of the massage and physiotherapy, if the baby is in a good mood after them.

Now in many forums, young mothers share their experiences, discuss the question: to wear or not to wear an orthopedic collar. There is an opinion that one can neglect the recommendations of a specialist and not put on a fixing collar, that the child will not start holding his head in time, that it hurts and is uncomfortable in it.

To raise a healthy baby, do not neglect the doctor's recommendations. If you have any doubts about the use of an orthopedic collar, consult several specialists.

Not always the process of childbirth goes without complications. There are situations when a child is injured during the passage of the birth canal of the mother. The most common is injury to the cervical spine. If time does not pay attention to this phenomenon, the child may remain disabled. To avoid such consequences, the orthopedic surgeon recommends using the Shants collar.

Shants collar for newborns - what is it

This orthopedic product is presented in the form fixing bandage, very similar to a collar made of soft fabric. Often such a product is called the Shants collar. The collar contains foam rubber, which is covered with a fabric, mostly cotton, with a special wire acting as a frame. With the help of Velcro, located at the ends of the product, the collar is attached to the baby's neck. Velcro also allows you to adjust the length of the collar.

Wearing the product helps:

  • fix the vertebrae of the neck in the desired position.
  • normalize the flow of blood to the brain.
  • relieve damaged vertebrae from excessive load.

Indications and contraindications

It is worth mentioning right away that healthy children such a neck brace is contraindicated, since its use unnecessarily can lead to muscle atrophy. When prescribing this product by a doctor, wear the collar without removing it.

Indications for the purchase of the Shants tire:

  1. Inappropriate neck size.
  2. Excessive excitability of the nervous system.
  3. Curvature of the cervical vertebrae in newborns.
  4. Depression of the central nervous system.
  5. Impaired coordination.

If a child is not assigned to wear a collar in time, this can lead to serious consequences, one of which is violation of blood flow in the cervical region. The first symptom of a disorder is restless sleep in a child and weak muscle tone. In turn, such changes lead to improper formation of the nervous system.

Even if it is necessary to wear a splint, sometimes this is not possible due to certain circumstances. These include:

  • On the skin, in the place where the collar will be attached, there is peeling or irritation. It is also contraindicated in the presence of deep wounds, since air access is important for their healing.
  • Severe instability requiring complete immobilization of the neck.

The presence of the listed points is considered the basis for reducing the period of wearing the tire or completely refusing to use it.

How to choose

Worth buying product only in orthopedic salons. If the doctor considered it necessary to prescribe a splint to the child, then it is this product that must be purchased, and not its analogues. Above was information about the composition of the Shants collar. Based on it, you should not buy:

  • Products with an inflatable mechanism.
  • Fasteners, the materials for the manufacture of which are metal or plastic.

Important! The parameters of the child are fundamental when choosing a collar.

Therefore, you can:

  1. Order a collar according to the individual parameters of the child.
  2. Find out the right tire size from your doctor after taking measurements.

If the size is chosen correctly, the child has:

  • Reducing neck pain.
  • Normalization of blood flow through the vessels of the neck.
  • Stable general condition of the newborn.

Incorrectly selected tire size will not give a positive effect, in addition, it can cause serious side effects, such as:

  • Fainting.
  • Vomit.
  • Dizziness and weakness.
  • Pain in the neck.

To get the correct parameters of the child, you need:

  1. The position of the spinal column should be even, for this child, lay on a flat surface.
  2. The distance from the child's chin to the middle of the collarbone will be considered the exact size of the collar.
  3. The height of the baby and the size of the neck are taken into account, based on this, the resulting measurement will vary from 3.4 to 5 cm.
  4. For a child aged 1 month, a collar with a length of 28 to 32 cm is suitable, for older children - 33 cm.

How to properly dress, wear and use

You need to pay attention, perhaps, only to three principles that will help to fix the collar on the child’s neck correctly:

  1. Velcro fastener should fix the collar at the back of the neck in its center.
  2. For the chin of a newborn, a notch is provided in the splint (therefore, the lower part of the splint will rest on the collarbones, the upper part supports the chin).
  3. Excessive constriction of the collar is unacceptable, this can contribute to the suffocation of the baby. It is also unacceptable to weaken the tire, since its therapeutic effect will be lost.

To understand whether the splint is optimally fixed, the mother's finger should be placed between it and the child's neck.

The attending physician should tell you how long to wear the Shants tire. The determining factor in this case will be the reason why the splint was assigned to the newborn. Wearing a collar may take only a few minutes a day, or it may not be removed for a whole month.

The collar may not be worn during:

  • Taking a bath for a newborn.
  • Massage.

Shants collar used for newborns, very important to keep clean because baby's skin is very sensitive. Washing the product in cool water will be the care of it. Do not dry the collar, let it dry naturally.

In general, the Shants collar is an effective way to deal with emerging neck injuries in newborns during childbirth. The most important thing is to follow the rules for its operation. It must be remembered that only an orthopedic doctor decides whether a child should wear a splint or not.

A product that can provide a healing property can only be purchased in specialized services. It is important to know that the home-made production of the Shants tire is strictly prohibited for use, since it can lead to serious consequences and, as a result, disability of the newborn.

One of the interesting and simplest inventions is the Shants collar for newborns. The fact is that every mother gives birth differently, sometimes with complications. On the basis of these complications, a variety of injuries in the baby can occur. One of the most common types of injuries in children is a spinal injury in the neck. It is in this situation that an orthopedic collar is needed. Thus, the main task of parents is the correct selection of this device, which will help correct the current situation.

Before you purchase a collar for a newborn, you must remember that only the attending physician can prescribe it.

To answer the question of why this device is needed, you must first understand what it is. The collar is the simplest fixator for the neck. To some extent, it reduces the load on the spine. This contributes to a faster recovery, helping the newborn, thereby returning the functionality of body parts much faster. All parents, knowing that their child will have to wear a Shants collar, think about the maximum effectiveness of this invention. But there is no doubt, it really helps.

In appearance, the latch is similar to a tire, which consists of foam rubber. There is a velcro on each end, with which you can adjust the size of the circle. Shants collar for newborns in the field of medicine is called a medical splint, and in public circles - a "collar". It plays an indispensable role, thereby helping to normalize the working condition of the spine. Thanks to this, the blood circulation of the brain will be established, which will favorably affect the overall development of the body.

Key points not to be forgotten

Before you purchase a collar for a newborn, you must remember that only the attending physician can prescribe it. It is needed in cases where the child suffers from:

  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • motor dysfunctions;
  • from curvature of the cervical vertebrae;
  • short neck syndrome.

Since each baby is individual, when choosing such a collar, parameters such as weight and body volume must be taken into account. A good option would be to visit an orthopedic store. In it you can find medical splints of any size and color.

The choice of "collar" should be given maximum attention. If you choose a short one, it will constantly stray to the side and cause a lot of inconvenience to the little patient. In the case of a long collar, there will be no benefit for infants, because he will not be able to perform his direct duties (restoring the functionality of the cervical vertebrae). An important clarification will be the fact that the desired size for a child (more precisely, the height of the tire) ranges from 3 to 5 cm on average.

A neck splint is best made to order, as a standard one may not be suitable for a newborn. After the measurements are taken and the “collar” is made, it is necessary that the specialist himself demonstrate how to properly put on and how to wear it. Also, the doctor will tell you how much time a day the child should be with the collar without removing it from the neck.

In order for the baby not to have a negative emotional state, before putting on a splint, it would be useful to do a little massage or a short warm-up. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of wearing and newborns will not be so critically perceived.

An important condition is hygiene, because the baby's skin is delicate. If cleanliness and order are not observed, the child will have redness and a rather strong irritation of the surface of the epidermis. All this is necessary in order to create more comfortable conditions for the newborn. If you do not adhere to this rule, long-term wearing of an orthopedic structure will not be possible.

In the event that the parents of a small patient do not understand (or are completely sure) how to wear a children's collar, they should immediately seek help from a doctor. An incorrectly worn medical splint will not bring the expected result, it will become one of the main factors of harm to the newborn (the neck muscles will be weakened, and because of this, even at the age of two months, the baby will not be able to hold his head on his own). That is why this condition should be given maximum attention. If you miss even one rule, while taking the wrong step, the results can be very deplorable.

Orthopedic Splint Care

The maximum benefit can be obtained if the Shants collar for children is properly cared for. It must be kept clean at all times. This design is erased by hand and only in cold water. It should be dried flat. Do not wash in washing machines, dry in automatic dryers or on other heating devices. Having lost its shape, the collar will not be able to effectively restrict movement and reduce pain in the neck (it can lose its warming effect, and thanks to this property, the muscles relax and recover much more intensively).

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There are complications during difficult protracted labor.

However, in rare cases, there is trauma of the cervical spine of the newborn during the birth process.

In such cases, the neonatologist prescribes an orthopedic collar called the “Schanz collar” to the newly born baby.

It is prescribed in the case when it is necessary for any period of time to limit movement in the neck, fixing it in a favorable physiological position.

What does a Shants collar look like?

The device is a fixator for the cervical spine, which relieves the load on the neck and performs the restorative function of this part of the body.

Applied to adults and children, including newborns.

It plays an important role in the normalization of the cervical region, helping to improve blood flow to the brain, and provides favorable conditions for the further normal development of the baby.

The orthopedic collar is a circle of foam rubber with Velcro at the ends.

The latter allow you to adjust the volume of the tire. It is soft and wavy.

Looks like a collar.

Only a doctor prescribes a splint. If used incorrectly and not for the intended purpose, it can lead to unwanted atrophy of muscle tissue.

As a result, by the age of 2 months, due to weak muscles, the child will not be able to hold his head.

Despite the fact that the collar is called "for newborns", wear it up to six months, and sometimes up to a year.

When can a doctor prescribe the use of a collar?

For newborns, the Shants collar is used for the following serious health problems:

  • movement disorders;
  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • complications of the central nervous system in the pathology of childbirth and pregnancy;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • torticollis;
  • hyperexcitability.

The Shants collar is selected taking into account the age, weight and size of the child.

It is best to contact a specialized orthopedic store, where there is a wide selection of this device and consultants will be able to choose the necessary collar, taking into account all the characteristics of the child.

An incorrectly selected collar, its incorrect position will not give the desired effect and will only harm a small child.

Types of orthopedic collars

Shants collars are for adults and for children. Adults are recommended to wear it with cervical osteochondrosis, with frequent headaches, subluxations of the upper vertebrae.

They are worn in the same way, despite the fact that they are different in appearance and size.

There are the following types of Shants collars:

  1. orthopedic collar of rigid fixation;
  2. orthopedic collar of medium hardness;
  3. orthopedic collar soft.

It is made of medical foam or porous synthetic material. It has elastic properties. Top covered with fabric, sometimes equipped with a protective cover.

TO contraindications to wearing a Shants collar include pronounced unstable condition in the cervical spine and various dermatological diseases.

How to choose a tire size for a newborn?

Baby, the collar should be sized.

After all, babies differ in weight, and the length of the neck is different for everyone.

Before buying such a tire, be sure to measure the distance between the angle of the middle part of the clavicle and the lower jaw.

For a newborn, the height of the collar should be 3-5 centimeters.

A tire that is too short can constantly stray to the side, and a tire that is too long will not be able to fulfill all its direct duties.

The therapy will be ineffective, since it will not solve problems with the cervical spine, but will only add.

Therefore, the choice of an orthopedic collar should be approached responsibly.

How to put on a Shants collar: a quick guide

The process of putting on a treatment collar and how to wear it should be shown by the doctor. If this is not possible, the following points will help to properly put a splint on a child:

  • the tire should be installed with a cutout at the top under the chin;
  • the clasp fastens at the back;
  • be sure to check the correct installation of the collar: between it and the skin, the distance should be 1-1.5 cm wide.

First, the collar is applied to the neck so that the convex part of it is located directly under the child's chin. The splint is then wrapped around the neck and secured with Velcro.

The time that the collar is worn should be determined by the doctor, that is, how much he prescribed, how much should be worn.

It could be from 10 minutes to 24 hours or from a week to six months.

He should not disturb and interfere with the baby. It is best to put on a collar after physical therapy or after a massage - a positive effect will only intensify.

It should always be clean, and the child's skin should be treated and not irritated.

In the event that the child's skin is reddened and irritated, the collar is removed and not put on until the skin calms down. As a result, treatment can be delayed for an unforeseen period.

Most often, such a collar is put on immediately after birth and worn for 1 month.

It should be worn constantly, removing only while swimming. After the collar has expired, children are advised to wear it for several more days for 2-4 hours a day to consolidate the result.

Features care for the Shants collar for children

This device requires constant maintenance. it should always be kept clean. The collar is washed by hand and dried away from a heat source in a straightened form.

Washing in washing machines is prohibited, drying in dryers is also prohibited.

The birth process does not always go smoothly, even for those who have not experienced major problems during pregnancy. The child in the birth canal experiences significant difficulties, which sometimes results in injuries to the fragile body of the newborn. Among others, those that affect the cervical region of the baby, for example, torticollis, are in the lead. The little man is not only in pain - he can remain disabled if there is no proper medical intervention. Children with birth injuries and pathologies of the spine (congenital and acquired) are referred to an orthopedist, who prescribes a Shants collar for newborns for treatment.

One of the most common childhood birth injuries is torticollis.

The appearance of the Shants collar

The orthopedic device mentioned above is a bandage, that is, a means for fixing a part of the body in a certain position. In this case, the neck should be fixed, so the Shants collar looks like a tire or a collar, only more or less soft, because the main filler is foam rubber or polyurethane foam, which keeps its shape thanks to the frame wire inserted inside. Outside, the frame, together with the filler, is lined with cotton fabric. Velcro from Velcro contact tape, located at the ends of the circle, are designed to adjust the volume. The product is shown in the photo below.

Operating principle

  • damaged vertebrae take the correct position and are fixed in it;
  • the load on the vertebrae drops because it is transferred to the tire;
  • blood flow freely bathes the brain, supplying it with oxygen and nutrients.

By the way, not only children are prescribed an orthopedic collar - adults also wear a Shants splint in case of damage to the spine in the neck area, but for a newborn this is a vital device, because the further development of the child depends on it.

Self-administration without the knowledge of the doctor is unacceptable! Mistakes in the appointment and application can result in atrophy of the neck muscles, and this will lead to the fact that by two months the baby will not learn to hold his head on his own.

The duration of wearing a collar can vary widely - some children wear it for up to a year.

In appearance, the Shants tire resembles a tight collar with soft filler, superimposed on the neck area.

What diseases is it prescribed for?

  • with torticollis - both congenital and traumatic;
  • with birth injuries of the cervical region;
  • with short neck syndrome in infants;
  • with neurological disorders: increased excitability or inhibition of the nervous system.

The size of the bandage should be selected individually for each, depending on the weight, age and length of the body, and a mistake in choosing will do more harm than help to heal. The collar is usually sold in specialized orthopedic stores, and the selection is carried out by competent consultants.

Model range of orthopedic neck splints

The main criterion for distinguishing collars is the degree of fixation of the cervical region, in other words, its rigidity or softness. Shants collars with the same stiffness are produced by various firms, domestic and foreign, which affects not so much the quality as the cost of the product.

Soft hold

Usually, soft fixation collars are used for minor cervical correction or even its prevention in premature babies immediately after birth. Models OB 001, OB 002 are made from modern synthetic materials that will not cause allergies. They warm and soothe the baby. Price from 250 rubles.

Medium fixation

In some cases, you need to hold the baby's neck with a more rigid latch. The Trivers company produces Shants collars of moderate fixation. The filler in them is polyurethane foam, the lining is cotton fabric. The volume is changed with Velcro. The height of the product for a night's sleep is 3.5 cm, the price is from 105 rubles. There are models TV-001 and TV-002, which differ in height (5 and 8 cm) and are designed for permanent wear.

In addition, you can find the F-300 bandage filled with foam rubber, consisting of polyamide, latex, cotton and polyester. Sheathing from cotton fabric, fixer - contact tape "Velcro". This bandage costs from 128 rubles, its height is 4 cm.

The most expensive medium-hold collar is imported from Germany. This is the Orlett BH-6-53 tire, for the manufacture of which a special bio-inert cold-formed polyurethane was used. Outside, it is sheathed in viscose and polyester jersey. The cost is from 350 rubles.

The Orlett German moderate fixation brace is considered one of the best for babies with torticollis (we recommend reading:)

Strong or complete fixation

Such splints are called "orthoses". An indication for their use is a surgery, an injury with a strong displacement of the vertebrae, as well as the movement of a patient with a cervical injury in transport. They do not need to be removed even during X-ray examination and MRI.

Orthoses are also made for small children - for example, the Philadelphia model, which is equipped with a special hole above the trachea, which prevents strangulation and allows you to monitor the condition of the skin under the orthosis. Only if the patient is unstable or if he has dermatological problems on his neck, an orthosis cannot be prescribed.

Selection of the size of the tire for the baby

To find out how high the collar should be, you need to measure the distance between the collarbone and the angle of the lower jaw. In newborns, this parameter ranges from 3 to 5 cm. If the height of the bandage is less than the height of the neck, then there will be no fixation, because the tire will not stay in place, constantly sliding to the side. If the baby's neck is shorter than the height of the bandage, the child will be uncomfortable, and the splint will not be able to fix the neck. Either option will do nothing but harm.

The size of the tire should match the measurements of the neck of the baby, namely, the height from the collarbone to the lower angle of the jaw

Rules for putting on a collar

Not only its effectiveness, but also safety for the health of the child depends on how the Shants collar is put on, so the doctor should show you putting on and give instructions for the first time. To be sure, you can also watch a video demonstrating the process, or use the description below:

  • attach the collar to the child's neck: the convex part will be under the chin;
  • the cutout on top of the collar should also be located under the chin;
  • the clasp, respectively, is at the back;
  • when fastening the collar, leave 1-1.5 cm of free space between the neck and the splint.

How long will you have to keep the child in an orthopedic collar, the doctor determines. We can only say that someone is prescribed 10 minutes a day, other children wear it around the clock. The term is also determined by the doctor. We advise you to wear a bandage after exercise therapy or a massage session - this will increase its effectiveness.

Keep the child's collar and skin clean, because skin irritation becomes the basis for removing the bandage, and this affects the treatment and increases its duration. It resumes only after complete healing of the skin. In most cases, doctors prescribe wearing a Shants collar within one month of birth. If 24-hour wear is assigned, then it should be removed only during bathing. When the course of treatment ends, do not stop wearing immediately. For a few more days, put the child in a collar for 2-4 hours.

Proper product care

Cleanliness of the tire can be ensured by regular washing. There is only one condition: wash by hand! Do not use washing machines and dryers - they will break the shape of the wire frame. Do not speed up drying by placing the collar close to a heat source. Dry the product in a straightened form.

Those parents who think: why this collar is needed, if you do massage and electrophoresis, you should know that neglecting medical advice does not always work out safely (see also:). Without a collar in a child with an injury or pathology, torticollis may increase, and blood supply to the brain may be disrupted. Of course, it will not be easy for you and the newborn, but this is a struggle for the future health and proper development of your child!
