How to make white plastic transparent. Features of removing yellowness

When the warm springtime comes, many housewives massively begin to start a general cleaning. When it comes to window cleaning, many people wonder how to clean plastic window sill. Street dust and smudges from watering indoor plants form strong pollution on the windowsills. The flowing water gradually forms yellow spots on the windowsill.

If the main pollution occurs due to flowers, then you can buy beautiful napkins for a pot or a wicker planter. Thanks to this, the window sill will always look elegant and well-groomed, and most importantly, clean.

In the arsenal of every housewife there is a huge amount of tools that can be used to wash a plastic window sill, but it is not so easy to put it in order, returning its former cleanliness. Many manufacturers use different textures for the production of plastic windows and window sills, some textures may be porous, others rough, so in each case, different methods of cleaning plastic on windows are used.

Often, companies that install metal-plastic windows warn the customer about what the window sill is made of and what means can be used to clean its components. With proper care and the correct use of cleaning products, stains from the window material can be easily removed.

To remove fresh stains, you can use a soft sponge and light soapy water solution. They wash off easily. If you cannot remove this stain from the windowsill using this method, then use dish detergent, however it will take a long time to wash off the plastic.

Cleaning powders Perfect for removing stains from laminated window sills.

Cleaning products that can be applied to the surface with a sprayer are ideal. In this case, surfactants will not get on the delicate skin of the hands.

However, these atomizers have a pronounced odor and instantly fall on the mucous membrane due to fine atomization of particles, therefore This product is not suitable for people with allergies..

The most polluted place on the windowsill is the gap, which is located under the frame. In this place there is an accumulation of a huge mass of dust, so washing with a sponge is not suitable. Perfect for cleaning this area on the windowsill old toothbrush: its bristles will easily penetrate into "the most inaccessible places".

An important point is the choice of all kinds of rags and accessories. For example, a soft porous sponge, fiber or cotton fabric is perfect for the smooth surface of a plastic window sill. If the window sill has a rough surface, then you can deal with dirt with hard brushes, but in no case do not use a metal scraper, since it will scratch even the most durable material from which window sills are made.

How to wash stains and rust?

In order to quickly and effectively wash the window sill from stains and rust, you just need to take a walk to any household chemicals store, since the choice of products for effective cleaning of plastic surfaces is extremely large.

So, let's start exploring the arsenal of the most effective means for cleaning your windowsill:

In addition to these powerful drugs, you can also use glass and mirror cleaners, laundry detergent, antibacterial wipes, or a soapy solution from laundry soap to clean plastic window sills.

How to wash after repair?

Many housewives think how to wash a plastic window sill after repair when there is a lot of dirt on it (from paint, primer, etc.). To deal with this problem is quite easy if you use the following recommendations for cleaning the surface:

  1. First of all, we remove all the plugs, since it is in these places that a huge amount of construction dust will accumulate, after which we sweep away all the dust from the windowsill with a fiber cloth or a broom. Next, you need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth or napkin.
  2. If particles of primer or plaster remain on the windowsill, they must be removed using cleaners that contain abrasives. With this cream or gel, you need to treat the surface and leave the product for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with a soft rubber spatula or a hard sponge with plenty of water.
  3. The mounting foam can be washed with a brush with hard bristles, if it is thoroughly scraped off the contaminated surface.
  4. After removing all the remaining dirt from the repair work, the window sill should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, to which you can add a little laundry soap, then wipe the plastic dry with paper towels.

This procedure can be repeated a few more times until your plastic window sill is completely clean.

How to remove dirt from a white window sill?

White PVC window sills look very presentable and can remain so for almost an eternity if you follow simple rules for caring for them. But it happens that the snow-white surface has acquired pollution of various types, and then several recommendations should be followed on how to remove pollution from the white window sill.

Using cleaning products that say they are suitable for plastic surfaces on the packaging, you can remove fresh stains and smudges on the windowsill. Also glass cleaners are great as many of them contain alcohol. With the help of such a tool and a fiber rag, you can effectively remove stains from a white window sill.

You can return the former snow-white look to the window sill with the help of laundry detergent for whites. To do this, you need to make a slurry of a thick consistency, apply it to the surface, rub it with the hard side of the sponge, you can leave it for ten minutes if the dirt is old. After that, rinse with plenty of warm water and wipe with a porous sponge so that it absorbs excess moisture, then wipe it dry with paper towels.

Almost every hostess has small pieces of remnants. It's not worth throwing them away. Fill a half-liter jar with such remnants halfway and add a glass of hot water so that they dissolve thoroughly. The prepared gruel can also be used to clean the white window sill from dirt. A very good and economical option as you don't spend a dime on cleaning products.

An effective and proven remedy is to use chalk and tooth powder in order to remove dirt from the white plastic window sill. Since these products are the most delicate abrasive, it is impossible to spoil the surface. Preparing this mixture for cleaning is very simple: mix a tablespoon of powder or chalk with a tablespoon of warm water, if necessary, you can add a little more liquid to make the gruel look like thick sour cream. We apply this composition on the windowsill and rub it with a dry sponge, you can leave it for 15 minutes for more effective whitening of the plastic. After drying, remove the remnants of the powder and dust with a damp fiber cloth and wipe the window sill dry with napkins or a rag.

If you stick a self-adhesive film on the surface of the window sill, then you will not have such a problem as returning the window sill to its former whiteness.

This film can be transparent or have a different color. It is lacquered and perfectly washable. It will protect your white window sill from dirt, and will help you easily cope with the problem of dust and kitchen soot.

An excellent and proven over the years cleaner for cleaning a white window sill from old dirt is the well-known baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) and 9% table vinegar (or vinegar essence). This procedure must be done with rubber gloves, since vinegar can damage the skin of the hands. Sprinkle baking soda on stained areas of a white window sill, or apply it all over the surface to whiten it. In the meantime, it is necessary to soak the sponge with table vinegar and carefully treat the contaminated surface. The reaction between baking soda and vinegar will perfectly destroy old stains or a thick layer of greasy soot and effectively clean a white plastic window sill.

In order to clean the white window sill from dirt, do not use products that may contain acids and alkalis because they destroy the PVC structure. It is not recommended to use products that contain aggressive abrasive particles, in order to avoid damaging the surface. The best is to use a soft sponge or fiber cloth.

Removing the primer

After the completion of the repair work, you noticed that deep penetration primer stains remained on the windowsill or window. At first, you were not particularly upset, but when you could not wash it, you had a global question: "How can I remove the primer from a plastic window sill?"

The primer is very difficult to remove from surfaces for which it is not intended, so it is best to protect these places with a thick film before starting repairs, the joints are glued with adhesive tape.

But, if trouble has already happened, and the primer has got on the plastic window sill, we will consider the most common methods for its removal. It is best to remove it immediately with a damp cloth, as the primer dries in almost 25 minutes, and after two weeks it gains maximum strength.

So, consider the most effective methods for removing the primer from a plastic window sill:

Do not forget that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it, therefore, before starting repair work, it is better to carefully protect all surfaces that may get dirty with a primer.

How to clean at home?

Many housewives trust the cleaning of a plastic window sill to household products and believe that it is possible to achieve its cleanliness at home.

In addition to the slurry of chalk (or tooth powder) on water and soda with vinegar essence, which we have already described, which perfectly clean white surfaces, an excellent tool for cleaning the window sill at home is It is made from melamine resin, which acquires abrasive properties over time. Therefore, cleaning with this sponge will be as effective as possible, even if you use a regular soap solution.

It should be remembered that purchased substances for cleaning plastic window sills cannot always be used, since they negatively affect human health, especially children and people with allergies. Therefore, cleaning any surfaces at home with the help of folk remedies is the most favorable for your family.

Almost all facing of household appliances, as well as windows and window sills, are made of plastic. Over time, the color changes, turns yellow. Therefore, many are looking for an answer to the question of how to whiten yellowed plastic, return products to their original appearance. There are ways to whiten plastic, and we will tell you about them.

Plastic bleaching methods

  • Most often, the lining of kitchen appliances has a yellowish coating due to the accumulation of grease and dust on it. Warm water with detergent and a hard sponge can easily cope with this. If you install a good hood in the kitchen, then you can forget about the problem.
  • Ordinary laundry soap, which contains a lot of alkali, can help eliminate yellow deposits from plastic items in the kitchen. Any alcohol does a good job of removing yellowness on a plastic surface. You need to apply a little alcohol on a soft cloth and wipe the surface. Before doing this, test the alcohol effect on a small area of ​​the surface that is not visible.
  • Use automotive cosmetics that can whiten yellowed plastic well and noticeably refresh the appearance of the surface. Auto shops sell special products in the form of a spray - plastic restorers, as well as polishes and cleaners for plastic products in liquid form.
  • Small plastic objects can be placed for several hours in a solution prepared according to the following recipe. For a liter of water, take one spoonful of soda, washing powder and bleach.
  • In stores selling computer equipment, they sell wipes soaked in a special solution. With their help, you can slightly whiten yellowed surfaces.
  • Any industrial alcohol dissolves the top layer of plastic products, which allows you to remove yellowness from the surface. This technique requires great accuracy, processing must be carried out without excessive fanaticism. Otherwise, the surface will become uneven.
  • In some cases, a good result in bleaching yellowed plastic can be achieved with the help of hair lightening products. Of course, this technique is expensive, given the cost of the paint, but, if desired, you can try.
  • Well eliminates yellowness concentrated ammonia. Using this technique, you need to provide your own protection: goggles, a respirator, gloves.
  • Try pouring some hydrogen peroxide on the sponge and then wipe the desired surfaces. Repeat steps 3-4 times. The result will be required. From my own experience. On the advice of a friend, I tried the Defender plastic cleaner. It whitened the yellowed plastic perfectly. After processing, a film with antistatic properties remains on the surface.
  • Some people use acetone to remove yellow deposits from plastic. This aggressive component can dissolve some types of plastic, so the degree of its effect should be checked before processing. To wipe the surface, apply a little acetone to a piece of cotton wool. This will help avoid leaks. Wipe down quickly.

If irreversible changes have occurred in the plastic, most often from the time of service, do not rush to throw the item away. She can be "given" a new life if painted with paint in the form of an aerosol.


Let you know how to bleach yellowed plastic, but try to keep it white longer. Protect, if possible, plastic surfaces from sunlight, wipe them more often with specially designed detergents. In a room with plastic windows, you should not smoke, and you should ventilate the room more often. Good luck.

A variety of plastics have many positive properties, resistant to alkalis and acids, high humidity. However, under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun, white plastic acquires a yellowish tint over time. Especially often this happens in the kitchen, where the negative factors of high temperature and fat fumes are added.

Plastic is a versatile material. It is widely used in the production of household appliances, household goods. Plastic windows made of polyvinyl chloride have long replaced wooden structures and have firmly won a priority position.

Plastic is made up of hydrocarbons mixed with organic and inorganic components. Over time, some of them from contact with the external environment decompose, oxidize, transform into other compounds.

It is known that all white plastics gradually turn yellow. Ultraviolet destroys many substances, including polyvinyl chloride. For products made of poor plastic, this happens faster due to the volatilization of the dye and plasticizer.

In addition, the causes of yellowing may be:

  • low quality of window structures, which are produced using complex technology. They include more than a dozen components responsible for the color and reliability of the final product. It is understandable that manufacturers want to reduce the cost of the product. One way is to save expensive mixture stabilizers, which in itself is considered a clear violation of production technology;
  • manufacturers save on low-quality raw materials - a white pigment of titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or lead, which gives the product a snow-white color. The consequences of this will affect within 2-3 years - the windows will begin to turn yellow;
  • light aging of the material of window structures. The material contains special light stabilizers based on benzotriazole or benzophenone. As a result, the effect of solar radiation slows down. Everything burns out from the sun. South-facing windows will no doubt turn yellow faster than those in the shade;
  • terms of Use. A busy highway and weather conditions are also unfavorable factors. The action of temperature changes changes the physical and chemical properties of the plastic. Cracks may appear, color may change. This falls into the category of cheaper PVC windows;
  • wrong care. Excessive zeal of some housewives has negative consequences. This happens when acids, strong alkali, solvents are used;
  • soot from smoking, fatty fumes in the kitchen. These impurities from yellowness are washed off with a washing solution.

When choosing plastic windows in a company, pay attention to the exhibited samples, giving preference for products from trusted manufacturers. They are more expensive, but they give a guarantee for 30-40 years, they will stay white longer. No manufacturer can promise absolute whiteness during the entire warranty period. Even GOST standards allow deviations in color.

Window products of unscrupulous manufacturers, one-day firms often cannot be bleached. Yellowing of low-quality plastic is an irreversible change in the molecular structure of the material.

If you look at consumer reviews on the forums, you can make an unambiguous conclusion: it is better not to buy Chinese, Turkish-made products, or at least check the company's certificate confirming the reliability of the material. It is not worth the risk if such a document is missing. These windows are usually of poor quality and will soon need to be replaced.

What means can not wash plastic?

To understand how to whiten yellowed plastic windows, you need to know which drugs are completely unsuitable for this purpose:

  • metal brushes, meshes, abrasive powders - everything that leaves scratches on the product, into which dust will settle and pollution will form. Then it is difficult to wash;
  • acetone, solvents - these substances dissolve polyvinyl chloride;
  • acids, alkalis destroy the protective glossy layer of the plastic structure, violating its aesthetic appearance;
  • melamine sponges are also abrasive - they leave micro-scratches;
  • very hot water causes cloudiness or yellowing of the object.

How to whiten yellowed plastic

Initially, you need to try to use more gentle means, which are advised by the manufacturers themselves. They advise how to wash plastic. These are means for preparing a soap solution from laundry soap, washing powder, dishwashing preparation. We work with a sponge, a microfiber cloth and a cotton rag.

We apply liquid detergent to the window elements, leave it for 20 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth, wipe dry.

You can use special cleaning wipes sold in the household chemicals department of supermarkets. We choose the most convenient way to wash the structures.
In this way, you can clean the plastic from greasy deposits, soot, traces of nicotine and simple household contaminants.

If the result obtained does not satisfy, and the original appearance of the structure could not be returned, we use other methods.

How to bleach plastic?

The following drugs have a whitening effect:

  • alcohol, any - medical, ethanol, methanol;
  • soda ash;
  • washing powder;
  • chlorine bleach;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide H2 O2.

Bleaching yellowed plastic is troublesome, but the end justifies the means.
After removing surface contaminants, we will try to treat the yellowed parts with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, repeat the treatment twice.

Chlorine solution is suitable for small parts, such as removable window handles. Parts are soaked in the solution for 10 hours.

You can also prepare a solution: one tablespoon of soda ash and washing powder per 1 liter of water. We wipe the structures with a solution. Wash off with water. Wipe dry.

Acetone is not applicable to all types of plastics. Most of them are damaged by acetone, so before using it, you should make sure that it is harmless.

The most noticeable part of the window structure is the window sill. Most often the question arises - how to whiten a plastic window sill? In addition to those listed, you can add another recipe: you need to prepare a mixture of H2 O2 and laundry bleach, 2 tbsp each. tablespoons of each agent in 1 liter of water. Treat the surface with the resulting mixture.

Sometimes a car interior cleaner can help.
When working, we observe safety precautions, we act with gloves, we ventilate the room.

If all these methods are ineffective, it means that irreversible changes in the material have occurred. There remains a fallback - a special spray paint for plastics.

Choosing a reliable manufacturer and proper care will ensure an attractive appearance of plastic windows.

In the modern world, plastic is found in every home; household appliances, windows and window sills, small interior elements and even children's toys are made from it. Over time, they fade and lose their smart appearance, so you need to know how to whiten yellowed plastic at home. Plastic products begin to turn treacherously yellow due to exposure to sunlight and other natural factors. Frequent and thorough cleaning will not help to avoid this problem.

Preparing plastic for bleaching

Before the procedure for getting rid of yellowness, you need to prepare the surface for processing. If we are talking about a refrigerator, then remove all small parts, they will need to be soaked overnight in a special solution. The door itself and side panels should be thoroughly cleaned of soot and grease, which settle on all surfaces of the kitchen. Sometimes after such a procedure, the refrigerator becomes lighter by 1-2 tones, but you should not stop there.

Use an ordinary soft sponge and liquid cleaners: plastic is very easy to scratch, especially if your kitchen appliances have a glossy surface. In supermarkets, you can find special wet wipes to remove grease and dirt from delicate surfaces. They are ideal for processing machinery. Frequent wet cleaning will help slow down the rate of yellowing.

The following tools will help whiten yellowed plastic:

  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorine;
  • technical soda.

Gentle methods

The use of laundry soap is the most gentle way to bleach plastic products. It will help only if the yellowness is more likely due to a greasy coating than due to changes in the structure of the material itself under the influence of external factors. Grate half a bar of laundry soap and dissolve in warm water. Treat the surface of a yellowed refrigerator or window with a sponge soaked in the solution, leave for half an hour and rinse with plain water.

Never use a hard sponge and scouring powders to avoid scratching the surface of the refrigerator.

Alcohol guarantees better results than soapy water. With a cotton pad soaked in ethanol, wipe the entire yellowed plastic surface. Be sure to open the windows so that the room is ventilated, and do not forget about gloves.

Ordinary 9% vinegar will not help. You need 70-80% vinegar essence. Acid is dangerous for the skin and health in general. Make sure the room is well ventilated and wear thick rubber gloves.

Aggressive methods

In advanced cases, you can clean yellow plastic appliances with hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol). Moisten a cotton pad in peroxide and completely treat the plastic that has been previously cleaned of grease and dust with it. The procedure should be performed at least 3 times. To enhance the effect, it is advised to prepare a solution based on peroxide and hair lightener. According to 2 tbsp. l. peroxide and clarifier dissolve in 1 liter of water. Treat the entire refrigerator with a dampened sponge, and it will shine white again.

Chlorine and industrial soda help to bleach small items that can be removed and soaked in the solution overnight. You can use any substance that contains chlorine: bleach, stain remover, etc. If the result does not satisfy you, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. technical soda and washing in a liter of water. Soaking in such a remedy for 10 hours or more will help even in the most advanced cases.

Windows and window sills are the most “vulnerable” plastic products, as they are subject to continuous direct sunlight. How quickly the plastic turns yellow depends not only on its quality, but also on how it is handled. Do not smoke in the apartment, as the resins are absorbed by the plastic surface. Cigarette smoke will ruin not only appliances and windows, but also wallpaper and furniture. And you can put a napkin on the windowsill, which will not only protect it from damage, but also decorate the interior of the room.

Do not forget about frequent wet cleaning: grease and dust are gradually absorbed into the plastic. The more often the plastic surfaces are wiped with soapy water or special cleaning wipes, the later it will begin to change its color. It is easier to carry out light cleaning for prevention than to wash plastic from years of yellow plaque.

As you can see, there are many ways to clean plastic. Each hostess can choose the most suitable and affordable method for herself. By following all the instructions, you will be able to keep the shining look of your windows and household appliances for a long time.

Plastic has long been one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of various things. It is found in toys, electronics, household appliances, automobiles, and home furnishings. But over time, any white plastic products begin to acquire yellow tints. The reason for this is exposure to sunlight, sudden changes in temperature, improper care and natural reactions with oxygen. In such situations, you can try bleaching the yellowed plastic to restore its former beauty.

Windows deserve special attention. Plastic structures used in conjunction with glass very often turn yellow when exposed to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. Bright rays can illuminate them all day long. If this happens regularly for several years, then the appearance of a yellow tint is inevitable. Additional factors are sudden temperature changes and improper operation.

The composition of the plastic used for window elements includes various substances that can extend its service life. Therefore, the window sill should be cleaned with care. You cannot use:

  • Means for washing dishes;
  • Hard sponges;
  • abrasive powders;
  • Acetone and similar in composition means;
  • alkaline substances;
  • Hot water.

All other means of getting rid of yellow spots can be used without fear.

How to bleach plastic

It is not so difficult to return the former look to plastic products. You can do this at home without outside help. You just need to stock up on all the necessary means that will be used to achieve the goal. There are several cleaning methods.

Useful video on whitening plastic - video:

A simple but very effective remedy. Laundry soap will help renew old plastic, giving it a white tint again. This method shows maximum effectiveness when color changes are caused by exposure to fatty deposits.

How to proceed:

  1. Grate (½ bar).
  2. Pour warm water (150 ml), mix.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to the problem area. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a clean sponge, wash soapy traces with clean water.

You can use this method in any case, because soap is harmless.

Special wipes

Electronics stores sell special wipes. They contain various substances that are able to clean computer equipment from contamination without any harm. They also help with yellowing.

How to clean:

  1. Every 6 hours, wipe the yellow mark with a napkin.
  2. Repeat daily for several days until the yellowness disappears completely.

This option is ideal for household appliances and plastic window sills.

Chalk Tooth Powder

Such an unusual mixture allows you to return the white color to things if the shades of yellowness have appeared recently. You can try it for old stains, but it is unlikely to achieve significant results.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix a small amount of chalk and tooth powder.
  2. Add water to make a thick paste.
  3. Spread over the entire surface of the plastic, wait for drying.
  4. Remove the remaining powder with a dry cloth.

The procedure can be repeated many times.

Soda and washing powder

Baking soda is very often used to clean things from dirty stains. She also copes well with yellowness.

How to apply it:

  1. Mix soda (1 tablespoon), washing powder (1 tablespoon) and water (500 ml).
  2. Apply liquid to a plastic object. Wait 8 hours.
  3. Wash off all traces with a damp cloth.

Great option for window sill cleaning.


An equally effective way to restore whiteness to plastic products is acetic acid. To do this, you need its 70% solution.

Cleaning process:

  1. Soak a soft cloth or large cotton pad in the vinegar.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wash the surface of the object with water.

When using acid, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room. Also, it is not recommended to use a remedy for getting rid of yellowness on sensitive plastic.

Citric acid with chlorine

A powerful yellow bleaching agent that can be used on thin plastics without compromising their integrity.

How to use:

  1. Mix the same amount of citric acid and chlorine.
  2. Apply to spots. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Remove leftover funds.

This mixture can be applied repeatedly until it is possible to return the yellowed plastic to its usual form.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medicine is very popular and is present in every medicine cabinet. It helps not only to disinfect wounds, but also to tidy up the surface of yellowed plastic.

Mode of application:

  1. Wet a soft sponge with peroxide.
  2. Repeatedly wipe the yellow spots.
  3. Wash off the remaining traces of peroxide.

The tool does not harm plastic. Therefore, it is allowed to use it for a long time and repeatedly until the desired result is obtained.


Alcohol has gained great popularity in cleaning from pollution. It destroys the composition of any dirt, making things clean again. No less effective it helps to whiten strongly yellowed plastic. Its composition not only removes yellowness, but literally destroys the structure of the upper layers of the object. Therefore, they should be used with caution.

How alcohol is used:

  1. Soak a rag in it.
  2. Wipe the yellow parts of the surface.
  3. Remove all traces of alcohol with clean water.

This method is suitable for rough dense plastic on household appliances and various appliances.


Another very aggressive solvent that can not only lighten plastic, but also damage it. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of acetone to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object to check the reaction. If everything is in order, then it can be used. Nevertheless, caution will still not be superfluous.


  1. Moisten a dense cotton pad with acetone.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wipe off traces of product with a damp cloth.

You can use nail polish remover instead of acetone. Its composition is not so harmful to the coating, but shows less effectiveness.

Special tools for the restoration of plastics

You can return white plastic objects to their original form with the help of special tools that are designed to restore plastic in cars. You can buy them in car repair shops and salons with spare parts.

How to use:

  1. Apply to the problem area, following the instructions.
  2. Wait for drying.

Be sure to read the instructions before use.


Option for small items. It involves the complete soaking of things in chlorine.

How to do it:

  1. Dilute bleach or bleach (1 tbsp) in water (1 liter), adding a little soda (1 tbsp).
  2. Put the thing that needs to be restored in a container with liquid. Leave overnight.
  3. Remove and rinse item thoroughly under cool water.

With very strong yellowing, soaking in pure bleach without diluting it with water is allowed.


The above methods should be enough to deal with the problem and get your white plastic back. If the yellowness turns out to be very old and does not succumb to any remedy, then you can simply carefully cover it with paint that is as suitable as possible in shade, or paint the entire product as a whole. This will hide any problem areas.
