How to make a gradient manicure gel polish at home: a step by step guide. Features of painting walls with a smooth transition

Ombre is a term that refers to the transition of color from one to another. Appearing for the first time among hairdressers, he migrated to the environment of nail service masters and firmly established himself there. Currently, under the word ombre, they understand the design of nails, the transition of one color to another.

First execution technique

Ombre on nails

This technique is more complex, however, the result looks more professional. The border of the transition is more stretched, and the transition itself is very smooth. This ombre looks best when using gentle and close tones in color. This is due to the fact that varnishes will have to be mixed and as a result of mixing a beautiful color should be obtained.

Now about how to make nails (manicure) with a color transition, such as in the photo. You will need:

  • Standard set of manicure accessories;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Mixing palette;
  • Toothpick;
  • sponge;
  • Two or more (depending on the idea) varnish colors;
  • Top cover.

Ombre step by step

First, put your nails in order, do a manicure in the usual way. Remove the cuticle, trim the free edge and polish the plate. Degrease the plates and go directly to how to make a smooth transition in the color of the nail polish.

  1. Cover the plates with a base and dry it thoroughly. The layer should not be thick;
  2. Pour some varnishes of both colors on the palette close to each other;
  3. Start mixing them with a toothpick along the border in such a way that as a result the color transition becomes smooth;
  4. Soak sponge in varnish;
  5. Make an imprint on the nail plate with a sponge;
  6. Dry the resulting gradient;
  7. Apply a fixative and dry it.

Using this technology, you can also perform an ombre-style manicure on nails with gel polish, as in the photo. It will not be possible to make it using the second technology, which will be given below, due to some specificity of the material. At the end of the section, we bring to your attention a lesson on how to make an ombre manicure on nails with gel polish at home using this video as an example.

Second technology

Using this technology, an ombre manicure can only be performed with ordinary varnish. This method is not applicable to gel polish, biogel and shellac. To make a manicure in this way, you will need the following devices and materials:

Ombre French manicure

  • Your ordinary manicure set;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Two colored varnishes (dense enough);
  • sponge;
  • Fixer.

An ombre manicure using that technology is quite simple, and therefore you can talk more briefly about how to do it. As in the previous case, prepare your nails for applying varnish in the standard way, degrease and apply the base. After it dries, apply one layer of thick varnish. If necessary, after it dries, apply another layer.

So, after getting a dense color, dry it thoroughly. Pour varnish of a different color onto the palette and dip a sponge into it. You can also apply directly with a brush to the sponge, but for this, the varnish should not be too liquid, and the sponge should have large pores. Otherwise, the coating will simply absorb very quickly into the sponge.

Now press the sponge against the nail, starting from where you want to see the beginning of the color transition. In order for such an ombre technique on nails to succeed, you need to do it quickly. That is, the sponge must be pressed as tightly as possible, but for a minimum time. Then repeat the movement half a millimeter above the border of the first application and move in this way to the end of the free edge of the nail, gradually thickening and thickening its color.

You can make a manicure with a color transition using this technology only with a simple varnish. For shellac, the method is not applicable, since there are no conditions for a thorough removal of the sticky layer. Thus, the manicure will not only not become durable, but will also turn out to be completely unaesthetic.

The advantage of this technology is that it can be used to create a light and delicate design, using a translucent tone as a second varnish. In this case, you can give only a slight nuanced shade to the main dense tone of the varnish. Such a manicure looks especially impressive if a pattern is applied over it with a more saturated shade of the second color.

The video below will tell you how to perform a manicure with an ombre effect at home.

Ombre popularity

This style of painting is used almost everywhere in manicure. It can be done both vertically and horizontally and diagonally. Special craftsmen even manage to make it semicircular. They can decorate one nail or all.

"Aircraft" can be considered a vertical ombre, made in six colors, passing from finger to finger. So on the little finger we see the transition from red to orange, on the ring finger - from orange to yellow, on the middle - from yellow to green, on the index - from green to blue and on the big - from blue to purple.

An ombre manicure on nails with a jacket, as we see in the photo, is also possible. In this style, a free edge or a nail bed can be decorated. It is also possible to cover the entire nail with light nuanced transparent shades.

The number of colors that will change within one nail can only be limited by your skill. Some manage to use up to four shades on one plate. It can be performed both in bright and saturated colors, and in similar shades. For example, a good option for the office is a smooth transition from soft pink to natural beige.

Ombre manicure

You can decorate such a manicure in a variety of ways. The most interesting option is to place the drawing of the first color on the tip of the nail, that is, against the background of the second color, or vice versa. Stickers or drawings by hand in other colors and shades also look quite aesthetically pleasing, provided that the shade and tone are correctly selected.

Decorating with sparkles also seems appropriate. For example, you can make a smooth transition from thick sparkles at the free edge of the nail to rare ones at the base, similar to the color transition. With rhinestones, this design can also be diversified. You can place them on one nail in the form of a complex pattern or on all in a small amount. You can see this or that ombre nail design in the photo below.


In order for the result you get to be comparable to the salon one, you need to know a few simple secrets of such a manicure.

Color transition

  1. When performing a manicure according to the first technology, you need to ensure that the density of both varnishes is the same. Otherwise, a smooth transition will not work;
  2. When working on the second technology, on the contrary, it is better that the second varnish (that is, the one that is applied to the sponge) is more liquid. So the layer will be smoother, and the transition will be uniform;
  3. If you want the ombre effect on nails, such as in the video, to be as smooth and natural as possible, then it is very important to choose the right sponge. Usually sponges are best for applying foundation. However, it all depends on the thickness of the varnish. Sometimes it is worth opting for a more porous sponge. But it must be, as it were, rubber (rubber) to the touch. Synthetic sponges, such as those used for washing dishes, as well as natural ones, will not work, as the varnish will not adhere well to them and dry quickly.

Ultimately, the quality of your manicure and its professionalism depend on how correctly you select all the accessories, tools and materials.

Ombre wall painting is very popular in modern interior design, while the room takes on a unique character and looks quite impressive. An important factor is that painting with a transition is possible with your own hands, for this you need to follow the recommendations for performing this type of work.

Ombre on the walls means a smooth transition from one color to another, without indicating clear boundaries. In this case, transitions can be used not only on walls, but also in furniture decoration, color design of curtains and other interior elements. When coloring with a transition, it is possible to visually enlarge the space, boldly combining all kinds of shades.

In order to clearly know and understand how to paint with a transition, it should be borne in mind that the application can be carried out horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and painting can also be divergent or mixed. The transitions themselves can be made both smooth and quite sharp.

Color combination

For the ombre technique, 2-3 colors or more are chosen, depending on which combination is supposed to be recreated on the wall. Regardless of which shade you choose, it is important that all subsequent ones are combined with it. If a subtle transition is made, it is better to use close shades or neutral ones. Some prefer sharp transitions of completely different and contrasting colors, which will revive and fill any interior with colors.

You can pick up several shades and paint the walls with them, for example, one plane will be blue, the other gray, etc. White is often added to the painted surface for greater expressiveness of the overall gamut.

Possible effects

Depending on the placement of dark and light areas on the surface, the following effects can be achieved:

  • Darkening the bottom and brightening the top of the wall- the ability to vertically increase the space, the ceiling seems higher, and the floor - powerful and reliable.

  • Darkening the top- visual expansion of the room. The boundaries of the walls and floor are slightly blurred, especially if the flooring is made in light colors.

  • Darkening the corners and brightening the wall in the middle- the room is noticeably rounded and visually narrowed. The interior acquires contrast and relief lines.

  • Lightening corners and areas near windows with darkening the walls in the middle- there is a visual expansion of the room, while the room becomes brighter and more positive.

  • With a diagonal or wavy transition- smoothing of straight lines and angles is observed, the room acquires more dynamics.
  • Spot with transition in different directions- can be used to repair a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bfinishing, as a result, the boundaries of this zone become less noticeable.

Painting walls with a gradient is a rather complicated technique, so the services of professionals will be quite expensive. However, you can make an ombre with your own hands, a special application technique will help you do the job without additional help.

On the video: the original painting of the walls.

Surface preparation

Before you paint on the wall, you need to clean the surface. Old finishes should be removed using special liquids. Wallpaper can be softened with water and peeled off with a spatula. After that, it is important to remove all irregularities from the surface. For this, putties and plasters are used. Before and after puttying, a layer of primer is applied, which increases adhesion and facilitates the process of applying the paint of the selected color.

If you choose striped ombre coloring, you should first apply markings. This is done with a pencil and a long ruler. Then masking tape is glued onto the markings, which will ensure the evenness of the painting and make the transition in the desired area.

When choosing colors, it is important to consider the functional purpose of the room. For a nursery, it is better to choose soft and light colors. The playroom will stand out well with the three-color painting technique. If we talk about the bedroom, calm tones are preferable, creating an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility. But for the kitchen, a combination of bright colors - orange, light green, pink, etc. will be an excellent option.

How to paint walls (step by step)

To date, the most popular coloring is a horizontal ombre, which allows you to achieve a unique and beautiful design of the premises. You can make a smooth transition from one tone to another using a regular roller or brush. However, in this case, it will be necessary to polish the transition points of the shade, which takes a lot of time and effort.

A better result will be obtained if you use a spray gun. The device has the function of adjusting the intensity of the paint supply, which will create a natural, lighter tone on the desired area.

Ombre is performed in several steps:

  1. The base color paint must be diluted with a viscometer to the desired consistency. In the same way, white paint of the same brand is diluted.
  2. Next, you need to mix colored and white paints to get the lightest possible tone. The resulting composition is poured into the spray gun, after which the entire wall area is painted. Thus, the base color was obtained.
  3. The airbrush is thoroughly washed, after which it should be filled with unclarified paint and the composition should be applied to the lower part of the wall.
  4. After washing, the device is refilled with a lighter paint. Before carrying out work, it is better to choose the right tone using a regular cardboard and adjusting the paint supply or changing the distance of the sprayer relative to the wall. When painting, a light stripe is applied to a darker layer up to half its height.
  5. The last strip is applied in the same way. The paint should be slightly darker than the base shade. To smooth the boundaries, the spray nozzle must be moved away from the surface at a suitable distance.

If there is no spray gun, and only a paint roller is at hand, it does not matter! You can perform gradient staining according to the scheme below.

If the work is done with a brush, you can make a normal transition on an incompletely dried surface with a soft brush, this will achieve the desired effect. If the layer has already hardened, you can use a stiff brush.

By decorating ombre walls with ordinary paint, you can adjust the height and width of the rooms, while creating the right atmosphere. Now you do not face the question of how to paint the walls to achieve the desired result, you just have to follow a few recommendations for applying paint, because any adult can cope with the task.

Tips for creating an ombre effect on the wall (2 videos)

Coloring options (28 photos)

One of the new, fashionable trends in manicure is the technique of gradient manicure. This technique has gained great popularity among women.

A creative and neatly executed manicure is the perfect complement to any style of clothing. Over the past few years, manicure has turned into an art: fashionistas and designers come up with more and more sophisticated ways to decorate nails.

Sequins, stickers, foil, rhinestones, stamping, nail piercing, three-dimensional sculptures - a variety of decorations focus on female nails. Nail art fans always invent new ways of coloring nails: manicure can be moon, marble, holographic, gradient.

What is a gradient manicure?

Gradient manicure became a popular trend in the spring-summer 2013 season. Summer gave way to autumn, but this sophisticated manicure has not lost its relevance - bright summer tones have given way to deeper shades that correspond to the season.

Gradient manicure is a special technique of coating nails with varnish, which creates the effect of a smooth transition from one color to another. The gradual color change on the nails looks impressive!

Color solutions for such a manicure can be countless. The color may gradually fade or become brighter if similar tones of different saturation are used.

For a more expressive manicure, you can combine contrasting or related-contrasting colors - in order to correctly compose a harmonious combination, you need to use the color spectrum.

Gradient manicure technique

The technique of gradient coating of nails is not difficult, but it will require patience. There are several ways of coloring to achieve a smooth transition of colors.

The main tool that is used in any gradient manicure technique is a foam rubber sponge. It is best to use a dense triangular-shaped make-up sponge. The smaller the pores on the sponge, the better. The sponge is used as a stamp to apply the desired pattern.

Basic application methods

  • The nail plate is covered with a colorless base varnish. Colored varnishes are applied in lines on the surface of the sponge, after which the resulting pattern is quickly printed. This technique will be discussed in detail below.
  • Varnishes of selected shades are applied not on a sponge, but on the surface of a plastic film or cover. Varnishes must be applied so that the colored spots are in contact. At the point of contact, the colors are mixed with a toothpick, then the pattern is transferred to the surface of the nail plate, which is pre-coated with a manicure base.
  • This method is quite simple and is used when creating a gradient of two shades. If a transition is made from the moon to the tip of the nail from dark to light, a darker shade is applied as a base.
  • If the gradient needs to be made from light at the moon to dark at the tip, the nail is covered with the lighter of the selected shades, or with natural shade varnish. The second shade is then applied to the sponge and imprinted on the top. With the help of a top coat, the varnish is evenly distributed over the nail to create a smooth transition.

How to make a gradient manicure at home

First, select the shades - this process can take longer than the coloring process itself! You can choose shades of the same color and make a smooth transition, for example, from lilac to soft pink.

But the colors don't have to be the same: a blue-to-yellow or green-to-black manicure will look very bold! To create a spectacular evening gradient manicure, you can use varnishes with glitter.

You can make a color block from shades of different colors - this will look especially expressive: remember how the colors of the rainbow go from one to another. Experiment with different color combinations to start your manicure with a ready-made solution.

When choosing the number of color stripes, consider the length of your nails. It is more convenient to work on long ones, besides, more transitions from one color to another will “fit” on them. On short ones, a blend of two shades harmoniously looks, otherwise the colors will mix too much, and the manicure will be blurry.

Useful tip: if you have white or black polishes, they can be mixed with any other polishes to get a darker or lighter shade. The color transition on the nail plate can be done both vertically and horizontally.

What you need for a gradient manicure

Necessary materials:

  • nail file, tongs, cuticle scissors
  • base for manicure
  • varnishes of selected shades
  • sponge or sponge
  • plastic film (file) or plastic cap
  • cup of water
  • correction pencil or cotton swabs and nail polish remover
  • nail polish finish

Step-by-step instruction

For those who are always on the run and do not have an extra free minute, you can make a simpler manicure using the gradient technique: the effect of a smooth transition of shades of color can be obtained by painting the nails on one hand with different varnishes.

If you have a rich palette of varnishes, you can pick up five close shades of the same color. It does not matter if you do not have a lot of varnishes - use 2-3 bottles, mixing the shades together to get a smooth tone transition.

For the thumbnail, choose the darkest shade, gradually “lightening” it towards the pinky nail - or vice versa. Rinse the brush with solvent each time before applying the next shade.

The ombre style has become popular in the summer season, when women wear bright outfits. I want my nails to match the summer multicolor. Ombre - gradient, marble - these are varieties of manicure where several colors of varnish are used. Color transitions can be placed horizontally from the base of the nail to its end, vertically and diagonally, which also looks extraordinary.

What palette to stick to in a certain image

Creative individuals are always looking for creative solutions in all areas. Fashion, appearance design provides a limitless field of fantasy for this. Girls strive to express their individuality, to be noticed. A manicure is always in sight, it is hard not to notice if it is, all the more bright and unusual. This decoration of the image becomes a multi-color nail art.

The transition of color from one to another can be applied in everyday and weekend manicure. It is universal. And yet, it is better to combine related colors. It is important that this technique can be used to complement any style - from romantic to pop art.

  • Delicate images of young girls are suitable for combinations of blue-blue-white colors or pink-beige tones;
  • For extravagant people with a bright catchy appearance, it is better to take red, wine, lilac tones, tinted with silver or bluish varnish;
  • Solid ladies can also afford ombre nails. Pink, beige shades on long well-groomed nails are suitable for them;

It is necessary to take into account the time of year, the environment in which you appear. You can’t shock the office audience with long shiny red-green nails, but at a beach party, such nails are just right!

Such a manicure can be done in three ways:

  • A pattern of blurry colors is applied to the nail plate with a foam rubber sponge. This method is faster, but requires extreme accuracy, especially when working with gel polishes. First you need to protect the surfaces of the finger around the nail from getting varnish on them.
  • Shade colors with sparkles.
  • A more convenient and neat way is to apply the color scheme to the nail using an eyeshadow applicator. It has the outline of a nail and stains the skin less.

Women and young girls strive to look original, for which they use makeup, clothes and, of course, manicure. In the female image, the hands, as it were, live an independent life. They are always paid attention to, they can tell a lot about a woman - her age, habits, work, attitude towards herself. The beauty of hands is in well-groomed radiant skin, nails, harmonious combination with the whole look. The type of skin, the shape of the brushes dictates its own manicure rules for every fashionista. It is necessary to observe a sense of proportion, style unity with the toilet and age restrictions.

If an old lady goes out into the world with long bright nails on wrinkled hands, it will look vulgar.

You can learn how to do a manicure with a transition from one color to another. It will complete your trendy look. Color transitions on nails are an unusual artistic technique. He always draws attention to the owner of such an exquisite manicure. The correct selection of colors and halftones will allow ladies of any age to use this technique. The transition of beige and gray shades will suit respectable women. Iridescent bright colors - for young girls.

How to make a manicure with a color transition at home

The craving for experiments with color, the shape of the nail, the original decoration with sparkles can translate into a mastery of the art of multi-color manicure. A little patience, imagination and time, and you can make beautiful nails for yourself.

Necessary materials:

  • 2-3 varnishes of different colors;
  • Thin brush;
  • Clean sponge or piece of foam sponge

Step by step guide to action

  • In the usual way to treat the cuticle, apply a nourishing cream to the nails and skin of the hands. Then wipe the nail plates with an antiseptic.
  • Apply base coat to nails.
  • Tone overlay. First, apply a light varnish in two layers.
  • In order not to stain the fingers around the nail with varnish, we paste them with paper tape around the cuticle.
  • Wine, cherry shades are very fashionable in manicure. Now on the sponge we impose a pink color with a stripe. On top of it we put a strip of saturated color, say, fashionable wine.
  • We apply a two-layer coating to each nail. As the varnish is used up, the layers are renewed. The color coating can be applied to a cotton pad and taken with an applicator, transferred to the nails. The operation can be repeated several times on each nail.

What is the difference between ombre and gradient?

The transition of colors is carried out in both methods. But there is a difference.

Ombre - horizontal color change. At the base of the nail plate is a light tone, higher towards the tip of the nail, the color becomes darker and more saturated. You can use up to five shades. Combinations of related tones will be successful. But you can experiment with contrasting colors. The color transition can be made blurry smooth, or you can designate clear transition boundaries. The set of colors depends on the imagination of the artist.

Gradient manicure suggests more daring color variations. Color transitions can be arranged vertically, diagonally, the pattern can capture all the nail plates on the hand. It looks unusual and original. A wide sweeping stroke of the arrangement of colors involves the use of only two tones.

Manicure gel polish with color transition

In the color scheme, you should practice with the application of ordinary varnish. It is easy to wipe it off with liquid. Gel polish will be difficult to fix, and even more so to remove.
For this manicure you will need:

  • Special lamp with ultra-violet rays;
  • System for gel coating of nails - base, colored varnishes - gels, finishing;
  • Primer or bondex;
  • Brush for editing;
  • sponge;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Paper tape;
  • Cuticle oil;
  • Nail file and soft polishing file;
  • Nail polish remover, cotton swabs;

Advice! The purpose of this treatment of the nail is its alignment and tighter adhesion of the gel polish to the surface. Remove as little layer as possible so that after removing the gel polish, the nails do not exfoliate for several months.

  • We apply the base varnish on the nail plates and let it dry under the lamp.
  • Mix colors on foil. We do it this way - we apply parallel strips of two or three colors on the foil. The total width of the "zebra" is no more than the width of the nail. Stroke the borders of the flowers with a toothpick.

  • Excess varnish is immediately removed from the skin around the nail with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. Under the lamp, it can harden so much that it will be impossible to remove it.
  • We dry the nails under the lamp and repeat the application of the colored strip on the nails. Dry again.
  • We cover the plates with a finishing varnish and dry for 2 cycles.

The gradient can be decorated with sparkles. To do this, after applying the varnish before drying, dip the tips of the plates in the sparkles. Get a chaotic elegant pattern. Shiny particles are used only in the festive version of the manicure with gel polish with a color transition.

Another way to apply a gradient

The transition of colors is done with a thin brush. Step by step manipulation:

  • The second half of the plate is painted in a different color. The border is shaded with thin brush strokes. It turns out a gradual transition of color. We dry the picture for 2 minutes.
  • We repeat the application of varnishes and again - under the lamp.
  • We cover the finished image with a protective layer.

When an ombre is made with a sponge or brush, roughness inevitably appears on the nail. They are smoothed out under the finishing varnish.

French ombre manicure

Classic French manicure is still in fashion. It looks good in everyday style and in a solemn way. But it can be diversified using the ombre technique and decorate the usual white border. To do this, apply white varnish on the sponge, and apply it to the dried base on the nail. Originality in the usual style will make you appreciate the artistic taste and imagination.

The reception of a smooth transition of color on the nails has several names - degradation, gradient, stretching, ombre. But they all have the same character of applying varnish. You can use discreet pastel colors. Then the manicure will look elegant and mysterious. It is possible to use contrasting bright colors. Young women of fashion or outrageous natures can afford it.

Ombre with rhinestones

Ombre or gradient looks original and beautiful on their own. But additional decor gives them originality, attractiveness and style. This look is suitable for a special occasion, for a festive evening out.

Advice!The rule of good form allows the use of sequins imitating jewelry in the evening, in the sparkle of candles or lamps!

Fashion for extra long nails is gradually moving away. Neat short plates are comfortable, do not interfere in everyday life, manicure lasts better and longer on them.

Advice! Gel polish makes nails thicker (nothing can be done about it!). Therefore, bright short nails should not be abundantly sprinkled with shiny pebbles. You can put glitter on several fingers or decorate each nail with a small pebble.

Gel polish allows you to hide bumps and other nail defects.

The fashion for short nails opens up great opportunities in the variety of their decoration. This is the transition of colors, the use of sparkles, the application of a miniature pattern or mesh. In the small space of a short plate, all these nuances fit harmoniously.

The painstaking work on creating the beauty of the nail can be ruined because of the little things. By applying our tips, you can avoid trouble.

  • When you work on the transition of tones with a sponge, bumps and bubbles appear in the gel polish. To prevent this from happening, use a dense sponge or a fine-grained sponge. Before applying color to the nail, blot the sponge on paper or foil. The air bubbles inside will come out. If they do form, sprinkle them with alcohol.
  • The fingers around the nail inevitably get dirty with polish when using the sponge. You can use paper tape and remove it after applying the varnish on the nail. It is more convenient to use another method - spread the skin around the cuticle with a greasy hand cream. Excess varnish is easy to wipe off with a cotton pad along with the cream. If you often do ombre, look in stores for a special tool for removing unwanted color from your fingers.

  • Difficulties create contrasting colors. They do not connect well, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. A top coat can help. It smoothes the transitions of bright colors.

  • To obtain a bright image, it is necessary to use as a base not colorless, but white varnish.
  • Ombre with sparkles is made on a plain base coat. Starting from the end of the nail, densely golden sparkles are sprinkled on it, which turn into silvery ones in the middle and become less frequent.

The gradient runs vertically and horizontally. The difference is in the position of the sponge. The vertical image visually lengthens the nail. The color border is placed along the central axis of the nail. Horizontal ombre suggests an axis parallel to the top edge of the plate.

A charming manicure with a color transition has become one of the most interesting and striking discoveries of the past year. It is also known under a different name - ombre, degrade or gradient manicure.

The design is performed in several colors (from two to five). A smooth transition between shades is created, they seem to flow, gradually replace each other. At first glance, it seems that only real masters can perform a stylish manicure. But the secret of the ombre is open! You can make a smooth color transition yourself, with the help of simple tools and tools!

Every day the number of design options increases. Ombre combines new colors (both similar and radically opposite), the direction of transitions changes.

The most popular types of design:

  • horizontal color transition;
  • vertical flow of shades;
  • smooth color transition diagonally;
  • change in shade from one nail to another.

Soft, gradual color transition can be done in different ways. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them. To complete the design, you need two colored varnishes, cotton swabs, acetone, foil or a plastic plate, white varnish for the base, base and fixer. And the main “tool” is a sponge. Suitable for the most common, for washing dishes.

Let's describe the execution scheme step by step:

  • Apply base coat to finished nails. After it dries well, cover the plates with white varnish in two layers. This secret is used to make the gradient manicure brighter. The surface of the plate will become smooth, colored varnishes will lay down on it much better.
  • Choose polishes that match well in color. It can be similar shades or radically different. It is worth studying color combinations in manicure and fashionable shades of the year in order to be “in trend”.
  • Cut the sponge into pieces that are slightly larger in area than the nail plate.
  • On a kind of "palette" - thick paper, foil, plastic plate - apply two or three colors close, without gaps. The borders of flowers can be slightly shaded using a regular toothpick. Immediately attach a sponge to the varnish so that the product penetrates into the holes. You can not hesitate so that the varnish does not have time to dry.
  • Press the painted sponge to the nail. Transfer the varnish to the plate with rolling movements so as to capture the entire base. Blot several times to create a dense, beautiful coating.
  • Without waiting for the complete drying of the colored varnish, apply a layer of a transparent fixer. The roughness that remains after applying the sponge will be smoothed out. A transparent finish must be applied in several strokes in the direction from the root of the plate to the free edge.
  • Then you need to remove excess varnish from the skin around the nail plate, using a cotton swab and nail polish remover.

Other ombre techniques

Nail design with a color transition can be done in other ways.

Read also: Manicure for September 1 for girls in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11: spectacular nails for each

  • The entire plate is covered with one of the selected shades. A different color is applied to the sponge. After that - print it on the plate, starting from the middle of the nail to the free edge. They make several pressings, slightly shifting the sponge, so that at the junction of the shades there is a mixing of colors.

  • Two colors are applied side by side on the plate. Then you need to take a clean brush and, without waiting for drying, draw strokes on the border of shades. This will lead to partial mixing of varnishes and the formation of a smooth transition from one color to another. The painted surface remains smooth, not rough. This technique of transitions is called.

  • You can transition from one shade to another by using similar polish colors on each nail. The thumb is covered with a dark shade, and the little finger is the lightest. To do this, it is not necessary to buy five different varnishes. It is enough to purchase white varnish as a “clarifier”, and mix it with color, gradually changing the proportions. So we get a soft color transition from dark to light on all nails.
  • It is very difficult to make a transition with a sponge without soiling the cuticle and side ridges. Removing excess varnish is not very pleasant, besides, a careless movement can catch the coating, ruining the design. Women practice an alternative method: pasting the cuticles with adhesive tape before applying varnish. It takes a lot of time. But after removing the adhesive tape, the side rollers remain perfectly clean!
  • If you cover the skin around the nail with a greasy cream, then it will be easier to clean off excess varnish after the procedure. But the cream should not get on the plate, otherwise the varnish will not stick well.

  • If a dark color is applied to the tip of the nail, then the nails will look longer.
  • On short nails, use transitions of two colors. But on long plates, an ombre using three or more shades will look harmonious. Beginners are recommended to perform a gradient using two colors. Over time, you can increase the number of shades.
  • The smaller the holes on the sponge, the more beautiful the design will turn out. The transition will be softer and smoother.

  • Instead of a sponge, you can use a sponge, eye shadow applicator. In this case, the manicure is more accurate, the periungual space is less dirty.
  • Experts recommend using a different piece of sponge for each nail to make the gradient stand out rather than messy.

  • Colored varnishes can be applied directly to the sponge rather than foil or paper. It is only necessary to pre-moisten it with water and squeeze a little. Then the sponge will absorb less varnish.
  • Some masters recommend using not white, but colored varnish, the lightest of the selected shades, as a base.

  • If you decide to make nails with a color transition gel polish, then the application technique will not differ significantly. Experts say that shellac ombre is easy to create with a sponge and a brush. Of course, a UV lamp is required to dry each layer. It is also necessary to adhere to all other stages of work that are carried out during manicure with gel polish: applying a primer, removing the sticky layer.
