How to dress stylishly for a girl: useful recommendations. Sports shoes with a dress or coat: simple cut

Any wardrobe must match the subject of the event. But how to dress correctly and fashionably?

Before you get dressed, think about what the atmosphere of the event will be like. Among the fashion trends now you won’t find loose and shapeless outfits. But at the same time, a self-respecting girl will not allow herself to expose all the advantages of her figure, even if everything is fine with her. She should look fit, and her clothes should fit perfectly. This factor provides a feeling of one hundred percent confidence.

Basic Rules

Researching your body type will help you learn how to dress correctly and stylishly. This will help you create a basic wardrobe for all occasions. If you're struggling with extra pounds, don't choose tight-fitting or loose-fitting outfits, but rather find a dress or suit that will flatter your figure. If you have a heavy bottom, wear bell skirts. And if the problem is with “invisible” hips, wear barrel skirts. Same with the top. Women with large breasts who know how to dress correctly choose tops with a V-neck. And ladies with small breasts prefer T-shirts with ruffles and all kinds of decorations in the chest area.

Also worth mentioning are the style elements. Look through glossy magazines and you will understand how to dress beautifully in the photos of the pages of these magazines.

Often photo of how to dress a girl correctly, can be found on fashion sites on the Internet.

For each occasion, as mentioned above, there should be a specific outfit. Let's look at situations that require you to adhere to a special style of clothing.

Public performance

When preparing for a public speaking, defending a thesis or giving a presentation, first of all, you should know how to learn how to dress stylishly as a girl. You need to create an image in advance in the same way as you prepare your speech (prescribe a report, abstract, theses). You must understand that your clothing must fully correspond to the subject of your work. Appearance attracts or rejects others.

It is a thoughtful external image that can convey confidence and provide you with a feeling of comfort.

Therefore, when preparing for a public event, you must remember that it is appearance that can have an impact on others. Don't be lazy and take the time to learn how to dress properly. At the same time, it is also important to preserve individuality at such events, because public speaking should not deprive a person of his own “I”. How should you dress beautifully? Classic restrained lines, a strict silhouette, restraint of forms matter. But it doesn’t hurt to use the trendy shades of the season. Trendy tones like these will help you fit in with today's times. Perhaps, in public speeches, it is important for the viewers and listeners themselves to see that you reflect the spirit of the times in which you live. If you're presenting a creative project, you don't have to hold yourself back with black, gray or brown tones. Give preference to violet, lemon, beige shades. But at the same time, choose a strict and discreet bottom. If you are, for example, an economist, you realize that people listening to you want to hear and see a confident person. You must not only know your business well and memorize your speech, but also how to dress correctly. Of course, an economist needs to choose a suit. Whether it's pants or a skirt is not so important. Pay attention to the photo of how business women can dress beautifully.

In addition to clothes, many people worry about their hair. Here you also need to maintain a certain style. You can find out more about this in this article. And don't forget that the scent of your perfume also affects the audience's perception of your speech. You can find out about this.


For gatherings in a cafe or walking the dog, denim clothing or a light cotton dress are suitable. If it's autumn, a long cardigan and jeans will look good. And don’t overuse tracksuits, thinking that no one will see you in your yard anyway. A woman should always remain a woman. And the rules on how to dress stylishly and beautifully also apply to walking in the yard with a dog.

Romantic date

Usually girls who don’t know how to dress properly and beautifully wear all the most beautiful things in their closet on a date. Also, quite often girls try to conquer everyone by showing their knowledge of fashion news as an example. But not all fashionable things suit absolutely everyone. Most of them look quite flashy and are suitable only for fashion shows. But the guy needs you and your inner beauty, not your outer gloss. Men are put off by ostentatious luxury and too much gold on a woman.


Tips on how to dress correctly include rules for wearing and using accessories. To highlight your individuality, complement your look with a classic handbag or business briefcase made of smooth leather in black or brown. Also choose shoes with heels, albeit low, but stable. And, of course, decorations. A modern woman who knows how to dress stylishly cannot imagine her wardrobe without stylish accessories. They complement any look. The only question is: how much jewelry should you wear when going out with friends or on a date? Stylists recommend wearing a single piece of jewelry: either it should be a necklace, a bracelet, or a small miniature hairpin on the head.

Everything you have in your box should not be worn on yourself.

As you can see, it’s not that difficult to master the science of how to dress properly as a woman. Girls with any body type and any age can choose a beautiful and stylish wardrobe. Consulting a stylist will help you understand how to dress stylishly.

The Internet is replete with advice on how to easily and simply learn to dress. Unfortunately, all these tips are empty theory and do not teach style - they are boring and monotonous. in clothing, you should first of all rely on your desires and comfort, and not on what the gloss dictates to you. Ideal style is above the templates and dictatorship of fashion boutiques. If you want to learn how to properly organize your wardrobe so that you always look your best, read the material!

Also read:

How to learn to dress beautifully?

First, you must forget about the words “it’s fashionable.” You can browse countless websites, read advice from stylists and image makers about what is “fashionable” and “worn” now, and feel like a complete loser—nothing is clear. And don’t let you be fascinated by subscriptions, visiting stylists and shopping accompaniment, revealing secrets known only to them - sweet and flattering words pouring honey into your ears, with grammatical errors should immediately test your vigilance.

This means how beautifully a woman should dress. Please remember that beauty is primarily feminine things, not borrowed from bikers and boyfriends.

Also read:

You should always have a basic wardrobe consisting of things that fit you well.

Blouses and sweaters. As simple as possible (no ruffles, chains, bows), but beautiful. The simpler a thing is, the more universal it is. Blouses should preferably be fitted and worn loosely under sweaters.

Also read:

Skirts and trousers. You yourself have to figure out which length suits you best. Shoes are matched to trousers of different lengths.

Skirts. pencil, denim, checkered and with a fun detail. The more skirts you have, the better.

Trousers. classic, wide, flared and cargo. The simpler the pants, the simpler the secret to the success of your figure.

Jackets/blazers/jackets and jeans. At your discretion, one condition - they must fit your figure, without being baggy.

The more original the cut of jackets and jeans, the fresher you will look. The rule of thumb for the back pockets of jeans is the lower the better. You should have one high-waisted pair of jeans for all occasions when you need to wear something short, hide an imperfect belly, and when the only clean thong left is the one that comes out of all your pants. You should also find jeans in “your” blue color. And holey jeans to suit the mood.

Dresses. What do the image maker’s advice tell us in such cases? Are they tweeting something about the fall seasons and the little black dress? No, that's not it. We are talking about basic things, namely: we need beautiful dresses. This is the first step on how to dress beautifully for a woman, and it is very easy to accomplish on the first try. You may have a few dresses, but they should be such that you walked out, and the seams, everyone’s seams came apart with envy.

Jackets and coats. The same principle: let it be small, but beautiful. There is no need to wear black all the time in autumn and winter. Just look at the bus stops at this time: it’s as if everyone has died out, only black and brown colored coats. Simple tips from stylists about bright spots will come in handy here: wear bright coats.
Don't wear jackets down to your navel in cold weather. Don't wear low-waisted jeans or trousers with butt cutters. Respect yourself - either jeans with a high belt or a long coat.

Sandy beige looks like the most noble color in outerwear. When choosing a beige coat or jacket, be careful: the shade should be clean, without any dirt.

A poncho is convenient to wear when you really don’t want to rack your brains over what to wear. A sweater under a poncho, and that’s it, you can run away for a walk.

Down coats are not very diverse, and you have to take what you have. Then dilute it with bright accessories.
Sleeveless vests are very comfortable to wear when it’s already cold, but not so cold as to put on down jackets.
And you should definitely have a denim jacket - a thing for all times.

Accessories. Hats, scarves and gloves. Basic tips from stylists in choosing accessories are both true and dead. Add gunpowder to the stylist's advice, and you'll have it.

Hats are a headache for many. Scarves, shawls and stoles are much nobler in this regard, since their drapery allows one to bypass the sharp edges of the inconvenience of hats. It is better to delve into the secrets of scarf draperies than to endure prickly and uncomfortable hats.
The more scarves and scarves, the better. If you give preference to multi-colored shawls, scarves, stoles, this will help you wear them with almost your entire wardrobe. And the problem of bright accessories will be solved.

Two pairs of signets, black and beige, will solve the problem of matching your wardrobe. Then use your imagination with color combinations. Accessories can do a lot, unlike clothes.

Shoes for all occasions. Versatile sneakers that can be worn with almost anything. Ballet shoes. The more ballet shoes the better. Classic shoes with medium or high heels, maybe on a neat platform. Tight knee-length boots with and without heels. Sandals. Rubber boots.

Yes, for now everything is predominantly black.
Ankle boots are best worn with trousers. If you want it with skirts, then only short ones and matching the color of the tights.

Sunglasses and just glasses. With the help of glasses, it is very easy to change your appearance beyond recognition due to a non-standard frame, as well as to reveal that you are a tag hunter. The less the logo on the glasses screams, the better.

Two universal glasses frames that will suit everyone. In this case, the stylist’s advice is useless – they don’t understand anything. They can only rub glasses beautifully. What's the point? The money has been spent, and there’s a bad feeling in my soul: so I went, as they say, for a consultation on “how to be beautiful.”

Wide glasses and aviator glasses. Start with brown color - it is universal, fits well into the skin tone (close in tone to the skin). The glass of the glasses softly merges with the face towards the bottom. The wide rectangular shape of the frame with beveled corners suits many people.

Aviator frames are a little more complicated, but it's a win-win option. There are two main requirements: your eyebrows must always be visible; The frame of the glasses ends strictly along the line of the cheekbones in the front, where the eye sockets end.
And in the end it turns out that dressing beautifully for a woman is not at all difficult.

Since time immemorial, the words of our dear ladies, “again, I have nothing to wear or what to wear,” have been and are familiar to everyone. Perhaps this is influenced by a woman’s natural taste, perhaps because back in Soviet times, when women were just children, there was no such parade of fashion in quotes as in our time. The problems of many women who complain that “again there is nothing to wear” and “what should I wear” are not very clear, especially to men, it’s more of a whim, a game for the public.

As one thinker said: a woman can “play” with her body, face, gestures, emotions, words - but a woman’s wardrobe will never lie, it will always reveal the character and true face of its owner.

There are several simple secrets on how to decorate yourself beautifully, which will always allow you to be dressed in a new, elegant, fresh and tasteful way. Thanks to these secrets, women will receive a lot of compliments from men, how could they not? To do this, you will have to, roughly speaking, “throw it out.” take all things out of the closets and look at them in a new way.

So, first: Things of the same type should always be hung together. For example, suit to suit, blouse to blouse, dress to dress, etc. It will be, firstly, very convenient and compact, and secondly, in a sense, the desire to say that “again there is nothing to wear” will disappear. It will be clear that there is something to wear in the closet.

Second: When a woman is shopping and she likes something new, she immediately wants to buy it. Our conscientious and quick to compliment sellers always say with one voice that this thing suits you so much that you want to buy it right away. And others say that if something is small, then there will be an incentive to lose weight. Losing weight requires a lot of activity and proper nutrition, and not just the desire to change clothes. Therefore, the second tip: you should not buy things only according to the opinions of others, it is better to look in the mirror and really see whether it suits you or not.

Third: All the things that a woman has in her wardrobe should always be worn, at least once a month. It often happens that, having bought one good thing and worn it for a week or two, the taste for it is lost and it is thrown into the furnace, namely into the wardrobe. Firstly, you should think about how much money was spent on this thing, and also, you need to remember those feelings when you first saw it and wanted to buy it. If she has a closet full of such unnecessary things, then she should collect them in one pile and rummage through them thoroughly. See how cool and beautiful they are. You should give your old clothes a thorough wash; they will become even more beautiful and attractive. Dismantling the old helps a lot to relieve stress and forget about real problems. Separately, what clothes do you have for the holidays?

Fourth: Accessories are an integral part of jewelry for a woman, be it rings, watches, etc. Thanks to them, many women become twice as attractive in a man’s eyes. Accessories should be chosen wisely and with some creativity. You should always look in the mirror, how does it suit them or not? There should be harmony of accessories and things. This is the secret! And yes, accessories should be stored in the same place as clothes.

Fifth: You should never dress casually. This especially applies to headdresses. Women are always in a hurry to get somewhere, they want to please someone, they shouldn’t do their hair in two or three minutes. This process should be approached with creativity and time to spare! If you often do such two-minute hairstyles, your hair will begin to lose its original beautiful appearance, break and fade.

You can describe very, very many fashionable tips and things for women. But no matter how much they write, no matter how much they talk, women will always be capricious and want new things, that’s how they are by nature.

All girls always want to look very fashionable. But expensive clothes do not always make your image beautiful. The main thing is to learn to dress correctly and tastefully, to find your style of clothing. We will offer you some useful tips that will help you look stylish and beautiful.

Wherever you are going, follow the basic rule - clothes should be comfortable.

Otherwise you will feel constrained. And this constraint will affect your behavior. You will begin to feel complex and repressed, you will worry, so the evening will pass in vain, if not to the detriment of you.

When choosing between a brand new jacket and your favorite sweater, go with the cardigan. And in the jacket, walk around the apartment for a day or two until you get used to it.

Tip #2. Dress appropriately for the event

You will feel extremely uncomfortable if you come to the theater in ripped jeans, to school in a supermini skirt, and to a disco in a long black dress. At best, they will turn on you. At worst, pointing and whispering. You will curse your desire to stand out a hundred times and your inappropriate originality two hundred and fifty times.

❧ Everywhere has its own public or unspoken dress code - assessment of appearance.

There are clubs and restaurants where sneakers and jeans are not allowed. There are discos where there is no place for high heels and deep necklines.

Are you going outdoors or want to sit in the yard with friends? Wear comfortable shoes and a warm sweater! To be always elegant and irresistible is a laudable desire, but sometimes you need to think about your unfortunate body. Breaking your legs on roots in the forest, walking like a heron, in heels or on a platform, is both funny and sad. And then, who needs it? It’s unlikely for him. Neither do you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice beauty in favor of convenience. An extra sweater or cardigan never hurts - if you don’t freeze yourself, you can save a freezing friend.

Stand in front of the mirror and look carefully at yourself.

Are you tall, thin and fit? You have a sporty body type.

Are you slightly behind your friends in height and always dream of losing weight? This means you belong to the romantic type.

This division is conditional. Girls of the romantic type sometimes achieve very impressive results in sports. And “sporty” girls love to lie on the grass and dream about something sublime.

Girls of the sporty type are more suited to clothes with a straight cut; girls of the romantic type are recommended to wear soft, streamlined clothing. If you are tall, you should not wear clothes with vertical stripes. Plus-size girls should choose clothes made from fabric with a simple pattern, loose dresses, without frills or flounces, and avoid horizontal stripes and bright colors.

The trousers are very comfortable, much more comfortable than the skirt. But jeans significantly reduce your feminine charm. So don't forget to wear a skirt from time to time.

Stretch jeans and shorts look good only on slender legs.

You need to choose plain blouses and T-shirts with bright multi-colored trousers, otherwise you may get lost in the riot of colors. But a sweater in a catchy, cheerful color is more suitable for “strict” trousers - black, blue and dark gray.

When choosing a skirt, always remember the characteristics of your figure.

If you have long, too thin legs, then you shouldn’t show them off with a miniskirt. A knee-length skirt will look much better.

Try to hide your crooked legs with a long skirt.

A skirt that is too short often looks vulgar. Your boyfriend is unlikely to like it, and others may misunderstand you.

A tight skirt should only be worn if you have something to wear. You will look most intriguing in a flowing skirt made of airy material.

Almost everyone goes with plaid skirts with pleats. They create a playful mood for the owner and others and always look stylish.

The brighter the dress, the more restrained the accessories should be. Large beads go well with plain items; ideally, the necklace, ring and earrings should be from the same ensemble. But you can choose. Try to make sure that the earrings and beads or necklace are made of the same material.

Remember that girls should not wear diamonds. This stone is for married women. For your age, jewelry made of pearls, turquoise, silver, rock crystal, and amethyst are suitable.

❧ The art of dressing requires, above all, grace and precise combination.

A lot of gold on the hands, on the neck and in the ears is a sign of bad taste. Gold combined with sportswear looks ridiculous. You should not wear gold or silver rings or jewelry on one hand. Jewelry looks good on its own.

Berets or small hats in the form of a hood go with a snub nose.

A hat with a large brim and a flat crown will suit a thin, long face.

Additions to clothing should highlight your individuality. Therefore, try to choose something truly original that matches your appearance. Most of all, fear the standard.

For a wide face, a hat with an upturned brim is good.

Caps suit many people, but not everyone. So don't buy a baseball cap just because it's fashionable. Try it on, maybe this visor shape is not for you. And don't wear a cap every day. It doesn't allow your head to breathe and your hair gets dirty faster.

Revelry of fantasy and passions. Wear whatever your heart desires.

Not worth it:

Be especially warm because it will be hot on the dance floor;

Hanging yourself with jewelry means trouble can happen in the crowd;

Taking a cell phone with you means there is too much of a chance that you will lose it;

Wear beads, earrings and bracelets. Think about it - you'll have to jump around all evening. Big beads will just knock off your chest.

At a disco or house style disco, tracksuits and sneakers are not welcome. It is better to dress up in shiny tops, shirts, jeans.

The techno style does not tolerate strictly cut clothes and heels, but it loves sweatshirts, original sneakers, skinny jeans, T-shirts with funny inscriptions, wristbands and catchy eyeliner.

The rhythm and blues style is against formal suits and sports shoes; give him everything elegant and shiny: mini, gold, large jewelry, hats.

The school, like any institution, requires certain rules in clothing - nothing bright and flashy, no miniskirts or giant beads.

Nothing to distract you from your studies.

If you don’t want to have problems with the school administration, it is better to wear jeans and trousers, skirts below the knee, muted tones of a blouse or jumper; in general, you need to have separate clothes for school. So that in the morning you don’t have to worry about what to wear and don’t rub your good clothes on school chairs.

❧ There are places where you should restrain your wild energy and crazy imagination. With dreadlocks, platform boots and two earrings in your lip at your school desk, you will look not stylish and cool, but stupid.

A school party is not the place to show off. Who's coming to the party? Their? You've known them for many years, who are you going to wag your tail in front of? Dress smartly, but not provocatively - teachers have too good a memory for everything that annoys them.

If you are having a party outside of school, then the dress code is casual. The main thing is to make sure that none of your girlfriends is wearing the same blouse as you. It is not known who it will fit better on.

Remember that color defines character

To determine which color suits you best, hold a fabric in peach and pale pink shades to your face. If peach suits you, then your tones are warm (yellow, orange, red). Pale pink - cold (blue, green, light blue).

The colors green, blue, indigo, and violet are slimming. Plump - red, orange, yellow. Pastel colors make the figure more voluminous.

Don't overuse black. It certainly makes you look slimmer and makes you look older, but at the same time it “extinguishes” your natural colors.

Trying to hide your shyness or excessive nervousness with the help of black will only increase your depression, since color is known to affect our emotional state. If black color is an integral feature of your clothing style, try to dilute it with colored accessories (belts, scarves, bags, jewelry).

Green color in clothes is chosen by people who love home comfort.

You are wearing red clothes - you are active, emotional, demanding of life, yourself and others.

Blue color is preferred by people who often want more than they can achieve.

If you wear yellow clothes, it means that you are an easy-going, open person, a versatile, seeking nature, and you are quite eloquent in communication.

Orange color is loved by warm-hearted people who know how to share the feelings of others.

Red-orange colors are characteristic of spontaneous people.

Shades of ocher are chosen by sensible and purposeful people who have a sufficient degree of composure to overcome difficult situations.

Purple color - you are immersed in yourself, in your own experiences, closed to others.

Yellow-green colors are preferred by inquisitive girls.

You are wearing a pink blouse - you love everything special and exceptional.

Gray color is chosen by those who have something to hide.

The brown color distinguishes practical and homely people.

Do you have difficult exams or an important meeting, date or party ahead? Think about what color clothes are best to wear.

Green color promotes muscle mobilization.

Red stimulates appetite. Therefore, red, yellow and orange plate colors are not recommended for those who want to lose weight. But blue, pale pink, white colors or earthenware reduce appetite.

The color blue is often used to treat insomnia. Therefore, if you don’t sleep well, buy yourself a blue nightie or ask for pale blue wallpaper in your room.

Yellow color characterizes openness of character, friendliness, optimism, and high activity in achieving goals.

Pink - softens the mood, makes it lyrical.

Orange and bright green colors improve your mood. Check it out for yourself: wear an orange sweater in the middle of a slushy, gloomy winter. People will start smiling when they meet you. And you yourself will involuntarily begin to look at the world more cheerfully.

But black is more likely to drive you into depression than to help hide it.

Gray and brown colors discourage frivolous moods.

Fourteen years old is the time to start deciding on your clothing style, which can emphasize your originality. You shouldn’t follow fashion in everything and force your mother to buy all the new items in the store. So no closet is enough.

❧ Blindly following fashion can ruin anyone, but it will not add individuality. Regularly leaf through magazines, identify fashion trends, and twirl in front of the mirror. You must know all your strengths and weaknesses.

Decide for yourself what suits your face and figure best. Understand what you like - the dress itself or you in it. The latter is much more important.

If you can’t decide for yourself, ask a friend. But only from a well-dressed friend. Any adviser in this matter will not suit you.

Come up with some kind of bauble for yourself. The wife of the famous actor and director Nikita Mikhalkov always walks around with her hair down and with a black headband on her head. It doesn't suit her, but she remains true to herself. Pugacheva does not betray her red head of hair and short skirts. No matter what happens, Leontyev's head is curled with a small lamb.

So you find your characteristic feature in your clothes and hairstyle. The main thing is to remember that what you consider to be your shortcoming - thin hair, flat chest, narrow or wide waist - is all your individuality. And the fact that you know about it is a plus for you, because you can always hide one feature and emphasize another, you have the power to turn a disadvantage into an advantage! Don't look for a problem where there isn't one. Better do something useful.

Every woman dreams of learning how to dress beautifully, but unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it.

You can wear a bunch of beautiful, expensive clothes, but at the same time look ridiculous if one inappropriate thing ruins the whole look.

What can help in choosing the right clothes?

How to learn to dress beautifully

Color spectrum

It is very important to choose the right color scheme for your wardrobe. No matter how fashionable and beautiful your clothes are, if they don’t match the color, then nothing will be beautiful. For example: black looks very good with yellow or orange, red or white. Purple with yellow or black. Blue with yellow. Red with black or white.

Also, do not forget that white is a very good color to highlight a tan, and black is a good color to visually reduce fullness.

Before putting things on yourself, first put them together and carefully look at how they fit together. Having learned to skillfully select colors, you can make beautiful outfits even from simple, inexpensive things.

Using the diagram below, you can see which colors go together and which do not. This will help you in choosing the right colors for your clothes.

Color spectrum


It is important that things suit your figure. A thing will look beautiful if it hides flaws and emphasizes advantages. You shouldn’t go to extremes: tighten yourself up so that you look like a ham in a fishnet, or vice versa, put on baggy clothes in which you can’t see anything at all.

A wide waist can be masked with a high belt under the bust or a diagonal wrap. Full arms can be hidden under a stole, silk cape or bolero. Large hips can be hidden in a skirt - “bell” or “tulip”. Full calves are not visible if you wear a maxi or balloon skirt. The silhouette, regardless of your figure, should look feminine, so say no to wide robes that pack all your beauty from head to toe.

A thin wasp waist can be emphasized with a brightly colored leather strap. And beautiful breasts do not need to be hidden under a turtleneck.

For example, clothes with vertical stripes visually elongate and make you look slimmer, so they are more suitable for those who are not very thin and not tall.

For people of average height but very thin, clothes with horizontal stripes will suit them well. But this technique is effective only with a wide strip of 2-4 cm, which is not covered by volumetric objects that distract from this detail on the clothing.


Find your style and include the accessories that suit you best in your wardrobe. Dilute your wardrobe with interesting details: a bright silk scarf around your neck or a voluminous scarf, a brooch on your chest, long beads or a short string of pearls will complement your look and make you irresistible.


Pay special attention to yours as well. Not every shoe goes with one outfit or another. For example, low-heeled shoes look better with jeans or short, wide-legged trousers, while high-heeled shoes look good with a narrow calf-length skirt. It is better to wear shoes without heels or without a backdrop with a long bias-cut skirt.

A well-groomed woman will dress beautifully not only when she goes out somewhere, but also at home. Therefore, pay attention to your home clothes. Agree, there is nothing good about a woman wearing old rags at home. Buying a beautiful and stylish women's robe is not difficult now; the choice is only yours personally as to what you prefer to wear. The main thing is that your appearance is well-groomed and beautiful, no matter what you wear - a robe, tunic or suit.

Learn to dress beautifully Any woman can if she follows these simple tips.
