Which radiation has the greatest penetrating power? Emerald sunset - a miracle of physics

Along with such concepts as point, segment, line, there is one more concept in geometry. It is called ray. A ray is a part of a straight line, limited on one side by a point, and on the other side - infinite, i.e. not limited by anything.

An analogy can be drawn with nature. For example, a beam of light that we can direct from earth into space. On the one hand it is limited, but on the other hand it is not. Each ray has one extreme point at which it begins. It is called the beginning of the ray.

If we take an arbitrary straight line a, and mark some point on it ABOUT, then this point will split our line into two parts. Each of which will be a ray. Point O will belong to each of these rays. Point O will be in this case the beginning of these two rays.

The beam is usually designated by one Latin letter. The figure below shows ray k.

You can also denote the beam with two capital Latin letters. In this case, the first of them is the point at which the beginning of the beam lies. The second is the point that belongs to the ray, or in other words, through which the ray passes.

The figure shows the OS beam.

Another way to designate a ray is to indicate the starting point of the ray and the line to which this ray belongs. For example, the figure below shows the ray Ok.

Sometimes they say that the ray comes from point O. This means that point O is the beginning of the ray. Rays are also sometimes called semi-straight.


Draw a straight line and mark points A B on it and mark point C on segment AB. Among the rays AB, BC, CA, AC and BA, find pairs of coinciding rays.

The rays coincide if they lie on the same straight line and have a common origin and none of them is a continuation of another ray.
The figure shows that these conditions are met by rays AB and AC, as well as rays BC and BA. Therefore, they are coincident.

What are the Rays of God? This is Energy, Sacred Multidimensional Energy, the essence of which is the following (briefly):
— Life-giving Energy (Alive). Responsible for the ability to incarnate in a physical body. Maintains the life-giving balance of the body. This means that you were created with the ability to choose your incarnation;
— Sexual Energy. It is the basis for the daily life of the body: movement, action, flow of energies, etc. In its pure form it occurs only in cases of negative outbursts of the ego. Together with Life-Living Energy, it is responsible for the biological Health of a Person. When compatible with the Energy of Love and the Energy of Creativity, it is the fundamental Beginning for conscious Conception. When compatible with the Energy of Love, it forms Kundalini Energy, which is responsible for Human Energy Health;
- Energy of Love. Responsible for the balance of yin-yang in the subtle and physical bodies. When compatible with the Energy of Creativity, with an appropriate conscious goal, it forms the Body of Light (Merkaba);
— Energy of Creativity. Responsible for a person’s fulfillment of his Purpose, the implementation of all relevant creative plans;
— Energy of the Light of the Creator (Creator). Golden-white Energy of connection with the Higher Self and data banks of the Universe;
— Individual high-frequency vibrations (multidimensional phenomenon);
— Individual colors (color) of God.

In the seven main Rays, to the above Energies, a rather intense concentration of the following Sacred energies is added;
1. Blue (Blue) Ray – Blue Energy of Faith; Blue Energy of God's Will;
2. Pink (Red) Ray – Pink (Red) Energy of Compassion; additional concentration of the Energy of Love;
3. Green (Emerald Green) Ray – Emerald energy of Divine Healing; Green Energy of Knowledge of Divine Truths;
4. Golden Ray – Golden Energy of Sacred Service; additional concentration of the Creator's Light Energy;
5. White Ray – White Energy of Divine Purity; additional concentration of the Creator's Light Energy;
6. Violet Ray – Blue Energy of Purification; Pink Energy of Compassion; additional concentration of the Energy of Creativity;
7. Yellow (Golden Yellow) Ray – Golden Energy of Sacred Service; Yellow Energy of the Wisdom of God.
Regarding the color combinations of the Secret Rays, We will consider each in order of priority at the appointed time.
— Sound waves of God at the seven main Rays. Vibrations have their own corresponding sound. The sounds of the seven main Rays are represented in nature. We will list them:
1. Blue (Blue) Beam: bird sounds (the choice is individual);
2. Pink (Red) Beam: dolphin sounds;
3. Green (Emerald Green) Beam: wind sounds (for example, the rustling of grass, trees, strong gusts of concentrated air);
4. Golden Ray: animal sounds (the choice is individual);
5. White Ray: sounds of water: stream, river, waterfall, sea, ocean...;
6. Violet Ray: sounds of fire (bonfire, crackling, hissing, flame dance vibrations, etc.);
7. Yellow (Golden Yellow) Ray: whale sounds;
All these sounds are useful for everyone to listen to. But the sacred, special mystical meaning in the synchronization of harmonious sound and DNA belongs to the representative of the corresponding Ray. During and after the activation of any Beam, listen to the above sounds.
As for the five secret rays, their sound vibrations are more complex and are a mixture of planetary and cosmic sounds. These sounds are stored in their Sacred Crystals. We will name them later, during the revelation of the veil of secrecy of each of these Rays.

All twelve Rays correspond to a certain layer of DNA. There are also twelve layers (for now this number is enough for knowledge and practice), and they need to be activated. The DNA layer is a multidimensional phenomenon: the Ray is only a part of it. Kryon, the Master of one of the Secret Rays, talks about this in more detail.
"A secret sealed with seven seals." What is this? This is the Teaching of the Seven Rays, nothing more. Why a secret? Activation and awareness of the Gifts of all Seven main Rays leads to... Enlightenment. What is Enlightenment? This is a merger with your Higher Self. Now, after this Sacred Merger, you “see everything from above”: the cause-and-effect relationships of your Incarnation, the secrets of the essence of duality, knowledge of your Divine capabilities and much more.
What are the secret rays? The seven seals were opened during the era of the incarnation of Master Saint Germain. And the Teaching about the Five Secret Rays became more active after 1987, after testing the planet. And now the Gifts of these Rays are activated in conscious people at the appropriate time in the Epoch of the New Era. What does the activation of the five secret crystalline Rays give? Ascension
So, we will talk about awakened (conscious) representatives of one or another Ray. By awakened and conscious, We mean people who have embarked on the spiritual Path of searching for themselves (the Higher Self in themselves) and who have begun or want to begin to fulfill their Divine Purpose.

Representatives of the Blue (Blue) Ray

A person born in the Ray of the Blue Flame is distinguished by mental fortitude, courage, perseverance, developed intuition, fearlessness, and honesty. He (she) is firmly convinced that the Path along which he (she) walks leads to the Light and this is always so. Such a person is a Warrior of Light in the literal meaning of this phrase. He (she) is always a protector in case of physical, psychological or energetic danger. Moreover... sometimes completely subconsciously, unconsciously. The Blue Ray man intuitively possesses the Gift of the sacred, secret meaning of the Word. These are excellent psychologists, speakers and singers. These people are born leaders, spiritual leaders who “reveal” the dark sides of selfish aspirations. Quite a lot of Angel beings born since 1975 are representatives of this Ray. These people are “switches” and “scouts”. This refers to the fact that disconnection from the ego-mind system is the privilege of the Blue Flame. And this gives its wonderful results in the Epoch of the New Era.
If you are close to a representative of the Blue (Blue) Flame or you are in a close, family relationship with him, and, most importantly, in a trusting, friendly relationship, then you can consciously or unconsciously feel the following impact of his (her) energy:
- working with fears. Perhaps this “blue” person was given to you so that you can overcome all your residual layers of illusory fears. Situations are created in which he (she) provokes you to enter into your fear literally or indirectly. Working with fears of darkness, heights, water, closed spaces, loud sounds, etc. are “cleansing” moments of the Blue influence of energy;
- working with illusions. People of the Blue Flame are natural scholars. They love discussions, meetings of any scale (depending on the type of biofield), rallies, etc. With them next to you, you will begin to look at many things much wider and deeper. Many ignorant mental constructs will “fall” when dealing with such a person;
- working with emotions. In order for you to realize what you need to work on in terms of emotions, the “blue” person will begin to provoke you without judgment. Don’t judge him: this is how the “purification instinct” works in him (her). The “energetic rubbish” of emotions will come out in front of you... Sacred Choice: ignore the “emotional dust” or do a “spring cleaning” of your awareness;
— assistance in finding the Path, Destination. The “blues” have a wonderful quality - a feeling for a person and knowledge of the conformity or non-compliance of the chosen Path of Development of the Soul. In a confidential, sincere conversation, you will be able to understand where you stumbled and be inspired to find your unique Soul Destination. And if you have chosen the right Path and follow it, then the energy of your “blue” Friend will give you additional confidence. These are wonderful friends and associates. Each of you has at least one such friend.
...We won’t hide it, sometimes he (she) can be a “thorn” for your mind-ego, but in difficult times it is this devoted shoulder that turns out to be next to you in the first place;
- protection from the astral plane on the subtle plane. In addition to physical and psychological protection, a representative of the Blue Ray will help you assimilate the energy of protection through conscious contact of biofields. This means that if you feel energetic attacks from astral manifestations, and you need additional protection, then you can turn to any conscious representative of the Blue Flame for help. With an intention expressed out loud, you can enter a state of meditation or simply remain silently nearby.
- magical voice. This is truly a great gift - the voice of the Blues. They all have a pleasant and bewitching voice. Many of them sing, creating beautiful images of Light on stage. We are talking about conscious representatives. Their voice calms, pacifies, relaxes. Fruitful meditations and spiritual exercises are possible under their voices and melodies. These are wonderful readers who convey images and feelings through their individual vibrations;
- peacemakers. “Blues” are very calm and peaceful people. When conflicts arise, they begin to calm down opponents through the sound of their voice and the energy of the biofield, and then through conscious arguments;
These are the main defining qualities of Blue Flame representatives. Among them you can find yourself, your friends, relatives, acquaintances.

Representatives of the Pink Ray

Representatives of the Green Ray

Representatives of the Green (Emerald-green Ray) are mystics. Since the time of incarnation, they have been attracted by the path of pioneers of esoteric mysteries, paths of development of the Soul, and improvement of spiritual knowledge.
“Greens” are wanderers and travelers: with and without the body. They have a special innate feeling - the feeling of finding Places of Power - localizing a high concentration of Light Energy, transforming and expanding consciousness into superknowledge of higher dimensions.
One of the main qualities of “green” Souls is the following: to separate fragments of duality from awareness. And, believe me, they do it great! These are the Masters of Mindfulness. Their main chakra is the “third eye” (Ajna). This is what allows them to see the Truth and separate the “wheat from the chaff.”
The mission of the “greens” is not only to develop spiritually ourselves. The main thing for them, and this is their gift of vision, is to REVEAL OTHERS, TO SEE THEIR GIFTS, PURPOSE. And this is their Service - to see Angels in people, the Truth and Mission in them and help them follow the Path of Light and Love, supporting and encouraging them in everything. But for this, the “greens” need vast experience of spiritual knowledge. Much has been revealed by them thanks to past incarnations. And they live a lot, as you say, “in their own skin.” “Greens” experience in their lives what will be NECESSARY FOR MANY. And then they pass on this knowledge by word of mouth or write articles, books, etc. And this is their Great Service. And We honor them for this. And We honor the representatives of all Rays for their wonderful Soul Work. Let us be silent, dear ones... Let us honor the Service of each of you...
We come to the next main Gift of all the “green” representatives of the Emerald Ray. My beautiful ones, this is HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY! These are wonderful doctors, shamans, healers, healers... They are all! With no exceptions. They are distinguished from each other by the degree of development and appropriateness of the disclosure of this Gift. Their energy, “green” energy, calms, harmonizes, pacifies, cleanses energy channels, opens (with appropriate permission from the Higher Self) chakras, allows you to “patch” all energy “holes” on the subtle plane and heal the diseased organ (organs), bring it ( them) into a state of integrity on the physical. And this wonderful, unique Gift is revealed in full power in this Epoch of the New Era, the Era of Love! And indeed it is.
One of the innate spiritual dreams of all “greens”, without exception, is to establish a World of Abundance on Earth. What does this mean? The Universe is infinitely rich and infinite in its Gifts. And you gradually approach this secret Knowledge and learn to apply it in your life. But the “greens” are scouts of this Law of Abundance. They have the concept of Integrity in their blood, in their DNA. And they want the whole planet, all people to gain Wholeness through the Law of Attraction of Similar. By the way, it was the “greens” who discovered it. And your more expanded consciousness will gradually master the Sacrament of Abundance and install it on Gaia. These are... the keys to Paradise! Without a doubt! And this has nothing to do with material “three-dimensional wealth.” And this is something more and... multidimensional.
The energy of “greens” has one absolutely remarkable property – ACCELERATION. What do we mean? My dears, no matter what the “greens” do next to you, you will feel the effect of acceleration. If they are engaged in healing your body, consciously or at the superconscious level (this is the connection of the Higher Selves by mutual agreement to heal with the Presence of the “green”), then you will experience the acceleration of Purification. It can be both physical and emotional (cleansing the ego), and energetic (cleaning channels, chakras, biofields). If you are engaged in any spiritual practice, turn to “green” friends for help. Find them intuitively among doctors, channelers, teachers, travelers, scientists, writers, musicians. For the most part, conscious “greens” include all of the above-mentioned activities (this all speaks of their desire for Integrity! - cosmic humor). “Greens” will not only push you to further development, but will also help you distinguish false knowledge from true knowledge and find shorter and simpler ways of self-development. And you will fully feel the “by leaps and bounds” of Acceleration!
“Greens” do not learn concentration - they were born that way. “Greens” do not learn meditation - this is their life credo, this is a property of the Emerald-green Ray. You can meditate next to the “green ones” even on public transport during rush hour! The gifts of acceleration, concentration, clarity and constancy are what help the “greens” and those around them to easily enter the meditative state of the Soul at any time. But there is one more property - deepening. This is what dramatically distinguishes “green” meditation from the rest. This "superiority" has a meaning. “Greens” are mystical scouts. Before allowing anyone into any spiritual space, they take a deep energetic journey themselves. And if this space is safe and it makes sense to go there (for the development of the Soul), then they will definitely tell you about it. So, my dears, when planning to perform a meditation ritual, do not forget to invite a couple of “greens”. Believe me: an unforgettable experience is guaranteed! And the acceleration effect will pleasantly surprise you and bring benefits.
A love of music is common to all “greens”. The music they love does more than just please their ears. She restores their bodies and inspires them before any important action. Whatever music they prefer, rest assured: this is what they simply need right now! Yes, sometimes it is loud and noisy, but that is the secret of their attunement with the vibrations of the melodies.
The love of knowledge and science is another priceless gift of the “greens”. Curiosity and a thirst for expansion of consciousness are simply necessary for them to fulfill the Service. Therefore, books, websites, the endless search for the new, the unknown - these are the characteristics of the “greens”. And... there are many esoteric scientists among them!
Now let's talk about beauty. My partner asked for this and has every right to do so. Because friendship for the “greens” is something sacred. They are very constant, and their circle of friends does not decrease, but increases. And all those whom they accepted into their hearts are immensely and devotedly loved and revered by them. Their friendship is touching and... funny. Yes, yes, my partner, I have not forgotten about HUMOR - the sacred “green” attribute. Finally it’s his turn, isn’t it? For Greens, humor is not just a character trait. This is the healing energy of the Soul. You will not meet a single “sullen green”. Believe me, this is simply impossible! A perky disposition, a love of jokes, a “taste” of humor – that’s all of them, dear “greenies”! And that is their strength. This is their shield and sword on the spiritual Path of Service. This is their sense of Home - humor... This is news from their home planet. This is their nature. So, in a friendly circle, “greens” are loved for their cheerful, kind disposition, desire to help and... diversity. Their inspiring ideas accelerate many of the spiritual processes that are currently happening in you and are so necessary for you. Listen to this! Green ideas are not for fun. The ideas of the “greens” are aimed ONLY at development, healing and the search for Truth. And this is their Service to Love and Light. And indeed it is.
Representatives of the Golden Ray

Oh, these are the Masters of Service to the Planet. These are born nature defenders, ecologists, and volunteers. The “Golden Ones” incarnated with a contract (agreement) with the Spirit of the Earth (Gaia) in terms of co-creation and cooperation. They have an innate crystalline connection with the planet. Any changes to the Earth, any negativity shown by humanity towards it is registered in the “golden” DNA strands. Impulses go to the heart center, and the conscious “golden ones” begin to take any action to help the planet. Calls for peace, cleanliness of the environment... This is what they do, dear “golden ones”!
Selflessness is their “calling card”! Charitable societies, helping the homeless and sick, children, various environmental events are their activities. And that is their heart, the beautiful heart of the “golden ones”! Oh, “golden” heart! Let's honor them, dear ones...
On the subtle plane, all conscious representatives of the Golden Ray carry out a telepathic connection with the “small nationalities” of Gaia (fairies, elves, merpeople, etc.). These “peoples” are creations of the Divine Mother. And they are responsible for the energetic and three-dimensional purity and beauty of the planet. The connection between the “golden” and “small peoples” comes from the depths of the thousand-year history of the Earth. And these wonderful creatures perfectly fulfill the Mission together.
“Golden” – Masters of Peace, Silence and Balancing of Energy (yin-yang balance). Next to these representatives you feel unusual serenity and peace. It seems to you that you are dissolving in space. If you were unbalanced by pendulum emotions (anger, rage, resentment, etc.), then next to the “golden ones”, if you wish, you will find long-awaited peace. Your ego will “cool down” and enter a state controlled by your consciousness. And then you will feel a surge of Love Energy into your energy channels and chakras. The components of yin-yang will enter a state of balance, and you will gain poise - the highest degree of awareness.
“Golden” perfectly maintain contact with their Higher Selves. One might say that their DNA contains “codes” - the keys to starting communication with the Higher Source. After you serenely communicate with the “golden one,” you may notice how clearly and distinctly you begin to feel the answers to many questions. And this is no coincidence! You have been “decoded”! And now you have a choice: further develop your spiritual intuition or try not to notice the changes.
Many representatives of the Golden Ray lead a healthy lifestyle. They are the ones who spread this healing knowledge throughout the planet. Vegetarianism, raw food diet, pranonutrition, spiritual physical practices - this is not a complete list of favorite topics of conversation among the “golden ones”. And their example is quite bright and indicative.
Altruism, hiking, traveling through the ecological zones of the planet are one of the favorite activities of all “golden” people! Their passion is to show how beautiful, unique, amazing and diverse the planet is! And it is difficult to stop them when they are in this “native element”! Mountains, oceans, forests, deserts... Each “golden one” has his own favorite “place”. And they are anchored, energetically fixed to this place. They vigilantly monitor the cleanliness and preservation of the pristine landscape. By the way, there are many landscape designers among the “golden ones”!
Consciously “golden” can easily keep in touch with the data bank of the Solar Logos, the Masters and Mentors of your galaxy. We can say that at the level of superconsciousness, the “golden” can always be aware of the main cosmic affairs. That is why they are always so serenely calm. They know for sure that everything is leading to the fact that the Energy of the New Era is gaining momentum, and the Era of Love, the Golden Era is coming!
My dears, let us dwell on another wonderful Gift of the “golden” - the implementation of night travel to the Temples of the Mysteries of the fifth-dimensional World. It is the “golden” energy that is necessary to complete such a journey and implement a high-vibration connection with the Keepers of the Mysteries of Wisdom of a particular Temple. It is the “golden ones” that help your Journey to other worlds until you create your own unique Merkabah. And that's great!
So, the “golden ones” are Masters of Service to the Planet. Magnificent, amazingly beautiful creatures! Oh, if only they could see themselves! But even if they saw their energy, believe me, they would remain calm and balanced. And there is another reason for this - natural modesty. “Golden” are invisible in life; they quietly and peacefully do their good deeds.

Representatives of the White Ray

Representatives of the Violet Ray

Representatives of the Violet Ray are Masters of Purification and Karmic Liberation. Their energies contain powerful vibrations of the highest frequencies. The properties of these energies of the Violet Ray are as follows: penetration into the genetic and incarnational memory of a person; recognition of ancestral, karmic and egoic problems; bringing energy survey data to the level of the subject’s biofield. Then everything depends on the person himself: whether he will agree to work with the “violet” further. So, We have described the first stage of the conscious activity of the “violet” ones - Energy Diagnostics.
So, you (as a subject) realized that you have problems with ego, karma and disorders at the generic (genetic, family) level. And you understand that you need to continue the spiritual activity you have begun. "Violet" is at your service!
The second level of work of the Karmic Violet Master is Purification. It occurs in two stages: psychological and energetic. At the stage of psychological work with you, “violet” will work at a deep level of awareness: memory, vision of problem areas, awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, forgiveness of oneself and others, removal of energy blocks (as a result of emotional clamps), acceptance of oneself as a perfect creation. At this stage, Wisdom and Responsibility for what is happening in your life comes to you.
A short digression to clarify the information: The Violet Ray includes some of the attributes of the Blue and Pink Rays: Energy Cleansing, ego work, Mercy and Love. All this is necessary to fulfill the Purpose of the “violet”.
After the stage of work on the conscious psychological level of Purification, the Stage of Energy Cleansing begins. The “violet” biofield begins to pulsate intensely and expand. It begins to envelop you from head to toe. This is Purification by the Violet Flame. All data processed through awareness of karmic, ancestral and egoic distortions are removed from the DNA. We remind you of the mandatory conditions of partnership on your part: awareness, complete forgiveness of yourself and loved ones, as well as acceptance of yourself as an Angel, a Perfect Creation.
After Purification comes the period of Sacred Transformation. Your vibrations rise, emotions transform into Feelings (Peace, Joy, Love). Instead of karmic layers, the empty space of DNA is filled with the Energy of Creativity. Generic distortions in the form of energy blocks disappear, their place in your biofield is taken by the Energy of Love. You are pure, you are beautiful, you are spiritual. “Violet” are real WIZARDS, as my partner just thought! We join this fair opinion.
Charming “violet”! My dears, these are also Masters of Creativity and Inspiration. They are always in a state of cooperation with the Energy of Creativity, Creation and Creation.
The biofield of the “violet” has the property of transmitting impulses of Inspiration, Creative “push” to other people. Next to the representatives of the Violet Ray, you will feel the increased movement of energies, a rapid change of activity, the powerful work of the Mind, which constantly produces something new and truly elegant and appropriate: projects, ideas, the right words and thoughts...
“Violet” are the most energetic representatives of the Ray Kingdom. Dynamics of movements and thoughts, implementation of projects, varied activities and a wide range of interests - this is the ordinary life of the “violet”! They are always busy with something interesting. At the same time, they can simultaneously occupy their entire environment, gathering all their friends next to them. And now you are already at the very epicenter of Adventure, Travel, Creation! And that’s all of them – beautiful “purple” ones!
The most favorite topic of conversations and slogans of the “violet” is Freedom and everything connected with it. Break the shackles of narrowness of mind, prejudices, various illusions and fears and... forward, to Light and Liberation, Flight and Joy! And this is the Great Service of Love! This is wonderful... And it really is.

Representatives of the Yellow Ray

Representatives of the Yellow (Golden-Yellow) Ray are truly magnificent creatures! These are the Masters of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God. “Yellows” from birth have the Gift of transforming knowledge into Wisdom, mind into Reason. To do this, they need only one thing - Awareness of high vibration frequencies. This is quite enough for them. As soon as the “yellows” enter the Spiritual path of self-development, absolutely magical changes begin to happen to them: the structure of their biofield is energetically powerfully saturated with high vibrations; the functioning of the subtle bodies (especially the mental) becomes more conscious and subject to the intentions of the “yellows”. And there are many reasons for this. But... in order, my dears.
“Yellows” are Masters of Manifestation. What does this mean? They easily learn the science of Intention. And their innate Wisdom and an absolutely amazing desire to increase awareness helps them in this. “Yellows” have excellent intentions and easily compose the text of any good manifestation. And they believe... that everything will work out. Wonderful optimists! They KNOW everything will work out! Wonderful!
Also, “yellows” are capable of integrating the Divine qualities of Wisdom: perception, understanding, a high degree of awareness, vibrations of the corresponding frequencies, Love, Faith. They combine all this into a single whole. Ultimately, the experience turns into a rich spiritual work.
“Yellows” are magnificent “spiritual logicians.” Precisely spiritual ones, because their Mind is in the service of Awareness. They help themselves and other people understand and accept the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect. They “get to the root” of a problem, lesson, action, word, etc. They literally “see” what follows from this and where it leads. “Yellows” are generally not subject to violent passions and extremes. They are unhurried and careful in everything related to spirituality, they trust their developed intuition and clarity of Mind.
Let's move on to one of the main Gifts of the “yellows” - the tendency to self-knowledge and knowledge of the Higher Self. The connection with the I Am of conscious and awakened representatives is truly mystical. They do not reveal this Gift, it is always with them. This Gift is to hear clearly your inner voice of Wisdom.
And that is why there are so many talented channelers among the “yellows”! As Illumination from Above, they perfectly hear the Masters from the Higher Spheres. “Yellows”, develop this priceless Gift! Practice channeling! You already know how to do this! And, of course, believe in yourself!
“Yellow” – Masters of the Teaching of Enlightenment. This has been invested (by them!) since birth. Everything related to Enlightenment, gifts and tools, is wisely integrated into a single whole. Mainly channelers are obviously inclined towards this. Their Purpose is to show the World the practice of Enlightenment.
“Yellows” are excellent teachers, mentors, and interlocutors. They know how to explain complex and incomprehensible things clearly and in detail. This is their amazing property! And these are excellent teachers and scientists.
The energy of the “yellows” contains invaluable codes for activating the seven strands of DNA and the pineal gland. Thanks to the art of integration, the “yellows” combine the teaching of the seven Rays with knowledge of the layers of DNA on a practical level. This complex science requires the highest degree of awareness and deep spiritual knowledge.
As for the pineal gland, the situation here is as follows. Activated, it helps to contact the most important Data Banks within your Galaxy. And this information is truly priceless.
And this is the Greatness of the Yellows! And this is their Great Service. And indeed it is.

In addition to the seven known Angelic rays, there are five more secret rays, information about which appeared in messages and channelings at the end of 2011 and was transmitted by Archangel Raphael:

As for the five secret rays, their sound vibrations are more complex and are a mixture of planetary and cosmic sounds. These sounds are stored in their Sacred Crystals. We will name them later, during the revelation of the veil of secrecy of each of these Rays.
Representatives of all the above-mentioned Rays have always incarnated on the planet at the same time. This means that all Rays ALWAYS kept Light on Earth: in activated (for the enlightened) or non-activated form. But the Light of the Twelve has always been there. We will say more: The Light of one hundred and forty-four has always been! But it is inappropriate to go into this now. Just know.

All twelve Rays correspond to a certain layer of DNA. There are also twelve layers (for now this number is enough for knowledge and practice), and they need to be activated. The DNA layer is a multidimensional phenomenon: the Ray is only a part of it. Kryon, the Master of one of the Secret Rays, talks about this in more detail.

"A secret sealed with seven seals." What is this? This is the Teaching of the Seven Rays, nothing more. Why a secret? Activation and awareness of the Gifts of all Seven main Rays leads to... Enlightenment. What is Enlightenment? This is a merger with your Higher Self. Now, after this Sacred Merger, you “see everything from above”: the cause-and-effect relationships of your Incarnation, the secrets of the essence of duality, knowledge of your Divine capabilities and much more.
What are the secret rays? The seven seals were opened during the era of the incarnation of Master Saint Germain. And the Teaching about the Five Secret Rays became more active after 1987, after testing the planet. And now the Gifts of these Rays are activated in conscious people at the appropriate time in the Epoch of the New Era. What does the activation of the five secret crystalline Rays give? Ascension (nothing more, my partner thought with her characteristic humor).
And We are pleased to provide you with this information. Use it with full awareness and appropriateness. And remember: Gifts activate faster and more easily in a state of Love, Peace, Joy and Presence. And indeed it is.
I AM Raphael. We Am.

The First Secret Crystal Ray

Greetings, dear ones! I AM Raphael in the Light of the Angels of Healing. We Are One Whole. We convey this message of Light with Love and Respect.
So, the first Secret Crystal Ray of Master Melchizedek. Shining Ray of Awareness of the Solar Logos.
Multidimensional colors of the Ray – Yellow, Green, Violet, Light of the Sun and Light of the Creator.
What is the Light of the Creator? This is the Energy of the Divine Plan at Your Creation. You can say that this is the thought of God in you. In each Ray there is the Light of the Creator. But in the Secret Rays there is more concentration of the Light of the Creator: This is connected with the Purpose of all Secret Rays - the disclosure of secret teachings at the appropriate moment in the state of consciousness of humanity.
As for the multidimensional Sounds of the first Secret Ray, all the sounds of the Solar Logos are present in the energies of this Ray. On the planet these sounds are represented in vibrations of the light of the Sun. That is why representatives of this Ray need so much energy to be in a space brightly illuminated by the Sun. At this time, they all feel the vibrations of the House, for their home planet of Creation is located near this powerful Sun-Star. Therefore, by right of their origin, representatives of this Ray can be called “solar”. The Sun's Light for them is the activation of their secret DNA codes, the essence of which is the disclosure of Gifts, nourishment with the native energies of the Solar Logos, as well as balanced recognition of changes in increased vibrations from the Sun and receiving codes for adaptation to these vibrations.
Therefore, the first Secret Ray is responsible for Harmonization in the assimilation of high vibrational Solar Energy. This Great Service promotes the safe dissemination of solar codes among conscious humanity. Notice how intensely the Light works to open the awareness of EVERY person! Awareness is the key to raising your vibration. But, of course, this is a matter of everyone's choice.
Let us turn to the mystery of all five Rays of the Sacred Teachings - to crystallineity. All Secret Rays are crystalline. Multidimensional Crystals of Light perform the following Sacred functions:
— Keeper of information about the Service;
— Guardian of the mystery of revealing a certain layer (layers) of DNA;
— Communication with the Motherland Planet;
— Communication with the Planets of Service;
— Codes for the assimilation of high vibrational frequencies of Light;
— Codes for revealing certain Gifts;
— High vibration protection;
— Communication with Data Banks of various high vibration levels of Light;
— Color recognition codes;
— Sound recognition codes;
— Communication with the Guardians of the Planetary Portals of Light - with the “magical small people”;
— Codes of sacred Service: settings, vibrations, Energies of Light and much more.
It is quite difficult to list ALL the capabilities of Light Crystals: these are multidimensional creatures. We have touched only on the main points of their Service.
So, crystals are part of the Secret Ray. All types of crystals-activators of the Gifts of the five Secret Rays are presented on the planet.
Activator crystals of the first Secret Ray: aquamarine, amethyst, rainbow fluorite. Contact the Spirit of the Crystal (this multidimensional conscious creation of Light) with a request for sacred cooperation. Create an intention addressed to your Higher Self, the purpose of which is the readiness to activate your secret crystalline Gifts. Carry your crystal(s) with you whenever possible.
The First Secret Crystalline Ray is responsible for the Mastery of the Appropriate Gradual Lifting of the Veil of Duality. That is why the Service of the “violet” and “solar” ones is very close and complements with its sacraments the Service of both. The Masters of the first Secret Ray monitor the level of increased awareness on the planet and thin the Veil of Lessons with their high frequency vibrations at the right moment. Conscious representatives of this Ray at this time receive codes for assimilation of altered vibrations and distribute them thanks to crystalline conductivity among conscious people (often in the form of information thought packets telepathically).
The main chakra of the representatives of the first Secret Ray is the chakra of Christ Consciousness. It is located above the crown chakra of Sahasrara (the “yellow” chakra). This “solar” chakra is located in the biofield of every person in an activated or not yet activated state. This chakra contains the invaluable experience of all enlightened people, codes for activating the receipt of information from various Christed beings (saints who have experienced enlightenment on Earth). This is the Solar Logos Data Bank.
And finally, the “solar” ones are the Masters of Superconscious Dreaming. Their biofield contains codes for connecting with Intergalactic Light Data Banks. During sleep, these capabilities are activated. The Journey for Knowledge and Receiving Help from light beings of the Higher Spheres of the Universe begins. This is a highly vibrational Process. “Sunny” people must adhere to a vegetarian diet so that during conscious sleep travel they do not injure the energy and physics of the body. Also, chemicals (medicines, for example), smoking, alcohol, drugs are contraindicated for them... This applies to everyone, but “sunny” ones in particular. If activation occurs restlessly, we advise you to invoke the Emerald Green Flame of Our Service before going to bed. We are responsible for the conscious Peace of Cognition. And We work closely with the “solar” ones in terms of receiving Knowledge from the Higher Spheres and spreading the vibrations of Wisdom on planet Earth.
As you can see, the Service of the “solar” is Great and Powerful, Good and Wise! And the wonderful thing is that the Secret Rays are already being widely activated throughout the planet. This is inexpressibly joyful. And indeed it is.
I AM Raphael. We Am.

Second Secret Crystal Ray

Greetings, dears! I AM Raphael in the Light of the Angels of Healing. We Are One. It’s a great time to Cognize the Secret Rays, revealing the Veil of Duality and illuminating the Path of Awareness. Let’s continue our conversation about the mysteries of the Rays. So, the second Secret Crystal Ray of Master Kryon!
Sacred colors of the Rays – Gold, Pink, Blue, multidimensional Colors of the Earth, Light of the Creator.
The sounds of the Ray are the planetary multidimensional sounds of the magnetic grid of Gaia (Gaia).
Crystals-activators of the second Secret Ray: turquoise, granite.
By right of specificity, the Services of representatives of this Sacred Ray can be called “earthly” or “planetary”.
So, the main Service of the second Secret Crystalline Ray is the Service of the Energy of Mother Earth - the Spirit of Gaia - various magnetic and crystalline multidimensional settings.
So, let’s take a closer look at the features of these settings.
First, the Representatives of the second Secret Ray hold the Light on the planet in all its uniqueness, thereby ensuring the safety of the functional multidimensional structure of Gaia. How does this happen? The masters of the “planetary” Ray transmit light codes of settings, information about magnetic and crystalline changes on Gaia. Representatives of the Ray receive these codes, activate their innate Gift of cellular recognition of information about planetary changes and keep the Light in their geo. space, disseminating the received information on a superconscious level. Thus, Master Kryon transmits light codes of planetary changes for assimilation by conscious humanity; provides a connection between Gaia's magnetic and crystalline grids and conscious humanity.
Secondly, the “earthly” ones are Planetary Harmonizers. Their task in this aspect is to harmonize the high-frequency changes of Gaia, passing them first through themselves (this is the Gift of their DNA), and then distributing them in a balanced and activated form with the power of their biofield.
Thirdly, the “earthly ones” maintain the balanced yin-yang balance of the planet in all appropriateness. With various shifts in one direction or another, representatives of the “planetary” Ray fill their geo. the space of the corresponding missing component of the Energy of Love.
The Second Secret Ray is responsible for providing planetary information to the Universal Council for Testing the Level of Light in the Collective Mind of Humanity.
Master Kryon and the Masters of the Ray of the Planet Service help the harmonious gradual Return of the Father of the Earth Spirit - the Twin Flame of Gaia - Helios (Sky). In this regard, various relevant processes of change are taking place on the planet:
- magnetic;
- crystalline;
- tantric - Service of the fourth Secret Ray of Master Kuan-Yin - fusion of twin Energies;
- multidimensional Ray;
— high-frequency sound;
- natural.
The Second Secret Ray is responsible for the sacred connection with all fifth-dimensional Places of Light of Gaia:
— Cities of Light – Telos and many others;
- Sacred Portals of the Power of Light - Divine Planetary Sources of Filling with high vibrations;
— Light Portals for fifth-dimensional travel;
— Temples of Knowledge, Transformation, Healing, etc.
The second secret ray is responsible for the appropriate activation of the 12 strands of DNA. The Teaching about the Gifts of Light is contained in the cellular memory of all “earthly” ones. All setting codes are distributed in all appropriateness by the power of the Biofield.
The main “earthly” chakra is multidimensional and extremely important. This is the center of the feet. Responsible for receiving the Ascending Stream of Love and Service of the Earth to Humanity.
Such a wonderful Service of Light is carried out by the second Secret Crystalline Ray.
“Earthly Ones”, hold the Light, and We ALL join you with Love! And indeed it is.
I AM Raphael. We Am.

The Third Secret Crystal Ray

Greetings, dear Family on the Planet of Discovery! I AM Raphael in the Light of the Angels of Healing. We are One and We are with you!
With Love and Respect for Your Service, we will continue the conversation about the sacraments of the Rays.
The Third Secret Crystalline Ray has the following multidimensional colors: Yellow, Gold, Violet, Light I Am, Light of the Creator.
The Light Az Am is the connection of the Light of the Creator with the Ray. The Glow of the Higher Self has its own shades that reflect the unique Gifts, the results of comprehending the Mysteries and the level of awareness of a given Soul.
Multidimensional sounds of the Ray: vibrations of Az I Am Presence.
Activator crystals: opal, pearls.
The master of the third Secret Crystal Ray is Master Kirael.
Representatives of this Sacred Ray of Service are the Master Guardians of the portals of higher dimensions of Light located on the planet. Therefore, these representatives, by right of their Service, can be called “travelers”, “space wanderers”. Now, dear ones, We will explain in more detail why this happens.
Firstly, the “travelers” have concluded agreements and contracts with the people of elves and gnomes (guardians of the Portals of Light), according to which the “travelers” have direct access in their dreams to the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.
For what? Mainly, to establish the security of portals, to check the codes of Light and their inaccessibility for astral entities to enter the Sanctuary of the Portal. But, tell me, how does the astral get into the Spheres of High Dimensions? The vibrations there are so high that these entities could not withstand such a glow from the portals? We will agree with you. The Higher Dimensions of Light are completely inaccessible to the Astral. But these “hackers” are able to take advantage of the opportunity to change the portal codes, causing confusion and some slowdown in processes. Therefore, We will tell you: “wanderers” are very attentive and responsible from birth. Their biofields contain light codes of various portals. As awareness, vibrations increase, and angelic memory returns, “travelers” activate their codes as Guardians of the Portals of Light located in certain geographical places (mostly mountain tops, less often caves).
Secondly, the next Gift of Destination of the Masters of this Ray is the transmission of Light codes for the Creation of Merkabah (Body of Light intended for movement) of Young Souls (for those who acquire Ascension status for the first time). The transmission of such Gifts takes place at night, during sleep. Souls (“wanderer” and “young Soul”) meet and exchange light information: the “traveler” checks the height of vibration and, if the result is satisfactory, transmits the codes for the creation of the Body of Light for the beginner. We remind you that these tasks are carried out by Ray Masters, including those who are in embodiment.
These Masters carry out another most important task - they activate the Body of Light (Merkaba) for ancient Souls at the moment of their readiness. The transmission of light codes is carried out in a similar manner as described above.
Thirdly, “wanderers” contain codes in their biofield for:
— integration (connection) of Az Am and human consciousness;
— integration of the Body of Light and the physical structure of the body.
These two essential processes are necessary conditions for Ascension. The Higher Self, having united (merged), increases a person’s vibrations so much that his body becomes ready to accept the Gift of Cosmic Movement - Merkaba.
This is why “wanderers” are Masters of Ascension.
Ascension takes place first on the subtle plane; then the visibility-invisibility mode codes are activated. And then a person can levitate and make long flights around the planet. The ascended ones make interdimensional space flights while mastering the Blue protective cocoon around the Body of Light.
The main chakra of “wanderers” is the chakra of the Az I Am Presence. It is located just above the Christ Consciousness chakra.
Wonderful Service of the representatives of the Kirael Ray, isn't it dear ones? You are all beautiful in your originality and uniqueness, in your Purpose of Light! And indeed it is.
I AM Raphael. We.

The Fourth Secret Crystalline Ray

Greetings, dear Family of Light.

I AM Raphael in the Light of the Angels of Healing. We Are the Whole. We Are Home, and We love you immensely!

So, the fourth Secret Crystal Ray of Master Kuan-Yin.

Multidimensional colors of the Ray: Blue, Pink, Green, Moon Light, Creator Light.

Representatives of this Ray of Creation have a mystical connection with the Moon - the voice of the Divine Mother. Therefore, the Children of this Ray can rightfully be called “lunar”. They receive, especially during sleep, light codes containing sacred information from the subtle energy fields of the Moon.

Representatives of this Ray are kind, sophisticated, friendly, wise, and sensitive. They are the easiest to comprehend the science of pacifying the ego: this is necessary to fulfill their Sacred Mission - returning the lost teachings about the Divine Mother (Twin Flame of God the Father), Creating Peace on Earth, etc.

Multidimensional sounds of the Ray: vibrations of the Moon of the seventh dimension. Ray activator crystals: rose quartz, citrine, pink tourmaline.

So, the “lunar” ones are the Sacred Masters of the Return of the Secret Teachings of the Mother Goddess to the planet. This activity is quite clearly reflected by such representatives of this Sacred Ray as Dan Brown, Paulo Coelho, Amora Kuan-Yin and many others. As a result of this, the Return of the Traditions of the Moon to Earth occurs. A subtle sensual and conscious connection with the Moon provides youth, wisdom, creativity, beauty, peacefulness and tranquility.

The next Mission of the representatives of the Moon Ray is the Return of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, in fact, the Return of the Sacred fusion of energies. The Immaculate Conception is a conscious conception, in Love and Wisdom. This is the Return of Purity to sexual relationships - the Sacrament of Love. Sacred Sex is returning - as an opportunity to accelerate mutual spiritual development and for meditation - immersion into other dimensions of Existence.
One of the main activities of the “Lunar” (consciously or on a superconscious level) is the return of yin energies to men - for the balance of yin-yang, pacification of the aggressive, militant ego, the sacred flow of the Energy of Love and Creativity. As a result of all this, the Planet is moving towards the blossoming of the World. And men return to themselves the status of God.

There is a return of the Divinity and Purity of the Origin of women. Women are returning to their status as Goddess and Witch-Priestess and Guardian of Nature.

“Lunar” help to return to the Sacred Teaching about the tantric structure of the planet, about the Merger of Multidimensional Twin Energies Earth-Sky, Gaia-Helios, which ensures a constant balance of yin-yang energies.
In their beautiful biofield, the “lunar” ones have codes-settings for Enlightenment of the body (cells). They distribute these codes by the power of Energies among conscious Human Angels during sleep.

Also, the “lunar” biofield contains setting codes for the gradual opening and activation of the 144 chakras. The mastery of codes, as well as their dissemination, is facilitated by awareness and high vibrations.

The ministry of the “lunar” and “pink” ones is extremely close. They are brought together by the Teaching of Eternal Youth - activation of the heart-thymus center.

Also returning are the teachings of the Creation of Elementals (Spirits of Fire, Water, Earth and Air) and “magical small nations”; which were created from the clot-ball of the Divine Mother for Service to people and planets.
The Divine Mother, through the elementals, returns gradually and appropriately the Gifts that people have had since the Beginning of Gaia:

— Gifts of the Spirits of Air: levitation, telekinesis, figurative creation, weather control, connection with the collective Mind of Birds;
— Gifts of the Spirits of Water: connection with dolphins and whales, mermaids and mermen; telepathy; connection with the information field of the Earth;
— Gifts of the Spirits of the Earth: clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairsentience; connection with the Spirits of Mountains, Crystals, Trees, Animals, etc.;
— Gifts of the Spirits of Fire: Gift of movement and distribution of Energy; Yin-yang balance.

Magnificent Service of the “Lunar Ones”, wonderful Destination! They create their Mission in Love, Joy and Compassion! And indeed it is.

I AM Raphael. We Am.
The Fifth Secret Crystalline Ray

Greetings, Family of Light! I AM Raphael in the Light of the Angels of Healing. We Are One. In Love, Light and Reverence for Your Sacred Service, We embrace You with Our Energies, the Energies of Your Home. Your Higher Selves are nearby and enhance your feeling of Native Energies.

This and the next message about the foundations of the fourth dimension will be our final work with you until a certain temporary “now”. We consider it necessary to inform about the appropriate change of the Mentors of my partner. Looking into the future "now", we will introduce you to Master Mirael - the Master of the Creative Forces of the seventh dimension, who will tell you about the Secret Teaching, which tells about the fifth-dimensional World, about the "secret magical peoples" and elementals, some of whom have incarnated on Earth in order to help the Angels in Transition. Mentor Mirael will also lead the practical part of mastering the Gifts and revealing the Divine Purpose during each earthly “month” of 2012. The plan for this year is very busy, but it is filled with Wisdom, Love, Peace, Joy and Acceleration of Spiritual Development.

So, dear ones. The fifth secret Crystalline Ray of the Universal Logos. The Master of this Sacred Ray of Service is Master Metatron.

Multidimensional colors of the Ray: White, Gold, Yellow, Light of the Universal Logos, Light of the Creator. This Ray corresponds to the relevant "part" of the 12th layer of DNA. In connection with the integration of multidimensional color scales, Representatives of this Ray can be called “orange” or, rightly for the Purposes of Service, “joyful”.
Multidimensional sounds of the Ray: sounds of the Universal Logos. Representatives of this Ray hear these sounds in a dream in the sound of multidimensional melodies. After the period of Soul Awakening (when a person enters the Spiritual Path), “orange” people hear this music in reality. These are the sounds of their Gifts being activated.

Crystal activator of this Ray and the 12th layer of DNA: fire opal.

So, the House of Divine Origin of the Representatives of the “Joyful” Ray are the planets of the Universal Logos. We will not mention the names of these planets here, since this is practically impossible: these are fifth-dimensional and seven-dimensional names in which color, Light, sound, vibrations and other multidimensional qualities are present. But... everyone, absolutely all conscious “orange” KNOW and FEEL the Energy of their Home. This is their innate Gift - a direct Energy Connection with the Universal Logos, with the corresponding Data Banks. Accordingly, absolutely all representatives of this Ray have the art of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. All channelings come from the fifth and seventh dimensional Worlds. It's up to your Choice (whether to become a channeler, whether it's appropriate for you) and Intention. All tools for activating the Gifts of the Universal Logos are already present in the biofield of each representative. What to activate and what not is decided consciously in co-creation with the Higher Self.

Due to the fact that the fifth Secret Ray is closely connected with the Universal Logos, We will say that one of the Services of the Masters of this Ray is the Service of the Guardians of the Angelic Names. High vibrations of the Universal Ray do not allow astral entities to penetrate into the Holy of Holies - into the Akashic Chronicles of the seventh-dimensional World, which contains information about the Divine History of Souls, about their Name and Primordial Purpose. Therefore, the Service of the Third and Fifth Secret Rays is closest. It follows that these Ray Masters are the Guardians of the Higher Selves.

Representatives of the fifth Secret Ray have an innate Gift - the Mastery of Joy and Eternal Freedom of the Inner Child. “Orange” people do not mature in terms of vibrations. By maturation We actually mean a lowering of vibrations and a thickening of the veil due to the dominance of the Mind-Ego. So, the “orange” ones don’t grow up. This is due to their Purpose - to remind Angel Friends of Divine Joy and Eternal Childhood. The biofields of “orange” people are saturated with light codes of activation of mobility, curiosity, and friendliness. If they are inactive for a long time, they feel the anxiety of the Soul. Soon they quickly catch up with their vibrational rhythm. “Joyful” people really enjoy life! They are not looking for themselves - by this, dear ones, you all mean a return to the state of the Inner Child - they are always themselves!
Also, representatives of the fifth Secret Ray are Masters of Imagery and Divine Creativity. They all have an innate sense of Faith in the fulfillment of the Dream-Image. “Orange” people know how to detail and improve images.

The Universal Ray is also responsible for the Transition into the five-dimensional, six-dimensional and seven-dimensional Worlds. All this knowledge is activated by the “orange” ones with their way of Life in high vibrations of Joy and Creativity.
The main chakra is the fifth-dimensional “solar plexus” - the chakra of the Inner Child.

Beautiful “orange”, inspiring Purpose and Service! We are all together in this embrace of the Light! And indeed it is.

(Fragments of the book “The Law of One”)


The nature of vibration is such that it can be thought of as having mathematically straight or narrow steps. Steps have boundaries. Within each boundary there are infinite gradations of vibration or color. However, when approaching the border, an effort is required to cross it. Colors are the most simplified way of expressing the marginal divisions of your density. There is also an analogy with time-space, which can be considered as color itself in its modified aspect.

Each density has a metaphysical, characteristic ray complex. Thus, in first density, the basis of everything that will happen is the red ray. In second density the orange ray represents the movement and growth of the individual. This ray tends to the yellow ray of manifestations of self-consciousness, both social and individual in nature. The third density is the density of the yellow ray, and so on. Each density has its own primary ray plus the attraction of the next ray, which is extended in the process of evolution and to some extent colors or obscures the basic color of the density.

Red beam

The main basic provisions of each level of development, that is, each density above the second, can be considered as follows: firstly, the basic energy of the so-called red ray. This ray should be understood as the main intensifying ray in each density. It should never be belittled or considered less important or productive for spiritual evolution, for it is the foundation.

Question: If there is a highly polarized entity oriented towards service to others and a highly polarized entity oriented towards service to self, what will be the difference in the red ray of the two entities?

In relation to the red ray, there is no difference between entities equally strongly polarized positively or negatively.

The first transfer of energy is a red beam. This is random transmission and is only related to your breeding system.

orange beam

The orange ray is the influence or vibrational pattern through which the mind/body/spirit complex expresses its power on an individual basis. The orange ray can be seen as power over individuals. It is very intense in your people on an individual basis. In this ray you can consider treating other selves as non-entities, slaves or chattels, without giving them any status.

yellow beam

The next main beam is yellow. He is a great means to an end. On this ray the mind/body is intensified to its fullest balance.

Triad red/orange/yellow

The strong red/orange/yellow triad is the springboard from which the entity jumps into the center of the green beam. The green ray is also the main one, but not the primary one. The negative ray pattern is red/orange/yellow moving straight into blue, but only to communicate with intelligent infinity. For positively oriented entities, the configuration is uniform, crystal clear and contains all seven rays.

When attempting sexual contact between the orange and yellow rays, blocking occurs when only one entity vibrates on these rays. An entity vibrating sexually on these rays will have an insatiable appetite for sexual activity. These vibrational levels seek green ray activity. The possibility of transmitting orange or yellow ray energy exists, but will be negatively polarized as the other partner will be seen as an object rather than another self; that is, the first partner will consider himself the thief or the master of the situation.

Green beam

The green ray is a resource for spiritual work. With the green ray activated, we find that we can begin to intensify the third primary ray. This is the first truly spiritual ray in which all transformations are of an integrated mind/body/spirit nature. As you transmit green ray energy, you are approaching a great turning point, both in sexual and in any other type of experience. The green ray can be turned outward, then the entity gives more than it receives. It should be noted that when two mind/body/spirit complexes who have reached the level of green ray energy transmission enter into marriage, subsequent rays are available without both entities feeling the need to evolve at the same rate.

blue beam

In the mind/body complex, the blue ray contains the knowledge/teachings of spirit in each density. It animates the whole, informing other rays about the integrity of being. The partner who receives the transmission of blue ray energy is given the opportunity to feel accepted by the other partner. The one who gives this ray feels the expressions of another “I” in relation to himself. The first thing offered above the green ray is acceptance or freedom. It should be noted that when two mind/body/spirit complexes who have reached the level of green ray energy transmission enter into marriage, subsequent rays are available without both entities feeling the need to evolve at the same rate. An entity vibrating on the blue ray or indigo ray, having frequent vibrations of other rays, can share this energy with another self vibrating on the green ray, acting as a catalyst for the constant teaching/teaching of the other self. Until the second entity reaches the vibration of the green ray, the transfer of energy from higher rays is not possible.

Indigo Ray

Although valuable, the indigo ray is a ray that only those in the know work with. This is the entrance to intelligent infinity and the introduction of intelligent energy into it. This is the energy center that works with those teachings that are considered internal, hidden and occult, for this ray is infinite in its possibilities. As you know, all those who heal, teach and work for the Creator, who can be considered radiant and balanced, operate on the indigo ray. The indigo ray is a ray of, say, awareness of oneself as a Creator. Therefore, those who have activated indigo ray vibrations can offer the transfer of energy from Creator to Creator. This is the beginning of the sacred nature of what you call the bisexual act of reproduction. The indigo ray is unique because it carries everything and everyone, wholeness and unity in offering itself to other selves.

Violet ray

The violet beam is a constant and does not appear in the discussion of beam activation functions. It is a sign, a registration, an identity, the true vibration of the essence. Like the red ray, the violet ray is constantly present in sexual experience. The experience of the violet ray can be distorted, completely ignored, or perceived by other selves. Thus, being the sum and essence of the mind/body/spirit complex, the violet ray permeates and accompanies every action of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Questioner: Then the energy centers of the individual's body, which provide for the individual to develop in a straight line from first to eighth density, would be fully activated if everything worked as it should? Should each chakra be activated to completion and greatest intensity towards the end of the experience in each density?

Ra: I am Ra. Hypothetically speaking, yes. However, a fully activated creature is very rare. Greater emphasis is placed on the harmony and balance of individuals. To complete each density it is necessary that the primary energy centers function to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and enjoy light in all its purity. However, fully activated each energy center is the destiny of the few, since each center has a varying rate of rotation or activity. An important point to make is that once all the necessary centers are activated to the minimum required degree, harmony and balance are established between them.

true color

The frequency that is the basis of every density has what can be called true color. This term cannot be defined based on your perceptual system or scientific measurements. The fact is that color has characteristics of both space-time and time-space. The true color is then superimposed or tinted by the rainbow of different vibration levels of that density and the attraction of the vibrations of the true color of the next density.

The proper true color of third density is yellow. However, the influences of the true green color upon yellow ray entities have caused many entities to return to considering their selves rather than step forward and consider other selves or the green ray. The nature of this phenomenon should not be considered negative polarization, since the negatively polarized entity works intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow ray group energies, especially the manipulation of other selves to serve itself. Now we can classify many people on your plane as entities that have returned to the orange ray. These are those who feel the vibrations of true green light and react to them by refusing to engage in government and social activities. They are looking more for themselves.

However, without properly developing the yellow ray so that it balances personal rates of vibration, the entity is faced with the task of further activating and balancing itself in relation to itself, that is, with the manifestations of the orange ray at the center of this space-time.

In third density, every center can be considered potentially activated. A third-density being who has the potential for full self-awareness also has the potential for minimal activation of all energy centers. The fourth, fifth and sixth densities clear the higher energy centers. Seventh density is the density of completion and turning towards timelessness or eternity.

Harmony and balance

Each energy center has a wide range of rotation speeds ; you can see this more clearly by looking at the color or brightness. The more the entity's will concentrates and purifies each energy center, the brighter it becomes or the faster it rotates. In the case of a self-aware entity, it does not necessarily have to activate all the energy centers. Entities may have very bright energy centers but be unbalanced in the violet ray aspect due to lack of attention to the integrity of the entity's experience.

The key to balance lies in the natural, spontaneous and honest response of entities to experiences, making the most of experiences, performing balancing exercises and achieving a proper relationship with the purest spectrum of energy center manifestation in the violet ray. That is why in connection with the “harvest” the brightness or speed of rotation of the energy centers is not as important as the balanced aspect or manifestation of the violet ray of essence. The fact is that unbalanced entities, especially in the primary rays, will not be able to endure the action of love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for “harvesting”.

The red, yellow and blue rays are primary because they signify the activity of a primary nature.

Question: How can an individual understand which energy centers are activated and do not require attention, and which are not activated and require immediate attention?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity's thoughts, feelings, emotions and at least all of its behavior are pointers for learning/educating oneself. By analyzing each day's experiences, the entity can evaluate what it considers to be inappropriate thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and emotions.

By examining the inappropriate activities of the mind, body, and spirit complexes, the entity can place these distortions in the proper vibrational beam and see what needs to be dealt with.

To grow or cultivate will and faith, there is only one technique - focusing attention. The attention span of those you call children is considered short. Therefore, one should strive to acquire the ability to concentrate and maintain attention on the desired programming.

With continued practice, it strengthens the will. All work can be done only when there is faith in the possibility of the final result of the training.

For a less sensitive entity, it is appropriate to use inspiring images, be it a rose of perfect beauty, a sign of perfect sacrifice - a cross, Buddha, who is All, abiding in One, or something else that inspires the personality (concentration on the image).

Each equilibrium is perfect and unique. We don't intend to hide anything. Let me offer an example. In a specific entity, let me use the Wanderer as an example, the rays can be seen as extremely uniform - red, orange and yellow. Very bright green beam. This is balanced by, say, a weak indigo ray. Between the last two there is a point of balance where the blue ray of communication shines more than usual. We see this unique spectrogram in the violet ray, and, if you like, we simultaneously see the pure violet color surrounding the whole. This in turn is surrounded by a mixture of red and violet rays, indicating the integration of mind, body and spirit. And finally, all of this is surrounded by the vibrational pattern of the true density of this entity.

The above description can be seen in two ways: both as unbalanced and as perfect equilibrium. This understanding is very useful in communicating with other selves. The ability to sense blockages is essential only for the healer. When the balance of colors is considered, not even a tiny part of the judgment should be present. Of course, seeing that many energy centers are weakened or blocked, we understand that the entity has not yet taken up the baton and started the race. However, potentials always exist. All beams are fully balanced and awaiting activation.

Another way to answer your question is this: An entity with fully realized potentials has all the rays superimposed on each other in pure vibrational splendor and sparkling radiance so that the color surrounding them is white. This is what you might call potential equilibrium in third density.

Question: Could you provide the same type of information in connection with war and rumors of war?

Ra: I am Ra. You can think of these as technical innovations. War and the relationship between different selves is a fundamental perception of a mature entity. War provides a huge chance to accelerate development in any desired direction. Some may polarize negatively, allowing hostile relationships for any reason. Others, finding themselves in a situation of war, polarize positively, activating the orange, yellow, and then green rays with heroic actions aimed at saving other selves.

And finally, still others can strongly polarize the green ray, expressing the principle of universal love in response to any distortion in the form of involvement in hostile actions. In this case, the entity can transform into a conscious being in a very short period of your time-space. This can be seen as a development as a result of trauma. It should be noted that for your entities, the greatest development occurs due to a catalyst such as trauma.

When released or "harvested" into positive fourth density, the activated red ray is seen only as the basis of all that occurs on vibrational levels. The result of everything that happens is the energy of the violet ray.

The violet ray is the only criterion for “cleaning up” into positive fourth density. In the case of “harvesting” into negative fourth density, the intensity of the red, orange and yellow rays is considered as persistence, since this is the type of energy required for negative development. It is extremely difficult to open the passage to intelligent infinity from the solar plexus center, which is necessary to “harvest” into negative fourth density.

Question: Is there any difference in violet ray activity or ability between positive or negative oriented entities at the fourth density entry level?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes. The violet ray of positive fourth density will be colored by the triad of green, blue and indigo ray energies. This hue can be considered part of the rainbow or prism as you know it, and the rays will be clearly distinguished from each other.

The violet ray of negative fourth density contains in the aura, say, shades of red, orange and yellow rays, and the rays will be blurred rather than clearly demarcated.

Question: Could you highlight the difference between the activation of the yellow and orange rays?

Ra: I am Ra. The orange ray is the influence or vibrational pattern through which the mind/body/spirit complex expresses its power on an individual basis. The orange ray can be seen as power over individuals. It is very intense in your people on an individual basis. In this ray you can consider treating other selves as non-entities, slaves or chattels, without giving them any status.

The yellow beam is a focusing or very strong beam. It characterizes an entity in relation to, say, groups, societies, or a large number of mind/body/spirit complexes. This yellow ray vibration is the core of hostile actions in which one group of entities feels the need and right to dominate other groups of entities and to bend their will to the will of their masters. In its polarization patterns, the negative path uses a combination of yellow and orange rays. However, if these rays are used purposefully, they will facilitate contact with intelligent infinity. The normal nature of sexual intercourse, if the primary vibrational patterns of one of the partners are yellow or orange, contains a blockage, and it is as a result of this blockage that sexual hunger is felt that is not being satisfied. When both partners vibrate on these rays, the potential for polarization arises in sexual interaction: one entity enjoys humiliation, slavery and dependence, the other enjoys dominance and control over the first. In this case, the transfer of sexual energy of negative polarization occurs.

The activation of the green ray is vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray - the rays associated with possession. This is mainly a yellow beam, often turning into orange. Fear of possession, desire to possess, fear of being possessed, and desire to be possessed are all distortions that will disable green ray energy transmissions.

The new information is that once the green ray is reached, the entity immediately gains the ability to access the blue ray and only the effort of the individual is expected. The indigo ray is only opened through significant training and practice, mainly related to accepting oneself not only as a polarized and balanced self, but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite value. This is how the activation of the indigo ray begins.

The green beam has two possibilities. Firstly, if both partners vibrate on the green ray, the energy transfer will be mutually amplified. The negative pole or as you call it, the woman draws energy from the roots of the man through the energy centers and is restored physically. The positive or masculine polarity, as it appears in your illusion, finds inspiration in the transmission that satisfies and nourishes the spiritual part of the mind/body/spirit complex. Both partners polarize and release an excess of what each has in abundance due to the nature of intelligent energy, that is, negative intuitive and positive physical energies. This transfer of energy is blocked only when one or both entities feel the fear of being possessed or the desire to be possessed.

The second possibility of the green ray is when the green energy is offered by only one entity, the other partner does not offer the energy of universal love. This leads to blocking the transfer of energy from the partner who does not offer the energy of the green ray, increasing his dissatisfaction and appetite. The green ray is slightly polarized towards serving others.

Blue ray energy transfers are very rare among your people now, but are of great help due to the energy transfers associated with the ability to express oneself without fear or a sense of threat to self-preservation.

Indigo ray transmission is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacred part of the body complex where contact with the intelligent infinity can only be made through the violet ray. At the last two levels, blockages cannot occur because if both entities are not ready for this energy, it is not observed, not transmitted, and therefore not blocked. It's like removing the ignition distributor from the engine.

First, the green ray activated entity has the potential of a direct and simple analogy to what you may call joy, of a spiritual and metaphysical nature existing in intelligent infinity. This is a great help in understanding the true nature of existence. Another potential benefit of acts of bisexual procreation is the possibility of sacred understanding or connection with, say, entering into intelligent infinity, since with proper preparation, one can perform what you call magic and achieve experiences of intelligent infinity.

Positively oriented individuals who, through a search or an act of will, concentrate on such a way to achieve intelligent infinity, are able to direct intelligent infinity to the activities they wish to perform, be it the knowledge of service, the ability to heal, or any desired service to others.

sexual expression is the basis of the body complex.

The will of the Logos establishes the potentials available to the developing entity. The will of the developing entity is the only measure of speed and persistence in activation, as well as balancing of different energy centers.

Question: Why are the red, yellow and blue energy centers called primary centers?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say what might be important to an entity. The red, yellow and blue rays are primary because they signify the activity of a primary nature.

The red ray is the base, the orange ray is the movement towards the yellow ray, which is the ray of self-awareness and interaction. The green ray is the movement through various experiences of energetic exchanges associated with compassion and forgiving love towards the primary blue ray. The blue ray is the first ray of radiation from the self, independent of any actions of the other selves.

The essence of the green ray is not subject to blocking by other selves. The essence of the blue ray is a co-Creator.

Many times we have talked about the relative importance of balancing and the relatively lesser importance of maximizing the activation of each energy center. You got the reason correctly. The entity is concerned with whether it is on the path of positive “harvesting”, organizing the different energies of experience. The weakest entity may be more balanced than an entity with greater energy and activity in serving others. This occurs through the persistence with which the will focuses on the use of experience in self-knowledge. A balanced entity will see in the apparent attack by the other self the reasons for this action, which in most cases are of a more complex nature than the attack of a second density bull, as in your example. Therefore, a balanced entity will be open to greater possibilities of service to other third density selves.

All beings have the potential for all possible rates of vibration. Consequently, the potential for activation of the energy centers of the green and blue rays, of course, is where it should be - in the creation of Love. However, a negatively polarized entity will achieve "harvest" by using the red and yellow-orange rays extremely effectively and moving directly to the indigo entrance, passing through the intelligent energy channel of the influx of intelligent infinity.

Beam body

The red ray body is your physical body. However, this is not the body that you use as clothing for physics. It is not the building material of the body, but an elemental body that has no form. The red ray body - the basic formless material body - is very important to understand because there are many healing techniques that can be performed by understanding the elements present in the physical vehicle.

The orange ray body is the totality of the physical body. It is still not the body you inhabit; rather it is a body formed without awareness of itself, a body in the womb before the spirit/mind complex enters into it. It can live without being inhabited by the spirit/mind complex, but it does so extremely rarely.

The body of the yellow ray is the physical medium that you know now, and in which you gain experiences through a catalyst. This body has the characteristics of mind/body/spirit and is suitable for the physical illusion as you called it.

The green ray body is a body that can become visible when it acquires what you call ectoplasm. This is a lighter body, it becomes denser as you live through life. Following some other teachings, you can call it the astral body. Others called this body ethereal. However, this is false in the sense that the etheric body is the entry body into which intelligent energy is able to form the mind/body/spirit complex.

The light body or blue ray body can be called devic. It has many other names, especially in the so-called Indian sutras or scriptures, because among your people there have been those who have explored these areas and understand the different types of devic bodies. In every density there are many, many types of bodies similar to yours.

The indigo ray body, which we choose to call the etheric body, is the entry body. This form of body has substance, but it can only be seen as a body of light, since it can take any form at will.

The violet ray body can be understood as what you call the buddhic or holistic body.

Each body influences the life of the mind/body/spirit complex. As we have already said, the relationships between them are complex and diverse.

Perhaps only one piece of advice should be offered: The indigo ray body can only be used by the healer if he is able to place his consciousness in the etheric body. The violet ray body or buddhic body is also important for the healer because it contains a sense of wholeness, very close to the unity of all that is. These bodies are a part of every entity, and their proper use and understanding, although much more advanced than required for third density “harvesting,” are nevertheless beneficial to the knower.

Energy of Concrete Science, or Knowledge. To understand this expression of the divine will, the student must remember the occult aphorism that "matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation, and spirit is matter at its highest point." In principle, it is this will that causes precipitation or concretization, and at the same time it is this will that forms the point at which spirit and matter are balanced and equal. This is the reason that human perfection is consciously achieved on the fifth, mental plane, by means of the Fifth Ray; On this same plane liberation occurs at the fifth initiation. It is the will which is inherent in substance and which activates all the atoms of which all forms are composed. Despite the fact that it is closely connected with the first solar system, it is she who liberates the members of the human race who will form the core around which the third solar system will be formed. The energy of this Ray is intelligence; it is the seed of consciousness, but not the consciousness that we know. It is the intrinsic life of matter and the will to act intellectually; this living something is a product of the first solar system, and we have no name for it. This is one of the main attributes of God the Father and the human Monad. This Will to Action.

For humanity of our time, its highest expression is liberation - through death or initiation.

Fifth Purpose of Deity

Ray V. Concrete Knowledge or Science

Rolls of thunder shake the mountain peak, and thunderclouds hide the form. The evaporations of the water sphere contribute to the distortion of the amazing... located in a secret place. The form is there, and its note sounds outward.

A ray of light illuminates the form, and what was hidden becomes apparent. Knowledge about God, about how He hides Himself, finds completion in human thought. Energies and forces receive their secret names, reveal their inner purpose, and everything is seen as rhythm, as a return to oneself. Now you can read the great scroll. God's purpose and plans are established and man can read the form.

The plan is taking shape. The plan is the form. Its purpose is the revelation of the mind of God. The past reveals the form, and the present indicates the descent of energy.

What is destined to come appears like a cloud that covers the sun. But hidden behind this cloud is its inalienable quality - love, which is on earth and which is in heaven. And it is she, the love that renews everything, that must be open. This is the purpose behind everything that the great Lord of Knowledge does.

Before enumerating the names of this great Life, I want to emphasize that the Fifth Ray has a special, unique potential power in relation to the human kingdom. The fact is that the fifth plane, the plane of the mind, is the main sphere of activity of this Life, and it is on this plane that the three aspects of the mind are located:

  1. The abstract or higher mind, the embodiment of the highest triad.
  2. The concrete or lower mind, the highest aspect of the lower self.
  3. The Ego, or solar Angel, is the pure Son of Mind, Who expresses the intellect both abstractly and concretely, and is the point of unification.

This Life is now very powerful in connection with the fifth root race and in connection with the transference of the consciousness of humanity into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. Students will gain much insight by comparing the creative power of the higher mind with the destructive power of the lower mind. Just as the personality, according to the divine plan, has no other purpose than to serve as a channel and means of expression of the soul, so the lower mind is assigned the role of a channel for the unimpeded influx of the energy of the higher mind.

The Fifth Ray is a Being of the most intense spiritual light. By His manifestation on the fifth, His own, plane, He symbolizes the three aspects in a way that no other Ray does. Due to Its quality of higher mind, this Ray serves as a clear channel for the divine will. With the help of the seven groups of solar lives manifested on the mental levels, He initiated on our planet the functional activity of the seven corresponding reflections of the seven centers of Deity, which none of His six Ray brothers did. This statement means little to you, but the enormous sacrifice and gigantic effort that was required can only be compared with the life of the Buddha, and this is one of the reasons why our fifth race must eventually open up to each other. love and intelligence.

These are some of the names given to the Lord of this Ray:

  • Revealer of Truth
  • Great Connector
  • Divine Mediator
  • Crystallizer Forms
  • Triple Thinker
  • Cloud on the Mountain Top
  • He Who Besieges the Cross
  • Dividing Sword
  • Sweeping away the unnecessary
  • Fifth Great Judge
  • Rose of God
  • Heavenly
  • Door to the Mind of God
  • Initiating Energy
  • Ruler of the Third Heaven
  • Door Guardian
  • Manager of Knowledge
  • Angel with Fire Sword
  • Secret Keeper
  • Beloved of the Logos
  • Brother from Sirius
  • Teacher of the Hierophants

Because of its close connection with man (from the very moment of the latter's creation) the Fifth Ray has so many names that it is not easy to select from among them those which will give the student the fullest idea of ​​Its characteristics and mission. The power and significance of the Lord of this Ray are reflected in six aphorisms that reveal His qualities. These addresses were sung by six of His Brothers at the moment of crisis when the existence of the human family began and the solar Angels sacrificed themselves. Esoterically, they “descended into hell and went into prison.” On that day souls were born. A new kingdom of expression emerged, and a sparkling interchange was established between the three higher and three lower planes.

Aphorism Quality
1. Here God and His Angels appear and watch. Let the mountain peaks emerge from the dense damp fog. Let the sun shine on their peaks and let them stand in the light. Shine on. Entering and exiting the form.
2. Here God and the Angels appear and listen to Him. Let the murmur of the depths rise to them, and the cry of the seeker touch their ears. Let the person listen. Let him call. Speak loudly. The ability to make the Voice of Silence heard.
3. Here God and the Angels appear and touch Him. Create a rod of power. Direct it against the sons of men; touch them with fire, then bring them closer. Lead the way. Initiatory activity
4. So God and His Angels appear and try. Let your diverse experience accumulate. Let the paths open. Recognize and choose; open and analyze. All paths are the same. Revelation of the path.
5. Here God and His Angels appear and recognize the smell arising from the burning firmament of man. Let the fire do its work. Guide man into the crucible, and let him leave the retarding nature in the fiery red center. Let the fire burn. Purification by fire.
6. Here God and His Angels appear and fuse the multitude into the One. Let the connection continue. Let that which is the cause of the existence of everything become the cause of its end. Let one temple now rise. Reveal your crowning glory. Let it be so. The manifestation of the great white light.( The Shekinah. A.A.B.)

Studying these qualities will bring great practical benefit to the reader. Considering himself to belong to one or another Ray, from these qualities he will be able to determine what characteristics he should work on, and also determine what needs to be done, what needs to be expressed and what needs to be overcome. These qualities should be studied from two points of view: from the point of view of their divine aspect and from the point of view of their opposite aspect, or from the side of form. For example, this Ray is characterized as the opener of the path, and it must be remembered that it opens either the path down to death, into incarnation (that is, into the death-like prison of the soul), or the path upward, from darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this because I really want all readers of the treatise to apply the teaching to their daily lives. I am not interested in communicating obscure, unusual information to feed an unhealthy mental appetite. Storing occult information in the memory that does not bring practical benefit only overworks the brain cells and feeds pride.

Fifth Ray, Ray of the Lower Mind

This is the Ray of science and exploration. The person on this ray has a keen intellect, is very precise in details and tirelessly tries to get to the bottom of the smallest fact and test any theory. He is, as a rule, extremely sincere, clearly explains the facts, but sometimes he is pedantic and tiresome, insisting with excessive verbosity on trivial details. He is organized, punctual, businesslike, and does not like patronage and flattery.

This is the Ray of a great chemist, a practical electrical engineer, a first-class engineer, a great surgeon. As a statesman, a person on the Fifth Ray is characterized by narrow views, but is excellent in managing some technical department, although unpleasant for his subordinates. As a military man, he most willingly serves in the artillery or engineering troops. The artist is very rare on this ray, unless there is the influence of the secondary Fourth or Seventh rays, but even in this case his colors are inexpressive, his sculptures are lifeless, and his music (if he composes it at all) is uninteresting, although impeccable in form. The style of his writing and speeches is clarity itself, but they lack fire, “zest”, and sometimes he can simply tire, wanting to fully speak out on some topic.

As a healer, he will shine in surgery and electrotherapy.

The method of traversing the Path for the Fifth Ray is scientific research with a desire for utmost clarity and acceptance of subsequent conclusions.

Fifth Ray Technique.

What is given must be used; what emerges from this method will find its place in the healer's plan. What is hidden must become visible and these three will bring great knowledge. A healer is looking for them. To these he adds two, which are as one, and so the fifth must do its work, and all five must act as one. The energies descend, pass and disappear, leaving the one who was able to respond to the karma that requires repayment, and taking with them the one who cannot respond and therefore must disappear.

The most obvious and simple way of fifth ray healing is that the healer, working scientifically and mainly on specific levels, uses everything from physical measures to subtle forms of healing to heal. Again, I want to emphasize that physical help can be as divine as the most mysterious methods, which seem much more effective to the modern metaphysical healer. All modern knowledge developed on the physical plane through the personalities of men marked by intuition and genius is useful in time and space to the student and initiate; this applies to medical sciences. For the sake of spiritual results, the disciple and initiate must apply the various sciences correctly, and the healer in his work must do the same.

Any work will become spiritual if it is based on the right motive and wise discrimination, and the power of the soul is added to the knowledge received in the three worlds. The dynamic use of energy - one of its seven currents - combined with sound understanding and the work of a modern physician, assisted by a healer (acting as a catalyst), can work miracles if it is not contrary to the fate of the patient. A metaphysical healer who works exclusively on subtle levels is like a spiritual worker who on the physical plane is so consistently financially insolvent. This is often explained by the subtle - although usually unacknowledged - contempt with which the average healer and esotericist regards the task of his physical health or making money. Ponder on this and try to understand that the methods of the fifth ray are effective down to the physical plane, where they create conflict and ultimately allow the physical achievement of what is desired. In connection with the Fifth Ray techniques I have given more hints and information than for all the others.

Energy of Concrete Knowledge.

Since all students must focus on the mental plane and operate from this level of consciousness, understanding this type of consciousness seems very important. It is very simple to say that disciples and (naturally) initiates must use the mind and have mental polarization, but what does this mean? Let me give you a few brief definitions of the energy of this Ray, leaving you to draw your own conclusions and learn to evaluate your own mental state by studying these concepts.

  1. The energy of what is specifically called "concrete science" is the quality or conditioning essence of the fifth ray.
  2. This is mainly substance mental plane. This plane corresponds to the third sub-plane of the physical plane, and is therefore of a gaseous nature, if such a correspondence is preferred by you as a symbol of its nature. It is a volatile, easily dissipated substance that receives enlightenment and can have a negative effect, for, without a doubt, often “the mind is the killer of the Real.”
  3. This energy is characterized by three qualities:
    • A. A quality that is the result of interaction with the Spiritual Triad. We call it the “abstract mind,” and the influence affecting it comes from the atmic level of the Spiritual Triad, the level of spiritual will.
    • b. A quality that in the current solar system readily responds to the main Ray of the planet, the Ray of love-wisdom. It is so responsive that - in combination with the emanations of the three worlds - it produced the form that exists on the mental plane. In a planetary sense it is a form of the Kingdom of God, and in an individual sense it is a form of the Ego or soul.
    • V. A quality that is primarily associated with the emanations or vibrations emanating from the three worlds. These emanations are creatively embodied in myriads of thought forms that are found on the lower levels of the mental plane. Thus it can be stated that these qualities or aspects of the Fifth Ray of spiritual energy underlie:
      • Pure thinking.
      • The Thinker, or the Son of Mind.
      • Thought forms.
  4. This is the energy that forms thought forms (as far as humanity is concerned), and any impressions from the physical, etheric and astral planes bring it into activity at the level of concrete knowledge, as a result of which kaleidoscopically changing thought forms are formed.
  5. This is fundamentally the most powerful energy currently operating on the planet, since it matured in the first solar system, the system of active intelligence.
  6. This is the energy that introduces people (especially trained disciples or initiates) into the mysteries of the Mind of God Himself. This is the "substantial" key to the Universal Mind.
  7. She is extremely sensitive to the energy of Love-Wisdom, and her fusion with the aspect of love is called “wisdom”, since wisdom is knowledge acquired through experience and applied with love.
  8. In its three aspects this energy has a specific relation to the three Buddhas of Action. These great Lives reached Their present state of development in the previous solar system.
  9. This energy, if considered as the mental energy of the human being - which is one of its minor limitations, although it is its main function for the human being - is the highest correspondence of the physical brain. It can be said that the brain exists only because the mind exists, which needs it as its focus on the physical plane.
  10. The energy of concrete knowledge, or science, has a dual quality:
    • A. She is extremely responsive to impressions coming from various sources.
    • b. In response to the impression, she quickly takes shape.
  11. The received impressions come from three sources and are sequentially revealed to the person. These three sources are:
    • A. Impressions from the three worlds, coming, firstly, from the individual and, secondly, from the levels of planetary consciousness.
    • b. Impressions from the soul, the Son of Mind, from the level of the mentality itself.
    • V. Impressions from the Spiritual Triad coming through the antahkarana that has been built or is under construction.
  12. In essence, this energy is a carrier of light. It responds - again, consistently in time and space - to the light of the Logos. That is why the mind is considered enlightened when higher contacts are established, and enlightened in relation to the lower planes.
  13. As for man, this energy is awakened and activated by the action of the five senses, which transmit information from the three worlds to the mental plane. It can therefore be argued that
    • A. Five streams of information energy, coming from the physical-astral plane, affect a specific mind.
    • b. The three streams of energy coming from the soul also impress the concrete mind.
    • V. One stream of energy - in the process of initiation - comes into contact with the mind. It comes from the Spiritual Triad using the antahkarana.
  14. The energy of the Fifth Ray can be considered common sense, since it is influenced by all these different energies, synthesizes them, orders them and interprets the many incessant influences, thereby creating a collection of thought forms that we call “world thinking.”
  15. This energy transforms divine ideas into human ideals, connecting the knowledge and sciences of humanity with these ideals and turning them into working factors of human evolution, its cultures and civilizations.

I could add much more, but these simple definitions suffice for the study of the mental unfolding of the disciple going through the process of initiations which is our subject now.

At present, this ray energy is expressed mainly through science - a science that is depressingly mundane and corrupted by materialism and human greed. However, this science (animated entirely by good will) will raise humanity to higher levels of consciousness, laying the foundation that will allow humanity to undergo the Initiation of Transfiguration on a large scale. Steps in this direction have already been taken, and the availability of the press, radio and means of rapid travel has greatly contributed to the revelation of that Unity which is the main distinguishing feature of the Universal Mind.<...>

The closed mind on a national scale is as dire a danger as the “state of mind” of an individual who closes his mind to contact with the world, world news and understanding of the world and is unwilling to accept new ideas and new ways of behaving. Fortunately, the influence of the energy of the Fifth Ray - which is always felt, regardless of the incarnation of this Ray - is steadily leading humanity towards enlightenment.

The action of this ray energy is always consistent with the Law of Schisms. We are now experiencing the greatest schism between past and present. The importance of this statement is that - for the first time in its history - humanity is aware of the split while, when it exists, because until now splits have been noticed only in a historical perspective. Today, all people everywhere are aware of the rapid withering away of the old order, old cultures and civilizations, and everywhere they insistently demand a new one. People everywhere are laying the foundation for a new order, the establishment of which is threatened only by one country, Russia, with its isolation (but not by its ideology) and only by one global group, which has its representatives in each country, guilty of financial greed and the aggressiveness it generates.

Ray Service Method:

Beam V . The servants of this Ray quickly assume a dominant position. These are those who examine the form in order to identify the idea embedded in it, its driving force, so their work with ideas is to test their truth. They gather into their ranks those whose personality belongs to this Ray, and teach them the art of scientific research. On the basis of the received spiritual ideas behind the formal side of manifestation, on the basis of numerous discoveries illuminating the relationship of God with man and nature, on the basis of inventions (which are only the materialization of ideas) and evidence of the Plan provided by law, they create a new world in which people will work and live a more conscious spiritual life. The disciples working along these lines in every country today are more active than ever before in human history. Consciously and unconsciously they are introducing men into a world of meaning, and their discoveries will put an end to the present era of unemployment, their inventions and improvements, together with the ever-growing idea of ​​group interdependence (the main message of the New Group of World Servers), will ultimately lead to an improvement in the human condition in which an era of peace and slowness may come. Note that I do not say “will come,” for even Christ Himself cannot accurately predict either the time when changes may occur, or the reaction of humanity to any revelation. ..

5th Ray Integration Technique

“I draw to myself the robe of my God. I see His form and I know it. Piece by piece I take this robe. I know its outline, color, model and shape, components, purpose and purpose. I'm amazed to see nothing more. I penetrate into the secrets of form, but not into itself Secret. I see the robe of my God, but nothing more."

Love for form- good, but only when the essence of the form as a vessel veiling life is known. It is unacceptable for the love of form to overshadow the Life that stands behind it, One Who brought the form into the light of day and keeps it for Himself, - One Who lives in form, loves form and serves it, the One who Eat.

Word sounds, heading from the soul to the form: “Behind the form there is Me. Know Me. Know, understand and nurture the nature of the veils of life, but also know the One Living One. Get to know Me. The forms of nature, their forces and processes should not hinder you in comprehending the Mystery that has given you the mysteries. Study the form well, but then joyfully leave it to find Me.

Remove your thought from the form and find Me, waiting behind the veils, behind the multifaceted contours, behind the obsessions and thought forms that hide my real “I.” Do not be deceived. Find me. Get to know Me. Then master forms that will no longer obscure and hide the “I”, but will let the nature of the “I” pass through the veils of life, revealing all the radiance of God, His power and magnetism; revealing the whole essence of form, life, all beauty and benefit. The One is revealed by the mind. The mind is able to connect and merge form and life. You are the One. You are the form. You are the mind. Know that."

The Fifth Ray formula is extremely effective at this time and should be used frequently but carefully by those of this line of divine energy. It has the most powerful integrating properties, however, when using it, it is necessary to be able to visualize and mentally maintain an even, stable, balanced distribution of the divine energy set in motion by it, in order to equally stimulate all three aspects of the spiritual essence - the mind, the One Who uses it ("I ."), and the nature of the form. This means, in particular, that if all the soul energy available for this purpose is poured into the lower nature, into the natural man, then this can have a destructive effect on the form and the person will be useless for service. If, on the other hand, it is all poured into the cup of the astral nature, then it can only intensify glamor and lead to fanaticism...

The planes or manifested spheres of expression are subject to the following ray influences in precise numerical sequence:

  • Ray I......... Will, or Power.................. The plane of divinity.
  • Ray II................... Love-Wisdom.................... Plane of the monad.
  • Ray III................... Active Intellect.................. Plane of spirit, atma.
  • Ray IV................... Harmony................................. .. Plan of intuition.
  • Ray V................... Concrete Knowledge.................. Mental plane.
  • Ray VI................... Devotion, Idealism............. Astral Plane
  • Ray VII................ Ceremonial Order............ Physical plane.

From this it is clear that the Fifth Ray is active on the plane which has the greatest significance for man, since it is for him the plane of the soul, the plane of the higher and lower mind. It embodies the principle of knowledge and, due to the specificity of its activity and close connection with the Ray of Active Intelligence, can be considered the Ray that has the most direct relation to man, especially in our time. Being active, as it was in the Lemurian era, it initiates individualization, that is, literally, the transition of the evolving life of God into a new sphere of awareness. This particular transition to higher forms of awareness initially leads to isolation.

The fifth ray has created what we call science, and in it we find a situation that is truly amazing. In considering the various aspects of that divine manifestation which we call the world of natural phenomena, science operates by the method of division. But in reality it does not divide, since there is little contradiction between individual sciences, and equally little disagreement between scientists. This is the profound difference between those who work in the field of science and those who devote themselves to religion. The reason is that a true scientist has a coordinated personality and therefore operates on mental levels, working in close proximity to the soul. The developed personality carries out logical recognition by the dominant lower mind, but (if such a symbolic expression is permitted) the close proximity of the soul nullifies the tendency to division. A religious person is predominantly astral, or emotional, and his tendency to division is more pronounced, especially in the current era of Pisces, which is already at its end. When I speak of a religious person, I mean a mystic, one who perceives the beatific vision on the level feelings. We are not talking here about disciples or those who are called initiates, since they have a mystical And practice is coupled with trained mental understanding.
