What is the safest baby laundry detergent? Which washing powder is better for newborns - test purchase of baby powders.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


The baby’s health is a whole list of measures and precautions that mom and dad should remember every day and night. This very long list also includes washing powder. And the point is not only in the risk of an immediate allergic reaction, but also in the risk of intoxication of the child’s body from prolonged exposure to the wrong powder through clothes and underwear.

What is he like? Is this the right laundry detergent for babies?

The correct composition of children's washing powder - what is better than phosphate-free children's washing powder?

You might be surprised, but the composition of children's powder is practically no different from that of an adult . This especially applies to domestic funds.

What is usually present in the powder, what components are absolutely unacceptable in it, and what should you pay attention to?

  • Surfactant This component is an active substance whose task is to remove stains from clothes. They are the most dangerous for children's health (especially anionic surfactants, their maximum permissible concentration in a detergent is 2-5 percent). The main consequences of exposure to surfactants are disorders in the immune system, acute allergic reactions, and damage to internal organs. Harmless surfactants are obtained only from plant materials.
  • Soap base. Usually, substances of animal/plant origin are used for its production. But when synthetic fatty acids are added, the free alkali formed in the water leads to allergies on the delicate children's skin.
  • Phosphates. The purpose of these components is to soften water and activate surfactants. A lot has already been written about their harmful effects (most of all this concerns sodium tripolyphosphate), but our manufacturers still continue to add them to washing powder, reducing the concentration of phosphates to 15-30 percent. Consequences of the action of phosphates: penetration of harmful substances into the baby’s body even in the absence of wounds on the skin, degreasing of the skin, decreased barrier functions of the skin, destruction of cell membranes, impaired blood properties, decreased immunity. In most European countries and America, these components have long been prohibited for use and replaced with harmless ones. In the right powders, phosphates are replaced with sodium disilicate (15-30 percent), which softens water, and are also supplemented with zeolites.
  • Zeolites(natural component of volcanic origin). Even if the laundry is not completely rinsed, they do not have a harmful effect.
  • Bleaches – chemical (oxygen and chlorine) and optical. Everyone knows their purpose – removing stains from light-colored fabrics. Optical brightener acts differently than chemical brightener - it settles on the surface of the clothing and creates a whiter effect. Of course, it remains on the fabric even after rinsing, after which it comes into contact with the baby’s skin. Therefore, optical bleach is unacceptable for washing children’s clothes (in the correct powder it is replaced with sodium carbonate peroxide), as is chlorine bleach - it should also be avoided. For children, experts recommend using bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide (they also cope with bacteria). And if you want absolute safety, just boil your laundry with grated laundry soap or use.
  • Flavors. Of course, it’s nice when your laundry smells like “the smell of a frosty morning.” But any fragrance in the powder is a blow to the baby’s respiratory tract and a risk of allergies. Hypoallergenic powders are odorless and are sold in pharmacies - they usually undergo additional purification. In high-quality powders, fragrances can also be replaced with essential oils.
  • Enzymes, produced without the use of GMOs. They are needed to destroy protein stains. They are harmful only in the form of dust, but in a soap solution they are absolutely harmless.
  • Conditioners and softeners. The principle of operation is tissue softening. These components also cannot be rinsed out and affect children's skin. It is not recommended to use them on children under 3 years of age.

Basic rules for choosing washing powder for baby clothes - how to choose baby powder correctly?

Before you throw the powder into the cart and go to the checkout, carefully look at the packaging, read the composition of the product and remember the rules for choosing baby powder.

Types of detergents for washing children's clothes, composition features, useful information on the packaging, recommendations for choosing a safe powder for babies.

Composition of baby powder

It is the composition of the product, and not just its price, that is the main criterion for choosing the right detergent. Most children's washing powders contain synthetic substances. Make sure that there are as few such additives as possible. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the content of surfactants and other harmful components as a percentage, so you can easily assess the aggressiveness of the baby powder.

Characteristics of safe and high-quality washing powder for children's clothes:

  • Phosphate compounds are absent.
  • Chlorine - absent.
  • Optical brighteners - no.
  • There are no artificial aromatic fragrances.
    1. "Our mother". Produced from a mixture of fatty acids with sodium salts (sodium cocoate, sodium palmate and sodium tallowate), titanium dioxide (bleach), water, glycerin. The product does not contain toxic surfactants, fragrances, aggressive synthetic additives or dyes.
    2. "Garden Kids". It consists of 30% natural baby soap, contains less than 5% sodium citrate, as well as silver and soda.
    Enzymes are often added to laundry detergents to effectively remove stains. They are destroyed at temperatures above +40 degrees, so choose the appropriate modes on the washing machine. Otherwise, the powder will be useless, and all the stains will remain on the fabrics.

    Types of baby washing powder

    Currently, the household chemicals market offers a wide variety of washing powders for children, which differ in composition, properties and, of course, price.

    Safe baby powder for newborns

    Diapers, bedding, toys and baby clothes cannot be washed with regular laundry detergents. Even double rinsing does not guarantee complete cleansing of harmful additives that adult laundry detergents contain.

    Infants should choose products marked “0+”. Instead of this designation, the packaging of powder for newborns may contain the phrase “From the first days of life.” In such products, the concentration of harmful synthetic substances is minimized, so you can use them without worrying about the safety of the baby.

    The following products are well-deserved among powders for baby clothes that are suitable for newborns:

    1. "Our mother". Produced from palm and coconut oil, without the addition of harmful synthetic components. The product looks like crushed baby soap, not like powder. Before adding to the washing machine, the product must first be diluted in hot water.
    2. "Amway baby". Concentrated powder, phosphate-free. Due to its composition, it is hypoallergenic and does not have a negative effect on the skin. The product is odorless and washes off easily with water. Removes only minor stains and does not remove stains from food or fruit juice.
    3. "Garden Kids". Eco-friendly powder, which is made from natural baby soap without the addition of aggressive synthetic substances. The powder is poured directly into the drum, the temperature for washing is at least 60 degrees. Has a bactericidal effect.
    4. "Burti baby". An environmentally friendly product that contains enzymes and substances that maintain color brightness. The powder is very fine, but does not scatter in the air when placed in the car. Removes biological contaminants well and makes linen soft.

    Important! Using low-quality or unsuitable washing powder for children can lead to the development of atopic dermatitis and a severe allergic reaction.

    Hypoallergenic washing powder for children

    Many mothers make the mistake of looking for the causes of allergic reactions in food products, while forgetting about household chemicals. Very often, skin irritation or minor rashes occur due to the use of inappropriate detergents. If you notice the first signs of an allergy, especially when they appear after changing clothes or bedding, discard the baby laundry detergent you are using in favor of a hypoallergenic one.

    The following products are popular:

    • German - “Frosch”, “Baby Bon”, “Burti Baby”;
    • Russian - “Our Mother”, “Garden Kids”, “World of Childhood”;
    • American "Amway baby".
    If the packaging of your product already states “Does not cause allergic reactions,” then you should change it to a product from another manufacturer, since the composition of hypoallergenic baby powders differs significantly from each other.

    The following components, which are often included in baby laundry products, can cause allergies in a baby:

    • Phosphate compounds - soften water, improving the cleaning properties of the product.
    • Aggressive fragrances and fragrances leave a pleasant smell on the laundry.
    • High concentrations of surfactants from petrochemical production are the main components that remove contaminants.
    • Dyes - change the color of the powder to a more aesthetic one.
    • Metal salts, lead, arsenic, chlorine - enhance cleaning properties.
    • Zeolites or sodium aluminosilicates are less toxic analogues of phosphate compounds.
    • Optical brighteners - give fabrics whiteness and enhance the brightness of colored items.

    Check the composition of your powder for the presence of these components and select a product without adding them.

    Phosphate-free baby powder

    Phosphates destroy the natural protection our skin contains. As a result, the body is open to attack by various viruses and bacteria. In Europe and America, their use in household chemicals has long been prohibited, unlike in Russia.

    Some manufacturers have replaced the negatively perceived word “phosphates” with their analogues, which are no less toxic and have the same negative effect on the body. Therefore, when studying the composition of children's washing powder, pay special attention to the presence of phosphate compounds. They may be listed as phosphates, phosphorites, phosphonates.

    On the packaging of imported products for washing baby clothes, the absence of phosphate compounds is indicated by the designation “Phospho-NOT”. Products such as “Our Mama”, “Burti baby”, “Deni Children’s”, “Aistenok”, “Umka” and others do not contain phosphate compounds.

    Replacing phosphates with more environmentally friendly but less effective zeolites may be accompanied by a simultaneous increase in aggressive surfactants. Therefore, analyze the entire composition of the product, and not the presence of individual components.

    Children's washing powder machine

    Most mothers do not wash baby clothes by hand, but use automatic washing machines. Modern companies produce mainly universal products that can be washed by hand and loaded into a washing machine.

    The main difference between hand washing powders and machine washing powders is the addition of ingredients that suppress excessive foam formation. Most often, in children's washing powders, soap acts as a foam absorber. As a rule, such powders are not suitable for washing wool or silk items. In addition, they contain phosphates and optical brighteners, so carefully study the composition before purchasing.

    If the packaging indicates “Automatic”, as, for example, on the products “Myth-Children” and “Tide-Children”, then the product contains additional ingredients that prevent the formation of scale on the elements of the washing machine.

    You should not use products for automatic washing machines that are intended exclusively for hand washing. A large amount of foam, at best, will not create the necessary friction for the laundry on the drum and will leave it dirty; at worst, it can ruin the mechanism of the machine.

    Liquid baby laundry detergent

    The development of technology does not stand still, and increasingly manufacturers, in addition to the beloved dry powder, are producing a liquid analogue. They have become a salvation for asthmatics because they do not spray when used. There are no visible differences in composition; the liquid detergent for baby laundry uses the same main components as the dry powder.

    The liquid product is completely washed out of the washing machine tray, while the dry product often remains and sticks to the walls. The undoubted advantage of liquid powders is ease of storage and reliable fixation of the cap. This is important if there are children in the house. The container can be easily stored on a high shelf, unlike a large bag.

    The following liquid baby powders can be found on the market: “BiMAX” Children’s, “Eared Nannies”, “World of Childhood”, “Milit Baby”, “DenkMit”.

    Note! The liquid product can be poured both into the drum itself and into the tray of the washing machine. In this case, there is no need to use conditioner, since high-quality gels do not make the laundry hard.

    Rating of children's washing powders

    There is no universal remedy that will suit absolutely everyone. However, when purchasing baby powder, you can minimize the risks by knowing the properties of the components that make up it. But whether it is right for your baby, you will find out only after direct use.

    The best baby powder for colored items

    Children's clothing usually has bright, rich colors that you want to preserve through repeated washing. Special powders marked “For colored laundry” or “Color” can help with this.

    The following products from this group can be distinguished:

    1. "The world of childhood". It is positioned as a powder for newborns, which preserves the brightness of children's things and efficiently removes existing dirt. It contains no dyes or flavors and rinses well when washed by hand or machine. Suitable for all types of fabrics.
    2. "BiMAX" Children's Color. Does not wash out colors, while containing a minimum amount of aggressive chemicals: less than 5% phosphonates, surfactants - less than 15%, zeolites - less than 5%, enzymes, optical brightener, polycarboxylates, flavors.
    3. AOS “I was born” Color. Preserves the rich color of children's linen, while removing fresh stains well. The product cannot cope with old and stubborn stains. The composition of the powder is not safe, as it contains phosphonates and optical brightener. Not suitable for washing items made from natural silk and wool.
    4. Luxus professional Color. Designed specifically for colored children's clothes, it effectively preserves paint and removes dirt. The powder does not contain aggressive chemical compounds and chlorine, does not spoil or thin the fabric, and prevents the formation of pills.

    Advice! To get the best results, remember to separate items by color, don't overload the machine, and don't wash very dirty laundry at the same time as everything else.

    What powder to wash children's clothes with heavy soiling

    Even the most expensive baby powders with a high-quality safe composition may not cope with stubborn stains from sauces, fruit purees or berry juice.

    The composition of the products that can deal with old stains includes a larger amount of surfactants, the effect of which is enhanced by phosphates. For example, the popular “Eared Nanny” powder. This is the most common brand, which has been produced for quite a long time, known for its active advertising and inexpensive price.

    The manufacturer indicates on the packaging that the product does not cause allergic reactions, but this is far from the case. The composition includes up to 30% sulfates and phosphates, oxygen bleaches, surfactants - up to 15%, fragrance. Thanks to this composition, children's powder removes difficult stains, berry stains, felt-tip pens and paints well. But its use is not recommended for newly born babies.

    “Aistenok” copes well with stubborn stains, but the surfactants and other potent components it contains significantly exceed the norms permissible for children.

    Choosing baby laundry detergent

    Special substances that prevent plaque from settling on fabrics during washing help keep things white. Any baby powder can be used on white clothes, but often they turn gray after just a few washes.

    The following products have good whitening properties:

    • "Luxus professional". The product is free of aggressive chemicals and contains less than 15% surfactants, as well as various bleaching compounds that help whiten yellowed or grayed fabrics and preserve the original whiteness of children's clothes.
    • "Sodasan". Hypoallergenic powder that does not contain parabens, harmful optical brighteners and phosphates. Has no smell.
    • "Refine Ecoclean". The product contains natural soap, soda, oxygen bleach and citric acid. The powder is safe for newborns, gives tissues their original whiteness and removes dirt. Does not contain harmful synthetic compounds, phosphates and fragrances.

    How to increase the effectiveness and safety of baby powder

    To protect your baby from allergies, follow these recommendations when using laundry detergent:
    1. Rinse clothes and linens thoroughly after hand washing; the last step is to soak them in clean water for 15 minutes.
    2. Set your washing machine to an extra rinse cycle. To ensure high-quality removal of chemicals from fabric, it is recommended to run this mode twice.
    3. Do not handle the powder in the presence of a child, especially when opening the package and pouring the product into the machine.
    4. Do not exceed the amount of detergent indicated on the package. Using a large volume of baby washing powder will not lead to a more effective removal of all contaminants, but it can cause allergies in the baby.
    Unfortunately, quite often buyers are faced with counterfeit baby powders from well-known manufacturers. It’s easy to determine a quality product: just dissolve a few drops of brilliant green in a glass of water and add detergent. If the water turns white, it means you have a good, safe powder, the composition of which corresponds to what is stated on the package.

    How to choose children's washing powder - watch the video:

    When studying the composition of any children's washing powder, you will see chemical compounds of various aggressive effects. The washing process without them will simply be ineffective, but their presence does not give manufacturers any reason to guarantee that your child will not react to the detergent. But in any case, minimizing harmful substances and replacing them with environmentally friendly ones makes baby powders safer and hypoallergenic.

After the arrival of a baby in the house, all parents have a question: how to wash children's clothes? Now there will be much more work, things are mostly delicate, and stains are difficult to remove. Therefore, it is very important to choose an effective and safe product. Lately, the leading position among many mothers has been occupied not by powder, but by gel for washing baby clothes. It has certain advantages over bulk products, but there are also disadvantages. Therefore, you need to study all the features of such washing gels and know how to choose the right brand.

How to wash baby clothes

In a home with a small child, laundry becomes a daily chore. Therefore, it is important to choose the right detergent. After all, it must first of all be safe so that it does not cause allergies in the child. But you also need to choose one that effectively removes dirt without damaging the fabric. After all, many children's clothes are washed daily, so it is important that they do not stretch or lose color. But caring for children's things should follow some other rules that are important for the baby's health:

  • underwear is washed regularly, every 1-2 days;
  • contaminated items cannot be stored, they must be washed on the same day, after soaking them, and separately from the rest of the linen and clothes;
  • It is not recommended to wash only the contaminated area;
  • You definitely need to rinse your baby's clothes well; the machine has an extra rinse function for this.

It is very important to choose your detergent carefully. It is best if it is designed specifically for children's things. You can use gel for this. They all differ slightly in composition, properties and quality.

What is included in detergents

When choosing a detergent for washing children's clothes, you need to pay attention to its composition. Some components added to powders or gels can be hazardous to the baby's health. What may be contained in laundry detergents?

  • Surfactants - surfactants. They are the ones who destroy the bonds between dirt and fabric fibers. But such substances can penetrate the skin, having a detrimental effect on the child’s body. The most harmful are anionic surfactants, but they are rarely added to baby detergents. Most often these are non-ionic surfactants that are less aggressive. But it is best that they are replaced with natural ingredients.
  • Phosphates help surfactants penetrate the tissue. But they are very harmful to the child. Phosphates can reduce immunity, cause dermatitis, kidney disease, and metabolic disorders. Sometimes they are replaced with phosphonates.
  • Fragrances are needed to eliminate unpleasant odors. The less of them contained in the detergent, the better. After all, a strong smell can cause an allergic reaction in children.
  • The most commonly used bleaches are chlorine or optical bleaches. They are not suitable for washing baby clothes. It is best to choose products that contain oxygen bleach or natural substitutes.

Why you need to choose your product carefully

Human skin is a barrier that protects against the penetration of harmful substances. In a small child, it still performs these functions poorly. Therefore, any chemicals that come into contact with a baby's skin can cause a severe allergic reaction. Many cases of atopic dermatitis or urticaria are caused by a reaction to aggressive washing powders. Chemical particles that are not removed from the fabric after rinsing may end up on your baby's skin.

In addition to allergic reactions, this situation can lead to other health problems. This is a decrease in immunity, disruption of the liver or kidneys, pathologies of metabolic processes. A strong odor on washed laundry due to the presence of fragrances can lead to impaired respiratory function. Therefore, it is very important to choose a product that contains fewer chemicals and rinses well from the fabric.

Why is gel better?

Recently, liquid detergents have become increasingly popular. Compared to powders, they have some advantages, and, judging by the reviews of housewives, they are more convenient to use. Why do many mothers choose gel for washing baby clothes?

  • It is convenient to dose; there is a special cap for this. It helps to avoid an overdose of detergent.
  • The gel is more convenient to store, as it closes tightly.
  • Liquid detergent dissolves quickly in water and is easy to rinse. When washing with gel, it is not necessary to include an additional rinse.
  • The composition of such MS is less aggressive. It rarely causes allergies. In addition, gels act gently on fabric fibers without causing them to wear out. After washing with gel, things look like new.
  • Liquid products contain fewer surfactants. But they contain enzymes that dissolve organic contaminants, which is especially important when washing children's clothes.
  • The gel is more suitable for delicate fabrics. This is the best solution for soaking or removing stains, for use at low temperatures or on short programs.

How to choose the right gel

Which brand should you prefer when choosing a detergent for washing baby clothes? This question worries many mothers. Indeed, recently a large number of different products have appeared on sale. How not to get confused and choose a gel that is effective and safe?

Gel for washing baby clothes: rating

Such products must be safe and effective. Since children's underwear requires constant care, and the dirt on it is often strong, washing gels must cope well with them. In addition, the rating takes into account the cost-effectiveness of the product, its hypoallergenicity, the degree of safety of items after washing, as well as cost. According to consumer reviews, the list of the most effective and safest products may be as follows:

  • “Our Mother” with natural soap and silver ions has antibacterial properties;
  • the famous brand Persil produces an excellent gel for washing children's clothes, which removes even difficult stains without soaking;
  • German gels, despite their rather high cost, are popular due to their high efficiency and safety - these are Meine liebe, Sodasan, Sonett, Klar and others;
  • "Eared Nanny" was created specifically for washing children's clothes, so it copes well with all dirt, but can cause allergies.

Detergents made in Germany

German detergents are very popular. These are the safest gels for washing baby clothes. They are created without the use of aggressive substances, so they do not cause allergies and do not irritate the sensitive skin of babies. These gels are produced in convenient bottles with a handle and have a double cap that can be used as a measuring cup. Clear instructions, safe composition without phosphates and chlorine make laundry products made in Germany safe and effective. The most popular are several brands:

Russian-made gels

Many mothers use Russian products. Now there are many safe products that do not contain chlorine and phosphates. In quality they are not inferior to European manufacturers, and their price is slightly lower. Some brands are especially popular among consumers.

Gels "Eared nannies"

This detergent is intended for washing white or colored baby clothes. Thanks to the presence of enzymes, it removes any stains, even stains from fruit, milk, chocolate or blood. A special color-preserving complex allows you to preserve the color of the fabric. But this is not the only reason why the “Eared Nanny” gel is popular among mothers. Reviews note that it is safe even for sensitive skin. The gel is completely rinsed out of the fabric, so it does not cause allergies. Suitable for children from birth.

Many housewives use it to wash clothes for the whole family. After all, its advantage is that it makes white things whiter without bleach, and colored things do not fade and retain bright colors longer. This gel removes stains even in cool water, without requiring boiling or soaking.

Products from the "Eared Nanny" series have been developed specifically for children from birth. In addition to gel, you can use conditioner for baby clothes, which helps maintain their softness, removes static electricity, and reduces the number of wrinkles in the fabric. "Eared Nanny" conditioners contain extracts of aloe vera or lavender; there are also cashmere ones, which make linen softer.

The best gels according to moms' reviews

The best detergent for children's clothes should have several qualities: it can be completely rinsed out of fabric, can easily cope with stains of biological origin, is suitable for hand and machine washing, does not cause allergies and is affordable. The best gels that meet these characteristics are several products from different manufacturers.

How to use the gel

Some mothers are hesitant to buy such a product because they do not know how to use it correctly. But in fact, the gel for washing children's clothes does not cause any difficulties in operation. It is recommended to pour it into a special compartment or into the washing powder compartment. But if the gel is too thick, it may not be completely washed off, then it is better to add it directly to the drum of the washing machine or dilute it a little with water.

The concentration of the product depends on its brand, viscosity, water hardness, machine drum volume, and also on the degree of soiling of the laundry. Depending on this, you need to calculate the amount of product added during washing. These instructions are usually found on the packaging of the liquid detergent. When washing baby clothes, it is especially important to follow them exactly, since exceeding the dosage can adversely affect the baby’s health.

Gel for washing baby clothes: reviews

More and more often, mothers are choosing liquid detergents instead of powder. Many people prefer Russian-made washing gels, because they are more accessible and have a low cost. Therefore, the products from the “Eared Nannies” series are very popular. Reviews about washing with this gel are mostly positive. Moms love that this product removes milk stains well. You can even use it for washing clothes of newborn babies, since it is completely rinsed and does not remain on the fabric.

There are also many positive reviews about gels for washing children's clothes made in Germany. They are economical and cope well with any contamination. Some housewives also use them to wash adult clothes if there is an allergy sufferer in the house.

Updated: 04/13/2018 13:07:50

A newborn baby requires special care and careful care. The correct choice of household chemicals and hygiene products guarantees the protection of a fragile body and the preservation of its health for many years. Doctors recommend using special washing powders for children from the first day of life. Conventional products contain components that are harmful to baby's skin. As a result, he may experience allergic rashes, decreased immunity, and metabolic disorders.

To avoid this, Expertology experts have compiled a rating of the best baby powders, based on the opinions of dermatologists and reviews of mothers. So, let's figure out what substances should not be in baby powder at all.

    Phosphates. Reduce immunity and protective functions of the body.

    Chlorine. Causes severe allergic reactions, a very toxic substance.

    Optical brightener. Unlike oxygen, it does not rinse well and causes unpleasant rashes and redness.

    Surfactants (surfactants). Exceeding the maximum permissible norm can cause various diseases and developmental delays.

    Fragrances. Their pungent odor also negatively affects the baby's health.

The most optimal are washing powders based on soap and plant extracts. They do not have a negative effect on the baby's delicate skin. Many natural substances included in the composition have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and bactericidal properties.

Rating of the best children's washing powders

Nomination place Name of product price
The best universal washing powders for newborns 1 360 rub.
2 569 RUB.
3 92 RUB.
4 119 RUB.
The best children's washing powders based on natural soap 1 70 RUB.
2 295 RUB.
3 270 RUB.
The best disinfectant baby laundry detergent 1 390 RUB.
The best BIO baby washing powder 1 133 RUB.
2 338 RUB.

The best universal washing powders for newborns

Universal powders for newborns are suitable for use from the first days of life, both for washing by hand and in automatic machines. They cope well with the baby’s waste products and take good care of the baby’s clothes. Colored fabrics do not fade or lose their original color even after repeated washing. Washing powders contain ingredients that are safe for babies.

Meine Liebe is a safe washing powder for manual or automatic washing of children's clothes from birth. It washes difficult stains even at a temperature of 30°, does not contain phosphates, chlorine, fragrances and dyes. Being hypoallergenic, it eliminates the appearance of irritation and redness on the baby’s delicate skin.

Baby powder rinses well, prevents the appearance of scale in the machine, and prevents shrinkage and deformation of clothes. The concentrated composition helps reduce consumption by 3 times compared to conventional products. A measuring spoon is included.

Having biodegradable property, it is harmless to the environment. Dermatologists recommend this powder for children from the first days of life, as well as people with sensitive skin.


    effectively removes dirt;

    Dermatologist approved;

    for all types of washing;

    economical consumption;


    safe for health;

    does not contain phosphates.


  • not detected.

Next in our rating is Frosch, an effective German product that copes with the most stubborn stains even at a temperature of 30°. It is hypoallergenic, does not contain phosphates, preservatives and dyes. Removes stains from juice, puree, dirt, grass. Recommended for children and people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

The chamomile extract included in the composition gently cares for the fabric and gives it softness. Clothes retain their color brightness even after numerous washes. The product is made from natural ingredients and does not harm the environment.

The gel consistency eliminates the risk of dust formation that may occur when using the powder, thereby preventing it from entering the baby's respiratory tract.


    gel for all types of washing;


    effective for stubborn stains;

    rinses well;

    Contains no phosphates or dyes.


  • high price.

“Eared Nanny” is the most popular baby powder among mothers. It is suitable for children from the first days of life. Thanks to the enzymes it contains, it removes protein stains from cotton and synthetic fabrics well. Oxygen bleach easily removes yellow stains and plaque.

It effectively removes traces of grass and dirt, so it is also used for older children. Soft active additives protect the structure of the fabric and maintain brightness, which is especially important when children's clothes are washed frequently.

The product rinses well from fabrics and does not contain fragrances. The mass fraction of dust is 0.7% (with an acceptable 5%), so it does not enter the respiratory tract and does not cause irritation. The hypoallergenicity of this product has been confirmed by Russian pediatricians.



    for all types of washing;

    rinses well;

    removes any dirt;

    acceptable price.


  • contains phosphates.

“Umka for Children” is included in our rating thanks to positive reviews from mothers and recommendations from dermatologists. Baby powder based on natural soap removes any stains, even the most difficult to remove, and does not contain phosphates, fragrances or other harmful ingredients. It is absolutely safe and does not irritate the baby's skin.

Natural softening components make ironing easier and make the fabric soft. The product is intended for washing clothes of newborns and people with sensitive skin. Suitable for cotton, synthetic, linen and mixed fiber fabrics.

Designed for hand washing and all types of machines in which it prevents the formation of scale. The product copes well with any type of contamination even with a minimum dosage, which allows you to use it economically and reduce interaction with the fabric.


    soap based;

    effectively copes with difficult stains;

    economical consumption;

    without smell;

    makes ironing easier;


  • not detected.

The best children's washing powders based on natural soap

Washing powders based on laundry soap are recognized as safe for the health of the child, they do not allow allergic manifestations, do not harm the unprotected skin of the baby, and at the same time cope well with any complex contaminants: baby waste products, stains from baby food. A powder with this composition is recommended for use by pediatricians and dermatologists.

Tobbi Kids, a washing powder based on laundry soap and soda, has gained recognition among Russian mothers due to its safe composition and effective removal of the most difficult stains. It does not contain enzymes, fragrances, or anionic surfactants. Its pH value corresponds to the pH of the baby's skin.

The manufacturer took into account the difference in stains as they grow older and presented a line of powders: from 0 to 1 year, from 1 year to 3 and from 3 years to 7. Thanks to this, each type of product is designed to remove stains of different origins.

Children's powder is suitable for manual and automatic washing of white and colored laundry. Providing gentle care, it preserves the structure of the fabric and its original brightness, the clothes do not shrink or become deformed. 100% biodegradable composition does not harm the environment.


    base – soap and soda;

    safe for health;

    without smell;


    for different ages;

    Removes even stubborn stains.


  • not detected.

The representative of the German brand, included in our rating, is recognized as the best product based on natural soap for children from the first day of life. It does not contain phosphates and fragrances. Safe oxygen stain remover effectively copes with the most stubborn stains.

The special formula allows you to wash clothes even at low temperatures, and the concentrated composition allows you to use powder economically: 1 package is enough for 20 washes. It is approved for use in machines of any type; the substances included in the composition prevent the formation of scale.

The safe composition eliminates the occurrence of redness and irritation. Clothes retain their original appearance even after numerous washes. The product is suitable for white and colored, natural and synthetic fabrics.


    effective stain removal;


    stain remover included;

    scale protection;

    economical consumption.


  • not detected.

Baby powder “Our Mother” is made from soap shavings and does not contain harmful substances such as phosphates, synthetic additives, or fragrances. Does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for newborns and people with sensitive skin. It is used for soaking, manual and automatic washing in all types of machines.

The product does not dry out the skin of the hands and gently cares for the plant extracts included in the composition. To improve the quality of washing, the manufacturer recommends dissolving it in hot water before use, then pouring it into a machine drum or basin for soaking.


    safe composition;

    removes any stains well;


    does not dry out the skin of the hands.


  • high price.

The best disinfectant baby laundry detergent

For many mothers, it is not enough to simply wash their children's underwear from stains and dirt. Preserving the health of the baby and protecting the still fragile body is the priority task of every parent. Therefore, bacteria, viruses and germs have no place on a child’s clothes. To prevent their appearance and spread, manufacturers offer special means. Our rating includes the best disinfectant powder based on the results of laboratory tests and the opinion of dermatologists.

Burti Hygiene is ideal for washing and disinfecting children's linen. It eliminates 99.9% of harmful infections, bacteria and viruses without boiling or using special products. The powder does not contain phosphates and other harmful components, therefore it is absolutely safe for the baby’s health.

It rinses out completely. Oxygen bleach restores the original whiteness of things and removes the yellow tint. Colored items do not lose their brightness. The product is especially relevant when pets live in the apartment or during the spread of viral infections.

In addition to washing, the powder can be used when cleaning rooms where a newborn baby lives. It is suitable for use in machines of any type, prevents the formation of scale and mold, and disinfects the drum.



    removes stubborn stains;


    safe composition;

    economical consumption.


  • high price.

The best BIO baby washing powder

Recently, BIO powders with an environmentally friendly composition containing natural ingredients have begun to gain popularity. They exclude the content of allergens, fragrances, dyes, and petrochemical products. Such products not only do a good job of removing stains, but also carefully care for clothes and do not have a negative effect on the baby’s fragile body. We included two of the best washing powders in the rating according to dermatologists.

Garden "Kids"

Garden "Kids" is an environmentally friendly children's powder made from natural soap from palm and coconut oils. It does not contain phosphates, dyes, optical brighteners, chlorine, fragrances, and is a hypoallergenic product recommended for children from birth.

The silver ions included in the composition destroy viruses and microbes and prevent their appearance for 30 days. The concentrated composition allows you to use 3 times less powder, which significantly increases the time of consumption of one package.

The powder is suitable for washing colored and white linen in automatic machines or manually; it greatly facilitates ironing, making the linen soft and fluffy. Recommended washing temperature 60°. Washing powder is biodegradable, so there is no harmful impact on the environment.

BioMio is suitable for washing baby clothes from the first day of life in any type of machine, as well as by hand. Delicate consistency does not irritate the skin of the hands. The concentrate is enough for a long time of use.

The liquid detergent is ideal for washing all types of fabrics, including delicate ones: silk, wool, cashmere. Absolutely safe for the environment.


    safe composition;

    removes old dirt;


    environmentally friendly;

    for delicate fabrics;

    takes care of clothes.


  • not detected.

How to choose the right powder for children

By choosing the right washing powder, you can be sure that your baby is reliably protected from the first days of his life. What you should pay attention to in order to buy a truly effective and at the same time harmless baby powder.

    We study the composition and exclude washing powders containing phosphates, dyes, fragrances, and petrochemical products. The safest ones are made from natural soap with the addition of plant extracts.

    Be sure to check that the packaging bears the “hypoallergenic” designation. This means that the manufacturer guarantees that the risk of allergic reactions on the baby’s delicate skin is eliminated.

    We choose baby powder depending on the age of the baby: for newborns it is suitable with the “0+” icon. Many manufacturers produce them for certain ages; they are designed taking into account what kind of pollution appears at different periods of life.

    Let's see what types of washing it is suitable for. Almost all modern washing powders are designed for all types: manual and automatic.

    Concentrates contain more detergent compounds, so by choosing them, you can minimize consumption, thereby saving money.

    If there are pets in the house, then disinfectant powder will be ideal, as it destroys bacteria and prevents their recurrence. It is suitable not only for washing, but also for cleaning the room.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

For the birth of the baby, the parents picked up baby clothes, bought a stroller, and set up a cozy nest for the baby. Sometimes the question remains without due attention: “How to wash children’s clothes?”

For newborns, careful removal of watery feces and urine from diapers, vests, and slips is required. It is important to choose a “soft”, hypoallergenic product without irritating components for washing children’s clothes. Explore the range of safe washing powders and gels, find out the rules for washing a newborn’s wardrobe by hand and machine.

How to wash clothes for newborns

Supermarkets offer household chemicals with hypoallergenic properties. Imported and domestic samples remove dirt from a newborn’s belongings well, but do not irritate the baby’s delicate skin.

Manufacturers offer special gels and powders without aggressive components. ECO-compositions from foreign manufacturers are in demand. Non-toxic, safe products are more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the powder or gel will not provoke allergies.

How to choose the right product

Requirements for powders and gels for children's underwear:

  • Delicate laundry detergent is produced by a well-known company with a good reputation. High-quality compounds, especially those with the “bio” prefix, are never cheap;
  • minimum or complete absence of phosphates, conditioners, optical brighteners;
  • soft, natural surfactants;
  • effective stain removal in hot/warm water;
  • no pungent odor;
  • the ideal option is the inscription “hypoallergenic” on the packaging;
  • ECO powders are marked “biodegradable”. This indicates the absence of harm not only to the baby’s skin, but also to nature;
  • the product is sold in a pharmacy or large supermarket (guaranteed that you will not buy a fake).

Note! Hypoallergenic gels and powders are marked on the packaging “for washing baby clothes”, “for children”, and other similar inscriptions. Some brands produce formulations of the same line for adults and children, for example GALA (regular powder) plus GALINKA (for babies). Refuse to buy “adult” household chemicals and do not risk the health of your newborn.

10 rules for washing children's clothes

  • always pay attention to the good condition of children's underwear, but do not take the fight for cleanliness to the point of fanaticism;
  • Always wash new baby undershirts, slips, caps, diapers, and other items of clothing before wearing them for the first time. Things will become softer and will not rub delicate skin. After washing, be sure to iron the fabric with a hot iron;
  • use only special formulations without irritating components marked “for washing baby clothes”;
  • if diapers or slips are heavily soiled, rinse them well under the tap, soap them, soak them, and after half an hour put them in the washing machine or wash them by hand;
  • Rinse aids, conditioners, bleaches are compounds prohibited for use to remove dirt from children's clothes. Excessive odors and aggressive components provoke allergies;
  • Always wash undershirts, caps, rompers, diapers, and other items of children's clothing separately from the clothes of other family members, even older children;
  • Always thoroughly rinse things that come into contact with the newborn’s body, and thoroughly remove foam from bedding for babies. The washing machine provides better rinsing;
  • the mother should wash her things that come into contact with the baby’s skin (nursing shirt, bra, etc.) with the same detergent as for baby clothes;
  • a hot iron with steam after washing will help disinfect and soften a newborn’s wardrobe items;
  • dry clothes away from the road: the less dust gets on your baby’s things, the lower the likelihood of negative reactions.

Washing baby clothes in the machine:

  • place only the newborn’s linen and clothes in the drum;
  • load the machine in moderation: in a full drum, things are less easily washed and rinsed;
  • use only baby powders or soap shavings dissolved in water;
  • If your machine has a program for washing children's clothes, use only this type of treatment. If there is no program, set the “delicate wash” mode;
  • Until the baby grows up, do not wash heavily soiled adult clothes, rugs, shoes in the machine;
  • For ideal removal of washing powder residues, always use the “extra rinse” program.


  • Pour hot water into a basin, put on thin cotton gloves to protect your hands, then put on rubber gloves. The hotter the water, the better;
  • use baby soap or special powders. Soap foam is more delicate on the skin and does not cause allergies;
  • Pre-soak heavily soiled items for 30–60 minutes in soapy foam, always hot water;
  • after washing, rinse the laundry several times with hot and then cold water: particles of powder or soap irritate the skin of a newborn;
  • Washing by hand is harder and takes longer. If possible, buy a washing machine: while the device is working, you can relax a little, spend time with your baby or husband.

The best washing powders and gels for baby clothes

Pay attention to popular brands of stain removal compounds. The products are developed taking into account the characteristics of a newborn’s skin and do not contain toxic substances or fragrances.

Amway baby


  • phosphate-free concentrated product SA8™ Baby;
  • country of origin – USA;
  • hypoallergenic product with a delicate effect;
  • the BIOQUEST Formula™ mark confirms the hypoallergenic nature of the product;
  • all ingredients are obtained only from natural sources (trona mineral and grain);
  • things are easy to rinse, the composition is quickly removed after washing;
  • no pungent odor;
  • The product is ideal for sensitive, delicate skin of children;
  • concentrated washing powder is approved for use from the first days of life;
  • not suitable for heavily soiled areas; does not always remove juice or food stains;
  • water temperature during stain removal – from 30 to 90 degrees;
  • The average cost of an organic product is 2000 rubles, the weight of the package is 3 kg. This amount is enough for 85–88 washes.

Burti Baby


  • safe ingredients, environmentally friendly product based on natural soap;
  • phosphate-free powder, concentrated product;
  • the composition contains enzymes and components that prevent color fading;
  • the fraction is small, but there is no “dust effect” when placed in a washing machine container;
  • softens laundry well and perfectly removes biological contaminants;
  • removes “difficult” stains without aggressive effects;
  • after processing by hand or in a machine, the pleasant softness of the fabrics remains;
  • country of origin – Germany;
  • the estimated cost of a package weighing 900 g is 490 rubles;
  • The volume is designed for 28 hand washes or 18 machine washes.

Eared nanny


  • product of the Nevskaya Cosmetics company;
  • removes various stains well;
  • concentration of phosphates – less than 30%, surfactants – from 5 to 15%;
  • economical consumption;
  • packaging of different volumes - from 400 g to 9.0 kg;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • unobtrusive odor;
  • you often have to rinse things extra;
  • Causes skin irritation in some babies;
  • large packages do not have a measuring cup;
  • the powder cannot be called hypoallergenic;
  • the average cost of a package of 400 g is 55 rubles, 2.4 kg – 355 rubles, 4.5 kg – 580 rubles, 6 kg – 720 rubles.

Garden Kids


  • high-quality powder is made on the basis of baby soap;
  • silver ions kill harmful bacteria;
  • the composition does not contain irritating components, fragrances and bleaches;
  • components: baby soap, silver citrate, soda;
  • the environmentally friendly product must be poured directly into the drum, set the temperature to 60 degrees;
  • dissolves quickly, removes stains well, and is easily rinsed from various types of fabrics;
  • biodegradable composition;
  • the product disinfects things;
  • the concentrated product is a replacement for three standard packages;
  • the average cost of 400 g of powder is 135 rubles.

our mother


  • high-quality product from soap shavings of the “Extra” category;
  • gently washes baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic product;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
  • can be used in a machine or washed by hand;
  • no pungent odor;
  • packaging of different weights, economical consumption;
  • the average cost of 500 g is 270 rubles, 900 g is 480 rubles, 2200 g is 1000 rubles.

Hypoallergenic products

High-quality formulations from well-known brands have earned positive reviews:

  • Our Mother, World of Childhood, Garden Kids (Russia);
  • Amway baby (USA).
  • Baby Born, Burti Baby, Frosch (Germany).

Traditional methods

Good results are achieved by using natural remedies:

  • soap nuts. Order online or buy at a herbal pharmacy. The fruits of the soap tree contain a high concentration of saponins - safe natural foaming agents. Miracle nuts are suitable for hand/machine washing, produce rich foam, gently care for things, do not cause skin irritation or allergies;
  • You can bleach diapers using baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to rinse things well.
