When your girlfriend is in a bad mood: what to do? How to cheer up a girl.

Hello dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to cheer up a girl in the absence of personal communication. You will know how to achieve this, what words to use. Consider cases with an unfamiliar young lady and with a friend. Take a look at SMS examples. Find out what mistakes can be made in virtual communication.

Cheer up

If you want to cheer up a young lady with whom you have been talking for some time, a classmate, classmate or work colleague, you want to cheer up a girl on VK or by phone, then you should listen to the following tips.

  1. Wish good morning. Be sure to cheer up the whole day. In addition to the words themselves, you can add a beautiful postcard, for example, with a cute cat basking in the sun, with a snowdrop breaking through the snow.
  2. If you notice that the young lady is in a bad mood, she is sad, then you should not interrogate, revealing the reason for what happened. If a girl wants, she herself will tell about everything. Your task is to switch the young lady to something positive. For example, invite her to answer some strange question that is very important to you at the moment.
  3. Send a colorful postcard with an interesting poem, a cool video or a fun melody to your wall on a social network.
  4. Send a video in which you appear in an interesting way. Say something funny or optimistic. You can also send videos that show funny situations with pets or babies.
  5. Send the girl a beautiful song, comment on it, for example: "listening to this music, I think of you." You can also send a poem, especially one written with your own hand.
  6. Please with a virtual gift that can be accompanied by a playful commentary.
  7. Write an interesting anecdote that is sure to bring a smile to her face. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the girl and her sense of humor.
  8. Give the young lady a new experience. Invite her to the cinema or to some event, you can even go to the circus.
  9. Remind yourself of some funny incident that happened in your joint past, if the virtual communication was preceded by a personal one. Submit a collage with photos of that moment, if any.
  10. If you communicate close enough and for a long time, send two photographs to the young lady. The first will be your old picture, the second - a photo that you will take on purpose, making a funny face. If possible, you can wear some kind of cool outfit or cap. You can make a collage from two pictures, and leave a comment under it: "Find five differences."
  11. Wish the lady a good day. Ask her to smile as often as possible. Follow this request with a fun emoji.

If you want to cheer up a girl, avoid writing very large messages, it is better to give preference to short SMS.

How to cheer up a stranger

Let's look at how you can cheer up an unfamiliar girl by correspondence.

  1. Cheer up by writing a message accompanied by unpretentious emoticons.
  2. Please the young lady with a cute picture. It can be kittens or other animals (preferably cubs), flowers.
  3. Leave a humorous comment on the wall. This may intrigue the girl. If the young lady pays attention, wants to talk, start the conversation with a funny story that supposedly happened to you. But it's better not to lie. Therefore, if there is no such story, tell the story that you read on some site.
  4. Compliment the girl based on what you know about her. Nice words are sure to cheer her up.
  5. A stranger will not remain indifferent if you can tell a story with a share of self-irony.

Message Options

I bring to your attention examples, SMS texts or short messages on a social network, which will surely bring a smile to the young lady's face.

  1. "You are the thief of my heart, you must be detained."
  2. "I can't wait any longer for you to call me and I'll come running."
  3. "Save me, otherwise I will perish without your love."
  4. "Getting out of bed in the morning with memories of your eyes."
  5. “Here I am writing a message. Guess who? The most beautiful creature on our planet. I'm very happy to have it with me."
  6. “Your image is always before my eyes. Thank you for filling my life with happiness and my heart with endless love.”
  7. “It’s very cold outside, but the memories of you warm my soul. I'm very lucky to have you."

You can write something similar in your own words. The main thing is that the meaning is similar, and your message carries only positive and always brings a smile to the face of the young lady.

Possible mistakes

When deciding what exactly to write to a young lady via SMS or on a social network, keep in mind that there are certain points that need to be avoided. These include:

  • compliments that include the girl's weak points, her complexes;
  • jokes that offend her personally or those close to her;
  • messages with profanity;
  • stories about relationships with other girls;
  • offers of an intimate nature;
  • it is unacceptable to write jokes with obscene words, vulgar, about blondes (if the girl belongs to them, or about redheads, brunettes), about informals, about the stupidity of women, about ugly young ladies, fat women. It is possible that the girl may take it personally, think that you are mocking her.

Now you know what to write to a girl in order to cheer her up. As you can see, with virtual communication, you can make mistakes that will not only make the young lady cheer up, but will also make her even more discouraged. The main feature of your messages is a positive attitude, a charge of optimism. If you have a good sense of humor, feel free to show it.

When your girlfriend or girlfriend is in a bad mood, your first priority is to cheer her up and disperse her sadness, no matter how difficult it is. Of course, much will depend on what kind of relationship you have and what reasons have become the reason for sadness. For example, if you are the cause of a bad mood, then your task becomes unbearable for lifting. However, regardless of the cause of sadness, if you are a patient and understanding person, as well as a good listener, you can cheer her up in no time! And today in our article we will look at the most effective ways to improve your mood!

10 methods to help cheer up your girlfriend!

  1. Always be close to the girl. The girl should feel support next to her. Ask her if she is okay and if she feels well. At such moments, girls need to speak out so that sadness goes away. However, if she does not want to talk about it and informs about it, she will still remember your attention for herself, because you were not indifferent and worried about her mood. If she asks to be alone with her, then tell her that you cannot leave her alone in this state, and you will not leave until she shows her beautiful smile.

  2. Prepare a delicious dinner for your girlfriend. If you already live together with the girl, then try to save her this evening from all sorts of troubles associated with culinary matters. In particular, try to cook a delicious dinner yourself. The fact is that this activity, despite its simplicity, is quite laborious and requires patience (cut into even slices, carefully clean, wait for the allotted time, remember several dishes, count the number of products, check readiness, etc.). In addition, the girl will be even more upset if the cooked dinner turns out to be spoiled (something is not prepared or, on the contrary, overcooked, or there will be too much seasoning, etc.). Therefore, having prepared dinner on your own, you will demonstrate to your beloved not only your attention and care for her, but also your willingness to help in difficult times.

  3. Send SMS or make a phone call. A sparkling joke can cheer you up if it is also appropriate, so you can send a funny SMS to a girl who is sad, especially if you are not around. When choosing a joke or an anecdote, you must consciously understand its mood, not all jokes can be appropriate and funny. Of course, we also cannot offer you even a few options for good SMS messages. After all, there can be many reasons for a bad female mood, that only a large site with jokes will be the salvation here. If the cause of your bad mood was your act or a phrase spoken to her, then here you better call and talk to her. Of course, first of all, they must sincerely apologize to her, also try to explain the act and promise to never do this again. In addition, throughout the day, try to “fill up” her with love messages, even if she gets tired of them, but she will understand how much you realized you were wrong and cut yourself off in what you did. Try to choose phrases and confessions that will be most appropriate, as well as those that do not look very pretentious, as she may think that this is just an SMS and completely insincere.

  4. Make a plan for the day off. Regardless of what the girl's mood has fallen, drawing up the schedule for the future weekend can raise it, especially if it includes a lot of favorite activities of your soulmate (or just a friend). This will well distract from current problems and make the girl think not about what happened in the past, but about what will happen in the near future. If the plan turns out to be interesting and successful, then mentally she will already be on vacation, which is naturally useful for raising her spirits. Such a step will help to significantly change the mood, it will become more cheerful and happy. The drawn up plan may include: a picnic, a walk in the park, relaxing on the beach, a trip to another city, etc. Fresh air increases not only appetite, but also improves mood.

  5. Invite a girl to a club or disco. It is difficult to imagine a girl who does not like to dance, moving her body to the rhythms of music. Dancing is a great place where you can release the tension that has been accumulating in the soul for so long. Even if you are not a very good dancer and generally not a fan of clubs, the main thing is that she will appreciate your company and the offer itself or even a sacrifice. Moreover, it is better not to delay the disco - go immediately on the same day that a bad mood has come, because in this case she will quickly forget about everything. Our authors of the online magazine site guarantee that you simply won’t recognize your girlfriend after dancing in the club. Also during such a holiday, try to be cheerful, do not pretend that you are bored. Joke more often to make your soul mate laugh sincerely.

  6. Suggest shopping for her. One of the most favorite women's activities is, of course, shopping. And it does not matter at all whether the girl will or will not buy things. The main thing is the selection process itself: walking, discussing things, trying them on, etc. Moreover, shopping can be arranged not only with a friend, but also with a loved one, since everywhere there are advantages. A friend will be able to evaluate the purchased item by status and style, but the beloved man will not look enviously at outfits that beautifully “sit” not on her figure. Also, a man is good because he showers more compliments than even his best friend. Therefore, offer her shopping either with a friend (by agreeing with her in advance), or let you act as an escort in stores. Here you yourself will become a witness of how her mood in stores will begin to rise higher and higher, because she will try on new clothes, buy things - all this will make you love yourself even more and sadness will disappear into nowhere. The main thing here is that you have enough money for all these purchases.

  7. Go to the cinema or watch movies at home. Movies, especially comedies, are a real cure for bad moods. While watching, the girl will forget about all her problems or troubles, completely immersed in the plot of the film. Going to the cinema will dispel the girl a little, and it’s better to watch a comedy in a large hall where there are a lot of people, because the laughter of other viewers makes you even funnier. However, home viewing is not so bad, since you do not have to dress beautifully, make up, communicate with people and generally see them. In a bad mood (depending on the cause), others may even be annoying than supportive. If you want to watch some novelty, but the cinema is not an option for you, then today in large cities there is such a service as renting a disc - it will be brought directly to your home.

  8. Make a surprise. A surprise can cheer up any person, especially if it's a girl. However, you need not just to give a gift, but to spoil it a little with stories and hints about the surprise itself. Often, girls are very curious by nature, so believe me, her thoughts will be focused only on this surprise. And the longer you delay, the better. Let her guess the gift. Make hints, but in any case, do not confess, even if she guessed right. Let it be better then she will say “I told you! I told you!". And of course the surprise itself should be pleasant and thoughtful. We don’t know what it will be, and we don’t even guess, it’s your girlfriend (or girlfriend). The main thing is that it was what she had long dreamed of.

  9. Take care of what she loves the most. Each girl has her favorite activities that she loves to do with you, but for certain reasons (lack of time, your desire, or something else), this cannot be done. Try to organize today so that you can do what you love together: walk around the city together (holding hands), walk the dog in the meadow (and play with it), play your favorite game at home, cook dinner together, visit your parents, etc. .P. When you do something, it will not become isolated somewhere in itself, which means that the mood will not worsen and, on the contrary, will rise.

  10. Let the girl rest. The last option is somewhat passive. As we said at the beginning of our article, a bad mood is only a matter of time, so if you cannot influence the girl (persuade her to go to the cinema, give you a surprise, etc.), then you can give her time to just relax. As a rule, this method is suitable at a time when the cause of sadness is in yourself. Try not to go to the girl if she herself asked you about it. Let her calm down a little and sleep. Sleep, as you know, is the best medicine and it not only improves health, but also heals psychological wounds (resentment, jealousy, etc.).

A few tips for communicating with a girl who is in a bad mood:

  • Feel free to complain about her bad mood! The girl will begin to freak out even more if you point out that you, you see, do not like her negative attitude. Keep in mind, she is also a person and has the right to be out of sorts!

  • Be patient and learn to listen. When a person is in a bad mood, he is quite blunt, and also often speaks on the topic of injustice and deceit. Know how to restrain yourself, you do not need to argue with her, even if she is not right in her statements. Even in a bad mood, I want to speak out to a person so that he understands and supports you. Therefore, learn to listen to the story of your girlfriend. And do it not just for show, but trying to understand her position and support her in statements or actions. This is very important for a girl!

  • If she does not want to talk about the reasons for her bad mood, no need to interrogate her! Sometimes girls try not to talk about the causes of the disorder, so as not to get even more upset or burst into tears. Therefore, you do not need to interrogate her, because often you are simply curious to know what is the cause of sadness, and such curiosity is not only annoying, but also painful. In addition, questions can cause you phrases that will look like a reproach in her direction, or an argument that will also not end in anything good either for you or for the girl. Be more compliant in your actions and desires, you do not need to bend your line, no matter how right you are.

  • You don't need to tell her about your problems. In difficult moments of sadness, do not try to start and, in turn, share the “trouble” that happened to you. If you think that in this way you will support her and show that everything is not so smooth for others, then this is not so. The thing is that the girls are very worried about their loved ones, so she will begin to think for your hardships, which will worsen her mood even more.

  • Get your apartment in order. Again, if you live with your girlfriend, but she is not yet at home, but you know that she will come now, then we advise you to put things in order at home: wash the dishes, clean and put all things in their places. Otherwise, when your beloved comes home, she will begin to worry and get even more nervous, since she will have to clean up after you and, as a result, be indignant, which naturally does not have a positive effect on her mood.

  • Do not call the cause of a bad mood - PMS! Men, knowing the peculiarities of the female character, try to name the cause in all cases of nervous breakdowns - women's critical days. This should absolutely not be done. Firstly, this fact will not help the woman in any way, and secondly, if this is really the reason, the woman will not believe, but will only be offended by your attempts to somehow offend the female peculiarity of the body.

  • Always try to notice her bad mood. It is very important for a woman to feel cared for, so try to be attentive to the change in the mood of your soul mate. As soon as it worsens, immediately ask what is the matter and offer your help (moral or physical). Let constant questions annoy your chosen one a little, but she will clearly know that she is far from being indifferent to you.

  • Hug the girl more often and kiss her!!! And finally, we will give the most important advice, which, probably, should have been mentioned at the very beginning of our article - be gentle with the girl, hold her hand, kiss her on the cheeks and lips, hug her tightly and say words of love. Such emotional support will help to quickly cheer up and stop being sad. And it doesn’t matter at all - what was the cause of the disorder and bad mood.

That's all the methods that will help cheer up your girlfriend!

Which method you will use - we do not know, but we are sure that each of them will help you to a large extent. Psychologists call the main weapon against a girl’s bad mood a smile, strong hugs, ears (to listen to the girl) and a heart that will tell you how to act correctly in a given situation.

A woman is a mysterious and unpredictable creature. She often has a bad mood, depression appears and it seems to them that their life is a series of failures. If your girlfriend has a vulnerable soul, then most likely you are often tormented by the question of how to cheer up a girl? To be honest, this task is incredibly difficult, but quite solvable.

How to cheer up by correspondence?

Only one message can cheer up a girl. But you need to write it correctly so that the effect comes quickly. The following is an example of a few phrases that you need to send to your girlfriend if she is angry with you or she is in a bad mood:

  • “I am sitting, texting. Who do you think? The most beautiful creature on earth. I'm so happy that I got it.";
  • “I see you when I fall asleep and when I am awake. Thank you for illuminating my life and filling my heart with endless happiness.”;
  • “Now it’s cold outside. But the thought of you keeps me warm. It is a great happiness to be with you."

You should not wait for a response to such messages, do not call your girlfriend and do not ask her why she did not receive it. Surely she rejoices and experiences a great feeling of happiness, but does not want to reveal all the secrets of her soul.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

Do you have accounts in contact (VK)? This is a great tool to cheer up a girl. Fortunately, in the world of modern technology, a lot of funds have been created for these purposes. They are divided into two types: paid and free.

  1. Vkontakte has a special currency called “votes”. They can be purchased by paying a certain cost through a bank card, virtual wallet or mobile connection. For votes, you can purchase any romantic gift you like and provide it for your girlfriend;
  2. There are several free ways to cheer up your beloved in contact. The easiest option is to simply copy a positive verse from an Internet site and send it in a personal message. You can also send a colorful postcard, a funny melody or a cool video to her profile wall. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of your partner. For example, if she loves animals, then please her with a picture of cute kittens.

In a similar way, you can please your woman through other social networks.

How to please a girl through a letter?

Do you think that letters on paper are no longer fashionable? You are greatly mistaken! A handwritten confession will not leave indifferent any girl. There are several ways to cheer up this way:

  1. Do you know her address? Then it will not be difficult for you to make a small surprise for you. Write a real prose about love for her on a white sheet of paper. Here, it is not necessary to have talent in writing essays and there is no need to use Internet resources. Simply, with maximum sincerity, put in a letter what is currently on your mind. Next, put the romantic poem in an envelope and send it to the addressee. This method is most relevant if the girl ignores telephone communication with you, has blocked your number and even a page on a social network;
  2. Do you live together and putting an envelope in the mailbox is a stupid idea for you? Then, before the start of the working day, write a small note in which there will be a small but positive phrase. For example:
    1. "I love you my girl";
    2. “Have a good day, my dear, don’t worry, we can handle everything”;
    3. "Smile and remember that I'm always there."
  1. Your significant other does not work and spends most of the time at home with the children? For you, the third option is the most acceptable. Write a bright letter for your sweetheart using colored pens. While she sleeps, place it anywhere in your home, such as on a mirror, refrigerator, or wall. From the very morning she will be in a great mood!

Ten reliable ways to please a girl if she is around

  1. Do you think the only way to a man's heart is through his stomach? But many women cannot resist a delicious dish. Prepare a sweet dessert for her yourself, order rolls or pizza. Don't forget about romantic candles and beautiful table setting;
  2. What girl doesn't like being complimented? Beautiful words will melt any, even the coldest heart. If you want to cheer her up, then make sure that the compliment is original;
  3. If your girl is from the category of those who love experiments, then bring some adrenaline into her life. For example, instead of a regular date, invite her to climb mountains, skydive, or have dinner on the roof of a skyscraper;
  4. Does your girlfriend spend most of her time with you and the kids? Throw a party for her. Call old friends whom she has not seen for a long time, but she would like to talk. It will be an invaluable gift if, in addition to this, you also organize a gala dinner;
  5. Well, who among us does not like massage? Such a person is hard to find! Each girl will experience a lot of positive emotions about the massage, which is performed by her beloved man in a romantic setting. Explore every point of her body, starting with the feet and ending with the head;
  6. The easiest way to please a woman is to simply make her laugh. Use anecdotes and funny stories for this;
  7. Girls feel better after they cry. Listen to her, take pity on her and give practical advice;
  8. Many women develop depression from the fact that they are tired of household chores. Arrange a day off for her, take some household chores on yourself. You will see, she will be proud of you;
  9. A romantic date arranged by a beloved young man also cannot but please. Book a table in a restaurant, go to a cafe, cook dinner at home. Such an event will allow you to relax and forget about problems;
  10. Prepare a gift for her. Let it be a small souvenir or a bouquet of field daisies, but it will remind her that she is loved and taken care of.

How to cheer up a girl if you live together?

You have been living together for a long time, but recently you began to notice that your lady of the heart has depression? Do not despair, this problem can be easily overcome at home.

  • Many men are sure that in such a situation you need to leave your soulmate all alone. This is allowed to be done only if she asked herself. Give her a lot of attention, say kind words, get ready to listen;
  • Take a bath, add foam and aromatic oils to the water. Send her to luxuriate in her, and if possible then take her together;
  • The easiest way to cheer up a girl is to give her money and send her to go shopping. Shopping is always fun.

If your woman is in a bad mood for a long time for no reason, and all the ways to cheer her up do not work, then it's time to visit a family psychologist.

How to cheer up a girl in an original way?

Women love inventive men who are always puzzled over how to surprise their lady of the heart. Be that way for just one day!

  • Go to the zoo or visit an exhibition of exclusive animals;
  • Visit the Dolphinarium;
  • Have a picnic in the field;
  • Don't be banal, don't invite a girl to the cinema. Let your first date be at the theater, at an art museum, or at an exhibition. It will definitely remain unforgettable for her;
  • Girls love romance. Find a beautiful place in your city and go together to admire it!

Want to never worry about how to cheer up a girl? Then constantly surprise her, give joy and care!

Video: ways to please a girlfriend using SMS

In this video, psychologist Arkady Denisov will tell you what original SMS messages you can use to cheer up and morale your girlfriend:

Why is it so hard for a man to understand a woman? Why is it often difficult for a woman to understand herself? Why is she not always aware of the reason for herbad mood?

Because a woman “lives” to a greater extentheart(feels, feels, guesses intuitively), and not by reason.

It is more difficult for a woman to manage emotions due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body and soul, and because no one taught her to hide them (fortunately) or control them (unfortunately).

Mood- one of the forms of human emotional life. People are able to regulate the emotional tone and dynamics of their mood.

If a woman wants to be sad, feels the need to plunge into melancholy (sometimes this is even useful), then, consciously or not realizing it, she has accepted suchsolution.

The first thing to do to cheer up a woman is to ask suchpurpose!

This goal is determined by eitherherselfa woman, or someone who loves herman.

Is there any doubt that a man's attempts to cheer up his beloved will already improve it? What if the man succeeds? Status “Best!” provided to him.

5 ways to cheer up a woman

1. Compliment.This is not a feasible task for all men. Women are better at giving compliments. Therefore, advice for women: go to the mirror and tell yourself a bunch of sincere compliments! Advice to a man: approach your beloved and, looking into her eyes, say at least one short, but heartfelt compliment! There are never too many compliments! And if you end your speech with a declaration of love, the mood of a woman will change in an instant.

2. Gift.Today, to make a gift to a woman, you do not need to travel to distant lands. It is enough to go to the nearest store or even easier - use the World Wide Web. The best gift for a woman is any thing that can make her even more beautiful: flowers, dresses, jewelry.Bijou online store offers a wide selection of quality jewelry that can please any girl.

3. Pleasure.The sense organs are given to man so that he can enjoy. It is not difficult to give pleasure, especially if you know the prevailing type of perception. Visuals enjoy visual images, audials “love with their ears”, kinesthetics are thrilled by pleasant tactile sensations. Song, dance, bath, dessert, massage, favorite movie, sex - there are a lot of activities that give pleasure.

4.Help.Flowers, gifts, compliments - it's all good, but the real hero for a woman is the man who helps her! How to instantly cheer up a woman? Take some of the responsibility off her! Do something for her: get rid of routine chores, provide an opportunity to relax a little more, relax, take care of yourself, your development, your favorite thing, or just get enough sleep.

5.Words of support.A heart-to-heart conversation or a simple SMS message with important words can change a woman's mood dramatically. When a woman realizes that she is understood, accepted, supported and loved, she not only begins to glow with happiness herself, but also makes everyone around her happy. For example, knowing that a girl has stress at work, you can send an SMS message that a gift is already waiting for her at home - jewelry Spikes . After such a surprise, nothing can spoil her mood!

girls- very gentle and capricious creatures, so they often have a bad mood. Often, girls have such periods when life has already turned into a series of failures, and even PMS has begun. The latter problem usually seems insignificant to men, but in fact, premenstrual syndrome can cause a lot of inconvenience to the female body, like painful menstruation.

Sometimes bad mood visits vulnerable girls after watching a sad movie or reading a book with sad content. It can also be unreasonable, because everyone has some sad memories hidden in the depths of their souls, usually associated with people or events from the past. Every guy should know how to cheer up his girlfriend.

How to cheer up a girl?

You can come up with a lot of ways to cheer up a girl, only in this case everything is individual, and there are practically no universal methods. Accordingly, it is better for you to have several fallback options so that in case of failure you can immediately rehabilitate yourself. Below are some methods that are sure to help you.

feed the girl

Many of the fair sex are very fond of eating, almost more than men. Most of them will be incredibly happy to present such a treat as a set of rolls, delicious ice cream, quality chocolate or a dish prepared by you personally. Of course, everyone's tastes are different. Perhaps your girlfriend will appreciate the ordered pizza and nothing more. She will be both happy that she can enjoy her favorite food, and your care is extremely pleasant.

Give her a compliment

Even if you constantly please your beloved with pleasant words, they will never be superfluous. think of some original compliment and present it in an unusual way. The main thing in this business is sincerity. Just do not overdo it, otherwise it may turn out to be too affected.

Write a love note

Such a cute sign love letter or note will certainly cheer up any girl, even the most cynical. Write in it about your strong love for her, that you want to protect her, carry her in your arms and cherish her all your life. The girl will keep such a note among her most valuable things and periodically re-read it.

Give her an adrenaline rush

Extreme recreation is very popular these days. Offer such an original date to your beloved girl to unwind and get new impressions.

Sitting at home in a bad mood is nowhere near as exciting as skydiving in tandem with an experienced instructor, flying in a hot air balloon, or feeling weightless in an air chamber.

There are a lot of options for such an unusual pastime. You can also fly a helicopter or paraglider, go scuba diving underwater, go down a mountain in a zorb, or jump off the roof of a high-rise building.

Arrange a meeting with her friends

If your beloved has not seen some of her old friends for a long time, but you know that she really wants to see them, help her with this. Negotiate with them yourself, arrange a meeting for them and surprise her with your initiative. It is rare for a guy to organize a meeting for his girlfriend with her friends, because usually he does not like them for various reasons. You can invite them to your house if you live together, clean the apartment yourself and prepare snacks for guests. It would also be nice to book a table for a group of friends in some good cafe or, for example, a bowling alley. Of course, do not forget about allocating a budget for the entertainment of your beloved. To cheer up your girlfriend will have to spend money anyway!

Give your loved one a massage

A girl's bad mood can be quickly fixed pleasant massage strong arms of a loved one. It can be either a back massage or a foot massage. It is not excluded such an original development of the process of raising the mood as a transition to erotic massage with a piquant continuation.

Cheer her up with laughter

It should be noted that you should take your lover's bad mood really seriously. The girl will be very offended if you show that you think she is overly emotional and unhappy with this. However, this does not mean that you have to be too serious. Make her laugh funny joke or anecdote, or offer to download some comedy. Perhaps watching it will quietly cheer up your loved one.

Talk to her and have pity on her

Maybe your girlfriend's mood is spoiled by a series of small setbacks. If she was first stepped on her foot in public transport, then, leaving it, she stumbled, upon returning home, the mirror showed her mascara spread all over her face, just try to talk to her confidentially. Calm down your beloved, pat on the head and say a lot of kind words to her. Perhaps, having spoken out to you, she will feel relieved, and a smile will immediately play on her face.

Let her rest

If your girlfriend is studying, working or constantly doing something else, she can just get tired of it and break down at any moment.

It must be remembered that men should take care of their fragile lovers and allow them to rest sometimes. Take care of household chores and put your loved one to bed.

When she wakes up rested, she will be filled with pride for her boyfriend who went shopping, cooked a meal, washed the dishes and washed clothes.

Arrange a romantic date for her

Think about the last time you had a real date. Maybe your girl just not enough romance? Even if you recently went to the cinema or a cafe, arrange something special for her. It can be a chic bouquet presented, a yacht trip, a romantic picnic, a dinner on the coast or a luxurious honeymoon suite rented in the best hotel in the city.

If you can only afford something more modest for now, fill the bathroom and add plenty of foam to it.

Arrange candles, turn off the main light, prepare wine or champagne, and then invite your beloved into this little realm of your love.

Surprise your beloved

Do something that your soul mate usually does not expect from you. For example, if she likes to walk in the evenings near the house, but can never get you out, take it and propose to her yourself go for a walk.

She will be struck by such nobility on your part, and her mood will certainly rise immediately.

Raise her mood with various pleasant little things.

Any capricious person will not resist the breakfast, lunch, dinner or even tea or coffee prepared by you, brought to bed. She will also be pleased with some small, but very cute, gift. Most likely, the most win-win option is a cute soft toy.

Distract her

If you know your girlfriend well, you are definitely aware of what can distract her from sad thoughts. Engage in some of her hobbies with her, invite her to take pictures, go to a museum, cook something together, play cards or a board game.

It may be enough to watch her favorite series or reality show together.

Most girls are touched by the fact that their men are ready to watch on TV what their women want.

Just give flowers or some decoration

Only the most spoiled person would call such a gift banal. Girls will always be pleased, especially if you present very a beautiful bouquet or a chic ring just to make her feel better. Prepare the speech you will give when giving gifts. She should reflect your sincere great feeling for her.

Give her physical intimacy

Often, girls, being in a bad mood, need only to be hugged, stroked on the head, kissed many, many times on the cheeks, lips, nose and neck. This makes them feel loved and protected.

Let your girlfriend feel this way, being in your strong and caring embrace.

Of course, you can casually check how she reacts to having sex. Intimacy promotes the production of endorphins. Hormones of happiness, of course, will cheer up your beloved for a long time. If she does not mind, give her the highest bliss, absolutely not thinking about yourself. Be gentle with her and attentive to her desires. Perhaps this is the easiest and cheapest way to cheer up a girl.

Cheer up a girl with SMS - it's quite easy! The fair sex will certainly like every cute message from a loved one that comes to the phone.

Main - don't wait for her answer and do not ask her questions by SMS about why she does not answer. Perhaps she is too busy to write an answer, but she managed to read it and already barely perceptibly smiled.

Her soul definitely rejoiced, and with your obsession you can show that your actions are by no means disinterested, which is very important for her.

Feel all your happiness and love for her before you write this sms. You will need to convey a piece of your joy from the fact that your girlfriend is with you, to her through an SMS message. After reading it, the girl will feel happy and remember that there is no need to waste time on a bad mood, because it is much better to appreciate what we have.

Possible SMS options:

I'm texting the biggest happiness on Earth,

and so beautiful

that you got me.

In a dream and in reality

I see only you.

You light up my life

My love!

It is a great joy for me to be with you.

And in the harsh winter, I will warm you,

because you are happiness for me.

If you do not live with your beloved, but both are registered on the Vkontakte social network, you can perfectly cheer her up! The creators have conceived gifts that can be purchased for "votes" - the currency of the site. You can write her an affectionate message full of love and attach a romantic gift in the form of, for example, a heart pierced by an arrow.

If you know for sure that she dreams of becoming your wife, you can spend money and give her the most expensive "electronic" gift - a diamond ring. Add to it the caption “I love you! One day I will give you the same real ring and you will become my wife forever, I will take care of you and take care of our eternal happiness.
