Summary of family traditions in the senior group. Traditions of my family lesson plan on the topic

Lesson notes for the senior group “Family Traditions”

Lesson notes for the senior group “Family Traditions”

Purpose of the lesson:

to cultivate love and respect for members of one’s family, relatives, relatives, ancestors, to form elementary ideas about the pedigree as the history and image of one’s family, about traditions and customs, to develop cognitive interest and logical thinking.


Bring children to understand the word “tradition”

Encourage them to tell stories

Learn correctly, build simple and complex sentences.

Activation of the dictionary: family, tradition;

adjectives: musical, sports, caring, large family,

Teach children to work in a group, work in pairs, analyze, find a way to solve a given task or problem situation, and be able to negotiate.

Preliminary work:

Looking at family photos, talking;

Working together with parents and children.


doll bi - ba - bo - bear; cards; flower - proverbs; children's drawings; photographs of families, presentation “Family Tree”.

Methodical techniques: articulation gymnastics, finger

exercises, riddle, game, conversation, story.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

Host: Guys, let’s remember the game “Home”.

Finger exercise “Home”

There is a house in a clearing,

Well, the path to the house is closed.

We are opening the gate,

We invite you to this house!

2. Main part.

Who lives in this house?

If you guess the riddle, you will find out!

Picture "family"

Why did you decide that this word is “family”? (Children's answers).

Each of you has your own family.

Host: Today we gathered to talk about family. What do you think a family is? (family is people who love each other, care about each other, help, feel sorry, sympathize, treat each other with respect, speak kindly to each other). A family unites relatives: parents and children, grandparents, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives.

Question answer

1) If everyone in the family takes care of each other.

What kind of family is this? (answers)

Caring family -

2) - In the family everyone is friends with each other.

What family? (answers) - Friendly family -

3) -In the family everyone plays musical instruments and listens to music.

What family? (answers)

Musical family -

4) - Everyone in the family goes in for sports.

What family? (answers)

Sport family,

5) - There are many children in the family.

What family? (answers)

The large family -

Finger exercise “Family”

The first finger is grandpa,

The second finger is grandma,

The third finger is daddy,

The fourth finger is mommy,

Fifth finger - I.

That’s my whole family!”

Conversation: In a family, people live together, amicably in the same apartment or house, under the same roof. Every family has its own TRADITIONS. -What word did you hear?


Today Mishutka came to visit us. He wants to tell you about his family and its traditions.

The character Mishutka appears.

Mishutka. Hello guys. I came to you from the tale of the three bears. I have a small family, but very friendly. My dad’s name is Mikhailo Potapych, my mom’s name is Nastasya Petrovna, and I’m Mishutka.

We all love to walk in the forest together, dad introduces me to the forest rules (be careful, dexterous, fast, etc.) and teaches me how to hunt in the forest. Mom talks about medicinal herbs and edible berries, mushrooms and roots. This is our family, what is your family like?

Example: Everyone gathers for evening tea and talks.

My family has this tradition: every holiday we bake pies or

big pie. We knead the dough, make different fillings: from cabbage, from apples.

Presenter. Let's tell the guys about your families and their traditions to the bear.

Children's stories. (showing the presentation “Family Tree”)

Mishutka. Thank you children - I really liked your stories!

3. Final part.

Surprise moment:

Presenter. Guys, look, while we were talking about our families, a flower appeared. A difficult flower - magical! There are good sayings on its petals - proverbs about family, let's listen to them!

Proverbs about family.

Good children grow up in a good family.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.

A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

Presenter. Do you think our group can be called a family? (Answers)

Let's come up with our own traditions for our family group.

And I came up with a tradition for you.

(Tray with items)

What is this? Paints.

Who draws with them? Artist.

You and I will be artists, and we will draw a big beautiful house for our family - the group.

We agree!

Do you like this tradition?

Summing up the lesson:

Did you like the lesson? What did we talk about? What did you like most?

Good children grow up in a good family.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.

A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

Subject: " Family traditions, customs, rituals"



    shape children's understanding of family values

    to develop an understanding of the need to observe good traditions that unite the family

    introduce the concept of “family holiday”

    consolidate the concept of family photographs


    develop the ability to understand the traditions of different families.

    develop general speech skills

    develop creative thinking and imagination of students through imaginative presentation of material.

    develop memory

    activate the dictionary on the topic “Family”


    nurturing love and respect for your family

    nurturing interest in one's own ancestry

    cultivating a caring attitude towards family members.






family traditions, holidays, customs, genealogy, honoring elders, proverbs, respect.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

Hello children! How are you feeling? What is the weather today? What season? What is today's date?

    Phonetic exercise to practice the duty sound.

    The stage of preparation for active assimilation of knowledge.

Each of you has your own family. What does this word mean? Seven I meant seven children, that is, a big happy family. Previously, in Rus' there were many children in families - ten, and even fifteen. Everyone lived together, helping each other.

    The stage of acquiring new knowledge.

And now we can say that a family is dad, mom, me, because families often have only one child. How many children are in your families?

Children's answers.

Who else is part of the family besides parents and children?

Children's answers.

That's right, grandparents.

I have a mother,
I have a father,

I have a grandfather

I have a Grandmother,
And they have me.

What is this?

And some also have great-grandparents. Who are they calling with these words?

Children's answers.

If we expand the concept of family, then we can also include uncles and aunts, cousins. And many people consider their pets as family members: cats, dogs, parrots, fish, hamsters and others.

Family is WE. Family is me
Family is my dad and mom,
Family is Pavlik - dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat,
Family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my mischievous sisters,
Family is godfather, aunts, and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,
Family is a holiday around the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home

Why do you think a person needs a family?

Right. To help and support each other. Take care of the young and old. And also in order not to be lonely. It is bad and sad for a person to live alone.

Physical education minute

(Starting position - legs apart, arms down)

Every morning

We need to study.

We don't take our eyes off the board

And the teacher teaches us:

Let's put our hands to the sides,(Hands to the side)

We'll get the left one with the right one.

And then vice versa

There will be a right turn (Turn right, clap your palms)

One - clap, (Turn left, clap your palms)

Two - clap, (Turn to the right, clap your palms)

Turn around one more time!

One two three four! (Turns with claps alternately

in each direction).

Shoulders higher, arms wider! (Raise your shoulders, arms to the sides

We put our hands down (We put our hands down, we sit down)

And sit down at your desk again!

Every family is different. How are they different from each other? How do you think?

Children's answers.

The main difference is the traditions that each family has its own. What is tradition? Tradition – this is what is always observed.Traditions are something that has been passed on from one generation to another, inherited from ancestors (fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers...)For example, the tradition is to celebrate the New Year with the whole family, to draw greeting cards with your own hands on March 8, to go to the sea together in the summer, and much more.

Remember what traditions exist in your families?

Children's answers.

And there is also a tradition - to draw up your own family(genealogical ) tree. For those who don't know what it is, I'll explain. This is knowledge of your ancestors many generations ago. Who and what your great-great-grandparents were. This is a very interesting activity, compiling your own family tree. This is studying the history of your family. Be sure to start putting together such a tree with your moms and dads.

Another tradition is collecting family albums. This is done in many families. How many of you have such albums?

Children's answers.

And now we will play with you the game “What is my family?” Each of you will come up with epithets for your family. Katya, start. My family is cheerful (friendly, hospitable, hard-working, caring, strong, brave, etc.)

5. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge.

What did we talk about in today's lesson? Children's answers.

We will end our lesson by reading poetry:


Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.

Fifth child:
Family is important!
Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
How nice this family is

Target: the formation of a respectful attitude towards cultural values, customs and traditions of family relationships of Russian people.


— enrich initial ideas about the specifics of relationships, family ties, norms, customs and traditions in the Russian family;

- cultivate cognitive interest in the culture of one’s people;

— to form ways of independently applying knowledge in gaming and speech activities.

Equipment: letter, drawing “Slavic family”, illustrations depicting the domestic work of peasant children, voice recorder.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, we received a letter from our first-grader friends. Now I will read it to you. "Dear Guys! For the upcoming Family Day, with the help of our parents, we made family newspapers about the traditions of our families. What interesting newspapers we have! What a pleasure it was to read and look at them! And what wonderful stories we came up with with the help of our parents! We noticed that in many families family traditions are somewhat similar, and we wondered: “Why do different families adhere to rules of behavior that are largely similar? Who invented them?” Our teacher Elena Ivanovna told us that traditions are long-accepted customs. Customs were passed on from fathers and grandfathers to children and grandchildren and over time became traditions. Then the guys and I decided together to make another newspaper about the traditions of Russian families. When we started discussing what could be put in the newspaper, it turned out that we knew little about it. Suddenly someone remembered that you were told and read a lot about the life of Russian families in the old days, about their customs and traditions; in your group you have a lot of pictures, games, albums, books on this topic. That’s why we decided to turn to you for help!” Guys, do you agree to help children who turn to you for help?

Children. Yes.

Educator. How can you help them?

Children. You can write down our stories and send them, send pictures, books, our drawings that tell about the customs and traditions in Russian families.

Educator. Guys, we talked a lot about family, looked at illustrations, reproductions of paintings, and learned a lot of poems. Today we will talk about the family again, but only now about the people who lived in the old days.

The teacher shows a drawing “Slavic family”, which depicts a grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, uncle - father’s brother, three sons, daughter and niece - uncle’s daughter; At the bottom there are signatures explaining family relationships.

What is shown in the picture?

Children. Family.

Educator. Does this drawing reflect modern life or tell us about the past?

Children. Talks about the past.

Educator. Why did you decide that the picture depicts the past?

Children. People's clothes are old, people live in huts, there are old things there.

Educator. So, thanks to the drawing, you and I can imagine that we have found ourselves in the past, in an old peasant hut. Do you think the people depicted in the picture are strangers or relatives to each other?

Children. Native.

Educator. How can you call them in one word?

Children. Family.

Educator. Over time, the composition and size of the Russian family changed. Previously, families were large, people of different generations lived in them. Listen to a poem about this.


They say that in the old days

And so it was.

Many brothers and sisters

It was fun to be friends.

We drank milk together

We ate sushi together.

Real kindergarten

Each one had a hut.

Yu. Entin

Educator. Guys, I suggest you play a game that tells about one of these families.

Outdoor game "At Uncle Tryphon's"

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant words.

At Uncle Tryphon's

There were seven children

Seven sons.

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone began to repeat the gestures of the driver. The one who made these movements best became the driver. When repeating the game, the children forming a circle go in opposite directions.

Educator. Please think and tell me who is who in this family.

Children complete the task.

Look carefully, try to find the oldest members of this family in the picture. Who is the oldest in this family?

Children. Grandfather and grandmother.

Educator. The father sits next to them. How do you think he is related to his grandparents?

Children. He is their son.

Educator. Who is standing next to father?

Children. His sons, grandchildren and grandparents.

Educator. Why do you think young people stand?

Children. They express their respect to older family members.

Educator. In the old days, families revered and greatly respected their elders, obeyed them in everything, did not dare to contradict them, did not interrupt them, and were not capricious. Who was considered the head of the family?

Children. Grandfather, father.

Educator. That's right, guys, the head of the family was considered the ancestor (grandfather, father). All family members obeyed him unquestioningly. He made decisions, took responsibility for peace, tranquility, and providing for his family. During the feast, he sat at the head. All family members began to eat only after he scooped up the first spoon. Parents and grandparents taught their children and grandchildren everything they knew and passed on their life experience to them. Remember the proverbs and sayings that talk about this.

Children. “Youth is strong with its shoulders, old age with its head”, “You can’t live without the old”, “The older you are, the more right”, “Old and smart - two lands in it.”

Educator. Why do the sons in the picture listen to their father so carefully?

Children. He teaches them something.

Educator. He probably tells them something very important and interesting. Children addressed their parents as “you”, with respect. How affectionately and respectfully did you call your mother and father?

Children. The father was called father, the mother - mother.

Educator. The family treated not only the elderly, but also children in a special way. From childhood, we were brought up with the habit of work and hard work. How did children help their parents with housework?

Children. They nursed children and tended cattle.

Educator. Children were taught from an early age to work and help in the household: they helped clean up after livestock, herded them, and nursed children.

The teacher's story is accompanied by a display of illustrations depicting the domestic work of peasant children.

Remember and tell poems and nursery rhymes that talk about this.

Children complete the task. The teacher again draws the children’s attention to the picture.

What is mother doing at this time?

Children. Spins yarn and looks after a little girl - his niece.

Educator. Who are the niece and nephew?

Children. Nephews are children of brothers and sisters.

Educator. Whose daughter is the little girl shown in the picture?

Children. Daughter of her father's brother - uncle.

Educator. For the father and mother of this family, the little girl is a niece. And who is she related to her sons and daughters?

Children. Cousin.

Educator. How does the little girl relate to her grandparents?

Children. Granddaughter.

Educator. Do you think this girl has parents?

Children. Yes, she has a mother and father.

Educator. Are either of her parents in this picture?

Children. Yes, her father, he enters the hut.

Educator. The father of this little girl is the brother of the father of the large friendly family depicted in the picture, and an uncle to his children. Families in the old days were friendly, relatives always helped each other. While the father's brother and his wife were busy going to the city for a fair, his relatives looked after their daughter. Remember the proverbs and sayings about close-knit families like this one.

Children.“A family is strong when there is only one roof over it”, “The whole family is together, and the soul is in the same place”, “A family that agrees does not take grief”, “In a family that agrees, things are going well”, “A family that agrees is the happiest”, “If there is harmony in the family, you don’t need a treasure,” “The family is full of harmony,” “If there is harmony in the family, you won’t find more happiness, even if you go around the whole world.”

Educator. Well done, you remembered so many proverbs! How do you understand the words “happy family”? What is happiness?

Children. When everyone cares about each other, lives together, is happy when they meet, and sad when they part.

Educator. Yes, a happy family is a family where they live in harmony, everyone - both old and young - feels the support of all other family members, the joy of communicating with each other. Guys, do you want to know what gifts the father and mother brought their little daughter from the fair?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Then I invite you to play the game.

Game "Gifts"

And tari, tari, tari!

I'll buy Masha some amber.

There will be money left

I’ll buy Masha earrings,

There will be nickels left,

I'll buy Masha some shoes.

There will be pennies left,

I’ll buy Masha some spoons,

There will be half a half left,

I’ll buy pillows for Masha.

Children, standing in a circle, pronounce words and massage the collar area, ears, feet, palms, and tummy.

Educator. The Russian family adhered to certain traditions. Guys, what are traditions?

Children. These are rules of conduct.

Educator. Why do you need to know them?

Children. They help a person to be understood and to show concern for others.

Educator. The traditions of the Russian people are very rich. Let's repeat once again what customs we remembered when looking at the picture “Slavic Family”.

Children. Children respected their elders, people were hardworking, friendly, treated each other kindly, with respect, and helped each other.

Educator. Listen to a poem about another custom of the Russian people.


Good custom

In the dazzling blue of the sky

Cranes fly and fly into the distance...

The smell of hot bread is heard -

The precious gift of the earth.

August in din and bird whistles

He stopped making noise and rang in the heat of the moment.

There is a good custom in Russia -

Greet guests with bread and salt.

Maybe a little confused at first,

You will cherish this for the rest of your life.

So that you are greeted with bread and salt -

It still needs to be earned.

E. Khorinskaya

Educator. What custom of the Russian people are we talking about in this poem?

Children. About the hospitality of Russian people.

Educator. Our ancestors were distinguished by their hospitality and hospitality; many proverbs and sayings, legends and fairy tales were invented about this. Remember the proverbs and sayings that talk about this.

Children. “The Russian man brings bread and salt”, “The Russian man is a kind person”, “The house is like a full cup - the bread and salt does not leave the table.”

Educator. What did it mean to “drive bread and salt”?

Children. This meant being friends.

Educator. That’s right, “to lead bread and salt” is to be friends. Guests were greeted with bread and salt. The passerby was invited to enter the house, fed, and calmed down if he was upset about something. The custom of greeting guests with bread and salt meant: giving the guest the most precious thing, without which it is impossible to live. The most valuable products for the common man have always been bread and salt. Russian people believed that a well-received guest in the house would not do anything bad to the owners. Bread and salt is a peace agreement between guest and host. So we remembered the traditions of Russian families. I wrote down all your stories, we will send them to our friends. What else can you send them that will help them make the newspaper interesting?

Children. Poems, proverbs, games, drawings, pictures about the family traditions of Russian people.

Educator. Well done! How well did you come up with everything! I think that with your help, our friends will create a wonderful newspaper that everyone will be interested in reading.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • Show that each family is connected to the past by the traditions of its ancestors.
  • Develop an interest in the history of your family, family traditions, and pedigree.
  • To create a favorable environment for students and their parents to understand the uniqueness of each family.
  • To foster a sense of unity between students and their parents and grandparents based on a common interest in family history and its genealogy.



Lesson "Family Traditions".

Goals and objectives:

  1. Show that each family is connected to the past by the traditions of its ancestors.
  2. Develop an interest in the history of your family, family traditions, and pedigree.
  3. To create a favorable environment for students and their parents to understand the uniqueness of each family.
  4. To foster a sense of unity between students and their parents and grandparents based on a common interest in family history and its genealogy.

Progress of the lesson

1. Opening remarks

Hello guys. I hope you came to class today in a good mood. Let's share smiles with each other. Smile at me, smile at each other.

2. Rebus

Guys, guess the puzzle "7Ya".

Let's remember what family is? (this is a group of close relatives living together).

Who do we call close relatives? (people who have common parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)

A family can be small or large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand this? (A generation is relatives of close age, for example, the older generation is grandparents, the middle generation is parents, the younger generation is children, grandchildren of grandparents).

Which of you has several generations living in your family?

What kind of family is called a large family? (with 3 or more children).

Almost every person has other relatives. Who is this? (these are uncles and aunts, cousins).

Every person has a first name, patronymic, and last name.

What's the name? A sound dropped by accident

In which there is no meaning or significance?

Of course not! And there is a secret in names.

And the sacrament is naming.

Parents choose names for children. You should have asked your parents why they named you that and tried to figure out what your name meant (several answers from the children).

It turns out that in our group the most common name among girls is Anastasia.

Guys, you know that a patronymic is assigned to a person by his father’s name, and a surname is passed on from parents to children.

3. A story about the pedigree of your family.

Guys, you received the task in advance to compile the pedigree of your family. As we can see, many of you have coped with this task. It is very important to look for your roots, to know your ancestors, because without the past there is no future.

4. Work in groups. Compilation of proverbs about family.

Guys, now your task in groups is to connect the scattered proverbs about family and then read them (distribute a set of proverbs to each group).

5. Physical education minute

6.Traditions of your family

Yes, guys, “parents”, “Motherland”, “clan” are words with the same root. These holy words help us understand and love our native language, our native nature, the traditions of our native people and the traditions of our family. Continuing our theme of family, today we will talk in more detail about family traditions (slide 8).

Analysis of the concept of "tradition"

But there are also family traditions.

Family traditions include a favorite family game, a traditional family favorite dish, and reading bedtime stories.

Which of these traditions does your family have?

Speaking about traditions, we can recall traditional folk holidays. In our class there are children of different nationalities: Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs. Every nation has its own folk traditions. Muslims have their own traditional holidays - Sabantuy, Navruz

How closely everything is intertwined in our country! Sabantuy is celebrated everywhere, both in Russia and abroad, if Tatars or Bashkirs live there.

Guys, how many of you went to Sabantui with your parents? Who does this often?

So this can be called a family tradition?

Maslenitsa has been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times.

How many of your grandmothers or mothers bake pancakes at home on Maslenitsa? This means that this is also a folk tradition.

A common folk tradition is celebrating the New Year.

Family traditions are the fruits of the joint labor of adults and children. These fruits can be compared to the fruits of an apple tree. Each of you has an apple on your desk, on which you will write at home about the traditions of your family, and at the next lesson we will glue these apples to our tree - a symbol of the family.

Guys, do you keep old photographs and things in your house? Do you like looking at them? In addition to family traditions, there are also family heirlooms.

7. A story about family heirlooms.

Now we will listen to Andrey Egorov’s story about his great-grandfather, who was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He heard this story from his grandmother while working on the family tree. Ancient photographs, medals, letters are carefully kept in his family and are family heirlooms (a student’s story, a photo showing, his great-grandfather’s medals, a family heirloom - a national Chuvash decoration).

7. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So, today we continued talking about family.

What did you learn today that you didn’t know before?

What was interesting for you during the lesson?

Would you like to know as much as possible about your family traditions and heirlooms?

Yes, guys. Every person holds his own family and home very dear. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. A home is not only a roof over your head: it is the people closest to you.

Lesson plan on the topic “Our family traditions.”

Purpose of the lesson:

Introducing children to family values ​​and traditions.


Further acquaintance with the concepts of “family”, family relationships;

Acquaintance with the family traditions of the peoples of Transbaikalia;

Development of children's cognitive and creative activity, memory, imagination;

Fostering love and respect for family, family values ​​and traditions.


Cards with tasks, paper, dictionary, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Introducing children to the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, today we will continue our conversation about the family, about what a family should be, what role it plays in the life of every person. Let's find out what family traditions are and what they are like.

II. Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

1) - So, let's remember what kind of relatives there are (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, etc.).

Which of them most often live together in the same house, the same apartment? (parents and children).

2) Completing tasks 1, 2 on pieces of paper.

Teacher's explanation for task 1:

The meaning of a particular word can be found in an explanatory dictionary. All words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. We find words starting with the letter “C”, look for the word “family”, read: “Family is a group of close relatives living together (husband, wife, parents and children).” Children write down the meaning of the word on the task sheets.

3) In the last lesson, we talked to you about the fact that every person is given a name at birth. Each name carries some meaning, means something. They say that a name influences a person’s future destiny, so choosing a name must be approached seriously and responsibly.

One group of children was given the task of finding out what their names meant. Many names came into Russian from other languages ​​and have their own translation. Let's find out the meaning of some of them.

1. Alexey (Greek) - defender

2. Alexander (Greek) - protector of people

3. Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection

4. Andrey (Greek) - brave man

5. Anna (Egyptian) - grace

6. Valery (lat.) - - healthy, strong

7. Daria (Persian) - winner

8. Eugene (Greek) - noble

9. Catherine (Greek) - immaculate, pure

10. Elena (Greek) - light

11. Igor - strength

12. Irina (Greek) - peace

13. Konstantin (lat.) - constant

14. Ksenia (Greek) - hospitable

15. Lyudmila (slav.) - dear to people

16. Maxim (lat.) - the greatest

17. Marina (lat.) - sea

18. Maria (Egyptian) - lady

19. Natalya (lat.) - native

20. Nikita (Greek) - winner

21. Tatiana (Greek) - organizer

The other guys had to find out how their surnames came about and what they mean. Who coped with this difficult task?

III. Explanation of the new lesson topic.

Almost every family, especially strong and friendly ones, has its own traditions.

What does this word mean? Let's look in the explanatory dictionary:

“Family traditions are certain norms of behavior, customs, and views that are accepted in the family and passed on from one generation to another.”

What does “from one generation to another” mean? (from great-grandfather and great-grandmother - to grandfather and grandmother, from grandmother and grandfather - to father and mother, from mother and father - to children, from children - to grandchildren). That is, it turns out to be a “chain” through which family traditions are passed on from one generation to another.

Those family traditions that are associated with good deeds, good and noble deeds, and cheerful memories are preserved the longest.

For example, respect and veneration by younger family members for elders; respectful attitude of men to women (husband to wife, son to mother, brother to sister, grandson to grandmother).

These traditions can be preserved in families for many years.

And there are traditions that are not so ancient and significant, which appeared recently, in only one family. For example, celebrating the New Year outdoors (in the forest); a joint vacation trip with the whole family to the village; going to the cinema, theater, museum on weekends. That is, there can be very, very many family traditions, very different, old and new, important and not so important.

Many family traditions are associated with folk traditions, and they appeared a very long time ago. In our region - Transbaikalia, family traditions came from the customs of those peoples who lived here. For example, in Buryat families, many family traditions are several centuries old. The Buryats have very strong family ties: they provide assistance in times of need and misfortune, help poor relatives, orphans and widows. Until now, Buryats almost never abandon their children, and they do not send orphans to orphanages; they are taken in by relatives to be raised by them. Every Buryat should know their ancestry (that is, who their ancestors were: grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, etc. what their names were, what they did). Following this tradition, some Buryats know their ancestry down to the tenth generation.

Unfortunately, in many Russian families this tradition has been lost: some Russians even don’t know their close relatives well, especially if they are no longer alive.

The so-called “semeyskie”, the Russians who were exiled to Transbaikalia in the 18th century for their religious beliefs, strictly observed their family traditions.

Firstly, they strictly led a healthy lifestyle: smoking, drinking alcohol, and swearing were forbidden among the Semeis. They ate only healthy, fresh food, grown with their own hands. Semeyskiy people said: “He who loves wine is ruining himself,” “Drinking less means living longer,” and about smokers they said: “He who smokes tobacco is worse than dogs.”

Secondly, the Semey family were very hardworking, they worked a lot: they ran a large farm, farmed, planted large gardens, raised livestock, spun and weaved themselves, i.e. completely supported themselves, did everything with their own hands.

Therefore, the Semey family always looked very good: they were tall, beautiful, and most importantly, they had excellent health.

They strictly observed family traditions and another tradition: they kept their houses and yards in perfect order.

Nowadays, many Semeisk descendants try to observe the family traditions of their ancestors.

IV. Completing a creative task.

“What should be in a good friendly family”

V. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in class?

What are family traditions?

VI. Homework

Complete task #3
