Abstract of the lesson on emotions. Abstract of a lesson on the development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age “What different emotions

Synopsis of a lesson in psychology "In the world of emotions"

(using innovative technologies)

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


    To consolidate the ability to recognize and express emotional states in facial expressions.

    To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical works.

    Improve the ability to verbalize and adequately respond to the emotions of others.

    Preserving the health of pupils through the "grace of circular and cross movements."

    Formation of a positive emotional mood, unity of a group of children.

Lesson material:

    Melody: "Songs of humpback whales" from the collection "Sounds of Nature" accompanied by a selected video sequence of photographs (author's version), using TSO.

    Pictograms of emotions: fear, joy, surprise, complacency (bragging), anger.

    "Bag of Anger", "Bag of Emotions".

    The game "Find, name the emotion in sea pictures", the author's version (using the sandbox).

Lesson technologies used:

    A video sequence of photographs of nature, accompanied by CD music.

    Elements of health-saving technology (according to the Program of the physiologist A.A. Rudenko, the Institute of Health of St. Petersburg).

    Sand games.

Preliminary work:

- Acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, surprise, anger, disgust.

- listening to music (without presenting a video sequence)

- conducting psychological games and exercises, cross movements.

Lesson progress


Guys, go to the hall, sit down in places convenient for you (on pillows).

I am glad to see you! How is your mood?

(Children options)

There are many guests in our wonderful hall today, welcome them.

Exercise 1 "Current"


Let's greet each other.

We formed a circle, joined hands. Now let's greet each other with a handshake. Starts…. We remember that we shake the neighbor's hand not strongly, but also in such a way that he would feel your shake.

Thanks, that's how we say hello. They shook off their hands.

Exercise 2 "Sounds of Nature"


We continue our communication and listen to music and view photos.

(listening, viewing).


Who wants to express their opinion about what they saw and heard?

(children's options)

What is your mood? What emotions did you have when you looked at the pictures of the sea, whales, sharks, starfish?

(children's options)

Was anyone scared? (Which picture?)

Who was surprised by the photos? Why?

Maybe someone got mad at some photo? Why?

Exercise 3 "Guess the emotion"

What emotional photos we looked through!

In what a romantic mood and various emotions bewitched us. Here is our seashore. He hides secrets and mysteries. Let's try to solve them and find images of the sea. and tell us what emotions surrounded us when we looked at these photographs.

The sandbox will help us in playing the game, which hides various pictures in its sand. I will not explain the rules of the game in words, but I will show them.

The psychologist finds one of the pictures in the sand and talks about his emotions.

Children play with sand.

Thank you. You were very frank.

Exercise 4 "A bag of anger and fear"

Who was visited by fear, anger, resentment? (children's answers)

These negative emotions will not stay with us, we will get rid of them by shouting out fear and anger, resentment in the "Bag of Anger". We will shout all the anger out loud and tie it tightly. (the psychologist brings a bag to each child into which anger goes).

Well done! How is your mood! You well?

Game 5 "Show emotion"

In our classes, we got acquainted with many emotions. What, name.

Children options: (joy, fear, surprise ..)

I propose to play and show the emotions that are hidden in this bag.

(The child pulls out an emotion pictogram from the bag, calls it to the children and presents the image)

Exercise 6 "The work of the brain" (cross movements of arms and legs)

"Sit down and get tired!

Let's stop and rest!

Repeat after us!

We will stretch the brain and thoughts!”

(poetry: S.Yu. Sereda)

    "Hand over nose, hand over ear"


Exercise 6:

Purpose: rallying children, developing a positive attitude and emotions.

The psychologist talks about a good mood, joy, smiles, making pauses between statements. After each statement, the children pronounce the same phrase: “We have it too!”.

Psychologist: “I share with you my good mood!

Children:"we, too!"

Psychologist:"I give you a smile"

Children:"we, too"

Psychologist: "I rejoice"

Children: "we, too!"

Psychologist:"I'm jumping for happiness!"

Children:"We, too!"

Psychologist: "I love you!"

Children:"We, too!"

Psychologist: "I hug you!"

Children: "We too"

Everyone embraces in a single circle.

Are you in a great mood? (YES!!!)

Our meeting is over.

Pleasant emotions!

Psychology lesson on the topic

"Emotions rule me or do I rule them?"

Lesson objectives:

    development of abilities to determine the emotional state of other people;

    development of skills to use sign language, facial expressions, body for effective communication and transfer of experienced emotions;

    development of skills to own and manage their emotions;

    development of cognitive and creative abilities.


    to acquaint students with the concept of "emotions", with the types of emotions;

    develop students' ability to listen to other people;

    to promote the development of students' skills to analyze their own feelings and behavior;

    to train the ability to own and manage their emotions;

    promote the development of cognitive abilities, through the solution of anagrams;

    to formulate in students an interest in their own personality;

    relieve emotional and mental stress among students.

Lesson plan:

    Greetings. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Introduction to the concept of emotion.

    Emotion recognition. Types of emotions.

    Ways to get rid of unwanted emotions.

    Consolidation of new material.

    Summing up the lesson.

Materials for the lesson:

    multimedia projector


    Handouts with the image of circles for drawing emotions, with the image of balloons for writing emotions.

    Colored sheets (yellow and black) according to the number of students.

    Sheets with the name "We sell" (6 pcs).

    Markers or markers.

    Ball or ball of thread.

    Small box.

    Cards for work in small groups for the game "Fair" (6 pcs).

    Cards with the name of emotions for the game "Foreigners in Russia" (8 pcs).

    Musical accompaniment (use of musical compositions of different genres).

Lesson progress

Stage 1. Greetings. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.
(Presentation, Slide 1-2)

Hello guys. Let's say hello to you a little unusual, but very warm and joyful. Let's give a smile to ourselves, to our desk mate, to me and to all classmates. Well done.

Guys, pay attention to the blackboard. What is written here? (Emotions rule me or do I them?). Right. This is the name of our activity today. Today we will learn what emotions are, what emotions are, learn to recognize them in ourselves, in other people and try to find ways to manage and control unwanted emotions.

Stage 2. Introduction to the concept of emotion.
(Slide 3)

But first, pay attention to this face. When do we have such facial expressions? (when it's fun, joyfully). What is he talking about? (which is good for a person, pleasant).
(Slide 4)
And when do we have such a face? (when dissatisfied, angry, in anger). What is he talking about? (that a person is bad, that he can do something bad)
(Slide 5)
And when do we have such a facial expression? (when we are afraid, it is scary and not pleasant). What is he talking about? (what is bad for a person, he is afraid)
Look guys, you named such concepts as joy, anger, anger, fear. This is how we can express our attitude, our feeling towards what is happening around us or within us. And this is called emotions. Those. emotions are an expression of our attitude, our feelings to what is happening around us or inside us.

Stage 3. Emotion recognition. Types of emotions.
(Slide 6)

By what signs did you determine that this person is experiencing joy, this anger, and this fear? What did you notice when you looked at the faces?

    on the eyes (why? What is the difference in the expression of the eyes)

  • on lips, mouth

We are looking:
Mouth - open or closed
Lips - corners lowered or raised
Eyes - open or not, shiny or dull
Forehead has vertical folds or horizontal folds
Eyebrows - shifted or raised.
The movement of the muscles of the face (this is the movement of the eyebrows, and the opening or closing of the eyes, and the raising or lowering of the corners of the lips) is called facial expressions. It helps us express our emotions.

Let's now try to draw on our papers in circles, taking into account all these signs, emotions expressing joy, resentment, anger, fear, surprise ( Annex 1)
Let's check if you portrayed emotions correctly?
(Slide 7)

But besides facial expressions, gestures (movement of hands) and a person’s posture, gait, and position of the legs can also help us. Let's look at the following people together and looking at facial expressions, posture, gestures - guess what emotional state they are experiencing (Slides 8-17)……………………….

Can emotions harm a person? List what emotions can be called our enemies (anger, anger, resentment, envy, rage, sadness, contempt, disgust, shame. The guys write on their balloons) ( Annex 2). Let's try to picture them. Look at our unpleasant faces and it is also not pleasant to communicate with such people.

And what emotions can be called our friends? Name positive emotions (joy, delight, surprise, calmness)

What emotions do guys have more? Negative or positive? Certainly negative. You need to fight them, and here you simply cannot do without knowing special ways to get rid of bad, negative emotions.

Stage 4. Ways to get rid of unwanted emotions.

There are two leaves in front of you: one is yellow and the other is black. Guys, write on a black piece of paper those emotions that prevent you from communicating, and on a yellow one, those emotions that, on the contrary, help you communicate. (Passing the ball from one student to another, the guys take turns calling first those emotions that interfere with them, and then those that help them).

It was not by chance that we wrote negative emotions on black sheets, but positive ones on yellow ones. How can you explain it? Those. Color can influence our emotions and our mood.
And now I propose to break our black sheets with negative emotions and thus get rid of them.

How else can you overcome your internal enemies? (being alone, walking, playing sports, reading a book).
Now let's imagine that we were very angry with something, so much so that, as they say, the fists itch. Represented. But we know that any dispute and conflict can be resolved peacefully. But first you need to calm yourself down. And so, let's clench our fists with all our strength and count to ourselves up to 30. Feel better?

Music can help overcome negative emotions. And now let's listen to a few musical compositions, try to observe what feelings this music evokes and follow our breathing.

What emotions, feelings did you experience? (sadness, joy, fear, anxiety, anger). Can we say that music affects our mood, our emotions? Of course (if you are sad, you can turn on cheerful music, if you are angry - calm, slow).

Have you noticed while listening to music how your breathing has changed? (when a person is furious, angry, in anger his breathing is frequent, his heart beats quickly, and when he is sad, the opposite happens, breathing slows down). Can we change our internal state with the help of breathing? Yes. Let's try. Let's imagine that we are late for the train and trying to catch up with it, we will quickly breathe, as if we are angry, furious. Now let's calm down. We didn't catch the train. Imagine that we are a big balloon. Let's take air first through the nose, so that there is a full tummy. Then imagine that a small hole formed in the ball and it began to descend. We exhale through the mouth.
Calm down, feel it?
Such breathing exercises can help us in the fight against our internal enemies, in the fight against our negative emotions. (Slide 19)

Stage 5 Consolidation of new material.

Game "Foreigners in Russia"

Do you think that what is written on our face is understandable to other people who do not know our native language. (yes, emotions are a universal language).
I need 8 volunteers.
Now imagine that you all speak different languages ​​(Chinese, German, English, Japanese, etc.). Pull out each card. What emotion is written there do not tell anyone. You need to show this emotion so that it is understandable to other guys. ( Appendix 3).

Fair game.
(Slide 20-25).
Each small group (no more than 6) is given a card with a task (joy, anger, fear, contempt, rage, anxiety). The guys must solve the anagram and unravel the encrypted emotion. Show to the whole class using the method indicated on the card. The class has to guess which emotion is being discussed. Then the guys should try to sell this emotion to the whole class. ( Appendix 4).

Didactic game "Funny lacing ( Slide 26). You need to take pencils of different colors and use them to connect synonymous words, united by a common meaning.

A person's mood usually corresponds to his emotional state and can be anything. Our emotions are closely related to our moods. If we experience positive emotions, then our mood will be good.

Exercise "What can affect my mood"

Fill in the table (table for each participant).

Makes me happy

Perceived without emotion

Makes me sad

Physical state

TV shows

time of day



School lessons

So, what can affect your mood? Which of the following makes you cheerful? What about sad?

Stage 6 Summing up the lesson.
(Slide 27)

Let's look at the board and remember what question we asked ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?
Do emotions rule me or do I rule them? So what will we answer? (I). Right. How can we manage our emotions, by what means? (color in clothes, crumple or tear paper, with the help of music, with the help of counting to yourself, breathing exercises, a mirror (if you are in a bad mood, you need to look in the mirror and smile, even if you don’t feel like it, and your mood will also change, if you are called names, you need to laugh, or ignore, leave)


The psychologist thanks everyone for their active participation and says goodbye.

Guys, you have empty emoticons on your desks, draw your emotions in them. Now let's put your emulations on the poster.

Final word from the teacher.

And finally, I want to say to all of you guys, watch your emotions. Smile more!!! I wish you success!

Appendix 4

Card #1


    Depict this emotion only with gestures (only with your hands)

    Name ways that will help children experience this feeling (emotion) more often.

Card #2

    Guess the encrypted emotion:

    Write this emotion on a piece of paper that says sell

    Depict this emotion only with facial expressions (only face)

    Name safe ways to help children get rid of this feeling (emotion) if it gets out of control.

Card #3

    Guess the encrypted emotion:

    Write this emotion on a piece of paper that says sell

    Depict this emotion only with a pose (only with a body)

    What are the ways that will help the guys get rid of this feeling (emotion) if it interferes with them.

Card number 4

    Guess the encrypted emotion:

    Write this emotion on a piece of paper that says sell

    Depict this emotion only by walking

The theme of the lesson: "Emotions and feelings."

Goals and objectives:

develop intra-group relations, teach to analyze and find a way out, develop the creative imagination of children;


Story cards with the names of emotions and feelings, a kaleidoscope of "Emotions", handouts: balloons, paints, album sheets with the image of "blots"



Exercise "Hello", the game "Guess the emotion", the game "Repeat the phrase", the game "ABC of mood", the game "The sea worries once ...", the Tale of the "Blot", the game "Uuuuuu".

Lesson progress

1. Greeting.

Purpose: stress relief.

Hello guys! Let's greet each other. Children stand in a circle holding hands, look their partner in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile.

Did you like the greeting?

What did you feel? (joy, pleasure).

2. Warm up.

Goal: creating a mood for teamwork, reducing muscle tension.

The game "I love in a circle ..." Children stand in a circle. The host says: “I love everyone in the circle, but especially those who love (for example, bananas).” Those who love bananas should switch places.

How did you feel while doing the exercise?

Guys, I will now name amazing words - joy, admiration, calmness, delight.

What do you think these words are?

What do they express? (mood, emotions).

Today we will talk about what emotions and feelings are, what they are, we will learn to manage our emotions.

3. The main content of the lesson.

A game"Guess the emotion".

Psychologist: Looking at a person - how can we determine his mood?

Children. By the expression on his face.

Psychologist: I will now show you cards with images of various moods, and you try to guess and name them.(Children do the task)

A game"Repeat the phrase".

Psychologist: How else can you determine the mood of a person?

Children: In his voice, intonation.

Psychologist: Right. Let's now play a game where it will be necessary to pronounce a Russian nursery rhyme with different moods:

In the garden - garden

The raspberry has grown.

Let's learn it first: repeat after me in unison. And now let one of you repeat this nursery rhyme in different ways: with joy, surprise, angrily, sadly, with fear.

(Children take turns doing the task)

Every mood has its own taste and smell. Guess what mood these products remind you of? For example, bitter onion.

Children: Anger.

Psychologist: Sour lemon.

Children: sadness

Psychologist: Sweet grapes.

Children. Joy.

Psychologist: Well done boys!

A game"ABC of Mood".

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Influenced, no doubt

All of us are in a mood.

Who's having fun?

Who is sad?

Who got scared?

Who is angry?

Dispels all doubts

Mood ABC.

(I. Belopolskaya)

(Children sitting at the table are given cards, each of which depicts a character with a different emotional state)

Psychologist: Take a close look at your cards. .. And now, at my signal, raise the card on which your character is surprised, rejoices. .. etc.

The game "The sea worries once ..."

Children stand in a circle. The host says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - the emotion of joy (sadness, sadness, surprise, anger, anger, fear, pleasure) freeze.

Did you enjoy the exercise?

What emotions did you enjoy portraying?

The Tale of "Klyaksu".

Children listen to a fairy tale about "Blot", and at the same time draw in albums with watercolors, as the story progresses, paint the blot in different colors.

"She lived - there was a Blob in a dark hollow and really did not like to appear in public. Why? Yes, because when she appeared, everyone considered it their duty to exclaim:" What a horror! "What a fat and ugly black Blob!" Who will like this? That's why she preferred to live alone in the hollow. But is it good to be alone? Boring! And our Klyaksa wanted to go for a walk on a holiday. She decided to dress up, took yellow paint and dyed herself in a bright sunny color. Imagine! Of course, she liked herself in such an outfit, but as soon as she appeared on the street, everyone who met her shouted in horror: "What a yellow Blob!"

Then she went into the store, bought red paint and painted her hat with it, but everyone who saw her waved their hands again and shouted: "What a terrible Blob in an orange hat!"

Then Klyaksa bought blue paint and dyed her skirt. But no one appreciated it either. She heard again: "What a huge Blob in a green skirt!" (Yellow and blue mix to make green.)

Blot was very offended, She took the remnants of blue paint, returned to her hollow and painted it blue. She tried very hard, smeared the paint around her, and suddenly the hollow became very cozy and beautiful.

At this time, an Owl flew by - a wise head (and Owls, as a rule, are short-sighted and live by their own mind!). She did not recognize Blot in her new outfit. It seemed to the owl that this was not a Blob at all. "Hello, dear and beautiful Stranger! - Owl said politely." Klyaksa heard kind words for the first time in her life and smiled. She was very pleased.

Game "U-u-u-x"

Do you guys want to learn how to get rid of your resentment and anger?

Imagine how resentment and anger turn into balls inside you, and exhale them. Uh-uh-uh.

Did everyone succeed?

And now let's imagine it differently: we take a balloon and inflate it with all sadness or anger and ... let it go.

What do you feel now?

Can we manage our own emotions?

What can you do to improve your mood? (Read, play, help, give a compliment, etc.)

What determines our mood?

(it depends on how we manage our emotions and feelings)

Reflection: “It was a pleasure to talk with you…”

What did we do in class today?

What new have we learned?



The presented lesson is a fragment from the cycle of lessons “Emotions”, aimed at emotional and volitional development. It was attended by children of the middle group in the amount of 6 people.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

creating a positive emotional background in the group;

develop intra-group relationships, teach to analyze and find a way out, develop the creative imagination of children

develop the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings, the skills of emotional self-control;

build positive relationships with others;

develop reflection skills.


Conversation, developing exercises, games, fairy tale therapy, art therapy.


Exercise "Hello", exercise "I love everyone ...", "Mimicry, pantomime",

Fairy tale "Two foxes".

At the very beginning of the lesson there was a greeting.

Purpose: stress relief.

Then the children were offered the game "I love everyone ..." with the aimcreating a mood for joint work, reducing muscle tension.

I chose this exercise for a reason, but because the children really like it and they enjoy playing it.

Purpose: repetition of new material, develop the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings, the skills of emotional self-control.

At this stage, the children first repeated the material covered, then they were offered * The game "The sea is worried once ..."

Purpose: removal of internal clamps, complexes.

Then there was work with cards.

Purpose: to give the opportunity to highlight emotions and feel them.

Some children worked independently, others took part in the discussion of situations.

Then there was a conversation with the pupils "Culture of emotions and feelings"

At this stage, the pupils were offered a story about a boy

Also, the guys played the game "U-U-x" in order to learn how to manage their emotions.

To consolidate this stage of the lesson, the pupils were offered a fairy tale for discussion.

Purpose: to teach to analyze, find a way out of the current situation.

Drawing emotions (art therapy)

Purpose: development of imagination, the ability to fantasize.

The result of the lesson was the Exercise "Mood Tree"

Purpose: to build friendly relationships with others;

develop reflection skills.

After each stage of the lesson, the pupils drew conclusions, summed up the results.

The exercises were selected in accordance with the objectives of the correctional work and this lesson, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils.

The friendly tone and praise helped boost self-esteem.

I tried to think over the structure of the lesson so that all parts were interconnected, the rituals of the beginning and end of the lesson were observed. I used open-ended (problem) questions that contributed to the development of children's thinking, speech, and reasoning skills.

The change of activities contributed to maintaining the interest and activity of children.

During the lesson, the children showed activity, interest.

I believe that the tasks were implemented in full. This was facilitated by the active behavior of children in the classroom, the selection of exercises in accordance with age.

Abstract of the open classes (2 "B" class children with disabilities)

Theme: "In the world of emotions".

Planned results: Formation of an environment of trust and emotional comfort of students. The ability to distinguish between emotional states, to develop the communication skills of schoolchildren.
- to consolidate children's knowledge about human emotions and their importance in life;
- to develop the communication skills of students, guided by the principles of trust, support, creativity and success;
- develop children's speech and enrich vocabulary;
- creating a positive emotional state.
Lesson structure:
1. Organizational moment:
- psychological mood "Let's say hello";
- communication of the topic of the lesson, goals;

Establish rules for working in a group.

2. The main part of the lesson:
Intellectual warm-up game "On the contrary";
Game exercise "Name an emotion";
Positive and negative emotions (divided into groups)
Physical education minute

Exercise "Guess the emotions"

Tasks in groups: “collect emotions”, “depict and guess emotions”, “say words, phrases with different intonation”

Compilation of a memo "Secrets of a good mood"

3. Final stage
Game "Finish the sentence"

- "Pie of positive emotions"


Equipment used: ball, presentation with pictures of various emotions, pictograms of emotions. The playing field, which depicts different emotional states. Written designations of emotional states. Multimedia complex (computer, projector, screen)

Lesson plan:
Stage 1 Organizational moment
"Let's say hello"
Purpose: Creation of an emotional mood, development of group cohesion of children.
Actions of children and a teacher-psychologist: Hello guys! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other. per syllable hello- clap your hands above your head, for a syllable wuy- clap the hands of the neighbors on the right and left, on a syllable those- slap your knees.
Tell me guys, was it nice to say hello? What emotions did you experience when greeting each other? (Children describe how they experienced emotions).

Our lesson is called "In the World of Emotions". Today we will continue talking about the emotions that a person experiences. We will learn to recognize emotions and express them through facial expressions, gestures and words, as well as listen carefully and correctly perform various tasks, be friendly, understand each other.

Establishing rules for working in a group

    Be active

    speak one by one

    Respond with a raised hand

    Do not interrupt

    Don't tease

    Don't hurt each other

Stage 2 Main part of the lesson

Intellectual warm-up
Purpose: The development of mental operations, the ability to quickly answer the question, understand the instructions of the presenter from the first time.
Benefits and materials: ball.
Actions of children and a teacher-psychologist: And to check how attentive you are, we will warm up with you. Come on, guys, it's our turn to play the game "On the contrary." I will call you different words, while throwing the ball to one of you, the one who catches the ball will say their opposite meanings. Let's practice: I say the word high, you tell me: low.

Did you get the task? (The psychologist throws the ball to the child and calls the word, the child says the word in reverse)

cheerful - sad
cheerful - tired
happy - angry
calm - excited
bold - cowardly
slow - fast
evil - good
joyful - sad

Guys, tell me, was it difficult for you to choose opposite words? Tell me what the words mean joy, anger, sadness? That's right, it's emotion.

What are emotions?

This is emotional excitement. These are vivid and stormy experiences.

A person cannot remain indifferent in the world around him, a person in his life cries and laughs, rejoices and gets angry, is seized with anger or delight, fear and rage.

Emotions are what we experience and feel!

What are emotions?

Positive and negative. They help a person regulate his behavior.

Where are emotions expressed? (on the face)

How are emotions expressed? (eyebrows, eyes, mouth)

True, i.e. through facial expressions.

And with the help of what? (using gestures, human intonation and various expressive movements)

"Name an Emotion"

Purpose: Consolidation of concepts denoting various emotional states (joy, anger, sadness, fear). Students look at the screen and name emotions. Remember, and please name the emotions that you already know! (joy, fear, anger, sadness, surprise, curiosity, sadness, shame, anger, admiration).

So, in a good mood, a person experiences positive emotions, and in a bad mood, negative ones!

I suggest that you independently, in groups, after conferring, separate positive emotions from negative ones. Put only positive emotions in an envelope with a sun, negative emotions in an envelope with a cloud.

(Group work)

If a person experiences, shows only negative emotions, he can get sick or spoil the mood of other people. They will harm his health.

And positive emotions are good for human health, they are our friends. They prolong life, cheer us up.

And now, let's go in a circle (chorus)


We are growing healthy
We rise with the sun!
For health, mood,
Let's do the exercises:
Hands up, on the belt, down.
Then they sat down, then they bent down,
And smile again!

Now, let's play:

“Guess the emotions”

I will pronounce the phrase, and you will guess what emotion it may belong to.

    You don't like ice cream? (Astonishment).

    I am an evil and scary gray wolf! (Anger).

    Why did you push me? (Resentment).

    How dark it is in the forest! (Fear).

    What a warm sea! (Joy).

    Nobody plays with me (resentment, sadness)

Let's keep playing!

"Gather Emotion" joy, sadness, surprise.

Purpose: Development of interpersonal communication skills, the ability to determine the emotional state.

Manuals and materials: Cards with the image of emotions.

Guys, now I will give each of you halves of cards with images of various emotions. You will move freely along the carpet to the music, each holding your half. As soon as the music stops, you must find a couple among the guys so that your halves form a whole picture.

Well done, let's name what emotions you have drawn. Who found their mate the fastest? Who was wrong? Who found it difficult to complete the task?

"Show emotion"

Each of the group takes out an emotion from the envelope and depicts it non-verbally (by posture, facial expressions, gestures) most accurately and correctly. The rest have to guess.

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Continue the phrase: “I rejoice when ...... (stick the sun on a sheet of drawing paper)

“I’m sad when ... .. (stick a cloud) next to

Group discussion. Compilation of a memo "Secrets of a good mood."

There are secrets to a good mood. We will compose them by continuing to work in groups.

I give each group a few separate words. Make a sentence out of them - the secret of a good mood.

(Children read the completed sentences received)

speak kind words.
Do more good cases.
Never part with smile.
Do what you love deed.

Please remember them!

Objectives: Relieve emotional stress, overcome the barriers of non-verbal communication, develop group cohesion.

We took a little laughter
And some success
Surprise on a spoon
curiosity ladle,
Pour a lot of joy
The dough was quickly kneaded.
We baked a cake in the oven,
Cooled down on the porch.
And then they shared the cake
And all the guests were treated.
Put all your hands up
Get a treat!

(Children share imaginary pie slices with each other and with guests.)

Guys, did you like to treat each other, and our guests? Who found it difficult to approach a stranger? What do you feel now, having treated the guests, making them pleasant? Do you think it's nice to give joy?

Stage 3


(To sum up.)

- What did you like the most today, was it interesting? (yellow ball in a circle)

- What was difficult, did not like? (blue ball around)

Goal: Development of the ability to determine their emotional state.


Purpose: Creation of a positive emotional mood, development of group cohesion of children.

Manuals and materials: Phonogram "Smile".

Actions of the children and the teacher-psychologist: Guys, now please stand in a circle. I wish you good mood and positive emotions. I give each of you a medal with the image of a joyful little man. And now, let's join hands, smile at each other, and say: "Goodbye!".

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


  • To consolidate the ability to recognize and express emotions, emotional states in facial expressions.
  • To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical works.
  • Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;
  • Preserving the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics and relaxation.
  • to form a positive attitude towards others, a balance of emotions;
  • to form friendly and equal relations between peers;
  • exercise in the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

Composition of the group:

Age of participants: 5 - 6 years.
Number of children in a group: 6-8 people
Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Lesson material:

  • "Magic ball";
  • Emotion pictograms and photos: fear, joy, anger, etc.
  • Magnetic board; Human emotions;
  • Drawing paper, pencils;
  • Children's chairs according to the number of children;
  • Mirror;
  • Small sandbox, frames with sand; brushes;

Lesson technologies used:

  • Accompanying CD music: Tape recorder and CD with calm music; Audio recording "Joy" from the selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king";
  • Elements of health-saving technology
  • Sand games.
  • Psychogymnastics.

Methodical methods: conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children pictograms of emotional states; viewing; show; explanation; practical activities of children.

Preliminary work:

– familiarity with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness
- listening to music
- conducting psychological games and exercises

Lesson progress:

Greetings. "Magic ball".

Hello guys. I'm glad to see you!
“Children, what is this in my hands?” (children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the "magic ball", let's greet each other.
The psychologist passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says “a magic polite word”, then passes the ball to another child, etc.
Guys, today we will go on a trip. And what country we will go to, you will tell me after I read the poem to you.

Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
No doubt affects everyone.
Us mood.
Who's having fun!
Who is sad?
Who got scared!
Who is angry?
Dispels all doubts
Mood ABC.

(brief discussion of the poem, repetition of emotion names)

Our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.
- Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)
- What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about? (children's answers)
- Guys, now we will go on a trip to the country "Emotions". In order to be able to travel, we need transportation. What transport did you travel on? Let's build a fabulous train. Stand one behind the other, take the one in front of you by the belt. Our train will be able to move with the help of magic words:

Our magic train
All friends are taken forward ...

(Children pronounce words and walk in a circle, depicting wagons)

1 stop. "Glade of Joy"» (the audio recording “Joy” sounds from the selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

Who do you see in this field? (Man-joy)
- What is his mood like?
“Children, what is joy?” (children's answers)

For example:

"Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun."
“There is great joy, and there is little. Small is when one person has it, and big is when everyone has it.
"Joy is when everyone has a holiday."
“Joy is when no one cries. No one".
"Joy is when there is no war."
"Joy is when everyone is healthy."
“Joy is me, because my mother says:“ You are my joy.

- What do you do when you are having fun? (children's answers.)

Etude "Who rejoices how" Children become in a circle. The psychologist invites them to portray, to show without words how happy they are when they meet their mother, when they meet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo, circus.
Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

Exercise "Draw an emotion"

- Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme - "Joy". Take papers and pencils, and let everyone draw joy the way they want.
(Then the children are invited to sit in a circle and talk about what they have drawn. Then the psychologist, together with the children, sticks the drawings on a large sheet of paper - an exhibition is held (discussion, selection of the most original drawing, answers to the question “What is joy? And the most interesting stories ).

Psycho-gymnastics "Stream of joy" (calm music playing)

Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands, relax.

-Guys, mentally imagine that a kind, cheerful stream has settled inside each of you. The water in the stream is clean, clear, warm. The stream is very small and very mischievous. He cannot sit in one place for a long time. Let's play with him and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water is pouring through your hands eachfriend around.

Children mentally convey joy to each other.

2 stop. "Island of Sadness"

What is sadness?
-Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)
Look at this boy. What expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion? (children's answers)
And how did you guess? (on the face, on the eyes, eyebrows are shifted, lips are lowered)
Guys, you also probably have a sad mood? Tell me. (children's stories)
Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I offer you to portray an animal.

Good Animal Game. Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal. (Soothing music turns on.) Let's hear how it breathes.

Now let's breathe together. Inhale - all together take a step forward. Exhale - step back.

Our animal breathes very evenly and calmly. And now let's depict and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. A knock is a step back.

3 stop. « Cave of Fear»

We got to the cave. (The psychologist turns on the music.)

Exercise "Scary sounds" (music by E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king" sounds)

Guess what sounds we hear? (children's answers)
We hear a lot of sounds, some of them are scary. We will listen to the sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which are soothing or joyful. (discussion of children)
Has the sound always been scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear disappears.
What kind of person lives here. (Man - Fear)
-How did you guess? (children's answers)

The game "I'm not afraid of horror stories, I'll turn into whoever you want"

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in unison. When the driver (initially it may be a psychologist) calls some scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), the children need to quickly “turn into” him and freeze. The host chooses the worst one and he becomes the leader and continues the game.

Exercise "Fear has big eyes"

Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide to the sides). Everyone who is afraid has big eyes from fear. (Depict big round eyes with hands.) But now the fear is waning. (Children move their hands.)
And then it disappears altogether. (Shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)
Look at each other and make sure that no one else has big eyes and therefore none of you are afraid of anything, because the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

4 stop. "Mountain of Anger"

Who lives on this mountain? (Angry Man)
-How did you guess?
-What's going on with the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth can be skewed in an evil little man.
-What's going on with your eyebrows? Show! Eyebrows lowered, folds between them. The nose wrinkled.
-What happens to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.
- Children, and in what cases do they experience such emotions? (come up with the children a life situation).

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are invited to portray anger in front of a mirror.
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The facilitator asks a question that the children must stomp to if they want to answer yes. If "no", then the legs are in place.
I'll tell you when moms get angry, and you can guess if I'm right.
Moms get angry when they're late for work.
Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.
Mothers get angry when they are yelled at.
Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.
Mothers get angry when they are late with their child for kindergarten.
Moms get angry when they say "bad" about moms.
Moms get angry when they take their personal belongings without asking permission.
Mothers get angry when they are loved.
-Well done boys. You have guessed what events the Anger-Man likes.

Exercise "Finish the sentence."

Think carefully and complete the sentence “I am happy when ...” (the statements of the children are recorded).
-I get angry when...etc.
- Guys, look at what emotions are, and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)
Pictograms are a schematic representation of emotions.

Reflection. Conversation with children:

And to make our meeting memorable, let's take a photo as a keepsake.
This concludes our lesson. Thank you bye.
