Treatment after ectopic pregnancy and removal of the tube. Possibility of getting pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy: recovery period - Pregnancy, childbirth, childbirth -

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All of these conditions can lead to impaired contraction of the fallopian tubes or blockage, which leads to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. An unidentified, not eliminated cause that led to an ectopic pregnancy is a guarantee of its recurrence.

Depending on the location of the fetal egg, the following types of ectopic pregnancy are distinguished:

Tubal pregnancy is the most common type of ectopic pregnancy (about 98%). In this case, the fetal egg is attached to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube. Depending on the part of the fallopian tube into which the fetal egg is implanted, tubal pregnancy can be: ampullar, isthmic, interstitial and fimbrial;
- ovarian pregnancy - implantation of the fetal egg into the cavity of the ovarian follicle;
- abdominal pregnancy - the fetal egg is fixed in the abdominal cavity;
- cervical pregnancy - the fetal egg attaches and develops in the cervical canal.

Ovarian, abdominal and cervical pregnancy are extremely rare.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy progress gradually as the fetal egg grows in the wrong place.

Pain symptom is one of the main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, the pain is tolerable in nature - drawing pains in the lower abdomen are disturbing, which can radiate to the lower back and rectum. If you do not immediately consult a doctor, then the condition quickly worsens - the pain becomes sharp, stabbing. There is dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting.

Unfortunately, until now, not all women plan their pregnancy and do not even monitor their menstrual cycle. Gynecologists can easily confirm that not every patient remembers when her last menstruation began, which means that they may also be unaware of their possibly interesting situation. Meanwhile, how attentive attitude to oneself can save from tragedy. After all, the consequences of an ectopic pregnancy can be fatal, and may not have a special effect on the reproductive system of a lady. It all depends on the actions of the lady herself and on the speed of making the correct diagnosis.

If an ectopic pregnancy was not recognized in the early stages, and the fetus continues to develop, there may be a rupture of the tissues of the organ into which the fertilized egg was implanted, be it the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdominal cavity. A woman can die from severe bleeding and pain shock if an urgent operation is not performed.

Previously, surgery was the only way to treat an ectopic pregnancy. But over time, medicinal methods have also been developed.

Drug treatment is not suitable for everyone and not always, but if the ectopic pregnancy is early and the size of the embryo is small, then the gynecologist may prescribe Methotrexate for you. Methotrexate is a drug that prevents further cell division of the embryo and causes its death. There are several different regimens for the use of Methotrexate in ectopic pregnancy. Your doctor will select the right one for you.

Surgery for ectopic pregnancy


If the operation was already under the most sad circumstances, and it was done with the help of an incision, it is not worth planning a conception earlier than in six months. After the operation, you need to get rid of the adhesive process in the second tube. In this case, laparoscopy is also prescribed, but with a different purpose. As a result, the patency of the fallopian tube is resumed and a woman can become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Planning a pregnancy after an ectopic is an important step not only in connection with the woman's health. It is necessary to approach with all responsibility: future parents need to prepare psychologically for such a step and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

After an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may need the help of not only a gynecologist, but also a psychologist. In the future, she can also discuss planning for the next pregnancy with a psychologist who will mentally prepare her for the decision to become pregnant.

In extreme cases, doctors perform a tubectomy. During this operation, the affected tube is completely removed.

If you refuse the operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, then after 5-6 weeks (less often after 8-12) the pregnancy will terminate itself, but such an interruption is life-threatening, because it occurs like a rupture of the tube or tubal abortion.

How is an ectopic pregnancy operated?


The pathology of ectopic pregnancy is eliminated, as a rule, for a period of 6 to 10 weeks. The ruptured fallopian tube is removed: this is the only way to stop the bleeding. In addition, the pipe can no longer function.

The operation to eliminate an ectopic pregnancy is carried out in two ways: laproscopic and laparotomic. After applying the first method, the skin is practically not destroyed. The doctor makes punctures under general anesthesia, and then, using video cameras and manipulators, operates on the patient and removes her ruptured tube. It is impossible to immediately say how long such an operation lasts - it all depends on certain factors.

In the event that there is an assumption that the cause of an ectopic pregnancy was adhesions in the pelvic cavity, which were formed as a result of inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, the doctor, during the preparation of a woman for a planned pregnancy, may recommend another study - hysterography. During this study, a special substance is introduced into the uterine cavity, after which an x-ray is taken. Thanks to this picture, it is possible to determine whether the fallopian tube is passable, and whether the onset of pregnancy is possible.

From today I decided to start a new life, bright, successful, positive, active! Let all the bad things that happened remain in the past. I thank God for what he gave me. I believe that I did not pass these tests in vain and they were needed for something in my life. I promise not to whine anymore, not to envy others, I am who I am, special, and I will definitely succeed!

Unfortunately, some women, when planning a long-awaited pregnancy, face life-threatening pathologies. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, but in another organ. If this happens, then doctors will definitely clean the woman surgically. In this article, we will talk about all types of operations for ectopic pregnancy, their consequences for a woman's health and the rehabilitation period after them.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very unpleasant pathology, which is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen of a woman, bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms leading to the loss of a child.

Doctors may suspect an ectopic pregnancy in a woman before she even has any of the symptoms. Pathology can be detected using an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity. If the fetal egg has not attached to the endometrium, and according to the analyzes, the woman has a very high level of hCG, this means that pregnancy develops in some other organ of the abdominal cavity. As a rule, an ectopic pregnancy can develop in:

  • ovaries;
  • in the fallopian tube;
  • in the peritoneum;
  • between the broad ligaments of the uterus.

Depending on where the fertilized egg was implanted, doctors determine the type of surgery they will perform to save a woman's life and fertility. If the girl was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner, and nothing threatens her life, then a planned operation is performed, but if the organ in which the fetal egg has already ruptured has already occurred, the woman is admitted to the hospital with cutting pains and bleeding, then an emergency surgical intervention is performed . Next, we will describe in detail each type of operation that can be applied.

Surgery for ectopic pregnancy: laparoscopy

The most modern approach to operations in all medical areas is laparoscopy. It is used today in almost all medical institutions where highly qualified doctors work and have the necessary equipment. Thanks to the laparoscopic method of surgical intervention, it is possible to remove the embryo in the fallopian tube, the entire fallopian tube, if necessary, and stop severe abdominal bleeding. In this case, only a few small incisions are made on the woman's abdomen, and this is a minimum of injuries that allow you to recover much faster after surgery.

There are several contraindications to the operation by laparoscopy. These include:

  • severe post-hemorrhagic shock experienced by a pregnant woman;
  • overweight;
  • problems with the heart or organs of the respiratory system;
  • the presence of adhesions in the intestines;
  • very large blood loss;
  • rupture of the organ in which the pregnancy developed.

If there are no obstacles to the laparoscopic operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, then it is immediately performed on the woman. We offer to understand in detail how such an operation occurs during an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. First, specialists inject a woman with general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia.
  2. After that, the surgeon makes 3 punctures in the abdominal cavity. Through one of the punctures, carbon dioxide is injected into the abdominal cavity so that the doctor has a good visibility of the operated organ. In addition, if a specialist detects blood inside, he pumps it out in order to be able to carry out the operation normally.
  3. Through another puncture, a laparoscope is inserted into the abdominal cavity of a woman, and through a third, directly the instrument itself, with the help of which the removal of the fetal egg will be carried out. As a rule, this is a loop that pounces on the fallopian tube and cuts off part of it along with the fetal egg attached to it. At the same moment, a coagulator is inserted into the first puncture through which carbon dioxide was injected, which cauterizes all cut-off places so that bleeding does not occur.
  4. After the main process is completed, the abdominal cavity is carefully examined, all blood clots are removed, the abdominal cavity is treated with saline and sutures are applied.

If it is possible to preserve a woman's childbearing function, then doctors do not remove the fallopian tube, but make an incision on it - this is the so-called tubal uterine abortion. Such an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy lasts at least 40 minutes. If any complications occur during the procedure, then the surgical intervention may be delayed.

But in any case, after such an operation, a woman will need to do another one - a plastic one, in order to restore the integrity of the reproductive organ.

Ectopic pregnancy: abdominal surgery

Abdominal surgery, despite all the shortcomings of this surgical method, is used today as widely as laparoscopy. Most often this happens if a woman has such indications:

  • she does not plan to become a mother in the future;
  • if there are strong adhesions of severe severity on the fallopian tube;
  • if in the past a woman has repeatedly performed operations on the fallopian tubes;
  • if earlier a woman already had an ectopic pregnancy, which specialists cured in a gentle way.

We offer to understand in more detail how the abdominal operation is carried out during an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. To begin with, the doctor must decide what kind of incision in the abdominal cavity he will make. If the situation is not very critical, then a transverse incision in the suprapubic region is always preferred. If emergency surgery is required, then most often the surgeon makes a median incision. It heals much longer, but during the operation they provide the doctor with the opportunity to carry out all the necessary manipulations with high quality and correctly.
  2. The anesthetist then administers anesthesia to the patient. As a rule, it is always common.
  3. Then the surgeon makes an incision, creates access to the uterus and fallopian tubes. To do this, he conducts a hand audit of the pelvic cavity of a woman.
  4. If at this moment it is required to stop bleeding, then the doctor performs all the necessary manipulations for this with the help of medical clamps.
  5. After that, the fallopian tube is removed or the fetal egg is removed from it.
  6. Then all the organs that were operated on are sutured. The doctor carefully examines the abdominal cavity so that there are no blood clots left in it, medical supplies, treats the abdominal cavity with saline, and then sutures it.

The timing of surgery for an ectopic pregnancy can vary. The duration of the procedure depends largely on how critical the situation with the condition of the pregnant woman is. The operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy is quite complicated and is one of the risky surgical interventions. A woman after an operation to remove a tube during an ectopic pregnancy recovers for a long period of time, because not only the internal seams must heal, but also a large external seam, which also requires careful care.

Surgery for ectopic pregnancy: consequences

Regardless of which operation is performed on a woman with an ectopic pregnancy, it is always unsafe. According to medical statistics, surgical intervention in the pelvic organs always entails many different negative consequences. We list the main ones:

  1. If an operation was performed to remove an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, then no terrible consequences will occur. A woman with proper treatment and a full rehabilitation course will be able to have children in the future.
  2. After surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, if the fallopian tube was removed for a young woman, she will still be able to become pregnant, since the other one remains safe and sound. If an ectopic pregnancy happened to a woman who is over 35 years old, then her ability to bear children is purely physiologically reduced, so she may remain infertile after an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. If a tubal abortion was performed, as a result of which the tubal tube remained, but an incision was made on it, then there is a very high probability that at the next conception the fetal egg will attach again in the fallopian tube, and not in the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is better for a woman who has gone through such an operation not to take risks and agree to the in vitro fertilization procedure.
  4. If a woman did not undergo surgery during an ectopic pregnancy, but was prescribed a drug such as Methotrexate, which stops the development of the fetus, as a result of which it dies, resolves and comes out in the form of bleeding with clots from the vagina. It must be said that complications after such a procedure are less dangerous, but only if the measure was taken in a timely manner.

The most important and dangerous complication that can occur after an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy is infertility. Therefore, after such a procedure, a woman must necessarily undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment so that an ectopic pregnancy does not happen again.

Ectopic pregnancy: rehabilitation after surgery

If, for certain reasons, you had to deal with an ectopic pregnancy, then after the operation to remove it, you will have to undergo a series of restorative measures. In general, rehabilitation lasts in this case at least 6 months. During this period, the following stages of restoration of the female body are included:

  1. The first week after the operation, a woman needs to be under the supervision of doctors. During this period, specialists will monitor the postoperative suture and the internal organs of the abdominal cavity (they should not form adhesions).
  2. In addition, during the time that the woman is in the hospital, the state of the fallopian tube, on which the operation was performed, is monitored (doctors stop the inflammatory process in it).
  3. The first few months after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, a woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen. This is normal as long as the pain is not aching or cutting. If it becomes unbearable, then you should immediately go to the hospital.
  4. The first 2-3 weeks a woman may have bleeding after an ectopic pregnancy. This is a natural physiological process of self-purification of the female body.
  5. Menstruation after an ectopic pregnancy operation occurs after 30-40 days, but this does not mean that a woman can start trying to conceive a child again. It is imperative to withstand a six-month pause, then undergo an examination and, after the permission of the doctor, try to get pregnant again. Therefore, sex after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy for the first six months should be safe. By the way, you can make love after the operation to remove the fetal egg from the fallopian tube after 2 months.
  6. After surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, a woman should follow a diet. It is necessary to refuse fatty, fried foods. You should lean more on fruits and vegetables (preferably fresh). They should be rich in vitamins and useful trace elements.
  7. During the first 6 months, a woman needs to be constantly monitored by a gynecologist, do several ultrasound examinations of the reproductive organs and take special drugs, which include proteolytic enzymes and biostimulants.

In no case do not self-medicate during the rehabilitation period. This is especially true for women who like to treat themselves with folk remedies. All this can be deadly for you. If you value your life and want to become a mother in the future, follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Video: "Ectopic pregnancy: operation"


An operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy is a serious injury to the body. Moreover, not only the physical health of a woman is violated, but also her psychological state. Treatment after an ectopic pregnancy is essential because it allows the woman to fully recover, thereby increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child again.

Recovery after termination of an ectopic pregnancy

If an ectopic pregnancy is recognized in the initial stages of its occurrence, then drug treatment is possible. The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs that contribute to the exfoliation of the fetus. After that, the embryo is sent to the end of the fallopian tube, from where the doctor can easily remove it through an abortion. In some cases, the fetus is painlessly removed from the vagina during menstruation. Recovery of physical health after such an ectopic pregnancy proceeds quickly - from several days to a week. But the duration of the restoration of the psychological state depends on the emotionality of the woman.

Surgical removal of the fetus during an ectopic pregnancy can occur in several ways:

For 2 weeks after surgery, wounds in the abdominal cavity should be treated with iodine. It is also recommended to follow a special diet containing a large amount of vitamins, which will strengthen the immune system. The recovery process is most difficult after a tubectomy. At first, the patient takes painkillers to reduce pain. Moreover, in most cases the patient becomes infertile (if the second tube is blocked), so it will take her time to get used to the idea that she will no longer be able to become a mother.

Risk of another ectopic pregnancy

If a woman had an ectopic pregnancy, this situation will not necessarily happen again. The risk of its occurrence is the same as the first time. Pathology is observed in approximately 1-3% of women around the globe. True, after an already transferred ectopic pregnancy, the risk of its development increases by 7-10 times. That is, the probability is 7-30%. It has been established that every 5 woman again faces such a problem for the second time.

Antibiotics and hydroturbation

Hydroturbation is a procedure in which a special fluid is injected into the fallopian tubes through the uterus to establish their patency. It is carried out after operations in the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes to make sure that the recovery process is proceeding normally. The doctor monitors whether inflammation has begun and whether adhesions have formed. With the help of such a liquid, they check how passable the second fallopian tube is if one was removed during surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.

Now hydroturbation is irrelevant for diagnosis, since it is effectively replaced by laparoscopic examination. Moreover, for carrying out hydroturbation, I or II degree of purity of the vagina is necessary. Beforehand, the doctor checks the smear for the presence of pathogenic microflora in it - if it is, it is forbidden to carry out the procedure.

However, hydroturbation is indispensable in order to prevent inflammation and adhesions in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes. Together with the liquid, antibiotics, Lidase, necessary enzymes and other substances are injected. They are preliminarily dissolved by mixing with a 0.25% solution of novocaine. Be sure to enter the liquid must be sterile, otherwise the risk of infection of the uterine cavity increases. Procedures are prescribed immediately after menstruation and are carried out 2-3 times a week before the onset of the next menstruation.

Diet and nutritional habits

Rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy and removal of the tube includes a sparing diet. The diet should be balanced, it includes food rich in vitamins and minerals. Be sure to include asparagus, pomegranates, all kinds of nuts, dairy products, dried fruits, fish.

You need to eat in small portions 4-5 times a day. So the food will be easy to digest and assimilate, so the maximum of nutrients will enter the body. Due to this, immunity will be strengthened, so the recovery process will proceed faster.

Taking contraceptives

After an ectopic pregnancy, conception should not be allowed for at least 6 months. Therefore, a woman should be careful about contraceptives. Be sure not only to use a condom during sex, but also to take hormonal birth control pills. Moreover, you need to drink them regularly, without passes. By taking hormonal contraceptives in a year, the risk of recurrent ectopic pregnancy is reduced by 90%.

In addition, pills reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the genitals of a woman. This is due to the fact that during menstruation, the cervix dilates less, and at the same time, less blood is lost, which is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria.


Physiotherapy is a set of effective measures that help restore the body after any operation, including the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Physiotherapy improves the patient's well-being, improves health and restores the psychological state.

Indications for physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for women who have undergone surgery in the genitals. In addition, they are carried out for the prevention of adhesive and inflammatory processes. However, the procedures are contraindicated for patients with oncological pathologies, acute infections, lung diseases. They can not be carried out by women who have significantly reduced body weight.

Types of procedures and their essence

For recovery after surgery, a number of physiotherapy procedures are performed:

  • Galvanization, in which the patient's body is affected by a low voltage current - no more than 60 V. When electrodes are applied to the skin, the excitability of epithelial cells decreases or increases. The procedure is contraindicated for women who have intolerance to galvanic current.
  • Electrophoresis. In this case, the body is also affected by a low-voltage direct current, which is combined with the introduction of various drugs into the uterine cavity through the mucous membrane. For example, Lidaza is administered, which has a healing effect. If a woman has severe pain, Novocaine is injected subcutaneously. To restore immunity, Dexamethasone is used, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
  • interference therapy. In this case, low-frequency impulses are used that occur when two circuits of initial currents act on the body. Moreover, their frequency during the procedure can be constant or change. Due to this, blood circulation improves, so that the tissues are better supplied with oxygen. These impulses have bactericidal properties and reduce the risk of inflammation.
  • Ultrasound therapy, in which ultrasonic vibrations are used. Under the influence of this, blood circulation improves, the temperature in the tissues rises, and blood vessels strengthen.
  • Phototherapy, in which the patient is exposed to sunlight. It is replaced by artificial lighting from a laser, fluorescent lamps. The sensitivity of the affected tissues is restored, they heal faster under the influence of bright light.
  • Ozokerite and paraffin applications. Ozokerite and paraffin retain heat well, so they are used to warm the affected areas of the human body. In addition, the pressure of ozokerite and paraffin on the surface significantly improves venous blood flow, thereby improving the supply of oxygen to tissues. They contain ingredients that act as antibiotics.
  • Mud therapy with the use of therapeutic mud. Their impact on the body is determined by the thermal and mechanical effects. In addition, they contain biologically active components that enhance peripheral blood circulation.

The advantage of physiotherapeutic agents is that they replace chemical drugs. Therefore, such treatment is not only effective, but also safe.

Recovery time

The postoperative period is 5-14 days, depending on the complexity of the operation. After about a week, the doctor removes the stitches. She is allowed to walk no earlier than 3 days after the procedure. A woman should not lift weights and make sudden movements for another 2 months after surgery, as the sutures may disperse. Sexual life can be resumed no earlier than after 3 weeks, only after the first menstruation, which began during the recovery period.

Pregnancy planning

After the body is fully restored, the doctor will give a forecast as to whether the woman can become a mother. If there are no contraindications regarding conception and gestation, pregnancy can be planned, but not earlier than one year after the operation. If natural conception is not possible (for example, after the removal of two fallopian tubes), IVF can be performed - artificial insemination. For more information on this topic, see the article Pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy.

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More than 50% of women who experience an ectopic pregnancy may experience further problems with conception, such as another ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. However, if you follow the recommendations of doctors, you can significantly increase the chances of a favorable conception.

If a pathological pregnancy occurs, the embryo can be localized in the fallopian tube (about 95% of all cases), as well as in the cervix, ovaries, and even the abdominal cavity. The method of treatment depends on where pathological fertilization occurs. The sooner the fact of pathology is detected, the less traumatic the procedure for getting rid of it will be. In the earliest stages, you can only do with medication. The patient takes a hormonal drug that pushes the fertilized egg to the end of the fallopian tube, from where the doctor can already abort it. Sometimes the embryo can leave the body with menstrual flow, however, in this case, the woman's body is not always completely cleansed and additional cleaning of the uterus may be required. If the pathology was discovered later, as well as in cases where the fetus does not develop in the tubes, but in the neck, ovary or peritoneum, surgical abortion options are prescribed.

Among the operational methods of interruption are:

  • Extrusion (milking). It is carried out if the fetal egg has already exfoliated and after drug treatment, when the fetus is on the border of the fallopian tube. IN;
  • Salpingostomy or tubotomy - opening the fallopian tube from the closed side and removing the embryo from it. After that, the pipe is sewn up;
  • Salpingo- or tubectomy - removal of the fallopian tube along with the embryo. It is prescribed only in extreme cases, when the patient is in critical condition, and it is not possible to save the fallopian tube. Often this method is chosen for a repeated case of abnormal development of pregnancy. Sometimes, when the situation requires it, the tube can be removed along with the ovary;
  • Laparoscopy is by far the least traumatic method, since it does not require large incisions. The procedure is carried out by piercing the peritoneum with special instruments - called a trocar. They are tubes with a small diameter through which instruments and a miniature video camera are inserted, with which the doctor monitors the progress of the operation. This procedure causes relatively the least damage to health, since most often after it the fallopian tubes remain intact. This makes it possible to safely conceive and bear a child.
  • In especially severe cases, complete removal of the uterus (extirpation) may be required, which makes it impossible to conceive and bear a child in the future.

Rehabilitation after ectopic pregnancy and removal of the tube

After the interruption procedure is carried out by one of the methods described above, it is necessary to prevent possible complications after them. Among them may be inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or obstruction of the fallopian tubes. To prevent complications, a woman must adhere to the basic rules of behavior after abdominal surgery:

  • Within 3 days after the operation, the patient can not move independently;
  • During the period from 2 weeks to a month, it is necessary to carefully monitor the process of healing of the sutures, disinfect the incision sites and prevent the occurrence of infection in them;
  • Do not allow physical stress and do not carry heavy loads for 1-2 months after the operation.
  • Maintain immunity, prevent its decline.
  • Wear a support bandage, and in order to avoid adhesions, do light physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal cavity, which are prescribed by the doctor;
  • Avoid hypothermia, wear insulated underwear in cold weather;
  • Refrain from sexual activity for at least 3 weeks from the moment of laparoscopy, with abdominal surgery this period should be at least 6 weeks;
  • Follow a diet, including in it a maximum of foods rich in vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamin A, E, group B, succinic, folic acid are needed. It is necessary to increase the amount of fish and seafood, dairy products, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

In some cases, especially after a tubectomy, pain medication is needed.

If a fallopian tube ruptures or damage to internal organs occurs during an ectopic pregnancy, severe blood loss can occur, which can cause iron deficiency. In this case, anemia therapy is additionally prescribed.

In order to select the most appropriate methods of recovery after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Among the most frequent are:

  • Features of the anatomical structure of female appendages;
  • Diseases associated with inflammation of the pelvic organs, such as acute and chronic adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) or endometritis (inflammation of the uterus);
  • Venereal diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes virus, etc.). If this was the cause, both partners should be treated in order to prevent the recurrence of the pathology;
  • Injuries, weight lifting in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • Hormonal disorders, including the consequences of taking hormonal contraceptives, especially the so-called "emergency" ones;
  • Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, a history of abortion.

After finding out the cause, he develops a plan for the restoration of the woman's reproductive system. For this, various physiotherapeutic procedures are used, such as:

  • Galvanization - the patient's body is affected by a galvanic current of low voltage, which helps to increase or decrease the excitability of epithelial cells;
  • Electrophoresis. A drug solution is injected into the uterine cavity, after which a weak electric current is applied to the tissues, which helps the drug to penetrate into the cells of the mucosa;
  • Ultrasound therapy - helps to strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • Phototherapy - light from ultraviolet lamps helps speed up wound healing;
  • Ozokerite and paraffin therapy - with the help of applications with these materials, they warm up the affected areas of the body, improve blood flow in them. Due to this, the tissues are supplied with a large amount of oxygen. Interference therapy has the same effect. This is a method in which a low-frequency impulse is applied to the affected area, which is given by two circuits of the initial current.

Treatment and rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy and laparoscopy lasts a long time, up to six months, however, if you follow all the doctor's instructions, there is a high probability of a complete restoration of the woman's reproductive system.

Particular attention should be paid to psychological work with a woman, because after an ectopic pregnancy, especially with the subsequent removal of the tube, there is always a chance that it may become infertile, especially if there are damage or adhesions in the second tube. The doctor must give her a complete picture of her ability to conceive, and also inspire her with confidence that if she has this opportunity, she will definitely succeed.

The risk of a second ectopic pregnancy and its prevention

Such an unfavorable development of pregnancy is very rare, in only 1-3% of cases. However, if this happened to a woman once, the probability of repeating such a situation increases by 7-30%.

After treatment of an ectopic pregnancy, re-fertilization should not be allowed for at least 6 months. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to monitor contraception. One barrier method may not be enough, so the doctor will usually prescribe oral contraceptives. They help not only reduce the risk of re-development of a pathological pregnancy, but also prevent inflammation in the pelvic organs. While taking hormonal contraception, the ovaries "rest", and after its cancellation, they begin to work with a vengeance, which significantly increases the possibility of conception.

Planning for pregnancy after recovery

After the woman's body is fully restored, the doctor considers her possibility of becoming a mother. A comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes checking for the absence of urogenital infections, DNA analysis at the cellular level, bacterial culture from the uterine mucosa and testing for antibodies. If there is no contraindication, you can plan a new pregnancy one year after treatment. In the event that a woman cannot become pregnant on her own within a year, the doctor suggests considering the option of artificial insemination. This procedure is also carried out only a year after the operation.
