Halloween makeup for girls is easy. Necessary materials for Halloween cat makeup at home for children and adults

The autumn holiday of Halloween is another great occasion for fun. Every year, October 31st becomes the day when ghosts, zombies and other evil spirits visit the earth. All Saints' Eve is a massive costume party. You can dress up as a scary mythical character and compete with your friends who will scare whom more. In addition to the costume, it is important to consider makeup. Let's take a look at unusual and bright Halloween makeup ideas.

A girl in the guise of a vampire can look not only intimidating, but also seductively beautiful. This idea is very popular on Halloween, but don't give up on it because of it. Everyone gets to do their makeup differently, so you won't find yourself in a crowd of clones. There are several options for applying makeup to embody the image of a vampire.

Option 1:

  • the whole face is covered with a light tone;
  • a beautiful spectacular make-up with arrows, shadows and false eyelashes is applied to the eyes;
  • we paint lips with burgundy lipstick, and on top of it we apply bloody stains with the help of red gloss;
  • false fangs will be the final touch.

Option 2:

Option 3:

  • cover the face with white make-up;
  • we apply an arbitrary make-up on the eyes and lips;
  • With a black or red pencil, draw cracks all over the face: under the eyes, around the lips and on the forehead.

As you can see, vampire makeup is very simple, easy to do with your own hands. The selection of clothes also does not require much effort. Any black clothes will fit perfectly into the image.

Vampire Makeup - Video

witch makeup

The mystical image of a witch is very useful on Halloween. The make-up can be the most fantastic. Clothing - black, burgundy, purple and other vestments of dark saturated colors.

Step-by-step make-up "Black Witch":

Grim "Old Witch":

Makeup for Halloween in the style of pannochki from "Viya":

Halloween zombie makeup

Zombie is a frequent party goer on the night of October 31st. Many of us have managed to review a lot of films with the theme of the zombie apocalypse. You can try to draw on the face of the most terrible character from these films.

Everyone knows how terrible zombies are: torn face, lifeless eyes, "dead" skin. Try one of the following zombie makeup options.

Method 1:

Zombie Makeup - Video

Method 2:

  1. Wear white or light blue lenses.
  2. We put a porcelain tone on the face.
  3. We create the effect of circles under the eyes with the help of burgundy and black shadows. Shade them under the lower eyelid and on top.
  4. We paint the arrows, emphasize the eyebrows with eyeliner.
  5. The corner of the mouth can be smeared with red lipstick. Gently blend the stain.
  6. You can finish the artificial wounds, gore on the hairline.

To complete the look, military-style clothing or any other, purposely torn, worn and soiled, is suitable.

Makeup like a ghost

One of the oldest images for Halloween is a ghost. Dressing up in it is as easy as shelling pears: you need white clothes, a cape or a regular sheet. With makeup for a ghost, you have to try a little more.

Other original Halloween looks

Consider alternative interesting ideas for a festive masquerade.

Makeup "Cheshire Cat"

  1. You will need "cat" lenses with an elongated pupil. Color - turquoise, a shade of a sea wave.
  2. We circle the eyes with a white pencil - at the inner edge, black - at the outer. We paint lush eyelashes.
  3. Eyebrows tinted with blue shadows.
  4. Mouth: draw white teeth and black space between them. Take a look at what a cat in a cartoon looks like and repeat its famous smile on yourself.
  5. A blue wig will be the final touch.

Skeleton Halloween Makeup

You can copy the features of the skull on the entire face or on half of it. It will take only white and black paint for makeup and a lot of diligence. A printed image of a skull or a visual exhibit will be invaluable help.

It will be great to add bone drawings to the brushes. There are even clothes with the image of a skeleton - T-shirts and leggings.

Puppet make-up in honor of the day of all saints

This is another unusual version of makeup.

The images of animals are also very interesting.

Dressing up as a kitten is fun and easy. You can buy cat ears or sew them yourself by attaching them to the headband.

If you want to make makeup thematic, but not so defiant, there are also a lot of ways:

And how do you like the idea of ​​dressing up on October 31 as an angel or a demon, an alien or a scary clown, or even a terrible character invented by yourself? With such interesting Halloween makeup ideas, it's impossible not to fall in love with this holiday.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a gothic Halloween dress or sew a vampire princess costume, do not be sad - Halloween makeup 2016 can change our image much faster and brighter. Sometimes one burgundy lipstick can transform us more than a dress and shoes!

Halloween itself does not carry a serious meaning, but this holiday promotes creativity - girls all over the world do Halloween makeup, create costumes and come up with images. No other holiday provides such opportunities for experimentation, and in order not to get lost in the creative diversity, Militta has prepared a list of makeup ideas for this gloomy and at the same time bright celebration.

Crazy Halloween Makeup 2016

Recently, the fashion world has gravitated towards. Many designers bring fat women or dwarfs to the podium, girls with ugly crooked legs or serious defects in appearance. For the unsophisticated public, this trend looks strange, but for the fashion community, everything is fine. We have long been fed up with true beauty! Therefore, we want to see the ugly non-standard beauty in all its manifestations.

Halloween in 2016 and in other years gives everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of ugly beauty. At first glance, it may seem that crazy Halloween makeup does not require much effort, but it is not. In some cases, you will have to apply all your skills and lime a lot of decorative cosmetics.

1. Makeup - double face

Such a strange and unusual makeup will definitely be remembered by everyone for a long time. The idea came from Promise Tamang on Instagram, where she posts her many Halloween looks. You will have to work hard on the double face makeup and, possibly, involve one of your friends. Even better if you have a friend who is a makeup artist or just an artist.

You will have to try, but if the image succeeds, it will be impossible to look away from you, and you will surely become the heroine of social networks.

2. Ornaments on the face

Makeup in the form of a time-tested. This makeup has already been used before and not only for Halloween looks, but for a variety of projects and photo shoots. However, facial ornaments are a great makeup solution today in 2016. Girls with such makeup will certainly stand out from the crowd of vampires and witches. Just do not forget that the creation of such makeup will require even more effort and cosmetics.

3. Cuts, scars and lacerations on the face

Personally, I don’t like the imitation of various injuries on the face, but if you calmly perceive makeup in the form of deep cuts and lacerations, stock up on proven cosmetics and choose a photo. In recent years, thousands of girls from all over the world have done similar makeup, so you can find a lot of images for inspiration on the Internet.

Mystical makeup for Halloween 2016

Halloween isn't very fashionable - vampires, witches, and so on don't change much over time. These images can be used if we want to get a guaranteed successful result.

1. Vampires

Thanks to books and cinema, the image of a vampire is very mysterious and attractive, and a vampire girl seems especially seductive and at the same time insidious. Creating a vampire look for a girl on Halloween is not difficult at all, just whiten her face, highlight her cheekbones, make up her lips with bright burgundy lipstick, put on a choker collar and complete the look with a black dress.

If you find a dress with a corset and frills, draw a small web of cobwebs on your face, you can become a real vampire queen.

2. Skeletons and Zombies

Unlike vampires, zombies and simple skeletons exist in reality, but they are not as attractive and seductive. Despite this, skeletons are very popular on Halloween, so you can do makeup that gives our image elements of the skeleton.

Drawing a realistic skull with the help of makeup and decorative cosmetics is not at all easy, without special skills and talents you should not even take on this task, you will get a miserable likeness.

Makeup and images of different characters for Halloween 2016

Not everyone wants to flirt with dark forces and death, drawing on the face the image of a vampire or a mask of death, and rightly so. The image for a girl on Halloween is not limited to all sorts of follies and evil spirits. Try to transform into your favorite celebrity.

A costume party gives you the opportunity to transform into Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj and other celebrities. In addition, you can put on a costume and make up in the style of your favorite characters from movies, fairy tales, or create just an anime look!

1. Anime makeup

Creating an anime image is not difficult at all. The main focus is huge eyes, like cartoon characters. You will have to work hard with drawing, but the result is worth it. Also highlight the eyebrows, cheekbones, outline the lips and contour the face with a black pencil or eyeliner. Search the web among a huge number of pictures for exactly the image that you like, and transfer it to your face. Also don't forget about a suitable suit to complete your look.

2. Queen or princess

Now the upbringing of girls is undergoing major changes, but we, adult girls who are already over 25 years old, keep images of princesses in our memories. A costumed holiday is a great opportunity to wear a crown, a luxurious evening dress or a real historical costume rented. Makeup will be the simplest, because the image of a real princess or queen requires dignity, not buffoonery.

3. Space girl

Space theme periodically returns to fashion. Not so long ago, space prints on clothes and accessories were relevant. Stars, galaxies, nebulae and quasars are reflected in makeup, some girls paint half their faces with stars, it looks beautiful, but you have to work hard.

You can also take the color of an alien. Do you know what beautiful aliens look like? No one knows for sure, but in Halloween 2016 it is not very important to meet the knowledge and expectations of others. You can draw an image of an alien solely from your own imagination, that's when you get genuine creativity, and not copying other people's ideas.

4. Doll and makeup for Halloween 2016

Initially, they did not play games with dolls, they carried a sacred meaning and participated in a variety of magical rituals. Then Pandora dolls appeared, they showed fashionable clothes, and then the dolls were given to children to play with. But in the subconscious of people, the original sacred meaning of dolls is still preserved. From here arise various fears and fantasies about the evil dolls that can be seen in the movies.

Therefore, on Halloween 2016, you can do make-up in a puppet style, this is a much nicer solution than drawing faces of death and evil spirits on yourself. You can focus on the images of dolls from famous horror films, or you can use the basic principles of doll makeup.

It does not matter at all what kind of doll you become - good or evil, in any case, this image is perfect for a girl on Halloween. If you have a beautiful BJD doll or Evangeline Ghastly at home, it is not necessary to apply a thick layer of makeup to take on a festive color. It is enough to put on a black dress, whiten your face and pick up your beauty, she will complement the image.

5. Beauty nymph

In conclusion, consider the most interesting option. It is not necessary to become a doll, a witch or a vampire. During the existence of glossy magazines, photographers and models have shot many incredible photo shoots, where girls look like nymphs and just fantasy beauties, richly decorated with golden shadows, mother-of-pearl, sparkles ...

Use purple lipstick, bright eyeshadow colors, glitter, and create a beautiful Halloween 2016 makeup in the style of the most glamorous photo shoots.

To create Halloween makeup, you can use both professional tools and the usual cosmetics and ordinary paints. Of course, a real actor's make-up will last much longer (guaranteed 12 hours) and will allow you to create brighter and more realistic special effects.

Special sets for creating images for Halloween are very convenient to use. In such sets you will find not only paints, but also related accessories: fangs, colored lenses, artificial blood, etc. Regardless of the resources available, remember that doing your own Halloween makeup is quite possible, and it is not necessary to seek help from professional makeup artists.

Necessary materials

To create your own Halloween makeup, you will need:

  • make-up, paints or decorative cosmetics of the main tones for the holiday (red, black, white);
  • makeup brushes of different density and size;
  • cotton pads, napkins and sponges;
  • makeup removers (to remove professional makeup, you should prudently stock up on petroleum jelly or baby cream).

Let's talk briefly about how to make zombie, skeleton and vampire makeup - the regulars of any Halloween party.

See also:


The hallmarks of this Halloween makeup are sunken eyes, wounds, and decomposing skin.

To achieve the effect of sunken eyes, use a black cosmetic pencil. Tightly paint over the upper and lower eyelids with it. It is better not to use mascara, as the eyes should “get lost” behind black circles. Under the eyes, you can draw bruises by casually applying burgundy shadows under the lower eyelid with your fingertips.

Decaying skin will help to imitate cosmetic glue(or BF glue) - it must be applied to certain areas of the face and allowed to dry. Apply a mixture of yellow, green and purple powder on the glue base, and the skin tone you need to create the image is provided.

Draw the wounds as follows: paint the middle of the wound black and the edges burgundy.

A vampire

To create this Halloween make-up, first of all apply a foundation to your face, apply a very light foundation on it. The final layer should be white powder, preferably loose. On a deadly white face, you need to highlight the eyes brightly. On the upper eyelid, apply shadows of a light yellow shade. Above the yellow eyelids, draw a line with red shadows, cover the lower eyelids with the same red color. Circle the eye contour with even brighter red eyeliner.

Cover your lips with matte lipstick of any of the characteristic "vamp" colors: blood red, cherry or plum. With the help of a bright red gloss, imitate traces of fresh blood on the lips and around the mouth.

The image of a vampire will be completed by false fangs, contact lenses of a terrifying color and.

1920s vampire makeup


To create this Halloween makeup, you first need to whiten your skin. Ordinary white from the gouache set is well suited for this. They can be applied with a sponge, a voluminous brush or simply with your hands.

Using a black pencil, imitate holes in the skull - eye sockets, nostrils and mouth. Draw circles around the eyes with a black pencil, paint over the tip of the nose, draw a black line above the upper lip. Eyelids can be styled with black or dark gray eyeshadow for a shocking effect. For a softer make-up option, use shades of pastel beige or pink. Underline the eye contour with black or colored eyeliner.

In the make-up of the skeleton, it is important to emphasize the cheekbones. Highlight them with shadows - burgundy or pink.

In place of the lips you need to draw teeth. To do this, cover the entire surface of the lips with white paint and draw teeth with a black pencil against this background.

The final touch of the image of the skeleton can be an interesting ornament on the face - a Gothic symbol, a cobweb or any other fantasy of yours.

sugar skull

A beautiful variation on the theme of skeleton makeup - the makeup of the "sugar skull"(sugar skull or candy skull). This is a traditional Mexican makeup for the celebration of a holiday similar to Halloween - the Day of All the Dead.

This makeup is done in much the same way as the skeleton makeup. Peculiarity obligatory use of bright colors and “daisies” around the eye sockets in makeup. If desired, you can decorate your face with any sparkles or rhinestones, and your hair - flower wreath

Every year on the last night of October people celebrate Halloween. According to legends, on this night, evil spirits roam the streets and people dress up in monster costumes and create horror images so that evil spirits do not recognize them (well, for fun). For most modern girls, it is quite possible to do their own Halloween makeup. It is enough to stock up on a couple of brushes, resistant cosmetics and detailed instructions for creating the image of Dracula's bride, corpse bride or zombie nurse.


The most popular images for girls on Halloween have been for several years now - a witch and a vampire. The peculiarity of these images is that they allow beauties to be both awesome and flirtatious, feminine.

In addition, if there is absolutely no time, energy or desire to bother with a Halloween character, there are standard images of freshly baked corpses. The most popular corpse of the bride from the cartoon of the same name by Tim Burton.

To make a simple Halloween makeup with your own hands, girls just need to follow the simple instructions and they will look luxurious in the photo from the holiday.

Getting Started:

  1. We prepare the skin for applying a festive make up using a primer (it will allow the deathly pale tone to last longer).
  2. For a suitable skin tone, mix snow-white and bluish tones (on the eve of Halloween, buying colorful makeup is not a problem).
  3. With the help of special sponges and makeup brushes, the resulting pale bluish tone must be evenly distributed in a dense layer over the entire face (including eyebrows), not depriving attention of the neck, chest and all parts of the body that will be visible from under the clothes (the image must be complete) .
  4. The wings of the nose, temples and cheekbones must be highlighted with matte dark blue (you can use a shade on the verge of black) shadows. It is necessary to apply shadows with a wide flat brush with straight bold (but not thick) lines and blend thoroughly.
  5. Visually, white cream shadows or kayal will help to make the eyes more rounded and large (with their help, it is necessary to paint over the mucous membrane and the lower eyelid itself). We circle the resulting new contour in a circle (we designate both the upper and the drawn lower eyelids) with black kayal or shadows.
  6. For the upper eyelid, shadows of dark purple, blue, black and maroon shades are suitable.
  7. In the make-up of the eyelids, the final touch is long spectacular eyelashes. It is better to use false eyelashes (and stick the lower ones not along the contour of the actual, but along the contour of the drawn eyelid), but if there are no artificial cilia, it is enough to paint over the upper eyelashes with several thick layers of black mascara (it’s even good that they stick together and have an untidy look).
  8. Natural eyebrows are painted over with a tone, and for a tragic expression, it is necessary to draw new ones with a black pencil or eyeliner, with a sweeping bend almost from the bridge of the nose itself (drawn eyebrows should be thin, there is no time for fashion trends, the main thing is to match the original image).
  9. An additional touch is “corpse” spots painted with dark purple and blue shadows. The spots are arranged in random order (neck, collarbones, forehead, shoulder, wrist, etc.). It is important to carefully shade the shadows.
  10. Lips can be painted over to match the face or made pale-pale pink (and no sparkles or gloss - only matte lipstick).

Do-it-yourself Halloween makeup without a tutorial video can be problematic for some girls. Therefore, master classes from those who know exactly how to make a horror make-up will help.

cute little witch

Few looks on Halloween night can compete in popularity and femininity with a charming sorceress.

Pros advise girls to try their hands to create witch makeup for Halloween. There is nothing difficult in creating such an image.

  1. We start with a primer (so the tone will last longer).
  2. The tone of the face should be pale. Therefore, we choose a porcelain (in most cases it is “ivory” or “very light”) shade and generously apply a thick layer on the face and neck. Do not forget about the lips (they also need to be covered with a thin layer of foundation).
  3. We fix the foundation with a layer of light powder (you can use a matte light shade or a mineral matting transparent powder).
  4. We cover the area of ​​​​the moving eyelid with pink shadows, blend them under the eyebrow (it is necessary to apply and blend a little pink shadows on the lower eyelid to create the effect of inflamed eyes).
  5. On the moving upper eyelid and under the eyes, apply black shadows and shade a little carelessly (the layer of black shadows should be quite dense).
  6. With the help of paint, liquid eyeliner or kajal of dark purple or burgundy color, we make “splashes” around the eye contour.
  7. Apply a layer of lilac pigment on the moving eyelid over black shadows.
  8. Additionally, you can use purple sparkles or rhinestones.
  9. The finishing touch is long and fluffy false eyelashes.

Such makeup can be done not in pink-lilac, but in burgundy, dark blue or emerald-marsh colors.

Meet Countess Dracula!

Thanks to the film industry, the image of vampires has become incredibly attractive in the last few years. It's no wonder that thousands of girls on Halloween are trying to make a spectacular make-up and create a stylish vampire look with their own hands.

It is not necessary to have artistic skills to make the image successful. It is enough to stock up on persistent cosmetics of the right color, a few brushes (they will help shade the tone and shadows well) and a couple of bottles of fake blood. In the run-up to Halloween, you can buy it at most stores or make your own (with maple syrup and dye).

For girls, to create their own vampire-style makeup for Halloween, just look at any photo of Dracula's bride on the Internet.

First, you need to prepare your face with a primer for applying a thick, even layer of a deadly pale tone (you can use either a very light shade of foundation or special makeup).

The tone must be applied to the entire face, neck and parts of the body that will not be covered by clothing.

Then we highlight the cheekbones with burgundy or terracotta blush, creating the effect of sunken cheeks.

The best option for eyelid makeup is smokey eyes. Only in addition to black shadows, scarlet and burgundy shadows can be used on the lower eyelid and under the eyebrow. Colored lenses (black or red) will help add zest to the image.

It is desirable to use false eyelashes (saturated black, thick and long).

The lips of a vampire may be painfully pale or a rich red hue (from scarlet to burgundy), but in any case, fake blood should be smeared over them.

The finishing touch is fangs. Snow-white teeth can be bought before Halloween in almost any store with jokes, costumes, and even in a regular supermarket.

You can complement the image with scarlet or black varnish on long nails (you can use false ones).

For girls who will create makeup at home with their own hands, it is advisable to stock up on time (especially if the independent creation of a horror image will occur for the first time).

It’s good to have a friend nearby who can immediately evaluate the result with a glance from the outside and, if necessary, help to carefully stick eyelashes, carefully blend shadows and blush, do your hair, put on a suit, etc.

It is advisable to take at least a minimal makeup correction kit with you to the party. If non-professional makeup is used, and even without special fixatives (available in the form of powder or spray), the makeup may be smeared or partially erased.

In order for the Halloween look to be realistic and spectacular, you need to pay attention to details. In addition to makeup, hairstyle, costume, manicure and accessories must match the chosen image.

For the image of the corpse of the bride fit:

  • veil (torn, soiled);
  • wedding dress or white to the floor (in the same condition as the veil);
  • bridal bouquet of withered flowers;
  • decor in the form of cobwebs, artificial spiders, etc.

For the image of a witch fit:

  • pointed hat;
  • fishnet stockings;
  • dresses with a hem torn to tatters;
  • corsets;
  • broom;
  • long false nails.

For the image of a vampire fit:

  • seductive revealing outfits with corsets or necklines;
  • shoes with high heels;
  • gothic decorations;
  • scarlet or black veil, etc.

It is advisable to think about how the selected character behaves (gait, facial expressions, gestures, etc.). A sprightly jumping zombie will look unconvincing and will not help create a spooky festive atmosphere.

Photos from parties prove that girls can do cool Halloween makeup with their own hands without resorting to expensive services of professional makeup artists. The main thing is imagination and attention to detail.

Halloween is a famous holiday, All Saints Day. It is believed that at this time the line between the world of people and spirits becomes thinner. And although the tradition of dressing up as unusual creatures is not very old, it is ideal for parties. It often turns into a competition to see who has the best make-up and outfits. Therefore, girls try to make Halloween makeup bright and unique. But there is no need to reinvent the wheel, many different options have been invented and tested before us, it remains only to learn how to make them.


For a girl, this is not the most pleasant comparison, but everyone can do witch makeup for Halloween.

The classic scary version of the western witch is green skin, warts and an evil look. It is easy to execute it. Find a false nose and clip onto your own. On top of the base, evenly apply green makeup to the entire face, neck and exposed skin. Black smokey eyes and brownish bruises under the eyes will be appropriate. Add blush with dark green shadows and highlight the cheekbones.

Complete the look with a long black dress and a pointed hat. A black cat or a broom would be appropriate. Remember that this is not a Barbie, here the more terrible, the better.

No less interesting is the image of the cold witch Maleficent, created by Angelina Jolie in the film of the same name. To do this, you will need black horns, a chic black dress with a high collar and some cosmetics. Whiten the entire face, evenly bring the eyebrows and eyes. Enhance the cheekbones with theatrical wax, tint them to match, and line them with purple shadows for a edgy effect. Don't forget red lips.


The black cat is the magical companion of witches. He keeps his secrets, walks by himself and looks elegant. It is easy to recreate his images. Even out skin tone and prepare shadows or makeup.

The eyes must be predatory, because the cat is a hunter. A black pencil and mascara will help you: you need long arrows, thick eyeliner lines, and lush eyelashes. The cat does not and cannot have a blush, so leave the blush for another occasion. Instead, draw a cute little antennae with which the cat smells the victim. On the skin between the lips and nose, put a bunch of dots on the left and right, from some points draw the antennae on the cheeks with long, even lines. So the cat will be recognizable. And don't forget to paint the nose black or pink.

The Cheshire Cat is no less famous. Predatory handsome man with a wide smile. The biggest problem in this image is precisely this smile.

Take a black pencil and draw an outline almost from ear to ear. The lines should run above and below the lips. Draw a border with clear black paint. Fill everything inside with white, including your lips. To make your Cheshire Cat smile, draw thin lines from the corners of your lips to the drawn ones. Draw out your teeth. Also, the teeth can be small, but this will require a little more drawing art - look for examples in the photo to make the cat successful.


The Bride of Dracula is very easy to recreate. The main attributes of the image: bleached skin, like a zombie, fangs and blood. Light powder, white makeup and shadows will help create a deathly pale face. Don't forget your neck and arms.

It is better to make the eyes dark and gloomy, the gentle look of Barbie will not work here. Thick eyeliner lines, long shadows and smokey eyes on the entire upper eyelid are what you need. It will be useful to find red or black lenses, guys will appreciate the power of the look.

Usually, simple scarlet lips are enough. But with the help of makeup, you can create an imitation of someone else's blood leaking from your mouth. Feel free to draw stains on the chin and cheeks. Makeup for Halloween should be bright.

By the way, if you do not have suitable fangs, with the same make-up you can put on a white dress, smear it in blood and pretend that you are a dead bride, look for detailed pictures for more accurate details.

naked skeleton

You can create the illusion of the absence of skin with a black and white palette, emphasizing the natural skeleton. First of all, whiten the entire face, neck, chest and arms. Then take black paint, light makeup or gouache to gradually paint over everything that the skeleton is deprived of.

  • Nose. It can be seen that the skull does not have a bone in place of the nose, so the most accurate skeleton should be without a nose. Color it in completely.
  • Eyes. The skeleton has empty eye sockets, so paint over the upper and lower eyelids with black dye. Try to keep the circles under the eyes round and symmetrical. If the eyebrow can serve as the upper border, then outline the lower one in advance.
  • Jaw connection. If you feel the skull, you can see that the jaws are attached in the area of ​​​​the ears, but the cheeks are empty. You can boldly outline the cheekbones and lower jaw, and draw the space between them in black. Keep this idea in mind for zombies as well, as they are often missing skin too.

An important detail of the skull is the teeth, they highlight the skeleton on Halloween. It is necessary to paint not only the lips, but also part of the cheeks from above and below. To do this, simply draw black vertical lines, as if these are the gaps between the teeth. But do not get carried away: remember, a person has only 32 teeth, that is, 16 each from above and below.

To complete the skeleton, draw the bones on the neck, ribs and spine for yourself. Pictures with the human structure and detailed video tutorials will help you with this, just look for Halloween makeup photos.


When toys play a negative role in horror films, they look really frightening.

There are several different options for how to do Halloween doll makeup:

Cracks can be drawn on the face of girls with a regular eyeliner. Draw the outline and paint it gray inside, as if a piece of paint or plastic had fallen off the barbie. The main thing is to observe chiaroscuro and pay attention to details.


The walking dead have recently become popular, because their images constantly flash in films and TV shows. Partially decomposed zombie flesh is not achieved with simple makeup, gelatin or liquid latex is required. After dissolving it, you need to quickly apply the mass to the skin - it dries quickly, do not hesitate.

It is better to edit the chin and the area near the nose, because usually these areas look scary in zombies. While you wait, you can make faces and train facial expressions - this will distribute the latex unevenly, random curves will appear on the zombie skin, which will ensure naturalness. Do not be afraid to draw the skeleton, as if bones are breaking out from under the flesh.

Paint over your face with gray or white gouache, because zombie skin is not as pink as that of ordinary people. You can even draw a skeleton or bare bones. Feel free to apply artificial blood. You can make it at home with safe food coloring and thick syrup. Not only is it delicious, but its consistency will also resemble the blood of a victim that a zombie has recently enjoyed. Smear in it not only the chin, but also a little neck, if the selected outfits allow.

The advantage of a zombie is that this creature is already dead, so you can add a bullet mark on the forehead or paint a shattered jaw - this way a beautiful Halloween makeup will also turn out to be versatile. Let your imagination run wild.

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