Methods of familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults. Summary of the lesson for the middle group on familiarization with the work of adults

Valentina Podporina
Familiarization of children with the work of adults is a means of moral education. From work experience

« Work becomes a great educator when he enters the spiritual life of our pupils, reveals ever new beauty in the surrounding world, awakens a civic feeling "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

From an early age should bring up positive attitude towards work and the working person. To show children the social significance with specific examples adult labor, reveal the richness of human relationships in labor.

Introducing preschoolers to labor of adults I use a variety of methods and techniques. To create a positive attitude and habit of labor, the living example of others is of paramount importance adults, direct contact with them labor. Educate in children psychological readiness for labor possible only in the process of activity.

In our preschool institution there are all possibilities for the most rational organization of household adult labor. In that labor its own character is clearly expressed. Therefore, it is necessary to create situations in which children could use life-giving examples of behavior adults.

Here various way:

1 way - while the children are diverse adult labor and explanations of their meaning

2 way - direct organization of joint activities adults and children.

Acquaintance with the work of adults aims to give children specific tasks and ideas about work and to educate respect for the work of adults, teach to appreciate it, develop interest and love for labor.

At the same time, the problem of influencing behavior is also solved. children - to arouse the desire to work, work conscientiously, thoroughly.

AT work kindergarten has its own difficulties in implementing labor education: significant portion adult labor running out of sight children. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways and forms of approach to them. adult labor, working in kindergarten, to activate its influence on the formation of children labor skills, determine the conditions for the most effective influence of the example adult, as well as outline the principles, forms and content adult labor. Produced with children or together with them.

In resolving the issue of a possible approach to children personnel labor, about creating such conditions when children could use illustrative examples of elders, various way:

Approach to labor of adults;

Approximations adult work for children;

Team work adults and children.

The first way is widely designed in our kindergarten - this is a demonstration specially organized in the classroom for children adult labor. Observations. Organized visits to the kitchen, medical office. sisters, laundresses, etc. show the children the process of cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the site, repairing furniture and toys.

Watching labor of adults in kindergarten has a great educational meaning: they refine views children, awaken curiosity, interest in activities adults, contribute development positive attitude, respect for their work.

Recognizing the value of special observations labor, they still need to be supplemented with more active means impact on child development. Should be as close as possible labor of adults for children.

Work which proceeds systematically and naturally in full view of children, usually attracts their attention, arouses the desire to act themselves, imitating adults.

It is known that preschool children tend to imitate. This characteristic, when used correctly, can have a significant impact on their moral development. Therefore, at the very beginning, give an example to follow. Such an example could be employee any particular profession. I pay attention pupils on such moral traits of a particular person, such as responsibility, willingness to help, kindness, responsiveness.

Having aroused and supported the child's interest in a working person, I create a positive emotional basis for the formation of interest in the content of his activity, his labor.

Labor education for the youngest, it begins with self-service, with the formation of the need to do everything necessary for this. In the younger group, I not only set a specific goal for the child, but also try to make sure that the result that he achieves in self-service is clear and understandable.

Already at a young age, I begin to introduce children with difficulty the people around them and teach them to do simple tasks. However, three-year-old children are still too young for their attitude to anything to be sufficiently clear and persistent. That's why I pay attention while walking. children on the building of the kindergarten, on the high beautiful building of the school - all this was built by the builders. I'm talking about how the street got prettier after we adults, landscaped it - planted a lot of trees, flowers.

Work on the formation in children notions of social significance adult labor I start from the early preschool age and implement it on the basis of concrete life examples (the nanny washes the dishes, makes the children's beds; the cook prepares a delicious dinner).

Very early, children begin to show interest in labor of adults copying their actions, throwing us questions: "What are you doing? What is it for? Show me how it works". Children try to understand the essence of actions, strive to help the elders.

It is necessary to maintain and develop the child's interest in labor of adults organizing for this purpose purposeful observations, excursions, walks, conversations, reading fiction. Using specific examples, it is important to bring the baby to an understanding of the available concepts (any work is honorable, work people are interconnected and serve the common good, people labor is respected, respect for labor manifested in a careful attitude to what was done by the hands of the workers, as well as to the feasible participation of the younger in the affairs adults, and first of all in an effort to serve themselves, to help their mother, grandmother, father, grandfather.

working with children of primary school age, organize the work so that the kids accumulate concrete ideas about the closest, available direct influence, types adult labor. I make these observations during excursions to the place labor of kindergarten workers, and later during excursions outside the kindergarten.

The first ideas about labor of adults children under three years of age receive observations as mom works, grandmother, educator, nanny, medical employee, cook, driver.

care assistant educator children feel constantly: she helps them get dressed, undress, feeds, washes dishes, windows, wipes the floor. But kids may not notice this, unless you specifically pay attention to it. I am conducting a lesson "Story ".

Therefore, from the very first days of stay children in a group I use various situations from life in order to fully reveal the nature and content of labor serving personnel:

How clean and beautiful in our group!

Who cleaned everything like that? - This is our nanny - Vera Alekseevna cleaned the group.

Guys let's tell her "Thanks".

It is important that the kids understand the basic meaning of this species. work - caring for children.

Similarly, the monitoring work honey. sister, who examines the kids, asks them about their health. Your ideas about it labor, the children, together with the teacher, implement in the game: treat dolls, make injections.

Task for familiarization with each type of work solved in everyday life: in monitoring labor of adults, when reading fiction, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Thus organizing the observation of labor of the driver who brings food to the kindergarten, I introduce him children, that is, I create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy, mutual goodwill. The next time they meet the driver, the children greet him. I read a poem by B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur"

When organizing observations for labor of adults Every time I think over techniques that will help to form a positive attitude towards a working person. These tricks varied:

General conversation;

Connection children to adult activities;

Reading a thematic work.

I conduct classes:

1. "Story educator about the work of adults»

2. "Story educator about the work of an assistant educator»

3. "Story educator about the work of the driver»

Reading a poem to children "Rushing Train" playing a didactic game "Train"

Watching labor of adults I organize the cleaning of the site with the whole group during the year. Children learn that adults maintain cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area; that the janitor uses a broom, a shovel. When observing, I definitely emphasize that the janitor swept the paths well, it’s good to play in a clean yard. While walking, pay attention children for that so that they do not quarrel on the site, I show where to throw papers and other rubbish, reminding how the janitor labored by clearing the area. In winter, we also observe with children janitor work. The children go for a walk in the yard cleared of snow in advance, they see how the janitor rakes the paths from the snow.

This is a janitor clearing the paths with a shovel, shoveling snow. I invite the guys to help - shovel snow with shovels.

Introducing kids to the labor of those people, which work directly in kindergarten and whom the children know well. In the course of the conversation, I used the verses of B Zakhoder "Chauffeur", A. Kardoshova "Our Doctor" (in excerpts). Children quickly remember them, thanks to works of art, kids learn about that. that the doctor is a kind, caring person, he helps children if they get sick. Little by little, as it were, "bring out" outside the kindergarten, family. They learn that janitors, drivers, doctors, many educators. They are work in different places.

Primary occupation children younger age - game. A properly organized game can be wonderful means of education for work respect for the worker.

Playing in kindergarten, children take on the role of a nanny, educator. Attitude to labor in the younger group should not be limited to observation. It can manifest itself in actions, in activities, in the desire for independence.

Basic installation educational process in junior group: We learn to do everything ourselves. Together with educator kids can take part in adult work: help the janitor - take out the leaves from the site, harvest the grown carrots. It is important that the child enjoys the most work satisfaction with its results. Already from the younger group you need educate children careful attitude to toys, things, books - to everything that is created by human hands.

In the younger group begins familiarization with the work of parents. In individual conversations, I clarify and clarify ideas about labor. It is important that every child knows the place and content parents work, the attitude of parents towards their work. We knew that when parents get tired, they need help. I read a poem by E. Blagina "Let's sit in silence".

AT middle the group enriches and expands the ideas children about the work of kindergarten staff. In addition, several more topics:

1. "Introduction to the work of the educator»

2. "Introduction to labor physical education instructor education».

3. "How our moms and dads work»

4. "Introduction to work music director"

5. "O labor people of transport professions".

6. "Introduction to doctor's work» .

AT middle group topic: "Introduction to labor people in kindergarten suggests a broader program content: clarification of knowledge children about the work of a teacher and music director. Planning a tour of the kitchen familiarization with other types of household adult labor.

Refinement of ideas about content work of employees Kindergarten enriches the play of preschoolers. Playing in "Kindergarten", the guys take on the role of music director, educator, nanny.

In Game "Music Lesson" the boys take on the roles pupils an imaginary kindergarten, and this game brings them even closer, unites them with a common interest.

Refinement of ideas about labor people must certainly be combined with fostering a desire to help adults. There are many such opportunities in our kindergarten. The children help the janitors to clean the territory of the kindergarten, help the nanny, perform individual tasks educator.

Theme "About labor of people, working in transport". FROM work The children met the driver in the younger group. in middle group, this knowledge will expand and deepen. In addition, children can be told about labor of pilots. Getting to know the professions working in aviation. This an experience use for development children of interest in the work of pilots. Children look at illustrations, paintings, which depict pilots, flight attendants, mechanics. I tell the children about certain professions in more detail, causing them to want to take on the appropriate roles in didactic games: "What do you need for work, "Who bothered, "Who's doing what?".

After the children labored with the labor of grain growers, drivers, educators, doctors and realized that there is a close connection between different professions, I try to reveal the social significance adult labor, bring up respect for people of any profession.

Had fun with older kids "Harvest", "Bread is the head of everything!".

Curiosity, interest in the environment, which are especially pronounced in children of six years allow them to deepen their knowledge of labor, bring up positive attitude towards working man, desire to help adults, on one's own work take care of the results labor.

During the year in the senior group I planned several educational- educational topics to help clarify and expand ideas children about work people in town and countryside. On the relationship of different types labor.

These are themes:

"O labor of grain growers» ;

About those who make cars;

"O the work of the Artist» ;

"O labor of builders» ;

"About people, working in transport» ;

"Profession astronaut".

AT middle the group I told the children about the results labor of grain growers. In the eldest, she introduced preschoolers to the process of growing bread. At the same time, my task is not only to expand and deepen the representations children, but also bring up respect for the workers of the fields, respect for bread. To consolidate knowledge about agricultural labor classes were held on topics:

“Praise be to the hands that smell of bread!”

"Where did the bread come from"

“Bread is the head of everything!”

The knowledge gained on excursions in the field, during sowing, the appearance of the first shoots, during the harvest period is refined in kindergarten in the classroom, in games children, entertainment.

In such didactic games. How "Harvest", "Who to be?", "Who bothered, "From grain to bun".

With the children of the older group, I conduct a conversation about the excursion in the field so that the children not only remember the whole process of growing bread, but once again experience those feelings of joy and surprise. Which they experienced on the field. Conducted thematic concert: "Bread is the head of everything!"

In a generalized lesson, I suggest that children create a collective drawing "Grain Growers", while each child depicts a certain episode: tractor plows the land, people harvest. Children reflect their knowledge and ideas in various games: "to the drivers", "in combiners", "in tractor drivers". Very informative and fun game "Harvest". Here, children take on the role of machine operators, canteen workers, librarians.

Topic "O labor of builders» very relevant because work builders is widespread both in the city and the countryside. The modern scope of construction is simply amazing! Beautiful houses with comfortable apartments, offices and shops, theaters and stadiums, hotels and swimming pools. Not all of us chose the profession of a builder. But we were all great builders in childhood and today, our children are building touching sand houses, palaces out of cubes. Strict lego structures.

My task is to organize systematic monitoring of work people in this profession educate children the desire to be like the builders, to imitate them. Children reflected this in didactic game: "Who built this house?", "Whose clothes?", "Like real builders".

Topic "About people working in transport»

Children of the older group already know that this concept includes the professions of a railwayman, pilot, etc. All these people transport people, cargo, perform a very necessary work.

In the process work giving children an idea pilot labor, arouse interest in this profession, the desire to imitate in didactic game: "Aircraft", to promote the development of imagination in the process of building an aircraft. I encourage curiosity, the desire to expand some geographical knowledge in connection with "flights" that will be performed.

Excursion, observations during walks, reading poems, proverbs, sayings. Riddles, stories educators, parents enriched submission children about the work of adults. With these ideas, the children became realize that their parents produce the products that all people need, that their work is honorable. For good, conscientious work people are valued and respected. At children showed interest in the work of adults.

AT work with parents I give the necessary recommendations on educating children for the work of adults.

Conducted interviews on Topics:

1. « Labor education of the child in the family» ;

2. « Raising respect for the work of adults» ;

3. "Respect for labor - education in labor»

When preparing and viewing open entertainment, I actively involve parents. I recommend artistic literature: Trutneva E. "Golden Rain", Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Styopa is a policeman", Marshak S. "Mail", "Fire", D. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?"

Thus, the main task education positive attitude towards labor of adults can be successfully solved with properly organized joint family work, kindergarten. and later schools.

It is important that all my educational work gave those results, which would manifest themselves in a caring attitude children to the earth and its riches, to the animal world, to all national property.

Introduction 3

1. Theoretical foundations of labor education of preschool children 5

1.1 The contribution of domestic teachers to the development of problems of labor education of preschoolers 5

1.2 The role of labor education in the moral development of the personality of a preschool child 10

1.3 Features of work to familiarize children with the work of adults in accordance with modern educational programs 14

Bibliographic list of references 18


Childhood is the most important period of human life,

no preparation for the future life,

but a real, bright, original, unique life.

B. A. Sukhomlinsky

A mandatory quality of a comprehensively developed person is great diligence. Forming this most important quality of character, one should not forget one of the axioms of pedagogy: it is impossible to educate industriousness only with verbal maxims. The solution of many problems of labor education of the younger generation essentially depends on a correct understanding of the functions, goals and psychological content of child labor.

The work of a preschooler has its own specifics. To prepare a child for work means to form his psychological readiness to work. Psychological readiness for work means the level of development of the individual, which is sufficient for the successful development of any kind of productive work.

There are quite a few forms of labor that comprehensively develop the child's body, sharpen the mind, and strengthen the child's health. Labor is of great importance in the development of a child's abilities. Abilities develop mainly in the conditions of leading activity: in preschool age - in the game, in primary and secondary school age - in teaching, in youth - in vocational training.

The formation of abilities is carried out in a particular activity. In the process of labor, for example, the distribution of attention becomes wider, and its switching becomes faster.

The role of labor in the development of thinking is great. As labor skills are mastered, new forms of labor develop: technical, practical, logical.

The need for activity is a feature of the mental development of any healthy child. Knowing the surrounding world, he seeks to act in this world.

Between the described property of the mental development of the child, that is, the craving for activity, and diligence, the distance is large and an equal sign cannot be put between these two concepts. The task of educators is to transform this natural inclination, which is only a prerequisite for diligence, through certain pedagogical measures, into one of the most important qualities of a person.

Real work is always overcoming. And the kid also needs to be taught to overcome - to overcome the resistance of the material, his own inability, the unattractiveness of work, fatigue.

An adult person is capable of such overcoming, because he has a sufficiently developed sense of duty (both in relation to his family members and in relation to society), because he is able to see an attractive end result behind an unattractive, let’s say, labor operation, because in in work he asserts himself, finds self-expression, and for many other reasons, an adult is able to cope with the immediate impulse to quit work, if it already arises.

The baby simply does not have this entire support system yet. We owe her a post penno - by all education - to work out. But this can be done, relying on what the child has, on the opportunities that are given to him by virtue of the laws of age development.

Only then will children fall in love with work if it is accompanied by an optimistic mood, if both the process of labor itself and its results are pleasing. This largely depends on whether we have opened to the baby interesting, exciting, entertaining aspects of what he is doing; did they manage to bring the game to the rescue.

  1. Theoretical foundations of labor education of preschool children

"Early (children's) vocational guidance is carried out in advance, when there are still many years before the direct choice of a profession. It is mainly of an informational nature (general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude the joint discussion of the child’s dreams and experience acquired by him in some types of labor activity (in terms of self-service, when working in the country, classes in a circle, etc. .). In such a professional consultation, it is quite possible to use psychodiagnostic methods, but not so much to draw up professional consultation recommendations, but to increase the child's interest in their psychological qualities and their development. Naturally, the results of such studies can be used by teachers and parents in their further work with children. "

N. N. Zakharov singles out the tasks of vocational guidance for preschool children: to familiarize children with professions, instill a love for labor efforts in accordance with age characteristics, form an interest in work and elementary labor skills in some areas of labor activity. The purpose of early career guidance is to form in the child an emotional attitude to the professional world, he should be given the opportunity to use his strength in available activities.

In developing the idea of ​​continuous vocational guidance with the introduction of variable and specialized training, it is advisable, taking into account the characteristics of the psychological development of the child, to carry out early vocational guidance for the child in a preschool educational institution. The developers of preschool education programs include in various sections of this document information about the activities of adults, their work, working conditions and goals, the formation of work skills, etc., with the aim of the general development of children and their orientation in the professional activities of adults.

The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of "early professional orientation" was made by E. A. Klimov. He developed a periodization of the age development of a person or subject of labor. Pre-professional development, according to this periodization, includes: the stage of pre-play, the stage of the game, the stage of mastering educational activities, the stage of optant or option.

In the last 15-20 years, preschool educational institutions have been implementing the mandatory "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" (edited by M.A. Vasilyeva) and portion programs - such as the program "Rainbow", "Development", "Childhood" , "Spider Web", "Wonderland".

An analysis of each individual program shows that, for all their merits, the questions of familiarizing children with the work of adults and their professions are given indirect attention in most of them. A more specific setting of tasks in this upbringing and educational direction is noted in the program "Childhood" and the program of M.A. Vasilyeva.

Program M.A. Vasilyeva provides for the formation of children's ideas about the work of adults in the process of classes, which to some extent can be considered as an element in the formation of ideas about the world of professions. It introduces children of 5-7 years of age to the work of people in their immediate environment and their professions (from 2 to 12 professions). Despite the universality of M.A. Vasilyeva’s program as a whole, all sections of it, where children get acquainted with the work of adults in the classroom, give a rather limited idea of ​​​​the professional activities of adults, about the world of professions, and in the section "Game" such a task is not posed at all.

More fully this direction is presented in the program "Childhood". In general, the most common programs in the practice of preschool educational institutions provide for familiarization of children with the work of adults and individual professions, but not at the level of a separate task, but along the way and on a limited scale. For all their merits, none of the programs aims at a fuller use of the possibilities of play activities to form preschoolers' ideas about the world of professions.

Based on the analysis of the listed shortcomings of existing programs, a portioned game educational program of the preschool educational institution "World of Professions" was compiled, including the introduction, formulation of tasks and ways to implement them according to the years of a child's life, a recommended list of games and an approximate level of ideas about the professional activities of adults, formed through vocational role-playing games.

Bibliographic list of references

    Parenting Dialogues. / Ed. V. N. Stoletova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985.

    Zakharov N.N. Professional orientation of preschoolers. - M., 1988.

    Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination - R n / D, 1996.

    Kondrashov V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Teaching aid. - Balashov: Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004.

    Loginova, V.I. Formation of ideas about the work of adults / V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina // Preschool education. - 1978. - No. 10.

    The world of childhood. Preschooler. / Ed. A. G. Khripkova. - M .: Pedagogy, 1987.

    Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination. - M.: Voronezh, 1996. The program of education and upbringing in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - M., 1986.

In this consultation, teachers can get acquainted with the methods and techniques of introducing children to the work of adults through excursions, conversations, observations and through joint activities of children with adults. And also learn about the features of the work activity of preschool children,




Chapter I

  1. Introduction

Chapter II

  1. Theoretical part
  1. How to introduce children to the work of adults
  2. Methods and techniques for introducing children to the work of adults
  1. Tours and talks
  2. Observations
  3. Joint activities with adults
  1. Features of the work activity of preschool children
  2. Means of familiarizing children with the work of adults
  1. Own labor activity of children (familiarization with the work of adults)
  2. Artistic media
  3. Game tools
  1. List of used literature.

I Chapter.

1.1. Introduction (hot topics)

In the theory and practice of home education, the formation of children's knowledge about the work of adults, an accessible understanding of its role in people's lives, is of particular importance. It is this task - to form ideas about the social significance of people's work - that turns out to be extremely important. She is singled out by the Kindergarten Education Program as a host. N. K. Krupskaya, A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets and others. The results of the state of labor education show that children of older preschool age have knowledge of only certain facts from the field of this or that type of labor, in most cases they do not understand the role of labor in people's lives. The upbringing in children of a caring attitude towards things as a result of labor, respect for it is not provided in a worthy measure.

The formation of generalized ideas about the significance of adult labor requires that children, first of all, have clear concepts that in each specific process a result is achieved that has an exact purpose - to satisfy a particular need. Consequently, knowing the purpose of a thing allows the child to understand the specific value of each process (washing dishes, sewing a hat, cooking meatballs, washing clothes, and so on).

Based on specific ideas about the effectiveness of individual labor processes, one can form generalized ideas about the need for one or another type of activity of a person of a certain profession: the nanny washed the dishes - the dishes are clean; set the tables for dinner - you can eat; prepared beds - you can go to bed and so on, that is, the nanny takes care of the children in the absence of parents. The cook prepares soup, cutlets, compote - he makes sure that everyone is full. The dressmaker sews dresses, coats, and so on - makes sure that everyone has clothes. Such representations allow one to form an attitude towards specific people, representations of a particular profession, a careful attitude to the results of their work. Hence, a more complex generalization is possible: labor is a manifestation of people's concern for each other. Mastering such a generalization by children makes it possible, during subsequent work, to consider a new type of adult activity from these positions and to cultivate the correct attitude towards work and people. This is a high level of generalization and it is accessible only to children of older preschool age, provided that all previous ideas are formed at younger and middle preschool age.

Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children concrete knowledge and ideas about work and to instill respect for the work of adults, teach them to appreciate it, arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task of influencing the behavior of children is being solved - to arouse a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully.

Chapter II

1.1. Theoretical part

1.1.1. How to introduce children to the work of adults

We prepare the child so that he can boldly enter an independent life. So we want our child to:

I understood that work, work occupy a very important place in people's lives, that work is the basis of life;

Respected the work of other people;

I would get acquainted with the works of people of different professions;

To be ready to work himself;

He would learn to work, mastering the necessary skills, would work, benefiting people, and would develop his labor abilities.

The central element of knowledge about social reality is knowledge about the labor activity of people. Such knowledge provides an understanding of the tasks of society, the place of each person in solving these problems, an understanding of the significance of labor in the life of society and each person. This leads to the development of interest in the labor activity of people, attitudes towards work, the results of labor already in preschool age.

"Knowledge about work, attitudes of adults towards it, motives, orientation of labor, reflected in the images, begin to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people. Hence, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of leading places in the educational work of the kindergarten ... ", - writes V.I. Loginova.

The author singled out and defined five levels, stages of children's developing knowledge about labor as a phenomenon of social reality. The position of V. I. Loginova, which should be recognized as very valuable, is expressed in the following words:

"Knowledge about social reality forms the basis of human consciousness, is the most important component in the structure of the personality, acts as an internal condition for the formation of its social orientation, attitude to the world. It was, in particular, found that the level of knowledge about work depends on both interest in work and the development of cognitive activity, and the ability to practically perform available labor processes (increase in the level of knowledge is accompanied by an increase in interest in the implementation of labor processes).

In the absence of thoughtful guidance on the development of children, the level of knowledge about the work of adults, even among six-year-olds, can remain no higher than at the first level, while with scientifically based pedagogical work, three-year-olds surpass the first level, four-year-olds reach the second, five-year-olds surpass the third level, and six-year-olds come close approaching the fourth.

Thus, the "accessibility" of knowledge about the labor of adults is not only a sign of the most cognizable objective reality, but a consequence of more or less good pedagogical work.

"Early (children's) vocational guidance is carried out in advance, when there are still many years before the direct choice of a profession. It is mainly informational in nature (general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude a joint discussion of the child's dreams and experience acquired by him in some forms labor activity.

N. N. Zakharov singles out the tasks of vocational guidance for preschool children: to familiarize children with professions, instill a love for labor efforts in accordance with age characteristics, form an interest in work and elementary labor skills in some areas of labor activity. The purpose of early career guidance is to form in the child an emotional attitude to the professional world, he should be given the opportunity to use his strength in available activities.

In developing the idea of ​​continuous vocational guidance with the introduction of variable and specialized training, it is advisable, taking into account the characteristics of the psychological development of the child, to carry out early vocational guidance for the child in a preschool educational institution. The developers of preschool education programs include in various sections of this document information about the activities of adults, their work, working conditions and goals, the formation of work skills, etc., with the aim of the general development of children and their orientation in the professional activities of adults.

The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of "early professional orientation" was made by E. A. Klimov. He developed a periodization of the age development of a person or subject of labor. Pre-professional development, according to this periodization, includes: the stage of pre-game, the stage of play, the stage of mastering educational activities, the stage of optant or option.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten" (under the editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova) provides for the formation of children's ideas about the work of adults in the classroom, which to some extent can be considered as an element of the formation of ideas about the world of professions. It introduces children of 5-7 years of age to the work of people in their immediate environment and their professions (from 2 to 12 professions). In general, all sections of it, where children get acquainted with the work of adults in the classroom, give a rather limited idea of ​​​​the professional activities of adults, the world of professions, and in the section "Game" such a task is not posed at all.

More fully this direction is presented in the program "Childhood". In general, the most common programs in the practice of preschool educational institutions provide for familiarization of children with the work of adults and individual professions, but not at the level of a separate task, but along the way and on a limited scale. For all their merits, none of the programs aims at a fuller use of the possibilities of play activities to form preschoolers' ideas about the world of professions.

1.1.2. Methods and techniques for familiarizing children with the work of adults.

Method (translated from Greek - the path to something) - means a way to achieve the goal, in a certain way, the ordered activity of children with the world of adults.

Introduction methods include:

  1. Excursions and conversations;
  2. observations;
  3. Joint activities with adults;

Preschool educational institutions use different methods of introducing children to the work of adults, taking into account their age characteristics. Great importance is attached to acquaintance with the work of adults, with their professions through excursions and conversations with people of different professions.

According to D.B. Elkonin, in the preschool years, there is, as it were, a closure of the connection between the objective world and the world of human relations. Therefore, familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults plays an important role in establishing their contacts with the world of adults. The formation of systemic knowledge of children about the labor of adults involves the acquaintance of preschool children with specific labor processes, the transformation by a person of the object of labor into a product (the result of labor).

The most effective ways to familiarize children with the work of adults are observations and excursions, which provide the greatest clarity of ideas, the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. In the process of further conversations, through the stories of the educator, the information obtained during the observations is clarified, consolidated, supplemented.

By introducing the child into the world of objects, and showing how they are created by adults in the process of labor, the following excursions and conversations can be held.

Tours and talks.

  1. Junior group.
  1. Conversation with children about the work of an assistant teacher.

Educator: Guys, who in our group always helps us?

Children: Nadezhda Viktorovna.

Educator: Yes, our assistant teacher is Nadezhda Viktorovna. Let's remember what Nadezhda Viktorovna is doing?

Children: Brings food, cleans, makes beds.

Educator: Why is our group so clean?

Children: Because Nadezhda Viktorovna is cleaning up the group.

Educator: Why do we quickly dress for a walk?

Children: Because Nadezhda Viktorovna helps us.

Educator: And look how beautiful indoor plants are in our group. Why do you think they are so beautiful?

Children: Because Nadezhda Viktorovna waters them.

Educator: Well done guys. You see what a good person Nadezhda Viktorovna is. In kindergarten, she has a lot of work, she gets tired after work. And at home, she, like your mothers, also has a lot to do. Let's help Nadezhda Viktorovna in kindergarten! How can we help her?

Children: Fold clothes neatly after a walk; do not litter; eat carefully; do not throw toys.

Educator: Our Nadezhda Viktorovna loves you very much, they take care of you and want all the children in kindergarten to be well.

  1. Introduction to the work of a nurse.

Excursions to the nurse's office.

Educator: Guys, who comes to your aid if you fall or hurt yourself?

Children: Nurse.

Educator: Of course, nurse. Her name is Galina Ivanovna.

Then the children are invited to go to the nurse's office, who will tell them about her work.

In the office nurse provides children with various equipment.

Nurse: What is it?

Children: Libra.

Nurse: What are they for in my office?

Children: To weigh children.

Nurse: What is it?

Children: Height meter.

We repeated the words weighing, height meter with the children several times, because to. they are new to them.

Nurse: What is a stadiometer for?

Children: To measure the height of children.

Nurse: What's in that glass case?

Children: Medicines, bandage, cotton wool.

Nurse: Why do you think all this is needed?

Children: To lubricate and bandage wounds.

Nurse: Yes, if one of you hurts, gets hurt, I will smear the wound with green ( shows) , and if necessary, I will bandage it with a bandage. Sometimes I have to do a procedure that is not very pleasant for you - vaccinations against various diseases. What will I need for this?

Children: Syringe (we repeat this word together with the children in chorus).

Nurse: Vaccinations are a must. If you get vaccinated, you will get sick less. And there is no need to be afraid of vaccinations.

It is necessary to show children not only the business, but also the personal qualities of the employee.Before leaving, the nurse treats the children with vitamins. The children thank her.

  1. Excursion to the catering department.

Meeting the chef.

I will ask the children after lunch if they liked the buns they ate today, would they like to meet the people who cook food for all the children in the kindergarten.

In the kitchen.

I will introduce the children to the cook, invite them to repeat his name and patronymic, and give them some time to look around. Together with the cook, we will consider the kitchen room, involving children in the conversation.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the room where we came with you?

Children: Kitchen.

Educator: Does our kitchen look like the kitchen you have at home?

Children: No, it's very big.

Educator: What is the food here?

Children: On the stove.

Educator: Is it the same as you have at home?

Children: No, it is very big, but at home it is small!

Educator: Why is she so big?

Children: Because there are many children in the kindergarten.

Educator: And how else can you guess that in this kitchen they prepare food for a large number of children? Look around, what else do you see?

Children: The pots are big.

Educator: What else do you eat for lunch?

Children: Soup.

Educator: What is it cooked in?

Children: in these pots.

Educator: What else do you eat for lunch?

Children: Cutlets, fish.

Educator: What does your mother fry cutlets on?

Children: In a frying pan.

Educator: But our chefs prepare cutlets on such baking sheets.(showing to children)See how big they are. Where do they bake pies, do you think?

Children: In the oven.

Educator: Let's see what ovens are in our kitchen. What are they?

Children: Big.

Educator: Do you guys think it's easy to cook meals for all kindergarten kids?

Children: No.

Educator: Yes, the work of a cook in a kindergarten is hard, and therefore, when some children are malnourished, our cook Galina Mikhailovna is very disappointed. Guys, today you learned a little about the work of our chef, and I hope now you will eat everything that she cooks. Let's thank Galina Mikhailovna and say goodbye to her.

  1. Conversation about the work of the educator.

I will invite the children together to remember what kind of kindergarten employees they know, who will take care of them. If the kids can't name the staff, I'll ask them questions.

Children: Cook, nurse, nanny.

Educator: You didn't name the two people who work with you from morning to evening until your parents take you home. Who is it?

Children: Educators.

Educator: Children, what are the names of your teachers?

Children: Marina Viktorovna and Olga Vitalievna.

Educator: What does the educator do?

Children: They teach us, play with us, walk with us.

Educator: The teacher is like a mother. Who helps you wash your face early in the morning and have breakfast?

Children: Educators.

Educator: What are we teaching you at the table?

Children: Eat carefully, use a napkin.

Educator: What else have we taught you?

Children: Draw, sculpt, etc.

Educator: What do you like to do most with a teacher? Play or practice?

Children: Play.

And so on. I try to cover different activities with children. At the end of the conversation, it must be said that becoming a teacher is not easy, you need to learn. I will ask if any of the children want to be a teacher, I will offer to play the role-playing game "Kindergarten".

  1. Middle group.
  1. Conversation "Who does our laundry?"

Educator: Guys, listen, I will read you an excerpt from a poem you know, try to remember it:

"The blanket has run away,

The sheet has flown

And a pillow like a frog

Ran away from me…”

What is the name of this work?

Children: Moidodyr.

Educator: Yes, this is the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr". Who remembers why things ran away from the boy?

Children: He was dirty.

Educator: We don’t have any dirty ones in the group, but still, sometimes some guys can get a towel dirty if they don’t wash their hands very well. Who makes sure the kids have clean towels?

Children: Laundress.

Educator: Each of you has not only a towel, but also bed linen: a sheet, a duvet cover, a pillowcase. They are also often changed for you - clean ones are laid. Who is it that takes care of you?

Children: Laundress.

Educator: What does a laundress do in kindergarten?

Children: Washes clothes, irons them.

Educator: Who needs clean linen and why?

Children: It is necessary for children to sleep on it.

  1. Excursion to the laundry.

Educator: Today we will go with you to the laundry room of our kindergarten, where they wash the clothes for all the children of the kindergarten, and see how the laundry workers manage to clean so much laundry. Where are we going now?

Children: To the laundry.

Educator: What are the names of the laundry workers? What is the name of the profession.

Children: The women are laundresses.

Educator: Don't forget to say hello when you arrive at the laundry.

In the laundry.

Educator: Where are we, guys? Who works here? Let's meet the laundry workers. This is Zoya Yurievna. And now she will tell you how they manage to wash so many clothes. Look how much linen there is. (Shows laundry ready for washing.)

Laundry worker's story about his work with showing actions:

“I will sort the laundry first: colored to colored, white to white, sheets to sheets, duvet covers to duvet covers. Then I'll put the laundry in this one ( shows ) washing machine, close it and pour washing powder and turn on the machine. Here the washing machine is very large, so there is a lot of laundry.

  1. Conversation "Janitor's work".

Educator: Guys, look at the picture and guess the riddle(The teacher points to a drawing depicting a janitor, making a riddle.)

He gets up early in the morning

Take a shovel in hand

The pavement will clean

And clean up the whole yard. Who is this?

Children: Janitor.

Educator: And what does the janitor do, how does he help us?

Children: He picks up trash to keep it clean.

Educator: Of course, right guys, he maintains cleanliness and order in our territory. What do you think he does in winter, because there is snow everywhere?

Children: Cleans the paths.

Educator: Now listen to a poem written by E. Blagina.

There have been a lot of snow

And everything goes, goes...

The wipers are tired

Throwing, sweeping, sweeping.

They rattle with shovels

Under shaggy clouds,

Whispers rustle.

On the streets, on the streets

In yards and nooks and crannies

Hurry to manage.

Who is this poem talking about?

Children: About the janitor profession.

Educator: What actions does he perform in winter?

Children: He clears the paths of snow.

Educator: Guys, let's think about it and say what equipment is needed for a janitor to clean up garbage? And so that it would be easy for you to remember, I will give you riddles.

Stand in a row

Sharp fingers of a scratch-scratch:

Pick your bunches.

Children: This is a rake.

Educator: I walk next to the janitor

I'm shoveling snow all around

And I help the guys

Make a hill, build a house.

Children: This is a shovel.

Educator: That gardener

Lives with a long nose

Where he shakes his nose

The water will flow there.

Children: This is a shovel.

Educator: She was born in the forest, but she runs the house.

Children: Broom.

Educator: Well done guys, well done. Guys, do you know proverbs about work?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Let's remember them together.

  • The work of the master is afraid.
  • The work of man feeds.
  • Who gets up early, God gives him.
  • What is born in the summer is useful in the winter.
  • What goes around comes around.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
  • You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.
  • Skillful hands do not know boredom.
  • Skill and work will grind everything.
  • Hasty does the same thing twice.

Educator: Well done boys. Now tell me the meaning of the proverbs: the work of the master is afraid, the labor of a person feeds, without labor you can’t even take out a felling from a pond.

Children: If you don't work, you won't succeed.

Educator: Guys, and hotels would you please the janitors of our kindergarten?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I propose to make a poster for the janitors, in gratitude for the work, cleanliness, beauty of our garden. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: We have a large blank of a poster, it says that everyone would take care of the work of the janitor. Your task is to decorate it so that it is bright and our janitors like it.

  1. Conversation "On the work of seamstresses"

Educator: Guys, let's play with you a little! I will guess riddles, and you will guess. The exhibition "The History of Things" will help you with this.

Experienced tool:

Not big, not small.

He is full of worries.

He cuts and shears.

Children: These are scissors.

Educator: He covers everyone in the world,

What he sews, he does not wear.

Children: This is a needle.

Educator: On one finger

Bucket - upside down.

Children: Thimble.

Educator: In the woolen glade the thin-legged dances,

From under the steel shoe - a stitch creeps out.

Children: Sewing machine.

Educator: I'll walk a little hot

And the sheet will be smooth.

I can fix bugs

And put arrows on the trousers.

Children: Iron.

Questions for conversation.

Educator: which of the people of these professions can own these tools?

Children: Seamstresses.

Educator: Do we have a seamstress in kindergarten?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: What is her name?

Children: Irina Anatolievna.

Educator: What does a seamstress do?

Children: Sewing.

Teacher: What is she sewing?

Children: She sews pillowcases, duvet covers, sheets.

Educator: Guys, a man who sews clothes is called a tailor. And now, please pay attention to the screen, now we will consider what isthe sequence of work of a seamstress or tailor.

First, measure the dimensions with a centimeter tape, i.e. take measurements, draw a pattern on paper, then trace the pattern on the fabric, cut out the details from the fabric. And only then does the seamstress or tailor bait (sew) by hand, with a needle and thread, try on whether everything fits in size, then sew the finished dress, and finally iron the finished product. Here, look from a variety of fabrics, people of these professions sew different products.(Children look at the presentation).Guys, what do you think, is the profession of a seamstress and a tailor necessary?

Children: Yes, you do.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: If there is no seamstress and tailor, then we will have no clothes and we will have nothing to walk in.

Educator: Well done! A seamstress, a tailor must be able to sew on a sewing machine, understand the device of a sewing machine, because in the event of a breakdown, the machine will need to be repaired. A seamstress and a tailor must choose the right fabric, be able to carefully work with it. It is necessary to be assiduous, to sit for a long time to sew in order to bring the matter to the end. You see what a responsible and difficult job this is.

  1. Senior group.
  1. Excursion to the store.

Target: To acquaint children with public buildings of the city, their meaning; to expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of the work of city residents; to cultivate cultural behavior skills on the street and in public places; stimulate children's interest and love for their city; improve children's health during walking tours.

Educator: There are different houses around the kindergarten. You live in one of them. There are other buildings in which people do not live, but we all really need them. Such buildings are called public. What public buildings are located next to our kindergarten?

Children: Hospital, shop.

Educator: We will visit the store with you. You are already familiar with some of the shops of our city, which are located on the main street. Let's remember which stores are located next to our kindergarten? What is the name of the store where you go with your parents most often?

Children: Magnet.

Educator: What color is the store building?

Children: Red.

Educator: Who cleans up the area around the store?

Children: Janitor.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior in a public place. (Speak quietly, politely; walk calmly, without pushing, keep order; look at the goods without touching them).

Today we will not buy anything in the store. We will play the game "The most attentive". Rules of the game: listen carefully to the teacher; remember everything you see; to talk about what they saw and remembered after we left the store. You yourself will be able to determine the most attentive child of our group.

In the shop.

Educator: This is a grocery store because they sell groceries. The store has several departments. One sells vegetables, juices, and fruits, the other sells sweets, sugar, cookies and tea, and the third sells dairy products, sausages and fish products. Each department has its own salesperson. The seller is a person who offers us a product, shows it, exchanges the product for money. Do you think it's easy to work as a salesperson? There are special educational institutions where they teach how to work as salespeople: after all, a good salesperson must know a lot. He does not just stand behind the counter and sell the thing we need - a good seller must know everything about the quality and properties of the product he sells.

After the excursion in the afternoon, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

Conversation on the topic: "Shop".

Educator: What buildings met today on our way?

Children: Hospital, shop, home.

Educator: What are the houses? What material are they made from?

Children: Brick, panel, wooden.

Educator: Houses are different:

Green and red

High and low

Far and near

Panel, brick

It seems to be ordinary.

Preschool, medical.

Trade, educational,

Theaters and residential.

Such beautiful!

Useful, wonderful.

Houses are different.

Children are offered a schematic representation of the route, on which they place the symbols of the buildings that they met along the way.

  1. A trip to a traffic light.

Children, together with the teacher, walk in pairs, holding hands to the traffic light.

Educator: Children, today we will go on an excursion to the traffic light. Today, a traffic police officer Olga Viktorovna Chugunova will go with us. But before you hit the road, let's remember how to walk down the street correctly? Tell me Sonya

Sonya: Walk at a calm pace, do not run across the street, be attentive, do not run and do not have conversations with each other.

Children walk along the sidewalk in pairs, approach the hairdresser's and stop.

Educator: See how many houses there are on the street. They are all different: people live in the same houses(shows houses). In others, people work: these are shops, kindergartens, hospitals, various organizations. Guys, guess the riddle:

small houses

They run down the street.

Boys and girls

The houses are being transported.

Children: Cars.

The teacher pays attention to transport.

Educator: Children, what cars do you see on the road?

Children: Trucks and cars.

Educator: Tell me, children, where do cars go?

Children: On the way.

Educator: That's right, children, the part of the road on which cars drive is called the road, and it is also called the carriageway. Cars are moving along it. What are people who drive cars called?

Children: Drivers.

Educator: Children, tell me what they call people walking down the street?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: We are also walking down the street. So we are also pedestrians. Where are pedestrians moving?

Children: On the sidewalk.

Educator: Which side of the sidewalk are we walking on?

Children: On the right.

Educator: Pedestrians should always walk on the right side of the sidewalk to avoid bumping into each other. And now we will continue our journey.

Educator: Children, how to get to the other side of the road if there is no traffic light?

Children: Look left, then right to make sure there are no cars nearby and only then cross the road.

They walk along the sidewalk and come to an intersection.The teacher must ensure that the children do not interfere with pedestrians and can freely observe the traffic lights at the intersection.

Educator: Children, we have come to a crossroads. An intersection is the intersection of several roads and the traffic here is very busy. At the intersection, both drivers and pedestrians should be especially careful. Guys, look at the traffic light. It lights up with colored lights. If the light turns red, it means that it is dangerous to move,

The green light says: “Come in, the path is open!”

Yellow light is a warning. Wait for the signal to move.

Look, people are calmly crossing the road, because the green light is on.

Children are watching.

Educator: The carriageway of the street can only be crossed in special places, which are called crossings. Look, children, white stripes are drawn on the road - this is a footpath. On it and you need to cross the road. And here, too, hangs a road sign "pedestrian crossing." Here he is. So here you can cross the road.

Children, pay attention to the traffic lights. There are several. Traffic lights stand on both sides of the road, they prohibit or allow it to cross. This street is big and wide. Therefore, when crossing it, there is no need to rush, you need to carefully look at the traffic lights. And only when the green light turns on you can continue the path.

Children, what do you think, what kind of traffic on this street is one-way or two-way?

Children: Bilateral.

Educator: How did you define it?

Children: Cars drive in both directions.

Educator: That's right, children, if cars go in both directions towards each other, then this is two-way traffic.. With one-way traffic - before starting the transition, you need to look in one direction from where the transport is moving. With a two-way one - look to the left and, after making sure that the cars have stopped, go along the footpath, having reached the middle, look to the right and, if the green light is on, continue the transition.

Let's take another look at how traffic lights change and how pedestrians and vehicles behave at this time. Children, why do you need a traffic light at the crossroads?

Children: To regulate traffic, it helps to establish order on the streets and roads.

Educator: Children, please note that traffic lights are not only for people, but also for cars. Let's watch the traffic lights for cars(draw children's attention to traffic lights for cars).Now the traffic police inspector will tell you about it ... ..

DPS Inspector: There is a four-way traffic light at the intersection. A traffic light regulates the movement of cars and pedestrians. On the one hand, a green light is lit at the traffic light for pedestrians, on the other, for vehicles, it is red. Pedestrians cross the street, cars stop. The yellow light is lit simultaneously from all directions. The traffic light works well. One signal is replaced by another. Everyone obeys him. Therefore, there is order at the crossroads.

Educator or Inspector:Children, tell me what can happen if the traffic light does not work?

Children: Accident.

Educator or Inspector:Children, at large intersections where there are no traffic lights, are controlled by a traffic police inspector who, with the help of his baton, regulates the movement of cars.

Conversation with children about the trip to the traffic light.

Educator: Did you enjoy the tour? What did you learn new? What do you remember?

Children's answers.

Educator: Tell me, which light do the cars go to, and which ones do they stand on?

Children: They ride on green, and stand on red.

Educator: Which traffic signal allows movement for pedestrians, and which prohibits?

Children: Allows movement - green, and prohibits - red.

Educator: What is the name of the intersection?

Children: Crossroads.

Educator: What is the name of the special sign that marks the place where the street is crossed?

Children: Crosswalk.

Educator: Well done. We hope that today you have learned a lot for yourself, that you will behave correctly on the road and follow all the rules of the road.

  1. Excursion to the post office (parcel department)

Target: To acquaint children with the work of a parcel receiver. Cultivate respect for working people.

I will put a picture of a postman in front of the children.

Educator: Guys, who do you see in the picture?

Children: Postman.

Educator: What does the postman do?

Children: He parses letters, newspapers.

Educator: And where did you get acquainted with the work of a postman, where did you and I go?

Children: By mail.

Educator: We have seen how it works. What does the postman deliver to the apartments?

Children: Letters, newspapers, magazines.

Educator: But what should I do if I want to send books or candies to my friends in another city?

Children: Go to the post office and send a parcel.

Educator: Yes guys, I need to go to the post office. Not only the postman works at the post office. There is a special department where I can bring what I need to send - this is the department for sending parcels. Who works there and how you can send a package with different items, we will see today during the excursion to the post office.

At the post office.

The children, together with me, greet the receptionist, I introduce the receptionist to the children, give her name and patronymic and ask the employee to tell about their work.

Employee story showing actions:In our department you can send any things, books, some products to other cities. But for this they need to be packed in such boxes or boxes.(shows parcels ready for dispatch).And what must be on the package so that I know where to send it?

Children: Address.

Employee: That's right, look, you see, on each parcel is written the address where it should be sent and at the bottom is the address of the person who sent the parcel. But before sending the parcel, it must be weighed in order to know how much the sender has to pay for the shipment. Some parcels are sheathed with material(shows) . On such a parcel, it is necessary to put wax seals. Now we will learn how to put them. Look, here in my jar, sealing wax is warming up - when it is warmed up, it is liquid. Here you see. I put a little substance on the place where the package is sewn up(shows) . And then I put a seal on the sealing wax. We'll wait a bit and see that the sealing wax has become solid. Parcel is ready to ship. But I have to write a receipt. A receipt is a certificate indicating that I received the parcel from you, and you paid. And now we put the parcel on a moving belt - a conveyor. Now I will put it down and press the button to move the package to another room.(shows) . What is a transporter for?

Children: To not carry a heavy load.

Employee: Upon receipt of the parcel, a passport and notice are presented. Why show your passport?

Children: So that someone else does not receive the parcel.

Educator: Guys, let's thank M.I. for an interesting account of his work. Now you know that by mail you can send not only a letter, but also various objects. A lot of people work at the post office. This work is necessary for people. Thanks to M.I. for your work.

Conversation with children about the excursion to the post office.

Educator: With the work of which person did you meet at the post office?

Children: Parcel receivers.

Educator: What does a parcel receiver do?

Children: Weighs parcels, issues receipts.

Educator: What is the name of the substance used to seal the package?

Children: Surguch.

Educator: Why is he interesting?

Children: When heated, it is liquid, and when cold, it is solid.

Educator: What technique helps the parcel receiver?

Children: Transporter.

Educator: What is mail for?

Children: To send each other letters, parcels and telegrams.

  1. Excursion to the school.

Target: To acquaint children with the premises of the school, with some concepts - a lesson, a change, with the work of a teacher.

Show the children a picture of the teacher.

Educator: What do you guys think, who is in this picture?

Children: Teacher.

Educator: Yes, it's a teacher. How do you know it's a teacher?

Children: Next to her, students are sitting at their desks, and a board is hanging.

Educator: Which one of you was in school?

Children: Masha, Vanya, Christina.

Educator: You will be going to school very soon. And what date does the school year begin and everyone goes to school?

Educator: Today we will go to school and meet the teacher, look at the classes. Do not forget to say hello, speak quietly so as not to interfere with work.

At school.

The teacher meets the children. I introduce children to her, call her name and patronymic. The teacher invites the children to sit at their desks.

Teacher: You are now in a classroom where students of the 1st grade study. Tell me how the class is different from your group in kindergarten?

Children: Many desks, a large board, many different educational posters.

Teacher: In kindergarten, you are also engaged, educators conduct classes with you, and at school the teacher conducts a lesson. How do you know when kindergarten is over?

Children: The teacher speaks.

Teacher: The school bell rings after every lesson. You will hear it today. What do you do in kindergarten besides classes?

Children: We play, we walk, we have dinner, we sleep.

Teacher: And children come to school to learn - first they are taught to read, count, write. Then they have interesting lessons: history lessons, where they learn the history of our country and other countries. But at school, children also have breakfast and lunch. But they can play a little in between lessons. And now you hear the bell ringing. It means change has begun. We will go out into the corridor and have a little rest.(we play a sedentary game).

Teacher: I invite you to walk around the school. There is a sports hall (shows), an office of labor, physics, chemistry. And we end our tour with a visit to the library.(where the librarian will tell the children all about her).

At the end of the excursion, the children and I will thank the teacher, and I will summarize.

Educator: Today, guys, you got to know the school that many of you will go to the next day. You learned that at school they study in classes. Between lessons there is a break when you can relax. There are many different classrooms in the school, because they study many different subjects there. When you study at school, you will learn a lot of interesting things, and maybe one of you will become a teacher.

Conversation with children about the work of a teacher.

Educator: Children, let's remember what you saw at school?

Children: Desks, many classes, a library, a gym.

Educator: And what is the name of the break at school when the children rest from the lessons?

Children: change.

Educator: How do they know at school that the lesson is over?

Children: The bell rings.

Educator: Young guys, you remember everything well. Were you interested in school?

Children: Yes.


It is very important to select for observation the content of labor, which is most valuable in terms of education and understandable to children, makes them want to imitate the labor behavior of adults. Impressions must be repeated, therefore the content of labor must be distributed in a number of occupations, skillfully dosed in each of them, gradually grow and deepen.

Purposeful observations, excursions outside the group, acquainting children with the work of adults, contribute to the accumulation of vivid emotional impressions. During the excursion to the school, to the store, to the traffic light, the children showed activity and interest in the profession. While communicating with the traffic police inspector, the children paid attention to their uniforms, reasoned: “The inspector needs the uniform so that drivers can see the inspector from afar.” The educational effectiveness of familiarization with labor depends not only on what kind of labor is observed, but also on which aspects of it the attention of children is directed to.

The adult involved the children in the labor process he carried out, giving them feasible assignments, establishing elementary cooperation. When children have the opportunity to actively act themselves, they receive more accurate and complete ideas about the work of adults, they begin to imitate them.

Some girls were very fascinated by the work of the seller, they thought and decided to become sellers when they grow up big. Other children were interested in the work of a traffic police inspector, they turned on the signal on the car, worked with a baton, got behind the wheel in a police car. The children decided to keep order on the streets of the city. To enhance the emotional impact on children, she used children's fiction, encyclopedias. It led to the understanding that any activity of adults has the result of labor for society - to be healthy, to work and relax better, to dress beautifully and comfortably. To have a beautiful haircut, to be protected, to be safe. The work of adults deserves respect and gratitude, and the objects and things made by them must be protected.

Children admired the miraculous transformations that took place as a result of labor: a piece of fabric in the hands of a seamstress turned into a piece of clothing, multi-colored threads in the hands of an enthusiastic person draw an intricate pattern. All this is of decisive importance for educating preschoolers a value attitude to the work of adults, promotes rapprochement between children and adults, and a child understands the world of adults more.

In the process of observation, it is important to fix the attention of children on those aspects of adult labor that are of the greatest importance for instilling in children the right attitude towards work, for shaping their own labor behavior. Observations of the work of adults have a positive effect on the behavior of children, on their attitude towards people and things. Children carefully water the flowers so as not to flood the floor; when working with plasticine, they try not to litter; if someone messes up, he cleans up after himself without reminders.

In the younger group, with children, preparation of material for some activities can be carried out: cut paper for drawing, sharpen pencils, prepare plasticine; as needed, but systematically do simple repairs of toys, books and manuals. The work of an educator is not yet designed to actively involve children in work; they mainly observe the actions of an adult. To make the influence of his example more effective, the teacher uses different techniques: he accompanies his actions with explanations, talking with the children; gives children small assignments (bring a pencil, glue a strip of paper, etc.). This activity of the educator does not go unnoticed by the children. It attracts the attention of at least some of the children. Children watch the work, ask questions, want to help. But the most important thing is that they gradually develop a careful attitude to things, a desire to do something themselves.

Team work.

No matter how important the role of the educator's labor behavior is, the possibilities of using his personal example in the younger group are very limited. Children of three years require a lot of care, constant attention, supervision. In their activities, they are still not independent enough, therefore the educator has to spend a lot of energy on organizing the game and everyday processes. It is important for the teacher of the younger group to make the most of the example of the labor behavior of other kindergarten workers, especially the nanny. This is a person close to the children, whose care they feel every day. Her work in a very significant part systematically proceeds in front of children.

This work is clear and understandable both in terms of the nature of the actions and in terms of clearly tangible results; it contains many elements close to the skills instilled in children (for example, the skills of maintaining cleanliness and order). Therefore, the example of a nanny can quickly find a response and reinforcement in the child's behavior. In addition, it is quite easy to include children in the household work of a nanny, giving them simple assignments. Direct participation in work, the joint activity of an adult and children makes the example of a nanny especially effective.

The most favorable conditions are formed when an adult involves children in the labor process that he produces, giving children feasible assignments, establishing elementary cooperation. Children 3-4 years old perform separate labor assignments, for older children, shifts are gradually introduced.

Involvement in the pedagogical process, in addition to the educator, and other kindergarten workers raised the question of the appropriateness of some new forms of labor education. Now the most accepted duty and collective collective work.

Work that can be done by children together with the teacher.

  1. Plant care. The teacher brings large plants, washes high-lying leaves and polluted window sills; children bring small plants, wipe the lower branches, wash window sills (middle and older groups).
  2. Fixing toys. An adult sews the corners of cardboard boxes; children cover them with paper. When repairing doll clothes, children sew on buttons and ties.
  3. Preparation for drawing, for working with glue. The teacher breeds paints, makes glue, repairs pencils; children cut paper, pour glue into cups.
  4. Area cleaning. The janitor clears the site; The children are taking away the snow. The nanny washes the benches, the veranda; children rake up and carry away branches, dry leaves.

In those kindergartens where adults set an example of enthusiasm, children acquire a taste for work, they form a psychological readiness for it, and this is perhaps the most important thing in labor education.

Children who will not rejoice in the process of labor, but will also feel its benefit for themselves and others, for the common cause, will appreciate the work of adults more.

Children are especially interested in the observed labor of adults, if they can take even a small part in it.

The emotionality of excursions and observations increases if children can satisfy their need for activity. In the process of activity, they better know the phenomena. Some participation in labor can be carried out in the process of many excursions. Watching with children, for example, the work of landscaping a city park, you should involve them in collecting flower seeds, fallen leaves, and help adults plant bushes.

However, excursions and conversations are not sufficient for cultivating a positive attitude towards work, for arousing in children the desire to work for themselves. Only a combination of the formation of correct ideas about the work of adults and the development of labor skills and habits in children gives the necessary educational effect.

Labor education is based on the example of adults. Both in content and form, this education takes into account the characteristics of preschool children.

Thus, familiarization with the work of adults and the children's own activities should be closely intertwined.

1.1.3. Features of labor activity of children of preschool age.

In comparison with the work activity of an adult, the work of children has a number of features. The most significant is the absence of a significant result of material value to society: the products of child labor are of value only to the child or a group of children.

In the process of labor, children develop the habit of labor effort, the ability to bring things to the end, as well as perseverance, independence, responsibility, the ability and desire to help a friend, initiative and other personal qualities. Consistency and accuracy of movements in labor ensure the moral and aesthetic development of a preschooler.

The desire to achieve the goal puts the child in front of the need to study the properties and quality of materials, encourages the recognition of materials and objects included in labor activity. There is an accumulation of knowledge systems, the development of differentiated perception, ideas, mental operations, speech. In the process of labor activity, previously acquired knowledge is used, which leads to the ability to apply knowledge in practical activities, to the development of ingenuity, ingenuity.

Achieving the result requires planning the labor process: selection of materials, tools, determination of a number of sequential operations. This contributes to the development of imagination, planning activities, which include the ability to foresee not only the final result, but also intermediate ones, purposefully build the labor process.

Thus, labor is a means of comprehensive development of the child, and it is for this purpose that it is used in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

The developing role of labor is closely related to the level of development of labor activity itself: the higher the level of development of labor activity, the more effective its use in order to improve the personality of the child.

The labor activity of children must be considered in development, formation in three directions:

  1. Separation of labor from the game and its design as an independent activity;
  2. The formation of the components of labor activity - the child's mastery of the labor process;
  3. Formation of different types of labor.

Work and play are closely related, although they have significant differences:

  1. Labor always has a clearly expressed end result, aimed at satisfying the needs of the child himself or the group of children. The process of labor without achieving a result has no meaning.
  2. The process of labor always proceeds on a real plane: there is no imaginary situation in it, the substitution of some objects for others, the child acts with real objects, actually transforms them, achieving a labor result.

However, there is a close relationship between play and work. In early preschool age, labor itself most often occurs in play. Imitation of the labor actions of adults is the content of a child's game. Children are attracted to action, not to achieving a result, but imitation of labor actions in the game allows them to master them and thereby contributes to the allocation of labor activity. But at first it is very unstable and under certain conditions it again goes into play. This tendency persists both in the middle and in the senior preschool age. For example, when clearing a site from snow, the teacher introduces an element of the game - the transportation of snow on a sleigh is carried out by drivers. Interest in playing the role of a driver leads to the fact that children lose the goal of work - to clear the site, to take the snow to the right place: they just drive their cars, play drivers.

In such cases, when the focus of children's labor on results is reduced or lost altogether, labor is absorbed by play.

By the older adult age, in cases where children accept the goal of labor known to them or setting it themselves, when they master the methods of achieving it (labor actions), labor activity acquires an independent meaning and is not absorbed by the game. Game tendencies in the labor process are being squeezed out. Children, as a rule, do not stop working without getting the desired result, do not get distracted by games and do not replace work with play. But even in children of this age, the connection between play and work is not broken. Labor begins to serve the game: the children themselves, on their own initiative, set a goal and, in accordance with it, make the missing items for the game: binoculars, a bag for the postman, etc.

Possessing labor skills, children easily switch from playing to making the missing items, and having received the desired result, back to the game. These tendencies appear especially clearly in the preparatory group for school, when children master the labor processes and all their components.

Thus, already in the period of preschool childhood, labor activity is separated from play. This isolation can be viewed as a consequence of the formation of a component of labor activity, the child's mastery of labor processes.

Labor activity is a broad concept that generalizes different types of labor, consisting of different labor processes. The labor process is a kind of unit of labor activity, in the structure of which all components of labor activity are clearly represented: the purpose of labor, material and labor equipment (tools); a set of human labor actions to transform materials with the help of tools; the achieved result of labor that satisfies the needs of a person as the realization of a goal; labor motives. Mastering labor activity is, first of all, mastering the labor process, its components in unity, connections.

1. Goal setting. A prerequisite for the emergence of this element is purposeful actions that appear in the objective activity of the child at an earlier age. At a younger preschool age, the child begins to associate his actions with the result, which contributes to the emergence of purposeful effective actions. However, the target setting in labor is unstable at first. Its development proceeds from the acceptance of the goal of labor proposed by adults to the independent setting of the goal; from close goals (for example, watering a plant) to distant ones (for example, growing flowers, etc.). The conditions for the emergence and development of a goal in labor are its accessibility to the understanding of the child (why it needs to be done, what result to get), the visual representation of the intended result in the form of a drawing, the design, the closeness of the result in time, the passivity of its achievement. (K. Voltsis)

With a more distant goal, it is necessary to identify intermediate ones: plant seeds, water them so that shoots appear, then buds, etc. The ability to accept, and then independently set the goal of labor, develops better if the child receives a result that is significant for him or for those close to him, which can be used in the game or to satisfy other needs.

2. The result is the main component of labor activity. The social orientation of the result of labor, which is already realized by the middle preschool age, makes it possible to form an understanding of the need for labor for others, cultivates respect for the result of labor and the working person (L. S. Neverovich, Golubeva).

The result acts as a materialized goal of labor, a clear measure of the cost of labor efforts.

The isolation of the result of labor occurs in children at the age of 3, subject to the teaching influence of an adult.

Children's awareness of the result of labor contributes to:

  1. Establishing by the educator the connection of the result with the goal and activity that is significant for children. In this case, the result is expected by the children, and its receipt is perceived as the completion of labor, as its main component. For example, the need to feed the bear during the game determines the goal - to make a cup for the bear. The made cup is the expected result of labor, which allows you to connect it with the goal and realize this result as an achieved goal.
  2. Using the result of labor in the activities of children. This allows you to see and understand the practical necessity of the result, its significance for all children, the desire to get it in your own work: wash the dress for the doll and dress it up for the holiday; make lanterns and decorate a Christmas tree for dolls with them; set the table for breakfast, so that all the children would be comfortable and pleasant, etc. The need to achieve a certain result encourages the child to master labor skills.

Mastering labor skills and abilities is one of the most significant components of the labor process and factors in the formation of the labor activity of a preschooler. No matter how interested the child is in the goal of labor, no matter how attracted to the result of labor, but if he does not master the labor actions, he will never achieve the result. Mastering labor skills and abilities makes the labor process accessible, feasible and joyful. At the same time, the level of children's mastery of labor skills and abilities affects the formation of such a personal quality as independence, which manifests itself both in greater independence from adults and in the desire to help younger, peers, which in turn provides the child with a new position in children's society, changes it. social connections.

However, mastering individual techniques, individual labor actions does not yet ensure a quick achievement of results. Any labor process includes a series of sequential labor actions, the use of a variety of materials, tools in a certain sequence. Hence, it is important that the child masters the entire set of labor actions with material and tools that make up a particular labor process. Its consistent implementation requires the ability to plan work activities.

The formation of skillplan work processdetermine the goal, in accordance with it, select material, select and organize equipment, determine the order of labor actions, etc.) depends on how clear and differentiated children's knowledge about the structure of a particular labor process and organization of it by adults. The presence of such knowledge allows the child to imagine the progress of the labor process, to plan its sequence, and, conversely, their absence leads to the fact that the child cannot cope with the preliminary planning of labor, does not achieve the result. (V.G. Nechaeva)

At first, preliminary planning of the children's labor activity is carried out entirely by the educator: he explains the purpose of labor, selects the necessary materials and tools, arranges them near each child in a certain order, shows or resembles the sequence of labor actions. As they master labor actions and the labor process as a whole, the children themselves move on to elementary planning.It goes through a series of stages.At first, children, having identified the purpose of labor, immediately strive to fulfill it, without pre-planning their activity, its sequence, do not prepare the necessary materials and labor equipment, therefore their activity is chaotic, uneconomical in terms of effort and time. Not knowing how to organize their work, children often lose their goal, do not achieve results. In these cases, the task of the educator is to organize the planning of activities in accordance with the purpose of the work: select the necessary materials, present the sequence of operations, and if the work is collective, agree on interaction. Then the ability to independently plan and organize work is formed: before starting work, the child selects materials, tools, prepares the workplace and decides what and in what sequence he will do. The most difficult is the planning by children (6-7 years old) of collective work: the distribution of labor activities or responsibilities in a subgroup. Mastering planning contributes to a significant improvement in the quality of the result of the child's work.

Participation in work, the achievement of results and its use change the attitude of children to work, the motives of work, i.e. what the child works for. The effectiveness of labor already in preschool children depends on what motives formulated by adults direct their activities. Social motives of labor as the most valuable do not appear immediately. For younger preschoolers, the interest in the external side of the activity is characteristic: to labor actions, to tools, then to the result.

Social motives for labor activity are formed under the influence of the following conditions:

  1. Knowledge about the results of labor, their social significance and the need for people, and then knowledge about the social significance of labor in people's lives;
  2. Public use in kindergarten and family (for example, in a collective game) of the results of work achieved by children;
  3. Organization of practical activities of children aimed at helping adults, peers, younger children;
  4. Evaluation of the results of work by adults, their significance for other people (helping the nanny change towels, making toys for kids or repairing books, etc.). (L.S. Neverovich)

Children already of younger and middle preschool age, beginning to be guided by social motives, try to express them in speech, explaining their labor motives by the desire to do what is necessary for others: “wash the cups so that it would be pleasant for children to drink from clean cups and not get sick” or “help the nanny change towels, so that all children have clean towels, so that it is pleasant for them to dry their hands”, etc. But in children of this age, a strong incentive to work is also the attitude of an adult to certain actions. Children often explain their desire to work by the fact that: they were "ordered" by adults; the desire to receive praise, approval of the teacher or parents. Older children are increasingly explaining their motivation to work as a desire to do something for others. Gradually, under the guidance of adults, significant social motives become the internal motivation of the child himself.

Thus, the mastery of labor processes, their components in unity is the beginning of the formation of labor activity. Labor processes gradually develop into types of labor, for example: the processes of dressing, undressing, washing hands, etc. - in self-service; the processes of setting the table, washing dishes, washing toys, wiping furniture, etc. constitute household work, etc.

3. Work in kindergarten is diverse. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities, provides them with a comprehensive education. There are four main types of child labor: self-service, domestic work, labor in nature and manual labor. The proportion of individual types of labor at different age stages is not the same. Each of them has certain opportunities for solving educational problems.

1.1.4. Means of familiarizing children with the work of adults.

The means of education are a relatively independent source of personality formation. Labor education of preschool children is carried out with the help of a number of means: children's own labor activity; familiarization with the work of adults; artistic and playful means. Children's own labor activity is a necessary means of labor education. You can't teach anything without doing it.

Labor activityis the leading means of labor education. Children learn in it specific labor skills and abilities, achieve results, satisfy their need for real familiarization with the world of adults. With the help of this means, applied, practical problems of labor education are solved.

Acquaintance with the work of adults.This tool allows you to expand the child's ideas about the content of human activity, about the social significance of labor, about the attitude to work. Thus, acquaintance with the work of adults is aimed at solving the intellectual and moral problems of labor education. In preschool pedagogy, there are several different approaches to the problem of familiarizing children with the work of adults. Some authors (V.I. Loginova, M.V. Krulekht) believe that the child should be introduced to the labor process of adults, to talk about the creation of various products of labor. As a result, children will form an idea of ​​the content of the labor activity of adults, and respect for work will be brought up. Other authors (S.A. Kozlova, A.Sh. Shakhmanova) believe that it is necessary to acquaint preschoolers with a working person, with his attitude to work, to form the idea that a profession appears in response to the needs of people in it - a doctor is needed to heal people, a teacher to teach children. Familiarization with the labor process should serve as a background, content, against which one can concretize human activity.

When acquaintance with the work of adults is considered as a means of labor education of preschoolers, both the first and second approaches are possible. When a group of tasks related to the training of specific labor skills is solved, one can rely on the first approach. In the case when the second group of tasks of labor education, related to the formation of attitudes towards work and the moral qualities of the individual, is being solved, the second approach is more adequate.

It is important to draw the attention of children to the creative attitude of adults to their work.

Artistic mediaKeywords: fiction, music, visual arts. With the help of this group of means, children form ideas about the content of labor, about people's attitude to work, about how others evaluate the work of other people, etc. These means serve to educate moral feelings and relationships.

The role of artistic means in the labor education of preschoolers is peculiar. You cannot teach a person to work by listening to music, a story, a fairy tale, or looking at a picture about work. And yet, it is precisely with the help of artistic means that one can arouse in children an interest in ore, a desire to be like those who work, to understand the importance and social significance of children's work.

In working with children, proverbs and sayings can be used every day. They help him in a concise form to praise and cheer up the child (“Small, but remote”; “Eyes are afraid, hands do”), express their attitude towards laziness (“The loafer Fedorka always has excuses”; “Work feeds, but laziness spoils”: “ Lazy hands love other people's labors"; "Skillful hands do not know boredom"), emphasize the importance of labor ("Not the one who is good-looking in face, but the one who is good for business"; "If you want to eat kalachi, do not lie on the stove") . The proverb is not perceived by the child as a notation, and therefore it is more effective as a means of education.

The moral value of labor is also affirmed in fairy tales. In many folk tales, the positive hero, as a rule, is hardworking, ready to help another, and therefore, in the end, is rewarded with love, wealth, and recognition.

The author's works reflect the attitude to work as an important human activity (“Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky), the process of labor is shown (“How your book was printed” by S. Marshak). It tells about the attitude of a person to work, love for his profession, selflessness and conscientiousness (“What are they, polar explorers” by A. Chlenov). Encyclopedic literature is also important, from which children learn about the origin of various professions, and about the process of making things, objects, and about famous people whose work influenced the progress of mankind. With the help of a work of art, one can make a generalization about the benefits of labor, the relationship and mutual assistance of people of different professions.

The means of educating children are works of fine art. Looking at the pictures of master artists, children not only see the process of labor, but more importantly, they are imbued with the mood of the picture. In one case, it is joy, emotional upsurge (“Bread” by T. Yablonsky), in the other, a quiet, calm respite (“Tractor Drivers’ Dinner” by A. Plastov), ​​enjoyment of one’s work (“The Lacemaker” by V. Tropinin). But work is not always easy and simple. Children should know this in order to learn to treat people who work with respect and sympathy. Therefore, with older preschoolers, one can also consider such paintings by great masters as, for example, “Stoker” by N. Yaroshenko or “Repair work on the railway” by K. Savitsky and others.

The group of artistic means of labor education includes dia- and video films, slides. For example, the filmstrip “How collective farmers work at different times of the year” is not modern only with the word “collective farmers”, everything else is the content of labor, its process is quite modern and the filmstrip can be shown to children and a conversation can be held on it about the work of people in agriculture.

Helps to cultivate the desire to work in music. Tape recordings can be used both in the group and on the site. Music improves mood, gives the work a certain rhythm. The music makes physical labor easier and more enjoyable. It is useful to use it during the collective cleaning of the group room, during manual labor, labor in the school area. Children can quietly sing along to the performer.

All of these artistic means are effective in the pedagogical process if they are used systematically, in interconnection with each other and with the organization of the labor activity of preschoolers.

Game means of acquaintance with labor of adults. In preschool children, the main activity is the game. The game is a historical activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them. Games, and primarily role-playing games, are indispensable in the education of preschoolers. They bring an element of creativity into the actions of children. Work is closely related to play.

In the game, children reflect the work of adults. One of the main types of games where children get acquainted with the work of adults is a role-playing game. The role-playing game has an independent creative character. The children create the game themselves. It is long-term and short-term. The independence of children is manifested in the active and original reproduction of the world around them. This reproduction depends on imagination, conditions, knowledge and on life and play experience. The independent nature of the game gives an inner feeling of freedom. Creativity is manifested in the reincarnation of a child in the image of an adult, whose role he took.

The structure of the role-playing game:

  1. Design.
  2. Plot.
  3. Role.
  4. Game actions.
  5. Game rules.

Stages of development:

Stage 1.Preparatory. Ends by two years, characterized by a single game. The main skills that characterize this level are monotonous, often repetitive actions. Children love to play with adults.

Stage 2.Short-term interaction in the game. Several people unite, an idea appears, children obey the requirements of others, but the plots are mostly domestic and associations are of a short-term nature.

Stage 3.Long interaction in the game. Children come together based on the activities and content of the game. Responsible attitude. Correctly evaluate their own and other people's actions. The roles are clearly defined and assigned before the game.

Stage 4.Directing game (senior preschool age). Children are united by 5 - 6 people. interest is built on the basis of personal sympathies, children are able to negotiate, distribute roles, follow the rules, actions are coordinated. Games are not only repetitive, but constantly evolving.

Plot - role-playing game requires preparatory training of children. After all, it is clear that kids who have not had time to get acquainted with the specialty, for example, a policeman, will not be able to play the role of a policeman.

Preparation for games in the profession goes wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even if minimal, but on the basis of which, it is already possible to recreate in the game at least a remote resemblance of this type of human activity.

This process can be represented as a complex consisting of the following components:

  • obtaining information about professions from parents;
  • obtaining information from kindergarten teachers;
  • obtaining information from peers and older children;
  • from their own observations of parents, relatives, other adults;
  • the acquisition of additional skills that are not directly related to the topic of the game, but which can be used in it (making toys, modeling, drawing, the ability to make applications, etc.).

The informative influence of parents can be manifested in all varieties of their educational activities. First of all, these are conversations about yourself, your work, i.e. everything you see and hear.

Most often, children play games collectively, which gives a great effect, since the creative efforts of the children merge into a single whole, information is exchanged with each other. During the game, there is a change of roles, this helps to increase the interest of children in various aspects of the profession in which the game is going. In necessary cases, adults regulate the change of roles in the game, do not allow children to sit in the same role. The periodic change of the composition of the players contributes to their further mutual influence on each other, expanding the amount of information acquired during the game.

In general, the game has its cognitive and educational impact on the child throughout: from the emergence of a desire to play to after the game period.

The plot-role-playing process can be considered as follows:

  • pre-game (election) period;
  • preparation period;
  • actual game.

This can be attributed to the after-play influence of this game on the child, such as: impressions, discussion, finding out what interested or unclear, the desire to organize a similar game at home, in the yard, etc.

One of the main functions of the educator during the game is to maintain a certain “tone” of the game. It shouldn't become uninteresting. It is better to stop the game than to let it continue when the interest of the guys decreases. After an interesting game, the child is under her impression for a long time.

The games held in the kindergarten are planned by the Kindergarten Education Program, which indicates the age-related dynamics of the education of preschoolers, including the nature of role-playing games.

In the II junior group, games are developed that depict the work of adults in kindergarten, the work of drivers, pilots. Children in the game begin to repeat the actions of people of different specialties.

In the middle group, games with a more complex plot appear: building a house (the work of builders); transportation of goods and passengers (bus and truck drivers); work of doctors, nurses, salesmen. Children themselves begin to invent simple plots, make some objects and toys necessary for games.

In the older group, games are encouraged that show the work of institutions (shop, pharmacy, clinic). Games that reflect individual professions (salesman, postman, doctor, policeman, driver) are being improved. In games on the topic “transport”, knowledge of the rules of the road is improved. Children learn to fulfill their plans, to play in accordance with the role. In games, children try to portray the professions of their parents.

And, finally, preschoolers of the seventh year of life continue to depict the work of family members, life, work of people in role-playing games. Ideas about different specialties are expanding and deepening: pilots fly on an airplane; there is a captain, navigator, sailor, etc. on the ship. the ability of children to plan the theme of the game themselves develops, children learn to combine their direct life impressions with knowledge acquired from stories, paintings, books.

So, in the age aspect, the role-playing game in various professions comes with a gradual complication of its content and character.

The teacher needs to create conditions for the game so that it becomes an exciting activity.

The creation of conditions includes enriching children with realities about the environment: about objects, phenomena, in addition, children should know about the relationship between people. To achieve this goal, I use the following methods: observations; excursions; meetings with people of different professions; reading literature; a story about human relationships; about occupations of different professions; dramatizations. When introducing children to the work of adults, educators, as a rule, use visual methods, skillfully combining them with verbal ones (stories, conversations); the proportion of the latter may increase in work with older children. A special place among verbal methods is occupied by the use of children's fiction.

Reading works of art plays an important role in shaping the labor orientation of children. With its emotionality, imagery, liveliness, the children's book charges children with the enthusiasm of work: it awakens interest, respect for work, the desire to imitate the heroes of literary works, like them, to work well.

An indelible impression is made on children by the images of modest heroes from the works of S. Marshak - the fireman Kuzma ("Fire"), the postman ("Mail"), S Mikhalkov - Uncle Styopa the policeman.

In recent years, our children's writers have created a significant number of works about labor. These works help to educate children's interest in and respect for the work of adults, arouse the desire to imitate them. This is where theatrical play comes into play.

Theatrical game is a game in which children act out a plot from a literary source. The peculiarity of this type of game lies in the fact that children take roles and play them in the order in which they are given in the play. This is a creative game, as the child conveys the image in his own way.

The structure of the plot-role-playing game and the dramatization game is similar. The only difference is that in a role-playing game the plot is from life, and in a theatrical game it is from a book.

Requirements for a literary work for dramatization:

  1. A literary work should be accessible and understandable to children's experience. Heroes are close in mood, experiences.
  2. Imagery of the work (bright images of characters and episodes).
  3. The presence of monologues and dialogues.
  4. The dynamism of the development of the plot (quick change of events, conflict, the struggle between good and evil).

In order to introduce children to the professions and activities of adults, small works are selected for dramatization.

A didactic game is a learning game. The value of didactic games is to promote the assimilation, strengthening of knowledge and skills in children, the development of mental abilities. Didactic game is a means of comprehensive development of the child.

The content of the games forms the correct attitude to the objects of the surrounding world, to nature. Systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland, people of different professions and nationalities.

Didactic game develops children's speech; replenishes and activates the child's vocabulary; forms the correct pronunciation; develops vocabulary.

The didactic task - the main element of the didactic game - is determined by the purpose of educational and educational influence. Didactic tasks are varied: getting to know the outside world, getting to know nature, getting to know the professions of adults, getting to know the way of life of people.

The content of the didactic game is the surrounding reality, that is, nature, people, their relationships, work. For example: "Shop", "Radio", "What anyone needs for work."

In preschool pedagogy, didactic games are divided into three main types:

  1. Games with objects.
  2. Board - printed games.
  3. Word games.

Games with objects.

Toys and real objects are used, playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects.

To solve the didactic task - getting to know the professions of adults, I use the following games with objects: "Collect a hairdresser's set" (toy scissors, combs, hair dryer, varnish, curlers - children choose from a wide variety of items); "Builder" (from a variety of items, children choose those that can be seen at a construction site - toy bricks, a crane, a tractor). Also, children interact with dolls, on which the clothes of people of different professions. While playing with them, children analyze and draw conclusions why a person of a particular profession needs this type of clothing. For example, why does a builder need a helmet? Why does a chef need an apron and a cap?

Board - printed games.

Types of desktop - printed games:

  1. Pairs of pictures. The simplest task in this game is to find two identical pictures among different pictures. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult. The child combines pictures not only by external signs, but also by meaning. For example, given 3 pictures depicting Aibolit, one of them does not have a portfolio in the hands of the doctor, the children must choose two other pictures.
  2. A selection of images based on a common feature. A connection is established between objects. For example, “What does the doctor need?”, “What does the hairdresser need?”, “What is in the store?”, etc. Children match the pictures with the corresponding items.
  3. Memorizing the composition, quantity, location of pictures. For example, in the game “Guess what picture they hid?” children must memorize the content of the pictures, and then name the one that will be removed from the table. This type effectively promotes the development of memory.
  4. Compilation of cut pictures and cubes. To solve the didactic task - acquaintance with the professions of adults, these pictures can be on the topics of various professions. This type effectively contributes to the development of logical thinking in children.
  5. Description, story on the picture showing actions, movements. Tasks: development of children's speech, imagination, creativity. For example, the game "Guess who it is?". The child depicts the sound and movement of what is conceived.

Word games.

Built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, because. in such games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge. Children independently solve various mental problems. They describe objects, guess according to the description, find signs of similarities and differences, group objects according to various criteria.

Thus, the game is the most important means of development, training and education of preschoolers. And it is an integral means of introducing children to the professions of adults.

1.2. List of used literature.

  1. "Introduction of preschoolers to the world around" N.V. Alyoshin 2003. (younger group)
  2. "Labor education of preschool children" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva 1984
  3. "Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Herbova, T.S. Komarova. Moscow, 2005
  4. "Education of a preschooler in labor" edited by V.G. Nechaeva. Enlightenment, 1974
  5. "Conversations about professions with children 4 - 7 years old" T.V. Potapova, 2008
  6. "Formation of ideas about professions" Fedorenkov, 1978. (preschool education).
  7. "acquaintance of preschoolers with the world around" N.V. Alyoshin 2003. (middle group)
  8. “Are we playing? Let's play! O.A. Skorolupova, A.V. Loginova. (senior group).
  9. "Introduction of preschoolers into the world of professions" educational and methodological manual V.P. Kondrashov. Publishing house "Nikolaev" 2004
  10. "Preschool Pedagogy" ed. V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova. Enlightenment, Moscow, 1983
  11. "Connection of children's games with work" Antsifirova T. 1978 (preschool education).
  12. "The relationship of older preschoolers in the role-playing game" Baydashina T. 1984 (preschool education).
  13. "Didactic games in kindergarten" A.K. Bondarenko. Moscow, 1991
  14. "The role-playing game in the implementation of an integrated approach to the upbringing of children" S. Dorogoychenko. 1984 (preschool education).
  15. "The game and its pedagogical significance" R.I. Zhukovskaya. Moscow, 1975
  16. "Raising a child in play." R.I. Zhukovskaya. Moscow, 1963
  17. "The first plot games of kids" E.V. Zvorygin. Moscow, 1988
  18. "Formation of ways of assimilation of systemic knowledge about the work of adults in children of senior preschool age // Improving the mental education of preschool age." N.M. Krylov. Chelyabinsk, 1984
  19. "Formation of ideas about the work of adults" V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharin. 1978 (preschool education).


Proceed to acquaint preschoolers with the professions and work of adults;

Expand knowledge that people of different professions (doctor, cook, driver, builder, hairdresser, seamstress, tailor, nanny, janitor) work for the common good;

- to consolidate the knowledge of children about the tools necessary for the work of people in these professions.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Preparatory work: excursions to the store, hairdresser, laundry, kitchen, nurse's office.

Consideration of paintings: "On construction", "In the doll shop" and others.

Reading poems by D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”, “What color is a craft”, etc.

Material: subject pictures for the game "To whom, what is needed for work."

Large pictures to show.

Literature for children on the topic "Professions"

The story of "Who to be"

Dolls: doctor Aibolit and doll-cook.

The course of the lesson in the middle group of kindergarten

Educator. Children, look around you. You see tables, chairs, toys, books. All this is done by the hands of people of various professions. It is about people of different professions that we will talk today. (A knock is heard, the screen opens)

Hello kids, who am I? You recognized me?

Yes, Dr. Aibolit (doll-cook is shown)

Good afternoon children. Did you recognize me? Who am I?

Everyone knows me, I am a nice cook, I feed everyone with delicious dinners, compotes, jelly.

No, my profession is the most important, I treat people when they are sick. (Argument arises) Mine! .. My..

Educator. Dear our guests, do not argue. Now we will solve your dispute with the children. Children, what do you think is the most important profession? (children's answers)

Educator. Here we are confused. What profession, or whose work is the main one. Now you will listen to the story "Who to be" and maybe then you will make the right conclusion. We listen carefully to the story. Download in the application for the lessonContent questions.

What occupations are mentioned in the story?

Educator. You see, children; no main job. All of them are important, all necessary, they complement each other. Judge. What does the laundress do for us? What would happen if she didn't go to work? What does a nanny do for us? What would happen if she didn't go to work? What is the name of the one who sews our clothes, shoes? Do they need a job?

Educator. Oh, Dr. Aibolit wants to tell me something (I pretend to listen)

And he tells me that when he went to visit us, he saw in what a beautiful kindergarten we live. And he does not know where this kindergarten came from. Where did our children come from?

(It was built)

Who exactly built it, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

He puts bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a driver,

Building a house for us...

Children - Builder.

Do you hear, Dr. Aibolit, builders built it from bricks.

Children, tell our dolls, as the one who builds walls of bricks said? (Mason)

And who brings him a brick? (Driver)

By what car? (Cargo)

Who delivers bricks and other material to the second floor? (Tap)

What is the name of the person who runs the crane? (crane operator)

Who did the windows, made and inserted? (Joiner)

Who painted the walls? (Painter)

Many people of various professions built our kindergarten. We have already named a bricklayer, a driver, a crane operator, a carpenter, a painter, but that's not all. There were also plasterers, loaders, and the first was an architect, who first drew on paper what a kindergarten should be like, and after that, engineers and builders began construction.

Physical education "Professions"

The cook cooks porridge. (Imitation with rotation of the hands)

The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Mahi hands)

The doctor treats Masha. (Open and close the mouth, sticking out the tongue)

The blacksmith forges steel. (claps)

Lumberjacks are chopping. (Mahi with slopes)

Build masters. (Imitation of jumping up)

What will he do, (Raising shoulders)

Our kids?

Educator. Dr. Aibolit, do you know that our kindergarten also has a nurse who treats us when we have a tooth or earache. What is her name?

Children, think, and tell me, who else works in kindergarten?

Manager, educators, nannies, cooks, laundresses, janitor.

Remember, when we talked about these professions, I told you that each of them needs some kind of tools or tools to work, what else do we call them. Now I will check if you are familiar with the above professions. Let's play a game.

Didactic game "Who needs what for work"

Children who want to tell who their mom or dad works for and what accessories or tools they need for work (children's answers)

Today we are many talking about different professions x, but did not mention how people should be treated in general. Do you think adults should be respected? How exactly? Well, look how many toys, boxes we have in our group, they were made by workers in factories. Not one hand made them, but many. How do you feel about toys?

And look how clean and comfortable we are. Whose merit is this? (Nanny)

How do you feel about babysitting?

And when you go out for a walk and see swept paths, playgrounds, trimmed bushes. Who did it? Are we helping him or not? How exactly? How should you treat clothes? shoes?

Educator. Dear dolls, you realized that all professions are needed, all are important, so don't quarrel anymore and if you are in another kindergarten, tell the children about what you heard here today.

In the theory and practice of preschool education, the formation of children's knowledge about the work of people, an accessible understanding of its role in people's lives, is of particular importance. It is this task - to form ideas about the social significance of people's labor - that turns out to be extremely important. The "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" sets the task of gradually developing in children (taking into account age possibilities) an interest in work, a desire to work, skills in elementary labor activity, diligence. The solution of these problems is envisaged in two ways: through familiarization of children with the work of adults and direct participation in feasible labor activity.

Familiarization with the work activity of adults is of decisive importance for the formation of the child's initial ideas about the role of work in the life of society. Therefore, we solve the problem of familiarizing ourselves with the work of adults in various forms: both in the classroom and outside of them (we conduct observations, excursions, look at illustrations, read fiction, play role-playing games, etc.).

The formation of generalized ideas about the importance of adult work requires that children, first of all, have clear concepts that in each specific process a result is achieved that has the exact purpose of satisfying a particular need. Therefore, knowing the purpose of the thing will allow the child to understand the specific value of each process (washing dishes, sewing a hat, cooking meatballs, washing clothes, cleaning the territory, etc.).

So, for example, we organized observations of the janitor's work - about twice a quarter (according to the seasons). In every season we noted the nature of the janitor's work, clarified the names and purpose of his working equipment. They drew the children's attention to the result and value of the janitor's work for all people and offered to provide all possible assistance to the janitor on walks: in the summer - we collected small debris, swept the veranda, in the fall - we removed the fallen leaves, in the winter we cleaned the paths from snow, benches on the veranda, made a slide.

Excursions to the kindergarten's laundry, medical office, catering department were also organized. In the process of such excursions, the children not only enriched themselves with new impressions, but also got an excellent opportunity to satisfy their interest in what professional and significant actions for other people are performed by kindergarten employees. One of the clearest examples of such an excursion is an excursion to the laundry.

In the warm season, while walking, the children paid attention to the linen hanging in the yard on the ropes. They asked questions: where do we wash clothes in the kindergarten, who does the washing, how? After all, the process of washing clothes is hidden from the eyes of the child, only the results (hung clothes) are visible. And then we organized an excursion to the laundry, where, together with the laundry operator, we told and showed the sequence of work in the laundry. To reinforce the acquired knowledge, the children were asked questions: "Why (for what purpose) should the linen be washed, dried?" etc.

In the medical office, the children clearly got acquainted with the work of a nurse; at the catering unit, they saw with their own eyes the process of preparing dinner. When visiting the medical office, the office of the head, the catering department, they especially emphasized that the entire kindergarten team works together, harmoniously, everyone makes sure that the children in the kindergarten live well.

Based on specific ideas about the effectiveness of individual labor processes, we form generalized ideas about the need for one or another type of activity of a person of a certain profession: the nanny washed the dishes - the dishes are clean; set the tables for dinner you can eat; prepared beds - children can go to bed; those. the nanny takes care of the children of the absence of the parents. The cook prepares soup, cutlets, compote - he makes sure that everyone is full. The dressmaker sews dresses, coats, etc. - makes sure that everyone has clothes. Such representations make it possible to form an attitude towards specific people, representatives of a particular profession, a careful attitude to the results of their work.

On the basis of such primary generalizations, we form more complex ideas that different types of work can provide for different needs of people. Hence, a more complex generalization is possible: labor is a manifestation of people's concern for each other. Assimilation by children of such a generalization makes it possible, during subsequent work, to consider each new type of activity of adults from these positions and to cultivate the correct attitude towards work and towards the people performing it. This is available to children of older preschool age, provided that all previous ideas are formed at younger and middle preschool age.

Children grow up, along with them their curiosity, interest in the professions of people grows. And now we are conducting more complex classes to familiarize children with the professions of a builder, teacher, policeman, miner, firefighter, librarian ... The educational effectiveness of familiarization with the work of adults depends not only on what kind of work is observed, but also on which sides children's attention is directed. For example, during excursions to the vegetable market, we tried to draw the attention of children to the general order, carefully thought-out work: vegetables are placed separately in trays; the seller packs in bags; weighs carefully. While observing the work of the builders, they emphasized how amicably and harmoniously they work, drew attention to mutual assistance, careful actions of the workers, and their attitude to their favorite work.

Also in our work, we considered it important to arouse in children a sense of admiration for those wonderful transformations that occur as a result of labor: for example, watching painters paint the walls on the veranda - the old walls are covered with paint, they become beautiful. Walking along the streets of our native city, we watched the work of snowplows. The snow-covered street after clearing gives room for the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

And after an excursion to the children's library, the children asked how books are made? To familiarize children with the professions of people involved in the process of making books, we have developed the lesson "The Way of the Book".
