Prayer for beer. Rituals and rituals for alcohol addiction

If a person suffering from alcoholism is aware of the destructive effect of his addiction and wants to voluntarily be treated, this is good, but what to do when the patient denies addiction, does not want to be treated himself and at the same time poisons the lives of his loved ones. In such a situation, the relatives themselves can do something to help the dependent person. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to obtain his consent, as well as to notify him of your actions. We are talking about a conspiracy from alcoholism, which you can do yourself at home without resorting to different healers.

Healers or independent conspiracy

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, because getting rid of it is not so easy, and a person suffering from a harmful addiction gradually degrades, turning from a caring father, obedient son and good worker into an indifferent and cruel drunkard. To save a person from this disease, relatives and friends are ready to take any measures.

Sometimes conspiracies from alcoholism help get rid of harmful addiction. In this case, the result will largely depend on who you contact to perform the ritual. Today you can meet a lot of charlatans who ask a lot of money for their services, but the result after such sessions is zero.

Important: a real healer will never take money for his services, because there is a belief that if he takes them, then his gift will be lost.

Although you can meet those healers who take money, but do not name a fixed amount, that is, a person who turns to him can give as much as he wants. In principle, such healers can also be trusted.

That is why it is very important to find a person who really has a gift, or to perform the ritual on your own at home. You can talk from drunkenness on water, soap, ice, wax, vodka, a pin, as well as on a photo of an addicted person. Your apartment or house may be suitable for the ritual, but sometimes, to enhance the effect, a conspiracy is performed in places with powerful energy, for example, in a cemetery or in a forest. Also, to strengthen the conspiracy, it is carried out at a certain time on Epiphany or before Christmas.

Important Rules

As a rule, speaking from alcoholism is, in fact, a direct appeal to the Almighty to help a person who is addicted to alcohol get rid of this addiction. Such conspiracies are used not only to combat drunkenness, but also to treat a drug addict, as well as a lecherous husband. The person who will perform the ritual must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is very important that the relative reading the conspiracy himself believe in his strength. All words must be spoken clearly and distinctly.
  2. The ritual is done on the waning moon. Moreover, women should read it on women's days (Friday, Saturday or Wednesday), and men pronounce the plot on men's days (Tuesday, Monday, Thursday).
  3. If you will perform a water conspiracy, then do not use tap water, as it is saturated with negative energy. If you cannot find clean spring or well water, then conspire on tap water only after keeping it in the dark for seven days. On the eighth day, water can be used.
  4. In an apartment or house where a drinking person lives, it is advisable to put an icon called the "Inexhaustible Chalice". Before this icon, the alcoholic himself and his family can read prayers every day.
  5. Additionally, you can order several prayer services in the church, which are aimed at combating drunkenness.
  6. Before reading the conspiracy itself, turn to the Almighty with a request that he hear your requests.
  7. Before reading the plot, you need to fast for three days.
  8. Every day in the morning (on an empty stomach) it is necessary to use holy water.

Increasing the effectiveness of the conspiracy

The rituals performed by the alcoholic himself have the greatest effectiveness. This belief is based on the fact that in order to perform this ritual, the drinker must make the decision to stop drinking alcohol, and this is already a step towards healing. Also of no less importance for obtaining a good result is the patient's faith in various conspiracies, prayers and rituals. If you read a conspiracy from alcoholism over such a person, then recovery will come much faster.

If the person suffering from alcoholism himself will utter conspiracies from drunkenness, they can be read at home only after the patient has prepared accordingly. To do this, he needs to do the following:

  1. It is very important not to drink before performing the ritual and fast for at least three days.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to go to the bath, then put on clean underwear.
  3. Further, on spring, well or tap water settled for seven days, the following words are read: “Hops and wine, release me, a servant of God (say your name), until the end of my days. Desire to drink wine and intoxicating drinks go away, and let drunkenness go to dense forests with black birds and fierce beasts. Let the wind carry away the passion for alcohol beyond the distant seas, beyond the high mountains to bad people who, like wine itself, do not bring good, but only famously create. Let the desire to drink leave me forever. Amen (3 times)."
  4. This plot should be read over the prepared water three times, after which the patient should drink it, imagining how the addiction leaves him forever.

Conspiracies for water

Relatives and relatives of the patient can also read conspiracies for water. The effectiveness of such conspiracies is high. One of them can be done on any day of the week of any month, but only on the 19th. To do this, do the following:

  1. Prepare clean spring or well water.
  2. Read this conspiracy over it three times: “Let the servant of God (name) refuse to drink just as all the saints did not know her, the Most Holy Theotokos herself and the Lord God. Amen".
  3. It is not necessary to give all this water to drink to the patient. It is added by spoonful to soup, compote, tea and other liquid dishes.

If a mother wants her son not to drink alcohol, then she can perform the following ritual on Clean Thursday:

  1. On this day, she must clean all the windows in the house.
  2. After that, the water is poured onto the son’s back and at this time it is said: “Just as I gave birth to you, and fed you with milk, so do you (pronounce the name) so that you don’t drink alcohol and don’t pour intoxicating drink into your mouth. As the windows in the house are washed, so you, my son, will be washed. Amen (3 times)." These words while pouring water must be read seven times.

Photo ritual

If an alcoholic does not want to be treated and perform rituals, then you can do it remotely using a photo. To conduct a conspiracy you will need:

  • Photo of a drinking person.
  • Candles from the church.
  • Holy water.

The ritual is performed as follows:

  1. Put a photo on the table, behind which you can hardly put it and light candles.
  2. Dip your fingers in holy water and sprinkle the photo.
  3. After that, start saying: “Lord, help me, get rid of the addiction of the servant of God (we say the name). I pronounce a conspiracy in order to win back Your servant from alcohol (again we say the name), so that vodka and wine do not go down the throat, but only pure water flows so that he shuns alcohol like an evil demon. And let this word be a law for him. Amen".
  4. After that, the photo must be hidden in a secret place.
  5. If after a month the charmed person does not stop drinking, then the ritual must be repeated, taking out the photo from the hiding place.

Conspiracy with ice

Another ritual that can be performed without the knowledge of the patient is a conspiracy on ice. As a rule, this ceremony is necessarily performed only on the waning moon. To perform the procedure, do the following:

  1. Ice should be put in a bowl and placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it.
  2. In the morning, when the ice has completely melted, the following conspiracy is read on the melt water: “It makes you shiver from cold ice, and chills arise, so that the blood and flesh of the servant of God (say the name) cools down from the intoxicating drink. So that he would not drink wine, he did not take a glass and ran away from the mash. Amen".
  3. This conspiracy must be spoken over melt water for seven days.
  4. On the eighth day, this water is gradually mixed into drinks and liquid dishes for the alcoholic.

cemetery conspiracy

This ritual is especially strong because it is performed in a place with powerful energy - in a cemetery. That is why it is often believed that otherworldly forces, sorcerers and witches live here. It is better that the patient does not suspect about this ritual.

The ritual is usually performed by someone close to the drinker. He should do the following:

  1. A man comes to the cemetery with a glass of vodka and finds a grave that no one has looked after for a long time.
  2. You need to put a glass on this grave, cross yourself three times and read the following conspiracy: “Just as a dead person in the grave does not need alcohol, so let the servant of God (indicate the name) not think about wine day or night. Remember, dead man, the pernicious addiction of the servant of God (say the name) and take it with you to the grave.

Attention: this conspiracy is so strong that it can help save a person not only from alcoholism, but also drug addiction.

Other conspiracies

Some healers use a ritual for soap, which is good because it can be performed without the knowledge of the drinker. To do this, you will need a bar of soap, on which you need to say the following: “Let the servant of God (name) not drink and walk in a drunken stupor. They conjure so that as he washed his hands with this soap, he washed off his addiction and forgot it. Amen". The conspiracy over soap must be repeated nine times.

A very strong energy is observed in the days before major church holidays such as Epiphany and Christmas. That is why conspiracies and fortune-telling these days have a special power. To perform the ritual you need:

  • go to church for holy water;
  • over the water, read “Our Father” three times;
  • then repeat the conspiracy three times: “Let the hops sit like a king on a throne, but do not enter my house”;
  • a glass of charmed water is given to drink to an alcoholic.

When a conspiracy doesn't work

Sometimes it happens that no treatment and conspiracies help to rid the patient of addiction. The reason for this may be another conspiracy, which contributed to the emergence of alcoholism. Sometimes such a ritual can be performed by a mistress to destroy a family, or a girl trying to bewitch your son, but performing the ritual incorrectly.

Alcoholism, which arose as a result of a conspiracy, can be determined by the following signs:

  • drunkenness arose without any prerequisites, suddenly (there is no bad heredity and other causes of alcoholism);
  • a person wants to stop drinking, but cannot;
  • vodka is needed not as a pleasure, but for “treatment”;
  • addiction overshadowed everything (duty, love for children, etc.);
  • outwardly imperceptible degradation of the personality (the person is neat, politely communicates).

Important: it is very difficult to remove such a conspiracy to drunkenness, sometimes only a very strong white magician can help. If the disposal of this magical ritual is not carried out, then the matter may end in death.

A folk conspiracy from alcoholism has already saved a lot of people and saved many families, because it is very difficult to deal with excessive consumption of strong drinks.

Such a process requires a long period of treatment and the investment of considerable financial resources and mental effort.

But if you turn to folk rituals so that your husband does not drink and get rid of his addiction to vodka, you can save a lot of energy and avoid numerous negative consequences.

Alcoholism has become a very common problem these days, destroying many families and killing many healthy people.

It becomes more difficult to resolve such a situation because a person under the influence of vodka is not aware of his actions and does not want to be treated, he simply becomes lost to society.


In this case, the entire initiative to solve the problem of alcoholism has to be taken into their own hands by another family member: mother, wife or friend. But even in this case, the outcome of the unequal struggle with strong drinks is absolutely not clear. Standard methods may simply not bring the desired result.

In such a difficult case, only a folk conspiracy from drunkenness can help you. The main thing is to approach its implementation correctly.

Features of rituals from drunkenness

To avoid an unexpected result or negative consequences of such rituals, one should be very careful in their implementation. To do this, first of all, you should follow the general recommendations for such specific magical actions:

  • A conspiracy against drunkenness is carried out on strictly defined days, which are chosen based on who should be cured. If the husband drinks, then prefer Monday, Tuesday or Thursday for the ceremony, if the woman - then Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. On Sundays, it is best not to carry out such a conspiracy from binge at all.
  • The alcohol conspiracy will bring the greatest benefit if you correctly select the lunar phase by the day of the week. Preference should be given to the full moon or the outgoing month.
  • As in many other magical actions, the presence of faith is necessary in conspiracies from drunkenness. If you are trying to use such a conspiracy against alcohol out of curiosity, then you should not expect effective healing. In the worst case, you may be overtaken by negative consequences from the abuse of higher powers.
  • You should not try to share the planned rite with other members of your family, including the person who drinks, if he does not want his cure. Even in the case when you see a positive result from the ritual against drunkenness, keep everything a secret so as not to incur the wrath of higher powers.

The above rules should be followed in any case, regardless of the type of ritual you choose.

Ritual in the photo

The strongest conspiracy from binge is carried out according to the photo of a man. After all, any picture carries a strong imprint of a person's aura, which means it facilitates the direction of magical power in the right direction.

To prevent your husband from drinking, conduct this conspiracy against drunkenness on the day of the month corresponding to the recommendations. In addition, you will need to prepare the following things in advance:

  • A recent photo of a person addicted to alcohol.
  • Three wax candles purchased from a church.
  • Some holy water.

The conspiracy against drunkenness itself should be performed at sunset. Stand alone in an empty room and line up candles.

When you light them, do not forget to put a photo prepared in advance in front of them.

It must be sprinkled with holy water, while saying the following words:

The prayer must be said three times, and the photo itself must be hidden in a cache. Improvements will come in a couple of weeks. If you want your husband not to drink at all, then perform this ritual from drunkenness exactly one month later, using the same photo.

Conspiracy for water

You can also heal a person from alcohol abuse with charmed water. If you perform such a ritual from drunkenness regularly and give all the magical water to drink, then alcoholism will become a thing of the past.

If it is not possible to obtain such living water, then you should still not abandon this effective ritual of drunkenness.

Take ordinary clean water and let it stand for seven days in a dark hiding place.

When all the preparatory activities are completed, read the following words of prayer over the water:

Such charmed water must be consumed completely. You can mix it into tea or coffee to the drinking person.

Ritual for soap

This conspiracy against drunkenness is also quite strong. Its advantage is that the magic words will be read on ordinary soap, with which your husband will subsequently wash his hands. That is, there is no need to persuade him to drink anything.

It is best to purchase a new bar of soap itself, especially for the rite itself, so that the husband does not drink. It should read the following conspiracy words:

It is best to say the prayer itself at least nine times, and leave the soap where an alcoholic person usually takes hygiene procedures. It will be enough if they wash their hands regularly with such soap.

If the effect of the conspiracy is weak, then read the prayer for the same soap again in two weeks. When the bar is over, it will be necessary to speak a new one.

Ritual on a towel

Our grandmothers also used this conspiracy from drinking, since it is not difficult to make it, and the result is admirable.

To do this, purchase a small new hand towel in advance. On the night when a full moon shines in the sky, read these words on it:

Now this thing must be left in the place where your loved one, who is addicted to alcohol, can use it for its intended purpose, that is, eat to wipe their hands. No one else should touch this charmed towel.

As soon as the necessary has happened, take it away and tie it into a strong knot, saying these words:

Hide the towel itself in a reliable hiding place without untying the knot.


Conspiracies from drunkenness at home: consequences

An effective conspiracy against drunkenness is to help the entire family of an alcoholic who not only drinks away the money he has earned, but also neglects any family responsibilities.

They read a conspiracy from drunkenness to water or a conspiracy from drunkenness in a cemetery, both people with addiction and their loved ones. Rituals at a distance can work if you use a photo or thing of a sick person.

How to choose a conspiracy from binge so as not to be afraid of dangerous consequences?

Conspiracies from drunkenness

Magical fight against alcoholism

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness is selected depending on how long a person has been drinking. Alcoholism is a disease of the soul and body. People with strong energy do not suffer from such an addiction.

Popular conspiracies from drunkenness are used by people who are desperate to "code" or renounce.

There are consequences and complications from a conspiracy to drunkenness, but only with the help of targeted magical influence will it be possible to drive a husband or loved one away from the bottle.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness is read in a certain setting and on days when natural elements enhance the work of the conspiracy. A conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences can affect the lives of all family members.

To protect against the consequences, protective spells and prayers help. Only prayer words will help to remove the terrible sin that a man or woman commits every day.

A ritual is performed with a sleeping alcoholic, who is at a great distance from the conspirator.

Choosing a magical method of treatment for an alcoholic

Who will help conspiracies? The spells of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova or any effective folk ritual works only on special charged days - on Good Friday, Christmas or Epiphany. On Easter, only folk rituals are held for inveterate alcoholics. Folk conspiracies and rituals of a healer can harm both the conspirator and the victim of magical action.

Rituals are selected depending on such factors:

  • the day when the necessary ritual helps to get rid of the most harmful, dangerous habit (the day when the moon is waning);
  • the state of an alcoholic (the consequences of drinking can weaken the body's defense mechanisms);
  • effective spells are selected for magical attributes (plots in the photo, the towel of the addict, his things);
  • effective spells are not cast during the day, the best time to cast them is at night;
  • an effective conspiracy should be read from memory (you should learn the words of the spell of Vanga or Natalya Stepanova in advance);
  • you can cast spells on a husband, son, friend - on a person for whom the conspirator has sincere feelings;
  • a powerful anti-binge ritual and a strong protective rite helps prevent drunkenness in the future.

A strong ritual against the addiction of Vanga or Stepanova will prevent another binge if you prepare your husband or son in advance. You need to read the words of a prayer for protection on the eve of the ceremony. For a husband or loved one, prayer words will become a guarantee of security.

Consequences of magic

Prayers and conspiracies help before the ritual for one reason - protection is not easy for a person, but vital.

Who needs to be protected? Getting booze out of the house, not only physically, but on more subtle levels, is not as easy as it might seem.

Conspiracies for food, soap, towel, hair will help remove addiction, but violate the integrity of the human energy shell.

Before performing a magical ritual on any day of the week, on holidays or on weekdays, you should protect yourself and your loved one: they make protection from other harmful human habits.

Having jumped off one problem, a weak personality strives to find a new addiction. Only in this way does the life of a weakened person acquire meaning. A magical ritual from a photograph on good days of the week or a spell for food is done in several stages.

To avoid consequences, you can take a person to church, let him confess.

They also protect against weakness of the individual. Immediately after reading the plot, the alcoholic loses his vitality.

For a person, a targeted magical effect, especially for a long time (conspiracies based on photography, on soap, a ritual with a glass) is very destructive.

Protecting a son or husband before rituals that will definitely help is the primary task of a caring woman.

Universal conspiracies for water

Speak water

Black or white magic will help to bring out mental illness. The difference between two different influences is only in the consequences.

At home, a powerful ritual is performed on water, which should be brought from the church.

Taken together, ancient rituals for water and Slavic spells quickly relieve an alcoholic of mental illness.

Harmful is such a method (it's about the consequences) at a distance. With the help of whispers on the water, it is better to speak to a husband or son who is nearby.

Against drunkenness, rituals are held for the Annunciation, a forty-strong ritual on the eve of Good Friday and a rite for water.

What you need for conspiracies on water

From drunkenness, only a proven ritual with water helps. Muslim, ancient Slavic, Easter rites at home show good results.

In severe cases of drunkenness, several magical events are carried out at once.

At home, the safest but most effective rituals are performed on an addicted person using magical attributes:

  • salt;
  • prepare wood ash;
  • normal chicken egg.

The essence of the rite of drunkenness lies in the exact impact. To carry out a secret action with water or food, soap, the patient must visit the cemetery. Earth is brought from the grave, causing disgust from drunkenness.

Reading the simplest plot

There are rituals with charmed water of varying complexity: multi-stage or those that are carried out at a time.

Such actions are chosen for yourself or you can use them for your husband (son, friend or daughter). The sex of the addict and his position in society for magic does not matter.

With the help of charmed water, you can wean a dependent woman, but it is very difficult to deal with female alcoholism.


Conspiracies are read over the sick or over the holy liquid, after the main part of the ritual:

  1. Holy water is brought from the temple. Ordinary tap water will not help to cope with such a difficult task. You can bring water from the spring - living water, with which only the most powerful spells are made. It is very important on what day the main attribute is brought. It is better to take holy water on Sunday after the service or on a big Orthodox holiday.
  2. Left alone, the conspirator pronounces the words of the spell on the holy water:

The conspirator waits until Friday and adds holy liquid to the addict's food and drink. Additionally, the words of the prayer "Our Father" will help the patient.

Fight alcoholism

It is very important not to tell anyone about the methods of dealing with alcoholism in the family. The easiest way to get rid of a problem is to solve it in accessible ways without unnecessary talk. Holy water cannot be poured out (the patient must completely consume the charmed liquid).

The most powerful ritual against alcoholism for a husband or friend also works on ice (frozen charmed liquid). It is not so important through which attributes powerful conspiracies will operate. The conspirator will protect himself if he conducts ceremonies after repentance in the church.

Soap Spell

The conspiracy from drinking is quite strong on soap. It is held on Friday - prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness on this day are the most effective. Alcohol, which ruined the whole family, will no longer interfere with family happiness.

An effective conspiracy against drunkenness so that alcohol no longer attracts the patient, is read after sunset. The most effective and powerful conspiracy from drunkenness - a conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph is also read on soap.

Aversion to alcohol without the knowledge of the addict (on behalf of the mother, wife, girlfriend) at home is used together with folk remedies, the recipes of which are easy to learn from healers.

Deliverance occurs on Epiphany week, during fasting or at Easter. Without additional attributes, good soap enchantments will work even for beginners.

Only a waning moon can get rid of an addiction (during another phase, rituals are ineffective).

Preparing for covert action

Who can make magical bans on the Full Moon on a guy, the fate of his daughter? One who is not afraid of the consequences. Magic works against drunkenness, but for this you need to prepare for the ceremony.

Simple spells can be made literally of any number (energy-charged days are selected for village spells, and Kazakh spells are cast only on women's days of the week).

The best option is clean Thursday, which will help remove dependence from the female and male body.

To make a lapel on Thursday so that alcohol does not attract, a spell will help:

Few people know that there is a certain type of spoilage called drunken spoilage. Already from the name ... VK group: http://.com/good116soul. Bread of healing If you want to help someone in healing, then use this rite.

After that ... Folk conspiracies tested for centuries work 100%. Conspiracy against drunkenness.

With the help of a spell, a bar of soap is spoken. You need to do a magical action 9 times (it will help get rid of female and male alcoholism).

Only the patient should wash his face with soap. In addition, folk remedies with the addition of charged water will help increase the aversion to alcohol so that alcohol immediately causes vomiting.

Rite for 7 candles

Time-tested conspiracy from husband's drunkenness with candles. The simplest and most effective charms will not bring trouble to the whole family. At home, conspiracies are read from drunkenness for 7 church candles:

The conspiracy from drinking is read three times. The simplest and most powerful conspiracy must be learned by heart. You can pronounce it with the patient, and without the presence of an alcoholic.

The easiest way to get rid of booze is to try a few magical methods.

A conspiracy from drunkenness to a new photo, soap or candles works unconditionally.


Conspiracy from drunkenness (read at home)

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the cause of one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of people - alcoholism.

The disease causes physical and moral harm to the patient and people around him. Because of alcoholism, a person is not able to be a full-fledged member of society.

He cannot be in healthy relationships with people, move up the career ladder, take care of family members.

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness is a lifeline in the fight against alcoholism. Relatives sometimes cannot bear the suffering of a loved one and turn to rituals and prayers. It is not always necessary to go to traditional healers; a conspiracy to drunkenness is also done at home.

Rules for conducting rituals

Conspiracies from alcoholism are effective appeals and prayers to the Almighty, which help to rid a person of a bad habit.

It will be possible to achieve a result if, during the ritual, the words of the correct, accurate spell are pronounced. Performing rituals for fun is prohibited.

When the lapel from drunkenness is intended for a woman, conspiracies are read on the days of the feminine week (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday). A conspiracy against alcoholism for a man is pronounced on Thursday, Monday or Tuesday.

Folk remedies offer various options for effective conspiracies. They often require improvised items.

For example, they use water, a photograph of a drunken person, wax and other things.

According to the rules of some rituals, they go to the cemetery, use church utensils, water collected on the night of Epiphany.

It is necessary to make a conspiracy so that the person who needs help does not know about it, otherwise it may not work out. It is allowed to say healing words over any food. But the best fit:

  • Rye bread;
  • wheat bread;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • berries.

How to get rid of alcoholism on your own

Strong rituals and prayers work best when an alcohol addict recognizes his problem and seeks to get rid of it as soon as possible.

At the same time, the treatment of alcoholism will take much less time, which will provoke a conspiracy to act more effectively.

If a person is faced with an unpleasant problem, then he can speak himself on his own, without outside help.

Before the ritual, it is required to observe a strict fast for several days. Then they go to the sauna or bath and after the procedure they put on clean clothes.

For the ceremony, a person will need the purest water. It is better to collect it from a spring or stream. Over the water they read the plot 3 times and drink. In the process, you need to imagine in your thoughts that the addiction goes away and will never return.

miraculous water

Common among the people are conspiracies from drunkenness, which are committed on water. They are suitable for people who do not want to be coded and treated.

If the subject, addicted to liquor, does not accept magical intervention in his life, it does not matter. A slander on water is read without the knowledge of the patient.

In addition, a conspiracy to water is allowed to be done on oneself in the absence of a desire to therapeutically affect the body.


Over water poured into a glass, certain words are read three times. A conspiracy to stop drinking is done when the patient has a hangover and is thirsty.

Cooked drink will help not only to quench your thirst, but also to cope with the disease.

The text for the magic ritual can be sincere words, a petition from the Higher powers for salvation, indicating the name of the person who needs help.

The next conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences is highly likely if the ceremony is performed on the 19th of any month. A vessel with water is prepared for him, over which a prayer is read. Such water is charged with healing properties.

It is poured into the first dish or drink that a person who has problems with alcohol will drink. The action occurs instantly or after a while.

In advanced cases of drunkenness, in order to obtain the desired result, they give a person a few glasses of charmed water to drink.

A conspiracy to drunkenness is sentenced over water collected on the day of Epiphany. It will need to take 0.5 liters. If you need to heal from drug addiction, then the ceremony is performed several times, then the liquid needs 1 liter.

They read the prayer words 3 times, bending over the filled container. The breath must be in contact with the surface. After reading the bank is sealed. Opening the lid is allowed only for the intended use of water.

The liquid, without heating, is added to ready-made drinks or dishes of the victim.

If his mother is trying to cure a son, then the following method is an excellent option for getting rid of a negative habit without involving traditional medicine.

On Maundy Thursday in a house or apartment, you need to wash the windows, then pour the applied water onto your son's back. At the same time, you need to ask the Lord to save you from trouble.

The use of alcoholic beverages in conspiracies from alcoholism

Conspiracies from drunkenness are performed for preventive purposes. The ceremony is performed with a feeling of strong dependence on alcohol. It will prevent the development of the disease. You should act at midnight or exactly at 3 o'clock in the morning. A cup is placed on the table, into which vodka is poured. You will also need:

  • 3 candles;
  • a mirror in which you can see your reflection;
  • cup.

Being in a calm, relaxed state, they say the prayer “Our Father” 3 times. Then they drink a drink in front of a mirror, put out the candles and go to bed.

There is also a ritual for drunkenness. It is performed in a certain sequence. First, an empty bottle is prepared, into which the remnants of drinks that the alcoholic has not finished drinking are poured.

This should be done without him noticing. It is allowed to mix wine, beer, cognac and other spirits. The main thing to remember is that you can't drink it.

The remains are sometimes used to spoil drunkenness, but with their help you can also get rid of alcoholism. A full bottle is carried to the cemetery. There you need to go into the fence and bury a container in any corner.

At the same time, they ask the patient to stop drinking. Arriving home, they discreetly attach a pin to the clothes of the addict.

The next conspiracy for alcohol will require the use of hops in addition to alcoholic beverages. This plant has been added to intoxicating drinks since ancient times. It is considered the most powerful remedy for drunkenness. Hops are sold in any pharmacy.

For the ritual, not crushed, but whole leaves are taken. To eliminate drunkenness and its consequences, 1 tbsp. l. hops and unfinished vodka for the sick. In the drink, the plant is soaked and then dried.

On the full moon, they take the prepared attribute and make a petition over it to save the husband or someone else from a bad habit. Then the hops are finely chopped. The plant is mixed into tea every day for 3 days.

Tea is brewed as usual, after which magical grass is added to it and the prayer “Our Father” is pronounced 9 times.

You will get a strong conspiracy from drunkenness if the conspiracy process is performed 3 times (3 nights will be spent on the full moon). But the result will justify the effort: the husband will become completely free from addiction, and the disease will not return.

Helping loved ones from alcoholism

So that the husband does not drink, a simple rite will help. A petition to the Lord is whispered over a husband who is fast asleep. This ritual, so that the husband refuses alcohol forever, is performed daily, even if the spouse sleeps during the day.

In order for the husband to give up his addiction forever, you need to buy a reliable lock on Friday. The remains of an alcoholic drink that the spouse drank are poured into the keyhole.

Making this manipulation against the drunkenness of her husband, they say: “You are a drunkard and a libertine, like this castle, the doors of all taverns and bottles of vodka will be closed to you.” The key to the lock is thrown away, but rather drowned in the river.

The rite for the castle is the strongest if done on a waning moon. The power of the heavenly body is leaving, which means that the ailments will also go away.

The ritual performed with fire will save the husband from drunkenness. On an odd day on the calendar, you need to collect dry branches of trees in the forest, light a fire.

Around it, you need to draw a circle with a sharp object (preferably a branch). After that, they squat outside the circle and ask for help. In this case, you can not take your eyes off the fire.

If there are tears in your eyes, then you do not need to wipe them, they should dry themselves.


A fishing trip will help heal a loved one from a serious illness. A conspiracy to drunkenness is read on a fish caught by oneself, and not purchased in a supermarket.

The fish must remain alive until the house. Pour wine into a vessel and place it there.

When preparing fish for frying, one should say: “As this fish will flounder in wine, so the soul of the servant of God (name) will rush about at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Nothing should interfere with the whole process. Fish is required to treat a person with a craving for alcohol. In this way, it will be possible to permanently eliminate a bad habit.

Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays

On Christmas Eve, a petition to the Lord can be whispered over each of the Lenten dishes, then each of the 12 preparations is tried little by little.

Kutya, over which conspiracies are read, has especially magical properties. It is necessary to ensure that the alcoholic eats 3 tsp.

during the Christmas meal after the first star lights up in the sky.

Strong conspiracies are filled with a powerful energy flow, so they are effective. Ceremonies that are held on any Orthodox holiday are effective.

In the living room you need to put a large table in the center. From above it is covered with a white tablecloth. In the middle is a mirror, in front of it are 3 church candles.

Having covered their heads with a dark scarf and put on dark clothes, they stand near the table, take a bottle with an alcoholic drink in their hand and whisper the prayer “Our Father”.

Pour 1 glass of holy water and an alcoholic drink from three glasses into a capacious container. The mixture is added in small portions to the patient's food.

If, after taking such a drink, a person feels weakness and aversion to alcohol, the rite is done correctly.

Traditional healers are advised to conduct rituals with photographs. So the effect will be obtained quickly.

A magical ritual is performed over a photograph of a person who has been defeated by an illness and wants to recover.

It is important to perform the manipulation on the night when the moon is waning. A prayer over a photo of an alcoholic is read 3 times.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem. It must be eliminated quickly, without waiting for the situation to worsen. Folk remedies help get rid of the disease in question quickly enough, but if the alcoholic himself wants it, then the Universe will respond even earlier.

  • This person is constantly drawn to alcohol and he always breaks down ...
  • In appearance, beginning health problems are noticeable ...
  • He is always irritable and thinks only of one thing...
  • Your loved one does not want to be treated for addiction, because they simply do not recognize it ...
  • Then no one will help him except you, he is on the last step from the abyss ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of drugs, methods and ways ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help much ...

Alcoholism is one of the topical problems of modern society. Addiction poisons not only the existence of the alcoholic, but also spoils the life of his family and loved ones. Fighting drunkenness is very difficult, especially if the drinker categorically refuses to admit his addiction to alcohol.

Now a large number of drug treatment clinics offer their services for the treatment of alcoholism, but what to do if an alcoholic aggressively perceives even the slightest hint of therapy? Our ancestors got out of such situations with the help of magic - various conspiracies and prayers aimed at getting rid of alcohol addiction. Modern practice shows that magical rituals against alcoholism in many cases work even more effectively than qualified treatment in a specialized medical institution.

However, this barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Trying to get rid of drunkenness with the help of special conspiracies, it is very easy to run into charlatans offering instant elimination of the disease. To prevent this from happening, I recommend at home. After all, a sincere desire coming from the very heart to help your loved one cope with his misfortune is already half the battle for a successful outcome of magical influence.

Let's take a look at what drinking rituals can actually bring about improvements in well-being, and most importantly, without consequences.

In order for home rituals to get rid of alcoholism to give a guaranteed result, the performer must take into account some working conditions with them:

  • conspiracies from drunkenness are read in the phase of the waning moon, so that the addiction also subsides;
  • males are treated on male days (Mon, Tue, Thu), females are treated on female days (Wed, Fri, Sat); you can't do it on Sundays;
  • it is useful to bring the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon into the house: both the drunkard himself and relatives who wish him well can pray to her;
  • holy water must be present in the diet of an alcoholic: you need to drink it in the morning, or add a little to any drinks and dishes;

A person who wants to overcome his addiction can conduct a ceremony for alcoholism if he recognizes his illness and the need for treatment. However, relatives of the alcoholic often take matters into their own hands, sometimes without his knowledge. You can’t tell anyone about the ritual done, even if you managed to get the desired result.

Strong rituals for alcoholism at home

For living water

Water for the ritual must be alive, i.e. taken from a spring or well; ordinary, from the tap is not suitable for these purposes. Liquid must be spoken using the following words:

This rite helps to bring the drunkard out of binges. It is best to talk about ordinary vodka. A bottle of alcohol is slandered using the following words:

“The abbot called the priest to him and together they made a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on God's servant (name) from a bad passion, from a drunken misfortune. Do not know him drunken maety from this day to the grave. How not to swim across a fat pig of one sea-okyan, and God's servant (name) from this day on, never drink alcohol, do not keep it in your mouth and do not desire it at all. Amen- 3 times ”.

The drunkard must drink the charmed vodka 3 times. After that, he should lose the desire to drink alcohol and go into a binge.

From Vanga to soap

The soothsayer became famous for her magical talent. It is from her piggy bank that this ritual was taken to rid a person of drunkenness and hard drinking. To implement the ritual, a bar of soap is bought and spoken 9 times:

“Oh, don’t drink to you, God’s servant (name), don’t walk in a frenzy, don’t wander drunk. I speak and conjure that as you wash your hands, you forget your addiction! So that every time a lousy thought comes to you, you forget it, hate vodka! Amen!"

Soap is placed on a shelf with other bathroom accessories. It is essential that the alcoholic wash their hands regularly. To consolidate the result, and also if the rite did not achieve the intended goal the first time, it is repeated after a few weeks using the same bar of soap. If the old soap is over, they start talking about the new one.

Possible consequences of the rite

What threatens a conspiracy from hard drinking and drunkenness? The rituals listed above belong to the arsenal of light or white magic, so the negative consequences of their implementation are minimal. The worst thing that can happen is that the ritual will not work or will give the opposite result. This usually happens with errors and incorrect execution.

Regarding the patient himself, there will be more “side effects”. At first, he will experience something like withdrawal: a person will suffer due to the lack of the usual dose of alcohol. Against this background, an exacerbation of chronic diseases can occur. It is possible that medical attention will be required. Relatives and friends in this difficult time for him should provide maximum support.

Subsequently, the body of the now former alcoholic will get used to the new sensations, cleanse itself and get a second wind. All this will positively affect all areas of his life.

Powerful conspiracies from drunkenness will help a person get rid of addiction, restore health and improve relationships with others.

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Features of reading conspiracies from alcoholism at home

In order to independently and completely free of charge rid a person of alcohol addiction, it is necessary to read conspiracies from drunkenness correctly.

  1. Not every day is suitable for reading magic words. The weaker sex speaks on women's days - this is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It is easiest to talk to a man on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
  2. It is forbidden to hold ceremonies and rituals on Sunday.
  3. Silence is your best assistant, so do not talk about divination either to your own or to strangers.
  4. Pray and turn to the saints so that a person does not drink, it is better on a waning moon.
  5. The most powerful conspiracies are read over a sleeping person on the 19th of any month.

Conspiracies for water

The most powerful conspiracies for water:

  • conspiracy to water on oneself;
  • rite on Pure Thursday;
  • ritual with sacred water;
  • a conspiracy from drinking to water for a husband;
  • prayer for the treatment of alcoholism in my son.

Conspiracy to water on himself

The rite will affect people who independently came to the idea of ​​quitting drinking.

This effective ritual is performed as follows:

  1. Take water procedures - go to the shower or bath, or better take a steam bath.
  2. Fill a glass with water from any source: a well, a clean stream or a faucet.
  3. Read a spell to help cope with addiction: “Intoxicated frenzy disappear forever! For centuries and for all years. Craving for Braga go away, take the dashing habit. Evil people are bent from my troubles, but I am getting stronger and gaining strength. Retreat to the deciduous forest, and leave me pure.
  4. Drink plenty of water. According to the reviews of the people who performed this ceremony, the problem will gradually disappear.

Rite on Pure Thursday

Rites performed on Maundy Thursday have a powerful influence on people who abuse alcohol.

To heal a patient:

  1. Invite a person to take a bath and whisper the words over the water: “Fast water, wash away black thoughts from the soul, help heal! Life-giving water, protect from hops and mash, bring freedom and lightness. Amen".
  2. Pour a handful of salt into it and read the second part of the conspiracy against drunkenness: “Salt-salt, let alcohol leave your life. Purify the water so that the servant of God can get rid of unclean thoughts and can relax without alcohol. Amen".

sacred water ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • water from the church;
  • container with a lid.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. On the bright holiday of Epiphany, take it into the water and sanctify it in the temple.
  2. Pour some water into a container with a lid.
  3. Read the prayer three times: “Like the Lord Christ Jesus, the brothers did not know and did not know grief. Just as the saints did not destroy their souls with hops, so you (the name of the person) do not suffer from alcohol and forget the sinful habit.
  4. Close the lid and open once a week to discreetly pour water into a drinking relative's food.

A conspiracy from drinking to water for a husband

It can be difficult for a wife to keep her husband from drinking alcohol, but a conspiracy from drinking will help to do this.

The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to pour plain water into a glass and say: “A lonely man lived, lived, and died. Just as he is not alive, so (husband's name) does not run alcohol into his mouth. As the right hand of the deceased does not rise, that (name) of the hands with alcohol does not rise either. He won’t pour more hops for himself, he won’t bring it to his mouth. I protect (name) from sin, I save from illness.
  2. Give your husband water to drink for a week, adding to tea or another drink.

Prayer for the treatment of alcoholism in a son

A prayer to St. Boniface will help to wean a son from alcohol.

Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with a pernicious addiction to drinking wine, and, as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who ask you, so now deliver these unfortunate ones (names). Once, God-wise father, the hail broke your vineyard, but you, giving thanks to God, ordered the few remaining clusters to be put in the winepress and call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh saint of God! As wine multiplied by your prayer for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed, reduce it now where it causes harm, deliver from addiction to it those who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine (names), heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, affirm them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of labor, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, God's saint Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their pernicious desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, put their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-damaging addiction, entailing excommunication from the Kingdom of Heaven, having established themselves in piety, they were worthy of a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

For the son to stop drinking once and for all, the mother must pray for at least two weeks.

The video reveals another version of the conspiracy from drunkenness. Filmed by the channel "Magic of Life".

Conspiracies for alcohol

The most powerful conspiracies for alcohol:

  • conspiracy from alcoholism to vodka;
  • conspiracy from drunkenness to wine.

Conspiracy from alcoholism to vodka

In order for an alcoholic to quit an addiction, you need to speak the consumed vodka.

Save us the Savior from a terrible misfortune. Drive away demonic hops, to the gravestone. Just as a sow does not fly over, does not swim across the deep sea, so (the name of the spouse) does not want alcohol, does not know binge.

It will be possible to cure alcoholism if the patient drinks three shots of vodka.

Conspiracy from drunkenness to wine

We make a charmed tincture on wine on July 7, on Midsummer's Day. Thyme will help to tell fortunes.

We act like this:

  1. We collect grass.
  2. At home, pour the inflorescences into a bottle of wine.
  3. We pronounce an alcoholic conspiracy: “Grass-ant, you grow on the field, you take freedom. Free (the name of the patient) from the misfortune of drunkenness, share freedom so that intoxication becomes a lifetime.
  4. Drinking is set aside for a calendar week, after which we give it to a person suffering from alcohol addiction. He must drink the whole bottle himself.

Conspiracy against alcoholism by photo

When there is no way to conjure a person openly, his photo comes to the rescue.

You need to carry out the ritual in this way:

  1. A photograph of the person you want to save must be placed behind a glass of holy water.
  2. Looking through the water at the photo, read the spell: “As the servant of God (name) thinks to be intoxicated with alcohol, his strength and agility will immediately leave him. The soul will be filled with scabs and abscesses. Heartburn and cramps will be the punishment. You can’t be a drunkard (name), just take a sip and go to bed! The craving for Braga will pass, the hops will fade into the background, and the desire will disappear for centuries.
  3. Sprinkle the picture with water.
  4. Cross drink drinker image.
  5. Put the photo in a dark place.
  6. Drink the drinking husband with the charmed water.

The drunkard will stop drinking on the fortieth day after the ceremony.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on soap

The method is considered one of the most reliable and true. To implement it, you need to take a new piece of soap and speak it.

You should not (target name) go drunk, but drunk. Do not trample the earth in an idle frenzy. I forbid you, yes I conjure! You will wash your hands from dust, but you will save your soul from sins. Attack leave without return, do not come back! Vodka is your main enemy, as soon as you remember it, you will start spitting!

Put soap in the bathroom. It is desirable that only the person who was spoken to use the detergent.

Rite of alcoholism for Easter

On a bright holiday, a prayer ritual is more effective than on other days. It will take 24 candles and Easter cake.

Getting up in the morning no later than 6 o'clock, we act as follows:

  1. We cut the cake into 12 pieces.
  2. We go to the cemetery.
  3. We are looking for 12 gravestones with the same name as the drunkard.
  4. We put a part of the cake on each.
  5. Above each grave we read a prayer: “You lie in the ground, you don’t get drunk on hops. Rest for centuries, do not know grief, do not raise your glasses. And do not let the servant of God (name) poison the soul with wine. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".
  6. You should remember the name of each deceased and put 12 candles for the repose, asking for forgiveness for the trouble.
  7. Put the remaining 12 candles for the health of loved ones.


Reading conspiracies and performing rituals can lead to the following consequences:

  • not only the one who performed the rituals will suffer mentally, but also his family, relatives;
  • if the caster was not addicted to alcohol, he may find that he is strongly drawn to drink;
  • the person whom you wanted to heal from drunkenness may drink even more strongly than before;
  • an alcoholic may become ill or become angry and irritable.


The video filmed by Alla Sigareva shows prayers to the saints for deliverance from drunkenness.

Healing magic, with which you can help a person get rid of bad habits, is very popular in the modern world. Especially popular are rituals that use conspiracies aimed at getting rid of cravings for alcohol. All such rituals are white magic, they awaken positive energy and, therefore, inner forces that help him to stop drinking alcohol.

Powerful Ritual

Magic conspiracies from drunkenness do not involve the use of any additional medications, which means that they cannot lead to malfunction of internal organs and disrupt the vital activity of the human body. ruin life at a young age. The old Russian conspiracy from excessive passion for alcohol is very effective. With his help, healers in Rus' helped mothers rid their sons of addiction. Its strength, honed by sorcerers over the centuries, has been proven by time. It is very important that the consent of the son is not required for the magical rite, so there is no need to persuade your beloved child to stop drinking or try to awaken in him the desire to be cured.

Castle conspiracy

An ordinary padlock is used as an additional attribute in this magical rite. But it must be new and you need to buy it on the day of the ritual, namely on Friday during the waning moon. It is important to buy a padlock, paying for it without change or not taking it. Another additional attribute is a glass or a glass, in which at least a drop of alcohol was left drunk by the son the day before, and this must be taken care of in advance.

The son's conspiracy against drunkenness itself is carried out in the evening in a secluded room. It is necessary to pour the remnants of alcohol from a glass or glass into the keyhole of an open lock and pronounce a magical conspiracy expressively and with a deep feeling of love for your son. His words sound like this:

“Son, my dear, my child, my little blood, you, the Servant of God (the name of the son), will not be a drunkard and a libertine! I close the lock with a key, I seal it with a mother’s word! So for you in your life all the doors of the pubs will be closed forever. My words are righteous, strong and will come true! It will only be like this and nothing else! Amen!"

When pronouncing the magic words, the lock must be closed with a key. The charmed attribute must be hidden in a safe secret place so that no one can find it. And the glass used during the ceremony should be thoroughly washed under cold running water and put in a cupboard.
