Men and women who are stronger. Why are women stronger than men? Natural cleanliness and accuracy is vital for a woman

The question of who is better - men or women, has been decided by more than one generation. Many representatives of the stronger sex claim that it was they who made history. On this basis, men conclude that they need to give all the honors and be considered the best in everything. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

Who makes better decisions?

It is safe to say that men are in the lead in this matter. Their logical chains are usually more reasonable, which is why they can plan not only the next week, but also the next 5 years of their lives.

However, answering the question of who is better (men or women) make decisions, we can say that in a critical situation wins. Due to the fact that a woman is able to quickly generate a large number of ideas, she has the opportunity to implement one of them almost instantly. In a similar situation, a man always needs time to think. But, frankly, we must pay tribute to the stronger sex. Their decisions, according to statistics, are always more reasonable.

Who has better developed sense organs?

Women definitely win here. After all, their senses are more developed. Unlike men, women can distinguish more colors. Where the representative of the stronger sex sees pink, the girl can find fuchsia, salmon and coral. Therefore, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women, is quite obvious here.

Girls are endowed with more subtle hearing. Probably, in the life of every person there was a situation when a woman hears a mouse scratching behind the wall, and a man ignores this sound. Many justify this by the fact that the fair sex should hear the cry of her child in any situation.

Who is the best at cooking?

It is believed that they are cooking, but is it? In fact, it really confirms the statistics. The most famous chefs in the world are men. But why then is the kitchen a woman's place?

It is believed that cooking is not a man's duty. After all, even a teenager can cope with this simple task. But here it is necessary to pay tribute again to the senses. Taste buds are developed, and therefore girls often focus on details. The whole picture escapes their field of vision, so they cannot fully determine the taste of the prepared dish. Definitely, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women in the culinary arts, is unambiguous - men. But it is usually ladies who inspire chefs for gastronomic delights.

Who is better at household chores?

A woman, unlike a man, is characterized by multitasking. A Russian girl can clean, look after a child and talk on the phone at the same time. And she will focus on each of these cases.

A man is able to focus on only one action. But, as a result, the strong half of humanity can always give an account of the work done. A woman after a whole day of diligent cleaning may not remember all the things that she managed to do. Perhaps this is why husbands often accuse their wives of being idle.

In any family, sooner or later the question is raised about who is more important - a man or a woman. Usually, loving wives assure their faithful that they are in complete submission to the latter. And despite the fact that the entire burden of the household routine falls on the fragile female shoulders, a man will still solve global domestic problems.

Who is stronger - a man or a woman?

The strong sex received such a name for a reason. Since primitive times, the main job of a man was to protect his family and get food. And this required remarkable physical preparation. Since then, the ideal of a man for a woman is an intelligent and physically developed person.

But when it comes to resilience, the situation is a little different. A woman can be physically active for longer, and it will not jar her much. It is worth remembering who carries home huge bags of groceries every day.

Who has the best memory?

Women constantly complain about their “girlish” memory, but is it really that bad? Not really. Despite the fact that the brain of a man is 10% heavier, they remember information much worse. This is primarily due to poor attention.

British scientists set up experiments in which men and women were allowed to memorize the same information. It turned out that the fair sex was in the lead. Moreover, women not only memorized information better at a certain moment, but they could reproduce it after 24 hours. This fact is confirmed by the fact that female students usually study better than their male classmates. But it is worth taking into account that women rarely use the information received. That is why the best inventors, philosophers and politicians are men.

Who drives better?

They say that Russian girls, and indeed women of the whole world, are not created in order to compete with men on the road. Is it really? Let's turn to statistics. For 5 years, 80% of accidents in New York happened precisely because of men. Women's multitasking helps the fair sex not only to control the situation on the road, but at the same time take an active part in the dialogue that passengers have.

As we have already found out, men can only focus on one thing. Many may say that the statistics are unfair, because most drivers are of the stronger sex, which is why they become participants in an accident. There is some truth in this, but it is worth considering that every year more and more girls get rights, and they spend less on car insurance premiums than their other halves.

Who is better with money?

Many people think that they know how to manage finances, is it really so? This is partly true. After all, it was the representatives of the stronger sex who were able to organize a huge number of enterprises with multi-billion annual income. But there is also the flip side of the coin. Men are more likely to take risks, so they have a high chance of burning out. Most women do not like gambling and do not understand how to invest in a dubious enterprise.

or why the most shabby little man is able to beat a woman "in the body"?

Have you wondered: why is a woman weaker than even the most frail man? The husband is a "meter with a cap", the wife is full of strength, but with a black eye.

Let's start to figure it out.

First, in my opinion, the problem is in education, based on the widespread opinion that a woman is only a weak likeness of a man, that "let the wife be afraid of her husband." That's what he's afraid of. Initially, psychologically losing to her husband.

No, I'm not all for family fights. God forbid such family relationships.
I read this on a website for men: “Why does a woman think that she can talk, insult, hurt a nerve, and she won’t get anything for it, just because she is a woman, the weak half of humanity, you see.
Be responsible for your words...
When a drunk woman walks around the club and screams at a complete stranger in front of people, for no reason, that he is P, X and G. Doesn't she deserve one pitch? ...
And when a woman drips a man all the time on the brain?
A man is not iron, no matter how gentleman he is, he remains a man, a living being who has his own emotions. Moreover, he drips, drips, drips, he says one thing in the morning, another at lunch, a third in the evening, no sequence. Blames him for everything. Screaming what a loser he is. Takes you out of balance. Is it impossible to understand such a man if he can’t stand it and hit her once already?! ...
The conclusions are very simple. If a man raised his hand to a woman, then in most cases it was done on business and justifiably."

How do you like this sentiment?

Let's return to the main question. Consider the physiological characteristics of the male and female organisms - here lies the reason.
Physical strength is muscle strength. Science says:

One of the important indicators of physical development is the body surface area (more area - more muscles), which is determined by the Issakson formula (1958) for persons with a sum of weight and body length of more than 160 units:
where: S - body surface area (m2), W - body weight (kg), H - body length (cm).
Our initial data:
male - body weight W= 50 kg, length H= 150 cm, S (the above formula)= 0.5009 m2
wife - weight W= 100 kg, length H= 170 cm, S = 1.0001 m2
Those. the surface area of ​​the body in our example (and in the example, the parameters of the "sickly" husband and burly wife are taken) of the husband is 2 times less. One zero in favor of the wives of the sick.
In physiology, with a normal body composition, these indicators are equal:
for men -1.9 m²
for women - 1.6 m²

There is such an indicator as muscle strength. Muscle strength is determined by the maximum manifestation of effort that a muscle group can develop under certain conditions.

It also depends on body weight and can be calculated using the formula: Frel. = Fabs. /w,
where Frel. - relative muscle strength (kg),
Fabs. - absolute force (kg),
W - body weight (kg)
It follows from the formula that even with equal absolute muscle strength of a man and a woman, the relative strength is inversely proportional to body weight. One zero in favor of a frail husband.
The relative strength of the muscles is determined very approximately, since usually during physical activity a whole group of muscles contracts at the same time, it is difficult to determine the work of each individual muscle in the total manifestation of strength. In addition, bone levers are involved in the action of muscles. Therefore, they are usually limited to measuring static (isometric) muscle strength and endurance.

Men reach their maximum isometric strength around the age of 30, then the strength decreases. This process is faster in the large muscles of the lower extremities and torso. Hand strength lasts longer. The table "Average values ​​of isometric strength of some muscle groups" shows the strength indicators of various muscle groups obtained during the examination of about 600 people (the average height of men is 171 cm, women - 167 cm).

Average values ​​of isometric strength of some muscle groups depending on age (according to E. Asmussen, 1968)

Index (kg)* Age, years
20 25 35 45 55
husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female

brush power

55,9 37,5 59,9 38,5 58,8 38,0 55,6 35,6 51,6 32,7

Trunk extensor strength

81,6 56,6 87,4 58,3 90,7 59,2 89,8 57,7 85,7 49,1

Torso flexor strength

60,6 40,9 64,2 42,2 66,7 42,4 66,0 41,5 63,0 33,6

Seated leg extensor strength

295 214 310 225 312 212 296 197 263 162

*) Note: the coefficient of variation of indicators for both men and women can be 16-18% (i.e., for a frail husband, perhaps minus 18%, and for a wife, plus 18%).

Dynamic force is measured, for example, by the method of lifting weights. The strength of identical muscle groups varies from person to person. Strength indicators in adult women are lower by 20-25% compared to men.

To this it should be added that muscle tissue averages 32-35% of body weight in women, and 40-44% in men. The advantage is mainly achieved due to the greater development of the musculature of the upper limbs in men - the very limbs with which they fight. The mass of muscles of the lower extremities of men and women in percentage terms is almost the same. The mass of muscle tissue of women is less due to the high content of water in it. And there is more adipose tissue in women than in men - up to 23% of body weight (in men up to 18%). This explains her lower maximum strength compared to a man. This is inherent in nature - it is determined by a specific set of chromosomes in cells, which is reflected in the structure of the body (primary and secondary sexual characteristics) and in the hormonal control of vital processes in general.

Also, the bone skeleton in women is relatively poorly developed, their individual bones are smaller, softer, thinner and have a smoother surface. Women have a relatively longer torso, relatively short arms and legs, narrower shoulders, and a wider pelvis. At the same time, the general center of gravity, which is important in the mechanism of movement of the body in space, is located lower than in men. These body features give women an advantage over men in performing physical exercises in balance based on the lower limbs (you can take an excellent defensive stance). Because of the same low center of gravity, women lose to men in running speed, high and long jumps, and so on.

The reaction in men is better developed than in women.

Women's pluses in an unequal physical duel with a man (God forbid, of course) include the fact that women are more agile and dexterous than men - by 6 percent! The soft texture and high extensibility of the woman's muscles largely determine her certain advantages in dexterity.

Summing up what has been said

Men are stronger and more resilient physically, women are stronger and more resilient physiologically.

For thousands of years, with the help of physical strength, men fought for life, for food, for beautiful women. The fittest survived. The idea of ​​physical violence as a weighty argument gives a man self-confidence.

Women are aware of their weakness: if he strikes, we will be weaker. When a man has an aggressive twinkle in his eye, women! be wiser! Even predators attack only those who show their fear.

And in principle , the muscles of both men and women are equally well trained.

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The question is not correct at all! I will give you the answer right away - Man! Only a man is able to give himself altruistically and free of charge all his strength, in the name of his family, woman, home, children. A woman has no skills, abilities to give Love or give anything at all!

The woman only takes! To understand the hidden meanings of expressions, words, phrases and mechanisms of behavior of women, their strengths and weaknesses of character, you need to understand that a woman is an order of magnitude freer than a man because she not endowed with the energy of Love at all! She has no ability give yourself completely to a man. She will always demand something in return - in other words, money, for sex. A prostitute! After reading you probably think - the author went crazy? Noooo! This is reality!

Loving a woman is simply not given by God! Love means - give a piece of yourself, your abilities, disinterestedly, for free! Remember - a woman is very insidious and two-faced and you do not have the tools to prove your case or defend your rights. What a woman calls Love is most often a surge of emotions, falling in love. Can a female ant in an anthill love all ants? I assure you - this is not a rough comparison, but that's exactly what it is!

A man's love is to give, true, real. A woman's love can only be taken from a man and transmitted to children. Women call it Relationships.

A woman is not able to love a man for a long time. The love of a woman automatically passes to the children in the form of sacrificial love. She is interested in a man only as a breadwinner, or as a way to please her and the child. This is a simple, banal free use in the name of posterity. Although it's already good! A man acts as a breadwinner, a slave! Read the structure of the Matriarchal State -

For a man, a close relationship is always to give Love, to give yourself and your abilities, to give strength, skill, skills, money, etc. For a woman, such a relationship is always just “sex” and a little gratitude to the man - pussy.

To put it more harshly - find Loch and use it for free, periodically stimulating adrenaline injection into the brain after sex. In the event of a divorce, this little pleasure, for a man, ends with a complete weaning of everything that he has! For what?

A woman came up with for herself a disgusting word and a definition of the concept “Love is sex.” Exactly - this word and definition for her is understandable and close. To understand that Love in essence - to give absolutely free, altruistically - women cannot by definition.

Love and the ability to sacrifice, in women, is manifested only during the period of Passion, which lasts a maximum of 3 years, in order for the child to rise.

For a woman, it is important that they love only her and give to her. Only then, she will be able to profitably “sell” consent, she can give away her intimacy a little or caress her physically, and she can be encouraging with encouraging phrases to inspire a man.

For a woman, the main thing in life is comfort and pleasure, which men can provide her with. They understand this at the level of animal instinct. Recall an example - a uterus in an anthill. Worker ants plow, the uterus sits in one place and gives birth only to larvae.

Many women, at the same time, are trying to get rid of this “domestic slavery”! Having got rid of slavery, the woman jumps into the car and flies to another massage parlor, manicure, pedicure, hairdo, lift, lift... swimming pool! Getting pleasure and joy.

Namely, the entire behavioral philosophy of a woman is aimed at achieving comfort and pleasure. Women can and achieve comfort and pleasure in various ways and means. This is flattery, tantrums, persuasion, some ability to cook, tinted appearance and other manipulations. Thousands of fictitious methods of manipulating and controlling a man - holding, stimulating, harassing, tantrums and crying, scandals and sex, tears and laughter. Even a woman "starts" a child in order to keep a successful man nearby.

In terms of aggressive behavior, an active search for a husband, a slave to whom you can cling, the most terrible beast is a divorcee with a trailer. Why are there so many utterly sick women and terrible morally? The answer is they always have! God created them that way.

Women are divorced, I want to ask - what do we catch? The bait has long been not the first freshness! Come to the mirror! Man? Married? Pipisechka speculate is no longer possible?! Why do you need a strong man? Looking for the next sucker? Free slave? Hiding behind the words Sexism - women splatter with false phrases, attack when they are told the truth.

Declaring her so-called independence, education, self-sufficiency, boasting of a position or an apartment, a car - a woman actually becomes on the right hand with a man and degrades to the level of a hard worker. From the Woman of the Goddess, helpless and beautiful - to a servant, a driver, a cook, a janitor, a nurse, a nanny, a secretary, a director! The degradation associated with feminism is evident! Why does a man need such a woman? Whom to love and give? The second definitely a man does not need a horse! This is a democratic system with politics - Glasnost, permissiveness, anarchy and destruction.

Jumping into the car, the woman calls it - to be mobile! No woman - this is degradation! Feminism is one of the aggressive ways for women to quickly degrade to the level of a “worker ant”. Get - what you have achieved. Loneliness, fear and degradation - this is the future of women! What's next? She will not give and share! She doesn't know how to show love!

This aggressive behavioral philosophy of a woman is not capable of being a support and support for his realization, and he leaves. Most often, a woman betrays him, considering him a weak link.

In justification of women, only one thing can be said, that this is a natural evolutionary step of mankind, in the conditions of the development of its species, an increase in the birth rate, taking into account the stop of extermination wars. Destructive wars have always been a new coil and cog in human evolution. Today, when the nuclear project has completely stopped its own extermination, we are talking about the independent degradation of the species and the extinction of people, as in this experiment:

Another reason, people have become much more fond of money, there are no more maxims such as Love, Loyalty, Conscience, Honor. There is only money and they gobbled up everyone and everything.

Very often in the questionnaires, women write - “one-time meetings and sex without obligations are not interesting”

I would like to ask - do you know the definition of What is Love? The offer of true love is sex without obligation. The inability to give a piece of yourself, while absolutely free, speaks of closeness and the inability to love. One phrase - and clearly you are ready to give? Or do you only have Relations - "pussy against goods."

Not a single normal, strong, real man - need not , but we need a real girl with basic concepts, without a car and ambitions, ready to give birth to several children, to be faithful in the final choice, able to love, forgive, believe and wait, who will become a muse, a source of energy and an incentive for an ambitious man who dreams of conquering the World!

Be sure to read the set of rules for a real man:

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To answer this question, one should understand the concepts: who is a psychologically strong woman and who is a psychologically weak man?

A psychologically strong woman, in the modern concept, is a woman leader, confident, persistent, not afraid of difficulties, who loves to command and lead.

A psychologically weak man is a psychologically immature, driven, unwilling to defend his opinion, less experienced and less active man. A number of experts call such men still infantile.

Where do strong women and weak men come from?

Let's go back 70-80 years ago. The pre-war and post-war times taught women to take care of the stronger sex. A large number of men died in repressions and in the Great Patriotic War. After that, men became worth their weight in gold, and women took over most of the household chores, including men's. Some families were left without a breadwinner altogether. And women, gritting their teeth, took on any physically hard work, becoming stronger not so much physically as mentally. And if a boy was born in the family, the only man in the family, he was spoiled, patronized, tried not to overload him with work.

There is also a version that technological progress is to blame, thanks to which our life has improved a lot. Not everyone needs to chop wood, carry buckets of water, plow - in a word, earn their living only by physical labor. All men's household chores that have remained, in principle, can be done by a woman. So, with all the affairs of a woman (except for conception, but it can now be carried out on a commercial basis) they can cope without a man. And a number of such women call themselves strong.

For such women, their favorite phrase then appears: “I myself.” In the future, they become successful leaders of large and small teams, earn good money, raise children alone and do not complain about difficulties.

Strong women sometimes find it difficult to find men because:

  • men do not see such women because of the “male armor”, it is difficult for them to discern the feminine in them: “She walks around here, self-confident, speaks in an authoritative voice, only scares.”
  • our Russian society still adheres to the values ​​of patriarchy, where a woman is by default assigned the role of a homemaker, which should be given way to a man, to allocate more time for home and family. “Will such a woman manage to do everything? Or will we constantly measure strength and quarrel? I’d rather look for a submissive, homely one, ”the strong man thinks.
  • men are afraid of women who can do everything because they want to be needed by their companions.

This is all clear.

But why do strong women choose weak, psychologically immature men?


Even the strongest women constantly need to reinforce their self-esteem and also faith in their own strength. Therefore, they are looking for a partner with certain qualities - less intelligent, less experienced, less active, co-dependent, easy to obey, calm (or quickly calmed down), suppressed. Against the background of these qualities of a partner, the qualities of a strong personality are favorably emphasized.

Hard childhood

There are many families where the mother raises the children herself. Girls in such a family become responsible early - they solve everyday issues, cook, clean, constantly look at their mother, who is for mother and father. No file is created in their practical smart heads with the information that men can be useful, that they can be trusted. And therefore, growing up, they control everything and everything in their families: who did what, who ate what, make decisions themselves, suppress the initiative of both the husband and the rest of the household, plus they inspire them: “You can’t do without me. Only I know how to do it."

Father's abuse

If the father constantly mocks, intimidates his daughter, the girl develops distrust of all men. And even if she finds "that beloved and only", the poor fellow will always be "at gunpoint" - you never know what? And in order to keep everything under maximum control, such a “strong” woman will approve her relationship rules (for example, “twice a week I check your phone, personal correspondence - and only chirp”).

Psychological game "Karpman triangle"

A strong personality in communication with an infantile, psychologically immature man plays three roles in turn:

  • savior: “I will help you wash your hair / stop drinking. I will solve all problems for you”;
  • then she plays the role of a stalker: “You don't appreciate my help! You don't care about me!";
  • then plays the role of a victim: “I'm tired of helping you. Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me";
  • after the role of the victim, a strong woman goes through a period of psychological recovery and recovery from depression (for example, for my friend this period is accompanied by hard physical labor);
  • after that, she again takes up the rescue of the man, helping him, while he, lying on the sofa, “searches” himself, drinks in the evenings, meets dubious personalities. Thus, the Karpman triangle begins a new circle of constant rotation, dragging the whole family into a lifelong neurosis.

Desire to find the meaning of life

Some women really like infantile, weak men, because caring for them like children fills their life with meaning. Work, activity, endless guardianship help them see the value and significance in themselves. If such a man leaves the relationship, the woman plunges into a sense of the meaninglessness of life.

Escape from loneliness

“Reluctant to be alone,” one friend told me, almost in a panic looking for a mate. Choosing an impractical and weak man, a woman runs away from loneliness, hoping that he will always be there. An interesting fact: a strong and psychologically mature man will run away from such a woman or degrade to the infantilism she needs.

Is there anything positive?

Of course, many women find comfort for the soul in weak infantile men. And, interestingly, many such alliances are firmly afloat. Let's find out the advantages of these unions:

  • Realization of enhanced maternal instinct. If there are no children in the family or a woman has a very strong maternal instinct, she does not see anything shameful in the fact that her weak-willed and weak man behaves like a child who is being nursed by "mommy".
  • Compensation for personal psychological difficulties and problems. For example, “I have always been useless to anyone, but he needs me, he cannot do without me.”
  • Increasing the level of self-esteem. Above, we talked about reinforcing self-esteem in contrast. A woman, dominating a weak-willed man, calms down: “I’m all so cool, I dictate to him how to live, which means I’m worth something.”
  • Self-assertion. Against the background of a weak, infantile man, an active woman carrying a family on her shoulders always looks like a heroine.
  • Power. There are strong women with a normal childhood, adequate self-esteem; they do not need to assert themselves at the expense of someone, but simply like to lead and command, and it does not matter where. Therefore, it is logical that they choose a follower as a life partner.

Nature divided people into men and women so that they complement each other. Psychology, physiology, worldview and social role of men and women have significant differences. Of course, in some ways women are stronger than the representatives of the "stronger sex". Let's try to figure out what exactly.

The strength of a woman is in her beauty. This is recognized by all the arts and all the peoples of the world. Beauty is a terrible force! This is the main weapon of a woman in the eternal cycle of life.

The competition of the sexes is natural and logical, but it is not an end in itself. Of course, a woman can surpass many men in physical strength, but not everyone likes bodybuilding princesses. This image of a woman is for especially sophisticated connoisseurs ...

Although they say that the best chefs are men, but for the most part it is women who run the kitchen, cook and feed children and households. Of course, it can be recognized that here they are stronger than men.

Nature has rewarded women with the divine gift of procreation. Motherhood is the great mission of a woman; and the man here clearly feels left out and bypassed.

Women often outperform men in academics. Girls still in school are more likely to be excellent students than mischievous boys, thanks to diligence, diligence and self-discipline - qualities that are also usually more developed in women than in men.

Natural cleanliness and accuracy is vital for a woman. A new person must come into this world and grow up in purity! Therefore, women always clean their homes better and cleaner than men.

A woman has more erogenous zones than a man. A woman is able to make love longer than any man. A woman is able to experience more vivid emotions from sex than a man. We can say that in sex women are stronger.

Ownership of one's body, natural flexibility in women is higher than in men. Women's plasticity delights the representatives of the stronger sex. This is due to the peculiarities of the female skeleton and the whole structure of the woman's body. The body of a woman must be plastic and elastic for the great mission of bearing a child and subsequent childbirth.

Women are more sensual and more sensitive to beauty, they perceive beauty more sensitively and vividly than men. It is no coincidence that as a rule all women love flowers ...

Women are better than men capable of doing painstaking work that requires a lot of concentration and concentration. Women are better able to embroider, knit, correctly and accurately assemble tiny details of microcircuits than men.

Never try to prove anything to anyone. Just live your life, improve your best qualities and talents that are given to you by nature. And you will be ahead.

Girls and boys, let's live together! Let's not compare who is stronger in what, but let's just love each other! And we will be happy.

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