Folk signs and superstitions. Why can't you do certain things? Is it possible to give a towel for a birthday and other holidays? Is it possible to take a terry towel as a gift?

Towels at a funeral

Towels were a mandatory item that was widely used in funeral rituals. The coffin was carried out of the house on towels and carried to the cemetery. After the funeral, these towels were hung on the grave cross, and forty days later they were given to the church to commemorate the soul of the deceased. In some places this tradition has been preserved to this day. In cemeteries you can often see them with crosses on which are tied white towels with embroidery.

Another tradition associated with funerals. In some regions of Russia, it is customary to cover doors with towels after the body of the deceased has been removed from the house. In some rural houses you can still see portraits framed by embroidered towels.

There is another custom related. On the fortieth day, the embroidered towel was hung on the outside of the window frame. It was believed that the soul of the deceased comes to his home on this day, washes himself with dew and wipes his face with a towel.

It turns out that towels are traditionally a kind of symbol of the road to the other world, so for many modern people such a gift can cause bewilderment and complete rejection.

Towels for weddings

Towels were also often used in wedding rituals. You can still see towels with ornaments on boyfriends and boyfriends, which are tied over the right shoulder, however, now they are often replaced by red ribbons with the inscription “Honorary Witness”.

It is difficult to imagine a wedding without an embroidered towel on which bread and salt are carried out. A wedding towel is also placed in front of the entrance to the house and the newlyweds must stand on it together so that their marriage can be happy.

So to give or not to give

Modern terry towels and embroidered towels are completely different things. All towels that were previously used in rituals must certainly be white and with special embroidery. The embroidered patterns determine how the towel should be used.

Therefore, it is better to never give towels with embroidery, especially if you do not know the meaning of the designs.

There are so many holidays every year. Birthdays and bachelorette parties, name days and weddings, weddings and christenings, professional holidays, March 8th... yes, it’s impossible to count them all. You can celebrate something every day, if you have the desire and the mood. But excess is also bad, you can lose that edge of euphoria on the eve of a fabulous evening.

What is a holiday? This is a great mood, an opportunity to relax and feel free from pressing matters and be with family, friends, relatives, and colleagues. This includes music, dancing, favorite delicacies, and, of course, gifts... Who doesn’t like to give and receive gifts? The moment of presentation is always the most reverent and desired, especially for children. And here it is very important not to disturb the harmony by presenting a dubious gift. To do this, you need to know which gifts can be given and which cannot.

It would seem that the roots of various superstitions go back to the past; now there are more and more skeptics and pragmatists, however, this is not so. On the contrary, more and more people are listening to signs and trying to do everything according to the rules, according to the traditions of past centuries. This cannot be eradicated, and it is not necessary, because following customs has always strengthened our people, traditions, revered from generation to generation, have been sacredly preserved.

So, maybe we shouldn’t try to throw aside everything that was important to our ancestors? Or was much of it feigned, and in our age of thriving technologies there is no longer any faith in symbols and signs? But what about today's fashion to return to natural products, clothing, fresh air, herbs? Return to what you boldly left for a bright future littered with carbon monoxide and toxic waste? Why does a person so zealously advocate a return to the roots and become so indignant when he hears about signs?

Maybe we should give superstitions a chance after all? And it’s not worth giving things, the attitude towards which has evolved over centuries, in order to prove the superiority of one’s own beliefs over centuries-old traditions? Maybe at least those that had and still have cult significance? Or, after all, casting aside all doubts, we firmly step forward, washing our hair with a decoction of herbs, drinking fresh milk and putting on a linen shirt, proudly carrying knives, mirrors, watches, a towel as a gift? Signs are not a sentence, everyone has their own choice here.

And yet, before giving any gift, be it indoor plants or money, icons () or pearls, it would be useful to make sure that the one to whom the gift is intended sincerely shares the beliefs of the giver. Spoiled holidays are not forgotten.

Is it possible to give a towel as a gift?

Let's talk about towels. A seemingly common thing found in every family. An ordinary attribute necessary for everyday life. Each home has a set of kitchen towels and a set of terry towels.

In addition, they are very often used as a present. Of course, it’s a practical, affordable thing that will always come in handy around the house. Now there is a huge selection of towels for every taste and color, from large bath towels to children's with a corner. And there are so many designs, colors, sizes... you can’t choose. And don't! Or rather, it is necessary, but only for yourself. Towels are not given as a gift!

Of course, now they can give you anything, from an ancient Mayan skeleton to a lamp made from an inflatable frog, stores are full of offers and discounts on the most incredible goods and plants(. But this is a business, these are ordinary goods, the seller does not care whether it is an iron or sand from a tomb pharaoh. But when choosing what to give to a loved one, it is worth analyzing your actions, and not leaving the mood of the hero of the occasion to the mercy of the seller from the souvenir shop, who assures that a yellow-blue stone from Tunisia is the best remedy for warts - what the birthday girl dreams of. .

Choosing a worthwhile thing is not easy, you have to think about it. We are also talking about a towel as a gift. Signs exist in order to be able to warn a person in time against wrong decisions. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling into the category of unwanted guests with their unwanted gifts. This is probably why people so often give money, paying off mistakes in finding a suitable gift. But the more valuable the gift becomes, the more time and effort spent on it.

Why don't they provide towels?

Before you try to figure out this controversial statement, you need to find out what types of towels there are. Still, this is a cult, ritual thing...

2. For arms, legs, face

3. Massage

4. Kitchen

6. Children's

7. Beach

8. Wedding

9. Wedding

10. Funeral

11. For love spells and other spells

Now let's try to briefly characterize each type. Already from the list it is clear that a towel accompanies a person throughout his life, from birth to burial. The thing that a person trusts with his most valuable things. Your family.

1. Bathhouses.

What is a bathhouse? The bathhouse in Rus' has always been considered one of the most important and most terrible places. This is the line between the world of the living and the world of the dead. This is Bannik's dominance. They never put icons here, but upon entering, they remove their crosses. It is not for nothing that in the past, and even now, fortune tellers and witches often enjoyed the hospitality of the bathhouse spirit.

People come here dirty, tired, and come out different, clean and cheerful. Where does the dirt disappear from thoughts? Why is the soul cleansed along with the body in a bath? Ancient healers and healers always surrounded the bath ritual with a special aura of mystery; here the new was born and the old disappeared.

In the baths they washed, cut hair and nails, gave birth, and received treatment. There are all kinds of interpretations associated with the bathhouse and its owner. But no one would ever build a residential building on the site of the old bathhouse; there were no such daredevils.

Today, the bath ritual remains almost the same as before. On Mondays they don’t go to the bathhouse, men wash first, and they don’t take the splashes out of the bathhouse, they wipe them off with a towel. Everyone should have their own for the bath, children and adults. The procedure for drying the body after a bath is special and intimate. Everyone has their own. The main thing is that all drops of bath water are wiped off the body.

After the bath, the towel must be dried and only then washed so that drops of water from the body do not enter the house. People should choose their own bath towel according to their taste and structure; color has a separate meaning. The towel must correspond to the character of its owner, be suitable in size and not have an aggressive pattern or embroidery. It’s better to have one color so as not to provoke unnecessary quarrels in the family.

A person using a bath towel should feel protected, reliable, and comfortable. If there is any feeling of discomfort, then you need to listen to your body and change the towel. It is better to destroy the old. When choosing a bath towel for yourself, each person can feel with their skin whether it suits them; just put your palm on it and listen to the sensations.

I wonder who would like to receive a bath towel as a gift? Signs are signs, but it’s still better to choose such things for yourself personally.

2. Towels for hands, feet, face

This is a special category. Every person has them, but in families they are usually common. If strangers come, they are already given a towel for guests to use. Sometimes families have separate hangers or towel dispensers for each family member, sometimes they hang together. If together, then they should be plain and in no case white! In general, any color of towel for the face, hands or feet is better than white. White is fraught with great danger and warning. And even more so, you should not accept a white towel as a gift. Signs prohibit doing this.

3. Massage

Such attributes are usually found in a massage parlor. These are towels made of cotton and linen in appropriate proportions, they are quite hard, specifically to disperse the blood and warm up the skin. They do not have high absorbency and attractive appearance. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy such a towel as a gift. There are no signs in this regard, since massage therapists began to use them recently, however, unverified information does not indicate the safety of the gift, of course, if it is not given to a massage therapist.

4. Kitchen

Only the kitchen owner should choose kitchen towels. Even other family members are not able to buy the ones they need. Only a person who uses them every day can understand which ones he needs, what color and size. It is impossible to guess, let alone force a woman to use something unpleasant in the kitchen. Buying such a gift is even more difficult than choosing perfume for March 8th. There is no special sign here, other than the inability to hit the target. Among other things, a woman who was given towels as a gift on March 8 may be seriously offended, since she will consider this some kind of hint about homework. It’s better not to take risks here, but to choose something really beautiful and delicate.

5. Kryzhma

This special towel is used for the baptism ceremony. Only a godmother can give such a towel to her godson as a gift. Signs do not prohibit this; rather, on the contrary, the godmother must buy it (. A child is wiped with kryzhma after the baptism ceremony, after washing him with holy water. After the ceremony, it is dried and used all his life as a talisman. But this is the only case when you can give a towel in a gift. The signs for such an occasion are very positive. But only the godmother is for her godson or goddaughter. If someone else decides to buy the kryzhma, it would be more correct to politely refuse the gift. In this case, the giver should not be offended, because, in this case, this thing is not appropriate.

6. Children's

There’s not much to talk about here; any mother can buy towels for her child, choose those that she likes, those that the baby likes and are pleasing to the eye. But, if, out of ignorance, the gift is nevertheless accepted, the mother should very carefully monitor the child’s reaction to such a thing. It is very easy to transfer negative energy from an adult to a child through a towel. Moreover, this can happen unintentionally, for example, in the house where the gift was kept, there was a major quarrel or someone died, the towel will definitely absorb it. Children react to this very sharply. If the mother notices that the baby has become capricious after a bath or some kind of irritation appears on the skin, it is not at all necessary that this is a reaction to food or detergents; perhaps someone gave the child a “bad” towel as a gift. Signs advise throwing it away without regret.

7. Beach

With beach people, everything is not as harsh as with many others. Here the towel is not used for its intended purpose, but serves as a rug or even a cape. Unless, of course, it occurs to a sunbathing person to use it for wiping. Donated beach paraphernalia is not suitable for wiping the body. For such a procedure, it’s still worth buying it yourself.

8. Wedding

At a wedding, parents greet the newlyweds with the help of a towel, carry out the wedding loaf on a towel, (and after the first wedding night, the bride must dry herself with a towel and hand it to her newly-made spouse. Previously, long towels were placed on tables instead of tablecloths. White linens symbolize the road along which the newlyweds are destined walk together. Of course, you can’t trust such a choice to someone else’s hands, especially since embroidered towels are used at weddings, and each design plays a very important role. Only the young ones themselves should take care of this. Previously, girls embroidered towels for their wedding, but now this is the case. a rarity. However, every bride can choose the right ones for herself and the groom. Neither mother nor grandmother should give a wedding towel as a gift. Sometimes, for a wedding, a towel can be given from a happy married couple through the female line. But this is no longer a gift. , but rather the transmission of family values ​​from generation to generation.

9. Wedding

Wedding towels have a special meaning for the getting married couple. Like wedding ones, every stitch of embroidery is important for wedding ones. Before such an important step in life, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. And about towels, one of which the newlyweds take the first step, is worth worrying about a hundred times and checking and rechecking. Under no circumstances should you accept a towel as a gift. Signs strictly prohibit this. On the most important day of your life, you shouldn’t be led by chance.

10. Funeral

The name speaks for itself. Such things are necessary for the deceased to wash the body before saying goodbye and for the funeral ceremony. Usually these are quite long plain or patterned towels. They are wrapped around the hands of those carrying the coffin, but they must be buried along with the body; not only can they be given as a gift, but in general it is forbidden to take them out of the cemetery. However, there are some people in our world who are capable of such strange acts. This only means that the person is openly wished for death. After the funeral, relatives come for a funeral dinner. When washing your hands, two people should not dry themselves with the same towel after a cemetery. It is necessary to prepare the required amount, and after the funeral, bury the used ones or burn them. For the soul of the deceased, a glass of water is placed for 40 days and a towel is hung so that the soul can wash and dry itself before the final transition to another world. This towel is not given as a gift. Signs allow only the closest relatives of the deceased to purchase such things.

11. Towels for love spells and other spells

Very often, people turn to fortune tellers, magicians, and various kinds of sorcerers with requests to influence their own destiny or that of someone close to them. The sorcerers ask the sufferers for some thing. Usually this is a photo, a comb or a towel. It is not without reason that such people, who have some kind of ability or attribute it to themselves, hunt for water that was used to wash the dead, for soap or towels from cemeteries. It is believed that things with sacred meaning are conductors between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Then the person brings the enchanted gift with “best” wishes. As soon as the lucky owner starts using it, something happens to him. There is no guarantee that even a thing presented from the heart does not have any subtext.

To protect yourself, do not accept a towel as a gift for your loved ones. Signs do not prohibit giving them, however, in order not to fall into the category of “suspects”, it is better to refrain from such gifts. But, if the gift is still received, what to do with it? You can return it to the owner at any time, having previously wrapped sweets in it. Then you need to drink tea together with these sweets, and, according to the sign, neither the one who gave it nor the one to whom it was given will have any difficulties.

Signs are not a sentence, to believe or not to believe, to give or not to give, to accept or not to accept, is a personal matter for each person. Signs are a kind of excursion into the history of ancestors, lifting the veil of secrets of their lives.

A towel as a gift is one of the most common gift ideas, especially when it comes to a birthday. Is it possible to give a towel as a gift? Superstitions will explain whether this useful bath accessory can be a suitable gift, especially for those who have superstitious friends.

Being given a towel as a gift is a good omen

The sign of “giving a towel” has several interpretations and they all come from traditions. The good one says that you can give a towel as a gift. But this gift will be good if in your country/family/society such a thing is presented to demonstrate your respect.

Towel with embroidery

The attribute performs a protective function; it is (as a rule) embroidered with special symbols, ornaments, preferably manually by the donor, and sometimes enchanted. This towel is passed down from hand to hand in the family. But even in this case, there are people with different opinions. Some people think that it’s better not to give, but to simply give.

In ancient times, a girl had to embroider a towel for her lover to show how much she loved him. For the mother-in-law, an embroidered towel was given as a gift in order to demonstrate that the daughter-in-law was a hard-working, capable girl.

Adherents of a good interpretation of omens still say that the object can bring negativity. However, only if it was given in a leap year.

Bioenergetics specialists and psychics partially share the good omen, but they say that embroidered towels still need to be treated with caution. For example, it may not have been given by a very good person and may be charged with bad energy. Therefore, take such items only from the hands of those you trust.

As you know, a towel is a common attribute, without which weddings and baptisms cannot take place, so only trust a reliable person to buy it. You must be sure that this person, together with an embroidered towel, will bring happiness to your home. love and prosperity, but not grief.

As for terry, waffle towels without special symbols, there are no negative signs associated with them and they can be given as a gift at any time.

Bad omens with a gifted towel

Not everyone adheres to a good interpretation of omens and is more inclined towards a negative one. According to her, the towel is for birthdays and any other holiday. Such people are sure that each individual towel does not carry negative energy, but is an unpleasant symbol - if you present such a gift to the birthday boy, then illnesses, troubles, and possibly a quick separation from loved ones will befall him.

Many people associate a towel with funerals. After all, they were the ones that were hung on the windows when someone died or the deceased was carried out - they covered it with a towel, and they also tied it up to the participants in the funeral procession. Accordingly, such a gift may indicate illness, death, or deterioration of the situation.

Another belief says that this attribute is similar to a scarf and points to the road. Therefore, such a gift portends a long journey, separation from loved ones.

How to buy and what to do with a donated towel

If you can’t get away with a gift and you have to choose it as a gift, then follow these recommendations so that the gift does not cause damage to the person. First of all, do not opt ​​for white. It would be better to be cream, light beige, but not white (association with funeral attributes). Waffle, terry, but not linen will do.

The item must be in the packaging. Moreover, you must buy it immediately in this package. There is no need to take a product that was on the display window, other people touched it with their hands, leaving their energy behind. Just such a gift can be dangerous, since it has accumulated the energy of other people and it is impossible to say whether it was positive.

Opinions differ regarding patterns. Someone believes that some kind of drawing should be applied (it is imperative to take the interpretation of the depicted elements seriously, since they are of great importance and can leave an imprint on the life of the recipient). Some people think that it is better if there are no drawings on it - the item will be neutral. In this case, you can choose the position that is closer to you.

If an item was presented to you and you are not sure in what mood they bought it, spoke to you, or took it from the display case, follow a few rules that will help protect yourself from possible negativity. First of all, accept the item with your right hand, at the moment of receiving it, mentally read the Lord’s Prayer, you can give a ransom (a few coins that neutralize the negative meaning of the sign).

At home, you can sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord’s Prayer. These actions should neutralize possible negative impacts. As a last resort, you can burn the gift.

It's hard to say whether a towel would be a good or bad gift. Linen, embroidered or completely without patterns - the gift will be good in any case if given by a loved one who put into it his warmth, kindness, a bit of positive energy and gave it with all his heart. An item presented with malicious intent will in any case bear a negative imprint. Therefore, if an object was presented by a not entirely pleasant person, it is better to consecrate it.

In countries around the world, people perceive talents according to their traditions and cult. One type of gift can be interpreted from both a positive and negative point of view. This is explained by the energy with which the gift is received. There are a number of gifts that cannot be given or received from anyone. Experts believe that folk signs arose as a result of actions and incidents. In ancient times, when giving a gift to a person, people monitored the reaction and events.

There are a number of gifts that cannot be given or received

If everything is fine with the one who was given, such a gift can be presented, but if adversity and problems arise, then the gift is no longer given. Such knowledge and teachings were passed on to people, generations and take place in our times. Signs explain why you can’t give towels, on what days, and in what year.

Two-way meaning

The sign of giving a towel has a double meaning. It depends on many factors and on the cultural traditions of peoples. There are a number of countries in which accepting such a gift as a gift is a sign of respect and good attitude towards the one who accepts the gift. There are peoples where a towel is a symbol of amulet.

In ancient times, a girl embroidered a towel for her boyfriend, this symbolized love for him. In order to please the mother-in-law and show their skills, an embroidered towel was also presented as a gift. In those days, such a sign was a good omen and tradition. Not only the days of the week mattered, but also the year. Leap years were considered an unfavorable time for such a gift.

Embroidered towel as a gift

History of the development of superstition

Along with positive energy and meanings, there are bad superstitions why you shouldn’t give a towel. Our ancestors associated sadness, tears, bitterness, disaster, and parting with this subject. From time immemorial, a towel has been involved in funeral rites; it was hung on the street, giving a sign that there was a dead person in the house. All participants in the ritual procession had a handbrake tied to their hand.

When the deceased was taken out of the house, the door was closed and a towel was tied to the door handle. In countries where a cross is part of the funeral rite, a towel is also used. Arriving at the house, presenting such a gift was considered a sign of bad manners. The owners refused to accept such a gift, so as not to invite tears and misfortune, the days and year would be difficult.

Positive side

Nowadays, making such a gift is a normal tone, a sign and is not associated with the fact that a person will cry after accepting it. This is due to the fact that the towel has a different appearance. In ancient times, there were no terry towels, waffle towels or towels. There were only embroidered towels and bad energy was associated with them.

If we approach the question of whether it is possible to give a towel as a gift, we can understand that such celebrations as the birth of a child, a wedding, or baptism could not take place without this element. It is also customary to have such an attribute in a new home; the years spent in the home were filled with happiness.

The embroidered towel becomes a national symbol of Ukraine, and takes its first origins from long-standing Ukrainian traditions. An image of the Lord and the Virgin Mary, decorated with a towel, was always present in the house. The newlyweds were kneeling on an embroidered cloth at the time of their wedding. After such a ritual, the days and years of life were filled with happiness.

A set of towels is an excellent, universal gift

Moments of Giving

If it happens that you were given a towel as a gift, you need to accept it correctly:

  • you need to accept the gift with your right hand;
  • at the moment of receiving, read a prayer;
  • give ransom.

Such a ritual as giving a ransom will help get rid of adversity at the time of receiving the gift. You can give a coin and the item will look like it was purchased, not given. Knowing folk signs and understanding the importance of such a gift so that the one who receives the gift does not cry, esotericists recommend choosing a gift based on the following criteria:

  • Color. White color cannot be selected.;
  • Quality. Suitable for waffle, terry, handbrake. Linen is not allowed.
  • Package. It is not recommended to give without packaging.
  • Pattern. You can’t live without patterns and drawings.

You should be more careful when choosing a design. Their interpretation is of great importance.

The tradition of giving a gift has come to us since ancient times. What was impossible to give before is now manifested as an everyday thing. It is customary to give a towel for a friend’s birthday, a loved one, for the New Year, on a professional holiday, on the Eighth of March, or a child’s birthday.

There is no exact explanation as to whether such a gift is worth making or not. Knowledge of folk signs will help you protect your home from grief and adversity. The days of the week and the year are important attributes.

From the distant past, the tradition has come to us of presenting a simple but very useful thing as a gift - a towel. Very often it is a gift for a newborn, sometimes for a mother or best friend; it is difficult to find a more practical gift. But there is one point worth paying attention to. Have you ever thought about why you shouldn’t give towels or has this thought never occurred to you? If you haven’t heard anything about signs and beliefs, then we are ready to tell you this secret. The younger generation cannot even imagine that such beautiful, varied and expensive products may not be the best gift, so let’s talk about the main thing.

Assumptions or facts?

In each country, this little thing is treated differently: in some they believe that it is the best gift, in others they refuse it. Our situation is as follows: those who believe in omens avoid such gifts, and those who do not know the superstitions not only accept this gift with joy and pleasure, but also present it to loved ones. We focus on the case when you should think about a gift of this type and weigh its usefulness against the danger.

Once upon a time there was an assumption that this thing could be a negative gift. This was due to a certain emotional background. They said that it brings sorrow and illness, because it is used at the most sad events in a person’s life. Turning to ethnic knowledge, it is worth remembering that this item was most often used at funerals. So, an ordinary towel turned into a cult item. But after a while, there were people who began to convey to humanity that it was used no less on the most joyful celebrations. Let us remember the birth of a baby; not a single event could do without such an important element, which over time began to be called “cult.” Therefore, we need to look for other arguments.

Signs as a reliable argument

Signs convey slightly different information to people. These beliefs have a peculiar meaning, which is hidden in life experience and knowledge. Most often, they arise on the basis of repetitions of the same type and monotonous events. Thus, looking through the events of the past, it becomes known that after a specific gift, changes occurred in the life of the owner. History gives us an exact example of what gives the answer to the question - why you can’t give towels; a sign reveals knowledge to us.

So, if a person received a towel as a gift, then sorrows and sorrows appeared in his life. It would seem that this pattern is meaningless, but the information is completely different. After such repetitions, people sincerely believed that it was this gift that opened the gates to everything, bad and mystical. It is worth noting that people are always wary of many situations, and therefore we can say that there were also cases when such a gift had no consequences.

Esotericists are convinced that our perception of gifts is the starting point for the consequences, and therefore each of us can and does decide for himself whether this gift is suitable for him. If you give an object a negative attitude, then it will become so, but if you believe that the towel is not a threat, then there will be no misfortunes.

Many people ask the question - why you can’t give towels to a man; signs reveal the secret in this case too. According to past knowledge, there is an opinion that such a gift could be the cause. It is this sign that is the main reason why many refuse a gift. If we draw a parallel between different nationalities and faiths, we can see that in most cases a towel is considered a symbol of death or its harbinger. But here we need to remove the “shadow” and talk about the difference.

Towels vary

It must be said that those products that are offered as gifts have little in common with those that are considered symbolic attributes of burial, and therefore each of them has its own energy. It makes sense to say that beautiful waffle or terry towels are definitely not a negative gift. Beautiful embroidery and patterns, unique decorative elements - all this makes the product “positive”, and therefore dispels to a certain extent the myth of sorrows and difficulties.

About secrets and sacraments...

There is one secret: if you are afraid that this gift will bring misfortune, then you need to accept it correctly. If you take it, for example, with your right hand, then there is a chance to escape from troubles. If you read it at the time of receiving such a complex gift, you will also be able to cleanse the energy of the thing and protect yourself. If you follow these methods, you will be able to gain fearlessness from an existing or imaginary threat.

Therefore, if you decide to give a towel, then pay attention to three important criteria:

  • Such a product should not be linen and completely white.
  • It is highly desirable that it have patterns or ornaments, but you can only buy one whose meaning you know for sure.
  • Do not forget that this gift must be wrapped.

Remember that beliefs are based on human fears and anxieties, and therefore do not be afraid of anything and be sure that misfortune will not knock on your home.
