Plasticineography node on the theme "goldfish". Fish - modeling from plasticine Plasticine goldfish senior group

Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity in

preparatory group

“Goldfish” (plasticine)

Program content:

1. Achieve expressiveness and unusualness in the execution of a fairy-tale image by including waste material in its design.

2. To develop the ability to depict figures using plasticineography on a plane, creating an image in half volume.

3. Develop accuracy when working with plasticine.

4. Cultivate interest in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Preliminary work:

1. Did. games “Who lives where?”, “Collect a picture”.

2. Listening to the musical recording “Aquarium”. Imitation to the sounds of fish movements.

3. Reading fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”.

4. Consideration of illustrations and drawings for fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin.

Equipment and materials: a portrait of A. S. Pushkin, an exhibition of books, drawings for A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales, thick blue cardboard with an image of waves and a silhouette of a fish, a set of plasticine, a stack, a napkin for hands, boards for modeling for each child.

Activating the dictionary: goldfish, magical, scales, shimmers, glitters, plays in the sun.


Educator: Look guys, today a fish came to visit us. The fish is not simple, but golden, it swam from a fairyland. And to find out which fairy tale the fish is from, listen to the poem:

An old man lived with his old woman,

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

(From "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

Educator: That's right, well done! Do you know who wrote this fairy tale?

Children: A. S. Pushkin.

Educator: Oh, guys, listen, the fish is telling us something.

Fish: I am not an ordinary fish, but a golden, magical one that swam from a fairyland. From the land of fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, the great Russian poet. Alexander Sergeevich was born in Moscow, brought up in a literary environment. My father had a large library, and my uncle wrote poetry. The poet's nanny, Arina Rodionovna, told him a lot of fairy tales, he liked them so much that he later turned them into poems so that you guys could hear them.

Educator: Rybka, and our children are well acquainted with the fairy tales of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Listen here (child reads):

Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says,

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast."

What fairy tale are these words from? ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

Cockerel from a high knitting needle

Began to guard its borders.

A little danger is visible,

Faithful watchman as if from a dream

Will move, perk up,

Will turn to the other side

And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.

Reign while lying on your side!”

("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Once upon a time there lived a priest

Thick forehead.

Pop went to the market

View some products.

Balda meets him

He goes without knowing where.

(“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

“My light, mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world?

All rosy and white?”

("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights")

Educator: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales! Who can tell me why the goldfish in the fairy tale could make wishes come true?

Children: She is magical, she could do miracles.

Educator: Oh, those fish that we see in an aquarium or in another body of water can fulfill wishes? (No)

Educator: Tell me, why did A.S. call his fish gold?

Children: It shimmers, shines, it’s magical.

Educator: The scales that cover the body of the fish are large, shiny, and play in the sun, like gold.

Goldfish, playing merrily,

Glistening with scales under the river wave.

Educator: You correctly noted that in the fairy tale the fish is not ordinary, it is magical. Any desire can be fulfilled. Think about what you would ask a goldfish if you managed to meet it?

(Children's answers).

Educator: But still, no matter what kind of sorceress the fish is, without what could it, like an ordinary fish, not be able to live?

Children: Fish cannot live without water.

Educator: That's right, so the Goldfish offers to swim with her in the pond.

Olga Maslova

Abstract of GCD« Aquarium fish»

Goals and objectives:

Improve your ability to work with plasticine using relief modeling technique;

Continue to develop creative independence, create a desire to fantasize;

Strengthen skills and abilities in the image plasticine fish;

Achieve a harmonious combination of primary and secondary colors;

To cultivate in children aesthetic taste, imaginative vision, and love of nature.


Images aquarium fish(child benefit);

Scheme of work execution;

« aquarium» (On the desk)

plasticine, oilcloth, board, napkin, stack.

Preparatory work:

Conversation about water and aquarium inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office and go to their workstations. The children sit at the tables. On the tables there are oilcloths, planks, plasticine, stacks, napkins.

Guys, you will find out the topic of our work if you guess the riddle. Listen to her carefully.

House made of glass, with water,

There is a small garden there.

And shells here and there,

Fishes live in a house.

What kind of house is this, children?

Who will answer the riddle?

– Who guessed what it was? (aquarium) . Right.

2. Introductory part


Look what aquarium I brought it to you today.

What's in aquarium?

(sand, pebbles, shells, algae)

What are they needed for (to fish felt like I was free).

Look guys I think the fish is sad, why do you think?

(children's answers)

Guys, can she be sad because she wants to eat?

Do you think she might be sad because the water is in aquarium dirty? Or maybe she's sad because she doesn't have friends. Can we help her? What can we do (children's answers)

What can be made from fish friends? (blind, cut out of colored paper, draw).

Today I propose to fashion fish from plasticine.

Who knows what fish live in aquarium? (children call)

Look what fish I brought today.

(showing a presentation of four slides, looking at the illustrations, we clarify the shape of the body, body parts, head, tail, fins)

Angelfish, guppy, swordtail, golden.

Before starting work, we will warm up our hands a little.

Finger gymnastics « Fish»

(The fingers of both hands are folded "pinch". The arms move in a wave from the shoulder, depicting diving fish.)

The fish were swimming, dived

In clean, warm water. They will shrink (On the last word, the fingers are clenched very tightly.) They will unclench (Fingers spread strongly to the sides.) They will bury themselves in the sand. (Put your fingers together again and alternately make movements with your hands, as if you were digging up sand.)

Now our hands are ready to work. Let's get started. Let's take a piece plasticine medium size and using circular movements between your palms, roll a ball, then place the ball in ours aquariums, and with the thumb of our right hand we press on the ball, this will be the torso. What is the body covered with? fish? That's right, scales. And in order to depict scales fish I brought you various buttons. Choose which ones you like and we’ll make prints. Now fish you need to make a beautiful tail and fins. From color plasticine roll into small balls and place on the back fish we press and stretch it to make a fin, and in the same way we make a tail.

Now we’ll rest a little and do some warm-up (10 – 15 minutes after the start of work).

We went down to the fast river, (walking in place)

They bent down and washed. (bending forward)

One two three four,

That's how nicely refreshed we were. (claps hands)

And now we swam together,

You need to do this with your hands: (circular movements with hands)

Together once, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a rabbit.

All as one -

We swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep (jumping in place)

And we went home. (walking in place)

Now let’s continue our work with you.

Individual work with children during independent activities.

Educator: Try to fish yours turned out different and fun!

Look how beautiful they are the fish turned out, not alike!

Now guys, let's get up and show our work, introduce our fish with new friends.

How many friends do I have?

It immediately became more fun

Let's sing and dance

Play with the kids!

Educator: Well done boys! We worked hard for you! Fish I am grateful to you for new cheerful friends.

A game "Fisherman"

Educator: Guys fish invites you to play a game. Probably each of you would like to catch gold fish? (Yes). I need two participants. You need to catch the golden one the fastest fish, winding up a ball, the fish will come closer, when it is in your hands, then you are a real fisherman.

Bottom line: The teacher is interested in who liked the activity and vice versa, who and what difficulties they encountered in making fish. An exhibition of works is being organized ( « Aquarium» ). The children attach their work to a magnetic board.

How wonderful we got aquariums.

The fish is very happy. She thanks you for being kind and sympathetic, for trying very hard and making many beautiful friends.

Wonderful work. Yours fish like real ones. Well done everyone, class is over.

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: development of spatial orientation, visual analyzer. Objectives: 1. To develop the skill of designing from paper, carry out it carefully.

Goal: To learn to create an expressive and interesting plot using an unconventional technique of performing work - drawing with plasticine. Tasks:.

Summary of GCD for sculpting “Fish for a snail” Abstract of GCD Second junior group. Topic: “Fish for the snail.” Educational field: Artistic and aesthetic creativity. : Fine.

Abstract "House for Fish" NOTES on educational areas “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” in the preparatory school group.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Aquarium fish.” Goal: Development of children's creative abilities through synthesis.

Natalia Ivanova

Prepared: Ivanova Natalya Anatolyevna

Target: 1) Develop fine motor skills.

2) Continue to teach children non-traditional techniques for working with


3) Cultivate perseverance, patience, and attentiveness.

4) Reinforce previously learned techniques sculpting: flattening,

plucking off a whole piece plasticine.

5) Consolidate children’s knowledge about fish and parts of its body.

Material: pictures of fish; plasticine(orange, yellow, white, red and black); silhouettes of aquariums, with algae and stones made from plasticine for each child(made of cardboard, silhouettes of painted fish.

Preliminary work: Looking at fish, talking about fish, looking at a toy fish, reading fiction about fish, outdoor game "Fisherman and fish» .

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, guess riddle:

I'm swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on the ground

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak.

I have eyes - I don’t blink.

I have wings, but I don’t fly.

Children: Fish.

Educator: That's right, guys, it's a fish. There are many varieties of fish (perch, pike, crucian carp).

Where do fish live? (Children's answers) That's right, fish live in the sea, in the ocean, in the lake, in the river. Fish live in water; they cannot exist without it, just as you and I cannot exist without air. Eat fish who live in aquarium: gold fish, parrot fish, angelfish, etc. An aquarium is a whole underwater world. At the bottom there are colorful stones, underwater plants - algae, shells. Some fish They feed on algae, and underwater plants saturate the water with oxygen.

Guys, let's stand spread out on the mat and play a little.

There are clouds in the blue sky (hands up,

A river runs under the mountain (sat down, arms extended forward).

Early in the morning, fishermen are pulling nets from the river (imitate movements - as if sorting through a network).

We caught a lot of fish (arms spread to the sides,

We cooked delicious fish soup (Circular movements with your hands, as if stirring your ear).

Children, now let's sit down at the tables. (Look at images of fish). Look at the picture fish. What does she have? (Children’s answers, I summarize their answers) U fish have a body, fins, tail, eyes. Tail serves the fish"steering wheel", and fins are needed in order to swim. body fish covered with plates, which are called scales. It protects the fish's body from damage: from sharp stones, other predators, etc.

Guys, today we will have an unusual modeling. We will draw plasticine goldfish. Take orange plasticine, we will use it to fill the tail, head fish, smearing thin layer of plasticine. First, pinch off a small piece plasticine, make a ball out of it, put it on the base (head, tail) and smear it. We do it carefully, without going beyond the contour. Then yellow plasticine smear the fins. In order to make fish scales, we pinch off the orange small piece of plasticine, roll out the ball in a circular motion with your palms, flatten it and place it on your body fish. We place each scale next to each other. Then we do the same for the second row, etc. Guys, what else are we doing? they didn’t make our fish? (Children's answers). Correct eyes and mouth. To make an eye, take white plasticine, pinch off a little from it and roll out a small ball, flatten it and attach the eye to the head fish. Next we take black plasticine(a small piece, roll out the ball, flatten it and make a pupil fish, overlaying on top of white plasticine. Mouth fish- roll out a small thin sausage, bend it in half and attach it. Here's ours goldfish is ready! Look what you have the fish turned out beautiful! You must be very tired? Let's relax and play.

Fizminutka "The water splashes quietly"

The water splashes quietly,

We are floating along a warm river. (Swimming movements with hands.)

There are clouds in the sky like sheep,

They fled in all directions. (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

We're climbing out of the river,

Let's take a walk to dry off. (Walk in place.)

Now take a deep breath.

And we sit down on the sand. (Children sit down.).

Well done! And now let's go back to group!

Municipal budgetary preschool education institution

"Kindergarten No. 43"

Slavgorod, Altai Territory


GCD in the senior group educational field

"Artistic area"

plasticineography “Goldfish”» MBDOU No. 43

Educator: Gartman O.V.

Slavgorod, 2017


Plasticineography “Goldfish”.

Target: developing the ability to work with plasticine using the “mosaic” and plasticineography techniques.


1. To achieve expressiveness and unusualness in the execution of a fairy-tale image by including waste material in its design.

2. Continue to develop the ability to depict figures using plasticineography on a plane, creating an image in half volume.

3.Develop accuracy in working with plasticine.

Preliminary work:

Didactic games “Who lives where?”, “Collect a picture”. Listening to the musical recording “Water-Water”. Imitation to the sounds of fish movements. Watching the cartoon “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” based on the work of A. S. Pushkin.

Equipment and materials: illustrations with fish, underwater world,thick cardboard with the silhouette of a fish (We do the background tinting in advance on cardboard by the children themselves), a set of plasticine, a stack, a napkin for hands, boards for modeling for each child, sequins, shells.

GCD move:

1.Organizational part.

Educator : Guys, guess the riddle:

I'm swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on the ground

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak

I have eyes - I don’t blink,

I have wings, but I don’t fly.


Educator: That's right, guys, it's a fish. There are many varieties of fish(perch, pike, crucian carp). Where do fish live?(Children's answers)

Educator : That's right, fish live in the sea, in the ocean, in the lake, in the river. Fish live in water, they cannot exist without it, just as you and I cannot exist without air. Eat fish who live inaquarium: angelfish, catfish, parrot guppy fish and many other fish. An aquarium is a whole underwater world. At the bottom there are colorful stones, underwater plants - algae, shells. Some fish They feed on algae, and underwater plants saturate the water with oxygen.

Educator : Look guys, today a fish came to visit us. The fish is not simple, but golden, she offers to swim with it in the pond.

Phys. just a minute:

How nice it is to swim in the river (swimming movements )

Shore on the left, shore on the right (turns right, left )

The river is a ribbon ahead, (stretching - arms forward )

There's a bridge on top - look (stretching - arms up )

To swim even faster (swimming movements )

We need to row quickly

We work with our hands

Who will keep up with us?

We are climbing out of the river (walking in place )

And we relax on the grass. (Children sit at tables)

2. Practical part .

Educator : Children, I think that each of you would like to have your own goldfish. Today we will make goldfish, depicting them using covered with plates, which are called scales. It protects the fish's body fromdamage: from sharp stones, other predators. And so that the fish really looks like gold, we will lay sequins on top of the plasticine - scales.

Stages of work. Children work to music.

1. Determine with the children the structure of the fish: head, body, tail, fins, eyes, mouth.

2. Take yellow plasticine and fill the tail, head and fins with it.

3. First, pinch off a small piece of plasticine, make a ball out of it, place it on the base and spread it in a thin layer. We do it carefully, without going beyond the contour of the line.

4. In order to make fish scales, pinch off a small piece of orange plasticine, roll out a ball with a circular motion of your palms, flatten it and place it on the body of the fish. We place each scale next to each other. We lay out each row like this. Afterwards we will lay glitter - scales - on top of the plasticine.

5. Finish the small parts. Eyes: take white plasticine. We pinch off, roll the ball, flatten it and attach the eye to the fish’s head. Then we take black plasticine and make a pupil for the fish, put it on top of the white plasticine.

6. To finish our work, you can make pebbles from plasticine (using the method of mixing plasticine), attach shells to a small piece of plasticine at the bottom of the cardboard. And make algae from plasticine.

Phys. just a minute during class

The water splashes quietly,

We are floating along a warm river.(Swimming movements with arms)

There are clouds in the sky like sheep,

They fled in all directions.(Stretching - arms up and to the sides)

We're climbing out of the river,

Let's take a walk to dry off.(Walking in place)

Now take a deep breath.

And we sit down on the sand.(Children sit down)

3. Final part

Educator: Here are our goldfish! A teacher and children look at goldfish. Mark your favorite works. They remember with the help of what objects the expressiveness of the work was achieved.

Educator: How beautiful and cozy it is in their underwater world!

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative
development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” (modeling)
"Cognitive development":
consolidate children's knowledge about fish;
to develop children's knowledge about the characteristic structure of fish: body shape, fins, gills;
consolidate existing ideas about the aquarium, provide new information about its inhabitants;
teach children to generalize and classify (sea fish, aquarium fish, fish living in
freshwater bodies);
develop environmental thinking and environmental culture.
"Social and communicative development":
improve the ability to listen to a friend’s answers and not interrupt;
develop the ability to evaluate a friend’s work;
cultivate interest and respect for nature.
"Physical development":
continue to gain experience in motor activities (physical education).
“Speech development”:
develop the ability to answer questions in a reasoned manner;
develop all components of oral speech.
develop coordination of speech with movement.
"Artistic and aesthetic development":
develop fine motor skills;
continue to teach children non-traditional techniques for working with plasticine;
consolidate previously learned modeling techniques: flattening, plucking from a whole piece.
Methods and techniques:
Practical: physical education, game.
Visual: observation of the teacher’s actions. examination;

Verbal: riddle, conversation, reasoning, generalizations, conclusions.
Materials and equipment: poster "Fish"; fish toy, net; sea ​​pebbles; plasticine,
boards, napkins; a blank of “aquarium” paper with the outline of a goldfish.
Children's activities
Reading fiction (perception)
Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Game situations,
Activities in the art studio, workshops for the production of children's art objects
Observations, excursions, problem solving, experimentation, collecting, modeling,
educational research projects, didactic and constructive games
Conversations, speech problem situations, composing stories and fairy tales, creative retellings, guessing riddles, verbal
games, printed board games with rules, story games, situational conversations, speech training, questions
Storytelling, reading, discussion,
Logic of educational activities
Activities of the teacher
I ask the children a riddle: I swim under
bridge and wag my tail.
I don’t walk on the ground, I have a mouth, but I don’t speak.
I don’t blink my eyes, I don’t fly with wings.
Who is this? (Fish)
Conversation about fish. That's right, guys, it's a fish. A
where do fish live? That's right, fish live in
water, without it they cannot exist either,
like we are without air. If fish live in the sea, then
what do we call these fish? With which sea
inhabitants we recently met? And if
fish live in a river, pond, lake, then how do these
what do we call fish? What river fish do you know?
Well done!
The structure of a fish.
A drawing with an image hangs on the easel
What do fish have? The fish has a body
fins, tail, eyes.
The tail serves as a “steering wheel” for fish, and fins are needed
in order to swim.
The body of the fish is covered with plates that
are called scales. Scales protect fish from
damage: from sharp stones, predatory fish.
Guys, let's stand spread out on the mat and
Let's play a little.
Physical education minute
Children listen
Children's answers.
Seahorse, shark,
starfish, marine
hedgehog, jellyfish, crab.
Pike, catfish, rudd,
Children's answers
Children's suggestions.
The phonogram sounds
"Music and Nature"
children do the task
Desired Results
Knowledge is consolidated
children about fish.
Knowledge is being formed
children about characteristic
fish structure: shape
bodies, fins, gills.
Existing ones have been consolidated
ideas about
aquarium, give a new one
information about his
are able to generalize and
(sea fish,
aquarium fish, fish,
living in freshwater
Develop environmental
thinking and
ecological culture.
ability to listen to answers
comrade and do not interrupt;
skill is being formed
evaluate work
interest was fostered and
careful attitude
to nature.
Everyone is developing

There are clouds in the blue sky (hands raised up)
components of oral speech.
Continue to study
unconventional technology
working with plasticine.

Established earlier
Modeling techniques learned:
plucking from the whole
A river runs under the mountain, (crouched down, arms outstretched
Early in the morning from the river, (imitate movements,
Fishermen are pulling their nets. as if sorting through the network)
We caught a lot of fish, (arms to the sides
Cooked delicious fish soup (circular movements
hands, as if stirring the ear).
Guys, now we will sit down at the tables.
A fish appears above the easel.
Did you find out who she is?
This is a goldfish!
Fish: Oh, my path was difficult, so I decided to
you should turn it off.
It became bad for me to live at sea: I suddenly became dirty
There is nowhere else for me to frolic, they say that here
There are aquariums now. they are spacious and
With very clean water. Allow me, kids,
I want to swim with all my heart. It’s just boring, that’s the problem.
I don't have any girlfriends!
Guys! How can we help the goldfish?
Guys, I suggest you make one for our guest
girlfriends Each of you has it on your table
"aquarium with goldfish"
Modeling "Goldfish" to the soundtrack "Music"
and nature"
Guys, today we will have an unusual sculpture. We
We will draw a “goldfish” with plasticine.
Let's take plasticine with you. We fill their tail,
the head of the fish, smearing the plasticine thin
layer: first pinch off a small piece
plasticine, make a ball out of it, put it on
base (head, tail) and smear. We do everything
carefully, without going beyond the contours. Then
spread the plasticine onto the fins.
In order to make fish scales, we
you rolled the balls in advance, now we take each
one ball, flatten it and lay it out

on the body of the fish. We lay out each scale
next to each other. Then we do exactly the same
second row, etc.
Guys, are your hands tired? Let's have a little
let's take a break from your work and stretch our
Guys, what haven’t we done for our fish yet?
That's right, eyes and mouth. In order to do
eye, take white plasticine and pinch it off
a little and roll out a small ball,
flatten it and attach the eye to the fish’s head.
Next, take black plasticine (small
piece, roll out the ball, flatten it and make
the pupil of the fish, overlay it on top of the white
plasticine.) We roll out the mouth of the fish into a small
thin sausage made of red plasticine, bend
in half and attach. Here are our girlfriends
goldfish. How beautiful they all are.
Guys! How can you improve an aquarium?
Why do the pebbles lie at the bottom? Guys, come on
together with you we will place it on the bottom of the aquarium
pebbles. And we will have colored pebbles
And now guys, for our fish, so that they have
air, let's make algae.
Guys, you are so great! What are you like to me?
made girlfriends. Thank you very much!
