What to talk about with a guy on the phone: some simple tips. All the rules for talking to men on the phone


At the genetic level, men are courageous in spirit and persistent in character, capable of strong-willed actions. The guys stand at the head of the army, going to battle with the enemy, and risk their lives, saving weaker and more vulnerable people in emergency situations. One can talk endlessly about the exploits performed by courageous and noble representatives of the strong half of humanity. However, many guys are susceptible to fears that appear based on innermost fears. Brave men who have conquered many peaks are often afraid of a normal conversation with a woman. The comical aspect of the situation is that some gentlemen are worried even about a telephone conversation.

Inexplicable, but true - guys are able to prove their worth to the whole world by excluding from the list only a girl for whom they have sincere sympathy. and timidity, meaningless phrases and inappropriate jokes - a man’s embarrassment is difficult not to notice. Often, after such dialogues, a girl stops considering her boyfriend as a possible chosen one, not seeing protection and self-sufficiency in him. To eliminate the risk of such a development of events, it is important for guys to prepare for the conversation in advance. It is reasonable to ask a number of questions before the dialogue: What to talk about with a girl on the phone? ? How to start a conversation? When is the best time to call? How long should the conversation last? Where to start communication?

Common mistakes during a telephone conversation

In search of advice on building a dialogue with their chosen one, men turn to techniques that are designed to maintain a connection with the interlocutor through succinct and relevant words. However, few guys take into account that the format of communication should be chosen in accordance with the interests and upbringing of the woman. The main mistakes of improvident gentlemen are the following sequence of sloppy actions and phrases:

Due to excessive excitement, many guys forget to monitor the correctness of the conversation, allowing themselves inappropriate barbs and slang expressions. This format of dialogue causes unpleasant emotions in the girl, so she loses the desire to continue communication.

Reason for the call.


Men tend to overthink themselves by projecting possible scenarios for the development of events. Guys are prepared in advance for the worst outcome of events, so they worry even more. The purpose of the call is to gain mutual understanding, to win the girl over to herself. Keep in mind the purpose of the conversation that you are trying to achieve. With the help of excitement, a man can only count on one result - the alienation of his chosen one.


If the gentleman was unable to get rid of the jittery state, then it is important to remain in this “weakness” unnoticed by the girl. Do not show your excitement with an uncertain voice and a trembling timbre. The young lady will definitely notice your nervousness without appreciating your preparation. Such a conversation will not lead to the desired result, “throwing back” the likelihood of a love relationship with a pretty girl several moves back.

The process of preparing for a telephone conversation with a girl

If you want to win a girl's affection, you will have to give up SMS. This format of communication does not allow you to convey to your interlocutor the range of feelings and range of emotions that you put into the phrase. Correspondence is suitable for married couples with established love relationships, where the partners have already thoroughly studied each other over time.

Starting a dialogue with a girl you like through a greeting message is not a practical solution. To the classic: “Hello! How are you?” – women are already tired of answering thousands of other gentlemen. It is not difficult to learn during “live” communication and telephone conversation - the main thing is to prepare in advance, adhering to the following useful recommendations:


Think in advance about what phrase you will start communicating with your chosen one. When choosing a greeting, consider what stage of development the relationship is at. If you communicate exclusively as friends, then use the traditional “Hello.” If the girl is aware of your sympathy and reciprocates, then accompany the first phrase with a diminutive characteristic - “Hello, dear.”

Time to call.

Find out your chosen one’s work schedule in advance to familiarize yourself with the daily routine. You won’t be able to have a positive conversation during your work life, so choose the optimal time for a telephone conversation. Call when a woman is free from communicating with friends and is not busy with business.

Purpose of the call.

Deciding on the prerequisite for a telephone conversation is another important aspect that needs to be taken care of in advance. Having said a welcoming phrase at the beginning of the dialogue and inquired about the health status of the chosen one, move on to the essence of the communication. Ask a question or introduce the woman to interesting information so that she will want to continue the conversation, which “promises” to be exciting.

Outcome of communication.

Dialogue is a process designed for an end result. You are calling to realize a certain goal. Project in advance how the conversation should end, rehearse the moment of farewell - arrange a meeting or wish good dreams, thank you for communication or end the conversation with a pleasant compliment.

If you follow the advice, the result will be ones that are indispensable in a conversation with your chosen one. In a peaceful state, you will demonstrate to the girl your best personal qualities, be remembered for your sparkling humor and distinguish yourself with wise recommendations. The main thing is to get rid of anxiety, which is the cause of many failed marriages. A man should personify protection and confidence, so neglecting the advice given is an irrational choice for guys deciding to make an important call.

Suitable topics for a telephone conversation

- this is the highest “pilot” of communication between a man and a woman, which can only be achieved over time. An integral part of a successful dialogue is the correct choice of topic for conversation. If you are wondering what to talk about with a girl on the phone, then check out the list of popular topics, taking into account the interests of your chosen one:

girl's childhood;
hobbies and hobbies;
the young lady's cherished dream;
fears and ways to deal with them;
first love;
family life values ​​and needs;
first meeting with your chosen one (thoughts at this moment, first impression of you);
preferences in cinema, colors, dishes, clothing, etc.;
relationships with parents;

It is important to catch the girl’s train of thought in time and develop a new topic of conversation that appears during the conversation. If you learn to “navigate” during a dialogue with your chosen one, you will definitely find points that need to be discussed. The topics cannot end - look around, a number of large-scale events take place in the world every day.

After reading the information above, you will cope with anxiety and avoid common mistakes by correctly constructing a dialogue with a girl. A telephone conversation is part of communication, so it is important to decide on the topic in advance and think through the likely outcome of the conversation. Remember that women will not be intrigued by weak-willed men - young ladies are interested in strong-willed guys, behind whom the girl will feel protected.

February 9, 2014

In the modern world, telephone conversations occupy, perhaps, first place among all possible methods of human communication - whether we like it or not. But here’s the problem: women just want it, but men are not very happy with this circumstance. Because, according to psychologists, representatives of the stronger sex, it turns out, are not very fond of such a convenient means of communication. And if they continue to use it, then only for one reason: where to go?..

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Photo gallery: How to have a conversation on the phone with a man?

Beautiful ladies must take this feature into account before talking on the phone with a man in order to prevent various misunderstandings. Most of us can chat with our friends on the phone for hours, receiving incomparable pleasure from it. How many men have you met who are capable of groaning and grunting into the phone just as selflessly throughout the evening? Even if you came across such people, those around you probably treated them with a slight tinge of contempt: they say, these are women’s weaknesses. And they were right. Psychologists have long been convinced that long telephone conversations supposedly “about nothing” are a favorite pastime of the fair sex, and this style of communication is fundamentally alien to normal men. Even worse, there are quite a few among them who, at the mere thought of answering the phone or making a call themselves, begin to sweat, turn pale and tremble. They are more likely to agree to spend the evening alone with their mother-in-law, but will not pick up the home phone. But sometimes we simply have no other opportunity to communicate with our loved one! What to do now? Nothing special, you just need to take into account the specifics of male psychology - that’s all.

Night predators

The way partners behave in bed, the same way they develop relationships on the phone. Ladies, as a rule, want bright manifestations of tenderness, and so that they last longer. And the gentlemen strive to finish everything quickly, so that they can quickly return to their serious, truly masculine affairs. Therefore, if you have decided to have a conversation with your lover about this and that and want to be heard at the same time, try calling him at night. The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex by nature have one peculiarity: at night they are less distrustful, more sincere and more willing to make contact.

Rude people

It is common for many men to abruptly end a conversation, and they do not at all find this reprehensible from the point of view of politeness. They simply decide that you have already provided them with all the information they need, from their point of view, and therefore hang up with a clear conscience. It never occurs to men to utter meaningless phrases at the end of a conversation solely for its smooth completion. Therefore, do not be offended by your loved ones for this - they have such a style, and they themselves are unlikely to change it. It’s better to make an agreement with your husband or friend for the future so that, if he feels an irresistible desire to hang up the phone, he warns you a second before with a conventional phrase like: “Okay, we’ll discuss the rest later.”


“I’ll call you” - this phrase is as old as time. How many times have women believed such promises from gentlemen and how many times have they been deceived in their expectations! And all because they didn’t know: very often this phrase is pronounced by a man instead of another. But the other one would have sounded like a sentence: “It’s over, I don’t love you anymore.” And not every representative of the stronger sex has the strength to voice it. But the non-binding promise to call allows him, firstly, not to traumatize the soul of his former lover, and secondly, to get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity, saving his face, so to speak. Therefore, when you hear this phrase from a man, do not take it literally. Well... hope is the last thing to die!


Another, no less vibrant question: is it possible to make peace with a man over the phone if you quarreled? It all depends on the specific situation. For example, you suspect that the conflict between you is just an excuse, but in fact your relationship has reached a dead end and is most likely doomed to an inglorious end. Then it is useless to appeal to the feelings of your beloved, like the heroine Irina Muravyova from the film “Car-Naval”: remember how she sang with anguish: “Call me, call me!!!” He won't call. And most likely never again. And if you want to call him, then get ready, having tuned in to having a conversation on the phone with a man, to hear at the other end of the line that you have the wrong number. But even if a quarrel occurred simply because one of you got excited, it is better to establish relationships not over the phone, but face to face. Then you will have a much greater chance of success. It is worth agreeing over the phone only about the place and time of peace negotiations.

Lazy people

It’s amazing how selective men’s hearing is, and you’ve probably seen this before. Your spouse perfectly distinguishes, for example, the faint crackle of sparkling wiring in the next room, but does not hear at all the loud telephone trill above his head. You rush headlong from the kitchen to the living room in order to answer the call, and are surprised to notice that your husband is sitting at arm’s length at the machine and calmly reading a newspaper. And in response to your indignant exclamations, with the look of an innocent baby, he asks: “What, did someone call us?” The fact is that he is absolutely sure: in 99 cases out of 100 they call you, not him. Then why pick up the phone if you still have to hand it over to you? There is only one way to change the situation. Tell him that you, having voluntarily taken on the labor of washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming, cooking, sewing, knitting, taking out the trash, etc., still expect such an honorable duty - to answer the phone - divide by two.

Jealous people

Many people are familiar with this picture: your boss called you at home, wanting to immediately discuss the tactics of tomorrow’s negotiations, and you listen intently to his words. But suddenly you notice that an indescribable range of feelings appears on your husband’s face - approximately the same expression he had when he was present at the birth. You become confused, the conversation with the boss is not going well, a little more - and it’s time for you to quit. And the reason for it all is the inexplicable jealousy of men towards their girlfriends’ conversations on the phone, inexplicable from a scientific point of view, no matter with whom. What to do in such cases? If possible, immediately leave with the device to another room, as they say, out of sight. If you have a visiting gentleman, then turn off your phone completely during his visit - love is worth it!


Do you think that if there had been a telephone in the time of Romeo and Juliet, would the ardent young man have used it to declare his love? Psychologists believe that it is unlikely, especially when his friends or household members are nearby. He would still prefer to sneak under the balcony at midnight to talk about his feelings without fear of prying ears. After all, any representative of the stronger sex is so afraid that he will be accused of veal tenderness! For this reason, he will not utter his cherished words even at gunpoint, if there is even the slightest suspicion that other people might overhear him. So don’t be offended by your gentleman when, in response to yours: “I love you,” he restrainedly mutters at work: “Me too” (this is at best!), or even just sniffs into the phone. If you want to hear reciprocal words of love from your man, make your confession only in person, when you meet.

To summarize, we want to give you one piece of advice: to avoid misunderstandings, communicate with your beloved man by phone as little as possible. If he is beyond your reach, it is better to correspond with him. Everyone knows what wonderful love messages adorn the stories and novels of the world literary classics. But I don’t remember a single such telephone conversation...

What does he tell you on the phone...

1. “Sorry, someone is ringing the doorbell” (at home) or “I have a visitor” (at work).

2. “What, didn’t the answering machine record my words that I said when I called you in your absence?!”

3. “Unfortunately, I’m very busy right now. When I’m free, I’ll definitely call you.”

4. “Hello! I don't understand what happened. Do you have more important things to do than me?”

5. “Hello, is this a dry cleaner? Ooh, I think I dialed your phone number by mistake!”

6. “Can I call you back a little later? Now I’m watching a football match with my favorite team.”

...and what does that mean?

1. “At the moment I have much more interesting things to do than chat with you.”

2. “Damn it, I forgot to call you again, although you asked me about it just now!”

3. “I have no desire to talk to you, not today or ever.”

4. “I really miss you, and although I hate the phone, I still call to make a date.”

5. “I’m a little shy when I call you, so I’m looking for a suitable excuse.”

6. “Can I call you back a little later? Now I’m watching a football match with my favorite team.”

What can you talk about with a guy on the phone?

    Why exactly should a girl be puzzled by the question, what to talk about with a guy on the phone. Let him come up with topics for conversation himself.

    And if it’s the essence of the question, then you can ask the guy something about the computer, like you need his advice. And from there you can gradually move on to any other topics.

    you need to think through the conversation and questions in advance. but if you like listening to each other, then you can talk about how the guy and his friends went somewhere for some reason. The main thing is to listen carefully and sometimes ask for details. he will really like it. This is if you don’t know each other well.

    Well, if you have known each other for a million years, then you can talk about any topic, even discussing your neighbors. Believe me, this is a great topic, and it will also lift your spirits.)))

    Yes, about anything, the main thing is not to post all the information about yourself. A girl should be a mystery to a guy. If you two are in a good mood, then even talking about the weather will be interesting.

    This is such a simple answer - hello my dear, how are you? I miss you very much, where have you been? If you love me and I’m dear to you, let’s go to a cafe or just take a walk in the park. I like it when you are next to me)))

    Many girls, and for that matter even guys, begin to feel stupor when they start a conversation on the phone, because they don’t know what to talk about and how to continue the conversation... To do this, you need to prepare a list of questions on various topics, from weather to the hadron collider and ask along the way, with these leading questions you can understand the interests of the interlocutor, and thereby continue the conversation.

    If a guy is interested in a girl, he is ready to chat on any topic. A friend of mine once overheard her teenage daughter telling her boyfriend how much she had cross-stitched today - the conversation lasted at least half an hour.

    about everything!

    A telephone conversation differs from face-to-face communication in that there is no eye contact. Therefore, we can perceive information only from the words and intonations of the interlocutor, and conversations with a young man have a number of limitations regarding the topic.

    You can talk about aliens, about the end of the world, about extraterrestrial life, about global warming, about the threat of nuclear weapons. These topics bring people together very much. Or you don’t have to talk about anything, let the guy come up with a topic.

    If people are interested in each other, then topics arise as if by themselves. After all, you can talk about anything: about how good/bad the weather is, about how your work or school day went, about the movies you watched or the music you listened to, about your plans for tomorrow, and so on.

    What to talk about? Yes, about everything your heart desires, but mostly the guy and the girl speak

    different topics, you also need to take into account the age of the people who are speaking. As age plays

    a big role in communication, if people meet it’s just one conversation, if it’s for work

    then that's a different conversation.

    you can talk about anything. the main thing is that the topic interests you, and the interlocutor is ready to listen to you. but if you are really interested, then you can captivate a guy with your enthusiasm so much that he will forget that he does not understand the intricacies of knitting or cooking. but usually the conversation starts with a story about how the day went: what happened, what you expected, what worked and what didn’t, what you watched or read... in general, the main thing is to get hooked, and then you can chat for hours

    Well, in my opinion, you must first of all understand what mood the interlocutor or interlocutor is in and it is from this that you begin to develop a further topic for conversation, because if a person feels bad, and at the same time you are trying to cheer him up with stupid jokes, this will only cause him disgust!

    The main thing is to find a common topic of conversation. Even in the first minutes of a conversation with a stranger, no matter the guy or the girl, you can find something that will be interesting to both interlocutors. Of course, it is undesirable for a girl to tell everything about herself in the first minute; after all, mystery attracts guys. If we are talking about a guy we know, then you can coo with him on the phone, ask what he is doing, tell him how much we wait for him and love him. In my experience, it was that a young man generally loved being told fairy tales and singing on the phone)) Well, in general, it all depends on the situation, on the stage of the relationship with the guy and of course you yourself, because the main thing is that you would be pleased with him about it speak.

Girls are sure that a man must make the first step, and men, in turn, are very shy. Talking to a girl they like is sometimes more difficult for them than learning to fly an airplane. What to do in this case? How to overcome this embarrassment and start communicating? The solution may be a simple phone call. After all, talking to your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts to him if you don’t see him is much easier than face to face. In this article I will tell you how to start a conversation over the phone so that it is easy and relaxed.

How to start a conversation

Many women believe that “forcing” themselves on a man is a shame. What can you do? In our society there is still an opinion that it is the valiant “knight” who must win the heart of a beautiful lady. But a phone call is a non-binding thing. So why not take the first step forward and call him? But many girls are worried about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” We will answer this later. Now let’s talk about how to start a conversation with a young man. The first thing you should do is find out as much as possible about him: his habits, activities, studies, work, and so on. This way the risk of getting into trouble will be minimal. Second tip: when you start a conversation with him, try to get him to talk as much as possible. Let him tell you about himself. Ask him, ask for his opinion on this or that event. But just don’t be too zealous; being too attentive to his person can scare him away.

Topics for telephone conversations

Now let’s talk about what topics you can talk about over the phone. It is believed that if a girl talks on the phone, she spends a third of her free time on this. So spend this time usefully for yourself and your future relationships. Below is a list of possible conversation topics:

His occupation, hobby. If your loved one is involved in sports, music or any other activity, be sure to ask what led him to this and what he expects from these activities.

His passions. Are you not interested in his preferences in food, clothing, and everyday life? This means that you are not interested in the very object of your desire. Is it worth continuing the relationship in this case?

News. Every day something new happens in the world. I wonder what he thinks about this?

Men have a reasonable question: on the phone?" But here the advice will be simple: all girls love it when it comes to them, their loved ones. Therefore, give her the opportunity to tell you as much as possible about herself, become her grateful listener, and it may very well be that soon you will become her beloved, close person who knows absolutely everything about her.

What to avoid when talking on the phone

Now let's talk about what topics should be avoided in telephone conversations. If you are concerned about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” - then know that in no case should you start a conversation on too serious topics, for example, on the topic of money, children, religion or former relationships. And also, try not to speak negatively about a particular person or event. Your interlocutor may be put off by the fact that you think poorly about people and some things that are dear to him.

Now you know what to talk about with a guy on the phone. Don't be afraid of anything, don't hesitate to take the initiative into your own hands, call him and win him over with a pleasant conversation. Have you tried everything, but no common topics for communication have emerged? Then this is simply not your person!

One of women's favorite leisure activities is talking on the phone. In this case, they become real talkers. They talk a lot, on all topics and in great detail. But they only behave this way with their girlfriends. But if they call a man, then often after a couple of sentences they no longer know what to talk to him about, since they do not see a proper response to their questions and reasoning.

And so, today, dear women, we will discuss with you the topic of how to communicate with a man on the phone. After all, if we get pleasure and some degree of relaxation from communicating in this way, then a man sees the phone only as a way to receive information. And sometimes we want the communication with our chosen one to be long and interesting, and so that he is always waiting for our next call. Yes, and the ability to communicate with a man on the phone will be useful in other situations when we need to be heard and get a positive result from our telephone call.

When not to call a man

You know what busy people they are and that they consider telephone chatter a waste of time. Moreover, men love with their eyes, and a live conversation, when you can look into your girlfriend’s neckline, appreciate her new stockings and fantasize while looking at her elastic ass, is more important for them than a telephone conversation. If they talk on the phone, it goes in one ear and out the other.

So, in order for people to hear you and understand what we are talking about, you need to definitely exclude early morning calls. This is what men definitely don’t like. They have not woken up yet, they are in a hurry to get to work, they are not ready to change their plans if you puzzle them so early. In the midst of a working day, they have a lot of problems without you. At lunchtime, they rush to drink a cup of coffee and discuss with colleagues a football match, new products in the automobile industry, and a party at a nightclub. It is useless to call in the evening, because you will meet soon anyway. It only takes a few minutes to dial your loved one’s number to find out where he will meet you, what he will order for dinner, or whether it’s worth stopping at a store on the way. After a date, calling late at night is generally useless. He's tired, he's busy, he's already discussed everything he wanted with you. There will be no meaningful conversation.

Now think about when to call these guys. But, all these restrictions can be safely discarded if you intrigue a man. Call and immediately tell him that today you bought “awesome” lingerie in which you look stunning, or found a funny, depraved film on the Internet that you would like to watch together. And after that, you can safely sit on your partner’s ears, without fear that he will say that he is very tired and will go to bed.

If you know each other closely enough, you can throw your chosen one a small sex party over the phone, igniting his passion with your story about what you will do with him when he gets on your network. Once you have cheered up your chosen one a little, you can discuss your girlfriends, his friends, your bosses at work. He will agree to everything.

The main thing is that he is ready for such a conversation, and not afraid of your violent sexual fantasy. There are also men who are scared off by this type of sex. They may still think about your promiscuity. But is it worth having relationships with such boring men?

In what other cases will a man always listen to you carefully on the phone? Of course, when the conversation concerns him personally, his work, car, money, housing and other similar issues. Just don’t tell him about all the little things, where, what you saw and heard, how much tire fitting costs and that you know how you can apply for a subsidy for utilities. The man is not interested in various rumors and scandals. Speak only to the point, clearly expressing your thoughts. Have you spoken? Have you heard his opinion? Well, goodbye.

Basic rules for communicating on the phone, which will apply to all men, acquaintances, strangers, fiancés and husbands. Always speak in a confident voice when you answer the phone. If there are notes of sexuality in it, it will be generally great. Say hello, say goodbye and give compliments (well, not to your boss, but only to your loved ones). If you don’t want to tell the truth to your interlocutor over the phone, then you shouldn’t lie. Just quickly jump to another topic, as if by chance.

When talking to a man, try not to lose your train of thought. And sometimes it happens that you start discussing the menu for the upcoming party, and immediately insert how it was at your friend’s, where she bought her dress, and how beautiful her mother’s apartment is. Ultimately, the man will not understand anything and will become annoyed by such conversation. If a woman knows how to think about everything at the same time, then a man needs consistent and logical thoughts.

And one moment. When talking to a man on the phone, do not interrupt him. Wait for the end of the remark and then insert your word. These are simple rules of decency that we sometimes forget about when listening to our girlfriend. But men don’t like this behavior.

How long can you talk to a man on the phone without him getting tired of you? Yes, no more than 15 minutes. And then during the conversation, maintain his interest with intonation, sighs and aahs. So that he feels not only your voice, but also your sexuality.

Important! If you call your boyfriend and he is in the car while driving, do not distract him from the road, even if you urgently need to tell him about what ring you saw today and who you met. Let him park, then talk. I don’t think it’s worth explaining to you why this is necessary.

And now let's move on to the conclusion. If you decide to break off a relationship with a man, then you should not do it over the phone. Firstly, he will not believe in the sincerity of your decision and will try to figure out the relationship one-on-one. And secondly, it’s much more pleasant to express to a man’s face everything that you think about him, while wearing a spectacular dress and doing beautiful makeup. Let this bastard understand what he lost.

Now you know all the basic rules of communicating with a man on the phone and can show your best side. Don't be intrusive, become tactful and attentive. and then your call to the man will be long-awaited and pleasant for him.
