Communication of souls between people. Mental connection - what it means, how it is formed, how to break it

Many of you have repeatedly felt an incomprehensible exhaustion after communicating with some person. This is an energy vampire that steals energy from you. Let's see how to break the energy connection and live a full life?

Energy communications

Did you know that it is enough for people to shake hands or touch each other so that thin energy threads appear between them? If people begin to communicate more with each other, then this connection is strengthened and turns into a thick rope through which energy flows from person to person.

Energy vampirism

When everything is harmonious in a couple or in a family, close people feed on each other. On the physical plane, this is expressed by support, understanding, intuitive feeling. But what if the relationship becomes unbearable? Constant quarrels, scandals, tantrums and showdowns provoke an outflow of energy. Sick swing relationships, when people either quarrel or passionately reconcile - this is exactly the case. And if you find the courage to break it, then you will reach a different level of your development.

This is quite difficult to do, because many people are attacked by strange emotions at such moments. It is easier for them to put pressure on the throat of their ego again than to start solving the problem. And why? But because they are afraid that they will be left without their beloved "tormentor". Torturer ... But such a native! That is why this method is suitable only for the strongest, who are ready to abruptly tear off the plaster from the aching wound and begin to sew up the hole with magic threads.

Even if you ended a relationship and stopped communicating with a person, this absolutely does not mean that you broke the connection at the energy level. Some of your energy still flows into past relationships or family.

How to break the energy connection with a former man, husband, lover, woman, with your partner, relative, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, colleague, and in general with any person? Let's get a look.

Types of energy links

There are several energy links:

  1. Energy connections that accumulate during the day: communication with relatives, shopping, work, study, people on the street, etc.
  2. Connections that arise during conflicts, quarrels, and if someone offended you.
  3. Love bindings: cordial and long.


If you do not know how to break the energy connection, then here are a few techniques that will help you. You can do them at any time convenient for you: even at home, even on the street or at work.

On every day

If you know how to work with chakras, then here is a simple method to break all bindings:

  1. Take a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Need to be grounded. Imagine that a dark brown pillar extends from your coccyx down to the center of the Earth.
  3. Go through each chakra, starting with the first. Imagine that you remove all the dark dots or some growths on them with your hands, cleaning each with an imaginary vacuum cleaner.

Remove resentment

If someone offended you, then you should try to clean yourself up as soon as possible without accumulating anything.

How to break the energy connection with a person:

  1. Mentally imagine your abuser standing in front of you.
  2. Pass two tubes at chest level that go from you to him. One tube carries energy from him to you, and the other from you to him.
  3. Take imaginary scissors. To heighten the effect, you can take real scissors and do the same with them.
  4. Cut off both tubes.
  5. Close the ends of your tubes to each other.
  6. The tubes of the offender are washed with each other on it.

relationship room

If there are too many grievances and it is rather problematic to work through this with each person, then this technique can help you.

How to break the energy connection:

  1. Get in a comfortable position and relax. You can turn on your favorite music in the background, or.
  2. Let go of thoughts and try to stop the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine that your head is a room, and all the furniture in it are your offenders. Let's say a closet is a father, a floor lamp is a mother, a chair is a former partner, a chandelier is a boss, an armchair is a colleague, a table is a saleswoman in a store who got nasty to you, and so on.
  4. Start removing all items from the room.
  5. When the space is completely cleared, force yourself out of the room by any means: pull by the ear, take out with a bulldozer, or fly away in a balloon.
  6. Look into your room through a keyhole or window. If it's still empty, come out of the trance. And if there are still some items, take them out again until the room is completely empty.

love bindings

With love attachments, things are a little more complicated. It will take more effort, energy and time to remove all the prisushki. But you will definitely succeed if you really want it.

Burn everything that you gave me

How to break the energy connection with a man or woman:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Determine the place on the sheet where your resentment or irritation wants to settle.
  3. Draw whatever you want with a pen. Don't worry about time, just draw.
  4. Fill a basin of water and set fire to a piece of paper with matches.
  5. Wait until the entire design is burned, and then dip the paper into the water for safety.
  6. Drain the water.

Airing the heart

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. Get in a comfortable position and relax.
  2. In the region of your heart, mentally find a black hole.
  3. Breathe in through your mouth, and mentally exhale through the hole.
  4. At first, black smoke will come out of it, and with each breath it will become blacker and blacker.
  5. Then the smoke will become light, and then a draft will form in your heart.
  6. So you completely removed the energy connection.
  7. Close the entrance with your hand or a fictitious stopper. Or maybe you want to patch up this wound.

Key words

During the execution of the technique, you can contact the person with whom you want to break the connection and say something like this to him (you can also add from yourself):

My dear (name)!

I know that you feel and perceive all my words on a subtle plane. And I, with full responsibility and with all my heart, here and now renounce you. I stop all possible grievances against you.

Our relationship was great from the very beginning. But today this is not what you and I need from life. From now on, and forever, I am freed from you with a clear conscience and an open soul.

Here and now I decide to be the master (mistress) of my life, my thoughts and feelings. I am under the divine protection of the Higher Forces (God, Allah, Guardian Angels, etc.).

I wish you harmony and joy in life, but without me. All is well in my beautiful world!

Important note

In everyone's life there are situations when he wants to cut off the energy connection with a person so that he does not vampire you. But we need to keep talking. It can be parents, relatives or friends.

The biofield of each individual is, first of all, an open system, so interaction with other individuals can greatly change the aura.

The exchange of energy between people is an everyday process that not everyone thinks about, but sometimes it is simply impossible not to notice the consequences of such communication. For example, if the subject is an energy vampire, he will take so much life force that his interlocutor will be lethargic, sad, tired.

Equivalent reception and transmission of energy

The first type of energy communication is the most acceptable, comfortable and always expected exchange of forces. Such interaction is typical for very close individuals who are on good terms and understand each other almost perfectly.

If people match each other, their auras also match and can contact without dangerous changes in their structure.

An ideal energy exchange is always hermetic, because energy flows are not wasted. Good communication partners always speak to the point, rarely compete, and radiate trust.

A full-fledged exchange of vitality can be easily observed from the outside, even without psychic abilities. In the process of energy transition, the participants in this process do not get tired, do not interfere, act together without unnecessary clarifications. If this form of interaction reigns in the family, then it will become an example of well-being and love, because the spouses will be sensitive and benevolent, maintaining harmony even at the time of difficulties.

However, it also happens that an equivalent energy exchange is hidden from others, and a married couple is a closed system, harmonious, but independent of external factors. In such a situation, it may seem to people from the outside that one of the family members constantly pleases the other, but this will be a false conclusion. Outsiders think that such partners are constantly arguing or ignoring each other. But in difficult or simply important circumstances, these families make decisions almost silently, consulting with each other on an intuitive level.

Regardless of the degree of external manifestations, people with a full and equal energy exchange are considered long-livers, because their good character traits help them in everything.

These are very lucky and holistic individuals who know how to communicate with friends and acquaintances on the principles of sincere mutual assistance, ease, and constant support.

Energy Absorption

If a person, in the process of communication, draws the vital forces of others into his biofield, he is a typical energy vampire. This individual selects energy by creating a constant atmosphere of negativity. He talks about his difficulties and troubles, causing first sympathy, and then irritation. It is also typical for him to bring the interlocutor to negative emotions.

If your acquaintance is an energy vampire, you can gradually adapt to him and refuse to feed him regularly.

It is much more difficult when the closest partner in life suffers from vampirism. Cohabitation is complicated for the unfortunate donor, who is looking for energy on the side, and himself turns into a power absorber from his children or friends. Interestingly, an energy vampire is often able to enter into a full-fledged exchange with other people, but he will always have a specific (weakest in spirit) object for stealing energy.

A person who gives his strength to an energy vampire quickly becomes irritable, scandalous. If he does not have enough will to change the style of communication, such interaction leads to real chronic diseases and even death. The aura of such a person will be dull and small, loose.

In the series of people who absorb energy, there are those who can only take away the negative and purify it within their own biofield. This positive example of energy pulling is usually manifested by healers, teachers, and psychologists. Such individuals want to complain about life, cry on the shoulder.

These absorbers of negative flows do not belong to vampires, because their goal is to process bioenergy flows, change the aura of the planet for the better.

In this way, these people improve other people's souls and work out their own karma.

The pulling of negative energy often occurs in the relationship between parents and children. So, a strong connection between mother and child allows women to take all the suffering for themselves in order to protect the baby from pain at any age. The mother's selflessness simply dissolves everything negative in the layers of her powerful biofield. By this act, parents often help children overcome their karma.

Giving life force

Transferring energy to another person unilaterally is usually done by those who are a constant source of positivity. Such individuals disinterestedly endow society with their light, they receive joy from benevolent emotions in the environment. These are unauthorized and conscious donors, to whom, in fact, the given energy always returns.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can be a sincere donor of energy, because there must be a special level of spiritual development, soulfulness in a person must be observed. Let's say the desire to benefit from one's good deeds is just a form of energy exchange, and this is another form of interaction.

A person who gives his life force must control his emotions and be able to understand his own problems.

He is also obliged to make sure that his energy is needed, that it will be useful. Otherwise, the constant feeding of the energy vampire will have a zero effect, the karma of such an addressee will worsen even more. By the way, people with heavy karma usually give energy, because they need to realize the life lesson of mercy and kindness. When an individual unselfishly shares something, he learns to absorb cosmic vibrations and reaches a new level of spiritual growth.

In the process of giving back the accumulated energy, all life acquires meaning, the soul expands. For sources of life force, giving is as natural as breathing. It is believed that such people become conductors of God, the energy of unconditional love. In life, it is very important for these individuals to learn how to use their potential for their own benefit, too, solving karmic problems and accumulating strength to overcome failures. Otherwise, a person will sooner or later become angry with the whole world.

You can be a source of energy in the family, at work, in the process of relationships “healer-sick” or “mentor-student”. The main thing is not to imitate your lofty thoughts, not to be false and not to be afraid to lose your life energy irretrievably. You must always focus on your true desire, so that gifts with energy cause admiration, and not irritation or sympathy. In the process of giving strength, one should not be intrusive.

Often, energy vampires take on the temporary role of life force donors in order to receive from a person the energy of his disposition and gratitude. This process takes place at the unconscious level, and there is no danger to the acceptor in it. If a vampire sends you benevolent aspirations, albeit not too sincere, they need to be accepted and sent streams of light and warmth to the person.

Neutral role in energy exchange

Sometimes a person's position in communication can resemble a simple defense. The challenge for this individual is to maintain their current potential. In a situation of a nervous breakdown, the presence of an energy vampire, the accumulation of negativity, mental pressure, a person does not ask himself how to transfer energy to another person or how to take something from him. Here you just want to get a break, without entering into an energy exchange, to become a closed system, to preserve your own freedom.

Maintaining neutrality at the moment of energy interaction is the right of every person, and it is worthy of respect and acceptance.

True, very often an individual does not know how to properly fence off other people's energy, he simply shows aggression and repels the environment itself. In this case, of course, you need to learn how to withdraw into yourself, while maintaining harmony with the outside world. This is a special state of consciousness that often occurs during the period of meditation. The brain continues to work, but it does not perceive the environment, it concentrates on the internal state of the individual.

At the same time, all actions remain under control, and information is perceived even more carefully, because only the most important must be singled out from it so that energy is not wasted in vain.

Exchange of sexual energy

The process of classical energy exchange implies verbal or non-verbal communication, in which there is a constant circulation of internal personal potentials. Sexual intercourse is also a form of communication that brings pleasure and activates energy channels in the structure of the biofield. During sex, the human energy system works very hard, because the aura of partners is connected by special chakras. The main point of reception and transmission of sexual energy is in the lower abdomen, because according to the Eastern tradition, the corresponding energy center is located there.

It is generally accepted that women during intercourse give their energy to the stronger sex, because by nature the potential of the beautiful half of humanity is greater. A large supply of vitality is needed for the birth and upbringing of the baby in the future. If a woman has not had an intimate relationship for a very long time, her energy begins to form stagnation and traffic jams, interfere with her usual way of life and destroy her aura.

As for any man, he literally feels the pain and oppression of his condition without sex. He lacks energy, and if he cannot get it from his usual partner, then it is almost impossible to avoid physical betrayal. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the state of the intimate sphere in the family.

Simple ways to transfer energy

  • wishes and affirmations. The most natural version of the energy message is thoughts. You need to formulate your intentions, wishing people well, prosperity, health, etc. At the same time, it is worth consciously investing energy flows in your desires. Usually the mental message is positive, but some sorcerers and magicians send negative energy to people in this way, which is called the evil eye, damage, curse.
  • Visualizations. In addition to words and thoughts, you can use the power of imagination. There are many ways to imagine how your energy reaches people. For example, it is allowed to mentally color the environment in pink, which corresponds to the flow of love and harmony.
  • Embrace. The light soul of a person and his closeness to God provide the possibility of transmitting positive flows directly. You can transfer energy to loved ones, children and life partners with the help of hugs. At this moment, you just need to love the person as he is, and mentally thank him for being present in your destiny.
    Sincerely embracing a person, we share our inner peace and radiance with him, turn him into a joyful and cheerful subject. During the hug, you can merge with the personality into one ball of light energy and provide both protection from loneliness and failure.

With his inner light, an energetically filled person is able to dissolve any darkness in the soul, eliminate depression and restore faith in life.

Energy exchange between people at a distance: Reiki

The meditative technique of working with Reiki energy allows, with the proper level of spiritual development, to transfer one's life force at a distance. Energy transfer tactics were developed in the East in ancient times.

To begin with, you should prepare for the transmission of energy in a special way:

  • Choose the person you want to influence. You can even send energy towards a specific situation that involves several people and requires immediate resolution. Reiki practice advises to visualize the addressee and meditate before the session of sending power. You can turn to a spiritual mentor for advice.
  • Get permission from the person to whom your message is intended. The energy that came in outside the desire of a person usually ricochets back with a negative value, i.e. the addressee will then have to work out karma. You can learn about the consent of an individual directly or through visualization. In the second case, you should close your eyelids and imagine the right person next to you. Ask him a question and listen to the answer. If there is no clear “yes” or “no” (or the image disappeared immediately), listen to your intuition, inner voice. Remember, if a person refuses energy, it can always be sent deep into the Earth or into Space.

The Reiki technique suggests using various objects or symbols to transmit life force. For example, you can energize a doll, a pillow, a piece of decor and give it to an individual. A person will be able to receive the necessary dose of energy already from the aura of this thing, which plays the role of an intermediary. Very many esotericists transmit energy at a distance with the help of a photograph of an individual.

If there is no picture, you can build a phantom image in front of your eyes, imagine that a person is nearby, or visualize the merging of your biofields. The direct transfer of energy can be carried out through the thighs of the individual, when the right side of the donor's body touches the left side of the recipient and the outflow and reception of force begins.

Regardless of what type of energy transfer was chosen, you need to mentally draw a special sign in front of you. The Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol is activated by the addressee's individual mantra, which is repeated three times. If it is necessary to give free rein to energy at a particular moment in time, the symbol must be drawn again at the end of the practice and the place and date clearly stated. To end the session, you must mentally send the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol to the person.

Transmission of Qi energy in Chinese practice

In the Qigong technique, much attention is paid to the reception of vitality, its circulation between people. The master of this tradition, first of all, transmits an energy impulse to a person, and the remoteness of the object does not matter.

The supernatural nature of Qi energy allows it to move through any segments of space, overcoming various obstacles. A Qigong specialist is able to transmit power to several people at once, and it comes to them with his efforts at the same time.

The Qi energy inside the individual and around him is a single whole, it merges, so the master just needs to penetrate the man-cosmos space and send a message from there to another person.

With close contacts in Qigong, energy is transmitted with the help of the palms. Qi comes from the energy center inside the body to the hand, then passes through the fingers and goes to the addressee. But how to transfer energy to a person at a distance? This issue in Qigong is also solved simply: the master transforms Qi into the energy of thought - Shen - and directs it in the form of an impulse to the desired object. The task of the impulse is to excite the environment, so the address directly perceives the fluctuations of the modified Qi.

As already mentioned, a Qigong master needs to merge his consciousness with the Cosmos in order to send energy. How to do this was described in ancient times by Liu Han Wen.

Exercise "the art of wisdom"

  1. If you are new to this area, stand up straight and lower your arms along your torso. Or take a sitting cross-legged pose if you already know the basics of Qigong. Close your eyes, relax. In the human body near the anal zone there is a Kui-Yin point. Think about her.
  2. Make your body vibrate. Start with your fingers, then feel the movement of the spine, internal organ systems, muscle tissue. The internal flow of Qi acts on the body, relaxing the joints and muscles.
  3. Breathe at a comfortable pace. Feel the breath of every cell: it is natural and almost imperceptible. Pleasure and peace overwhelm the soul, spread over the body. Your eyes are closed, but the third eye is awake. With this inner vision, you look at a natural phenomenon: a waterfall, starfall, etc.
  4. Imagine how your body expands and dissolves in the vastness of the Universe. Mind merges with the Cosmos. Focus on your stomach, in the Dan Tien area. Raise your arms up and slightly forward.
  5. Think of the newly opened Bai Gui energy hub. Try to remain firm in your chosen posture. Visualize the opening of the energy points on the feet. This is a pair of Yong Quan zones.
  6. Imagine that the flow of energy from the Cosmos is descending towards you. It penetrates through Bai Gui, enters the palms and shoulders, spreads over the body, cleanses and charges with a stream of strength. It goes into the ground through Kui-Yin and Yun-Quan.
  7. You mentally capture the entire flow of energy. It unites you with heaven and earth. Imagine how positive vibrations are now flowing out of the earth and into the sky. Rewind the picture several times, and then join your palms in a prayer gesture.
  8. Expand your consciousness. Merge with the Universe, feeling how it controls the process of your breathing. When inhaling, the stomach is in the center of the Cosmos and the body is filled with forces, while exhaling - the energy of life affects all the processes of the Universe. The heart rate begins to coincide with the rhythms of the universe.
  9. Lower your hands, putting one palm into the other. Touch your Dan Tien energy center just below your navel. Don't open your eyelids, just look inside your body. Feel the pearl of energy in your belly. Rub your palms, cover your eyes with them, and then finish the exercise. Now you are full of strength to transfer energy at a distance.

Energy transfer and healing

In many practices, life force is additionally given to people to restore health. Quick sessions of so-called healing are based on the transfer of energy with the help of hands, or rather, different positions of the palms.

  • Place your hands on the recipient's shoulders.
  • Gently move your palms to the top of your head.
  • With one hand, touch the area between the spine and the skull. Place the other hand on your forehead.
  • One hand moves to the back, to the area between the shoulder blades (7th vertebra), and the second to the chest, just below the thymus (jugular notch).
  • Touch your hands to the middle of your chest on both sides. The palms will be at the level of the heart muscle.
  • Place your hand on the solar plexus, and with the other hand touch the back at the same level.
  • Place one hand on the lower abdomen, the other on the lower back.

The energy transferred in this way helps to bring a person out of shock, save him in case of an accident or natural disaster. In emergency cases, you can immediately place your palms on the solar plexus and kidneys, and then move to the outside of the shoulders.

If the child needs healing energy, reduce the practice time to a maximum of 20 minutes.

You need to be attentive to the reaction of the baby to the received power, because he cannot always express his desires aloud.

It is possible to treat children and adults with the help of the transferred energy even at a distance. The flow of vital healing force in this case overcomes approximately the same path as thoughts in the information space of the planet. Vibrations are of great importance in this process. It is not enough for a person to simply mentally send energy, one must follow the natural laws of nature.

Energy healing sessions must be arranged in advance so that the donor and the recipient are free at this time and can completely relax. It is believed that sessions of 15-20 minutes should take place in the evening, at least four days in a row. The sender must write down the name and surname of the person to whom he sends energy. If he does not know him by sight, a good quality photo will be required.

Before practice, you need to tune in to the initials and portrait.

Healing through the life force can take even a month, but the results will be no worse than when transferring energy with the palms.

It is best if the acceptor lies or sits during the session, allowing the flow of energy to entrain him, to resonate with vibrations. If a person is sent love and light, his consent is not required, but for the remote treatment of serious ailments with energy, permission is always needed.

There is also mental energy treatment. This is a way of internal or external influence on a person in order to rid him of mental problems. Practice helps the energy to penetrate the inner essence of the individual, cleanse him of experiences, fears and worries. Such a transfer of power is capable of endowing a person with new life attitudes, changing the circulation of energy in his biofield.

However, it should be noted that the transfer of energy for healing a person is possible only if the donor has a proper level of spiritual development. You need to know for sure that the addressee does not suffer from vampirism himself, that he has activated his higher chakras and will not spoil the karma of his acceptor.

The exchange of energy between people is in most cases a positive process that accompanies any activity in everyday life.

There is no need to be afraid to share your positive potential with the outside world, since the response helps to heal and strengthen the aura. At the same time, it is worth remaining vigilant and stopping attempts to steal energy and damage the biofield in time.

True love is happiness. It is not for nothing that many books have been written about her and countless films have been shot. We believe in true love so much that we often become victims of energy bindings.

There are no barriers to true love. Feelings overtake, envelop and take into sweet captivity, from which there is no desire to get out. God calls for love, so much is said about love in art, love is the basis of everything. But how often do we fall into the power of passions, completely unaware that we have become a victim of energy binding! Its networks are so similar to real feelings that a person, shrouded in ecstasy and happiness, cannot even admit the thought that this is not love. Love binding has destructive properties, incinerating all tender feelings.

The nature of energy bindings

By contacting people, we exchange energy information. This is a completely natural and painless process. But at the junction of the exchange of energies, a spark sometimes slips. This is where sympathy or antipathy for the opponent comes from. When a person is pleasant to us, subconsciously we show more interest in him, we make efforts to please him, therefore, we give an order of magnitude more of our own energy. The more positive experiences a person causes in us, the more we become attached to him. Thus, an energy binding is formed.

True love is mutual and full of harmony. The process of energy exchange is considered favorable and correct when we not only give, but also receive energy back. Only then will the bond between people be inseparable and strong. Both should take part in the improvement and development of relations. If only one person does this, the existing feeling cannot be called love - this is an energy binding.

It is important to respect personal space and not cross the line. In no case should you turn your partner's life into your own, impose your interests, opinions and life position. Each person must bring something fresh, his own into the relationship and thereby develop common interests. You need to remember that you should give your partner a breath of fresh air, but you will not succeed if you completely fill his life with yourself.

If it happens that one of the partners constantly strengthens the energy of the relationship, while the other does nothing, then he begins to feed on the energy of the “donor”. Such a person is called an energy vampire. If only one will try to energize the relationship, then he will have neither the strength nor the desire for everything else.

How to detect energy bindings

It is necessary to detect the energy binding in time so that your relationship does not become a “one-sided game”. Every person deserves happiness and love. And if you only give, but do not receive anything in return, be sure that such an alliance will not last long and will not bring you anything good.

The main signs of energy binding:

  • You are always waiting for your partner to contact you. Don't leave your phone, always check your email.
  • Jealousy appears in you, you regularly browse your partner's pages on social networks, check his / her phone and mail.
  • Every day it becomes more and more difficult for you to concentrate on working moments and other things.
  • Almost every conversation with your acquaintances or friends comes down to your loved one.
  • You are more concerned about the satisfaction and satisfaction of your partner than your personal needs.

How to get rid of energy attachment

If at least two of the above principles characterize your stay in a love union, then, most likely, you are energetically “attached” to your partner. In order for this situation to change and the energy exchange to return to normal, you should work hard on yourself and strengthen relationships, achieving harmony of feelings and mutual understanding.

  • It is necessary to take a short break, try not to show any activity in the relationship.
  • You should focus and direct all your energy to something else that brings positive emotions and satisfaction.
  • Allow yourself not to think about anything bad, concentrate on a hobby or work.
  • Engage in meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, or other spiritual practices. They will speed up the process and help you achieve positive results in a short time.
  • Change your image, find yourself new hobbies, harmonize your consciousness.
  • Be a confident person. People are attracted to positive, cheerful and successful individuals.

The main thing in a relationship is to become a safe haven for your soul mate, where she will feel peace and security. Most often, people do not understand or do not want to understand that they are energetically attached to their partner. And worst of all, they do not seek to change anything, dooming themselves and their loved one to unhappy relationships, betrayals, scandals and breakups.

Release from energy binding does not mean a break or fading of feelings. On the contrary, love addiction is the main threat to happy relationships. By eradicating this, you can strengthen your feeling, which will bring even more positive emotions, love and respect. We wish you a great mood, family well-being and mutual feelings. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Energy connection between a man and a woman - just amazing stuff. On the one hand, it is able to create a huge powerful biofield that radiates not only various kinds of emotions and vibrations, but also large-scale events that are reflected not only on the couple located in the center, but also on the people and things around them. On the other hand, even as a result of short-term physical contact, the connection left behind can remain in your body, destroying it. That's why energy connection from the very first minute of its formation, it can affect many events in your life and not only.

In fact, any relationship between man and woman begin precisely with an energy connection, and those close to it begin with a karmic one. If in this life we ​​encounter someone, get acquainted, start a relationship (of any kind) - this already indicates that in past lives something connected us with this person. And now your meeting is not accidental: perhaps you need to work something out, correct or continue.

Any physical and emotional connection, even short-term, at the energy level, leaves its mark on a person's life, which can exist for many years. It cannot be assumed that the energy of one and random sexual contact will dissipate immediately as the person disappears from your life.

Energy the relationship between a man and a woman: what is it like

The connection of relationships on the subtle plane (energetic) is often built on the basis of the initial emotions received. Then she can change her character depending on how the couple’s communication is progressing and energy exchange between a man and a woman. At the same time, the stronger the feelings in a couple, the more powerful the energy in the relationship: lovers become able to simultaneously experience many emotions, feel and understand each other (sometimes even without words), direct their energy towards harmony and joint happiness.

So what can be energy connection between people who are in a relationship? As a rule, it is based on the formation of energy isthmuses in the biofield of a man and a woman. Experts identify three levels of communication in relationships of opposite sexes.

Sexual relationship: sexual attraction, physical desire, intimate contact, desire for procreation.

Sexual energy connection between a man and a woman may be based on visual contact (for example, if during the first visual contact there is a mutual sexual attraction) and on physical contact (immediate moment of intimacy in a couple).

On the subtle plane, it is formed on the energy exchange of the first and second chakras. If at the same time the connection is not supported by other chakras, does not go to the spiritual level, it quickly cools. That is, the energy exchange that binds the couple has a low potential and is soon wasted on sexual relations. Thus, if a man and a woman call “love” only physical contact, they do not attach importance to spirituality and sincerity between them, energy connection disintegrates quickly. It is for this reason that many couples cool off towards each other in bed after several years of marriage, while complaining about the ill-fated life that “eats relationships”.

Nevertheless, physical contact of an intimate nature, which happened between a man and a woman only once, can leave an energy connection between them over the next few years . We will certainly return to this topic to discuss how much influence casual sexual relations for subsequent permanent family life.

Spiritual energy intimacy: strong feelings, true love, empathy, care, the pursuit of happiness and harmony.

This level of connection between a man and a woman is much stronger than the previous one. As a rule, it captures the third, vital, and fourth, heart, chakras. Energy exchange between a man and a woman occurs in the isthmuses of all four centers: from Manipura to Anahata. This is the copulation of sexual energy and the energy of love, which can bring harmony to the relationship of the couple. Communication of loving men and women is enriched with sensuality, joy, emotionality. In this case, the energy of the couple is not depleted, but, on the contrary, harmoniously circulates, saturating the entire mental and physical shell of a person. And only unwillingness to support this energy connection between people can destroy a couple.

Spiritual energy connection: complete harmony, absolute love, intuitive connection, mutual understanding, purity of relationship.

The most powerful level of energy connection, when all the chakras of people who love each other are connected. The ability to feel each other at a higher level of consciousness adds to spiritual, true love. A man and a woman can feel emotions from each other at a distance. Often they say the same things at the same time or hear the thoughts of the second "half". The spiritual connection between a man and a woman circulates through a large circle of their combined biofields. It is believed that the Holy Spirit fills their connection with his grace.

A couple bound by spiritual harmony is certainly engaged in self-development, keeps true faith in God, strives to understand the laws of the universe and being. After a physical act of love, spiritually loving people experience a surge of strength, cheerfulness, and happiness. Such couples can be together for several reincarnations in a row, if, of course, they manage to save each other.

It is this energy connection between a man and a woman that can create a happy and harmonious family in which love, understanding, and care reign. But in order to reach this level of relationship development, lovers must remember that they must create this connection with their devotion and feelings for each other.

And finally, please watch an interesting video:

Have you ever wondered why one person is attractive to us, but the other's eyes would not see? Why is it easy and simple to communicate and find a common language with one, a strong connection immediately appears, even if you talk or look once? We subconsciously manage our biofields (qi, prana, orgone-energy), give and receive constantly, exchange processed energy with others.

Strong bonds are created between people related by blood: parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents. But the mechanism of the relationship of energy flows between a man and a woman differs significantly. And the formation of tight energy fields between individuals is possible only in the case of open chakras, which are attracted and form unbroken channels that turn a man and a woman into native people who are able to live a happy life together. Energy flows can change, can be broken or strengthened, but one fact remains indisputable: the more chakras are involved in the relationship, the more channels will connect the family.

What is chakra and aura and how to distinguish between them

The chakra is a powerful energy center in the human body, combines a certain vital energy. There are 7 main chakras through which energy circulates:

  1. The root chakra Muladhara is associated with the color red, on the body is located between the spine and genitals. Forms family ties.
  2. The sacral sex chakra Svadhisthana is associated with orange color, on the body it is located below the navel, in the sacrum. Forms a married couple.
  3. Solar plexus (umbilical) chakra Manipura is associated with yellow color, on the body it is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus (in the abdominal cavity above the navel). Forms relationships between employees and superiors, friends.
  4. The Anahata heart chakra is associated with green color and is located near the heart on the body. Forms love relationships.
  5. The throat chakra Vishuddha is associated with the color blue and is located on the body in the throat area. Forms a bond between like-minded people and friends.
  6. The forehead chakra Ajna (third eye) is associated with the color indigo, on the body it is located between the eyebrows. Forms a telepathic connection between people.
  7. The crown chakra Sahasrara is associated with purple, white or gold, on the body is located at the top of the skull. Forms a connection in sects, religious communities, connects fans.

An aura is a halo around a person, created by energy circulation. It is the work of the channels and chakras that forms the radiance of the aura around the human body. The aura protects the body from the effects of negative energy and interacts with the auras of other people, forming energy flows.

How is the interaction between people and their energy

When two individuals of the opposite sex meet and clearly show interest in each other, their biofields and auras begin to interact, depending on which chakras are involved. Thus, either a simple sexual desire arises, or the libido is supplemented by the sexual and heart chakra. In the process of communication between the auras of two people, connecting channels, energy flows arise. The more communication occurs between people who like each other, the faster all the chakras are connected by channels and circulate, forming the law of energy movement. If all the chakras are connected between people by channels, then over time they become very strong and strong, they can connect people at a distance, even after a long time of separation. A mother feels her child, anticipates pain and joy. Sometimes meeting a stranger brings the feeling that you have known him all your life. In fact, the connecting channels between people's auras can persist even outside of time and space when the soul is reborn.

Sincere and trusting relationships in the family form healthy channels and energy flows between people, they glow, play with colors, are pure manifestations of love. Thus, exchanging energy equally, people remain happy together and free at the same time, no one oppresses anyone. If one person assumes the right to manage another, then the channels become gray, stagnate and become heavier, mutual understanding comes less and less. All this will lead to anger and alienation.

If one person decides to break off the connection and leaves, and the second one does not want to part and tries in every possible way to keep the connection, the more painful it will be to reanimate his aura and try to establish a connection with another person. Sometimes it takes years to regenerate the aura. A person is bound by strong bonds during the work of the sexual chakra. When the body receives pleasure and opens up to another person during sexual intercourse, strong contact is established and a channel is formed, which is sometimes difficult to break.

Experts in the field of bioenergetics believe that the longer a couple lives together, the auras begin to interact very tightly and adjust to the work of each other's chakras, so it seems that people become very similar to each other. No matter how closely auras and energy fields interact, people cannot live without freedom and their own space, individual.
