Ordinary birthday greetings in prose. Beautiful birthday greetings in prose

Each of us, regardless of place of residence and age, is looking forward to the day when he was born. It was then that a person hears a colossal amount of warm words addressed to him, being in the center of everyone's attention. And it doesn’t matter how old the hero of the occasion is, his eyes shine with joy, and a childlike sincere smile sparkles on his face. In the morning, the birthday boy wakes up already in a good mood. The reason of that - Happy Birthday received the moment he opened his eyes. And it is worth picking up the phone, and the joy will double, because there are already the best voice wishes and SMS.

If you've been invited to a name day event, take the time to prepare. Initially, you should choose a gift, depending on the preferences and tastes of the person to whom you are invited. The present does not have to be expensive, but it always indicates your attitude towards the birthday person. It's just great if it's handmade. With artistic or other talents, you can surprise guests and make our hero of the day proud. By the way, such surprises are highly valued. If possible, you should give your souvenir a festive look, pack it beautifully. Choose a greeting card by writing beautiful congratulations in prose or poetry. Such things always keep a long memory of bright moments in a person's life. The main thing that is required of you is to be sincere. The speech does not have to be long. A small elegant postcard with your warm wishes would be most appropriate.

beautiful prose

New distances open up and the time comes for daring and manifestations. A birthday is a kind of result of the past year and the definition of guidelines for a new life period. I wish: to set goals and systematically move towards them, expand the circle of knowledge, conquer unknown horizons. Let only people with good intentions meet on the way! May fate be favorable, and luck sticky. Happy holiday!

Happy Birthday! And I want to wish on this day - health, good luck and inspiration, so that a smile constantly adorns you, and adversity and problems pass you by. I wish that the work you do is truly loved, brings real pleasure. So that love soars around, and the cup of luck is filled to the brim.

Today is an unusual day! Your birthday! I will not say banal words and congratulations. After all, you are an extraordinary person. I want to wish you all the best: radiant happiness, sunny mood, pure thoughts and bright impressions! I know that your family hearth warms not only your relatives, but also people who are close to you. Take care of such wealth and multiply!

A ray of sun from the window will gently wake you up, a light breeze will bring happiness for the whole day and smiles. Congratulations on your birthday. I wish that a wonderful mood does not let you go, and love accompanies you everywhere. So that only green traffic lights meet on your main road, and the traffic is without traffic jams. Let banknotes not end in hands, but wishes and dreams come true.

It is our great honor to congratulate such a wonderful person on his birthday! We wish you health - heroic, happiness - cloudless, love - mutual, meetings - joyful and all subsequent days - successful!

It is good that there is a day in the year when you can openly say pleasant words to a person! And we have the best for you. May fate open the doors wider before you and give you a huge bouquet of warmth, health, success, good luck - these are the components of happiness. Let there be enough strength and energy to hold such a gift in your hands. Move only up and forward. Let Faith, Hope, Love walk with you.

Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday! As well as wishes for blooming health, cloudless happiness, harmony in the heart, successful implementation of plans and a reliable financial foundation! Let adversity, failures bypass you far, and troubles will be only minor! And, of course, love, intimacy, balance in relationships with your soul mate!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday. Wish a car of health, a lot of patience in life. I wish the cherished, in life, to achieve the goal, a peaceful sky, never be sad. So that loyal people always surround me, so that my pocket is never empty. The peaks were conquered so easily. So that the cup of life is filled with the warmest, brightest and brightest memories.

All salutes, toasts and triple "Hurrah" sound today for you! Let all the best and most interesting be where you are: cool gifts, unbridled fun and endless drive! Feel like the center of the universe! And when the holiday ends and tomorrow morning comes, the memory of this evening, all dreams and good wishes will always remain with you. You are the center of this world! Believe it and don't let anyone make you doubt it. Happy birthday!

The golden sun, the azure sky, the singing of birds - all of them brought us the news today that it is your birthday! For us, you are the most wonderful person in the world, in whom great goodness and inexhaustible nobility live, it remains only to keep this in yourself. Happiness and prosperity, warmth and fulfillment of any desire! After all, a birthday is a magical holiday on which all dreams must come true!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Without you, the world is like without light and air, like spring - without flowers and love. Blossom further, please us for many, many more years! Let the years, and what years ...? Let them only increase the welfare and size of the family, bring only pleasant meetings and fulfill any dreams!

The formula for happiness is as follows - let's add the following values: health, love, friendship, financial well-being, perseverance, luck. Now we will enclose all these terms in brackets and raise this sum to the degree that you are able to master. Take as much happiness as you can take!

Happy birthday! May this day lay the foundation for new high goals and inspire you to do good deeds. Let life please and with each new day more and more filled with meaning. Secret dreams come true, and next to you you always feel warmth and well-being!

It seems to us that today all the headlines of newspapers and news releases should be dedicated to you, because today is the birthday of the most wonderful person on earth! In this regard, we ask you to accept our warmest and most sincere wishes: let nothing ever darken your mood, let beauty shine like sunlight, and love, health and happiness become your eternal life companions. Not a drop of flattery, from our heart, to your heart!

On this bright and happy day, you were born to enjoy life, love and feel how your family and friends love you, people who are in tune with your soul. From us, accept sincere wishes of happiness and words of respect! May today your most secret desire come true, and all troubles and sorrows dissolve like morning fog!

We wish you a happy birthday and wish you all the best! May health always be strong, mind clear, conscience clear and a huge warm heart, full of love and kindness, which is enough for all the closest and beloved people. And we, like mirrors, will reflect and return these good feelings to you, adding our warmest and most tender notes!

Today the whole world seems to have become brighter by several tones and we know the reason for this - today is your birthday! How you want to choose the most unusual words. I wish you spiritual beauty, eternal youth and happiness. To have as many positive moments in your life as possible. You deserve the best and this “best” will definitely be with you! Happy birthday, happy your day!

You have a special day today, it brings with it a holiday - your birthday. Despite the fact that time always runs, we want to say that you manage to do everything so that everyone considers you an honest, kind and reliable person. And taking this opportunity, we want to wish you to remain as you are and make the world around you only better. All the best! Happy birthday!

Birthday is wonderful because on this day you can feel how much you are loved. We sincerely hasten to express our warmest feelings to you. Today is exactly the case when you can not hold back in expressing your emotions and have fun from the heart! We wish you the very best experiences imaginable! Happy birthday! Hooray! !

I want to wish the kindest, sincere and brightest person that I have ever met on my life path a happy birthday! Our acquaintance is priceless to me! And I sincerely thank you for your sensitivity, understanding and strength that you give me in moments of weakness. I wish you happiness, health, good luck and just all the best!

Birthday is like a personal New Year. Children expect miracles and gifts, adults sum up and make plans for the future. But the main thing is that the birthday boy is in the spotlight, on this day he is the most important in the circle of close people. It obliges! Obliges to be happy! Happy birthday! Happiness to you, in the fullness of this concept!

With great joy, we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all that your cherished dreams keep. Go forward, all doors are open before you, reach new heights, save in life, the most important wealth, which is called happiness. Huge success in work, optimism, spark and enthusiasm! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!" - these are the very main words that today you want to hear again and again, so we will all hasten to tell you together! And without changing the traditions, you need to collect all the most necessary thoughts together and address them to you, the hero of the occasion, the person who was born on this day. So that health only grows stronger, and the heart rejoices with happiness. Let your life path be easy, interesting and of course successful. You are a wonderful person, and we are only honored to know you!

On your birthday, we wish you that the people around you are sincere, real relationships, strong friendships, a happy family! Let the heart believe in good, and the soul radiate joy! We wish you interesting ideas, vivid impressions, dizzying successes and good luck! May every moment bring inspiration and a smile. Let incredible events and miracles happen in life!

Today is not an easy date, today is a special date - your wonderful birthday! And we know it! Therefore, in our congratulations, we hasten to voice only the best wishes: good health, human happiness, to always remain worthy in any situation. After all, you are a man of honor and word. May your success grow and please others. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Yes, even with one more, so what! After all, every year you become only wiser, and such an experience is worth a lot. I wish you a life filled with joy and positivity, so that each new day is better than the one that was behind it. So that you are surrounded only by kind and honest people. And all your goals were achieved: patience, endurance and health!

On your bright holiday - Birthday, our wishes are as follows: so that the heart does not know lost hopes, bitter losses and loneliness! Let the black stripes remain in the past, and in the future there will be a wide strip and only white. Pure soul, fire in the eyes, beautiful as a fairy tale life! And let faith, hope and love become your faithful and reliable companions!

So I want to ask how old you are today. And of course, all this is not without reason, because you look like a spring rose - beautiful and sophisticated, and years are just a time calculation, but it has no power over you! Continue to bloom, inspire yourself, catch enthusiastic glances on yourself and be sure to be happy! Let your cherished dreams lead you forward along the road of life, and compliments spread on the sides and everything will be exactly as you wish! Happy birthday!

Let today your birthday be the best day of the year, and every new day even better than the previous one! Walk confidently and boldly up the stairs - to happiness! Let this ascent become the most blissful and enjoyable experience for you! After all, happiness is in the very process of achieving it!

Happy birthday! There are not so many beautiful and kind words in the world as I would like to express my wishes to you on this day! May fate always be favorable and give you years of bright rays of sincere friendship, shady alleys of peace of mind, endless fields of interesting activities, fast streams of sparkling humor, constant flows of money, full-flowing rivers of unforgettable impressions, seas of health and oceans of love!

Good morning! So the most important day of the year for you has come - your birthday. No matter how you prepare for it, for some reason it always comes unexpectedly, and it's great: surprises begin! There will be a lot of congratulations, warm words, delicious food and positive emotions.
Even on your birthday, someone with whom you have not communicated for one reason or another for a long time will definitely call you, and you will be damn pleased to hear the voice of this person. In general, this day is really unique for you.
Of course, it’s sad to count the numbers of your age, but no one forces you to do it today - it may well wait until tomorrow, then until the day after tomorrow, and then it will be forgotten. I wish you a happy birthday and, among other things, I wish you to think more about the good - so that there is no time to think about the bad.

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Many can envy your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, excellent character and sparkling humor. Everything works out for you, everything works out - fate is favorable to you, and this is very pleasant. May everything you want, dream about, come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, may Fortune continue to be favorable to you. And I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your life, fills your soul with love and warmth. Happy birthday, and may this day be bright, beautiful and happy!

Birthday is a special holiday. In childhood, we wait for him with joy, impatiently, and the year lasts a long, long time, and such long-awaited name days never come. But now time begins to race faster... With age, it seems that the years flicker like pages in a book that we quickly turn over: birthdays come more often, we get older, and sometimes it seems that we never have time to see something important on these pages called Life. I wish you on your birthday that your life is full, that nothing important is missed, and that all plans and dreams come true. Let your house be a full bowl, work is going well, and family and friends will always be ready to lend a shoulder. Be happy!

There are people who are drawn to, next to whom it is good and reliable. You are one (one) of them! Therefore, today, on your birthday, you are surrounded by your true friends. So let not only on holidays, but also on any other day, there will be people devoted to you who are ready to help you! On your birthday, I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart! Go through life easily, without unnecessary worries and exhausting problems. Let all worries be only joy. Happiness to you, sunny days and great luck! Happy holiday!

Our youth is a happy, impetuous moment, incomprehensible to us, but all reliably stored in the memory. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive peace, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as curious cruises that will surely end happily and bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties. On this day, meeting with relatives and friends will fill your whole life with life-giving energy! Happy birthday, may your birthday bring you optimism and energy for many years to come!


We wish you daddy good luck, peace and health. Let the flowers of unprecedented coloring bloom for you. On your day, believe and make sure once again that we are all with you in sorrow and in work, and in your joy with you. Dawn is blooming, the earth is blooming, our smiles are blooming, dad. They are dearer than all gifts, they are more desirable than all surprises. They are priceless and huge, everything is in them, and our gratitude for all your labors until now; and respect for your worries about family troubles. And in them love - love is immeasurable for the father, the head of the whole family, the earner of earthly bread, the adviser in complex matters and just a sensual friend, to whom on a difficult evening we, leaning on our shoulders, entrust our childish secrets. But let our voice and questions do not sadden you at all. May your every day be more beautiful and joyful than yesterday. Accept our kisses and believe that we are together with you!

At birth, every person is given a guardian angel who invisibly supports, helps in all matters and protects from troubles. Our dear birthday boy is a happy person. Thanks to the support of his guardian angel, he achieved everything he wanted in life. Our birthday boy is a doubly happy person, because next to him is an angel in the flesh - his wife, who has an angelic character and unearthly patience. Our birthday boy is triple happy, because he has children with large and strong wings and angelic grandchildren who bring rapture and joy. So let's raise our glasses to our happy birthday boy and his angels who support, help and protect him from troubles!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that any day of your life be filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood. I also wish that every morning you would be greeted with bright sunshine and smiles of loved ones.
I wish you great happiness and luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any life difficulties were fleeting and instantly overcome.
And today, congratulating you on such a joyful holiday, I want to wish that your plans are embodied in interesting projects, and the projects themselves are adequately financed.

To whom: woman , man , friend , girlfriend , girlfriend , sister , brother , mother , father

Each of us celebrates our own birthday, congratulates relatives, loved ones, beloved or beloved on the corresponding significant event, and every now and then we are invited to such a celebration to friends, acquaintances, colleagues, etc. On such a birthday, it is customary to congratulate, sincerely wish him all the best. Of course, everyone has something to say and wish the culprit of the secret day, coming from the heart. And let the following birthday greetings in prose serve as a nice addition to your own words prepared for the birthday man.

  • Dear dear friend! Just imagine how huge the world is and how many people there are, and you and I were so lucky that we were able to find each other and make friends! Today is your holiday, today is your birthday and I want to wish you only the best. Please be happy and, of course, take care of your health! Rejoice in the sun, rejoice in life, be strong, overcome difficulties easily!
  • Happy birthday dear friend! First of all, I wish you health and self-confidence. After all, when you are confident in your abilities, everyone around you is infected with your confidence and things go easily and joyfully. Be happy!
  • Girlfriend! How great that you are and how great that we have each other and are always ready to listen to each other. I love with you and roar and laugh! Happy birthday! I wish that only the best people are around you, that you are surrounded by support and care. I wish you happiness and express my deep gratitude for our priceless and long friendship!
  • Dear friend! I wish that you are always surrounded by sincere, understanding people. So that you walk through life easily, and there are as few obstacles in your way as possible. Spiritual harmony to you, strength, more joy, light, goodness around. I wish that over the years you do not waste your amazing ability to find joyful moments in any seemingly insignificant little things in life. Be happy, love and love yourself. I am very glad that life gave me such a friend.
  • My dear friend. I wish your life to be filled with happiness, smiles, love, pleasant surprises. May luck always be your inalienable companion, and in all endeavors only success always accompanies. More strength, feelings and courage to make even the most unusual wishes come true. Let further in your life it will only be better, more interesting, more joyful, more bright and unforgettable moments!

  • Happy birthday! I wish your life to be filled with vivid emotions, unforgettable travels and joy. Smile more often and the world will smile in response to your incredible smile!
  • Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you a lot of vital energy to fulfill your fantasies and achieve the most incredible goals. Let there be a person next to you, in whose love and loyalty you will be sure. Be happy!
  • Happy birthday! I wish you to never give up, to know exactly what you want and to achieve it one hundred percent. And next to you, let there be only the most reliable and faithful friends, always ready to help and have fun!
  • Happy Birthday! Loyal and reliable friends to you, ready to come to the rescue in difficult times. May all your dreams come true, and life be filled with bright emotions. I wish that care and love reigned around you. May fate be favorable, only green light awaits on the road of life and all doors will be open. Go confidently towards your goal, never give up. And let there always be a reliable shoulder of a loved one nearby.
  • Happy birthday! I wish you the happiest, most wonderful and wonderful life! May luck, success and love always accompany you! I wish that every day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, that all your plans come true, and success in all your endeavors. And, of course, inexhaustible energy for the implementation of their plans and fantasies. Peace, kindness and understanding!

Congratulations on the birthday of a woman in prose

  • Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you such dizzying happiness that at times it was difficult to believe in it. Always remain as beautiful, as beautiful and, most importantly, real. Let men happily carry you in their arms and be surprised at your lightness! You deserve only good luck, only love, only the hottest sun!
  • Happy birthday to the most beautiful and most sincere woman! I wish her peace and comfort at home, good luck and bonuses at work, confidence and recognition! I want her to feel safe and happy!
  • You are beautiful like a flower! You are smart and beautiful! Happy birthday to you, live, love, develop, do not be afraid to set big goals for yourself. Solve them easily and wisely. And let only the most faithful and most reliable people be around you! Stay as sincere and real!
  • Happy birthday to the kindest and most sympathetic woman. May every new day be a pleasant surprise and all your dreams come true! I wish you immense happiness, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of the most incredible and dizzying desires, vivid and unforgettable impressions, victories and promotions! Know that you deserve only the best, and sincerely, with all my heart, I wish you this. Let the men do not stop carrying you in their arms. Love, kindness and energy to you!
  • I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them. Let them continue to delight and inspire their favorite activities for new things.

  • Comrade! Happy birthday! I wish that luck constantly spins around you and turns to you only with your face, and no other parts of the body. I wish that the line of your career will inevitably stretch higher and higher! I wish you only the best people who bring you only joy. Be!
  • Friend. On this solemn day, I want to wish you more frequent happy occasions, because so much in life depends on them. I wish you to be attentive to accidents and extract only benefit and good mood from them. Be healthy, buddy! Happy birthday!
  • Friend, friend, friend! How wonderful that I can call you that. Thank you for being so amazing! We have so many links, we have so many good memories! So, I wish you such a life, so that all of it is filled only with such difficulties that you can easily overcome! I hope that in many, many years you will remain as wonderful!
  • My irreplaceable friend, happy birthday! First of all, thank you for being you. I am grateful to you for everything. I wish you never be sad, no matter what. Do not wait for the holidays, but create them yourself and enjoy every day. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and prosperity. Soar up the career ladder, hold on and do not fall from there. May fortune always be turned to face you, and fate be favorable. And I will say the main thing - I will always be sure of you, as a friend and a real man.
  • Buddy! Congratulations on your day. How many years we have known each other and I do not get tired of rejoicing and thanking fate for the fact that I have such a reliable friend. I wish you never to work, but to do what you love. Not exist, but truly live. I wish you pure, sincere, mutual love, from which wings grow, I want to create and move mountains. Remain as sincere, kind and cheerful Person with a capital letter as you are.

  • Dear, to be with you and love you, to feel confidence and protection in you is very valuable. I am very grateful to you for this. Thank you for being there. I congratulate you on your birthday, I sincerely wish you to achieve everything you want, not be afraid of difficulties and be as kind and sincere as you are.
  • My love, happy birthday to you. I am very happy that you are near and I can always rely on you. I wish you success and good luck, I wish you confidence and happiness. I know that you will achieve everything that you really want and you will definitely remain the best man on the planet!
  • My dear and beloved! You are my Miracle. Thank you for everything. I wish you changes only for the better, I wish you strength, prosperity and health. I will try to always support you and be there for you. Love you!
  • My favorite! Happy birthday! May every new day bring you only joy and happiness. May everything you wish come true. Live without knowing thunderstorms and troubles. May the angel always protect you and not turn away even for a second. I will always be there and I promise to support you in everything. I am immensely happy that we are together.
  • My beloved, happy birthday to the best man in the world! An ocean of health to you and a sea of ​​my love. Let everything you dream about not be long in coming. May everything you strive for always come towards you. I wish that hope does not leave in difficulties, that they never stop you on the way to achieving your goals. May only good things await you in the future.

  • Happy birthday! I wish that your career develops more successfully and more successfully with every second, that your house is cozy and smells of pies, that love warms you, and that goodness always lives in your heart. I wish that the goals that you set for yourself are always achieved and grow.
  • Happy Birthday! I wish you the highest level of understanding in your family and at work, I wish you cheerful and helpful friends and many, many happy days! Be strong, don't be afraid to take risks, because whoever doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne. Be persistent! Be brave and just be!
  • Happy birthday! Learn how to fix faucets, nail paintings, drill walls and glue wallpaper! Be a man! And for this, let boundless female love always surround you, the house will be cozy, friends will be cheerful, and work will only be pleasant!
  • Happy birthday! Let only good people meet on your life path, and everyone else just follow their own path. I wish you always be happy and loved. Boundless love to you, life success and every minute happiness. Live and enjoy life, love it and let it reciprocate.
  • Happy birthday! I wish you great happiness, peace, prosperity, understanding of others. Let reliable friends surround you, and all problems are solved easily and simply. Let only good people surround you, illuminate great ideas, visit creative thoughts! I wish you true friends, a strong and loving family, the fulfillment of all life plans.
  • Happy Birthday! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your personal holiday. Let the road you choose be straight, without convolutions and obstacles. May every day bring joyful news, and all bad weather bypass you and your home. Be always energetic, pure in soul, live in harmony with yourself and the world. Always be the master of your destiny.

Happy birthday mom in prose

  • Mommy! Thank you for being by my side all my life and always ready to help me! Thank you for the fact that your advice is the best, and your opinion is always the most honest. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you strength, health and the best of all possible moods!
  • Mother! Whatever happens around, I always know that I can turn to you and get the most valuable advice from you. Happy birthday to you! I wish you good, good health, bright, bright sun and only good luck!
  • Dear, beloved, dear mother! Thank you for what you did for me, thank you for helping me so well in childhood and helping me now. I really appreciate it. Forgive me if sometimes I behave somehow wrong. You are the best example for me. I wish you good health, many, many joyful days and many, many happiness!
  • Dear, my, beloved, most tender mother! You are the kindest person in the world, your love is limitless. Likewise, I love you too. Congratulations on your birthday! May a smile always light up your face (for my part, I promise to give maximum reasons for this), let your every day be a small holiday, only kind, sympathetic people come across on the path of life. Let life be harmonious, bring only pleasant surprises, and let there be enough time for everything! Success in all endeavors, good spirits and peace of mind.
  • My beloved mom, happy birthday! I wish you health, strength, energy, good spirits, harmony in your soul. Huge and pure, like a diamond, the love of others. May your eyes always shine with joy. Let new unforgettable impressions and exceptionally joyful events await ahead. Love you!

Happy birthday dad in prose

  • Daddy! You have always been and remain for me an example of the best man, thank you for your upbringing and support. I wish you good health, success at work and in life. May all your dreams come true and your goals be achieved. Happy birthday.
  • Dear, dear and dear father! I congratulate you on your birthday and express my deep gratitude to you for all the work that you have invested in me, for your patience and love. I want to wish you many, many happy occasions and good moments. Let only those people who make you smile be next to you!
  • Dad! It's great that you are who you are, so sincere and loving! Thank you! Happy birthday! Let only light and warmth, love and joy, comfort and prosperity surround you. Let the goals be achieved, and dreams come true and do not dry out. Be healthy!
  • Native daddy! Congratulations on your birthday! I really appreciate what you have done and are doing for us. With all my heart I wish you peace of mind and peace. I want you to always smile, and there was only joy in your heart! Health to you, strength and energy. Let no one hurt you. Do not get tired of victories and accomplishments. You are perfect for me! I am proud that you are my father!
  • Daddy, happy birthday! I want to tell you Thank you for your love, warmth, care and understanding. I wish you to stay young, athletic and not succumb to the years. Live in health for a long, long time. May fate protect you from life's vicissitudes. May success always accompany you, and may His Majesty the case appear before you at the most opportune moment.

Happy birthday brother in prose

  • Brother, happy birthday to you! Always be the best! The happiest, the most beautiful, the richest and the luckiest. Let there be only love, warmth and comfort in your house, and career growth, good luck and prosperity at work. Please be happy!
  • Dear and beloved brother! Now you are already quite an adult and have achieved so much. I wish you to go through life with a smile, love and accept people and be a truly strong man. Let all girls dream of you, and you choose the best for yourself!
  • Brother! What a miracle it is to have a brother, to have such support and protection. Thank you for being you and for being there. I wish you to be able to enjoy life, not lose heart in difficult times and easily make good decisions!
  • Dear brother, happy birthday. I sincerely wish you success and prosperity, love, understanding and strong friendship. I wish you perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals, and may luck always accompany you in business! Know that you are the best brother in the world!
  • My dear and beloved brother! Happy Birthday to You! You are my support and support in this life, I promise you that I will also correspond to you so that you can rely on me in difficult times. I wish you sincere love, great happiness and all kinds of success. May each new day be better than the previous one. Bright life to you, reinforced concrete friendship, enchanting impressions and always a “pregnant” wallet.

Happy birthday to sister in prose

  • Sister! Despite the fact that in childhood we fought, I love you very much and am very grateful to my parents for the fact that you exist and we are together. I wish you to know exactly what you want and easily achieve it. I wish that around you there were only the best people and the most beautiful men. Be healthy, happy and beautiful!
  • My dear little sister! Today is your birthday, you have a holiday. You are very beautiful and sincere. Always stay like this! Love yourself, love the world, love any weather! Believe that you will achieve everything! May only good luck accompany you!
  • My dear! Sister! Thanks to you, my childhood was so full and joyful. Thank you for all those games and pranks that the two of us did together. You are a huge part of my life. I wish you sparkling happiness, unearthly love and all-encompassing good luck! I wish you to achieve all your goals!
  • My dear sister, I congratulate you on your birthday! May all your cherished desires come true, and breathtaking happiness awaits ahead. You deserve to be happy! Just believe in your luck, I wish it does not let you down! Hurry to love and do not forget that you are loved too!
  • My dear sister, happy birthday! I am very glad that my parents gave me you. Otherwise my world would not be complete. On your day, I wish you only the very best: sincere and kind. Let everything be good in life. Good luck, joy and enthusiasm! Never lose heart in difficult times, go boldly and confidently through life. May the Universe help you in all your endeavors!

On this day, let there be a lot of happiness and joy, and from this day only good events, great news and good news. Even casual passers-by will be kind and caring, and all the deities of the world protect health, home, loved ones. Let holiday songs sound, and the loudest greeting Happy Birthday.


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significant date

Happy birthday! By saying these words, I put all the strength of my soul into them. This day has become a significant date not only for you, but also for us. In this regard, I want to wish you to appreciate your old friends and make new ones. May your life be filled with bright events, remembering which you will always smile. I want your health to never let you down, and your eyes to shine with a mischievous spark. Let your life be rich in positive emotions, amazing adventures and the implementation of plans!


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Only joy

Happy Birthday, and may there always be a golden Sun and bright stars above your head, fireworks sparkle in honor of you, and every new day brings only joy. Sweets, songs, smiles, good news, love, friendship, health - all this rushes to you along with this congratulation.


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Sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish with all my heart and with all my soul the very best and excellent!
May your health be strong, and your strength not fail and help you fight for a place under the Sun!
I wish you only joys in your life, only bright and colorful days, so that they bring success!
Let there be a radiant mood every day so that you get up in the morning from that foot that will make the day joyful!
I wish you great achievements and pleasures in life, take all the best from it!
May true friends, kind people and beloved family be nearby! I wish you pure and eternal love!


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happy days and nights

I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to wake up every morning with a feeling of happiness, and go to bed with the confidence that the day has not been spent in vain. May your every day be sunny, warm, joyful, kind and lucky.


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Happy birthday! I wish you an ocean of health, a sea of ​​joy, mountains of stability, a lagoon of tranquility, a field of ideas, a forest of friends, a rainbow of impressions, a fire of passions and an unquenchable flame of love!


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Enjoy your life

Let each revolution of the planet mark a new clear, sunny and lucky day of your life. May every winter be beautiful, every spring delightful, every summer a resort, every autumn golden. Enjoy your life. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings in prose

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