DIY autumn bouquets for school. That’s why now I always bring rowan fruits from the dacha

When children return to school after the summer holidays, they will soon find themed matinees and celebrations dedicated to this time of year. Children often make an autumn bouquet for school with their own hands. It can be made from anything - from leaves and twigs, from spikelets and gifts of nature.

If a child doesn’t know how to make an autumn bouquet for school, then our step-by-step instructions will help him. Thanks to it, you can make a real masterpiece from ordinary maple leaves that lie literally under your feet, even without special skills.

Master class: craft for school “Autumn Bouquet”

  1. The first step, of course, is to collect material for our craft. These will be large maple leaves of red-orange color. The main thing is that they are not dry and brittle, with various defects in the form of dark spots.
  2. In addition, you will also need adhesive tape or any other tape that will cover the stem of our future bouquet, as well as scissors and several strong twigs, for example from a pear.

  3. In order to make one bud, and we will be making an autumn bouquet for school in the form of a composition of roses, you will need leaves of the same shade. We take the first leaf with the wrong side facing us and bend the top inward. We bend the two remaining edges around the resulting core one by one.
  4. This is what a folded leaf looks like - the core of the future rose. Now, holding it with your fingers, we make a petal in the same way.
  5. We wrap a new sheet around the middle, bending the sharp protruding corners towards ourselves. You should wrap the petals around the center tightly enough to give the flower a neat and believable appearance.
  6. The number of maple leaves is not regulated by anyone - take as many as you need to get a beautiful flower. If there are few of them, then you will get a half-opened bud, if there are a little more, then a lush rose. Do not forget to hold the structure well from below with your fingers so that the flower does not fall apart at the most inopportune moment.
  7. Each new petal should be one level lower than the previous one so that the rose looks like a real one.
  8. Now, using adhesive tape or a strip of green material, we attach a fairly thick twig to the legs of the maple leaves. It should be flat or slightly curved.
  9. In a similar way, you can make as many flowers as you like for the composition, but you should not overuse them so that the autumn bouquet does not become too cluttered. Our bouquet will have seven flowers and that is quite enough.
  10. This is the kind of beautiful rose you should get from an ordinary maple leaf.
  11. Now all that remains is to put the autumn bouquet, made in stages with your own hands, into a suitable vase and it can be presented at a school fair or autumn celebration.

Now you know how to compose and decorate a simple but extremely interesting autumn bouquet for school in just half an hour. You can also decorate your home with such homemade products.

With a little imagination, thanks to this technique, you can make completely different compositions from seemingly the same natural material. If you take not red, but yellow leaves and combine them, for example, with green ones, you will get a completely different creation.

In addition to the color of the leaves, you can also slightly change the technique of execution - if you twist the roses not so much, you will get a flower of a slightly different, flatter shape, and when the “petals” are placed without a large difference in height, the appearance of our flower changes. You can also diversify this craft with decor from viburnum berries, rowan berries and dried flowers, which autumn is so rich in.

Good afternoon - today I start series of articles for decorating your home in the fall. In this article I will show what principle should be used to compose autumn bouquets? I’ll show you how to choose the material... and what rules to use to design a bouquet arrangement. We will see vivid examples of autumn floristry from juicy flowers and dry bouquets of leaves... How to make short bouquets made of autumn material. I'll tell you what original vases can be made from simple pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage... In short, there will be a lot of interesting things.

So... let's start our floral selection..

AUTUMN BOUQUETS - from branches, herbs and flowers.

It is better when the autumn bouquet contains more bright and rich flowers. Asters, roses, ripe juicy rose hips+ small inclusions of fresh leaves and stems of herbal plants.

To the bouquet looked like one solid whole– it makes sense to TILE IT into a single BUNCH – and then insert it in a bundle as a WHOLE AUTUMN COMPOSITION into a vase.

It is not necessary to use long stems of flowers and plants... An autumn bouquet can be made from short cut flowers and branches(as in the floral examples below).

Branches fruits of rose hips, hawthorn, barberry and rowan The bouquet creates a special flavor of autumn floristry. You can also add deciduous branches of bushes or trees... heavy fruits along the bottom line of the composition and blue flowers along the upper edge of the bouquet.

Autumn flowers: garden roses, asters, rose hips and wild roses... And original floral inserts - in the form miniature pumpkins or pumpkins... In order for heavy pumpkin fruits to hold well in a bouquet, you need to carefully “drill” a hole in them... find a strong branch... and pin the squash onto the branch. And just like that, insert it on a branch into our autumn bouquet.

Any container can serve as a vase for an autumn composition... for example tin milk jug(as in the photo above). Or a clay decorative amphora... or you can place a vessel with water in a wicker basket.

Fresh berries can also be present in an autumn bouquet.

Branches of red currant will give the bouquet a juicy shade - especially if the roses also match the color of the berries. And by the way... in the same composition in the photo below clearly you can see the RULE OF THREE CLASSIC LINES of a bouquet(which I will talk about below).

Autumn bouquets of LEAVES.

You can just cut it off from dwarf maple beautiful twigs with yellow maple leaves. Let their beautiful twigs be visible in the crystal water of a transparent vase.

And another interesting move - if you put cleanly washed carrot root vegetables– there is no need to cut the tops, they will serve as part of the autumn bouquet. And by the way, one classic rule of composition (and not only autumn) is visible in this bouquet.

Dry transparent leafy stems It’s better to choose tall ones - so that they create the TOP EDGE of the bouquet... and place them on the BOTTOM bright juicy flowers and leaves.

HOW to compose a bouquet - rules for the correct placement of lines.

The bouquet also has a RULE OF LINES... This rule is well illustrated by the following photograph. It is necessary to comply with Three main directions (see yellow branches)– a branch UP with a slope to the left... a branch to the LEFT with a slight rise... a branch to the RIGHT almost horizontally.

And for balance, a few branches or stems should hang down (these are the brown branches in the photo below)

Here is a bouquet below - also created according to the same principle of THREE CLASSIC LINES OF COMPOSITION.

LEAVES AND FLOWERS - a friendly combination of shapes and shades.

Small bouquets of autumn flowers and large leaves look beautiful... Chrysanthemums are ideal for this purpose - they last for a very long time without fading...

The color of tea roses... and the orange-yellow hue of lilies match perfectly with the shade of autumn foliage... and in the bouquet we emphasize this color match with green-leafed plants. And also note that as linear elements- are used plant seed stems(brown in the photo below).

Here's an example of how You can make “tea” roses with your own hands from ordinary maple leaves. Below we see the very essence of the technique - and to help yourself, it is better to take adhesive tape to wrap the bases of such leafy buds along the way (and it is better to choose green tape - sold in construction and florist stores).

DRY BOUQUETS for autumn interior.

DRY BOUQUETS are a great idea for long-term interior decoration. Such autumn compositions do not need moisture. Such a dry bouquet can even be painted with spray paint (as in the photo below).

Or bouquets can be arranged as decorative "heap" from leaves, cones, plant seed pods, dry branches, berry umbrellas and other natural material.

MINIMALIST DESIGN – in the design of an autumn bouquet.

The bouquet can be quite modest– the main thing is that the design is stylish. Here's how in the photo below - you can glue funny inflorescences from acorns and acorn caps... and insert such dried flowers into a vase along with oak leaves. This is a great fall craft for kindergarten (you can do it with your child). You'll just have to make the wire holders yourself.

Even so modest composition of leaves in beakers– looks self-sufficient. Also an example of minimalism in an interior bouquet.

After all, you really don’t need much. Small flowers... stalks of cereals... umbrella branches with berries - and now you have a beautiful autumn bouquet for a small composition on the table.

Or you can use cups of flowers with a very short stem- if you place them at the bottom of a large glass vase. For linear harmony, add tall stems- but in muted colors... so that they do not draw attention to themselves and the center of the composition remains JUICY BRIGHT FLOWERS.

Or flower cups can be arranged beautifully flower carpet in a flat vase(similar to a bowl or salad bowl).

By the same principle you can make a bouquet of rowan branches, juniper branches and pine needles...

If you haven’t found a beautiful salad bowl... then you can mask its walls with dry leaves- securing it all with turns of coarse rope, or woolen knitting thread (as in the photo below).

And by the way - this photo below is an example of that HOW TO EXTEND THE LIFE OF YOUR WILLING ROSES(which were given to you... they are standing in a vase and have already drooped their heads and are about to start losing their petals - despite the fact that you change the water and trim the stems)...

Withered calyxes will instantly come back to life... if you cut them short. put it in a small bowl (as in the photo below) and decorate the bowl with this leafy wrapper... The secret is that it won’t take long for the water to get to the bud along a long stem... the buds will receive plenty of water and again the petals will become dense and elastic... and your roses will delight you for a long time...

AUTUMN BOUQUETS - on an “oasis” (floral foam).

You can make a bouquet arrangement in the EASTERN STYLE - when the material for bouquets OASIS is placed in a flat vase (this is a porous material, plasticine foam. It is soaked with water and the stems are stuck into it - such a bouquet lives for a long time due to the moisture accumulated in the oasis. And it just takes time Moisten this floral sponge with water from time to time.

In such an oasis you can stick not only stems of flowers and herbs, but also pine needles... cones... poppy pods... and other natural materials. And as we see in the photo below, the oasis can be placed on a cut of an ordinary birch log.

Autumn bouquets are made from APPLES.

You can make the beautiful bouquet arrangements with apples in the photo below with your own hands.

In order for the apples to stick, you need pin on holders. It could be metal holder- with spread out peaks... insert the holder into the water... prick apples onto the peaks... and fill the gaps with other vegetation.

Or a holder can be replace with sharp knots... sharpen strong thin branches with a knife...prick apples onto the branches...insert them into water under different punctures...and fill the remaining gaps with autumn flowers and leaves.

You can also use SWEET PEPPER FRUITS in a bouquet...

Fruit-bearing VASES – for autumn bouquets.

Citrus and pumpkin crops have a strong, waterproof PEEL. This brings up the idea of ​​using them - AS A VASE.

It is enough just to cut off the top of the fruit... remove the pulp from it... fill it with water and place our autumn bouquet in such a fruit vase.

And even cabbage can become a vase. No, the pump itself will not hold water for long... most likely it will leak. But you can be smarter... make a recess in the rocker... into which to insert a small vase of water.

But the most convenient thing, of course, is pumpkins - such a vase can be used many times... And not only as a vase, but also as a candlestick for autumn evening gatherings with cozy candle lighting.

In addition to the classic round pumpkin, a vase for a bouquet in the fall can serve pathesons, zucchini and decorative pumpkin crops having a bizarre curved shape.

And even decorative pimply fruits - which are not stable - can be placed on their side - and the neck of such a fruit vase can be made - in the side of the fruit. (as in the left photo below).

Or a vase can be made from birch stump... this is of course not a fruit - but also part of the plant world.

Vases with decorative filling for bouquets.

As a filling in a vase, you can use acorns... pine cones... rose hips... apples... beans... cereals... and other bulk natural material.

And most importantly... Water should not be poured into the bulk material itself.... otherwise the water will simply darken and all this beauty will simply rot. Better to do the smart thing.

IN wide vase– place narrow vase... so that there is space between the vases. And so we pour water into the inner vase for the bouquet... and into the space between it and the outer vase we pour a mound of natural material.

And also...

I have prepared articles on creating autumn floral masterpieces from natural materials for interior decoration...

Autumn table setting – 40 photo examples.

Happy fall crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

The beautiful autumn is slowly coming into its own. The changeable weather has long been noticeable, there is frequent drizzle, and along the roads there are trees that have changed the color of their foliage. A lot of yellow, red, burgundy, orange and even purple palettes appeared. Plants and trees give us a lot of different fruits - chestnuts, acorns, rowan, oddly shaped seed pods, late apples, pumpkin and many flowers and strange leaves.

If you collect all this in one large basket, you will get excellent, exclusive bouquets that you can give to friends, loved ones, or you can keep for yourself.

For those who love handicrafts, we invite you to dream up together and create several excellent floral, berry and fruit compositions for the gifts of autumn.

Flowers and other gifts of nature that are useful for a bouquet

What you can use in your crafts, what flowers the autumn season will give us:

  • - Roses.
  • - Asters.
  • - Phloxes.
  • - September coins.
  • - Chrysanthemums.
  • - Marigolds.
  • - Rudbeckia.
  • - Sunflowers.

In addition, you can prepare a bunch of rowan berries, collect colorful foliage, bring chestnuts, a small pumpkin, pine cones of different shapes and sizes, nuts and other gifts of autumn that surround us on the street.

Things that are useful for creativity

In order to start putting ideas into practice, you will have to stock up on a couple of necessary items. This:

  • — PVA glue or super glue (everything will depend on the bouquet), glue gun.
  • — Ribbons, beads, burlap, twine, buttons, candles, other decor.
  • — Scissors and wire.
  • — Shreds, colored paper, cardboard, floral sponge.
  • — Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens.
  • - Fantasy.

Rules of three lines and a dot

Before you start creating, you need to remember what will form the basis of almost every bouquet. In order to simplify the task, it was decided to organize the entire procedure into the rules of three lines and one point. These are the rules:

  1. We outline the horizontal lines of the future luxurious bouquet.
  2. We fill in the basis, the base of the composition.
  3. We insert a vertical line, it can be a twig, wire, thread.
  4. We determine the point that will be the center. She is the most important one in the bouquet.
  5. Creative ideas for creating autumn bouquets.

1. Wreath for the front door

This is a kind of bouquet, round in shape, which can be used to decorate a door, a gate, or simply put on a table. It’s not difficult to create, just make a circle out of cardboard or wire and start covering it with leaves, acorns, rowan branches and other berries. We put all this on glue, silicone is an option. A glue gun is even better.

2. Autumn bouquet with leaves and flowers

A wonderful composition that will decorate any room. Chrysanthemums are simply ideal for this purpose; they can stand for a long time and not drop a single petal. Large leaves of maple, chestnut, and fruit trees are perfect for flowers. Try to have as many shades as possible, then the bouquet will sparkle even more.

3. Autumn bouquet with ears of wheat

Another idea for an amazing bouquet is a combination of tea roses, orange, cream or yellow lilies with green leaves, those that have not yet changed their color. You can complement the bouquet with ears of wheat or ordinary ears of wheat that grow everywhere. We secure the result with tape and decorate the ambassador with a wide ribbon.

4. Dry bouquet

This is for those who want to extend autumn and not say goodbye to it even in the cold. This composition will not even need to be watered. For this we need dry branches, which we paint with paints in any color, dry leaves, reeds, acorns. All this is assembled and glued as desired and installed either in a flowerpot, in a vase, or in a basket. Such a still life will not leave anyone indifferent. More ideas for crafts and bouquets of dried flowers.

5. Autumn bouquet without flowers

Yes, imagine, this happens, isn’t it, it’s just magic. In the basket, at the bottom, we put spruce branches, along the edges of the basket, we attach cones, they can be painted gold or silver. In the center there will be rowan, pomegranate, bunches of grapes and a lot of yellow and orange leaves. It would be wonderful if the bouquet included interspersed sea buckthorn branches, dry ears of rye, and rose hips. What else can be made from pine cones.

6. Autumn bouquet with sunflowers “Memories of Summer”

What can remind us of the warm, hot sun in October or November? This is a large sunflower and a yellow gerbera. You can create a huge bouquet from sunflower flowers, which will be framed by greenery and bright gerberas. Well, what a great option for an autumn bouquet.

7. Bouquet in a glass

If there is a large or huge glass in the house, then a flower arrangement can be created right in it. At the bottom you need to pour cones, preferably small ones. Place a tall candle in the center, and sprinkle rowan berries, rose petals, sea buckthorn and viburnum on the sides.

8. Bouquet in a pumpkin

We will need a floral sponge into which we will stick fresh flowers and leaves. There is no sponge, use dried flowers - physalis, gypsophila, lunaria, and also celosia and nigella. Do not forget about the large and bright pumpkin, which must first be cleaned of pulp. Read: what else can be made from pumpkin in the fall.

9. Apple bouquet

To do this, just pin multi-colored fruits on special holders. We decorate the gaps with flowers and other autumn vegetation - asters, gerberas, chrysanthemums, echinacea.

10. Simple autumn bouquet

And finally, if you are not in the mood to make something, but the desire for a drop of autumn to appear at home exists, take a walk along the street and simply collect the gifts of nature. Pick a couple of autumn leaves, a branch of rosehip, rowan, look for sea buckthorn, pick flowers, collect it all in a huge bouquet and put it in a vase at home. Place a fragrant candle nearby and enjoy the resulting still life.
We hope that the proposed ideas inspired the reader to create at least one small autumn masterpiece.

Photo gallery: 16 photos of beautiful autumn bouquets

Olga Medvedeva

My family and I really like to spend our free time going for a walk in the park. There you can not only breathe fresh air, ride bicycles or roller skates, but you can also meet squirrels, we managed to photograph one of the squirrels. But let's get back to the topic, in kindergarten we had an exhibition autumn fakes. We also decided to take part and do " Autumn bouquet". It was decided to do bouquet roses from maple leaves. It took a long time to collect the leaves, I wanted to make bouquet of unusual colors. It turned out not bad in my opinion. And so that the bouquet stood for a long time, be sure to spray with hairspray at the end.

The result of our joint work:)

Publications on the topic:

The word “bouquet” translated from French means “grove, forest.” These are flower plants collected harmoniously with each other.

Photo report on the "Autumn Bouquet" competition. The "Autumn Bouquet" competition was held in the kindergarten, aimed at awakening cognitive abilities.

Greetings, dear colleagues. I looked at various master classes with roses made from leaves, it turned out that there were a huge number of them, but that’s all.

Elchin safarali: Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. Time for reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine.

Our nature is diverse, especially in autumn. With the children we observed what colors are typical for autumn. What's the weather like in autumn? What's going on.

Golden autumn is a wonderful time for creativity! You can make beautiful crafts, create compositions from natural materials, etc.

Only the lazy did not sing about the beauty of autumn. It’s not surprising, because the bright colors that this time of year gives are truly multifaceted and intricately intertwined, creating masterpieces. And how many different natural materials can be prepared for creativity! It is simply impossible to count. A nice bonus is that all the preparations are absolutely free, accessible and collected during a walk, which gives a great mood, positivity and positive emotions. Apparently, it is this energy that imbues natural material and makes wonderful crafts from it. DIY autumn bouquets made from fallen leaves, fruits and berries, pine cones and moss - here is a small list of how you can prolong the charm of this time of year for a long time.

It is in the fall that all general education children's institutions hold various competitions for the best crafts from nature's gifts or a harvest festival. At this event you can see a huge number of truly unusual, bright, creative creations. Of course, every child dreams of winning a competition. But more important than victory may be the understanding that your craft is unique and inimitable and there is simply no other one similar to it.

Let's look at several crafts from natural materials that you can make together with your child for a school competition.

Photo gallery of children's creativity

Children's imagination is not limited by boundaries and is not subject to conventions. Kids see the world differently than adults. It is on this fertile soil that the shoots of future masterpieces sprout. If you add the skill and experience of the parents to the child’s thinking, then everything together is embodied in creative masterpieces. An example of such a combination is shown in the following photos.

Roses from leaves

Children use fallen leaves in almost every craft they make for school. A properly dried and ironed sheet of fancy shape and color is already beautiful. But it’s very banal and uninteresting to collect a bouquet of leaves. A more creative idea would be to make roses from them that are very similar to real ones. In addition, you don’t even have to dry the leaves for this craft.

Step-by-step instructions, which detail the process of creating a flower, are presented in the photo.

Depending on how many maple leaves and what color are used to make a rose, the size of the bud and the color of the final product depend. It is very good to use leaves of contrasting shades for crafts - straw, lemon, red and ocher.

Living beauty

The simplest, but no less impressive, bouquet can be assembled from flowers that delight the eye in the flower beds almost until the first snow.

Asters, phloxes, and rudbeckias are suitable for such a composition. Their bright and rich color will create a sunny mood even in cloudy weather.

Marigolds are the kings of flower beds in autumn. They do not fade for quite a long time, and with their color range, which varies from soft yellow to deep orange, they awaken the vital energy of the human body. A bouquet of these flowers will look unusually good and cozy both in the kitchen and in the office.

Combined compositions of bunches of berries, pine cones and flowers look very appetizing. Assembling such ikebana during the harvest period will not be difficult.

A bouquet of vegetables, fruits and cereals can be a real stylish gift for a friend who adheres to a healthy lifestyle and watches her diet.

Of course, don’t forget about physalis and dahlias. These flowers are so self-sufficient that they look great even in ordinary banal containers without additional decorations. But do not lose sight of the point that there should be a lot of flowers, and not two or three branches. Only in this case will you get a spectacular bouquet.

A bouquet of physalis can last for a very long time, until its color fades or fades. You can also assemble compositions from other dry leaves, which are presented in a wide range.

Bouquets or sweets

Of course, while the flower season is in full swing and not over, you can always create an original bouquet without effort. But what to do if it’s raining relentlessly outside the window and autumn has already passed the middle? There is an exit. You can make an original beautiful autumn bouquet from sweets and corrugated paper.

This composition looks very stylish and bright, and it’s not difficult to make. You just need to buy your favorite variety of candy, several tubes of corrugated paper in various shades, tape and scissors. Even children can be involved in the work. They will be happy to wrap sweets in paper petals.

You can decorate the craft using wrapping paper, ribbons, braid, openwork mesh, beads and rhinestones.

Video on the topic of the article

Even more ideas for creating a variety of bouquets, compositions and ikebana are presented in the video selection. Watch and be inspired!
