Whitening gray, yellowed and faded white things at home - folk remedies and household chemicals; removing sweat stains; detailed video instructions. How to bleach synthetic whites at home

Snow-white trousers and blouses look very beautiful, but everyone knows how quickly they get dirty. That is why the question of how to bleach white things is always relevant. There are many bleaching methods, but you need to know what type of fabric and type of stain they are suitable for.

Basic rules for washing white clothes

Following a few simple rules helps keep things in their original, impeccable appearance:

  • White items should always be washed separately from everything else. Moreover, they must be divided by type of fabric. Cotton, wool, synthetics, mixed fabrics, silk require different modes and bleaching agents.
  • Chlorine-containing bleaches can only be used on linen or cotton items.
  • Make sure that the drain in the washing machine does not become clogged. Otherwise, things will not be rinsed well, which will lead to stains appearing on them.
  • Wash things promptly and add softening agents to the water.

Only if you adhere to these rules will you be able to achieve an impeccable appearance of clothes, curtains, tablecloths and many other things.

Bleaching faded items

A very important question is how to bleach white things if they have faded. This happens if colored clothes accidentally got into the wash, or you forgot to take a ticket, candy wrapper, etc. out of your pocket.

You can remove noticeable stains using a product designed to bleach accidentally stained fabric. It is sold in stores and is not difficult to find, but you need to find one that suits your fabric type. Read the instructions on the package carefully.

Cotton can be washed at home using any bleach. The best way to remove bleach stains is by dissolving it in cool water. Select the concentration of the solution according to the information on the label.

First, the items are washed in the usual way, and then soaked for an hour in a bleach solution, after which they are rinsed very thoroughly.

Another method for cotton is boiling it in water with laundry soap. Throw soap shavings into water and bring to a boil. The laundry is boiled for about an hour, after which the colored spots should disappear.

Bleaching gray fabric

If you need to bleach tulle or white guipure, then two irreplaceable substances in the house come to the rescue: hydrogen peroxide and ammonia solution (aka pharmaceutical ammonia).

  • 10 liters of hot water are poured into a large basin or other container.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of the main ingredients into the water.
  • Soak the fabric in the resulting solution for half an hour.
  • They wash things as usual.

After this procedure, grayed curtains, curtains and bedspreads will become white and beautiful as before.

Grayed cotton and linen linen can be bleached well at home using bleach or other special products while washing in an automatic machine. To do this, pour the product in the amount specified by the manufacturer into a separate tray intended for softener or bleach. To bleach well, start the pre-wash and additional rinse mode.

You can try bleaching synthetic fabric that has turned gray in salt water by taking 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of warm water.

White socks can be washed well if you first soak them in water with boric acid. A tablespoon of boric acid is diluted in water and the socks are left in it for 2 hours. This solution works no worse than bleach.

Any fabric can be bleached in a gentle way using soda, as well as essential ammonia. To do this, take 5 tablespoons of soda and two tablespoons of alcohol per 5 liters of warm water. Clothes are immersed in this solution and left for 3 or 4 hours.

We return the snow-white appearance of wool and silk

White silk and wool items become slightly yellowish over time. To bleach them at home, things are soaked in a specific solution. The proportions are:

  • half a bucket of water (5-6 liters);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of powder;
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy peroxide) and 10% ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of coarse white salt.

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, soak the yellowed items and forget about them for at least two hours. After this, you need to rinse and make sure that the yellowness is gone.

Delicate silk and wool items can be washed well with mustard.

  • Pour a tablespoon of mustard powder into a liter of hot water and wait 2 hours for the water to settle.
  • Drain the infused water into a separate container.
  • Pour the mustard in the same way a second time and drain the water.
  • Wash items in drained water infused with mustard in the usual way.

When rinsing wool, you can add ammonia to the water at the rate of a teaspoon per liter. For silk, add vinegar, a tablespoon per liter.

Washing linen

To bleach linen well, use soda ash. The product is washed in hot water (up to 70°), pouring soda into the washing machine.

Persol is an excellent whitening agent for linen items. If you regularly add it when washing, the linen product will become noticeably whiter. You can use a long 12-hour soaking of heavily grayed fabric in a solution of persalt and washing powder.

Removing yellow stains from sweat

It is almost impossible to fight yellow stains from sweat, but they are most noticeable on white clothes. But if you wash items immediately after taking them off, you can avoid permanent stains.

If they do appear, then you can use a very simple method at home. You will probably find aspirin in your home. Take two tablets, crush them and dilute the powder in half a glass of warm water. Treat the stains with this solution and leave for approximately two hours. Next, wash the clothes with regular powder, rinse and hang in the sun.

It is important that the item is dried in direct sunlight, as the sun can bleach better than any other product. This method is used for cotton.

In addition, stains on cotton can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, then rinsed and hung to dry in the sun in the same way.

Let’s summarize and analyze which products are suitable for home whitening.

Some items, such as wool, can be bleached using a weak solution of oxalic acid. However, it is unlikely to be found on department store shelves. To do this, you will have to go to a chemical store or go to a specialized base.

Before applying any product to an expensive product, it is advisable to test its effect on a small piece of unnecessary material of the same composition and color. Old, worn-out clothes cannot be restored to their original appearance. No matter what means you use, they are unlikely to help.

Many associate the color white with purity, light, and celebration. What do you associate with gray or yellowed laundry? Whitening white clothes at home is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, we will need several available tools that are available in every household. If it doesn’t help, the manufacturers have thought of everything for us; any hardware store has good bleaches. Let's consider all the methods and techniques, depending on the type of fabric.

Why things turn gray and yellow, and what to do about it

If you think that white things always lose their brightness soon after purchase, then you are mistaken. Yellowness and grayness are a consequence of improper care, but not a property of fabrics. Why things get spoiled:

  • due to frequent wear,
  • irregular washing,
  • washing with colored clothes,
  • poorly selected detergents and bleaches,
  • neglecting bleaching powders,
  • lack of knowledge of the rules for caring for delicate fabrics.

At home it is always easy to extend the life of your favorite shirts and blouses. Moreover, not only industrial bleach will help, but also many products that every housewife can find:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • ammonia,
  • laundry soap,
  • potassium permanganate,
  • soda,
  • table salt,
  • citric acid, etc.

Please note that specific methods are suitable for each fiber. Let us further consider folk remedies for whitening clothes, industrial products for maintaining whiteness, as well as the rules for using all substances.

Details about folk remedies

The first thing that comes to mind is boiling. This grandmother's method is really effective, but not for every type of textile. The method is not suitable for delicate fabrics: wool, lace, etc. Do not boil synthetics. Boiling removes grayness and yellowness from cotton bed linen, as well as various stains.

How to bleach laundry by boiling:

  • put the grayed things in a deep pan or basin;
  • fill with water;
  • add some washing powder;
  • place on the stove;
  • boil for 30 minutes;
  • periodically turn things over with a wooden spatula;
  • rinse well and dry.

But what to do with delicate fabrics? There are several proven folk methods:

  1. Salt will whiten yellowed items. Prepare the solution: 2 tbsp. substances for every liter of water. Immerse the product there and let it sit for 20 minutes. The white color returns before our eyes. After treatment, rinse and let dry.
  2. Laundry soap 72%. This is a “grandmother’s” method, but quite effective provided that the soap is 72%, that is, GOST. How to restore the whiteness of grayed things using this brown bar: first soak the clothes in cool water for a couple of hours, then soap them thoroughly, pour hot water, whip up a foam and leave for another hour. After this treatment, wash well, rinse and let dry. This method is not suitable for wool! In general, it is advisable not to wash such materials with soap, but only with special, non-alkaline detergents.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide will help make fabric snow-white. For 10 liters of warm water, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. substances. Soak the product for half an hour, then rinse and dry. The effect will increase when dried in the sun, but the material must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Method for thin fabrics, such as guipure, tulle. Add hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to hot water (2 tbsp and 1 tbsp, respectively). Soak, as in the example above, for half an hour.
  5. An unexpected combination: washing powder and potassium permanganate. Purple crystals in small quantities will make white truly white. For 10 liters of hot water, take 200 g of powder and just a little potassium permanganate to get a slightly pinkish solution. Dip the washed items into it, cover the container with a plastic bag and leave everything until the water cools. Rinse your clothes, dry them and enjoy pristine whiteness.
  6. You can quickly whiten socks, underwear and T-shirts using boric acid. It is enough to soak things for a couple of hours in this solution: 1 tbsp. boric acid per 2 liters of water. The advantage of this method is that the acid not only copes with yellowness, but also destroys the fungus.
  7. Soda will return the fabric to its white color: before washing, soak the item in 5 liters of warm water diluted with 5 tbsp. facilities. Add 2-3 tbsp. washing powder or soap shavings to enhance the effect.
  8. Citric acid is not exactly a delicate, but effective remedy. It will help if you accidentally washed white clothes together with colored ones. Prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. citric acid, 1 tbsp. starch, 1 tbsp. soap shavings, 0.5 tbsp. table salt. Add a little water to the mixture to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the product to particularly contaminated areas. The more stubborn the stain, the longer you need to keep the mixture on. On average, whitening takes 2-3 hours. After the procedure, wash your clothes as usual.

Special products

What the chemical industry offers us:

  1. Oxygen-containing bleaches are the safest compared to other similar products. Oxygen-based gels, powders and tablets are produced. The mild action of the product justifies the high cost.
  2. Chlorine-containing bleaches. Sodium hydrochloride is a rather aggressive agent. It is used only on durable fabrics; no products are provided for synthetics. If chlorine is used frequently, yellowing will appear. Such pollution can no longer be removed. The main reason for purchasing chlorine-based products is quick results and low price.
  3. Optical brighteners have luminescent components that reflect light and create the appearance of whiteness.

How to whiten baby clothes

A child’s clothing should not be exposed to aggressive influences: if substances remain in the fabric structure, they can cause an allergic reaction. Avoid chlorine-containing bleaches. There are special gentle products on sale for the care of white children's clothes up to 3 years old. They are hypoallergenic and do not contain harmful components.

What methods are it permissible to return the whiteness to washed children's clothes:

  • boiling,
  • ammonia,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • baking soda.

The key point: rinse thoroughly to remove the smallest particles of bleach from the material.

Natural fabrics: what to do

Wool allows the use of oxygen-containing bleaches. Be careful: prolonged soaking can lead to destruction of the fiber structure. 30-40 minutes is enough. What products will not harm the wool:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • ammonia,
  • salt.

An effective way to clean white fur: dilute 1 tbsp. mustard powder in 1 glass of water, strain and add to the washing basin. Soaking for 30 minutes is sufficient. Then wash the product and rinse: there will be nothing left of the mustard, but the white color will be refreshed.

Silk allows the use of oxygen bleaches. The method with hydrogen peroxide will work. Another safe method is lemon juice. Squeeze 2-3 lemons, dilute the juice with a liter of water. You can soak silk fabrics in this solution overnight.

Cotton is not as finicky as other natural materials. It is permissible to bleach it by any means, including boiling, even with chlorine-containing bleaches (with the exception of children’s clothes).

Linen can be machine washed in hot water with soda ash added. If you soak linen, you need to soak it for at least 12 hours. For the procedure, use soda, salt, potassium permanganate, and ammonia.

Advice! If you are washing a linen or cotton item, it makes sense to add a little table salt to the powder. It enhances the effect of the detergent.

You need to know this

To avoid problems with white items fading, always follow these rules:

  1. Wash white clothes and linens separately from colored ones.
  2. Cotton and linen are separate from wool and synthetics.
  3. The temperature for washing synthetic fabrics is no higher than 40 degrees.
  4. After washing, do not dry synthetics in direct sunlight.
  5. Frequent use of bleach weakens fabric fibers.

As you can see, the problem can be successfully solved at home. It will not be possible to always keep things perfectly white; after all, they get washed and worn out, this is inevitable. But it is quite possible to delay the appearance of yellowness and grayness. Take proper care of your products and notice a yellowish or gray tint in time, and then your products will remain snow-white for a long time.

Experienced housewives, before bleaching white items, carefully read the instructions for the chemicals they will use when washing. When choosing a bleaching method, you should take into account not only the chemical composition of such products, but also the characteristics of the fabrics, as well as the degree of contamination. With the right approach, grayed, yellowed or faded things acquire pristine purity.

There are many methods that can be used at home. However, they do not require the purchase of expensive bleaches. You can bleach clothes with soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, table salt, laundry soap and other methods. Many of them were used by our great-grandmothers before the advent of modern powders and bleaches.

For high-quality washing, you must follow the rules for performing such a process. Before bleaching white items, you need to determine the type of fabric and level of contamination. If there are no stains on the material, then this greatly simplifies the process. Things that have turned gray and faded are, of course, difficult to return to their original appearance. But at home, you can achieve a purer white color.


One of the best remedies that helps restore whiteness to things is ammonia. This method can only be used for linen and cotton materials.

Ammonia can ruin the fibers of synthetic fabrics and their color. Ammonia is often used to whiten bed linen. To do this, you need to take 10 tablespoons of the product and dilute it in 15 liters of warm water, the temperature of which is about 40 degrees. The laundry should be soaked in this solution for several hours, and then washed as usual using washing powder.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

At home, a wonderful and inexpensive bleaching agent is used - a solution of soda and hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 3 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of soda and soak the grayed items for 30 minutes. Every 5 minutes you should stir the container with washing. This method is suitable for various white fabrics - natural and synthetic.

Wool and cashmere should be bleached with peroxide with caution. If you need to bleach woolen items at home, you can use a method that has been proven over the years - a special solution. It consists of the following components:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 8 tablespoons of table salt.

All components of the solution should be dissolved in warm water and the yellowed laundry should be immersed in it. The whitening process takes about 3 hours. After this, you can continue washing in the washing machine. It should be noted that this method is suitable not only for wool. It is safe for a variety of fabrics. But before bleaching expensive items, it is better to test the effect of the solution on a small area of ​​the material.

Potassium permangantsovka

It helps restore the original whiteness of clothes. This method must be used with extreme caution to prevent your favorite items from being painted a bright crimson color. If you dilute the correct solution, it will not leave marks on the material. The water should take on a light pink tint. It is enough to keep the clothes in this solution for about 20 - 30 minutes. You can combine washing in potassium permanganate and washing powder. This method allows you to “save” even faded things.

Methods for washing various items of clothing and interior decoration

If washing is done taking into account which item of clothing should be bleached, the result will be much more effective. It is most convenient to wash white socks using laundry soap. This product produces an excellent whitening effect. Today there is a special laundry soap on sale that contains whitening components. It is also suitable for quick hand washing of underwear at home.

If the tulle has acquired a gray or yellowish tint, then the best way to solve the problem is to use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. For 5 liters of water you can add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of peroxide.

But boric acid will help get rid of yellow sweat stains on T-shirts and white shirts at home. When washing, add 2 tablespoons of boric acid to 7 liters of water, soak the item for 2 - 3 hours, and then wash it in the usual way - in a washing machine or by hand with the addition of washing powder.

Kitchen towels can be bleached using homemade methods. If the result does not return to its original whiteness, you can try special bleaches that are designed to remove stains. It is necessary to purchase chemicals specifically for white natural materials. A properly selected product will not damage the fabric or thin its fibers.

White bed linen should always be in perfect condition to ensure homeliness and comfortable rest. If your sheets and duvet covers have turned yellow, bleaching at high temperatures will help. You can use the above methods, which are suitable for natural fabrics, and then wash in a washing machine, setting the temperature to 80 degrees.

Whitening white clothes is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Today there are many means, both improvised and ready-made, that will help restore the original whiteness of materials. It's no secret that white things show the skills and hard work of the housewife.

If there is a need to bleach white synthetic clothes or underwear with lace inserts at home, you need to decide what products will be used for this. Their choice, first of all, depends on what defect you have to cope with:

  • remove stains;
  • refresh gray things;
  • remove yellowness.

You can whiten synthetics, including removing stains, either using special factory products - bleaches and stain removers, or using “grandmother’s secrets”.

How can you not bleach synthetics?

Sometimes publications contain advice on bleaching white items, which are absolutely not suitable for synthetic fabrics.

Synthetics should not be subjected to the following manipulations:

  • boil and wash at high temperature;
  • soak or wash with products containing chlorine;
  • dry in direct sunlight.
  • squeeze after bleaching.

There is a chance to bleach gray synthetics using regular salt. To do this, things are soaked in warm water with added salt - 600 g is mixed in 10 liters of water - after which they need to be rinsed well and washed with powder.

Another way: using soda and ammonia. 10 tablespoons of soda and 2 tablespoons of ammonia (3%) are diluted in 10 liters of warm water, the clothes are soaked for several hours (from 3 or more). After soaking, you need to wash with powder to wash out the softened particles that give the fabric a grayish tint.

If the fabric has turned gray from prolonged use or frequent careless washing, it is unlikely to be bleached. In addition, pellets form on the surface of such clothes, which also give an unkempt appearance, so “reanimating” them will still not give the expected effect.

How to remove yellowness?

White items can turn yellow under the influence of many factors. Sometimes it is quite easy to restore the original whiteness at home, sometimes you have to make an effort, and there are cases when it will no longer be possible to restore the original color, for example, when synthetic fibers have entered into a chemical reaction with chlorine.

Causes of yellowing:

  • organic particles;
  • traces of perfume or cologne;
  • washing in water with a high content of magnesium salts;
  • use of untreated water (with rust);
  • not thoroughly rinsing after washing (including if the machine’s filter is clogged);
  • washing white items with colored laundry powder;
  • mold.

Organic particles are traces of our body on clothing. This is not only sweat, but also dead epidermis. If you wear a white item at least once and do not wash it, and then put it in a closet for long-term storage, it will most likely turn yellow. The same thing happens if things are poorly washed after use. You can whiten such yellowness using ordinary laundry soap.

  1. Soak clothes in cold or slightly lukewarm water for several hours.
  2. Rub with laundry soap (72%) to obtain a rich, dense foam.
  3. Pour hot water and soak for about another hour.
  4. Wash and rinse thoroughly.
  5. Rub with soap again and repeat washing.

Poorly washed or rinsed items are more difficult to wash, and the procedure may have to be repeated several times.

Small yellow spots that appear some time after washing may well be mold. After all, mold on things can be yellow and whitish, and not just black. To deal with such stains, you can use ammonia. For these purposes, both a technical aqueous solution of ammonia (25%) and the well-known ammonia alcohol, a 10% solution, are suitable. It is used as follows:

  • in 10 liters of warm water dissolve 1 tablespoon of a 25 percent solution or 4 tablespoons of three percent ammonia;
  • things are soaked for several hours and then washed in the usual way;
  • When washing, in addition to soap or powder, you can also add ammonia, but in a smaller proportion.

The same bleaching method is used if the water contains a high content of magnesium salts.

Ammonia can be added during washing for prevention. Then yellowness does not appear on the clothes.

If yellowness appears from washing in water that has not been treated with rust, in addition to ammonia, you need to add hydrogen peroxide: 200 ml per 10 liters of water. There are two more recipes that can help cope with this problem:

  1. soaking in sulfur-containing solutions;
  2. use of peroxide bleaches.

A sulfur-containing solution can be prepared from ordinary mustard (powder). 100 g of mustard is thoroughly mixed in a small amount of water and then diluted in 10 liters. Things are soaked and then washed in the usual way. The water for soaking should be as hot as possible, so this method is not suitable for clothes that can be washed up to 50 ºC. More effective is the use of peroxide bleaches.

If possible, you can bleach clothes with sodium hydrosulfite - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. This drug is used to soften water in boilers, so it is sometimes available in the households of residents of private houses. If it is not available, 30 percent hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol or hydroperite) or ordinary three percent peroxide is suitable: 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide or 2 tablets of hydroperite are added to 10 liters of water at a temperature of 30 ºC. To enhance the reaction, you can add a little. Synthetics are soaked in the prepared solution for 20-30 minutes. Soaking is done in plastic containers.

Removing stains

For any synthetics, except acetate fabrics, the following mixture is used to remove stains: 5 parts alcohol, 5 parts tartaric acid, 2 parts citric acid. The result of mixing should be a paste. It is applied to the stain and rubbed in 5-10 minutes before washing.

  • Sweat stains can be washed off if 2 aspirin tablets are crushed and dissolved in 100 ml of cold water, and the resulting solution is applied to the contaminated areas 2-3 hours before washing.
  • Grease stains are removed with salt or chalk. Chalk powder or salt is rubbed into the stain, and after a few hours it is removed with a brush. This method is only suitable for fresh stains.
  • Ink stains are removed by soaking and washing the stained area in fresh milk or curdled milk.
  • You can try to remove the resulting rust stain with lemon. A lemon wrapped in gauze is applied to the stain and pressed with an iron.

Here are a few products that have proven their effectiveness and are suitable for synthetics.

  • Amway Pre Wash Spray. Apply to fabric and wipe with a sponge.
  • Antipyatin soap. Things are soaped 10-15 minutes before washing. To enhance the effect, you can add soap to the powder.
  • Amway SA8 powder. Suitable only for fabrics that can be washed in water at temperatures above 30 ºС. Added during soaking.

How to avoid stains or yellowing?

How to properly wash and store white synthetic items so that they do not age? There are several secrets.

  • Before washing, sort, separating white items.
  • Synthetics, wool and cotton also cannot be washed at the same time, as they have different washing temperatures.
  • Before washing, underwear should be soaked in cold water for at least an hour.
  • Prepare water for washing: for white clothes, use settled or filtered water, and if the water is hard, soften it with soda.
  • Do not store white items ironed.
  • Do not use optical brighteners frequently: they can be used no more often than after 3 washes.
  • Do not put wet clothes in the closet.
  • Make sure that the drain filter in the machine does not become clogged.

If you follow these recommendations, you can prevent “unauthorized” changes in the color of light-colored synthetic items. If such a nuisance has occurred and, while taking out your favorite underwear or blouse from the closet, you find stains, a yellowish or grayish tint, the above tips will help you bleach your clothes at home and enjoy the freshness of your clothes.

White things are always beautiful, elegant and solemn. But sometimes frequent washing and wear makes them gray and yellowed. Things can fade and lose their attractiveness. How can you make clothes look attractive again? How to whiten white clothes at home? Do not rush to immediately throw away damaged clothes or turn them into rags.

Sometimes the usual old remedy - boiling - will help. And although this method very quickly leads to wear of the fabric, for cotton and linen products such 40-minute boiling in a soap solution is the solution. But this method is prohibited for synthetic and delicate fabrics. He will simply destroy them. Such materials require more gentle means. Oxygen bleaches, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, laundry soap and potassium permanganate will help restore the snow-white appearance of a dress, shirt or blouse. Which method to choose depends on the type of fabric and product.

At home, there are several very effective ways to best return white things to their original appearance.

Oxygen bleach

Oxygen bleach can gently whiten white items with various types of stains. It is capable of removing old stains. Suitable for silk and wool fabrics.

Pay attention to the soaking time indicated on the product packaging.

Hydrogen peroxide (hydroperite tablets)

Hydrogen peroxide comes in handy when you need to whiten clothes made from delicate fabrics. This is a fast and effective way. It only takes 30 minutes and your clothes will sparkle white. At 10 l. add 2 tbsp warm water. spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak whites for half an hour, then rinse and wash as usual.

For natural fabrics, the concentration can be increased to 200 grams of peroxide (or 10 hydroperite tablets) per 5 liters of water.

Laundry soap

How to bleach graying white clothes? Bleaching with laundry soap is a simple and safe method suitable for any type of fabric. It will help get rid of yellow stains in your armpits and make your underwear whiter. It is necessary to rub the laundry with 72% laundry soap and soak. The only downside is that things need to be kept in a soapy solution all day.

Turpentine and ammonia

Ammonia and turpentine are suitable for bleaching products made from natural fabrics. You need to place the clothes in water with water added for 2 hours. The method is especially good for old stains and stains.

Potassium permangantsovka

To bleach fabric using potassium permanganate, fill a basin with warm water, and then add a little potassium permanganate and powder. Place things in the water that has turned pinkish for an hour, while covering with a plastic bag.

Boric acid

Boric acid will help give socks and other items that are difficult to bleach a snow-white shade. In a basin with 10 l. add 2 tbsp with warm water. spoons of the product and leave clothes in it for 2 hours.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

How to bleach washed white linen made from synthetic fabrics if you cannot use products with chlorine? Ammonia and peroxide will help out. Add 5 tbsp to 10 liters of warm, soapy water. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. Place the product in a basin with the solution for 30 minutes.

Dishwashing gel

When washing white clothes in a washing machine, it is sometimes recommended to add any dishwashing detergent along with the powder. It will help get rid of grease stains and traces of sweat on the fabric.


Domestos is used for soaking and washing white linen by hand or in a machine. The instructions for the drug say this, and the results are often pleasing.

It is very difficult to bleach faded or grayed and yellowed white things, but it is quite possible. Sometimes inexpensive home remedies are enough for this. We hope that the methods we have given will help you easily cope with this task.
