The first photo of Anna Sedokova with her son's father blew up the network. Anna Sedokova spoke about the reasons for parting with the father of her third child From whom Anna Sedokova gave birth to her third child

09 April 2017

Today, the singer became the mother of a boy.

34-year-old Anna Sedokova just a few hours ago posted a photo on her Instagram page with a huge belly. The singer admitted that she recovered during pregnancy up to 80 kilograms. The picture was her last in position. According to, Anna Sedokova gave birth to her third child, a boy, at the Cedars-Sinai clinic in Los Angeles today.

Anna Sedokova is already raising two daughters from different marriages. 12-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Monica live permanently with their mother in Los Angeles. The singer works in Russia and Ukraine, and in California she is raising children. Her father, Maxim Chernyavsky, whom Anna Sedokova divorced in 2013, also takes an active part in the life of her youngest daughter Monica. Rather, the decision to leave was made by the singer, and the husband took the documents. Anna Sedokova gave birth to her eldest daughter Alina in marriage with Valentin Belkevich (he died in 2014. - Note. ed.).

Anna Sedokova hid her third pregnancy until the sixth month. They started talking about the pregnancy of the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group back in December last year, but then the celebrity agent denied this information. Everything secret became clear in January of this year, when Anna Sedokova published a photo in her microblog with a noticeably rounded belly, thus confirming.

“It’s difficult for me, I’m sick and it’s even hard to just walk, but I love him to the point of madness and really look forward to it. Same with your man. It’s difficult, it’s sickening ... but I love him to the point of madness and really look forward to it, ”the singer complained on the eve of the birth. She hides the name of the father of her third child. According to rumors, this

The fact that the famous soloist of the "golden" composition of "VIA Gra" is expecting a baby, millions of fans learned through her Instagram. Less than a week later, Anna, despite the situation (she plans to give birth in the spring, but has not yet decided where exactly. - Ed.), Arrived in Moscow from Los Angeles to present her new song, video and album. She also invited the press to the new office on Kutuzovsky, because it is known that Sedokova is also a businesswoman: she produces clothes, has a company for organizing holidays, as well as her own music production.

Photo Yulia Shablovskaya

There were a lot of questions for the “slightly” pregnant singer. And first of all, Anna answered the main one: “Who is the father of the child?”

Only men ask me about this. It seems that they are worried that they are the fathers of the child. I can say that exactly one of those present in the hall is the father of the child. Joke! Scared? And it can be not the father, but the mother? Katya Varnava suggested that this was Sergey Lazarev. Seriously, I can just say that you know me, I've been in this show business for 15 years and I'm kind of a hostage. I used to make a million mistakes when showing my relationship. Please give me a chance to be happy and keep this happiness. I beg you as a woman. I know that everyone is interested, everyone wants to know. But please give me a chance to build a relationship and I will definitely tell you about them when I'm ready, - said Sedokova.

Then the presenter Alexander Belov reminded the singer about how Roza Syabitova spoke about her on the air of the central channel: “Sedokova is recyclable, she already has two children, who will marry her, who needs her?”, To which the artist reacted like this:

I face these questions every day. I think, besides me, a lot of women meet with them. I used to think very strongly that it was necessary to get married, only to have a child when married, that I owed something to someone. But I'm 34 today. And in these years I have the right not to be in anyone's debt. I believe that a woman in our time can give birth to a child, not because she is married, but because she really wants to be happy, really wants a child. She can give birth to a child and be a realized person at the same time. She doesn't have to stay at home, she can get an education, she can work. A pregnant woman is not a sick woman. She can be beautiful, she can work. Kids are great. Yes, maybe no one else will marry me with three children, and this will never shine for me. It doesn't matter, she says.

When I gave birth to my first child, Alina (she is 12 years old), I sang in a group, I had an incredible career. Everything was amazing for me, and I found out that I was pregnant, so I had to leave, give up this career. I am now looking at my little one and it is even impossible to imagine that I could refuse this child! I didn't have to give up my career! The woman is right! Can combine both career and work, and can be happy in her personal life!

Photo Yulia Shablovskaya

When asked how many children she wants, she replied: “Five!” And she added jokingly: “And definitely from different husbands!”

Sedokova also spoke about how the news of her daughter's pregnancy and the father of the child took the news:

The father of the child was incredibly happy. It seems to me that this is happiness for every person. I didn't tell my children until the fifth month. To hide, I ate a lot so that everyone would think that I was just fat. And when they posted pictures that I was fat and ugly, I thought, well, I’m fat and ugly, because you won’t tell anyone: “I’m just pregnant!” So I always ate. Alina resigned herself to the condition that I buy her a cat. Mona is overjoyed. I will now have three: two girls and one more boy, the singer announced. - I hid it for so long and because I didn’t really want to be pitied! I didn’t want my company (where I manage, where more than 20 people work) to say to me: “Yes, you have hormonal, you are pregnant, you are crazy!” For a very long time I did not talk about personal ups and downs in life, about some events, because it seems to me that this is a special story, very personal. This is not something you want to shout and talk about.

The last uncomfortable question was about the new office and on whose money Sedokova maintains it.

This is my office, I pay for it myself,” the artist snapped. - I am madly offended by the speculation that some kind of oligarch is helping me, an ex-husband or someone else. All my life I work, earn money, I never complain. It can be difficult for me, but my business works, it brings money, thank God! I do not dream of becoming a woman with huge balls. But I really want to be independent in order to be interesting to my man. I am from a poor family and I am proud of the fact that I made myself. I'm definitely not a person who takes money from someone and shows off on it.

In the past few days, everyone has been talking about the personal life of Anna Sedokova. As it turned out, she broke up with the father of her third child, Hector. And now there are quotes from her latest interview about the reasons for the breakup.


Recall that a few months ago, having given birth to baby Hector. The singer hid the pregnancy for a long time and did not name the father of the child, although the media found out that. Contrary to the hopes for a large and happy family,.

I can say that today we have decided not to go further together. And this decision was made by us together. This is a complicated story, just more difficult than all my stories before.

Although the decision was made mutually, according to the artist, it is clear that she is offended by her son's father. in the next quote.

I feel like he didn't believe in me. It's going to sound weird now, but he really didn't believe in me. And I don't want to spend ninety-nine percent of my time proving to someone that I'm not an idiot, I'm talented, I'm an artist.

Also, the singer could not ignore the fact that the negative poured on her from the society. She is always advised what is best, condemning every act, and it is very difficult for a public person to live with such a burden, especially when her personal life goes wrong.

You are always a bad cop. Because you want the best. If you don't find the right words, you're wrong again. You always fail. Because at Sasha's from the next entrance, dad and mom go for a walk together, but you can't go together. You are alone. They write in the comments: look at her, she broke up with someone again. She is a prostitute. She gave birth to children. The men are leaving her. And you read all this and think how to make everyone happy, but you make and make these mistakes. You try to come up with something, draw a color picture with a pencil - simple, one-color. But red does not come out and blue too.

Be that as it may, but loyal fans

Recently, 34-year-old Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time: the singer gave birth to a son, Hector. The star also has daughters from previous marriages: 12-year-old Alina and five-year-old Monica.

The artist still keeps the name of the son's father a secret. Journalists found out that he was 25-year-old businessman Artem Komarov.


However, after the singer published touching photos with her son and 23-year-old MBAND soloist Anatoly Tsoi, fans had doubts. Many believe that Choi is the father of the baby.

Meanwhile, Anna first hinted at problems in her personal life, and then completely stated that she was a single mother. “I don’t need to be sorry, I don’t open my heart for this. I am strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without dads. I admire each of us. Everything will be fine, ”the star wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).

Fans were worried that Anna had really broken up with Hector's father, because the baby was not yet five months old. It turned out that this is indeed the case. In an interview with OK! Sedokova said that she and her lover are no longer together.

“I can say that today we have decided not to go further together. And this decision was made by us together. This is a complicated story, it’s just more difficult than all my stories before, ”the singer admitted.

Sedokova believes that her lover did not believe in her: “It will sound strange now, but he really did not believe in me. And I don’t want to spend ninety-nine percent of my time proving to someone, they say, I’m not an idiot, I’m talented, I’m an artist. The name of the former lover Anna did not name.

2017 will give several star mothers beautiful kids. no exception and Anna Sedakova - pregnant with 3 children, which is about to emerge. Who will appear at the beautiful singer and who is the father of the baby?

Anna Sedakova - biography

Anna got into show business at a young age, immediately becoming the object of desire for millions of men. She is the same "red-haired" group "ViaGra" from the golden composition. Due to the birth of a child, her career in the group did not last long - only two years, but in this short time they managed to fall in love with her.

"Golden composition" of the ViaGra group

The girl began to constantly appear on the covers of men's magazines, due to which their circulations certainly took off. However, marriage to Valentin Belkevich and the birth of a daughter practically crossed out the nascent career of a sex symbol.

In 2006, after a divorce, Anna again storms the musical Olympus. She tries to remind herself by acting as a host, and also releases a video under the pseudonym "Annabel".

Since that time, Sedokova has been an honored guest of musical events. She acts as a host, starred in TV shows and films. The girl shoots one video after another and her songs constantly get into the music charts on the first lines.

However, successful on stage, Sedokova's personal life is not going well. 3rd child of Anna Sedakova will be born from a third man.

Children of Anna Sedakova

The singer was married twice and has two daughters - Alina and Monika. Besides, Anna Sedakova is pregnant with 3 children. Let's take a look at her complicated personal life.

The first husband, footballer Valentin Belkevich, fell in love with a beautiful singer and instantly won her heart with beautiful courtship. He was nine years older, rich and handsome enough. Pregnant Anna Sedakova decided to become an exemplary wife and take care of the household and her newborn daughter. However, even before marriage, Valentine lived with another girl for eight years. After four years of marriage, he returned to her. Anna Sedakova with her little daughter was left alone and without funds.

Anna Sedokova with her first husband

Three years after the divorce, Anna remarries. This time, the wealthy Maxim Chernyavsky turned out to be her chosen one. Their marriage did not last long - only two years, but all this time they looked like a beautiful and happy couple. The birth of Monica could not save their marriage. It is believed that the cause of the gap was betrayal, and the spouses blame each other for them. 3rd child with Anna Sedakova was not even planned at the time.

Sedokova's last long novel is a dancer from Ukraine Sergey Guman, whom the singer took away from her family. For about a year, the couple was together, the reason for the separation, according to Sedokova, was the indecision of a man who could not decide how to live together, even if a child was born. After all, the girl has to work for three countries, spending the lion's share of her time on flights.

From whom Anna Sedakova is pregnant with 3 children?

Photo of Anna Sedakova pregnant with 3 children literally blew up social networks - less than a year after parting with her beloved dancer, the singer is ready to become a mother from another person.

Little is known, the 3rd child of Anna Sedakova is a boy. There are rumors about who is the father of Anna Sedakova's child and what kind of relationship the couple has.

Pregnant Anna Sedakova says: “I’m not ready to open my soul, I gave too much to show business and now I just want to grow my little happiness, which is dearest to me.”

In social networks, a phrase once flashed about betrayal, which brought her a lot of pain. It seems that the newly-minted father is not ready to take responsibility for Sedokova and her children. It is assumed that his name is Artem, he is much younger than his beloved, but is already successfully developing in business.

There is also information that Sedokova is ready to settle down and move to Moscow, which Monica's grandmother resists.

While gossipers gossip who is the father of Anna Sedakova's child The couple appears to be preparing for their wedding.

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