Nourishing face cream. Night nourishing face cream

Nourishing face cream is one of the important components of facial skin care. Taking care of your appearance is important at any age. Even young skin requires additional nutrition special compounds, included in cosmetic creams. However, you should not thoughtlessly buy these products - an incorrectly selected drug can cause harm.

The benefits of nourishing facial cream

All nourishing creams have two main effects on the skin: they saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and also moisturize, promoting cell regeneration. In addition, each drug has a number of other useful actions, making the skin healthier. Effects of nourishing cream on the skin:

  • Vitaminization of cells promotes their renewal, helping to heal small wounds.
  • The restorative effect can make tissues more elastic.
  • Strengthening the collagen structure of the dermis, which makes the skin elastic.
  • Normalization water balance helps eliminate wrinkles.
  • Peeling on the skin disappears and irritation is relieved.
  • Nutrients help fight pigmentation and improve skin color.
  • Provide protection from negative impact environment(ultraviolet radiation, frost, dust).

In other words, nourishing creams are excellent tools, having vitaminized, moisturizing, medicinal properties. They help not only solve problems with appearance, but are also good prophylactic prolongation of youth.

Cream composition

Manufacturers try to choose a composition so that the cream contains only beneficial features for skin. However, before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the components included in the nutritional preparation:

  • The main food ingredients are vitaminsA, D, C, E, F.
  • Proteins are required in creams - collagen and elastin.
  • To strengthen the epithelium it is necessary hyaluronic acid.
  • Mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, zinc) necessary for cell life.
  • Helps maintain beauty hormonal component.
  • Oils (olive, sea buckthorn, etc.), fatty substances give good protection from germs.
  • Plant extracts cause tenderness and softness of the skin.
  • A quarter of the composition of each cream is water, so necessary for the life of cells.

Some creams that are considered nourishing also contain other ingredients that are undesirable for your skin. healthy skinalbumins, aluminum acetate or silicate. Oils should only be plant origin and not mineral at all.

Contraindications for use

No matter how good the properties of nourishing creams are, they may not be suitable for every woman. Everything will depend on individual characteristics and skin conditions:

  • You should not use creams if you are predisposed to an allergy to any component of the cream. First, you need to conduct testing to make sure that the nutrient does not cause rashes, redness or itching of the skin.
  • People with sensitive skin should use cosmetics with great caution.

At serious problems skin care products should be selected only after consultation with a dermatologist. After all, what you should buy here is not ordinary nutritional products, and those that are medicinal in nature.

Before purchasing any cosmetic product, you need to take into account not only the trendy name. Creams are selected according to your skin type, otherwise they will cause harm. Each season requires its own composition of cosmetics. So, winter will protect the skin from frost, summer - from the rays of the sun. We should not forget about age categories. For mature woman the composition of nutritional components will be slightly different than for a young woman.

You should buy 2 jars at once - day and night cream. Nutritional Ingredients more is found in the product that is applied to the face in the evening, but the morning product helps to moisturize and protect. Even if all selection criteria have been taken into account, the cream can still have a negative effect if used incorrectly. Taking care of your appearance is a whole ritual:

  • The skin should first be prepared - washed with warm water, and then additionally cleansed with tonic. This will give access to the pores, which will enhance the penetration effect.
  • The cream is applied half an hour to an hour before going to bed (nighttime) or leaving the house (daytime).
  • The nourishing layer of the cream should be thin - the skin will not take more than it is capable of, but the pores will become clogged with excess and the cells will not be able to breathe. That is why, 20 minutes after applying the composition, excess cream should be removed from the face with a napkin.
  • To make the nutrition more effective, it is recommended to apply a warm compress. Terry towel wetted in herbal decoction and apply to a face smeared with cream. Duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.
  • Do not apply cream to areas where hair grows - above upper lip or on the chin (some women have such signs).

How to apply cream on face

It is very important to apply the cream correctly to the face if the goal is to eliminate wrinkles. The cream can be spread on the face with a cotton swab, but it must be pre-moistened in salted water. Although it is more convenient to do the procedure by hand. To do this, the mass is first applied to the fingertips and then “hammered” into the skin. Such patting movements are a kind of acupressure, allowing you to evenly apply the cream to your face. You should move alternately in the following directions:

  • from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye, then to the inner corner;
  • then from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, from the center of the chin to the earlobe;
  • the area around the mouth is massaged with semicircular movements;
  • on the chin, circular actions go from the right corner of the jaw to the left.

When applying cream to your face, you should not forget about your neck - here the skin ages faster. Distribute the mass with movements from top to bottom, starting from the ear towards the collarbone.

Brands and names of nourishing creams

When going to the store for a nourishing cream, and taking into account all the above recommendations, a woman will definitely turn her attention to brand names that have been around for a long time. And if you’re going to buy a trend, then only a high-quality one. Among the many sold cosmetic products We can highlight the most valuable nourishing creams in terms of composition and quite affordable prices:

  • France produces a lot of interesting products. "Ultracomfort 24" from Yves Rocher has a well-balanced nutritional composition.

  • Can also be offered from Vichy excellent inexpensive remedy rejuvenation "Essentielles" also from France.

  • Cosmetics from Oriflame. A company from Sweden suggests paying attention to the cream "Macadamia".

  • ABOUT healing properties Dead Sea everyone knows, so any of the creams with the brand "Naomi" worthy of attention.

  • Cream "Himalaya herbals" based herbal ingredients released in United Arab Emirates, and the recipes of ancient healers of India are taken as a basis, which already speaks in favor of nutritional properties.
  • Russian cosmetologists also take care of the beauty of their compatriots. "Aevit" from Librederm- This full complex vitamins and minerals that are so beneficial women's skin. Domestic products are famous for their nutritional value, good medicinal properties and harmlessness, since the composition is based on natural ingredients. At high quality low cost do Russian cosmetics the most in demand.

Video about nourishing face creams

Many people use nourishing cream today. Many people know about its effectiveness. But it’s worth looking into whether it lives up to its purpose.

A large number of products for nourishing the skin do not cope with their intended purpose. Only the appearance of healthy skin is created. In some situations, nourishing creams can be completely useless.

It all depends on how high-quality the pigment and vitamin composition is contained in the cream. For this reason, those who are trying to take care of their face are advised to carefully select cosmetics.


The compositions can be completely different. But you should pay attention to the fact that components such as:

  • Aluminum silicate;
  • Mineral oil;
  • Albumen;
  • Concrete or aluminum acetate.

These are dangerous chemical components that are disguised behind loud advertising of drugs.

Its effect on facial skin greatly depends on the main components of a nourishing cream.

Therefore, dear ladies should be more careful when choosing a nutritional product. Don't give in too much to marketing gimmicks. To ensure better results, you must be interested in the composition and consult with specialists.

May include:

  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of such components as:

  • Elastin (elastic protein that allows tissues to recover);
  • Hyaluronan (one of the main components of the epithelium);
  • Collagen (a protein that forms the basis of the body's connective tissue).

These substances will cope with their nutritional task perfectly and you will be satisfied.

Nourishing cream will make your skin young and beautiful

Main cast:

  • Nourishing cream not only provides proper nutrition. Many nighttime products may have effective protection, restore, moisturize. In addition, many creams contain a significant amount of vitamins, which we wrote about earlier. Be sure to pay attention to such a mark on the packaging as fortification. Such products are required primarily for women with problematic dry skin or aging skin.
  • The nutrients contain fatty substances and various oils, such as olive or sea buckthorn, which can nourish and protect well. skin covering from the negative effects of many factors. Oils are very effective in preventing germs from entering tissues.
  • The cream usually contains 25% water. Daytime ones can contain more moisture, making them perfect as a base for makeup. This prevents the cover from drying out, because our cells die without water, and with age this problem becomes more and more noticeable. For correct definition The amount of water in the preparation is enough to pay attention to the consistency. If it is an emulsion-type cream, then its properties are close to that of a moisturizer. In this case, it is recommended to use it throughout the day. And you should use it more carefully in winter. In cold weather, special nourishing creams for winter save the situation. In their composition less water, but more oils and fatty components.

Nutrient creams also contain biogenic preparations:

  • A certain amount of hormones to maintain natural beauty;
  • A variety of plant extracts for softness and tenderness;
  • Mineral salts that enrich cell activity, nourish and help restore

Such substances work as stimulants. You should always pay attention to how your skin tolerates new products; this usually becomes evident on the second or third day after use.

If you observe a manifestation:

  • redness;
  • acne;
  • irritation and other reactions -

Do not continue to use this cream under any circumstances. Most likely it contains components that cause your allergies. We recommend starting your facial care with simple remedies, which are included in several best creams according to the women themselves.


  • Nourishing cream works more effectively when applied after cleansing. The product should not be cold. Warm the portion directly in your palms for five minutes.
  • For those who are oily and porous skin, it is not recommended to apply the nutrient for more than 30 minutes. After this, it is removed using a swab soaked in an acidified solution.
  • A significant number of cosmetologists recommend applying a portion of the product to the cheeks, forehead and nose with slight pressure or tapping. In areas where there is hair, nutritional compositions do not apply.
  • Any creams that you can easily get used to should be changed. Habituation affects efficiency. There is no point in using the same products, even if it is very famous brand. After using a few tubes, look for something new, you may discover more effective remedy or choose a complex for different times of the year.

The benefits of nutrients include:

  • Pleasant scents that manufacturers thought about in advance - lavender, lilac, aloe;
  • Relieves any type of irritation;
  • Help in the fight against allergies;
  • Low cost;
  • Low consumption;
  • Instant absorption and softening of the skin.

There are almost no downsides; sometimes you have to pay attention to the composition and expiration date. Sometimes the desired drug can be difficult to obtain - this applies to small towns, but this issue is solved with the help of online stores.


The product should be right for you. If the cream is intended for young skin types, then it may not cope with problems that appear with age. Conversely, the cream can be harmful if the drug is of the anti-aging type and is used for young skin.

The second thing to consider is your skin type. If fat type Because facial skin constantly needs special ingredients to dry it out, the dry type will definitely require serious moisturizing. It is worth agreeing that if the skin needs moisturizing, what is the benefit of the cream still drying it out.

Good creams

If you are asking the question: “Which nourishing cream is better,” then it is impossible to answer unequivocally, since each organism has an individual tolerance to substances. However, we have prepared a list of the most popular creams among women.

Don't take risks and buy nourishing cream in the markets. Pay attention to stores with proper storage conditions, and to effective cosmetic brands that have been developing quality products for a long time.

Avene creme nutritional compensatrice

Created with healing water Avene. Manufacturers are concerned about saturation with appropriate nutrients. Avene is able to compensate for the deficiency of dry skin type, which is sensitive to temperature changes, wind and sunlight.

Approximate price: 1,200 rub.


Nutrilogie Night Cream made especially for dry skin types. It contains sphingolipid molecules. They help restore natural lipid production.

After use, the skin becomes more elastic, while maintaining a feeling of comfort. The cream easily penetrates the skin and does not lead to a feeling of dryness and tightness.

Approximate price: 1,400 rubles.

Clean line

“Clean Line” with sea buckthorn is suitable for normal type skin. Perfectly saturates with vitamins and other nutritional components. This is a common and inexpensive cosmetic product.

Approximate price: 45 rub.


Nivea Cream “Beauty and Tenderness” is used as a daily nourishing cream. It is designed for dry skin types that are more sensitive to external factors. Can also be used night cream nivea aqua effect, but it is more designed for restoration.

Approximate price: 170 rub.

Yves Rocher "Ultracomfort 24 hours"

During use nutritious Yves Rocher "Ultracomfort 24 hours" you will immediately begin to feel comfortable. Perfectly moisturizes and suits any skin type. Apply this remedy It is necessary in the morning and evening using circular, rubbing, but at the same time light movements. We recommend that you do not forget about the area around the eyes so that wrinkles do not appear prematurely.

Approximate price: 700 rub.


Garnier offers you a nourishing comfort cream for 24 hours. This cream was specially developed for dry skin type, so it contains a significant amount of moisturizing pigments. If you bought the original Garnier cream and did not fall for a fake from the market, then the effect of it is very good.

Approximate price: 135 rub.

Regular use of nutritional components is an important component of the process of maintaining the beauty and youth of the face. Correct selection care products guarantee radiance and healthy glow of the skin, regardless of the time of year. A good nourishing cream has a comprehensive effect on it by:

  • normalization of hydrobalance;
  • saturation with essential vitamins and minerals;
  • preventing the appearance of unhealthy shades and pigmentation;
  • smoothing and improving turgor, preventing fine wrinkles;
  • imparting firmness and elasticity;
  • eliminating irritations, preventing allergic reactions due to the action of other cosmetic components.

It is mistakenly believed that nutritional emulsions are indicated only in the cold season, during active action low temperatures, contributing to frostbite and the appearance of microdamage to the dermis. But in reality, these components must be used throughout the entire 12 months, because vitamins do not tend to accumulate in the body, and the deficiency necessary substances instantly visible on the face.

It is important to use emulsions for a specific skin type at a certain age. Ignoring this requirement may result in the ineffectiveness or harm of the care product due to the impact of potent components on the skin. For this reason, young women often mistakenly believe that the use of these compounds is justified only in mature age when required intensive care. Earlier application of vitamin emulsions can cause “addiction”, after which constant use of these products will be required. In fact, it is necessary to regularly saturate the surface of the face with these elements to maintain healthy shine and radiance.

Day and night creams should be used. Contrary to popular belief that these compounds have the same effect, they perform different functions. The first ones are aimed at protecting the integument from the harmful effects of the environment and have a special composition. They necessarily contain SPF substances and more water than fat components.

The action of the second means is aimed at restoring protective functions dermis. They have an auxiliary effect, promoting the natural process of its renewal at night. These products necessarily contain ingredients that stimulate skin regeneration.

2 The best remedy

In addition to following the rule of choosing a care component in accordance with your age and skin type, you must adhere to the principle of using only those ingredients that solve specific skin problems. Thus, it is unacceptable to use substances that help remove moisture to care for dry dermis, which interferes with transportation useful elements into its lower layers. In this case, the composition does not bring the desired effect, but only forms a greasy film on the surface.

You should study the characteristics of your skin in detail and select caring components based on the need for a solution. specific tasks. The face cream used should contain the basic set of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain beauty and youth.

This high-quality product is enriched with vitamins A, D, E and minerals (magnesium, zinc, calcium). For additional effect requires the inclusion of ingredients aimed at rejuvenation and regeneration of the dermis. Elastin, collagen and vitamin F give it elasticity and firmness. The action of retinol and proteins is aimed at restoring the surface that has been damaged harmful effects sun rays, wind and low temperatures.

It is important to carefully study the composition of the product for the presence harmful ingredients which have a detrimental effect on the dermis. Often, even the most advertised and popular brands use components in their production that negatively affect its condition. You should not use a nourishing face cream that contains:

  • albumin, which stimulates the appearance of wrinkles;
  • aluminum acetate, which helps dry out the skin;
  • bentonite, which has an aggressive effect on the skin and often leads to burns;
  • mineral oils, which clog pores and lead to breakouts.

3 General rules of use

You should apply skincare cosmetics at least 30 minutes before going to bed and 30 minutes before leaving the house. This requirement is due to the need for complete absorption of the composition and the formation of protective functions. You must first cleanse your face before using the product to prevent bacteria from entering the skin.

When applying, avoid stretching movements, which contribute to rapid deformation of the dermis and the appearance of sagging. Following the technique of applying the caring mass to the face stimulates increased blood flow in this area and better saturation useful substances.

You should not apply more cream to your face in an effort to achieve the best effect. It is necessary to use the optimal volume of product, sufficient for uniform treatment of the integument without the formation of a sticky layer. Neglecting this rule can cause puffiness, irritation and spider veins on dry dermis. Abuse of caring ingredients for oily skin leads to hyperemia and flaking. Any excess should be removed with a cotton pad.

For owners of porous problem skin It is recommended to treat the face with any antibacterial decoction: horsetail, calendula, aloe, dandelion. After drying, apply to the surface a large number of care product, the excess of which is removed after 20-30 minutes with a cotton pad.

4 Popular Product Brands

Nutrilogie Night Cream from L'Oreal is specially indicated for the care of skin prone to dryness. The effectiveness of the product is due to the presence of sphingolipid molecules in its composition - a component that has a stimulating effect on lipid metabolism processes. Together with nutrition, Nutrilogie Night Cream helps rejuvenate, tighten and smooth the surface of the face.

A sufficient selection of facial care components is presented by another French brand - Avene. The composition of this manufacturer's products contains a number of elements necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin. Avene products effectively protect the dermis from the negative effects of the environment and are recommended for the most sensitive surfaces.

To care for dry skin, the use of nourishing creams from Nivea is recommended. Products of this brand have a gentle effect on the surface without causing irritation, and therefore are optimally suited for caring for the most sensitive, prone to allergic reactions covers.

Other effective budgetary funds is Aevit from LibreDerm. In addition to saturating the surface of the face with essential vitamins, it performs a number of additional functions: toning, softening, warning premature aging dermis.

How do moisturizers differ from nourishing products? Once upon a time, I would have considered such a question a manifestation of extreme “stupidity.” Of course, nutrition consists of vitamins and fats. Our skin especially lacks them in winter, with its frosts, icy winds and the dwindling supply of nutrients accumulated in the summer. Moisturizers primarily contain humectants. In the spring, when the skin, weakened during the winter, begins to peel off, become irritated, and crack, the main emphasis in care was on moisturizing. But today “everything is mixed up in the Danish kingdom.” Our grandmothers' fatty, dense creams have long been out of favor. Moisturizers contain the same vitamins and fats. And cosmetics manufacturers from time to time joyfully report on the emergence of “universal” creams that can independently “diagnose the problem” and where necessary - moisturize, where necessary - nourish, and at the same time fight excess sebum ( greasy shine). Perhaps, indeed, such a division and the recommendations associated with it have lost their relevance?

“In fact, by and large, nothing has changed,” says Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - In my opinion, there has been an even greater division between moisturizing and nourishing products. First of all, this is due to the emergence of low-molecular application forms hyaluronic acid. But here we need to clearly understand what goals we set for ourselves when choosing a means.”


Moisturizers today solve two problems. The first is the introduction of moisture into the upper layers of the epidermis and the method of retaining it in these layers. The second is the introduction of moisturizing components into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis and, again, enhancing the ability to retain it.

It is also very important to provide the skin with moisture from the inside, which depends on the activity of transdermal water exchange. To do this, cosmetologists advise drinking more fluids, introducing green tea(biologically it is absorbed better), limit the consumption of caffeine-containing products.

Moisturizing preparations today include:

  • Film-forming agents based on artificial fats (vaseline) and natural origin(aloe juice extract, marine collagen). By creating a film on the surface of the skin, they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis. By and large, basic winter creams are also moisturizing.
  • Preparations with substances capable of attracting and retaining moisture - based on glycerin, collagen, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, also working at the level of the epidermis. They are especially needed in cases where the skin is injured (cold air, wind, sun, chlorinated pool water), and it urgently needs to be “closed.”
  • Deep-acting cosmeceuticals containing low molecular weight ingredients of hyaluronic acid, Indian tamarind, Asian centella. They allow you to suppress the loss of water from the dermis and achieve a greater influx of water into the dermis.
  • Cosmeceutical stimulating agents based on peptides. By overcoming the protective barrier of the skin, they stimulate the synthesis of their own hyaluronic acid in its deep layers. This group of products is aimed more at aging skin, which is already beginning to lose natural mechanisms moisture retention.

What's new:

There is still a point of view that moisturizers should be used with great caution in winter. When you go outside, water can freeze to “crystals” and damage your skin. “This is a myth,” explains Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - Yes, moisturizing creams contain a lot of water - up to 70-80%. But our skin is not a freezing organ. Its temperature, even with hypothermia, does not fall below 32 degrees. Getting into the skin, the water very quickly heats up to its temperature. Another thing is that regularly going out into the cold with a wet face can lead to dehydration.

Therefore, in winter, cosmetologists recommend using thicker products that help the skin retain moisture. Moisturizers can and should be applied, but protective properties creams in winter should be more pronounced. Good decision- use regularly decorative cosmetics which will help protect the skin.


The main task of nutritional supplements is to compensate for lipid deficiency (lack of fat).

Which, indeed, we especially need in winter. By supporting lipid systems, they not only protect and nourish the skin, but also secure the natural moisturizing factor on its surface. That is, in winter we treat normal skin as skin with a tendency to dryness.

Nutrients today include:

  • Preparations with fat-soluble vitamins, primarily D and E.
  • Lipid-based preparations of varying degrees of availability. If previously lipids and fatty acids of synthetic origin (vaseline and lanolin) were mainly used in cosmetics, now they have been replaced by plant ingredients: for example, palmitic acid. They can exist both in the form of independent fatty compounds and in combination with peptides.
  • Preparations with Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. They not only strengthen the lipid layer, but also have a powerful antioxidant effect.

What's new:

If once upon a time nutritional products were heavy and dense, today cosmetic fashion has changed. Thanks to new technical capabilities, a large number of excellent microwaxes, lamellar emulsions, and microemulsions have appeared. They allow you to achieve good things nutritional effect without covering the skin with a sufficiently voluminous, dense film. Moreover, recent studies say: it is better to leave the upper layers of the epidermis free. The drug should seem to “fall” through them into the skin. This is due to the fact that it is the condition of the upper layers of the epidermis that the basement membrane reacts to. When they are “clogged” with a dense film, the membrane reduces activity and cell renewal slows down. Skin cell division 30-35 summer woman increases from 24-28 days to 35-36 days. And this is the path to accelerated aging, hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation. On the contrary, when the upper layers are open, the cells divide according to their biological age.

Why the confusion?

The mixing of nourishing and moisturizing preparations occurs because their functions often overlap, explains Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - The same kernel oils - grape seed extract, cranberry, apricot - increase moisture retention in the skin. And to a certain extent they stimulate the synthesis of not only collagen and elastin, but also hyaluronic acid. On the other hand, Indian tamarind or low-molecular forms of hyaluronic acid, by stimulating fibroblasts, enhance not only the synthesis of “hyaluronic acid”, but also collagen and elastin, which at the same time puts them in the category of nutritional preparations. Any products that restore moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin help restore lipid fractions, giving a certain nutritional effect. Therefore, for myself, I divide nutrition and hydration according to the predominance of functions.

Preparations that work more to retain moisture and increase the volume of water in the epidermis and dermis are moisturizing. Preparations that include lipids that enhance their synthesis and prolong their life are nutritious.

By and large, purely moisturizing preparations are needed primarily for freshly injured skin: after chemical peels, dermabrasion, sunburn, chapping. And purely nutritional - for atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, in which there is a deficiency of cyramids and fatty acids. They must also be present in care after menopause, when lipid deficiency almost always occurs.

Such confusion, our expert believes, stems from the fact that many articles today are written by non-professionals. No matter what drug you start reading about, they always say the same thing: moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, they become less pronounced. Therefore, consumers do not understand what is meant.

“Universal” creams

But according to Tiina Orasmäe-Meder, information about universal “smart” creams that can “diagnose” the skin with the help of special liposomes and at the same time moisturize, nourish and fight oiliness should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism.

“I’ll tell you as a cosmetics manufacturer: we haven’t been able to put more than 5-6 ingredients into any of our products. The fewer ingredients the product contains, the higher the concentration of each, and, therefore, better effect. In addition, the ingredients, especially active peptide ones, are not very friendly with each other. And technically it is very difficult to imagine how the same cream can contain the necessary concentration of liposomes with nutrients that dry skin needs. And the necessary concentration of sebum-regulating components required oily skin. And how can you make sebum regulators not work when they come into contact with the skin, if it is dry, how can you make liposomes select. I don’t yet know such mechanisms in cosmetic chemistry. This is a tempting idea. But for now its implementation is a matter of the future.”

Many women use only moisturizing creams, undeservedly forgetting about nourishing ones, and in vain. After all, if the skin is regularly moisturized, but lacks nutrients (lipids), then there can be no real protection. After all, it is fats that are able to retain moisture on the surface of the skin.

Why do you need nourishing cream?

Our skin has a top protective layer. It is made up of fats (lipids). Nourishing creams are designed to compensate for their deficiency. Nourishing creams are specially designed to nourish, saturate with beneficial substances and restore our skin, especially at night, when natural tissue regeneration occurs. They have rich formulas containing intensive products, various components ranging from collagen and elastin to algae and liposomes, depending on the needs of the skin. Nourishing creams soothe, nourish and restore cellular functions of the skin. Using a nourishing night cream, you can expect that when you wake up, your skin will look rested and renewed, more elastic and hydrated.

Judge from the name, one moisturizes the skin, the other nourishes it. However, in fact, nourishing creams partially take over the moisturizing function, while not every moisturizing cream nourishes the skin. Moisturizing face creams differ in their effect: they either moisturize the skin or slow down the evaporation of moisture in the skin. As a rule, moisturizing creams are intended for daytime use, and nourishing creams are intended for night use. Typically, night creams contain 75% fat and 25% water (and vice versa for daytime creams), because at night the skin needs active oily substances to renew the skin. The cooling effect of the nourishing cream directly depends on percentage there is water in it.

Who needs nourishing cream?

Everyone needs it, especially in the cold season, when wind, snow, frost, and the effect of heating devices reduce the amount of lipids in the skin. Do you know the feeling of tightness, flaking and irritation of the skin, the appearance of red spots? Low temperatures capable of damaging the upper protective layer of the skin. Vascular tone and cell renewal processes decrease. In order to restore normal physical processes in the skin and normalize lipid levels, a nourishing cream is required. Moreover, you need to be careful with moisturizing creams in winter - in the cold, such a cream applied to the skin can lead to frostbite due to excess moisture. It is vital to use nourishing creams if you have dry or sensitive skin. Only in the latter case, be especially careful when choosing a cream. It's better to buy it at a pharmacy. The cream must be hypoallergenic and do not contain irritating substances. Be sure to protect with nourishing cream delicate skin children.
