Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic activities “In the world of goodness” (drawing) for the senior group. Synopsis of the GCD "Matryoshka" (drawing in the senior group)

Synopsis of GCD "Boy with a finger" preparatory group

author: Koryakina Alena Vasilievna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 53" Sverdlovsk region, Asbest city
Material Description: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "A boy with a finger." This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group.

Summary of direct educational activities

Group: preparatory (6-7 years)
Educational area: Artistic creativity
GCD type: drawing
NOD type: combined
Subject: Tom Thumb
Planned result:
-Children know the work "Boy with a finger."
- Children are friendly to their peers and their work.
- They strive to achieve a high-quality result, the work is done carefully.
- Demonstrate activity in a conversation on a work, are able to conduct a dialogue;
- Actively apply previously learned methods of depicting a person (size, shape of the body);
- Demonstrate the ability to work with visual materials (watercolor) and tools (pencil, brush);
- Strive to achieve high-quality results, carefully performing work;
- Show kindness to peers and their work;
- In the process of drawing, they keep their posture, take an active part in the physical minute;
- Correctly keep posture, demonstrate the ability to draw small parts in the figure, take an active part in the physical minute;
-Together with the teacher, they plan the sequence of drawing a person, exercise self-control, mutual control, self-assessment, mutual assessment, introspection, mutual analysis.

Target: Improve children's drawing skills.
To educate the moral culture of the individual (goodwill towards peers and their work).
Raise the need to achieve a quality result, accuracy.
Develop integrative personal qualities: "Inquisitive, active" (, interest in drawing; ability to conduct a dialogue);
"Physically developed" (keep posture, develop fine motor skills in the process of drawing, take an active part in physical minutes);
“Having mastered the prerequisites of UUD” (together with the educator, plan the sequence of drawing a person, exercise self-control, mutual control, introspection, mutual analysis, self-esteem, mutual evaluation).

Visual: actively apply previously learned methods of depicting a person.
Technical: Learn to work with visual materials (watercolor) and tools (pencil, brush).
Compositional: Encourage children to draw large, place the drawing on the entire plane of the sheet, achieve a high-quality result, carefully doing the work.
Color: learn to get skin tones of different lightness and saturation using color mixing.
Principles of learning: the principle of learning in the zone of proximal development, the principle of visibility, the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of activity.
The principles of education: the formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and a teacher, the creation of a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional upsurge, education through interaction.
Teaching methods:
Methods of organizing cognitive activity: explanation, conversation, demonstration, illustration, repetition, practical work.
Methods according to the level of involvement in productive activities: problematic presentation of the studied, explanatory and illustrative.
Stimulation methods: stimulation with entertaining content, creating a situation of success, encouragement.
Methods for the development of creative abilities: the creation of a creative field, a creative task.
Methods of control and diagnostics: self-control, observation, analysis of children's activities.
Methods of education: conversation, example, creating a situation of success, encouragement and censure;
Forms of organization: group, individual.
Didactic tools: simple pencil, paper, watercolor, brushes, jars of water, reference drawings of the stages, color model.
Connection of GCD with other educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Physical development"

References: 1.Lykova, I.A. "Visual activity in kindergarten" [Text] - M.2013
2.From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: mosaic-synthesis, 2010. 1. Organizational (motivational-target) stage
2. Perception;
3. Explanation of working methods;
4. Physical minutes;
5. Questions for clarification;
6. Practical work;
7. Analysis of children's work;
8. Summing up.

Activity progress

Organizational (motivational-target) stage
Goal: Get the attention of the children. Motivate them for future activities.
Guys come to me! While I was walking to visit you, a white owl flew over me and dropped the letter. Do you want to know what is there and who wrote it?
- Yes, we do!
So, let's open the letter and read it carefully!
- hello guys, this is the king from the fairy tale boy - with a finger, I want to ask you to help me draw him. I want to make an exhibition-museum of my little boy in my kingdom, but I cannot do all this alone. Will you help me?
- let's help!
Here are the guys that the king wrote to us.

Perception (actualization of knowledge about the drawing, fixation of difficulties in activity)
Update knowledge about
drawing, fixing difficulties in activity.

Do you remember anything from this fairy tale? Let's check:
How many sons did the woodcutter have?
(children's answers)
Where did the children go for brushwood?
(children's answers)
What happened to the children in the forest? (presumed answers of children)
- how did the children get home? (children's answers) Do you guys remember the fairy tale well
And here is a portrait of a boy - with a finger
- Tell me, how is it different from drawing an ordinary person?
(children's answers)
Tell me, please, what does the boy-with-a-thumb have?
- torso head, arms, legs, eyes, mouth, nose.
That's right guys!
Seating children at tables
Look how I drew a boy-with-a-finger, he will be the very first to hang at the owl in the museum.

Problematic explanation of working methods
Task: to teach how to draw a fairy-tale hero, trying to convey the features of appearance; to bring up the need to achieve a high-quality result;
-Tell me, in order to draw a boy-with-a-finger correctly, where do we start?
- We start with the torso,
I will draw the torso in the center of the sheet.
Then we will draw the legs, neck, head, arms. We will draw the boy with a finger in different colors, only the torso in light brown, since the color of our skin is light brown. Eyes can be drawn in blue, green or brown. Lips pink. Eyebrows and eyelashes are black.
Clothes can be painted in different colors.

relieve muscle tension.
Before we get started, let's do a physical exercise first.
And now it's all right
Let's get up together for exercises (hands on the belt).
Hands bent to the side
Raised up, waved
They hid behind their backs.
Looking over the right shoulder
Through the left.
sat down together,
Heels hit,
Got up on my toes
Put your hands down.

Questions for clarification (primary reinforcement in external speech)
To develop the ability to actively apply previously learned methods of depiction in drawing a person.
Tell me what should we do?
- "boy-with-finger"
Where do we start? Guys, here we have a scheme for drawing a boy-with-a-finger, let's look at it
(we pronounce the drawing plan based on dynamic schemes) - first we draw a shirt, then panties, pens, a neck and a head. let's add the ears, then add the arms and legs
- then the guys will draw hairs, eyes, nose, mouth, pockets on the pants. And what color will we draw it?
- in different colors only the body is pink.
And now let's close our eyes and imagine what kind of boy-with-a-finger we have?
(ask 1-2 people what kind of boy they imagined)
Practical work
(with self-test)
Continue to teach children to mix paints when obtaining shades of the same color, improve the technique of drawing with a brush.
The teacher observes the activities of children, encourages self-control, introspection.

Individual work of the educator to correct errors in drawing the proportions of the human figure, I advise children to select colors in relation to each other.
I help with advice when mixing paint to obtain shades of the same total color, I remind you of brush painting techniques.

Incorporating Knowledge into the Repetition System
Objective: to consolidate ideas about the distinctive features of a person.
Are you guys done yet?
What good fellows you are. Let's lay out your portraits of toe-boys on the carpet and admire them.
Guys, whose work do you like more?
-Why do you think so?
What is the difference between drawing a boy with a finger and an ordinary person. You guys did your best, the king will like your work
These are the boys with fingers turned out by our guys !!!

Outline of the GCD on acquaintance with the non-traditional drawing technique "Drawing with a fork".

Description: The outline of the lesson is focused on middle and senior preschool age. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. The material can be useful for preschool teachers, young professionals and students.

Target: Introduce children to a new technique of creative activity - drawing with a fork.


- educational. Teaching children the methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

- developing. The development of creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing using an unconventional method.

- educational. Education of accuracy, independence, attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork.

Priority educational area. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas. Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Activities. Cognitive - research activity, visual activity, communicative activity, motor activity.

Material and equipment.

- sheets of A4 paper

- sheets of paper ½ A4

- gouache

- markers

- disposable plastic forks

- napkins

- cups - non-spill

GCD progress.

Educator. Guys, today we have a creative lesson with you. We will draw on a free topic. What does it mean to be free?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, we will draw the drawing that we ourselves will come up with, showing our imagination and fiction. Take a look at your tables. Are we ready to be creative?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, there is gouache, but no brushes. Not order. We'll fix it now. Where are our brushes?

The teacher looks into the cabinet with the office and discovers the loss of brushes.

Educator. Guys, the brushes are gone!!! What are we going to draw? Let's eat them together!

The teacher and children are looking for brushes in the group. In the game kitchen cabinet, they find a cup from under the brushes, but there are forks in it.

Educator. So so so. Someone decided to play a trick on us and changed our tassels for forks. What do we do?

Children's answers.

Educator. What if we try to draw with forks?

Children's answers.

Educator. Fine. We just need to prepare our fingers for unusual drawing.

Finger workout.

To draw beautifully

Gotta play with your fingers

Here is a large one, this one is medium,

Nameless and last

Our little finger is a baby.

Uuu forgot the index.

We will show the goat's horns

And even deer antlers

Let's not forget bunny ears

We will lead with a finger.

To draw beautifully

You have to play with your fingers.

Educator. Then let's start our experiment. Take a large sheet of paper. Dip the fork into the paint can, just like you would dip the paintbrush. Now let's draw a straight line on the sheet.

Educator. It turns out?

Children's answers.

Educator. Rinse the forks in cups of water and dry with a paper towel. Now let's pick up another paint and draw a wavy line. If there is not enough paint for the entire line, dip the fork into the paint again.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Well done. Rinse the forks again in water and wipe with a napkin. The third time we collect paint and draw small straight lines.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Umnichki, so we learned to draw with a fork. Tired?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's loosen up a bit.


One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

Educator. And now it's time to return to the topic of our lesson. Who remembers what the theme is?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, today you and I draw whatever we want, i.e. drawing on a free topic. So let's not waste a minute and start drawing.

The children start painting. The teacher approaches each child and asks the subject of the drawing, if there are difficulties, prompts, directs. Shows you how to use felt-tip pens to complete the drawing.

Educator. What wonderful drawings you have! You are all great fellows! Who wants to tell about his drawing to all the guys?

Children take it in turns to come out and talk about their drawing. The teacher helps the narrator with leading questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the work done and sums up the lesson.

Educator. Guys, did you like our new brushes? What did you like? What didn't you like? What was difficult to do? What new did you learn about the fork? Would you like to paint with forks again?

Children's answers.

Educator. With such an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a fork, we met today. Now we know that a fork is not only a cutlery used to eat cutlets, but also an unusual drawing brush with which you can create such wonderful pictures!

Several examples of drawings.

Demina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Purpose: improvement of visual skills and abilities, formation of artistic and creative abilities.

Program content:

  1. To improve the ability to convey images of characters in fairy tales in drawings.
  2. Formation of the skill of drawing the outline of an object with a simple pencil, with a slight pressure on it.
  3. Development of skills to arrange images throughout the sheet.
  4. Fixing the methods and techniques of drawing with various visual materials.

Equipment: landscape sheet, simple pencil. gouache, cotton buds, colored pencils.

GCD move: - Guys, put your palm on a sheet of paper, spreading your fingers, fingers all look up, and the big one to the side, so that we have it in the middle of the sheet. We take a simple pencil and carefully circle our palm.

And now our miraculous transformations begin. And today we will turn our palm with you ... ... ... Who do you think we will turn it into? In a very unusual fairy tale character.

- I'll give you a riddle, and you guess who our palm will turn into:

Not a fish, not an animal.
He lives in a fairy tale, believe me.
All in scales to the tail,
And a triple head.

Who are these guys? Of course it's a dragon.

And today we will turn the palm into a dragon. Look: we will have a thumb with a tail, and the rest with heads. Draw a muzzle and crest for each head. Our heads can look in any direction they want. You can also draw a crest on the tail. And at the bottom of the palms we draw two large paws. Our palm turned into a dragon.

Now we will color it. The body of the dragon consists of scales, and we will draw the scales with gouache using a cotton swab. What color are dragons? Choose the color for your dragon. Crest. We paint over the eyes and paws with colored pencils. What wonderful dragons you have turned out.


The mischievous dragon lived.
He turned his head.
Turned left, turned right
Left paw bent,

Then he raised his right
And he got back on both.
Started flapping its wings
Raise and lower.

Up, down, up, down.
Leaned left, right.
Good on light right!
And then he went for a walk.

And found friends.

Guys, and now I suggest you draw where your dragon lives. Where can he live? (In a cave, in a castle, in a forest, in a meadow, etc.). With colored pencils we draw around our dragon its habitat. If he lives in a castle, then this is a castle, in a cave - a cave, in a meadow - a beautiful meadow with flowers, etc.

What wonderful drawings you have.

The dragon flew far
He traveled overseas.
He saw a magical forest
Enchanted princesses.

He saw the rich
Wizards, kings...
He knows many fairy tales -
My flying dragon

And tells me
These stories are silent.

Alevtina Vyrosova
GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group “Autumn sky. Introduction to watercolors »

Synopsis of GCD on visual activity: drawing in the old group “Autumn Sky. Introduction to watercolors »

Program content:

Artistic and aesthetic development: to teach children to work with watercolors in the "wet" technique; Show how to work with a sponge and a brush.

improving the ability to convey images of nature in drawings - the image of autumn. cognitive development: introduce watercolor to the pictorial material, continue acquaintance with the genre of landscape;

Speech development: enrich the vocabulary of children with words: watercolor, palette, shade, easel; encourage children to express their personal opinion about what they see;

Social and communicative development: education of an emotional response to the image in the picture, independence, creative activity; to cultivate interest in the activities of artists, to teach a figurative assessment of their work and the work of other children, to cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

preliminary work: looking at autumn landscapes in reproductions of paintings by artists, reading poems by E. Blaginina “They are flying away, they have flown away”, A. S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn”.

Materials and equipment: reproduction of F. Vasiliev's painting "Before the rain", easel, paper, brushes, sponges, watercolor, cups of water, napkins.

Music line. Recording of the chirping of cranes. P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”.

Methodical methods:

1. Game situation "Parcel from the artist."

2. D. /i. "Color Riddles"

3. Exercise "Name the shades."

4. Examining the sky, reproductions of landscapes.

5. Exercise "Mix paints."

6. Exhibition of works "Autumn Sky".

7. Analysis, encouragement.

GCD progress:

Guys, we received a package in the mail today. Message from the artist. He found out that we really love to draw, and gave us this kind of “box” (shows an easel). All real artists have such a “box” and it is called an “easel”. His faithful friends and assistants live here, without whom you cannot paint a single picture. What do you think these friends are? To help you, he left a note with riddles.

colorful sisters

Bored without water

Uncle is long and thin

Carries water with a beard

And sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

(Brush and paints)

Do you know that artists do not paint with paints, but write?

Pictures painted with different colors or other colored materials such as pastel, wax crayons are called "Painting". This word is easy to remember: it consists of two simple words - "live" and "write".

And now, let's get acquainted with the faithful friends of the artist. (Open a box with watercolors) Look in this box for multi-colored squares, like houses. Guys, do you know all the colors? Solve those riddles.

It is in the egg and in the chicken,

In the oil that lies in the butter dish,

In every ripe spikelet,

In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand. (Yellow)

It flows with our blood

Cheeks all liars bake. (Red)

He lies on the roof with snow,

They draw on it and write,

It's in cow's milk

Both in sour cream and in flour. (White)

He is in heaven on a fine day,

And forget-me-nots too

And on the wings of a moth

Can he take off from the flower. (Blue)

There is it in coffee, in lentils,

In teddy bear and cinnamon

Chocolate also has

You can't eat it without it. (Brown)

Seeing him under the eye,

The fighter is regretted immediately,

But eggplant and plum

Satisfied and happy with him. (Violet)

He can croak with a frog,

Cry with the crocodile

Grow from the ground with grass

But he cannot bloom. (Green)

Every orange is full

Even a clown is more fun with him

He's everywhere on the fox

And on a squirrel in a wheel. (Orange)

Though lurking in the chimney

With panthers, he is always in fashion,

And a black man of it is

Wears it every day. (Black)

He is in asphalt and concrete,

In warm fluff on a crow,

In the wolf and his tail

And cats in the dark. (Grey)

A third of the flag is occupied by him,

It's in the name of the whale

And in a cornflower blue bouquet,

And on the mailbox. (Blue)

Every sighted boy will say

About him, that he is girlish,

If the stork gets wet,

It will become like a flamingo in it. (Pink)

These paints are called watercolors. The word "watercolor" means "water". When you paint with them, you need to wet the brush very well. Watercolor paints mix with each other and you can get many interesting shades. What are "shades"? (For example: there is a main paint red, and all the others very similar to it, only lighter or darker, are called "Shades")

Name the shades of red (pink, crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry).

Paintings painted with watercolors are very delicate, transparent and very picturesque. They are called - watercolor painting.

What else do you think an artist needs?

Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in colors

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page


Indeed, the main tool of the artist are brushes. They made brushes from the fur of various animals: badger, squirrel, bristles.

How many new, interesting things about paints and brushes we learned today thanks to the artist. Let's remember what paintings are called paintings? Remember what shades are? Name the shades of blue and green.

The teacher asks the children to look out the window, paying attention to the colors of the sky, the teacher leads a dialogue with the pupils.

What unusual color of the sky did you see? What is the mood of the sky? Is it possible to compare the mood of a person with the mood of the sky?

And then he offers to consider reproductions of landscapes, which depict the sky in a different state.

After the children's answers, the teacher shows the techniques for mixing watercolors and drawing techniques using the "wet" technique.

The teacher moistens the landscape sheet with a wet sponge (the texture of the paper for drawing with watercolors should be loose and rough).

Then he picks up paint on a brush and begins to paint.

The brush seems to be dancing on the sheet, making circular movements - fluffy clouds are obtained, and if the brush slides, the clouds turn out to be elongated, crying (the paints spreading, stretch to the bottom).

The teacher pays special attention to the use of black paint, which is very dark and can darken the color of other paint so that it may disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to young artists that black paint should be taken a little bit on the tip of the brush.

After showing the techniques of working with watercolors, the teacher asks the children to draw their own sky using the “wet” technique.

Music is played during practice. The teacher reminds the children, reminds them that the effect of rain streams can be achieved if the sheet is tilted vertically, the colors rolling down will flow into one another.

When the children have completed their work, you can arrange a mini-exhibition on the exhibition board. Children come up with a name for each picture.

Children, what good fellows you are. You made me so happy today. I see that you enjoyed painting in a new way "raw". Tell me, do you like painting the sky with watercolors? If you liked it, then lift up the yellow sun, and if it was not very interesting, then a dark cloud.

Children (make their choice).

And what did you like the most?

Draw with watercolors, listen to music, play with paints.

I'm glad you were interested in me.

GCD abstract on drawing for preschool children on the topic "Magic Land - the underwater kingdom"

Tasks: - To teach children to draw in an unconventional way "on a wet" sheet. - Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing. - To develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements, visual control over them, imagination, fantasy. - To instill in children the desire to achieve results.



Synopsis of directly educational activities in drawing

for preschool children

on the theme "Magic country - the underwater kingdom"

Technique: wet painting


To teach children to draw in an unconventional way "on a wet" sheet.

Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing.

To develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements, visual control over them, imagination, fantasy.

To instill in children the desire to achieve results.


White sheet of thick paper, watercolors, foam sponge, brushes(#6 and #3) , napkins for each child.

Methodical methods:

Demonstration and explanation of the educator.

Game situation, using the artistic word.

Supervision of children's work.

Analysis of the work of the educator and children.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; viewing illustrations for this work; viewing pictures and photographs depicting marine life.

Lesson progress

IN. Today, guys, in our drawing lesson, the colors will not behave quite normally, they will blur, go beyond the scope of your drawing. The extraordinary lightness of colors, getting new colors right on the drawing, will make your work surprisingly interesting. And we will draw with you "on a wet" sheet.

But how?

IN. And what it is, I will now tell and show.

The main tool today will be a sponge. We wet our leaf with it. The sheet is wetted with quick movements(teacher show), the arm moves freely. And then paint is applied “on a wet” sheet. The brush lightly touches the sheet, the paint lays down beautifully, forming magical overflows.

IN. Guys, do you want to feel like magicians?

D. (children's answers)

IN. So, if you and I wanted to feel the magic, then we need to say the magic words that will make our drawing magical, amazing and fabulous.

Physical education minute

A star in the sky sways meekly

(hands raised up, fingers wide apart, slight shaking of hands)

The boat is rocking in the white mist,

In that boat - wonderful colors

(hands down, slightly apart, torso swaying left and right)

Fables and fairy tales whisper in it

(hands to lips, head turns left and right)

The wind gently shakes the boat

He invites us to the magical kingdom

(children sit on chairs, at tables)

IN. And now I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you will guess it.

"An old man lived with his old woman, by the very blue sea"

D. This is a fairy tale (children's answers)

IN. That's right, listen further:

They lived in a dilapidated dugout, the old man fished with a net, and the old woman spun her yarn. The grandfather was kind, and the old woman was calm, and in the house they had peace and harmony. And nature was calm: blue sky, calm sea. And in this calm sea lived a kind, magical "goldfish". But she did not live alone.

Who else do you think lived in her magical land - the underwater kingdom?

D. (children's answers)

IN. Well done! Guys, what paint will we paint a quiet, calm sea?

D. blue, blue -(children's answers)

IN. What about goldfish?

D. orange, yellow(children's answers)

IN. See how I will draw the sea. I wet the sheet with a sponge with quick movements, from left to right. With a brush, from above, I spend it all over the sheet. Try it!

And with the help of a thin brush, we will draw a sandy bottom, algae, or maybe one of you will draw a “goldfish” or its fairy-tale palace.

(children do the work, the teacher watches the drawing, if the children find it difficult, he conducts an individual show)

Job analysis

(when all the guys finish drawing, lay out the leaves on one large table, you get an “underwater kingdom”)

IN. Guys, look what a huge calm blue sea we got. And the inhabitants of the kingdom calmly move in the water among the green algae. And from the fact that the sea is peaceful, calm - there are a lot of goldfish, they are all so bright and beautiful. When I look at your drawings, I feel that only goodness triumphs in this magical land.

(time 25 minutes)
