Serious gifts for 3 year old boys. Third birthday gift for boy

Three years is perhaps the first conscious birthday. The kid already understands that he is the hero of the occasion. Therefore, the gift should be especially bright and memorable.

1. Lego Duplo

The 3rd birthday is a great reason to please your baby with a large set Lego Duplo. A good option is a kit "Around the world" (8,000-11,000 rub.) . Lots of bright details, figures of animals and people, an airplane - all this will captivate the boy for a long time. In the game, the child will easily learn the names of the continents and their inhabitants, and will also develop coordination of movements, logical thinking, and fine motor skills.

2. Wooden railway

Railway Brio with moving (33 elements) - a good gift for a 3-year-old boy. This miracle costs 7,000-8,000 rubles . Miniature carriages easily connect and glide perfectly along the wooden surface, and the figures of men, the bus and the station serve as a source of inspiration for the creation of exciting game plots. As practice shows, a child can tinker with such a railway for hours. At the same time, the toy develops motor skills, imagination and spatial thinking.

3. Parking

At 3 years old, a boy is already able to delight parking, especially multi-storey option with an elevator from (costs 1,200-1,500 rubles) . The kit includes parts to build a 4-story garage and several model cars. The toy develops logical thinking, imagination and motor skills. The boy will be happy to come up with more and more new plots for role-playing games with such an interesting parking lot.

4. Talking Tom

Talking Tom- a character that modern children who are on a short leg with gadgets learn about even before their 3rd birthday. Therefore, an interactive repetition toy from the brand Dragon in the form of this popular hero (costs about 3,000 rubles) will delight the birthday boy. The cat will repeat every word after the baby in a funny cartoon voice, which promotes speech development and simply lifts the mood (for adults too!).

5. Educational tablet

3 years is the best time to start learning to read and count. Now the child’s brain absorbs information like a sponge. But all classes with a preschooler should be conducted in a game, and the main conditions are the sincere interest and desire of the little student. And the teacher will help you in mastering important skills. tablet from the brand MeLala (price – 700-900 rub.) . A bright toy will definitely attract the attention of the birthday boy, because 3-year-old children simply adore all kinds of gadgets.

6. Machine on the control panel

A three-year-old is already quite capable of learning to control such a model as from 1TOY (price - about 2,500 rubles) . The beautiful toy looks like an 18-times smaller copy of the real car of the same name. This effect creates elaboration of the smallest details. With the included remote control (with a range of 20 m), your baby can go on long rides at home and outside. The vehicle is distinguished by high maneuverability, strength and maneuverability.

7. Boxer set: punching bags and gloves

Small boxing equipment (bag and gloves) from (price – 1,200-1,300 rub.) will delight every 3-year-old boy. Of course, because boxing is so courageous, and by the third birthday, children are already fully aware of their gender identity and try to emphasize it in every possible way. The pear and gloves are decorated with images of funny cartoon characters. A boxing set will not only help your child develop the muscles of his legs and back, but will also contribute to emotional release.

8. Set of soldiers

Set from Lanard (price - about 2,000 rubles) – a wonderful idea for a useful and interesting gift for a birthday boy on his 3rd birthday. From about this age, boys begin to be interested in “war games”: they like to try on the images of brave and strong warriors, and imagine themselves as wise commanders, controlling small toys. The set includes soldier figures (with movable body parts), a large tank, a cannon and many interesting accessories that can make the game even more exciting.

9. Ring throw

You can, of course, purchase the simplest model, but a birthday is a special holiday. The 3-year-old birthday boy will be delighted musical ring throw from the brand PlayGo (1,400-1,900 rub.). The set includes a design with five rods and 10 rings. The point of the game is to throw rings on these pins from afar. Such exercises develop accuracy and coordination of movements. The task can be complicated: the rods have 2 rotation speeds, and throwing a ring onto them while moving is not so easy. If the child succeeds, the toy will beep.

10. Game module

3 years is the time for role-playing games. Using a kit from the company Polesie Super Mechanic (price – 4,200-4,500 rub.) the boy will be able to feel like the happy owner of an entire workshop. The kit includes a work table with a crane, a hard hat and a variety of different tools. With the help of durable parts made of high-quality plastic, bolts, screwdrivers and keys, the child will enthusiastically make something of his own, invent, design, build.

11. Construction set with bolts, nuts and a screwdriver

A 3-year-old boy will be delighted to receive for his birthday a set of plastic parts, nuts, bolts and tools with which he, just like his “big uncle,” can assemble a car. That's why the constructor from TM "Zabiyaka" (average price – 900 rub.) - This is a great gift idea. First, with the help of parents, and then on his own, the child will enthusiastically assemble a bright model of a construction crane over and over again. Such games develop perseverance, determination, fine motor skills and logical thinking.

12. Play Doch plasticine set

Modeling develops imagination, fine motor skills and spatial thinking. In addition, such activities have a calming effect. Therefore, a gift in the form of soft and pleasant to the touch plasticine Play Doch- a win-win option. What if this is also an original kit? "Mr. Toothy" (price – 1,300-1,600 rub.) , the joy of the birthday boy will certainly know no bounds. The bright box contains parts for creating a “model” - the head of a funny mustachioed man, whose wide-opening jaws have recesses for plasticine teeth. The set also includes molds, jars of dough, dentist’s tools and, most importantly, a battery-powered drilling machine. The toy will help the boy feel like a dentist and, perhaps, even reduce his fear of dentists. Mr. Nibbler will also teach the baby the basic rules of teeth care.

First, let's list the basic requirements:

  • At 3 years old, the birthday boy begins to show character traits. Based on them, you can choose the right thing. For a calm child - , for a restless child - sports equipment.
  • An important requirement for a gift is safety. Please note that the gift does not contain small parts.
  • The momentary wow effect is important, but it is best for the hero of the occasion to choose things for the future. If a boy plays enough with cars and soldiers in one day, you have wasted your money.
  • The child does not perceive clothes and shoes as a holiday offering. In the eyes of the baby they are of no value.
  • A three-year-old child is tempted by sweet gifts. However, the birthday boy does not understand that it is not recommended to abuse the delicious food. When there are too many treats, limit access to them.
  • Most games for children are organized by parents. Give preference to gifts that can be used while entertaining together.
  • A present with a masculine bias should be a priority. Before you know it, your son or nephew will be drafted into the army.

Don't forget about universal gift options. Their list includes:

  • Combat vehicles, radio-controlled aircraft.
  • , copies of famous movies and cartoon characters.
  • Toy pistols, machine guns, blasters.
  • Mosaics, puzzles, board games.
  • Children's suitcase with a set of tools.
  • Educational mat, drawing table.
  • Pencils, brushes, markers, paints.
  • Albums for collecting stamps and stickers.
  • Musical instruments.
  • Books, illustrated encyclopedia.
  • Projector, video player.
  • Discs with films and cartoons.
  • Pets.
  • Tickets to the zoo, circus or entertainment center.

Toys worth giving to a 3 year old boy

You should choose a gift from toys that have a sanitary safety mark. You can save money by purchasing some non-certified products. But this is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

Despite his age, the little birthday boy loves very masculine things. Specifically, cars. If the child has already helped dad pour anti-freeze into the washer, he will like his own vehicle. Give a novice driver a car with pedals or an electric motor. A surprise will cause a storm of positive emotions. The boy will happily ride around the yard, collecting envious glances from other children.

4-level parking with road and cars. The child will love to roll the cars along the winding serpentine road. If desired, the car can be easily lifted using the elevator.

Mini toy “Robot Valley”. Its capabilities are more modest than those of the cartoon prototype. However, the item is one of the gifts that will definitely please the birthday boy.

Playset "Peppa's Spaceship". Rocket ready for launch. The compartments are already stocked with food, clothing and instruments for the space mission.

Soft toy “Papyrus Undertale”. No boy will be afraid when he sees a smiling skeleton. The hero of the occasion will want to make friends with him as soon as possible.

Toy “Snowy Pea Shooter”. A cannon from the game Plants vs. Zombies. Hit soft balls over a short distance.

Educational gift for a 3 year old boy

After your third birthday, it's time to seriously focus on intellectual development. Practice counting with your child and show your child the letters. To do this you will need cubes or magnets. With their help you can add simple words and mathematical examples. A children's tablet is a good gift. It is convenient not only to write on the screen, but also to draw with a stylus.

An equally interesting gift is a xylophone, a pipe, a tambourine, and a gaming piano. Instruments develop hearing and a sense of rhythm. Without knowing it, the birthday boy will receive the basics of musical education. You want to invest as much knowledge as possible into the boy, right?

Roombox "Balcony". An interesting and useful constructor. The hero of the occasion determines what toy furniture to collect and where to place it.

Board game “Teach-ka”. At 3 years old, the boy will begin to train his attention and reaction speed. The rules of the logic game resemble classic lotto.

Wooden puzzle “Wonderful tree”. A puzzle that will help develop perseverance and fine motor skills. The assembled puzzle speaks of the child as a purposeful little person.

Toy gun-constructor. Such gifts are fun to tinker with and fun to play with. Adults will be pleased with the affordable price.

Sand for creativity “Angel Sand”. It is a pleasure to sculpt figures from it. The birth of another masterpiece will not be long in coming.

Useful birthday gift for a 3 year old boy

Sports goods are of greatest benefit to boys. A small child is very active, so you can give him a bicycle or scooter, roller skates or skateboard, skates or sleds. A birthday is an occasion to set up a play corner in the children's room. Here the birthday person will perform exercises that help strengthen muscles and reduce excessive activity at home.

A holiday gift for three-year-olds doesn't always have to be material. Why not go with your child to a rope town, a trampoline, and inflatable rides. Of course, the hero of the occasion should have absolute freedom there and jump to his heart’s content. In the evening, visit a good cafe. No kid can resist a sweet treat.

Sports kit with your name “Football”. Customized shorts and T-shirt. They will look no worse on the boy than the official World Cup uniform.

“EasyBreathe” underwater mask for the whole face. A novice diver will appreciate the gift. With such equipment it is not scary to dive under water.

Disc "Ultra Star Discraft". The flying saucer was and will be a great gift. Outdoor games are more interesting than computer games.

Bowling. The key to success is training. Fortunately, you won’t have to force the birthday boy to do them. He will be happy to knock down pins with a ball.

Home basketball. It is not forbidden to take the ring and ball outdoors. This is where the freedom for the future champion lies!

Memorable gifts for boys for their 3rd birthday

Due to their age, children are unlikely to remember a significant date. Taking a video of what is happening is a good option, but the best solution is a memorable gift. Looking at a gold cross or medallion, an adult will always imagine the moment when he turned 3 years old. Such things are carefully stored and worn on special occasions.

A certificate for a professional photo shoot will serve as an intangible gift. The boy and his parents will go to the studio, where he will pose in front of the lens in a themed interior. There will be no more photographs of this quality in the family archive.

Children's photo frame with “Walk of Fame” cast. The uniqueness of the gift is in the plaster print of a hand or foot. Everything you need to obtain it is included in the kit.

Children's photo album "Baby". Suitable for the most valuable photographs. It features premium design using genuine leather.

Ceramic piggy bank. Boys love and never forget such things. Touching childhood memories are associated with them.

Personalized mug "Minions". It is appropriate to give to a child who is passionate about the famous animated series. I wonder if his heroes will be just as popular in a couple of decades?

Figurine from photo. Ceramic copy of the birthday boy. You will be pleased with the quality of the details. During production, all wishes are taken into account.

The baby, who is about to turn 3 years old, gets to know the world and himself in this world, pleases his parents with his successes and achievements, demonstrates his independence more and more confidently, asks many questions and wants to immediately receive comprehensive answers to them.

The fidget loves slides and swings, and can run and jump tirelessly. He takes an interest in other children, not just their toys as before, and makes his first little friends.

The child already understands perfectly well that his third birthday is a holiday for the whole family, and is looking forward to gifts. What to give a 3-year-old boy so as not to disappoint, but to impress and delight the baby?

Let’s immediately identify gifts that should not be given...

A gift for a three-year-old child should, first of all, be safe - toys only made from high-quality materials painted with non-toxic paint are suitable, in addition, do not rush to present the boy with games with many small parts or magnetic balls.

Children of this age have developed visual and effective thinking, they live for today and a gift, in their understanding, is what the child wants to receive from you right now, therefore:

  • guests who gave money in an envelope with the best intentions may not hear a satisfied “Thank you!” from a toddler;
  • if you gave tickets to a circus or entertainment center, but you can’t go there right away, this will cause bewilderment and disappointment in the child;
  • boys at this age are indifferent to clothes, and the child most likely will not be happy with new branded and high-quality pants - such a gift should always have an addition in the form of a toy;
  • for the same reason, a little boy will not be impressed by children's bedding as a birthday present, even with the image of a character from his favorite cartoon.

And now about gifts that any three-year-old fidget will be happy with...

Large toys

You can give such a gift to a 3-year-old boy without even doubting the stunning effect it will produce! In this case, size matters, and if the child has not previously been pampered with such impressive gifts, then the birthday boy’s wild delight is guaranteed. The child will be overjoyed if the toys are large, beautiful and bright, and also have special effects.

For a boy's birthday you can buy:

  • multi-level car parking or race track with cars, service station and car wash, lifts and garages;
  • large truck with a body or tractor, loader, ambulance or fire truck, construction truck crane;
  • motorcycle or electric car;
  • a thematic construction kit with many large and small parts for creating three-dimensional crafts;
  • a children's tent or a large cardboard house, suitable for coloring with felt-tip pens or paints;
  • plastic mini slide or floor swing.

Children's tool sets

The boy is the future man. Watching dad hammer nails, saw or chop wood, grind or unscrew parts, the little boy definitely wants to do all this himself. The thriftiness of the toddler should be welcomed and the child’s desire to fulfill male duties should be supported. It is clear that a three-year-old child cannot be trusted with an adult hammer, but sets of children’s tools at this age are already available to toddlers:

  • toy workbench with carpentry tools;
  • small sets with a hammer, toy nails, screws and screwdrivers;
  • cars that can be disassembled and reassembled using a set of tools included;
  • A battery-powered children's drill makes a lasting impression on kids;
  • a toy helmet and children's construction gloves as additional accessories.

Gifts for sports

The future man should grow up healthy, strong and agile. Therefore, the boy’s sports hobbies should be encouraged in every possible way and all conditions should be created for the little champion for full physical development and a burst of overflowing energy.

For harmonious development, young children need not only to jump, run and ride a bike, but also hang on rings or a horizontal bar, strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, back, spine and abdominals, climb up a wooden ladder, massaging their feet.

As a gift for a 3 year old boy you can buy:

  • sports corner with rings, rope, rope ladders, ladder or swing;
  • a trampoline that all boys adore;
  • tricycle with adjustable seat and handlebars;
  • large and small balls for outdoor games;
  • a jump rope, an inflatable pool for water games, a butterfly net, a “throw rings” pyramid, mini bowling or mini basketball.

Educational games and books

The three-year-old toddler is already very interested in letters and numbers. Usually, at this age, boys can count to five, or even to ten, and often know almost the entire alphabet. It is important not to miss this time of keen interest in obtaining words from letters, and, while playing, develop in the boy the desire to learn to read. Enjoying learning, the child will be drawn to knowledge, remembering that learning is interesting.

A good opportunity to teach a boy to count and add letters into words would be the following birthday gifts:

  • mosaic, lotto or cubes with letters, numbers and arithmetic signs;
  • magnetic letters and numbers, which are so convenient to attach to the refrigerator;
  • educational electronic posters, such as “Talking ABC” or “Smeshariki”, “Living Geography” or “Space”;
  • books about transport, with sets of cars included;
  • colorfully designed encyclopedias about animals and birds, insects and plants, dinosaurs;
  • thick cardboard books that speak, sing and make various sounds, transformable books and puzzle books.

Interactive toys

Any boy will be glad to receive such a gift for his birthday, because a funny animal, doll or cartoon character is not just a toy, but a funny friend who can “talk”, move, respond to touches and be an active partner in the child’s outdoor games. You can give an interactive dog or kitten if the baby is already dreaming of a live pet, but the parents do not yet allow having a real animal.

You can choose for the birthday boy:

  • a repeating toy that imitates the speaker in a squeaky voice;
  • an interactive cat, bunny or dog that can make characteristic sounds, sing songs, wag its tail and stand on its hind legs;
  • a children's educational computer that will teach counting and the alphabet, reading and mathematical operations.

Gifts for a relaxing time

Sometimes, to the delight of tired parents, a moment comes when a restless child gets tired of jumping, running, throwing toys and pestering adults, and he is ready to play quietly at his table for a few minutes. In order for the playful little one to spend this short time usefully, you can give a 3-year-old boy a board game that develops perseverance, patience, spatial imagination and imaginative thinking, fine motor skills, memory, attention and logic:

  • mosaic, children's lotto or puzzle;
  • puzzle cubes, puzzle mats that fold into pictures;
  • lacing for finger development, preferably with a wooden body;
  • magnetic drawing board or magnetic constructor;
  • children's cardboard walking games, complete with chips, cards and cubes.

Musical instruments

If a child happily sings his children's songs to you, loves to dance to musical accompaniment and extracts sounds from a variety of objects, if he has a sense of rhythm, then children's musical instruments will be a good birthday gift, which will help develop a good ear for music in the baby. Depending on the preferences of the little composer, you can give:

  • xylophone with hammers, children's piano or synthesizer for composing your own musical works;
  • harmonica, trumpet, flute, horn, pipe, flute or simple whistle to practice proper breathing;
  • a toy guitar or balalaika for the development of small fingers, a children's accordion, accordion or button accordion;
  • a drum with sticks, maracas or a tambourine to test parents' resistance to stress.

Universal gifts

In addition to all of the above, any three-year-old boy will be happy to receive as a birthday gift:

  • a car - large or small, collapsible or moving, radio-controlled, with light and sound effects;
  • a transforming robot that can turn into a car or airplane with one click;
  • railway - simple or multi-level;
  • a toy set for role-playing games that will allow your child to feel like a doctor or a cook, a fireman or a policeman;
  • magnetic fishing, a toy gun or saber, a pirate ship and a set of soldiers;
  • drawing sets, felt-tip pens, paints and pencils, albums and easels, modeling materials with a set of tools.

Pack your gift in a beautiful wrapper so that the boy can enjoy the joyful anticipation as he eagerly releases his gift, and don’t forget to give your baby a holiday card with good wishes.

The third birthday is the same long-awaited holiday for the baby as for his parents, because now the little one already understands that the celebration is planned and held in his honor. And how can we do without gifts?! No way! But parents and relatives are faced with a serious problem of what to give to the birthday boy, because at the age of three, children already very clearly understand which things are “boyish” and which are “girlish”. So, what can you give to a 3-year-old boy, an explorer and an adventurer?

What gift ideas for a three-year-old boy should he give up right away?

One of the principles of choosing a gift for a birthday person at any age is appropriateness. A three-year-old man is no exception; there should be a gift for him

  • understandable;
  • tangible (children are not yet able to evaluate a certificate for the purchase of toys if they cannot immediately touch these same toys);
  • age-appropriate (otherwise the toy will be broken before the baby understands the principle of its operation).

Therefore, it is not worth buying

  • rollers (the little one will not be able to master them yet, and the size may be too big, because after 1-2 years the skates will become small);
  • educational encyclopedias (the boy is still used to finding answers to all his “whys” from his mom and dad - so the value of the book will not be clear to him);
  • clothes (the right to replenish the wardrobe should still remain with the parents);

This is interesting. The only exception for a gift wardrobe item can be a costume of your favorite hero, for example, Spider-Man or Batman.

  • tickets to children's entertainment centers, water park, circus, etc. will not evoke gratitude in the child, and all because there is no opportunity to get what he wants here and now (it is impossible to explain to the child that he will have fun tomorrow or in a week).

But if the desire to give something “for growth” is too great, then you can use a trick: along with the main gift, present something “for now”, for example, a set for creativity, an inexpensive toy, etc.

This is interesting. You shouldn't give your boy gadgets. Phones and tablets are something without which it is difficult to imagine a person’s life, so let at least the first years of life not be overshadowed by this cybernetic neighborhood, which eats up free time, positive emotions and health.

Choice of gift and degree of relationship with a 3-year-old child

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all who you are to the birthday person if you are concerned about choosing a gift. The only important thing is how well you know the interests and needs of a particular little one. So the best option is to talk to your parents and discuss a suitable gift with them. Without forgetting, of course, that the selection criteria should be immediate, childish, and not rational, adult.

What to give for a 3 year old's birthday: the best ideas, proven by experience

We have collected the most popular and suitable gift ideas for a boy on his third birthday.

The holiday atmosphere is created not only by gifts, but also by the decoration of the celebration, which is why many parents prefer to celebrate their child’s birthday in children’s entertainment centers with animators and clowns

Gifts for the future man

From an early age, a boy needs to be raised in the spirit of an adult man, that is, to develop strength, agility, and courage through hobbies in outdoor games, active recreation, and, of course, sports.

  • And for this, real men's gifts are suitable.
  • Scooter. Even a younger child will enjoy the entertainment, so a three-year-old will definitely appreciate the gift. Just be sure to choose a model that suits your age. Of course, it would be optimal to choose a protective helmet, gloves, etc. for the main gift - this will also become a gift for caring parents, since for them the issue of safety is higher than the joy of any useful toys.
  • Sports corner (horizontal bar, rope ladder, etc.). A great way to channel your little boy’s excess activity and energy in the right direction. The bonus to this gift is that the children's exercise machine will last a long time. In addition, even after cooling down after a week, the baby will return to the simulator more than once in the future.
  • Trampoline. What child doesn’t dream of having a trampoline at home? This is another option for properly accumulating the toddler’s energy. And screams of joy and delight are guaranteed.
  • Basketball hoop. Sometimes this equipment is included in the sports corner kit, and sometimes it is sold separately. Hitting the ball into the basket not only develops dexterity, but also contributes to the boy’s growth, because he will have to reach for the hoop. And considering that the height of the shield can be different, this exercise perfectly stretches the muscles.
  • Punching bag. This is a rather controversial gift for a 3-year-old boy. But many parents at this age already send their kids to sports clubs, so a punching bag can be very useful. This gift requires mandatory(!) approval from the parents.
  • Electric car. One appearance of a boy in such a design in the yard will make him the king of the street. In addition, the steering model will help the child learn to distinguish between left and right, and understand the subtleties of maneuverability on a road with obstacles.
  • Snow scooter. The gift will be relevant for winter birthdays. This is not an ordinary sled, but a real vehicle that allows you to actively spend time in the fresh frosty air.

Gift ideas for three years: photo

Along with the purchase of a bicycle, you should take care of purchasing equipment for safe riding. An electric car will make your little one the most desirable groom in the yard. If possible, you can buy a large trampoline and install it in the country. A snow scooter is an excellent gift for a little boy born in winter. All equipment for the sports corner should be adjustable according to height and appropriate for the boy’s age

Video. How to choose a children's scooter

Video. What mistakes can you avoid when buying a sports corner?

Educational games

  • Interactive toys. Talking cats, singing dinosaurs and dancing aliens are just a small part of the range offered by manufacturers of such products.
  • Robot. A toy that will not only move, but also give tasks to the boy, react to his movements or words, or simply repeat the movements of his little owner. The delight will be indescribable.
  • Singing guitar. This is a kind of simplified version of the synthesizer. The child will be able to choose the key, tempo and melody using a clear and convenient control panel. Such a gift will be especially appreciated by those children whose parents are no strangers to music, in particular rock.
  • Panoramic book. In addition to the fact that the boy will learn to retell, he will be able to see three-dimensional images of the described pictures of the plot from a different angle. To do this, you just need to raise the picture on the page with the text.
  • Puzzles. Usually the recommended age for working with puzzles is marked 3+, so it is already quite possible to introduce a child to this type of activity, and besides, at an early age he probably already had experience in putting together pictures of 4, 6, 10 elements. It is better to start the “adult version” with 25 elements.

Photo gallery of educational games

Panoramic books give the baby an idea of ​​a three-dimensional image
The robot can do what the baby tells it, as well as move and talk. Talking Tom, a computer game character, not only repeats what the baby says, but also sings, tells poems and fairy tales. Puzzles can teach you how to count


Always relevant, although not always durable, toys will be very useful for a birthday.

  • Military equipment. Men of any age love to command, play with weapons and come up with stories for placing military equipment. The only caveat: if the baby is not yet interested in soldiers or pistols, then perhaps this interest should not be provoked artificially. In general, it is better to consult with your parents.
  • Railway. Moving trailers, moving arrows, sharp stops and turns - these actions can fascinate even a dad, let alone a baby.
  • Radio controlled cars. Such a gift will not only occupy the baby’s full attention, but will also teach him to understand how to avoid obstacles and distinguish between left and right. Moreover, there can be only one remote control, and the vehicle fleet is gradually replenished with new models. The only negative: such toys require constant changing of batteries, so, thoughtful gift givers, consider at least one spare set as an additional gift.
  • Stuffed Toys. Especially when these are heroes of your favorite fairy tales or cartoons. If the size allows, the child can sleep, sit, or lie on it. A kind of friend who is always there.
  • Ring throw. There are several models of the toy, but the most popular is one consisting of 5 rods moving at different speeds and 10 rings that need to be placed over these pins. If the baby manages to hit the target, the toy emits a sound signal.
  • Game modules. Since we are talking about a gift for a boy, it could be a mechanic’s set: a work table, a helmet, sets of keys, bolts, screwdrivers, etc. The little one will enthusiastically tinker and invent something interesting. This same version of the toy can be in the form of a construction machine, the parts of which are nuts, screwdrivers, and bolts. Such toys develop logical thinking, perseverance, determination and fine motor skills.

Photo gallery of toys

Ring thrower models differ in the number of rods and rings. Soft toys are liked not only by girls, but also by boys. Little boys will be happy to repair and refuel their cars at a bright car service station. Radio-controlled cars are very popular with boys at any age

Gifts for creativity

Creative abilities, imagination, imaginative thinking are the “pillars” of development that receive the lion’s share of parental attention. So you can give something appropriate specifically for this area of ​​interest of the baby.

  • Sand painting set. It’s very exciting to paint not just with paints, but with sand. Moreover, the picture is obtained simply by pouring sand onto the work surface.

This is interesting. Sand therapy is a separate method of psychotherapy within the framework of analytical psychology, which allows you to relax, get to know yourself and the world around you.

  • Finger paint. Non-traditional drawing techniques are being very actively introduced into the educational process of kindergartens. It’s good if your child already has an idea of ​​how to handle, for example, finger paints. Moreover, the process will certainly captivate even the most nimble and restless boy.
  • Kinetic sand. Pleasant to the touch and completely easy to handle, this material allows you to create entire sculptures, developing a child’s creative abilities and fine motor skills.
  • Plasticine. This budget option for creative materials will also be very useful for the boy. After all, you can use it to sculpt entire cities, car parks, animals and much more that interests and pleases the birthday boy.

Photo gallery of gifts for creativity

Sand painting is a great way to keep children busy. Kinetic sand is very pleasant to work with, does not crumble and holds its shape well in a ready-made figurine. It would be nice to give finger paints an album for drawing. Working with plasticine teaches kids to combine colors and develops fine motor skills.

Video. Fun with finger paints

Video. Working with Play Doh plasticine


This gift must be agreed with the parents. Taking care of pets teaches your child to be kind, compassionate, and responsible. Of course, at first (quite a long time!) parents will have to show by example how to treat an animal, but after a few years it will become natural for the child. As a gift, you can choose a hamster, rat, guinea pig, kitten or puppy - the choice is up to the parents.

This is interesting. Before bringing a live gift into your home, you need to get a certificate from a veterinarian that the animal is healthy, and also purchase related items for keeping your pet: feeding dishes, a tray, a cage, etc.


We have already talked about a panoramic book, but as a gift you can also give something more classic, for example, a gift version of fairy tales with bright illustrations. Children also really like talking books, when the text is not just presented, but also read in different voices.

DIY gifts

Let’s say right away: this is a rather controversial gift option. Things made independently imply a certain closeness to the birthday person. Agree that even for an adult, any gift made by the author implies intimacy, a kind of spiritual unity in the relationship. Do not doubt that even at 3 years old the child will feel this. So if you are not very close to the birthday person’s family, then there is no need to give

  • soft soccer balls made of foam rubber, covered with colored scraps of fabric;
  • toys;
  • chests made using the decoupage technique with the plot of your favorite cartoon, for pencils and paints;
  • soft panoramic books, etc.

But if you are a grandmother or godmother to a little man, then such a gift can be very valuable and appropriate. And most importantly, in the future, when the toys break, the pictures in the books fade, one glance at a homemade gift received many years ago for his third birthday will return an adult man, immersed in the troubles of the daily routine, to his childhood for five minutes.

You can find a lot of options for a gift for a boy on his third birthday. But another problem arises: what exactly to choose. In order not to make a mistake, you need to take into account the temperament and interests of the birthday person, as well as the parents’ recommendations regarding an appropriate and useful gift, if we are talking about a surprise from one of our relatives and friends. But no matter what gift you choose, the main thing is that it pleases the little and playful little one who is exploring the world at an unprecedented speed.

Choosing a gift for a three-year-old is a daunting task. At this age, kids already know what a birthday is and look forward to the holiday and gifts. But there is a problem - they themselves do not understand well what they want, and often cannot talk about it. Therefore, you have to decide on your own what to give a 3-year-old boy. Our advice and review of the most popular gifts will help.

Features of age and choice of gift for a 3-year-old boy

At three years old, a child first becomes aware of himself as an individual, so this age is considered a crisis. He doesn’t yet know what exactly interests and fascinates him, but general character traits are already noticeable and this helps determine the preferences of the little birthday boy. For example, active children will be happy with toys for active recreation, while calm and concentrated children will prefer construction toys and blocks.

A common feature of all children at any age is curiosity and simply enormous cognitive abilities, so educational and educational toys are always relevant.

For a three-year-old child, it is important first of all to see a bright gift that pleases the eye and captures attention. That’s why it’s so important to choose something that immediately seems interesting and package it beautifully. This will greatly increase the value of your gift in the eyes of the birthday boy.

Basic requirements for a gift for a 3-year-old baby:

  • Safety. It should not contain small parts or toxic substances in its composition.
  • Strength. Be prepared for your gift to be broken, sat on, and used in many other unintended ways. It must withstand any test.
  • Age appropriate. Too complex toys will be broken before the birthday boy understands what to do with them, and simple toys for little ones are no longer interesting to him.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the list of unsuccessful gifts in advance. It included:

  • Cloth. For a child, this is not a gift at all, but just another thing in the closet.
  • Money. Even if you tell the child that this is for him and his parents will buy him something, such a gift will not bring joy.
  • Animals. At this age, the baby perceives them as fun, and the parents will take care of them.
  • Stuffed Toys. Children very rarely play with them, so piles of plush are simply lying around in houses, accumulating dust and mites.
  • Sound toys that are too loud. They negatively affect the child’s hearing and the parents’ nervous system.

TOP 10 gifts for a 3 year old boy

  1. Constructor with large parts
  2. Toy pistols, machine guns and other weapons
  3. A simple toy railway
  4. Sets for role-playing themed games by profession
  5. Tricycle, stable scooter or balance bike
  6. Children's educational laptop, tablet or other electronics
  7. Going to a water park or children's entertainment center
  8. Go to the circus or dolphinarium
  9. Puppet theater and a set of glove dolls
  10. Tactile lotto

Universal gifts for a 3 year old boy

There are things that most three-year-old boys will like. If you don't know the birthday person very well, choose one of these. Good options:

  • Machine. You can choose a bright dump truck, an inertial machine, with a motor that needs to be started with a key or a cord. Your baby will love any type of vehicle.
  • Toy pistols and machine guns, only without bullets - it’s too dangerous for a three-year-old. Choose a weapon with light and a pleasant, quiet sound.
  • A simple toy railway. This is one of the favorite pastimes of all boys on Earth.
  • Sets for themed games by profession– doctor, policeman, fireman, etc. At this age, children are already actively mastering role-playing games, so such sets will be very relevant and useful.
  • Figures of people, for example, soldiers, or animals. Children love to act out scenes with them, depicting real life.
  • Various vehicles, for example, airplanes and helicopters, military equipment, ships.
  • Constructor with large parts. Be sure to check what age it is intended for, so as not to purchase one that is too complex, with a large number of small objects that the baby is not yet able to handle.
  • Interactive animal. For a three-year-old child, this is the best pet, it’s fun to play with, it doesn’t require care and doesn’t get sick.
  • Children's play tent. All children love their own playhouse, a little refuge.

When choosing toys for a child, give preference to items that closely resemble real things. They should prepare the child for life in the world and provide useful skills.

What to give a 3 year old boy an educational gift?

The main occupation of every child at this age is growth and development, and the task of adults is to help the child with this. It is very important to cover all areas without focusing on purely intellectual or physical development. For your baby to grow healthy, strong and agile, he will need:

  • Home sports corner. It can be given by parents or other very close people who know exactly what the child needs and how to install it in the apartment.
  • Children's trampoline. It will become the birthday boy’s favorite entertainment and will save sofas and beds from jumping.
  • Tricycle. It is advisable to choose a model with a handle for mom, which can be removed if necessary.
  • Scooter or balance bike. It will help develop dexterity and teach you how to maintain balance.
  • Fitball type ball to jump on it and do exercises.

If you decide to give something from children's transport, do not forget to immediately purchase a helmet and protection for knees and elbows.

  • Lotto, mosaics and cubes with letters, numbers and bright, clear pictures;
  • Bright books with beautiful realistic pictures;
  • Children's educational laptop, tablet or other electronics.

You should also not forget about your child’s creative skills. All children love to draw, sculpt from plasticine and create something with their own hands. There are special safe materials for modeling that do not stain your hands and can be easily washed off furniture. You can also give paints for painting with a brush or fingers, felt-tip pens, and kinetic sand.

Adventure gifts for a 3 year old boy

At 3 years old, a boy can already appreciate an emotional gift. Choose an interesting adventure. It will give you a sea of ​​pleasant emotions and great photos that your baby will be able to look at when he grows up. Good gift ideas:

  • Going to a water park or children's entertainment center;
  • Participation of professional animators in the holiday party;
  • Going to the circus or dolphinarium;
  • Horse riding lessons - they are carried out even for such kids;
  • Entertainment in the rope park;
  • Sand painting lesson;
  • Attending a creative master class for the little ones.

Such gifts are suitable for children from 3 years old. But it is necessary to take into account how ready the baby is for such entertainment. If he is still afraid of crowds of unfamiliar people and new places, it is better not to take risks with adventures, so as not to turn the holiday into a test for the baby and his parents.

What interesting and unexpected gifts to give to a 3 year old boy?

It’s not difficult to surprise a three-year-old child - everything is still new and interesting to him. But there are gifts that will surprise even parents. At the same time, the birthday person will like them and benefit them. Good ideas:

  • Soft modules. Often such toys are used in preschool educational institutions. They are suitable for both outdoor games, jumping on them or stacking them on top of each other, and the development of intellectual abilities.
  • Flying jumpers. If there is a place for such a projectile in the birthday person’s house, be sure to give it as a gift. The opportunity to jump and fly like a circus performer or a monkey will delight any child.
  • Hammock swing. It does not take up much space and is attached to the ceiling not high from the floor so that there is no danger of falling. In such a swing you can sit and play, relax and even take a little nap.
  • Puppet show. A screen and a set of toy gloves will allow you to arrange a real theatrical performance for a child or his parents at any time.
  • Tactile lotto. This is a great toy for developing your baby's sensory perception and fine motor skills. The toy is unconventional, but definitely deserves attention.

To please the little birthday boy, you need to not only choose a good gift and wrap it beautifully, but also present it in such a way as to immediately interest him. To do this, you can attach an armful of balloons to the box. Also, the boy will surely like a huge toy made of balls as an addition to the gift.

Most parents already allow three-year-old children different sweets. Therefore, in addition to the main gift, you can choose something sweet. Great idea - an original treat to order. This could be a cake with a photo of the birthday person or cupcakes with funny figures. All children love sweets, gifts and entertainment, so you are sure to arrange the best holiday for the little birthday boy.
