DIY wedding anniversary gifts for parents are practical and heartfelt. Wedding anniversary gift for parents (ideas)

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

  • Cupcake(cupcake). This literally translates as “cup cake”, but is very similar to an ordinary cupcake. The main thing in this baking is presentation. First, bake as many cupcakes as the number of years your mother and father have lived together. It will be symbolic. But if there are more guests, make sure that everyone gets this delicacy.
  • Secondly, each cupcake is served in an individual skirt wrapper. The color range of wrappers is quite wide. Choose a shade that matches the holiday. Pink, ruby, sapphire, pearl weddings tell themselves what color we choose. There are also neutral skirts with hearts, angels, and stars.

    Goodies and healthy surprises

    • A gift of candy. Today such gifts are very popular. You can build a three-tiered cake, a bouquet or basket of flowers, a heart, swans, two connected gold rings, etc. Fortunately, the candy market today pleases with its abundance. You can find a wrapper that matches the color and the size of the candy you need.
    • Chocolate hearts. You can also involve the grandchildren of the celebrants in the creation of these delicacies, because it is not at all difficult. Prepare special silicone molds; heart-shaped ice containers are also suitable.

    Recipe. Melt chocolate bars in a water bath. With constant stirring, bring to a liquid state and remove from the stove. Let it cool and put it back in a water bath - this gives a glossy shine to the finished product. Then pour the chocolate into containers. After it has cooled, place it in the refrigerator for 25 minutes and then in the freezer for 5 minutes. Our hearts are ready. Each chocolate souvenir can be presented in individual packaging.

    • Artistic carving of fruits and vegetables. This art is called carving. On your wedding anniversary, using this technique, you will definitely surprise the heroes of the occasion.

    The chefs of many restaurants possess this skill to a greater or lesser extent. This is delicate and painstaking work, but in order to achieve results, prepare for it in advance (watch master classes, get the necessary tools, get better at it). Any seasonal vegetables and fruits are suitable to create this masterpiece (watermelon, melon, pumpkin, pear, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, carrots, beets, etc.), which means you can surprise the celebrants at any time of the year.

    Inedible gifts

    I offer you the top 5 homemade gifts:


    • Pillow. This is a fairly simple invention that the hero of the occasion can use every day. Choose the shape of the pillow yourself: heart, candy, letters, etc. One of the options is a classic pillow, decorated with applique, pom-poms, and decor from knitting threads.

    Such pillows are stuffed with both synthetic materials (sintepon, foam rubber, holofiber) and natural ones (sea grass, buckwheat husks, leaves of natural herbs, etc.)


    • Amulet. Choose the base yourself - a horseshoe, a bag, a decorative broom, a heart, a wreath, a picture, etc. Using a glue gun, wire, and thread, attach everything you want for the “newlyweds.” Grains - prosperity, rose hips - beauty for mom, red pepper "light" - masculine strength for dad, garlic - amulet against evil spirits, coins - prosperity, bag of poppy seeds - fulfillment of all desires, jug - health of the whole family, etc.

    The amulet should evoke only pleasant emotions, as its power increases many times over.

    Decorated bottle

    • Decorated bottle. To make such a present, use a bottle of champagne, cognac, wine or other drink with an original container. Decorate it with ribbons, twine, rhinestones, fabric, coffee beans, using the decoupage technique, etc.

    Stick to the wedding theme or focus on your parents’ hobbies, for example, if they like to travel, convey views of Italy, France, etc. in your work.

    Photo frame and birds

    • Frame. If you are a master of wood carving or know how to prepare a plaster solution, you are halfway to success. Use the frame blanks and decorate them to your liking. You can use ribbons, wrapping paper, artificial flowers, bush branches, buttons, decorative tape, etc. The main thing is not to forget to place a photo in the frame where mom and dad are together and their eyes glow with happiness.
    • Love birds. To make such a surprise you will need: a transparent glass jar with a wide neck, a couple of decorative chicks, a twig, artificial grass, thread with a needle, scissors, multi-colored scraps, a glue gun.

    We make a garland from scraps (all small in size). Glue her and the chicks to a branch equal in diameter inside a glass container. Place the grass at the bottom of the jar. We sand the edges of the branch with sandpaper and apply glue to them. Carefully and quickly place everything in the jar at a predetermined level. Close the lid, cover with a bright flap, put a rubber ring on top and decorate with a ribbon. Ready. And you can do it like this:

    To surprise your loved ones on this special day, spend a little time, patience, and effort. Show persistence and clearly go towards your goal.

    That's all for today. Surprise your loved ones and don’t forget to visit my blog. If you liked the article, recommend it to your friends on social media. networks to read it. See you.

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

    Not only young couples celebrate anniversaries of their lives together. Many parents devote themselves entirely to work, caring for children and grandchildren, while forgetting about the importance of their own family holidays. Therefore, even if they say that they do not want to celebrate another anniversary, this is not a reason to forget about this date and not show them a sign of attention in the form of a gift.

    Dates of marriage

    In some families it is not customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries, in others, on the contrary, every year the whole family gets together and over a mug of tea they remember the best moments of their life together and make plans for the future. There are also special dates that are not celebrated. This is associated with various superstitions. They have no name and how to celebrate them and whether to do it at all is a personal matter for each family. The very first anniversary comes a year after the wedding, it is called calico.

    For this small anniversary, you can give the newlyweds items made of chintz and bed linen. A paper anniversary (2 years) hints at the fragility of the relationship and the possibility of an easy break. Give photo albums, paintings, or money and securities as gifts.

    Three years of marriage are marked by a leather wedding. The spouses have already managed to get used to each other. Friends and family come to the holiday with souvenirs made of genuine leather and all kinds of products made from it (bags, wallets, purses). Next in line is a linen wedding (4 years). Its name speaks of the naturalness (sincerity) of the relationship and its sufficient strength. Curtains, tablecloths or bed linen would be a useful gift.

    5 years of marriage is the first serious anniversary. A noble, durable tree speaks of the strength of a relationship, but a small spark can burn it down. There are a lot of options for a surprise here: furniture, souvenirs, dishes and everything made of wood. After the first round date comes the cast iron anniversary - 6 years. A home is unthinkable without a cast iron stove, in which the housewife cooks delicious porridge. The family has already proven its worth and many are raising one or two children, i.e. the family has become complete. It is better to give dishes or forged items (furniture, figurines).

    A copper wedding is 7 years after marriage. Copper is a strong but flexible material. It symbolizes that the spouses have learned to find compromises and adapt to each other’s needs. People buy coins, belts, and jewelry as gifts. Many people think about what to give for a tin wedding (8 years). After all, finding a worthy item from this material is difficult. You can limit yourself to tin packaging (box). But what you put in it depends entirely on your imagination and desire.

    It seems that 9 years together is a serious period of time. But the date is called faience. On the one hand, this material is durable, on the other – fragile. A strong blow can split a family, so much so that it cannot be glued together. Dishes and porcelain will be a wonderful surprise (especially if the couple values ​​and collects it). Now we have quietly approached the first round date. It seems like just yesterday you were exchanging rings, and today you’ve been living together for 10 years.

    Children must give roses to their mother (another name for the date is a pink wedding), and to their father any item in the manufacture of which tin was used (as an option, tin soldiers as a symbol of strength and fortitude).

    The steel anniversary after marriage is 11 years. Help the spouses update the “family hearth” and present cutlery, a set of pots or pans. On the 12th anniversary, called the nickel anniversary, you can order matching bracelets or rings for your parents. Consider also the inscription or engraving. It can be touching or funny, reminiscent of family values ​​or of a personal nature.

    Delicate airy lace with intricate weaves perfectly characterizes the next date - 13 years of family life. The family has already formed relationships and connections (friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.). You can present them with openwork tablecloths, tulle and other lace accessories. It’s not for nothing that 14 years after marriage is called the agate date. This is a multi-layered mineral with the most beautiful tints and patterns. Likewise, the life of spouses has many layers and simply cannot be homogeneous. It is logical to assume that souvenirs and decorations with this stone will become a real symbol of the holiday.

    An excellent reason to fill crystal glasses with a sparkling drink is the 15th anniversary of marriage, called a crystal wedding. Of course, you shouldn’t give glass slippers, but sets made of Bohemian glass and this material will come in very handy. Do not forget that in the USSR the presence of crystal in the house was considered a sign of wealth, so the older generation has a special attitude towards it. The round date of 20 years of family life is popularly called a porcelain date. Following this symbolism, gifts must be appropriate. A tea set or a set of plates with painting will long remind the spouses of the wonderful moments spent with family and loved ones.

    Silver is a semi-precious metal, but, of course, not gold. The couple is already halfway to their golden anniversary. 25 years is a long time. The spouses no longer need to prove anything, they are simply happy together. Choose jewelry, a set of paired teaspoons, or just household utensils made of this metal for congratulations. Married life is like beads. Many individual events are intertwined with a single thread. It would be symbolic to give this particular piece of jewelry for a pearl anniversary (30 years). We think you can guess the number of beads in it yourself.

    Don't forget to accompany the gift with an explanation. This will give it special significance.

    The mark of 35 years after marriage is usually called a coral or clothes wedding. Accordingly, there should be surprises in this topic. You can also play with color by presenting the celebrants with a large bouquet of coral-colored roses. The ruby ​​stone, with its mystical meaning, serves as a talisman for good people, strengthens their feelings and makes their dreams come true. The ruby ​​anniversary (40 years) is proof of the strength and health of the family (the stone itself carries the same meaning). Souvenirs and jewelry with this bright mineral will be symbolic.

    The next anniversary also bears the name of one of the precious stones, namely sapphire. Children can show their imagination and give not only products with this stone, but also other items that have a similar color. For example, a pair of cozy sapphire-colored blankets will bring coziness and warmth to your home. And now we have our golden wedding – 50 years together. This is a lifetime, and not everyone gets to celebrate it. We can be proud that feelings and respect for each other have stood the test of time.

    A significant anniversary and gifts should be appropriate. Noble gold is perfect for this.

    The symbolic figure of 55 years carries a special charge. She reminds that spouses are one whole, each of them is equal in their rights, but at the same time they are independent individuals. At this wonderful age, the best gift from loved ones will be organizing a holiday. Involve your grandchildren in this too. After all, there is nothing more important than family traditions. Next comes the Diamond Jubilee (60 years). A strong, expensive stone reminds you of what a treasure it is to have a family. As a gift, you can give jewelry with a precious stone or something reminiscent of it.

    The anniversary of 65 years of marriage is called the iron anniversary. Often we use this designation for something very strong and reliable. You can give a set of tools or other iron items. The blessed wedding is celebrated for 70 years of family life. Any items that carry the energy of love and fidelity will be appropriate from family and friends. It can also be intangible benefits in the form of certificates and simply pleasant surprises.

    The couple celebrating the 75th anniversary of their family are real “kings”, and the wedding is deservedly called a crown wedding. After all, not every couple is destined to celebrate this anniversary. Gifts must be appropriate. It’s not for nothing that the concept of a “family tree” exists. And when we imagine it, we picture in our imagination a wide, massive oak tree. So the 80th wedding anniversary bears this name. Just like this spreading tree, the family has both “roots” and “crown”. The most important thing for spouses at this age is the attention of loved ones. Gifts made of oak (dishes, figurines, etc.) are welcome.

    We've all heard the expression "hard as granite." That is why the 90th anniversary is called granite. What can happen to a family that has been together for so long? Even if you don’t come up with a worthy gift from this material, do not forget to surround mom and dad with your love and care. Nine and a half decades together is worthy of all respect and admiration. The wedding is called a diamond wedding.

    Diamond is the strongest known crystal. This also applies to family. If your parents are real long-livers, then give them gifts that are good for their health. Well, what name suits the significant anniversary of 100 years of family life, if not platinum? The most expensive and luxurious of the known precious metals. Not every child will be able to afford to buy jewelry made from it. But there is a way out. Another name for a wedding is red. Thus, there is a choice between jewelry and red items.

    The choice of gift does not have to be dictated by the name of the anniversary. Although this option is very original. After all, each name will be repeated once.

    Inexpensive Gift Ideas

    It’s good if you have a large amount of money and can give a truly memorable gift. But even with modest resources, you can find good ideas for gifts for anniversaries. Children know their parents better than anyone. If you notice that the teapot or coffee grinder is out of order, then you can buy exactly this necessary thing for your anniversary. This way you will not only please them, but also show you care. Parents will be touched by the fact that you remember such little things.

    A photo frame or photo collage is also a good gift option. You can involve your grandchildren in this, who can draw or glue their wishes and congratulations to it. Photos are always a memory. Moreover, today they are being printed less and less often. Most information is stored on electronic media. The option of paired little things for the home is also interesting. These could be slippers, bathrobes or cups.

    Remind parents that no matter how different they are, they are one family.

    Options for elderly spouses can include cozy blankets or cute trinkets for the house: a key holder for the door, a rug, etc. Gifts do not have to be material. You can cook dinner and gather the whole family together. This way you will save the “newlyweds” from unnecessary fuss. Think over the celebration scenario, choose original congratulations.

    Original surprises

    When thinking about a gift for mom and dad, you want to give an unusual, creative present. Among the original gifts we can highlight the following.

    • A trip to the sanatorium. It will help you regain strength and spend time in an unusual place. Moreover, it is not as expensive as traveling to warmer climes.
    • Family portrait. Today there are many techniques for performing them. This includes mosaics, creating paintings from small photos and, of course, classic watercolors or oils. It will be necessary to find an artist in advance and give him a photo from which he will work.
    • Festive banquet. Invite the “newlyweds” to their own celebration, which you organized. Take care of your guests too. Although it could be a family dinner in a narrow circle.
    • Photo collage from old photographs. Consider romantic or funny captions. It will be nice if all family members take part in its creation.
    • You can give it to your parents for their wedding anniversary and a visit to a massage or spa salon. They didn't have that luxury when they were young, so why not try it today?

    Choosing sweets

    Wishes for a sweet life can be accompanied by a corresponding gift. If the spouses did not order a birthday cake, then give them such a gift. Don’t be lazy and order it in advance, let it also display the date that the “newlyweds” are celebrating. In addition, confectioners now offer a variety of gingerbread cookies. They look no less presentable and festive. They may also have a wedding date or symbolism for a specific anniversary.

    Recent trends have made it possible to give all kinds of cupcakes as gifts. They are beautifully packaged in gift boxes and complemented with flowers.

    What is better not to present?

    Although there is an expression that “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” when choosing a gift, parents should understand the specifics of the situation. Refuse the following gifts.

    • Money. There is a high probability that they will refuse. In this situation, both the giving and receiving parties feel awkward. It is believed that this is a gift without a soul. This is a good present for colleagues or acquaintances, but not for people who are near and dear to you.
    • Alcohol. Even if it is a good elite drink, it will not show your care and love for your parents. In addition, in old age it is strictly contraindicated.
    • Cheap low quality gifts. Of course, your parents won't say a word to you. But the gift will be absolutely useless and unnecessary. Let it be a good bouquet.
    • Appliances. On the one hand, this is, of course, a very practical gift. But as useful as it is, it is also banal. If they really need a vacuum cleaner or other equipment, then you can give it as a gift for no reason.

    Toasts and wishes

    A song or poem composed by you will be very pleasant to parents. Try to tell in poetic form about their first meeting and what a good son (daughter) they had after a while. Do not forget that the feast is, first of all, toasts. Take care of them in advance. You can find a large number of them on the World Wide Web, but it will be more enjoyable if you compose your own. It doesn't have to be in poetic form.

    Remember how they start their dinner speech in the Caucasus: “High, high in the mountains...” Try and come up with an interesting story related to your parents.

    You can also organize a collective congratulations. To do this, prepare short funny quatrains and distribute them to guests. Be sure to number them so everyone knows in what order they are performed. A wedding anniversary is a family holiday. This is the time when couples take stock and make plans. Whether you want to celebrate it widely or gather quietly and as a family is up to you. But in any case, a gift for parents will never be superfluous.

    To learn what to give your parents for their wedding anniversary, watch the following video.

    Just recently the Mendelssohn march was heard, the cries of “bitter” embarrassed the young people hiding behind a snow-white veil, and now the children are thinking about what gift to give their parents for their wedding anniversary.
    What is better, to please them with a joint trip, which they never went on, loaded with a series of worries, or to give them household appliances that can greatly facilitate household work? Or maybe make a gift with your own hands, putting love, warmth and care into its creation?
    If the time has come to celebrate a wedding anniversary, it means that good relationships have developed in the family, traditions have been created and true love reigns. In this house, children are always waiting for tea with an unusually delicious cake, and the clock is counting down moments filled with happiness.
    Why not give your parents a gift - a surprise that includes all these pleasant moments? For example:
    tea bag house;
    a housekeeper, so necessary for a good owner;
    cake with wedding anniversary wishes from all relatives;
    a clock that only counts good minutes.
    And all this with your own hands!

    Tea bag house

    Birthday cake

    If you're celebrating your wedding anniversary at home, you can't do without something unusual, made by yourself. Let it be in the form of a box with wishes. Wishes of happiness, love, mutual understanding.

    We will bake two heart-shaped shortbread cakes and two dozen identical hearts 5x5 cm, from which we will form the sides of the future cake box. Let's combine it with red sugar mastic and decorate the top of the cake with it. Inside we will put beautifully decorated wishes or declarations of love to our parents.
    The second version of the cake with wishes is a paper souvenir, consisting of 12 separate triangular boxes, beautifully decorated and arranged in the shape of a cake. In each such piece you can hide a souvenir, jewelry, a family hobby and, of course, a good message.

    Expensive gift

    Do you want to give your parents an expensive gift for their wedding anniversary? It can also be a cake. . It's easy to assemble and nice to give.
    We will need 2-3 round boxes of different sizes or strips of cardboard, the width of which corresponds to the height of the banknote. We form several circles from the stripes. We roll the paper bills into identical tubes and fasten them to the resulting side with paper clips. We form a 2-3 layer “cake”, decorate it in a wedding theme with ribbons and flowers (can be made from multi-colored banknotes) and solemnly present it to the celebrants.

    Happy hours

    Time flies quickly, but happy people do not watch the clock. With your own hands you can make a clock for your parents that will count only minutes of love.
    We will need:
    photo frame with transparent plastic;
    a photograph telling about happy moments lived together;
    small hearts of pearl color.

    The most difficult thing in creating a gift is to insert the clock mechanism so that the hands are located on the surface of the plastic; to do this, you will have to carefully make a hole in it using a drill or a breadboard knife.
    We insert the photo into the frame (the black and white version looks great), install the clock mechanism and glue the pearl hearts to the places corresponding to the numbers on the dial.
    So we made an unusual gift for our beloved parents with our own hands for their wedding anniversary. Let us prepare for congratulations, admiring their wisdom and ability to preserve love for many years.

    The wedding anniversary of our parents always evokes in us the most reverent and warm emotions, because the closest people, going through life's trials together, prove over and over again that real feelings exist. Another long-awaited date is approaching, and perhaps the anniversary of marriage, which means it’s time to think about what to give your parents for their anniversary. We invite you to evaluate the most interesting gift ideas with the portal.

    What to give mom and dad for their wedding anniversary

    Whatever surprise you plan, always remember that from year to year your attention becomes the main and most desired gift. You can give a very expensive gift to your parents for their wedding anniversary, paying tribute, and then rush to go about your business, or you can devote time to mom and dad, even if you have a banal tea party with conversations and give a symbolic thing.

    Gifts that will be remembered for a lifetime

    It is unlikely that we will talk about any things, even the most necessary ones. And let's try to do without templates, when a gift for a silver wedding must be silver, but for a cast iron wedding they usually give a frying pan. You will find a full range of symbolic and themed wedding anniversary gifts on our website. Let parents experience something they have never had before. Or maybe it’s time to fulfill a cherished dream that they constantly put off, sacrificing their desires for your sake? Of course, you shouldn’t go too far and force mom and dad to leave their comfort zone. Extreme riding lessons, rope jumping or flying in a wind tunnel would probably appeal to you, but it is unlikely that your parents would. Of all the possible gifts and impressions, recommends the most suitable and original gifts for parents for their anniversary:

    • will allow you to experience the most unforgettable and exciting emotions. Information about the benefits of dolphin therapy increases from year to year.

    • Bathhouse with spa treatments also involves a joint hike. For example, by visiting a hammam (Turkish bath), you can have a wonderful rest with health benefits, in particular, joints, respiratory and nervous systems, and also improve blood circulation. Spa treatments will help relieve fatigue, irritability and overwork.

    • A trip to the sanatorium, as an anniversary gift, it will give parents the opportunity to spend time with health benefits.

    • Romantic dinner in a chic restaurant, after all, a very small percentage of humanity regularly allows themselves such trips, and you allow your parents to feel like the cream of society on their wedding anniversary.

    • Romantic weekend outside the city, for example, in winter, a cozy house in the mountains and the opportunity to go skiing or just breathe fresh air are more preferable. In the summer, go fishing to a pond or relax at the base.

    • Romantic boat trip will allow you to have a picnic on board, as well as enjoy the beauty of the water area.

    • Chef at home will surprise stay-at-home parents. Mom and Dad won’t have to cook or wash dishes at all. All that remains is to relax and savor freshly prepared delicacies.

    • will be remembered by parents who love peace. It is not at all necessary to purchase cinema tickets; now the leading surprise experience companies will provide the opportunity to privately watch your favorite film. And this is not at home - on the couch, that’s what’s most important.

    • Master classes, which will unite interests, for example, creating a painting or preparing a delicious dish, or maybe parents will be delighted with pottery lessons? All in your hands.

    • Tasting evening will definitely appeal to wine, cheese or coffee connoisseurs. Parents will enjoy gastronomic pleasure and also learn a lot of interesting things about their favorite products.

    • Tickets to the theater or to a concert of your favorite band, depending on the preferences of mom and dad, will give genuine joyful emotions.

    Necessary, useful and desired gifts

    There is nothing wrong with giving just such gifts for a wedding anniversary, especially if mom and dad have long dreamed of a new TV or a high-quality set of bed linen. An important rule that we start from is that a present is definitely needed in the family and is expected. You shouldn’t “check the box” by giving your mom another frying pan for your next wedding anniversary, or a razor for your dad. But if the father cannot see his life without fishing, and the mother loves to cook, fishing gear and kitchen gadgets will be a good gift, even if not one common one, but so desired.

    DIY gifts: crafts and practical things for your wedding anniversary

    Are you familiar with the phrase: “The best gift is the one made with your own hands”? And who else, if not your parents, is able to appreciate your own work? In addition, there are different situations in life, for example, financial difficulties. Don't leave mom and dad unattended. We also have original ideas for this case.

    Crafts and hand-made souvenir gifts for a wedding anniversary:

    • Postcard, As a memorable token of affection with anniversary wishes, it will remind your parents of your love. Create your own masterpiece for your loved ones.
    • Topiary or the tree of happiness will become a symbolic and very beautiful thing in the parents’ house. To create it, you can use various available tools.
    • Bouquet of sweets will replace the traditional flower arrangement.
    • Painted gingerbread, which are not difficult to bake with your own hands.
    • Homemade cake with original design will be an excellent occasion for organizing a family tea party.
    what to give for a golden wedding, because at this age parents value attention and care for themselves more.

    What else can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary? Don’t forget about all kinds of portraits, family trees, edited videos, and the like. Memories from the past will help parents experience those unforgettable emotions again. Only you know exactly how to congratulate your closest people on their wedding anniversary. Whether it will be a family tea party, a practical gift or a surprise-impression is up to you. Give with pleasure, and we would like to wish you the most sincere emotions from your closest people.

      Dad and mom are the main people in everyone's life. Naturally, you want to please your loved ones as often as possible and give them the most interesting, memorable and original gifts. Shops and websites are full of extraordinary goods for different occasions; there are even blanks for DIY crafts. What to give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

      How to choose the right gift?

      On the eve of an important date, first of all you need to decide on a gift. When choosing, rely on the following factors:

      • maybe the parents have some dreams and desires. For example, they have long wanted to buy a coffee maker, a robot vacuum cleaner, or a beautiful tea service, so it’s better to buy just that;
      • need to be taken into account age couples. What newlyweds like will not always appeal to older people;
      • not worth saving. If your budget is limited, then you should not buy a cheap trinket, something better do it yourself;
      • practical and versatile the gift will remind you of you for a long time. This factor is important when looking for a gift;
      • of course no need to give completely useless things. This can be perceived as a sign of disrespect and indifference. For example, your loved ones do not drink alcohol, but you decide to give expensive whiskey or cognac. Naturally, this will be inappropriate.

      What can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

      A wedding anniversary is an important and exciting event for the whole family. When choosing a gift, you can focus on the date. Usually gifts are positioned with the number of years lived together.

      There are several anniversaries:

      • 10 - tin wedding;
      • 20 - porcelain;
      • 25 - silver;
      • 35 - coral;
      • 40 - ruby;
      • 50 - gold.

      Traditionally, it is customary to give gifts based on the name of the date, although this is not obligatory. If you decide to comply with this, then the following options are suitable:

      1. In a day porcelain weddings can be presented with porcelain tableware service. This is a rather expensive gift, but a more budget-friendly one would be, for example, a teapot made of this material or a pair of mugs and saucers.
      2. On 25 year old anniversary, silver cutlery is perfect. In the future, such a set can become a family heirloom and be passed on from generation to generation. You can order some paired jewelry for father and mother (rings, bracelets, pendants) based on a sketch.
      3. On coral For a wedding, you can choose some kind of gift in this color. This can be a high-quality set of bed linen, covers for a sofa and armchairs, homemade bathrobes.
      4. 40 years - a considerable number. Of course, gifts with rubies are quite expensive. You can present ruby-colored: paired suits, decorative items (large vase, painting);
      5. Of course the date is half a century - this is a special event. On such a day, you want to surprise your parents and give them a memorable gift. An excellent solution is to purchase new wedding rings with engraving. A more budget-friendly gift is to order a family portrait and frame it in a beautiful frame or make a family tree.

      It is not necessary to give matching gifts. It is permissible to congratulate parents with different gifts, knowing their tastes. For example, you can present your mother with a beautiful pearl necklace, and your father with a business tie or cufflinks.

      Universal surprises:

      1. Certificate for the store (appliances, cosmetics, dishes).
      2. Money.
      3. Subscription to a beauty salon and gym.

      General gift

      It is customary to celebrate round dates solemnly and on a grand scale. Therefore, I want to choose appropriate gifts:


      • if your parents haven’t had a vacation for a long time, or maybe they have a dream to fly somewhere or visit a certain country, then you can buy tourist vouchers. Companies now offer a wide selection to suit any budget. It doesn’t have to be an expensive resort; you can have a romantic weekend in a sanatorium, rent a house in the countryside;
      • a good solution is to present tickets to the theatre, musical, ballet or performance of your favorite performer;
      • if possible, you can book a water excursion on a boat or motor ship;
      • An original idea is to make an away date at a memorable place. Probably the parents talked about where and how they met, where the father proposed, and much more. A holiday in such an environment will be remembered forever and will bring a lot of impressions and pleasant memories from the past;
      • You can have a second wedding, invite your loved ones and the host. Recreate the atmosphere of that holiday;
      • a memorable gift - a romantic photo shoot or with the whole family. You can make a trip to some palace, photo studio or other beautiful (memorable) place;
      • An unforgettable experience will remain from flying in a hot air balloon. This is an expensive gift, but it's worth it.

      Gift from son

      On such an important date, a son can give:

      • for the father, items related to his hobbies (chess, telescope, rare coins or books);
      • for mom - rare fresh flowers in a pot, maybe even a fruit-bearing plant (lemon, orange);
      • a paired gift can be a collection of music discs or records.

      What can a daughter give?

      Girls, as a rule, are more careful when choosing a gift. A daughter can please her loved ones with the following gifts:

      • beautiful and high-quality blanket;
      • personalized pillows;
      • carpet for the bedroom or living room;
      • chic curtains;
      • for your father you can choose some accessories for your car or equipment (camera, camera, inflatable boat, etc.);
      • for the mother - a certificate to a beauty salon;
      • a gift for couples - a certificate for a massage salon, sauna.

      DIY wedding anniversary gift for parents

      Undoubtedly, a gift that is made independently will bring great joy and only positive emotions. Such things have a special energy; they have a soul and a secret meaning.

      As a present for the anniversary of your parents living together, you can make gifts yourself:

      • collect a collage of photographs, starting with the youth of mom and dad, and then as events develop: their dates, first photos together, marriages, family photos, discharge from the maternity hospital and photographs to the present moment. Such a gift will evoke a lot of impressions and memories, and most importantly, it will remain in the house forever and will be a memorable thing;
      • using modern technologies, you can create a video about your parents, choosing your favorite musical compositions, and at the end say words of gratitude and love;
      • You can bake a themed cake and cupcakes. Nowadays there are many video lessons available on the Internet. Such a gift can be an addition to the main one;
      • an original idea is to create a family coat of arms or monogram;
      • with a little creativity you can write a song about your beloved mom and dad, most often they use ready-made compositions, but change the words;
      • Nowadays small dolls made by hand are very popular. Having acquired the materials, you can create an excellent pair of toys that will symbolize your parents;
      • Having knitting skills, knit a cape for your shoulders and bedside rugs;
      • you can make a funny newspaper with cartoons about incidents from the life of your parents;
      • record a video with congratulations from all relatives;
      • It's a great idea to plant trees in honor of the family. For example, a couple of oaks, maples or beautiful blue spruces;
      • paint a set of dishes with your own hands, make personalized glasses.

      Choosing gifts is not an easy task. But, if you think carefully about the wishes of your parents and show a little imagination, you can create memorable and extraordinary gifts. Of course, what is the best gift to give to parents for their wedding anniversary should not be decided at the last moment. Consider their character, dreams and desires. Don't forget that you can make a budget surprise with your own hands.

      Anniversary video gift for parents

      In this video, Victoria will show what a funny and original video she came up with as a gift to her parents for a chintz wedding:
