How to give a gift in a matryoshka box. Presenting a birthday gift: a fireworks display of original ideas and an explosion of emotions

Here's the baby in front of you

The baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

So that the head does not freeze,
We will pull on the cap deftly. (they give a cap)

So that something else doesn't happen,
And the underwear wouldn’t get wet from below,
Well, why are you laughing, who doesn’t?
In general, diapers won’t hurt us (they give diapers as a gift)

And if a bad mood comes
How to calm a child instantly?
Place a pacifier in your mouth so you don't scream
I knew that I would be silent more in life (they give me a pacifier).

Let's blindfold the birthday girl,
Let's intrigue you 100%!
What a gift with delivery
So has she been waiting for a long time?

Desired, new, delightful,
What it is is still a secret.
Only to her, the captivating beauty
We will give you something that doesn't exist yet.

Please accept my comic congratulations,
And be happy on your birthday
How long have we suffered in search
The gift is just an obsession.

Well, open your eyes quickly!
Here's a surprise!
He's yours! Hooray!

We give you a gift
Of course he is from the heart,
He is beautiful, useful, bright,
Hurry up to use it.

Remember your friends, of course
Invite me to visit more often.
Be a diligent housewife
Treat your husband deliciously.

So that your eyes glow with happiness,
Lips are swollen with love,
And the blush is only from passion
Your cheeks were burning!

(Any kitchen utensils, dishes, household kitchen appliances, maybe a cookbook, tablecloth, etc. can be used as a gift accompanied by this poem.)

We thought we were guessing

We spent the whole evening discussing:
What does a person need?
Having crossed the summer milestone???

Is happiness in trinkets?
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small dacha by the river,
Or on a ring on your finger?

Of course not! This is nonsense!
Better than money - no!

We taxied to the store,
And we bought a gift!

Miracle apron - wallet,
Try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good,
You will find six pockets!

The first “FOR FRIENDS” pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive away,
When there is nothing left to pour!!!

For “LOVE” there is a second pocket!

there lies a big surprise!
So that the stove does not go out!
Here's a candle for you Seryozhka!
And a bill for flowers,
So that you are ready for sex!!!

Our third pocket “PARENTS”
You call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth “OUR CHILDREN”
And keep a pocket for them!
What do children need, guys?
Well, of course, money!!!

The fifth pocket here is “WORK”
Our main concern!
Buy yourself a travel card!
Not one, but three at once!!!

And the sixth pocket is “YOURS”
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp for you
They didn’t hide even a ruble.

Accept a gift from us
Remember us with kind words.
Happy birthday
And we wish you to live richly!

Our birthday boy is wonderful,
Dear birthday boy,
We came to you with a gift,
With a bag full, big.

What's there? You guessed it!
You've been dreaming about this for a long time,
And enjoy today!
You have become the owner...

(At this moment they take out the desired gift to give the man a happy birthday)

Don't part with him now,
Take him to sleep with you,
Show off your gift
And love your friends!

Hello, dear friend!
Happy birthday to you!
We will congratulate you in an unusual way,
And we will hand over the gifts personally!

1.) Here's a gift for the soul,
Don’t rush to be surprised,
Paint your soft lips,
There will be kisses to your heart's content! (Pomade)

2.) And this gift is important!
Even if it's paper.
He always helps out
Never fails! (Toilet paper roll)

3.) If a hole appears,
Something, somewhere is leaking,
It will certainly come in handy
Our gift for the girl. (Threads and needles, available as a set)

4.) If everything looks bad in the mirror,
The French say strictly:
Just wash your hair
Our shampoo is always with you! (Shampoo)

5.) So that your legs don’t hurt,
Didn't freeze, didn't sweat,
We give you slippers
Will they fit your feet? (Slippers)

6.) You have a big sweet tooth,
We know this for sure!
We give you candy
From my big heart! (Candies)

7.) To keep the lights on in the house,
Our gift will come in handy
This is a light bulb for you
Our red maiden! (Bulb)

8.) Don’t be a fool,
Here, take the comb.
Straighten the tufts in your mane,
Seduce the man.

9.) Finally, we give you a pen,
To write down your pay!

Birthday has arrived
And the question arose before us,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a cute hat!
A treat for the men.
But it seems out of season
Summer style hat

Well, I won’t give it away
And then I’ll give you a bandana! (bandana)
You look beautiful in a bandana,
Only somehow so playfully.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
The connection with sports will be strong,
If we give a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap these days?
And she sits loosely
Yes, and the color is not the theme at all,
No, let's give up this idea.

To be funny then
You need to give the cap
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up like a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
This is the royal crown! (crown).

For birthdays we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash floors in it, you can milk cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with it in the bathhouse, it will be useful there too,

You can wash your clothes in it, you can wash your butt,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a branch

You can ride down the slide, it will always be useful to you,

And how will it be (.50.60...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, and find a bigger spoon,

We’ll pour okroshka into a basin and celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, don’t break it, don’t crumple it,

Don’t leave it in the yard and put it back,

Happy anniversary, we wish you all a drink now,

Some from the pile, some from what, and we will drink from it.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a washcloth, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a squad of bath attendants!
Third: Let's steam everyone up, warm them up.
Come on, people, be bold!
Fourth: The people here are very dirty...
Fifth: Sign up for five years in advance!
Sixth: But today is an exception
And such a message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (name) - the hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Rub harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool -
You'll be red like a lobster! (they give a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, eh, uh, he gives up the ghost, brothers!

Second: We give a hat for curls,
And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You'll be a hero! (they give you a bath cap)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, but the park isn’t bad at all!

Third: To remove fat from the sides -
We are urgently giving away a massager,
Oh, sorry, massager,
May you always rub your body! (they give you a massage mitten)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, you'll soon burn off the fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice stone
Englishmen, ordinary guys,
No need to scare your heels! (they give penza)
Together: Oh, uh, oh, oh, it’s not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it's hot,
I drank beer from it,
I would remember this day!
Together: Oh, oh, oh, oh, we would like a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you have too much
And he gave the park away with interest,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe it will even go off scale!
Together: Uh, eh, oh, ah, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (name), our friend,
Pour your glass full!
We have something to pay -
We can give you a broom! (hand over their brooms).

Hello, well done man!
We've come for the name day!
Yes, with not empty hands,
And funny gifts!

1.) In the morning you get up from the couch,
And you run to the bathroom,
To shave the beard,
No foam again, fuck!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Shaving foam included)

2.) I shaved and combed my hair
And I looked at the shirt
These are the times! Well, where's the tie?
Well, where did I put him?

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (As a gift, a beautiful tie)

3.) Dressed up for work,
It's time for breakfast
Drink some coffee, where's the cup?
Ugh, you're in the sink, dirty...

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Mug as a gift)

4.) You run to work,
Belated, trembling...
Rise before the sun,
Start up, don't forget!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Alarm clock as a gift)

5.) You came to work -
There are a lot of documents!
There are no pens, unfortunately,
Well, it's a sad case!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Ballpoint pen included)

6.) You're tired at work,
I walked to the car,
Oh, how it's covered in snow

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (A snow brush is included as a gift)

7.) And so that the wife waits at home,
I was dying of desire,
We give you something...
Even though you yourself: OH-HO-HO!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Viagra as a gift)

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Calculator as a gift)

Finally, we wish
So that all your dreams come true,
And the gifts came in handy
And they came up to the occasion!

All in unison: - After all, with us, after all, with us, all the gifts are just great!!!

“To get this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most wonderful components - “transparency”, so that the life of the hero of the day was like the height and depth of the spring sky. May clouds never come over him. We took the “fortress” because it is needed in overcoming life’s difficulties. We added “degrees” so that they were always at +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and energy of the hero of the day. “Easy digestibility”, so that everything good, kind, and bright comes to his home. And “slight dizziness” from happiness, love and fun.”

Rules for using vodka:

It should then be used:
a) when the soul requests;
b) when the soul aches;
c) when the soul sings;
d) after a bath or shower;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself in an upright position;

2. Hide from children under 16 years of age and from your wife;

3. Keep away from fire;

4. Consume undiluted, always with a good snack;

5. With excessive libations - poisonous..

Even though you have a birthday today,
The laurel wreath will not shine for you.
You’d better accept a bouquet of bay leaves from us (they give a bay leaf)

Don't think of being angry with us -
A nail will be useful in the household (they give a nail as a gift)

They wanted to give a flashlight,
But we only found a ball (they give a ball)

When you go for a walk,
So that your trousers don't fall off,
You have with you
This pin made of steel (they give a pin)

Pour this into a glass
And drink slowly (they give you a glass)

After a drink, have a snack -
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin (they give a napkin)

And for dessert we have
There is some candy for you (they give candy)

You received flowers, roses.
They do not wither in the cold (they give a card with roses).

We present the birthday boy with a GIFT - a large box wrapped in beautiful gift paper and with a beautiful bow.
Presenter: (Name of the hero of the day), try it, guess, and then open it. That's 10 gifts in one! This is a mystery gift, but here’s a hint for you.

1. This is a symbol of the beginning and end of the day!

2. This is a health indicator!

3. This is the main achievement of human civilization!

4. This is an astronaut's dream!

5. This is a book lover's best friend!

6. This is the answer to the question: “Where does the salary go?”

7. This is something that everyone, if not bows, then bends their knees to!

8. This is the saddle of the most gluttonous horse in the world!

9. This is a porn photocopier!

10. And the last thing - This is the last chord in today's anniversary! Well, now open it!

(The hero of the day turns it around, and there is a seat with a toilet lid.)

Our dear birthday boy!
Even though you’re no longer [and] fifty dollars,
Still a joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the birthdays -
Also a reason for giving.
Because - see for yourself! —
We came here with gifts.

Birthday boy, dear!
We come to you with all our hearts!
But first, pour it.
Drink, respect people!
No, we don't need alcohol,
We would like a drink like this
Just to refresh your throat!
And we'll start giving you
Everything we took with us.
It's still a lot of work -
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
Dear hero of the day
We are happy to give generously.
And without demanding a reward,
Let's get started. Is everyone ready?
We are for a dear friend
No regrets -
They barely got it.

(With these words, they bring out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are stored, and begin to take each item out of it one by one and read funny poems about each gift).

Gift No. 1.

Look here:
It says "WATER" here.
And although there is no water here,
Let us emphasize this point:
After all, the bottle, even empty,
But how beautiful!
Suitable for everything at once.
Well, first of all, it's a vase.
Secondly, the dishes are
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

Gift No. 2.

Here's another "hello":
A pack of cigarettes.
And “hello” is from childhood:
Do you remember - summer, stadium...
100 meters in physical...
Gatherings in the yard...
There were cigarettes too -
You won't deny it though?
Even though you haven't smoked for a long time,
We donate the pack anyway.
One has only to take a glance,
To understand: smoking is poison!
Why, you ask, a pack? —
You will hide your stash in it!

(with these words they present a cigarette pack, preferably empty)

Gift No. 3.

Look how beautiful she is
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
A very nice toy -
Throw a couple of coins in there!
Why isn't it a joy for the hero of the day?
Rattle - isn't it?
And a piggy bank for coins.

(with these words an empty beer can is presented)

Gift No. 4.

Here's another present for you
Under the name Eurocent,
To put it simply - a penny
Made from excellent stainless steel.
For what? It's no secret:
From donated coins
The birthday boy is pleased!
We will not take the gift back!
This is money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(they present a coin and throw it into the already donated beer can)

Gift No. 5

Here's another surprise
Not a whim, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
Why, you ask, is this?
We want to infect with an example:
You will become a collector!
This is the first copy.
Do you understand, hero of the day?
Who buys paintings?
Who collects coins...
Wrappers are still more reliable:
After all, paintings are more expensive!
And, giving sweets to friends,
Take off the candy wrappers at the same time.

(at this place they present a candy wrapper)

Gift No. 6

And made of refractory steel
We'll give you a pin.
You ask: why suddenly?
For the gum! Got it, friend?
You might say: “What is it?
After all, now the underwear is different -
From Trussardi, from Dior..." —
But what kind of conversation?
But take it, don’t torment your friends,
Just like that - just in case!

(with these words an ordinary steel pin is presented)

Gift No. 7

Look here, buddy:
This is a matchbox!
You say it's a small thing? No, not like that:
This is not a trifle at all.
Even if you're not a tourist,
Not an avid climber,
But from now on you will be able to
Light a fire in your soul!

(with these words they present a box of matches)

Gift No. 8

We are happy to give you
This lipstick tube.
And although it is completely empty,
But beautiful female lips
He keeps the touch.
Oh yeah tube! What a sight for sore eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw it into your enemy's pocket!
Will take revenge on him in full
His wife is for you!

(at this place an empty tube of lipstick is presented)

Gift No. 9.

Look how cute it is:
At least the jaw is still there,
Behind the teeth - an eye and an eye!
We give... Now, now...
(rummaging through the box)

The hero of the day is ready to receive
This dental floss?
Oops, looks like you made a mistake...
But we will hardly repent -
With a simple, ordinary thread
Somehow it’s more common to act.
But if you made a mistake, it doesn’t matter:
They will always come in handy!

(these words are used to present a spool of ordinary thread, maybe not a new one)

Gift No. 10.

And now it's serious
We will solve the “dental issue”.
This is pasta. Yes, dental!
So fragrant!
We know, we tried it too...
True, doubt gnaws at us:
Is it worth giving it?
Because buy a new one
We didn't have time today.
But let's give it away - really!

(with these words a tube of toothpaste is presented - in accordance with the text, you should take a used tube of toothpaste for this case)

Gift No. 11.

We're giving away a cup! Yes, friends?
Look - she's yours!
Do you know if you were looking for her at home?
We see that the cup is familiar.
Why? The answer here is simple:
A wonderful toast will sound -
Well, you are the same as usual.
Drink from your usual container!
And imagine that you are drinking tea:
Don't get drunk and don't get bored!
Drink a Pepsi if it's hot.
Isn't it better to drink from a gift?

(with these words a cup belonging to the birthday person is presented)

Gift No. 12.

That's it, the gifts are over.
But no: the envelope is without a stamp!
Suddenly there will be some reason,
And the envelope is at hand!
Even a letter, or even a note -
After all, it’s a long way to the post office!
However, it’s better not to delay,

Giving a gift is an important part of the holiday, which we often do not pay due attention to. We forget that it is not only the gift itself that is remembered, but also the way in which it was received. Besides, if you only have enough money for a small gift, the only way out is to present it in an original way.

We'll tell you about eight ways to give a gift in an unusual way. In the selection you will find ideas for every taste - from simple and cost-effective to real shows with the participation of several people.

  1. If you're going to hide a gift, don't overdo it. Make sure that the recipient will definitely find it. Agree, it will be awkward if you end up having to show the hero of the occasion where the gift is. The same goes for quests with hints and puzzles that will indicate the location of the coveted prize. Don't make the assignments too difficult - it's a surprise, not an exam!
  2. Giving a gift unexpectedly is a great idea. But first, make sure that the gift will find the recipient at the right time in the right place. Also, warn him not to plan anything important. Otherwise, it may happen that you unexpectedly come to visit, and the hero of the occasion will have to interrupt important negotiations or run out of the bathroom.
  3. Do not disturb the comfort and tranquility of those around you - first of all, the recipient of the gift - do not cause inconvenience with your surprise. For example, if giving a gift involves being loud, make sure there are no small children in the house, and if you plan to get something dirty, get the recipient's consent and then clean up after yourself.

Mail, courier, quest

Method 1: surprise in the mailbox

Of course, it is more interesting to send a gift by mail. But correctly calculating the deadline so that the gift is not late and does not arrive earlier is almost impossible. Therefore, you will have to reincarnate as a postman. On the eve of an important event, drop a gift in the mailbox so that the recipient will find it the next day. The surprise is ready!

Method 2: unexpected courier

What if the gift is too big to fit in the mailbox? Order delivery by courier, and the gift will be delivered directly to the home of the hero of the occasion. The main advantage of this method is that you can choose when the gift will be delivered. And if you want to add an element of the draw, contact a holiday organization agency and order, for example, a courier in a themed costume.

Method 3: quest

The essence of the quest is that you hide a gift and leave clues for the recipient to find it. You determine the scale of the quest yourself: it can be an apartment, an office, a district, or even the whole city. To make hints, use your imagination to the fullest - nothing limits you here. If you have known the hero of the occasion for a long time, make references to things that only you know: for example, an encrypted indication of the place of your first meeting or your favorite cafe.

Balloon, box, decoy

Method 4: gift in a balloon

The method will suit you if the gift is small: for example, a theater ticket or money - in a word, the gift must fit inside the balloon. For beauty, you can put confetti there, just keep in mind that you will have to sweep them off the floor later! Then your friend pops the ball - and you're done. If you want to complicate the search for a gift, inflate several balloons and decorate the room with them, let the hero of the occasion examine the contents of all the balloons. You can put notes with wishes in the remaining balls.

Method 5: box in box

A method that has already become a classic. It consists of taking several boxes, each smaller than the previous one, putting a gift in the smallest one and making a “matryoshka doll”. This is the best way to present small but expensive gifts - watches, perfume, jewelry. The recipient will be intrigued - what is hidden in the last box?

Method 6: fake gift

If your friend has a good sense of humor, this method will suit you because it contains an element of practical jokes. Another prerequisite is that your gift is small. Buy a regular gift - socks, a towel or soap, and put inside what you really want to give. In the case of soap, you can leave only the box and replace the contents with your gift. Ready! You just have to watch how the disappointment and bewilderment on the face of the gift recipient will be replaced by joy when he finds the real gift.

Candy, surprise

Method 7: gift in candy

Would you be happy to receive a huge box of sweets as a gift? Your friend will most likely be happy too. But imagine how much his joy will increase if he finds a real gift at the bottom of the box! This method is also not suitable for large gifts - after all, the larger the item, the more candy you will have to buy to hide it.

Method 8: surprise in the window

This idea is difficult to bring to life, but if you succeed, your acquaintance or friend will remember this day for a long time! You need to negotiate with your upstairs neighbors so that at the right time they lower the basket with the gift on a rope and hold it near the window of the hero of the occasion. At this time, you tell him on the phone to look out the window, then he cuts the rope and receives a gift. The most difficult thing here is to come to an agreement with the residents, because not everyone wants to make an effort to congratulate someone they know. Also make sure that the gift recipient does not have bars or mosquito nets on the windows.

More interesting gifts.

There is no person in the world who would not like a gift. No gift can leave anyone indifferent. But if receiving a gift every time is embarrassing, a certain obligation is felt, then perhaps giving it brings greater joy.

Any gift brings joy. This is perhaps its main and undeniable feature. The choice of gifts should be conscious. Each of them reveals the character of the presenter.

Both the packaging itself and its contents reveal the ingenuity, imagination, as well as the taste and courtesy of the giver. The real cost of the gift does not mean much, the main thing is that it is dear and valuable to the recipient.

Even the most insignificant thing, but presented with a special meaning, has enough chances to become the most important of all for life and will be remembered for a long time.

Each gift is symbolic in its meaning. Basically, it is aimed at lightly emphasizing some advantages or correcting minor shortcomings. But, first of all, the gift must correspond to the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is chosen. When choosing a gift, you must take into account the environment in which the gift will be presented.

If any celebration is planned, such as a birthday, name day, wedding or anniversary, you need to take care of the contents of the package in advance. Standing at a store counter or making a gift at home with your own hands, you need to weigh all the “pros” and “cons.”

Donation process should not be careless, like “here, this is for you.” Yes, if you are shy, give it as beautifully and politely as possible. There is one golden rule regarding gift giving. When giving a gift, in no case should you say how difficult it was to find something as a gift and how expensive it was to buy this thing. There is no need to tell those present, and especially the hero of the occasion, about all the adventures. In response, such a story will be followed by words of gratitude and appreciation for the concern and nothing more, then such a person will be seated at the table and his presence will be forgotten. And such a story will be regarded as a manifestation of bad manners and sick pride.

It would be nice to know the taste of your friends in order to give what they like. It turns out that you need to be able to choose a gift, taking into account a lot: the reason for the gift (a holiday or just a surprise), the age and gender of the person, your relationship with him, the interests and hobbies of your friend. Therefore, if, when choosing a gift, you are looking among your things for something worse, something that you don’t need, this is not a gift! If you are sorry to part with something, or you are giving away something dear to you under your mother’s coercion, this is also not a gift. “Something” bought in a hurry is also not a gift!

It’s easier for those who have “golden hands”. A gift made especially for the recipient will always please - be it a poem, a drawing, embroidery or a soft toy. If one of you is embarrassed to show off your talents, then you will have to borrow money from your parents and carefully think about the gift. Is your friend a collector? Always a pleasure to add to his collection! Do you know your friend's interests? Then it will be easy to choose for her the video cassette, book or notebook she needs. Boys usually like sporting goods and keychains. Almost anything can be a gift item.

A few mandatory rules that the donor should know:

  • on birthdays, gifts should be given that only the birthday person himself will use, and not his entire family;

  • It’s not good to give gifts after a birthday, it’s better the day before;

  • it is indecent to give a friend money and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want”; if you really care about the recipient, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift for him that will bring joy, but money can look like a handout and can offend;

  • you should not give very expensive, “chic” gifts, by doing this you can put a person in an awkward position, unwittingly humiliate him or make him feel dependent on you;

  • if you are invited to a house where there is absolutely everything, and your friend cannot be surprised by anything, then do not fall into despair and do not rack your brains over how to get money for an expensive gift worthy of a rich home; You can give something, although not valuable, but distinguished by its rarity and elegance, or you can play up your gift wittily - for example, give a classmate a Mercedes model and write on a postcard: “Let this car grow with you!” More imagination, my friends!

  • gift packaging is important: homemade bags, boxes and cards are valued higher, so it’s worth collecting foil, clippings, and ribbons;

  • never give away what was given to you, because someone wanted to please you, it doesn’t matter that it didn’t work out;

  • There is an insidious rule regarding edible gifts - they should be served on the table immediately, this must be taken into account;

  • living gifts (kittens, fish...) can only be given with the prior consent of all family members of the recipient;

  • the gift is not given in the corridor (with the exception of flowers), it is presented in the room, slowly, saying kind words.

  • there is no need to get off with any trifle - you may be considered a miser;

  • you cannot give things that are, so to speak, ambiguous, for example, deer antlers to your spouse, a painting with a sad plot to a newlywed;

  • It's good if the gift is a surprise. But this surprise is for whom it is intended;

  • a bad gift is worse than no gift.

So, what to give, when to give and to whom to give?

Let's start with the last one - to whom. Of course, you don’t need to give gifts to everyone; you can make a lot of mistakes. There is no need to give gifts to strangers - you will only surprise them with your action.

One of the most difficult questions: should you give gifts to your bosses? Any gift that you bring, for example, for your boss’s birthday, can be interpreted by gossip lovers as fawning, as a desire to stand out. And the one to whom the gift is intended can also be put in a very ambiguous position: if you (let’s assume), an excellent employee, they wanted to soon promote you to a more responsible job, then after you brought the gift to your manager, he will simply be embarrassed to support your candidacy for nomination. Therefore, it is customary in exceptional cases (anniversaries, retirement, etc.), of course, if the boss has really good, friendly relations with his employees, to make collective gifts: from the department, from the management, from the sector, etc. .

Now - when to give. It is customary to give gifts on family occasions - birthdays, weddings, graduation from school, university, etc. These are easy cases, because it is clear who to give and when to give. The issue with weddings is a little more complicated. The first anniversary is considered a “paper” wedding, the second is a “glass” wedding, the tenth is a “porcelain” wedding, the fifteenth is a “bronze” wedding, the twentieth is a “crystal” wedding, etc.

In one of the editions of Chevalier’s book “Rules of Conduct for Well-mannered People” (1918), the first twenty wedding anniversaries each have their own name, and gifts are recommended to be made precisely in accordance with the name of the anniversary. That is, on a “glass” anniversary, give glass items, on a “porcelain” anniversary - porcelain, on a “crystal” anniversary - crystal, and so on. There are also platinum and diamond weddings. But the theorists of the rules of good manners have still not reached a consensus: some of them consider the sixtieth anniversary to be diamond, others consider the sixtieth anniversary to be platinum, and the seventy-five year anniversary to be diamond.

Nowadays, a silver wedding is especially common - twenty-five years of marriage of spouses, a golden wedding - fifty years. However, there is no need to fall under the hypnosis of beautiful symbols: it is not necessary to give only silver items for a silver wedding, and gold for a golden wedding.

So we come to one of the main questions: what to give?

The gift is chosen depending on who it should be given to - a friend, relative, acquaintance. It's easier to give gifts to a loved one than to a stranger or someone you haven't seen for a long time. In such a situation, one can easily say what this or that person would like, what he needs most. Here you can easily afford to give yourself just a bouquet of flowers, a small soft toy or some household utensils.

There is one note regarding the utensils. Such a birthday surprise would be a little inappropriate. After many hours of preparing a festive table, it is unlikely that anyone will want to return to this topic again. Such a gift would only be appropriate for a housewarming.

You can give it to close relatives both some clothing items and various household items. In these cases, a very wide choice is allowed - that is, everything is suitable that does not violate the above general rules about gifts. The husband can even choose a gift for his wife together with her, the mother with her daughter.
The further the relationship, the less close you are to the person, the more difficult it is to choose a gift. If you can give tights, gloves, a hat or a frivolous handbag to a relative, then you cannot give this to a girl you just know.

A woman can give a close male relative various smoking accessories, tobacco, wine, a tie, a scarf, a sweater, or a shirt. But you cannot give toiletries to distant relatives.

All other gifts are divided into two categories: souvenirs (books, wallet, purse, set of pens, keychain and other small items) and valuable - vase, set, tablecloth with napkins, artistic and handicrafts, coffee set.

For a gift, if it is being prepared for the New Year, for the eighth of March, it is recommended to attach either a corresponding postcard, or a small figurine of Santa Claus, a sprig of mimosa, etc.

Recently, it has become common to give books as gifts. You need to choose a book very carefully, knowing at least approximately what kind of books can please the one to whom you want to give a gift. And one more indispensable rule: never label books! Only its author has the right to inscribe a book. Any other inscription spoils it. You can include a colorful postcard with words of congratulations or a business card with several congratulatory phrases in the book.

At the birth of a child, a young mother expects a bouquet of flowers and a letter from the new father. In these cases, relatives and friends give a stroller, diapers and undershirts, and dishes.

Jewelry you should buy with a large selection: firstly, they can be given as gifts to family and especially close friends; secondly, it is necessary to take into account the main thing: whether they are suitable for their future owner (of course, we are talking about brooches, pendants, rings, watches, bracelets, and not about tabletop jewelry, dishes, silverware, bowls, etc. .d.).

One important detail. There is a fairly common custom of tearing off the label on a gift on which the price is indicated: they say, it’s not the price that matters. It seems that this custom contains a fair amount of hypocrisy, characteristic of the etiquette of past times. Let's think sensibly: after all, the hero of the occasion does not live on a desert island and still has a rough idea of ​​the cost of this or that thing. And if desired, he can easily find out the exact price. So no need to play hide and seek - it's really not about the price!
Fergusson's "Textbook for Gentlemen" in the chapter on gifts gives one practical piece of advice: a person who wants to be polite must have a notebook in which all birthdays and other significant dates are noted, not only of close relatives, but also of friends and acquaintances . Thus, none of the holidays and anniversaries will take this person by surprise.

Every gift is a mirror of the nature of the giver, even if they try not to show their character when making a purchase. And presenting a gift is not a duty to the hero of the occasion, but first of all a sign of attention and respect for him. Without free time or completely forgetting about the gift, you should under no circumstances entrust the purchase of a gift to another person. Even a perfectly wrapped gift like this will lose all its appeal after the giver leaves, finding itself in the far corner.

It often happens that one of the invitees cannot attend the celebration for some reason: poor health, business trip, etc. In this case, close friends are asked to convey apologies, congratulations and a gift. Along with the gift, a greeting card should be sent to the hero of the occasion. In the event that a loved one cannot be present at the celebration and gives a gift through a third party, be sure to thank him by sending him a postcard or letter, and the person who gives the gift. All words expressed about the present itself are addressed to the same person.

And one last tip: Never put off purchasing a gift until the last day. You should not bring a bouquet on your birthday that was picked from a flower bed near the house, or give complete nonsense from a nearby store. You need to think about the gift in advance. Then its originality and relevance will be guaranteed.

What turns an ordinary gift into an unforgettable event? Why are some gifts remembered for many years, while others go unnoticed?

At the top of the list of conditions that influence the perception of a gift is value. And we are talking not only about the actual cost, utilitarian necessity, the importance of receiving a gift from a specific donor, but also about the conditions under which the gift was given and what it looked like. Gifts are also “greeted by their clothes.”

A gift wrapped in beautiful paper or placed in another object that serves as packaging (chest, casket, gift box) looks much more presentable than the same gift, but without all this.

Matryoshka and a cat in a poke

How to give a gift in an original way to make a surprise out of a surprise? One option: make the recipient “sweat” by removing the gift from his “clothes” and play for time!

The universal principle of giving small gifts is the “matryoshka” - a miniature gift is hidden in many boxes or bags, where each next one is larger than the previous one - from a large box the birthday person takes out a smaller box, and then another, and another, and another. In some cases, you can use a real matryoshka doll as packaging for a small gift.

The second method is “pig in a poke.” The main task is to change the initial shape of the gift as much as possible in order to deceive the tactile sensations of the recipient. The outer packaging can be a fabric bag, decorated at the discretion of the donor.

To confuse the gift recipient, you can:

  • wrap the gift in several layers of crumpled paper;
  • place foam rubber between the walls of the bag and the object being handed;
  • fill the bag with medium or large-textured packaging material and hide the gift in it.

A toy can also serve as an external form for a miniature gift. To present jewelry to young ladies, all kinds of cute little animals are often used, and the objects of gift are hung on their necks and paws. But to create real intrigue, ideas on how to give a gift should provide that it should be hidden and not conspicuous.

The character with the bag is perfect for this purpose. This option can also help out when money is used as a gift - money in bags is more associated with complete well-being than money.

Related gifts

For steam room lovers, not a single celebration is complete without the presentation and receipt of bath accessories (washcloth, towel, bath cap).

There are useful gifts that, due to various circumstances, have become integral comic attributes of some holidays:

  • “hungry” food package for the New Year;
  • diapers and diapers for the birth and first anniversary of the child.

How to give these banal gifts in a non-trivial way, and how to give an original gift of an accompanying nature?

An already popular, but still unused form of presenting such gifts are:

  • a bouquet of “flowers” ​​(, underwear, diapers, beer with dried fish);
  • sculpture in the form of a vehicle (bath accessories, food set, diapers);
  • a box of “lollipops” on sticks (socks, small towels and other small textile goods);
  • a glass of “ice cream” (a small object made of fabric);
  • “cake” or “castle” (food with bottles and cans, diapers, bath rest attributes).

The theme of cakes occupies a special place in the art of giving, since this treat is an essential element of any celebration.

A cake box is another versatile form of gift packaging. It can contain both goods accompanying the main gift and something significant. A serious gift in a frivolous package - let the recipient think until the last moment that he was given a cake, and not a netbook or something else important and valuable.

Pranks and provocations

After the form in the list of conditions for successful delivery comes the factor of surprise in the situation in which the recipient receives the gift. The easiest way to surprise someone with a gift is when they are not expecting it. What is an unusual way to give a gift from a large company or team?

See grandma off

An unsuspecting subject comes home, turns on the lights and finds a crowd of guests and a set table - this is how a surprise or collective congratulation is depicted in American cinema.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get into the home of the birthday person unnoticed and without consequences, and it is not difficult to lure the recipient to a place prepared in advance for congratulations.

There is a wonderful and almost fail-safe good prank called “show off grandma.”

This type of provocation works well during a lunch break near the work of the person being congratulated.

  • a companion (or companion) who asks the birthday boy to accompany him to the bank or to the store (he also plays along with the provocateur);
  • a provocateur portraying a person in need of help (“a blind grandmother” who needs a guide to enter the nearest cafe, for example, to wash her hands).

The provocateur can pretend to be a foreigner who does not understand the reasons for the establishment manager’s refusal to accept his super-gold card for payment. This could also be a child who is not allowed into a restaurant without adults, where his mother is waiting for him (or he could not find her himself, although she is there).

Hawaiian Santa Claus, or the Lost Magician

If for some reason it is impossible to lure the object to neutral territory, and the celebration is already planned in a banquet hall or at a picnic, then the holiday needs a “touring star” in an unusual guise.

This prank is especially funny in the summer outdoors in a situation where a small number of congratulators know about it. To succeed, you need to hire an illusionist or persuade and prepare one of the friends unfamiliar to the birthday boy.

The unsuspecting person being honored receives the first congratulations when a certain character atypical for the surroundings and situation appears (for example, Santa Claus in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt) who asks for directions. Then the show unfolds almost like a fantastic comedy, when the hero, who ends up at the “wrong party,” begins to take out ridiculous objects from a bottomless bag, which magically turn into celebration attributes and gifts.

Well-deserved prize

Any test enhances the pleasure of receiving a reward - this is the third condition necessary for the effective delivery of a gift. The gift should be found in an unexpected place and not on the first try.

You can spice up your searches:

  • conditional risk;
  • feigned complexity;
  • overcoming reactions to stimuli and emotions.

Of course, a person may refuse to participate in the overly extreme process of obtaining a gift, so it is better to discard the idea of ​​hiding a gift in a box with California cockroaches or tarantula spiders. But organizing a mini-performance with the participation of fictional characters, overcoming obstacles and searching for “treasure” using clues is a relevant idea when the question is: what to do with a cheerful group, how to amaze the birthday boy, or how to give an original gift to children?

Game scenarios, the ending of which will be a treasured surprise, can be built according to the principle:

  • quest based on a film, cartoon or comic book;
  • “hot-cold” and “guessing” games with questions and answers;
  • scout course of safe and exciting obstacles and challenges for dexterity and ingenuity.

By combining all these components, you can create a whole interactive theatrical production, participation in which will be interesting for both children and parents.

There are many ways to surprise and puzzle the birthday boy. You can hire a car with a basket-lift to deliver a congratulatory message to the addressee’s balcony, send a “courier” team of industrial climbers with a bouquet of flowers to the twenty-fifth floor, persuade employees of a shopping center or restaurant to participate in the presentation of a gift - ingenuity and invention will always suggest a successful option for those who wants to make a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

If you suddenly come across an item that is definitely suitable as a gift for your girlfriend, buy it quickly, even if her birthday was last week. You'll see, the time will come - and you will thank the heavens for the fact that six months ago you saved this toothpick with an owl print.

Listen carefully to what your girlfriend is saying. Sooner or later, she will definitely casually mention some thing that she lacks for complete happiness in life. Remember this thing, or better yet, write it down. The more ideas you have in stock, the easier it will be to come up with a gift when X hour comes.

Always give your girl flowers. Even if you know for sure that in two days they will end up in the trash, even if you have already prepared a gorgeous gift for her, flowers are a mandatory attribute of the gift ceremony. Simply because it is necessary. And any girl, deep down in her soul, also knows that this is necessary.

And again about the flowers. As you might guess, they are generally worth giving not only for the holidays, but also just like that. It has long been proven that somewhere deep in the body, every girl has a small counter of your gifts for no reason, so remember the golden rule: it’s better to have one tulip for a week in a row than seven tulips in one day. This way you will outwit the counter, which counts times, not volume.

Give stupid gifts, the meaning of which is clear only to you two. Remember how Ted from How I Met Your Mother gave Robin a blue bugle that hung on the wall of the restaurant on the day of their first date? Think about it. No, the blue bugle is unlikely to suit your girlfriend. But green...

Even if you specifically agreed that holidays are stupid and that you will not give each other anything for the next anniversary or Valentine’s Day, then this is the very case when you may not listen to her and, as if by chance, still give something... something small, showing with all his appearance: “This is this? Yes, that’s true, nonsense, it doesn’t even count as a gift!” After all, what could be more attractive than a man who is not aware of his generosity?

Pack the gifts. First, it is a good way to compensate if you suspect that your gift itself is not good enough. Secondly, even if you are confident in your gift, it will once again show your girlfriend how attentive you are to little things when it comes to her joy. Thirdly, do not deprive her of the childish pleasure of two minutes of intrigue and a fierce struggle with wrapping paper.

Give experience. The experience is always remembered better than the subject. It doesn't have to be a parachute jump or an orchestra under the windows. This could be a small experience: a picnic on her balcony or an unexpected trip to the cinema with a bottle of wine stored in advance. Just make sure that this experience will be comfortable and timely for her. A surprise party for your biker friends might not be the best idea if she's wearing a floor-length evening dress.

Give your gift a story. Tell me about how you thought for a long, long time, how you chose, how you remembered her words and suddenly thought, what if... Treat it like a small toast, let her feel all the solemnity of the moment.

Do you remember how when you were five years old, your mother was happy with the plasticine giraffe that you made and gave her for her birthday? By and large, nothing has changed since then. For any girl, a gift made with her own hands will be the most touching and pleasant. It doesn't matter that your chocolate cupcakes look like a piece of asphalt, the main thing is that you tried!

Light version of the same principle: write congratulations by hand. You can even take a risk and draw a picture. You'll see, in our digital age, your clumsy letters, which you so carefully wrote next to the cat's drawing, will certainly melt her heart.

If you have completely run out of imagination, energy and time to invent something original, then at least make sure that your gift will at least be useful. For example, a photo frame has little chance of success, but bath foam will definitely come into play sooner or later.
