Useful talk about bad habits. Useful and bad habits presentation for a lesson on healthy lifestyle (Grade 1) on the topic Useful habits presentation for elementary school

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Good and bad habits

Habits Useful Unhealthy

April 7 is World Health Day. Health is the most precious gift that a person receives from nature. “Our body is designed for 120 years of life. If we live less, then this is not caused by the shortcomings of the body, but by the way we treat it.” Kenneth Kurer. "The best habit is not to have bad habits." A.Decursel.

Bad habits-nicknames

Lies and deceit Remember the proverbs: You won't get far on deception. Lies destroy friendship. Little lies lead to big ones. There is nothing in the world that can be hidden for a long time. And that's why you shouldn't tell lies to everyone.

It's good to remember! 1. There is a handkerchief for nose care, you should always carry it with you. 2. Nails should be trimmed with scissors once a week. 3. Remains of food between the teeth are removed with a toothpick. Picking your nose with your finger - It's very bad. You can dirty your suit, Yes, and uncivilized.

Remember! You can chew gum only after eating; Stop chewing as soon as the sweet taste ends; Do not replace free time with chewing gum.

Consequences To diseases of the stomach; To infectious diseases (in case of using someone else's chewing gum); To loss of attention; To the acquisition of more serious bad habits (smoking).

WHAT DO PEOPLE LOOK WITH BAD HABITS? 1. "Everything in life needs to be tried." 2. “There is such boredom around, you need to have fun, relax.” 3. “Look, what a beautiful pack, bottle, how invitingly the lights in slot machines glow” 4. “Everyone is trying it, support the company, you will have so many friends!” 5. “And in a virtual game, you can become a winner in an instant! And you don’t need to study, work, achieve something in life!”

Test "Can you resist?" 1. Do you like to watch TV? 2. Would you like to play computer games for more than three hours a day? 3. Did you want to try smoking? 4. Can you sit in front of the TV all day off, leaving all your affairs behind? 5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks? 6. Do you like physical education lessons? 7. If your friends offer you to run away from the lessons, will you agree? 8. Do you know how not to repeat your mistakes? 9. If a stranger offered you a box of chocolates right on the street, would you take it? Can you refuse?

TEST RESULT You said "yes" no more than 3 times - here is your result: You know how to control your desires. You have a strong will and strong character. You know how to refuse pleasure if it can harm you, interfere with your plans, your relationships with parents, teachers. You said "yes" 4 to 8 times - your result is worse. You are not always able to control your desires. Lacks willpower. Because of this, you can become addicted to a bad habit. You said "yes" 9 to 10 times - now it's time to think. It is very difficult for you to cope with your desires. You are irresistibly drawn to momentary pleasures. You need to evaluate your actions. You need to learn to say "no" to yourself.

“Smoking is injurious to health!”

Organs of non-smokers and smokers Teeth Lungs Liver

Lungs of a non-smoker and a smoker

This must be remembered! Smoking pollutes the lungs. Smoking makes it difficult for air to enter the body. Smoking makes it difficult for the brain to function normally. Smoking makes your teeth yellow and gives you bad breath.

November 18 is International No Tobacco Day! Life is beautiful to waste it on trifles never smoke!

Harm of alcohol - Drink - harm health; - Significant brain damage occurs from alcohol; - sleep is disturbed, voice is lost;

The effect of alcohol on the body Alcohol affects all internal organs, especially the brain. Poisoning the brain leads to the fact that a person just simply becomes stupid. His memory is deteriorating, he is more difficult to learn new things. A drunken man is not a man, because he has lost what distinguishes man from cattle - the mind.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease caused by the use of narcotic substances. Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs cause strong psychological dependence, but do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary, cause a strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Gambling addiction is an alleged form of psychological addiction, manifested in the obsessive passion for video games and computer games.

Gambling addiction There are cases when too long a game led to fatal consequences. So, in October 2005, a Chinese girl died of exhaustion after playing World of Warcraft for many days. The widest funeral of Snowly (that was the girl's nickname) took place online.

Television addiction Television has become the most common way to escape from yourself into the world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person, has become a familiar companion of his life. According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV.

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level.

Know how to say: "NO E T!" A person is responsible for his actions not only to his relatives, but also to society, before the law. In the end, a person faces a choice: bad habits or life. Bad habits subsequently become the cause of many misunderstandings, ailments, and troubles.

Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences, or are harbingers of serious diseases.

If you want to be healthy and successful today and tomorrow Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and body care. Follow the daily routine. Regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises and ventilate them. Exercise every day. Pay attention to the good quality of products, follow the rules for their storage. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with boiled water. Do not shy away from prescribed vaccinations. Spend enough time outdoors. Do not be afraid of physical activity, help at home with household chores. Go in for sports, learn to overcome difficulties!

Take care of your health as a valuable treasure NEED: Eat fish, vegetables, fruits more often Drink water, milk, juices, tea Go in for sports Walk as much as possible Breathe fresh air Sleep enough Show kindness Smile more often Love life DO NOT: Eat a lot of fatty, sweet and salty foods Drink alcohol Watch TV for hours Play computer games Stay at home Smoke Stay up and stay up late Be irritable Lose your sense of humor Be discouraged, angry, offended

I keep health. I will help myself!

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

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Target: the formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health, a negative attitude towards bad habits.

Class hour progress

- Good afternoon, dear children. Today we have gathered to discuss one very important issue. Habits - what is it? Which habits are harmful to our health, and which are beneficial. What is a habit? A habit is an action that a person performs as if automatically. Every person in life develops many habits, both good and bad.

AT.: Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. In the mornings, I brushed my teeth carefully, washed my hands before eating, cleaned my room, and was not late for lessons. And then one day a story happened to her.


I brushed my teeth
And cut her nails
I washed quickly
Handkerchiefs stacked in a pile
I got an A in school.
You can sing a song.

If laziness gets attached to you by chance,
Drive her away at the same hour
'Cause it's embarrassing and sad
If the loafers are still growing with us.

AT.: One fine day, laziness knocked on Masha.


Hello sweet girl.
Make friends with an old lady
Let's not go to school together
Let's bite our nails together
You can completely forget
How to wash your hands after walking.
Hey! Muddlers and lazybones,
Come quickly
It was not in vain that you were shaking in the tram,
Found new friends for you.

Habit - Laziness and slovenliness.

(Dirty and lazy people enter.)

We say byaki-buki,
How does the earth carry us?
We'll take everything into our own hands
You can't do without us.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
You can't do without us.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Like this.
One, two.
We will teach you to be lazy
Our bad friends.
Being healthy is not good
You can't do without us.
– // –


bite your nails,
Don't take a bath?
May be sooner or later
Willpower to lose
And forever become a slut.
Get out quick -
Willpower is more important to me.

AT.: Well done, Masha, drove away laziness.

Habit - Playing sports.

2 habit.

It's good to wake up right away
And shaking off the remnants of sleep,
Stretch to failure
Fresh breeze at the window.
And according to the schedule
And the combat team
In physical exercise
Plunge headlong!
"Step march!" -
And in different ways
Left! Right!
Inhale and exhale!
Once - sit down!
Two - get up!
No delay!
Three - bent and got
To the toe with one hand.
Hey! Do not sleep! Let's get together
For the length of elastic arms
Let's get up here
And… running in place!
Keep your head up, my friend!

AT.: According to scientists, daily physical activity slows down the aging of the body and adds an average of 6-9 years of life.

But in order to have time to do homework, help with housework, read, take a walk, do physical exercises on your own or your favorite sport in the section, you need to be able to properly allocate time, that is, observe daily regime.


If you strive
Follow the order -
You will study better
You'd better rest.

AT.: But many of you do not know how to properly carry out the daily routine, do not save time, waste not only minutes, but whole hours in vain. And in order to learn how to save time, you need to properly organize your daily routine.


Characters: teacher and student Vova.

– Do you, Vova, know what a regime is?
- Of course! Regime ... Regime - where I want, I jump there!
- Routine is the order of the day. Here you, for example, carry out the daily routine?
- I even overfulfill!
– How is it?
- According to the schedule, I need to walk 2 times a day, and I walk - 4.
- No, you do not fulfill it, but violate it! Do you know what the daily routine should be?
- I know. Climb. Charger. Washing. Bed cleaning. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch and back to school.
- Good…
- And it can be even better!
– How is it?
– That's how! Climb. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch. Dinner. Walk. Tea. Walk. And dream.
- Oh no. Under such a regime, a lazy and ignoramus will grow out of you.
- It won't grow!
- Why so?
- Because my grandmother and I do the whole regime!
How is it with grandma?
- And so: half me, half grandmother. And together we do the whole routine.
– I don’t understand – how is it?
- Very simple. I do the rise, grandmother does the exercises, grandmother does the washing, grandmother makes the bed, breakfast is me, the walk is me, the lessons are grandmother and I, the walk is me, lunch is me ...
- And you're not ashamed? Now I understand why you are so undisciplined.

AT.: It must be remembered that the correct implementation of the regimen, the alternation of physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve working capacity, accustom a person to accuracy, discipline a person, strengthen his health.

The habit is smoking.

Cigarette Girls:

We are beauties - cigarettes.
We are slim and we are coquettes.
The aroma is inside us.
Boy, do you hear, light up.
You will smell like smoke
The head will spin.
Let's relax together
Life to love and smile.

Student 1: Deadly cigarette. Much has been said about the dangers of smoking. However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this addiction is growing, as a significant number of people still do not consider smoking unhealthy.

Student 2: Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit effortlessly. This is a real addiction, and all the more dangerous because many do not take it seriously.

Student 3: Nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if only a glass rod dipped in nicotine is brought to their beak. A rabbit will die from ¼ drop of nicotine, a dog from ½ drop. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 2-3 drops.

Pupil 4: Smoking negatively affects student performance. The number of underachievers increases in those classes where there are more smokers.

Student 5: Smoking schoolchildren slows down their physical and mental development. The state of health, undermined by smoking, does not allow you to choose an occupation to your liking, to achieve success.

Student 6: The sooner children, adolescents, boys and girls get acquainted with smoking, the sooner they will get used to it and in the future it will be very difficult to quit smoking.

AT.: We listened to the opinion of the guys, and you draw your own conclusions. And now the last habit - Healthy food.

Student 7:

Don't be arrogant about food
Think about what you are going to eat.
Don't get carried away, don't overeat
But due attention
Always give food.
And remember forever
What is not in moderation food -
Illness and trouble.

Student 8:

We are all sweet tooth,
We love cakes and nuts
Lollipops and chocolate -
This is all we eat.
But let me retort:
To do so is to harm yourself.

Student 9:

Can't get carried away with sweets
You can stay without teeth.
Calcium strengthens bones
Gives us health.
Eat cottage cheese, drink milk,
From the dental office
You will be far away.
We need calcium, friends,
Stock up firmly
With a dazzling smile
Smile for sure.

Student 10:

Eat beets and carrots
Tomatoes, onions, garlic.
Eat a lot, eat for the future.
Vitamin in the body
Press down cholesterol.
Know fruits and vegetables
These are the best products.

Conclusion: human health is a vital value, it consists of many interconnected components.

Follow five rules in life
And on earth you will see a bright paradise.
Do not disturb peace in worldly affairs,
I'm not risking my head.
Take care of your health as a valuable treasure,
Live well, but don't be rich.

- What is possible and what is not?

AT.: Remember the magic words:

I keep health
I will help myself!

Try to follow this health formula, and you will keep your youth and beauty for many years. Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself.

Good and bad habits

Prepared by: Kosinova Violetta Aleksandrovna

Targets and goals:

To draw the attention of students to the formation of a responsible attitude to their health;

Focus on the development of good habits and encourage the rejection of bad ones.

gambling addiction - an alleged form of psychological dependence, which manifests itself in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction - a pathological addiction to gambling. Recently, among children and adolescents, there has been a tendency for an increase in rudeness, aggression, and anger.

The following conversations and disputes were held with children at school: “Computers – for and against”, “The danger of gambling”.

TV addiction - TV has become the most common way to escape from oneself into the world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person, has become his usual life partner. According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This makes up about half of his free time for about 9 years in everyone's life ("What is TV for," "TV - harm or benefit for children").

Internet - Addiction - a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Addiction symptoms: endless travel on the World Wide Web, search for information, addiction to virtual communication and virtual acquaintances - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chats, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the network ("Internet among us", "Internet addiction - how to deal with it”, “Benefits and harms of social networks”).

Nail biting habit It is still unknown what makes people bite their nails. One of the most common theories is that nail biting is caused by stress. It happens that nail biting becomes a sign of disorder. Its essence is that people constantly have obsessive, disturbing ideas, and in order to curb anxiety, they have various rituals: twist their hair around their fingers, bite their nails (“Why do people need nails”, “Hygiene of hands”).

The habit of picking the skin - it can be picking the skin of the face, body, head, hands, etc. Sometimes it has the character of a habit to independently get rid of imperfections on the face - independent mechanical cleansing of the face, in the worst case, the habit of constantly touching the skin and squeezing inflamed areas with your nails or peeling off dried sores. At the same time, there is a high probability of even greater inflammation, as well as deterioration of the skin condition, the formation of scars, including the risk of blood poisoning (“Skin Hygiene”, “Cleanliness is the key to health”).

Nose picking - moderate picking is not considered a deviation from the norm, but excessive enthusiasm for this activity may indicate a psychological or psychiatric disorder. Many medical sources consider nose picking as one of the symptoms of abnormal behavior in children. In particular, this activity is considered a sign of attention disorder and hyperactivity (“Why do we need a nose”, “School Hygiene”).

Clicking knuckles - this "hobby" begins in childhood, is done constantly, as a result of which this habit remains for life. In this case, the joints are constantly injured and lose mobility. And at the same time, there is a risk of developing early arthrosis. You can give up this habit only with the help of willpower (“Why do we need joints, their functions”, “Joint diseases”).


Bad habits

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"If we don't beat bad habits, they will beat us" (Erian Schultz)

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Purpose: - To introduce Internet resources related to the prevention of bad habits - To give an idea of ​​bad habits and their impact on health, personality development and human behavior.

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Epigraphs - "If we do not defeat bad habits, then they will defeat us" "Weakness of character is the only flaw that cannot be corrected" false romance...

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Internet resources aimed at combating bad habits - the official website of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. - project "No to drugs" - project "We do not smoke" - anti-smoking website http: // - "Sober policy" - prevention of alcoholism

5 slide - website of the Education Center No. 1456 "Useful links" tab "City services" Internet resources Where can I go?

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Habits: good and bad Habits that promote health are considered good. For example: brush your teeth, eat at the same time, sleep with the window open. Habits that are harmful to health are called harmful. For example: eat a lot of sweets, sit in front of the TV for a long time, read while lying down, talk while eating. The most dangerous impact on health is the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco.

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How Habits Affect Health These habits are called bad because they can be difficult to give up, as they gradually become necessary for a person. It is difficult to get rid of such habits on your own. A person is forced to seek help from a psychologist or doctor. This is due to the fact that when they enter the body, they become an integral part of metabolic processes, and it begins to require those components that are harmful to health.

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Alcohol is called the "mind stealer". The word "alcohol" means "intoxicating". Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys the vital organs of a person - the liver, heart, brain. Alcoholism

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Alcoholism Alcohol affects brain cells, a person becomes angry, aggressive, loses control over himself, becomes mentally unbalanced. 30% of all crimes are committed while intoxicated.

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Alcoholism A drunkard in the family is a grief, especially for children. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing organism, and "adult" doses for children can be fatal or lead to disability with brain damage.

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Drug addiction Drugs are an even more serious poison, it is designed for simpletons who, having got used to them, will not be able to live without them and will pay big money to die as soon as possible. Drugs are sniffed, smoked, injected, taken in the form of tablets. They immediately enter the bloodstream. Drug addiction acts with its poisons strongly and quickly - literally from the first time a person can become a drug addict! A person has hallucinations, nightmares.

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Drug addiction Drug addicts become gloomy, angry, because they are constantly thinking about where to get the next portion of the drug. A drug addict is ready to go to any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts are bad workers, their ability to work is low, they bring great material damage to the family, they are the cause of accidents. Drug addicts have three paths: prison, mental hospital, death. Drugs kill the mind, health, strength of a person. Drug addicts spread AIDS more often than others.

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Substance abuse These are not just harmful, but also very dangerous habits. "Mania" is a mental illness when a person constantly thinks about one thing. A drug addict constantly thinks about poison. "Substance abuse" from Latin is translated as "mania for poison" (toxin means poison).

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Substance abuse These poisons enter the human body by inhalation of toxic fumes and cause severe poisoning. Very quickly addiction appears, changes in the psyche occur, but the main thing is that human health is destroyed, as poisons gradually accumulate in the body.

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Tobacco smoking Smoking is an addiction to a drug called nicotine. By its toxicity, nicotine is equal to hydrocyanic acid - a deadly poison. Scientists have calculated that a smoker shortens his life by 6 years. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. It has been scientifically proven that smoking causes 25 diseases. Smokers have a poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, they think slowly, they hear poorly. Even outwardly, smokers differ from non-smokers: their skin fades faster, their voices hoarse, their teeth turn yellow.

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With passive smoking, a non-smoker suffers more. Non-smokers suffer from smoking. Half of the harmful substances that are in a cigarette, the smoker exhales, poisoning the air. This air is forced to breathe others who become passive smokers.

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You should know it! Smoking affects the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Smokers get lung cancer several times more often than non-smokers and make up 96-100% of all lung cancer patients. Smoking increases the likelihood of other types of malignant tumors (oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, stomach, colon, kidney, liver).

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About the dangers of smoking A good example of the difference between the lungs of a smoker and the lungs of a person who does not smoke:

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According to doctors: 1 cigarette shortens life - by 15 minutes; 1 pack of cigarettes - for 5 hours; Whoever smokes for 1 year loses 3 months of life; Who smokes 4 years loses 1 year of life; Who smokes 20 years, 5 years; Who smokes for 40 years loses 10 years of life. Nicotine kills: 0.00001 gr. - sparrow 0.004 - 0.005 gr. - horse 0.000001 gr. - frog 0.01 - 0.08 gr. - human
