Congratulatory poems for a wedding. Wedding in winter Winter comfort: pros and cons

Always take care of each other
Appreciate, please, love.
Trust each other in everything,
Protect from all adversity.

You have woven destinies together,
Now you are one forever.
May life shower you with happiness,
All bad weather will disappear from the path.

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you lasting prosperity.
And, of course, naughty girls -
Healthy, strong kids.

Today is a special day for you.
Today you have become family.
I wish you to be a wonderful husband
And an amazing wife.

Each other, no matter what happens,
Love, appreciate and respect.
That feeling that arose in you,
Save at any cost.

After all, you are one from now on,
Let nothing separate you.
And be forever young
Let the light always burn in your hearts.

My dears, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper each other with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

Wedding day is a beautiful, important date,
And her memory will remain forever.
May your life be easy and rich,
Love is endless, strong and pure.

Keep respect for each other in your souls,
Know how to understand, remain silent and endure.
Strive to be together, miss being apart,
Don't let the fire in your heart burn out.

Of course, happiness, peace, prosperity to you,
A good son, a wonderful daughter.
Let everything in the house be smooth and glorious,
And together drive all sorrows away.

Today is your family's birthday,
And first of all I want to wish
Endless love, steel patience
And always adore each other as well.

Let your union only grow stronger over the years,
Advice and prosperity will fill your home.
And remember, you build happiness yourself -
It doesn't matter what time it is outside the window.

Mutual support, beautiful children,
Romantics, despite dry everyday life.
There are only hot nights, and only clear days.
Let adversity be far from you.

Lots of happiness, lots of money
And, of course, love.
So that they want until old age
And, of course, they could!

So that you don't argue often,
So that the tears don't flow.
So that there are no scandals,
Find a compromise.

May the road be smooth
Without thorns and barriers.
So that life is like sweet sugar,
So that the house is like the Garden of Eden!

We congratulate you on your wedding!
We wish you mutual love,
Live long, happily ever after,
So that trouble does not touch you!

Keep your feelings for a long time,
Rejoice together with delight,
Try to live in love and affection
In a family, heavenly, wonderful fairy tale.

Don't quarrel and don't be rude to each other,
You take care of your love.
Live together for many years
Without knowing tears and bitter troubles!

I wish you family prosperity,
Great news and good days.
Let everything go smoothly in your life,
And there will be many friends nearby.

I wish you endless comfort
Have romantic evenings together.
Let the sun illuminate your morning
May pure love be eternal.

May this year be the beginning
Have a safe and long journey,
Health will give your couple the opportunity
The ability to even go through a hundred years.

There are many wishes on your wedding day:
Love, health and goodness,
So that your path in life
The star of fidelity shone.

To take care of each other's hearts
In sadness and in joy - always.
And let no adversity
You will never be separated!

Happy family birthday,
Congratulations on your wedding.
So that we go through life together,
I wish you with all my heart.

Help in this life
You are on each other's path.
And always, you know this,
Luckily it's easier to go this way.

Gently, sincerely love
You are always like the first time.
Walk hand in hand -
Troubles will not touch you.

I wish you to be friendly
You two walked through life together.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy family birthday!

Congratulating the young spouses,
I want to wish you one thing:
For a hundred years of happy married life
Give birth to daughters and sons.
Let the days and nights bring joy,
And let the sunrises be filled with love.
Let fidelity never want
Go around your warm and cozy shelter.
The wallet is large and full.
Rare quarrels, many happy days.
Respect from hundreds of grandchildren and dozens of two children.

Of course, a wedding is one of the most exciting and long-awaited events in the life of every girl. She is the bride, the star of the day, the most beautiful and happiest. And, of course, every girl dreams of her wedding being extraordinary, elegant, magical, in a word, ideal.

And what joy comes from planning the details, searching for accessories, listening to songs for the first dance, choosing a bouquet and invitations! But if the celebration is also scheduled for winter, an individual approach will be needed. You will have to think through all the little details with special care, foresee possible difficulties, and make sure that the guests are comfortable.

However, it is worth the effort, because a Russian wedding in winter is an extremely impressive spectacle. Soft fluffy snow suits the bride’s exquisite dress, light frost brightens the cheeks of the handsome groom, and a wedding photo shoot in winter is worthy of the most flattering words. Well, our tips will help you plan a flawless fairytale wedding!

Features of the celebration

Let's look at what a winter wedding is, we will discuss the pros and cons of this event in detail. This will help you decide whether to make your dream come true or whether it is better to wait until the warmer season to get married.

One of the biggest advantages, perhaps, is crazy discounts on all kinds of wedding services. In winter, it is much easier to rent the desired premises, order a luxury car, make an appointment to have your hair done by a sought-after stylist, or buy a fashionable dress on sale at half the price.

Another positive thing is that there are no queues at the registry office. You can calmly choose the day you like and be delighted to see that it is free! The assortment of wedding dresses, shoes, and accessories is unusually wide, in contrast to the summer months, when dozens of brides rush around the salons, sweeping away everything in their path. Imagine a winter video clip - it’s a real masterpiece!

What are the disadvantages?

Of course, the weather. She can be unpredictable. Although, in principle, in the summer no one is safe from torrential rain with thunder and lightning. However, our winter can “please” not only with snow, but also with thaw with mud, puddles and other consequences. Just in case, you need to be prepared for this. You also need to think about where to place the guests during the wedding photo shoot, because they are unlikely to want to walk outside for several hours. However, this problem is solved by a light buffet while waiting for the newlyweds.

If the celebration takes place in a metropolis, during bad weather there is a chance of getting stuck in traffic and being late for the registry office or restaurant. And, of course, winter is the season for colds, so you need to take care and try not to catch the virus.

As you can see, there are not many disadvantages, and they are not so significant that because of them you should deny yourself the pleasure of having a real Russian wedding!

Choosing a dress for a wedding

In winter, of course, a special outfit is needed for a wedding. Unfortunately, designers have not yet come up with special dresses, and in winter, as in any other period, boutiques offer wedding dresses made of organza, satin, brocade and silk. But at the same time, there are countless accessories that allow you to both warm up and add a unique magical twist to the bride’s image. You can choose an elegant fur coat or sheepskin coat, sew a fur cape, order gloves or an exquisite muff.

There will be no problem with shoes either - any decent salon has an impressive assortment of ankle boots, over the knee boots and ankle boots, all you have to do is decide on the model! As you can see, being such a stunning bride, a real Snow Queen, is only possible at a winter wedding!

Choosing a wedding scenario: what’s the best way to celebrate in winter?

Of course, you need to take a separate approach to exactly how the holiday will take place during the cold season. in winter it can be very unusual - for example, a celebration in the spirit of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”. To do this, it is not necessary to take guests out of town to the forest - a cozy city setting or a beautiful park will do. The ideal option is if it is located next to the restaurant where you plan to have the wedding.

Imagine trees shrouded in snow, a bright fire (you need to take care of it in advance - find out whether it is possible to make a fire in a given place, prepare firewood, fuel, matches, and entrust the honor of lighting it to witnesses), a flushed, happy bride with a bouquet of snowdrops...

To keep guests warm, instead of traditional champagne, you can offer them mulled wine - elegant and stylish, and also very fragrant. It is enough to hold one or two competitions in the fresh air so that none of the invitees have time to feel discomfort from the stinging frost. And then you can go to the banquet hall, which will also be decorated in accordance with the fairy tale. For example, it is divided into four sectors-seasons, each with its own color scheme. Winter - in blue and white tones, spring - in soft green and light green, summer - in yellow, and autumn - in orange and crimson-red.

Tables, according to the season, can be decorated with artificial snowflakes, branches of flowering trees, bouquets of bright flowers and ears of wheat. You can choose napkins to match the theme, make cards for guests in a style appropriate to a particular sector. In general, the flight of imagination is unlimited when a wedding is held in winter! Ideas for holding it can be found in fairy tales, classic American Christmas films, and ancient Russian traditions.

Fairy tale scenario

For example, take everyone’s favorite “Snow Queen” as a basis. This setting is simply ideal when planning a winter wedding! The ideas for its implementation are as follows: the main characters are the Snow Queen and Kai, they are also the bride and groom. A wedding dress for such a fairy tale should be truly royal!

Lace, rhinestones, furs, and fluffy skirts are appropriate here. Separately, it is worth thinking about makeup. After all, the action takes place in a fictional world, and the main character is not anyone, but the Queen of Winter herself! Therefore, artistic make-up with painting, small rhinestones, pearlescent silver shadows, abstract motifs is more than acceptable... You can also get a manicure to match it.

Venue - North Pole! What could be more beautiful than a winter wedding? The ideas for its “arrangement” are as follows: let the hall be decorated with snow-covered branches, flickering snowflakes, ice sculptures, glass balls in white and blue tones. After all, today the banquet hall is not just a restaurant, but a royal palace, icy, sparkling and cold. Let there be crystal glasses and decanters, silver bowls with ice cubes for alcoholic drinks on the table. In short, the field for activity is simply huge, it all depends on the degree of imagination of the organizers!

A good option

What other scenario can you come up with when a wedding is held in winter? There are different ideas. For example, you can order a trio of white horses with bells and a painted chaise instead of a foreign car for the newlyweds and arrange a Russian folk wedding, have a celebration on Valentine’s Day or Maslenitsa. Such events are incredibly popular.

Depending on the chosen theme, you can decorate the hall with all kinds of hearts and red and gold helium balloons, or decorate it in the form of a solid Russian hut with a samovar, balalaikas, and a chest for gifts. And the bridesmaids can appear as red maidens in folk costumes and jewelry.

All that remains is to choose the appropriate option and enjoy the preparation!

Photo for memory

Of course, a wedding in winter is a significant event. Ideas for a photo shoot should be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, all the fabulous pictures will remain in a long memory. The photographs and video clips taken during the event are very impressive. Of course, you definitely need to take a series of photos in the fresh air, surrounded by snowflakes and snowdrifts, and only then move into the hall for the celebration.

However, guests can go there right away, so as not to chatter their teeth in the cold, eagerly waiting for the young couple to finally finish filming. Let no one rush the bride, groom and witnesses, because they are working on the most basic nuance - memorable shots.

And what can you do if the wedding takes place in winter! Photo ideas amaze with their diversity. You just need to take care of accessories in advance that will help make the photo shoot bright, memorable and fresh! Rent, buy or look for fur hats, beautiful mittens with winter patterns, thick stylish scarves and bright stoles from friends. Cups of steaming mulled wine, bundles of firewood, sleds, and a fire lit in the middle of the snow will perfectly complement the picture. You can play snowballs, take pictures at the skating rink in skates, arrange a photo shoot near a huge snowman (of course, it would be nice to do it before the photo shoot, and not during).

Good to know

Don’t forget that it gets dark early in winter, so it’s best to plan work with a photographer and videographer for the first half of the day. However, evening shots also have their own charm - the photos will be wonderful in the light of night lights, with snowflakes swirling around them, as well as against the backdrop of blackening snow-covered trees.

It all depends on how professional the equipment of the hired specialists is and what opportunities it provides. Naturally, all this should be discussed a few days before the celebration. If time permits, you can even film a romantic love story with the participation of the bride and groom. Then the operator will put your favorite slow music on the footage, add a couple of special effects, make titles, and a real film about the creation of your family will appear in your home collection.


And may a luxurious wedding lead to a luxurious, long, happy family life!

Now lovers are trying to get married in the warm season. In Rus', weddings were traditionally celebrated in winter. And not in vain - after all, this is the time that will give you unforgettable impressions, vivid photographs, and amazing entertainment.

Once upon a time, wedding celebrations were held in winter. Weddings took place from Christmas to Maslenitsa. Since then, folk signs have remained, according to which our ancestors predicted the life of young people together. For example, severe frost promised a couple their first child, a boy, and fluffy snow promised happy and long years together.

Not many people celebrate these days. Naturally, a celebration at this time of year has its own characteristics: you need to worry about a warm outfit, and the weather is difficult to predict, and it seems like you can’t walk in the cold. Meanwhile, a winter wedding also has its advantages: a luxurious photo session against the backdrop of snow-white landscapes, the opportunity to plunge into childhood and visit a real fairy tale, going for a ride in a dashing troika with bells.

When to celebrate?

If you are planning to get married in December, you should reserve the venue at least a month in advance. On the eve of the winter holidays, this may be a problem: restaurants and cafes are busy with corporate and private parties at this time. And prices will most likely be higher than usual. However, for busy newlyweds, a wedding on New Year’s or Christmas will have an additional advantage: the long New Year’s “vacation” will allow you to relax longer.

In January, it will be easier to find a good and unoccupied photographer and toastmaster. Prices are starting to return to normal. February is traditionally the harshest month of winter. Bad weather can ruin the bride's makeup, bouquet and, consequently, her mood. But this month is good for a wedding celebration, if you are planning to get married.

What to wear?

A winter wedding dress should not only be beautiful, but also warm. The bride will have to take care of a change of shoes and clothes. It is better to buy a dress with a multi-layered, but light, floor-length skirt or fur lace. Fur products are required: short fur coats, boas, muffs. Also take care of warm gloves and boots, which can be replaced with elegant shoes in the restaurant. It is also better to buy an outfit for the groom in accordance with this time of year: a white suit will look very impressive.

Bridal bouquet

It is unlikely that a wedding bouquet of roses or lilies will withstand at least half an hour in the cold and strong wind. Therefore, alternative options should be considered. A bouquet of berries, such as red rowan, and pine cones painted white will look unusual. This bouquet can be complemented with fir branches, white or silver beads.

How to entertain guests?

In winter, coming up with entertainment for young people and guests is not so easy, but it is possible. This could be a sleigh ride on three horses, a photo shoot in a snow-covered park or forest, a winter barbecue in a country house or at a tourist camp, snowball fights and making snowmen. Such entertainment will certainly be interesting and memorable.

In cold weather, it is better to replace drinking traditional champagne with cognac or mulled wine!

The wedding turned into a winter fairy tale,
Happiness swirled for two.
You didn't connect in vain -
Even the curious snow became silent!
We wish you great joy,
Incomparable at this wondrous hour.
You entered into a marriage that was sometimes cold,
This means your life will be hot!

In the white chaos everything will shine,
Mendelssohn's march will suddenly begin to sound.
After all, today everyone congratulates you.
May happiness arrive soon,
Don't let winter bother him
On the contrary, it will add warmth!
Because today everything around is shining,
In the colors of light, joy, goodness.

Winter wedding, snowy fairy tale!
The air is clean and so frosty.
The dress is lush and snow-white,
There is a golden talisman on your hands!
Be happy! Be loyal
You will each other until old age!
Let sorrows be unknown to you,
Live without grief and troubles!

Summer and autumn flew by. Bins
Full to the brim. And Mother Winter
Everything was covered in snow until spring,
Spun the young people in a white waltz.
There are jokes, songs, and congratulations.
- Bitter! Bitterly! - The guests shout joyfully.
Anecdotes, laughter, fun is in full swing.
It's a winter wedding, but the sweethearts are hot.

It was spinning and blizzarding this winter.
The two hearts suddenly began to beat in unison.
You walk through life along the same path,
May love settle forever!
Today you put rings on your finger, -
So you are a match for each other!
And let there be no snowstorms in the fierce winter
True happiness will not be swept away.

The earth is in white today, how wonderful!
The bride is also in white - nothing more beautiful.
You are on the right path. Everybody knows,-
In winter, the wedding bouquet is more delicate.
May your blizzard union be stronger,
Be faithful, tender and love.
And every year becoming closer,
Fall in love with each other, again and again!

Happy Wedding Day, we want to congratulate you,
On this winter, beautiful day!
From the bottom of our hearts, we tell you these words,
Young! There is a light in the hearts
Let it burn and let your dreams come true,
May your whole life be happy.
We wish you warmth throughout!
Oh, how “Bitter!” Bride, hold on!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding:
