Allows you to quickly remember different information. How to learn to memorize a large amount of information? How to memorize large amounts of information

In this article, you will learn how to better remember information using reliable methods that have already helped many people in studying, reading and learning in general.

Whether you are reading nonfiction to study a particular topic (say, investing or internet marketing) or to study for exams, there are a few rules that will help you continually increase your ability to remember and recall material.

Use these rules every day and increase your learning potential.

How to remember information better:

Rule #1: Fast Reading First, Detailed Reading Later

Usually people try to remember all the details from the material they read in one sitting, but the best way to learn complex information is to divide the reading process into two or three stages.

First run your eyes over the text you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Don't force yourself to memorize anything during the first reading.

Now return to the same material, reading slowly this time. Say difficult words out loud. Underline difficult words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material a third time. You will be amazed at how much information fits in your head!

Rule No.2: Take notes

When studying new material (at a lecture, webinar, just reading something), take notes.

After some time, rewrite your notes in a notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably wrote down some of the information or materials that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but is no longer of interest.

Draw on concepts that you wrote down but didn't clearly explain when writing down your thoughts. Look up definitions of keywords and external resources. Write down the information you find in the form that suits you. This will fix the information in your memory.

Rule No.3: Teach others

We remember best when we teach others. This is why study groups can be very effective if used correctly. Instead of using your group just to complete some tasks, ask your partner to "run" you through the material covered, have you verbally repeat what you have learned.

Find a person in the class who does not study well, and become an informal mentor for him.

If you cannot find such a "student", tell your partner or roommate about what you have learned in class. Do not repeat material that you already know well.

Pick the information you're having trouble understanding and force yourself to explain it to someone over dinner or while walking the dog. This will allow you to really get the gist of the material you have been learning.

Rule #4: Talk to yourself

Believe it or not, listening to your own voice will make it easier for you to memorize new facts. Record how you read key words and definitions aloud, and listen later. This trick will make your self-learning more effective. You will have several senses involved at the same time - auditory, verbal and visual - plus you will be more attentive, since reading aloud requires concentration.

There is another fun trick. It consists of making a "telephone receiver" out of flexible PVC tubing that you can hold up to your mouth and hold against your ear while you read aloud. Believe it or not, the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this “phone” will be easier to remember than your normal voice when reading material aloud.

Rule #5: Use visual cues

Many of us remember everything through the visual channel. You can actually imprint an image of a formula, definition or concept in your mind, and you can easily recall the information you need during a test or when needed.

Use this function of your memory by drawing pictures on cards or by using various colored markers when writing down information you need to remember.

For example, if you need to memorize the Latin or Greek root of a word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the meanings of those words. The Latin word "aqua" means water, so you can write "aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop next to it. The Latin word "spec" means to look, so you can draw glasses next to it.

Flashcards are also a useful visual memory tool, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You can actually remember a word or formula simply because you remember how you struggled to decide whether to write this definition in orange or green. Color can trigger your visual memory to help you access information.

Watch an interesting video about visual notes that help you quickly remember information:

Rule #6: Use a shocking stimulus

Have you ever felt while studying that you were simply unable to remember important information?

Believe it or not, using some kind of shocking physical stimulus will help you understand and then remember difficult material.

According to a study conducted on the topic: "How to remember better," putting your hand in a bowl of ice water while studying will help you remember, and then recall the necessary information. This is because negative stimuli activate the memory part of your brain (presumably this is so that we remember negative experiences better so as not to repeat them, but it works just as effectively with ordinary memorization of information).

You can use ice water, something hot, or mild pain to help you remember difficult information. Try pinching your arm while holding an ice pack in your hand, or holding a hot cup of tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to hurt yourself for real!

Rule #7: Chew your gum

Teachers may ban chewing gum in their classrooms because they don't want to peel gum from under their desks later, but chewing gum itself can help you study better and do better on tests.

One study looked at the effect of chewing gum during a test (with graduates as an example). The study found that chewing gum helped students finish the test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was conducted on eighth graders taking their annual math exam. The results showed that the students who chewed the gum scored 3 percent higher on the test than their peers who didn't chew the gum.

How chewing gum helps to remember information better?

The process of chewing gum stimulates blood flow to the brain and helps you stay awake.

What chewing gum works best?

It doesn't matter if you chew gum with or without sugar. What matters is her taste. Switch to mint flavored gum as mint acts as a mental stimulant and will help you feel calm and focused.

Rule #8: Participate in class even when you feel uncomfortable

Having trouble with a particular concept?

Most of us prefer to sit somewhere in the corner and remain unnoticed in the classroom until we have all the material put on the shelves. But this habit will always get in the way of you in the learning process. Raise your hand, ask a question, or volunteer to contribute to a discussion about a topic you're having trouble with.

Do you attend group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you need and seek advice or help. Let it bother you that you do not understand something.

The discomfort you feel while performing these activities will increase your ability to remember. You will receive answers to your questions and will easily be able to remember the material later, when you need it most.

Rule #9: Highlight and Paraphrase What You Read

When reading a text that is difficult to understand, it may seem to you that the letters are already floating before your eyes. Underline and underline key words and concepts as you read.

Say the words or concepts out loud as you highlight them, and then write (and paraphrase) the material in your notebook. This will help you digest all the information, and not just skim through it with your eyes.

Rule #10: Make up poems or songs

You won't need to do this trick with most of the material, of course, but you may find it useful to come up with poems, rhymes, or catchy songs to help you remember particularly difficult formulas.

You may find it easier to remember the formula if you come up with musical accompaniment for it.

How do formulas help you remember information better?

Many formulas do not make any sense to us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or they seem like a set of random instructions that lack a linking element.

If you turn the formula into a song or a verse, you will become aware of what once seemed irrational, and this comprehension of the material will allow your brain to better perceive the information and store it in such a way that it can be easily accessed later.

Rule No.11: Look for Associations

Similarly, the association method can help you find links between dates or specific facts that need to be remembered in a particular order.

Find a way to link the date and the name so that it makes some sense, using a play on numbers or words. You've probably done something similar before when you needed to remember a password or phone number.

Find a way to associate the number with the name in a way that makes sense to you and the question of how best to remember the information will not be so acute for you.

Rule No.12: Take breaks while studying

If you study consistently over a long period of time, you may notice that your productivity drops the longer you stay in class. Research shows that you should take a 10-minute break every hour while studying to maximize productivity.

What should such a break be?

Be sure to get up, go to the toilet, have something to drink or have a snack. It is best to leave the room you are sitting in and move around a bit to improve blood flow. If you have the opportunity, jump or stretch to get an adrenaline rush and cheer you up. After that, you can get back to work.

Rule No.13: Find a Practical Application

Having trouble remembering a formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably haven't found a practical use for this concept in real life, so your brain still doesn't want to remember it.

Imagine how you can use this formula or concept in practice to solve a real problem. If possible, act out or mentally imagine the impact of this problem in a practical way. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easily remember.

Rule No.14: Get Physical

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see a physical representation of them or an illustration of an idea.

For example, you can appreciate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at a picture of a DNA chain or anatomy of a cell. If you can't create a physical image or picture, find an image online. This will help you visualize the problem clearly.

Rule No.15: Read important information before bed

Our brain continues to work even when we sleep. Reread your notes before bed one more time so that your brain can better absorb the material while you sleep.

Don't read anything that makes you anxious or upset (you risk disturbing your sleep). Instead, use this trick to reinforce the basic concepts and information you'll need later.

Rule No.16: Practice Breathing Exercises

Stress inhibits the ability to concentrate and makes it difficult to access the information you have already learned.

That's why you can easily understand a principle while in a class, but then get stuck while writing a test. You know that information is somewhere in the back of your mind, but you just can't access it. This is because stress cuts off your ability to focus on anything, leaving you with a "fight or flight" response.

To overcome stress, do for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set a timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on your breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible, hold your breath until you feel a little discomfort, and then exhale slowly until you feel complete relief.

Repeat like this, without worrying about anything and focusing all your attention on how nice it is to just breathe until the timer goes off.

Try the above methods of remembering information and find the most effective for you.

Good luck with learning new information!

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Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often people try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this is enough for a few days, say, to pass an exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers words connected associatively. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have difficulty learning. A strange-sounding word does not evoke native and understandable pictures to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first parse and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and associate it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

The presence of fantasy is one of the most powerful tools for remembering information. Mnemonics greatly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including those in foreign languages, due to artificial associations.

Take the word "Monday". What frames are running on your internal screen? It could be the morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought pulsing in my head, a day on the calendar, a page in my childhood diary, or a buzzing office anthill. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positive
Average "About yourself beloved." Feel free to associate the object of memorization with yourself
Nameless "Feel". Connect the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster in dynamics

Thus, the necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at once at all levels of feelings, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Fool the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overload reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is a simple way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: the use of the method of stories, which involves the logical linking of disparate memory objects into one chain. You can have a funny, incredible and completely impossible story in real life. The main thing is that with it you can remember more than 15 elements at a time.

As conceived by the director in the next scene, you should swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel with your skin how semolina sticks to your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. As in the air it smells of milk, butter and childhood.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brain can be programmed - it's a scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then the brain has already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use certain time intervals for the best memorization: repeat the material immediately after learning, then after 15-20 minutes, after 6-8 hours (preferably before bedtime) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative terms: “I will never cope with this”, “It is impossible for me to remember this”, “I will not be able to learn such a difficult report”. Use only positive affirmations when programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I will remember”, “I will remember and easily retell in my own words in two hours”. Customize yourself. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize really complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways for a person to train memory and consolidate the necessary memory objects, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and have a great memory!

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« If you lose interest in everything, you lose your memory» Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, thinker and naturalist).

For each role, the actor has to memorize a large amount of text, while, unlike a TV presenter or teacher, he does not have the opportunity to look into the notes.

But, of course, it is not only useful for actors to strengthen and develop memory, but it will only benefit any person to master the skills of memorizing a large amount of information.

There are a great many methods and exercises for the development of human abilities. Thus, the head and founder of the 4brain educational portal, Evgeny Buyanov, on the pages of his project, collected the most significant and interesting methods for developing various mental skills in a person, and all for the sake of one important goal: "V our time on the Internet it is difficult to find something worthwhile: what you can read and then tell your grandchildren in old age; what can be learned to make the world a better place; which will make us a little wiser and more tolerant”. After going through, you can find a large number of useful, exciting tricks, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability to purposefully memorize. The whole methodology of learning how to memorize, presented on this site is very simple and accessible to everyone.

The more you learn about the ability of memory, the easier it will be for you to communicate with it in the “same language”, which means that you will understand each other for many years, while remaining “true friends”.

So, do not rush to start exercising right away. To begin with, let's decide what kind of memory is best developed for you.

So, Napoleon, possessed, motor memory(we all remember his phenomenal memory for names). The person who has acoustic memory, you need to hear what he teaches. And this suggests that the best option for him is to memorize aloud. A pillar of memory for people visual perception, is a deliberate arrangement of keywords (coloring, drawing, diagrams).

It is also important to determine when choosing a method for memorizing text:

  • What type of text (what complexity, topics)
  • How detailed do you need to remember it?
  • For how long

So, let's, in order to once and for all identify your type of memory, we will conduct one test with you. It's called "Memory type test". For this you need three sheets of paper, necessarily numbered.

Read aloud the words:

  • Lamp
  • Pear
  • Map
  • Rain
  • Goose
  • Hoop
  • Dog
  • Sheet
  • Newspaper

Write down what you remember on the first sheet.

Now read the words to yourself, and be sure to imagine these items:

  • Kettle
  • Airplane
  • Butterfly
  • Legs
  • Horse
  • Board
  • Candle
  • Bread
  • Book
  • Bike
  • Moon

Again write down what you remember using sheet #2.

Now read the words and "write" them in the air:

  • Hare
  • Skis
  • Samovar
  • Axe
  • Boat
  • Drive
  • Mystery
  • Chair
  • Cookie

Write down everything you can remember on the third sheet.

Now the conclusions: if there are more matches on sheet No. 1, you have an auditory memory. On sheet No. 2 - visual memory, on sheet No. 3 - kinesthetic.

Techniques for quickly memorizing text

« Remembering is the same as understanding, and the more you understand, the more you see the good" Maksim Gorky.

Each professional of the "speech" profession has his own tricks, the secrets of quickly memorizing huge amounts of information or text.

In the book "245 Simple Exercises According to the Stanislavsky System" Elvira Sarabyan reveals to us the veil of these secrets.

And here are just some of the excerpts from this fascinating book:

  • The text instantly "pops up" in memory, if you take the pose that was taken in the theater, in makeup and costume ... that is, you need to enter the desired image. In general, you got the idea!
  • Also, the book is filled with all sorts of actionable tips, including reading the material aloud. And it is desirable only to repeat the part that is the least memorized. Don't forget to take breaks and rest.
  • Be sure to train figurative abilities (there is even such a method “Mnemonics (method of associations)”, read all about this technique at.

Now let's play a game "Katena" for the development of creative thinking, described in Harry Lorraine book "Supermemory". You can play both alone and in a company. The rules are very simple. Take any two words. It is necessary to take them as a chain of association words (that is, there must be at least something in common between the words, or vice versa).

Example: Watch And Cloud.

Solution: Clock - Time - Day - Sun - Sky - Cloud.

Come up with your own associations, develop creative thinking. And be sure take the lesson "".

You may have already heard about "Method of Cicero" or is it also called "road method" to memorize a sequence of words. To use the method, it is necessary to prepare the "road" (a matrix of images) in advance.

And the essence of it is this: you must take the first word and create an association with the first image of your matrix. And so it is with every word. And the process of "remembering" the words will work for you when you mentally reproduce the image corresponding to the given word.

Here are some more effective ways that allow you to qualitatively, and most importantly, quickly remember the material (be it a verse, a role or a report):

  • After reading the text, highlight the main, main idea in it.
  • Pay attention to the details as you read the text.
  • Draw parallels with what you already know
  • Be sure to set yourself internal settings for memorization - actively work both with yourself and with the text. Learn only with desire
  • Small volume of texts, it is most effective to memorize before going to bed
  • Divide voluminous (large) information into parts, do not try to master everything in one day
  • Associate memorization of material with phenomena well known to you (music, colors, numbers)
  • Stimulate yourself, reward your work (delicious lunch, long-awaited purchase)
  • If you have to memorize a foreign text, be sure to first make an accurate translation of it.
  • Everything is complicated, try to simplify as much as possible
  • Comprehensive use of various senses
  • Try to cover as many words as possible with your eyes (develop peripheral vision). For this, they are used, including.
  • Read, learn only with a fresh mind
  • Work with text in comfortable conditions (good lighting, no external stimuli)
  • Get enough sleep (thereby you will significantly increase the performance of your memory)

There is another very effective method for quickly memorizing text - using pictograms(that is, resorting to the help of graphic images). Its principle is exactly the same as in the road method. The picture you drew is a way to quickly reproduce the desired words or sentences.

That's all for today. Load your memory, because as Napoleon I said: « A head without memory is like a fortress without a garrison». If you are interested in the development of thinking more globally, pay attention to the course.

Dear friends, we will be very happy if you share with us not only your impressions of the material presented by our team, but most importantly, the results of your efforts. By this we will make sure once again that our work is not in vain. Please leave your feedback and comments in the line below.

Good luck and have a great memory!

06/09/2014 . no comments yet

How to remember a large amount of information: quickly and for a long time

When the need arises memorize large amounts of information in a short amount of time, you can often become discouraged, if not even panicked, just by looking at the abundance of words and paragraphs that you need to settle in your head. In fact, the process of memorization is not as difficult as it seems at first. You will see this if you start following the following tips.

7 effective techniques for quick and easy memorization

1. A change of scenery

If the text is very large, then divide it into blocks, and each of them study in a private room or premises. So, the information that you try to learn will not get mixed up in your head, because you memorized each block under different circumstances: you learned something in the bedroom, something in the kitchen, something in the hallway, and so on.

2. Understand what you are learning

If you understand the essence of the material, then the information will be fixed in memory faster and for a longer period, in comparison with painstaking cramming. Having mastered the meaning of the text, it will be enough just to learn its beginning, and everything else will already line up by itself. If it is difficult to comprehend, then incomprehensible moments try to retell friend, neighbor or pet. To whom exactly is not so important. The main thing is that during the presentation, yours will automatically begin to select more simplified formulations for confusing concepts.

Fact. According to one study, negative experiences are remembered better everything, and all the information that follows self-flagellation will automatically be perceived by the brain as “bad”, which means it will be easier to remember it.

3. More expression

Information will be remembered better if the learning process will take some form, with the help of gestures, facial expressions and body movements. When learning foreign words - impersonate their meaning, you need to memorize a dialogue or a complex paragraph - beat it in a burning scene or imagine that you are the host of a popular talk show. You will be surprised how easy and fast everything will be remembered.

4. Let's touch on psychology

Decide how it is easiest for you to receive information: through visual images, bodily sensations or through sound. By doing this, you will be able to use more effective ways of studying the material for you. For example, if you are an auditory speaker, write down the text on a voice recorder and listen to what you are trying to remember. If visual - illustrate the main points or points of the material being studied. And kinesthetics should rewrite key points on paper.

Fact. The most favorable time for comprehending something new is the period from 8 to 10 am, and also from 8 to 11 pm. It is during these intervals that the brain of the vast majority of people works most actively.

5. Execution of words

Very interesting and effective memorize large text. You need to rewrite it, discarding everything from each word except the capital letter. Then memorize the resulting cipher by the first letters remembering the words in their entirety. It is clear that it will not work without peeping into the original, especially at the very beginning. However, in the end, you will achieve that the text instantly pops up in memory with just one glance at the truncated version. Such encryption, by the way, can serve as an excellent cheat sheet.

6. Lecture in a dream

Write down the information that you have already learned on the recorder, and turn it on at low volume when you are. The recording should not interfere with sleep, the point is that the information you recorded sounded exactly during sleep. This method has an amazing effect, especially in cases where it is necessary to fix things that are difficult to remember in memory.

7. No movement anywhere

Physical exercise disperse blood throughout the body and in particular improve blood circulation in the brain. Therefore, before you sit down for books and notes, it would be nice to either run a couple of circles around the house or at least dance. So you will not only improve the quality of thought processes, but also cheer up well, recharged with energy.

Be confident in your abilities and do not be afraid of the volumes that you need to learn. Your brain and memory will no doubt cope with the task. If these tips were useful to you or you know others interesting ways to remember, welcome to comments. Your opinion is important to us.

A good memory is a matter of pride. In the modern age, we daily perceive tons of information. It's just that not everything can be remembered. Needless to say, lately people have become accustomed to entering everything into telephone memos. But still, the most powerful and reliable hard drive that cannot be hacked is our brain. However, in order to remember information, you need a good memory and following some tricks. However, first things first.

Memory usage

How to memorize information faster? It is impossible to find the answer to this question without understanding your abilities given by nature. The thing is that almost all of us have developed several types of memory. But one of them is the strongest. So, here are all its types:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory (auditory);
  • tactile (kinesthetic);
  • gustatory and olfactory.

The latter type of memory is considered the least practical, because taste and smell are the least likely to act as leading analyzers. However, all of these types are combined into one type of memory - figurative. Image, sound, sensation, smell and taste - all this contributes to the creation of a certain picture in our imagination.

There is also verbal-logical memory, motor (motor), emotional, voluntary, involuntary, short-term, long-term and operational. But remembering contributes, of course, the first of this list.

figurative method

If we talk about how to memorize information faster, then this method should be noted first of all. Because it is the most efficient.

Memorization is the process of finding connections. Or their creation in an array of images. If you want to put something in memory, you need to find or create a new visual connection. Information, especially abstract information (ideas, thoughts), cannot be memorized.

Here is a simple example. Word sleeve, which is translated from English as "sleeve", you can try to drive into your head for an hour, repeating it ad nauseam. But why, if it's really memorized in 5 seconds? Everything is simple! It is enough to imagine the sleeve of a jacket, filled to the brim with plums. Strange? May be. But now you don’t even have to remember what the word means sleeve. And all thanks to the creation of a connection between him and the image.

Even in teaching this method is used. Recall at least the lessons of mathematics in school. Yes, any person who completed it 10, 20 and 30 years ago, to the question of what a bisector is, will answer - this is a ray that divides one angle into two. And all why? Because the bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and bisects the corner. This simple rhyme was used by all teachers to make life easier for students.


This method is similar to the previous one. How to memorize information faster? Think of associations! These are groups of images that encode information. They always have a base and superimposed elements.

You don't even need to look for associations, because they surround us. Phone numbers have birthdays to remember. In memorable dates - house numbers, addresses of friends. And, of course, words are the main assistant of each of us.

How to quickly memorize the spectral classes of stars? They are denoted by letters, and far from being in alphabetical order - O, B, A, F, G, K, M. If you think a little, you can come up with a funny association by writing a word for each letter and combining them into a semantic sentence: "One White-haired American Chewed Dates Like Carrots". And according to this scheme, you can remember almost everything - starting with dates, ending with formulas.

In the process of learning

Most often, schoolchildren and students are interested in the answer to the question of how to memorize information faster. Those who need to learn something, and preferably quickly. The above methods should be used, but they will be auxiliary in this case.

The most important thing is to set a certain mode. The best time to absorb information is from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 23:00. However, it all depends on what time a person goes to bed and gets up. After analyzing your activity, it is not so difficult to find the best time for yourself.

Having chosen the time, you need to turn off the Internet and all electronic gadgets, ensure silence or non-distracting background music, and then concentrate, removing everything that may seem more interesting than studying. For many, this is the problem. But you can concentrate if you break the material you are learning into several parts and learn a little.

For example, a student needs to prepare for the exam, which will be in 5 days, 40 tickets. This means that he will need to do 10 pieces every day. Five in the morning, and the same number in the evening, and you can rest during the day. On the fifth day, repeat everything. This will help. The main thing is to set yourself a goal and follow a clear plan.


How to quickly remember "big" information? The question posed in this way worries all students on the eve of the exam or test. The amount of information (besides not the most interesting) is great, but there is no time. What to do? The answer is simple. Gotta get excited.

After all, everyone noticed how imperceptibly time flies during walks, travels, entertainment! And then we remember everything in amazing detail. All because it was interesting. Preparing for tomorrow's exam, you need to get carried away with the subject. “But why do I need it!”, “I will forget everything in a day!”, “There is nothing more boring in the world!” - all these excuses are familiar to students. But you need to teach, so you have to convince yourself that the subject and information are of unprecedented interest. You need to try to find something catchy or maybe useful in it. Or to convince yourself that today nothing from the classes, except for the teaching of this subject, is available. And be sure to find motivation. You can promise yourself to arrange a holiday after successfully passing the exam. In anticipation, information is remembered really better.

A solid approach

There are people who are not interested in how to quickly remember a large amount of information. It is important for them that certain data be stored for a long time on their internal “hard drive”.

To do this, you need to use a combined technique of fast and detailed reading. So, first - a detailed acquaintance with the material. Someone reads 2-3 pages to understand what he is dealing with. Others snatch the text from different parts of the book (summary or other source of information). However, this is an individual question. The meaning of surface reading is not to memorize the text, but to get acquainted with it.

And then comes the time for a detailed method. It involves a slow, thoughtful reading of all available information and its parallel analysis. You can highlight difficult words or interesting phrases, reread what you could not understand the first time.

In parallel, it is desirable to take notes and even sketches. And also talk to yourself. Thinking aloud is very useful because auditory, verbal and visual memory is involved. In addition, mindfulness is activated more strongly, because reading aloud is impossible without concentration.

Useful Tricks

How to learn to quickly memorize information? You have to learn one simple rule. You need to scream! It has been proven that information fits into the brain faster if a person shouts it out.

Emotions help too. Especially expression. Gestures, phrases, facial expressions - and everything that can express it. You can even act out a scene in front of a mirror.

Also, you can't sit still. If you learn something by turning circles around the room, you will be able to activate the work of the brain and, accordingly, your ability to remember information.

By the way, if there is an opportunity to change the situation, you need to use it. And it is desirable to exchange the room for nature. Fresh air and the absence of concrete four walls will contribute to more active memorization.

Active repetition

This is another good way to quickly remember information and transfer it from temporary memory to long-term memory.

At the very beginning, it was about images and connections. With their help, you can really remember information faster. But! If a person does not use these connections, they will simply collapse over time. This is the reason why we forget what we used to remember. And the weaker, more indistinct was the connection - the faster it will collapse.

That's why you need to use this method. Repeat connections, update visual images and make them more vivid. And here is the conclusion: memorization is not constant cramming and looking at external sources, but regular retrieval from memory of images that have ever been created. And it's better to spend a little time to think of them, and then remember the information for the rest of your life, than to memorize it for hours and forget it in a day.

Habit formation

There are people for whom to quickly remember the necessary information - just spit. And all because they constantly follow the above recommendations (and some more that they come up with themselves). These people train their memory and improve the ability given by nature. And for them, the question of how to quickly remember information before the exam or what they saw in passing is not relevant. And this is the main secret.

It is necessary to develop the habit of memorizing or learning something every day. And with the help of the above methods. They are effective, tested by many. In addition, they contribute to the development of thinking and verbal-logical memory.
